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What all should know about Christmas and the Advent period. - Please always get the latest version of this page, from the address http:// www.biblepages.web.surftown.se/ew05b.htm -

What does Christmas symbolise? Or, all the things connected to it? Many people know that Christmas and the Advent period are not biblical. Many also know some details regarding the actual origins of the Christmas festival. This essay will look at some things connected to Christmas and Father Christmas which are not very commonly known.

The Saturnalia feast and Saturn. Many are aware that Christmas is merely a modern form of celebrating the old Roman festival Saturnalia. Its middle point occurred around the time which today is celebrated as Christmas. But, who was Saturn? Why does the world celebrate him? And, how is he connected to the Advent, Christmas and Nativity? In the Greek-Roman mythology, Saturn was a son of Uranus. The Greek called Saturn by the name Kronos (“Father Time�, the man with the scythe). Also Saturn had children, among them Jupiter who among the Greek was called Zeus. Those who know more about these things, perhaps also know that on the human level and in times after the Flood, Saturn (Kronos) may

have been the same as Cush of the Bible, and that his son Jupiter (Zeus) may have been Cush’s son Nimrod. Saturn (Kronos) is often pictured as an old, crooked man with the scythe in his one hand and a snake biting its own tail in his other hand. Freemasons, an occult sun- and Satan-worshipping cult which is very powerful in politics and economics, have Saturn with scythe and snake and all, as one of their major “deities”. (The essay ew04b.htm has more on Freemasonry.)

Saturnalia and the golden age. The Roman Saturnalia-feast was later considered to be like a “temporary return to the golden age”. The story is that Saturn is “hidden” somewhere and is only asleep, and that in the future, he will awake and return, in order to launch a new (or really, a revived) “golden age”. Actually, even the concept “New Age” comes from that. There have been different time periods which have been called “golden ages”. But, this is about Roman things, and the Roman Saturnalia. Old Rome’s “golden age” began during Augustus’ reign. Also, the Roman poet Virgil (Vergilius) wrote in his fourth “Eclogue” about “a great order of the ages” being born anew. A note: There are certain things regarding “golden ages” which especially American believers should know. The Freemasons who were behind many things when the USA was formed, were actually building a new “golden age”, copying the old Roman one. They quoted Virgil also, and they strew “golden age” symbols all over. But that story is too large to be included in this essay.

The golden age or the new age is not a

birth of anything new. It is a re-launch of something old - a re-launch of the Saturnian age. Many people know that Christmas has nothing to do with the true Jesus or with his birth. Again: The old Roman Saturnalia-festival symbolised the “golden age”. Or, more exactly, it was a symbolic ritual which looked forward to a re-launch of such a “golden age”. That is, as some have formulated it, “a return of the Saturnian age”. So, Christmas is not really a festival of “nativity”. That story has been produced to “cover”, to hide away the true meaning of Christmas.

Composite. Christmas is a composite of many kinds of things from different timeperiods. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1911) traces the first celebration of Christmas-related things to Egypt of the 200s, although it seems that the December date came to be celebrated in Egypt only from the 400s and onward. That same encyclopedia has it that Chrysostom (an early Catholic figure) tried to “unite” Antioch to celebrate “nativity” on the 25th of December, in the 300s. In that way, Christmas has ancient Egyptian and Catholic origins. But, Christmas is older than that.

Saturnalia was a feast of the return of the sun; worship of the sun-god.

Saturnalia in Rome was also a celebration of the solstice, a feast of the “returning” sun. The sun is at its lowest around the 21st of December. It was the “return” (“re-generation”, “re-birth”) of the sun that was celebrated. And then, one must understand that it was not the sun that worshipped; the sun only served as a symbol for a real person who was symbolically called “sun-god”. It it because of these things that Saturnalia (and its follower Christmas) became “a feast of light”. But in reality, those feasts celebrate the ruler of darkness. A note: The snake which Saturn (Kronos) is pictured carrying, the snake biting its own tail, was actually a symbol of the sun-god’s “regeneration”. Some call that snake by the name Eterna or Aeterna (a Latin word). The Eterna-snake was an idol, ultimately pointing to Satan the Devil.

