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Rebecca Merritt
A visual representaion of what depression feels like.
Rebecca Merritt is a student at HSDC, cur- believes that makeup is something that can rently studying Level 4 UAL in Foundation help people. He set up his own campaign to Art and Design. She is passionate about support mental health awareness called Real makeup and feels as if it’s a great way to People Real Beauty. Paddy and his team’s express emotion. In her final project she ongoing mission is to create a more positive produced some work aimed at and realistic mindset around the visualising feelings and emo- “We work within subjective perception of what is tions, mainly focused around the subejct of mental health. an industry fobeautiful. cused on making Paddy has stated in the past One of her best pieces of work is based on depression. Re- people look and that “Whilst many in the beauty industry prey on the insecurities becca asked some of her peers what they see when they feel depressed, they said “I feel feel better about themselves.” of their social media followers for their own opportunism, I feel a sense of responsibility to like there is something on my face”. That’s where she drew Paddy McGurgan use make-up not only creatively, but positively, and not adhere to her inspiration from. a culture of acceptance on the quest to create a real-life filter.” A dream of Rebeccas would be to work in film and tv, maybe even big events like Lon- In relation to his work he explained what his don Fashion Week. One way she is getting a meaning is behind it “One side is your typistep closer to her dream is by going to uni- cal, what you would expect to see a lot from versity, studying Hair and Make Up Media a glamorous picture online which is your Design, at Solent University. smokey eye and what is highly requested. The other is the dark black silhouette of a Paddy McGurgan is a famous and well known face and the message...is you’re worth more makeup artist who Rebecca looks up to. He than your darkness.”