Hogs, ham. In old Rome, the mid-winter festival which today is celebrated as “Christmas”, was started with a cry of “Io Saturnalia“, and with a sacrifice of pigs at Saturn’s temple. The pig was a sacrificial meal dedicated to Saturn. The idol Saturn pointed to Satan. Even today, many people eat a ritual meal with pig-meat, at Christmas time. It is said that in old Rome, there was a custom to decorate rooms with boughs of laurel and green trees, and also candles and lamps. That was probably related to a celebration of the “returning sun”. It seems that the ritual eating of swine’s flesh has old roots. It is not possible to say with certainty what the symbolism in that custom really is, but certain things indicate that it is an old rite where the sow (pig) symbolises the person who killed the “sun-god” alias Nimrod the son

of Cush. (It is said that Shem killed Nimrod, because of his wickedhess. In other words: It appears that the ham meal at Christmas is a wicked, idolatrous ceremony of vengeance where the one who killed the idol, is symbolically eaten up. (This may be hard to understand if one does not know more about the real meaning of Christmas and the rites connected to it. See the other parts of this essay for more.) It is important to understand that the Roman worship of the idol Kronos (alias Saturn alias Cush) and the “sun-god” (Cush, and also his son Nimrod) were symbolic, and that ultimately, that pointed to someone else, an even more wicked person. It is not necessary here to go back to Babylon for a study of the Sacae festival, or the “gods” Enki (Ea), Bel, Anu, Marduk, Enlil and so on. What Saturnalia and its present-day form Christmas ultimately point to, can be found out easier than that.

Festival of light. The sleeping god. Again, Saturnalia was also related to the “return” or “re-birth” or “regeneration” of the sun (really the “sun-god”, a person), the “lightgiver”. That worship pointed to Cush and Nimrod, and ultimately to Satan. According to mythology, Nimrod came to be worshipped as “the sun” (“sun-god”). Ultimately, those things point to Satan. Then, there was that eager expectation of a new “golden age”. Even today, hoards of occultists (Theosophians and other New-Agers, Freemasons, and others) are eagerly awaiting for a new “golden age”. In their wicked world, that “new, golden age”, will be launched by a “sleeping god”. They are waiting for the return of that god, and for a new “Saturnian age” to be re-launched. That is closely related to the Roman Saturnalia and its present-day variant Christmas. Those

occultists await for the re-appearance of their “saviour”, their “sungod”, their “light-bringer”. He is said to be asleep today, “underground”, soon to be released from his tomb. They call him Lucifer (“light-bringer”), but in actual fact they await for the reappearance of the ruler of darkness, even though they call his deception “light”. A note: Many people may have difficulties with properly fitting these things into the “end time” scenario. That is caused by a common misunderstanding regarding the timings of the events mentioned in Revelation 20. But many occultists, including “higher” Freemasons, seem to know those timings well. They know that their “god” (the old snake) is soon to be “re-generated”. That is: He is soon to be released from his imprisonment. At that time, he will once again come into power here on Earth. That is the “golden age” they are eagerly waiting for. That is the ultimate message of Saturnalia (the return of the “Saturnian age”). And yes, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus but is only a modified copy of the old Roman Saturnalia-ritual which pointed to Satan’s re-appearance. Again, many people may have difficulties with understanding this, because of what churches and preachers have taught, regarding both Christmas and Satan’s present state. (The essay ed04b.htm has more on Satan, mankind’s arch enemy.) In short: The Advent period has nothing to do with Jesus. Both the Advent period and Christmas point to the return of Satan.

The green tree, the mistletoe, the wreath, and the acacia of the Freemasons. The ever-green things of different kinds which are used in the rites connected with Christmas (and in Freemasonry more openly in

connection with their “Lucifer”), obviously are symbols of “regeneration”, or of survival over a sleep-period. The story revolves around Satan. That old snake is like the multi-headed water-snake Hydra of old myths. He will come up once more, but this time Jesus will crush its last head. A note: Many claim that Satan cannot die, but the Bible indicates that he will die. The essay ed02b.htm has more on this. The sexual rites in connection with the mistletoe and other greenery, some of which persist at least in symbolic forms even today, are also connected to old idol-worship rites. Ritual intercourse, in connection with Satan-worship, has existed since ancient times. In our day, when celebraters of Christmas kiss each other under the mistletoe, things mostly do not go that far, but the same “deity” is nevertheless a part of the situation. Those things revolve around the “re-generativeness” rites which picture an eager awaiting of the time when Satan will come back on the scene in power.

The yule log, the fire-god coming down the chimney, the gifts by the fireplace. Just as the red clothes indicate, “Father Christmas” is a “fire-god”. When Nimrod died, he came to be worshipped as a “sun-god” and “fire-god”. Now, Nimrod was not the “real thing”; ultimately, the “deity” story built around him pointed to Satan. Why Nimrod? Myths and legends indicate that Saturn (Kronos) may have been the same as Cush, Nimrod’s father. Now, those old myths are not very true to facts, of course; not regarding persons and their relations, either. Those myths and the rites connected to them, are of course planned to deceive the majority, but at the same time, for the “initiated” ones they picture certain concrete things.

The modern-day forms of those old rites, cause people to symbolically turn to Satan and to perform rituals which symbolically show that those who perform them, are awaiting Satan’s (re-)appearance. Small children are caused to eagerly wait for the man in red. The “Christian” world celebrates “Christmas”, as if to show that it is waiting for a “light-bringer”. The sad part of that is that in reality, those rites point to the ruler of darkness and his coming return on the scene. What about the Christmas gifts? In America, they are often placed by a fireplace. The story goes that it is the man in red who brings and provides those gifts. But, as all know, he does not. The parents in the family, and relatives, buy or make those gifts. What happens is that the man in red (ultimately symbolising of Satan) comes and “accepts” those gifts, and then he formally returns them to the family. That whole thing is simply a symbolic way of presenting sacrifices to that “firegod” (ultimately, to Satan). They are placed by the fireplace, to be accepted by the “fire-god”. Thus, the givers of those gifts, and their final recipients, become dedicated to the man in red (ultimately, Satan). What about the burning of a yule log, which has been a custom in some areas? Probably, that symbolises the “fire-god”, or is a sacrificial fire to him. It could also be related to the “Phoenix-type” of regeneration of that “fire god”. (The mythical phoenix-bird, symbolic of Satan, was burned but came back to life again. Clearly, the story of the phoenix-bird is just another thing that points to Satan’s re-generation, re-emergence.) In many countries, the gifts (really, symbolic sacrifices) are placed under an ever-green tree. Also the ever-green tree is a symbol of that “re-generating” (returning) “deity”. In some parts of the world, people even perform a ritual dance around that tree. The man in red is said to come from the North. The “light-bringer” of

many occultists is said to be asleep today, in the extreme North (“Ultima Thule”), only to soon become “re-generated” so that he can make his “come-back”. A note: Many occultists (Satanists) seem to know and understand these things better than “Christians”.

The star on top of the Christmas tree. A star, often a pentagram or a hexagram, has since ancient times been used as a symbol for the idol Saturn. Here are two bible passages which mention such symbols, in two different translations: Amos 5:26 Truly, you will take up Saccuth your king [melek] and Kaiwan your images, the star of your god, which you made for yourselves. 27 And I will send you away as prisoners farther than Damascus, says the Lord, whose name is the God of armies. (BBE; the comment is added)

Amos 5:26 Yea, you have carried the booth of your king [melek], and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves! 27 And I will cause you to go into exile beyond Damascus, says Jehovah, the God of hosts is His name. (Green’s Literal; the comment is added)

Acts 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan, images which you made to give worship to them: and I will take you away, farther than Babylon. (BBE) Acts 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. (Green’s Literal)

A note: The Hebrew word melek, another spelling being moloch, meant “king”. There is a lot of talk about the “return of the King” in connection with a certain passed-away pop star, but Christmas is a festival where this world looks forward to the return of its ruler and king. Unfortunately, the king that festival points to, is not Jesus but Satan. It seems that the Rephan (Remphan, Romphan) who is mentioned in those passages, was the same as Kiyyun (Chiun, Kaiwan), who in his turn seems to have been the same as the idol Saturn, the one in whose honour the Romans celebrated the Saturnalia feast. That same feast is celebrated even today, in the slightly modified form which is called “Christmas”. Through deception, ancient Israelites were caused to worship the star of the idol Chiun (or Saturn, ultimately Satan). In our day, people are deceived to do the same, in many different ways. One small example of that is the Christmas tree with the star on its top. A note: There are many views regarding how to exactly interpret certain words in Amos 5. An example: Some think that the word cikkuwth in Amos 5:26 should be interpreted as a personal name of some idol. But, Acts 7:43 (the Greek text) indicates that in Amos 5:26, cikkuwth was used in its ordinary meaning “tent” (in the Vulgate’s Latin that was tabernaculum which meant the same, “tent”). Likewise, some interpret the Hebrew word kiyuwn in that verse as “shrine” or similar. But, the exact interpretation of all details of that passage is not so important. What is significant is that most commentators seem to agree that it was Saturn who was referred to, and that the star was a symbol of Saturn. The fact that the Greek text of Acts 7:43 has remphan (some manuscripts have rompha), is thought to be an expression of that the Greek LXX translation used raiphan (rephan) in Amos 5:26, as a transliteration of the name of the corresponding Egyptian idol, Rempu (or Renpu). There apparently also was an

Egyptian idol Ken which might correspond to Chiun (Kiyyun, Kaiwan). (The Greek LXX translation of the Old Testament was produced in Egypt.)

The coloured balls hung on the branches. In later times, shining balls have been used as decorations on Christmas trees. It is hard to say what they exactly point to, but obviously they have been put there with a meaning, as symbols of something. They might be symbolic of the sun, or then they might be symbolic of smaller “shining” objects. Or, they might be symbols of a more sexual nature, just as that idol star actually also is. A note: Saturn was a fertility-idol. The Saturnalia-feast had sexual rites, perhaps as a part of celebrating Satan’s ability to re-generate himself, or then, as a symbol of his seed being spread. There are many fertilityrelated rites in different religions and in old customs derived from religious sources. Mostly, they point to Satan and his offspring (see Genesis 3:15, Matthew 13:24-30, John 8:44 and so on). But, that is something for a separate study. The essay ew11b.htm looks at certain parts of that matter.

The candy with pictures of small children which used to be hung on Christmas trees. In some countries, at least some decades ago, candy wrapped in paper with pictures of small children with wings on them were hung on the tree between the candles. Some might think that those children are “angels”, but no, most probably that is not so. The true story may be a more sinister one.

In the past, parents burned their children to death in fire, sacrificing them to the “sun-god” Baal. Baal, Nimrod, Chiun: Ultimately, all those figures point to Satan. Later, the children were only demanded to jump over the fire; thus they were only symbolically presented (dedicated) to Satan, but not burned to death any more. And so, in the 1900s, only pictures of small children have been hung on the Christmas tree, perhaps as a symbolical sacrifice (dedication) of the small children in the family, to the man in red (Satan). That people may not have known what those rituals really signify, does not make things any better. There could be also other explanations, such as that those candy-bars picture the fruit (seed) of the one who is pictured by the ever-green tree they are attached to. The essay ew11b.htm has more on the seed the Enemy sowed (Matthew 13).

The sun-god Mithra (Mithras) with his Phrygian cap, Mithraism, and more. (Mithra can also be spelled Mithras, sometimes even Mitra or Mitras. Likewise: Mithraism, Mitraism.) Many different “gods” have their “birthday” celebrated around what in modern calendars is 25th of December. Several of them have also had the first day of the week (Sunday) dedicated to them. Most of them are “sun-gods”. However, the many different names for that “deity” are not so significant. Ultimately, they all refer to Satan. Mithra was very popular among the Persians, then in Phrygia, and after that among the Romans, especially within the Roman army and the ruling class. The Roman army then spread the Mithra-rite to other areas. Some think that Mithraism vanished in the 300s or 400s, but no, it is still very much alive today, only in modified forms. Christmas

celebration is only one form of Mithra-worship; there are other forms which may not be that obvious. A small example of that: Mithra’s Phrygian cap, and the sun-worship-related snake, appear on the US army seal, even today. Mithraism was a soldiers’ religion, related to sun-worship. Many religions which worship the “sun-god” have had a snake attached to them. The snake points the idol Saturn and ultimately to Satan. The aforementioned army-seal has the Mithra cap, and above it the sun-god’s snake, and between those things the words “This we will defend”. Those things were planned and put there by modern-day Mithraists. The Freemasons are among those. It is most likely that there are similar forces behind the present-day Christmas-frenzy as well. The Roman emperor who de facto founded the Catholic Church, was a Mithra-worshipper and died as such. The worship of the sun-god Mithra (ultimately, of Satan) is alive and well, even today. “Christianity”, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, uses lots of rites and symbols which point to the sun-god Mithra.

Summary. As incredible as it may sound for some people, the facts are that Christmas and the preceding Advent period, both point to and in advance celebrate Satan’s future return on the scene. This statement may offend some, but pointing out wickedness is not an offence. The real offence lies in the wickedness which the Christmas rites are full of, through what they actually point to. Believers must never take part in any form of Christmas celebrations or rites or related customs. They must not give or return Christmas gifts or wishes of “Merry Christmas” or anything like that. Not even “for the sake of the family”. Simply: Never.

A note: The celebration of the “New Year” on the 1st of January, New Year’s Feast, and also the high day on the 6th of January, are clearly connected to the Christmas period. The Saturnalia festival was several days long. It may be that the “New Year” day is a part of that, and that it is just another day pointing to the “New Age” which will come when Satan comes back on the scene again. How the 6th of January is connected to this, is not clear, but it may be that it celebrates the same thing, according to an earlier date-reckoning (this has to do with the Julian and the Gregorian calendars and the date-differences between them). Table of contents - What’s new here? - Key-word index - Goal and purpose - Contact, comment, question

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