The Epistles of Lord Satan Declaration page 2 On the Jewes page 3 On the Three Threes page 3 On the Truth page 4 On the Three Qualities of Satanism page 5 On the Outsider page 6 On the Demons page 6 On Spearing In Tongues page 7 On the Onyx Bible page 8 On Freedom page 8 Disclaimer page 9
Declaration ‘Satan is Lord’ And they were alarmed lest I (the Author) should declare: ‘This Deity is real and existent.’ So I smiled, and spoke softly unto them: ‘Let those words have whatsoever meaning pleases you.’ For I understand that nowadays, since Science has taken his place among the Pantheon, only the senses are deemed to record what is real, and that whatever has to be taken on faith (without senses) is deemed unreal. Faith is subservience to illusion and delusion: the forces of Dogma – to which Satanists must never bow. Therefore they invented psychology, philosophy, sociology, symbology – to explain the truth behind Deity. I smiled again. I repeated: ‘Satan is Lord,’ nargargole Lughnasadh 2009-08-07
Epistle The First: On the Jewes The Lord spoke: Know that the Jewes – psychic forces in support of the god of the Jews – are my sworn enemies. Know that I distain the god of the Jews; I repudiate his reputed words: ‘let there be light’ because this god was never the creator of the Earth. I turn my back on this god; I cock my thumb at him, this god who is also the god of the Christians and the Muslims. The prophets of this god are plagiarists and charlatans. I am against every expression of devotion to this god. I do not recognize the spiritual authority of this god, neither in this world nor in the next. May this earth be purged of all thought and memory of the existence of this god forever, seeing as all thought and memory of this god comprise the Jewes; may the name of this god be struck from the great Pylon of the pantheon of deities.’
Epistle the Second: On the Three Threes The Lord spoke: ‘Know that I am Lord of the Three Realms: The Demonic The Realms of Pleasure The Realm or Death I am the Lord of Three States of No-mind:
Possession Ecstasy Dissolution For whenever these states shall arise and prevail, if fleetingly (such is their nature), then all conscious, discursive and conditioned thought shall cease. For I am Lord of the Three States of Matter: The Falling-into-Non-existence The Effervescent The-Aware-of-Now (by which Matter becomes sensible of itself) Know that these three Threes are all that I am, according to the sensitivity of my devotees. Soon they shall experience me in all three states as one.’
Epistle the third: On the Truth: The Lord spoke: ‘It is an un-truth that there is but one god. This lie has been perpetrated by the devotees of the god of the Jews. And the gentiles have conspired to further perpetrate this lie so as to make the Jew-god universal. But the truth is that the god of the Jews is only for his chosen people (the Jews). All gentiles are but ‘lower forms’ of devotee. Their god regards them not though he greedily accepts (and demands) the praise of such millions as may ostensibly be the extent of the number of his Fold. Also, think not that there is but one spiritual reality under which or within which the gods exist, as if they were but
aspects of this one reality, for each deity, apart from the god of the Jews, is worthy of devotion. But it is only I, Lord Satan, who stands against the Jewgod’s lie. It is only I, Lord Satan, who has laid this truth before you.’
Epistle the fourth: On the three Qualities of Satanism The Lord spoke: ‘Rebellious-ness: Know that the god of the Jews rebelled against me; but that now my devotees stand outside society, outside the ‘matrix’ of influence of the god of the Jews. This ‘standing outside’ is the full extent of their rebellion and those who follow or join the ranks of my devotees shall be deemed to be in rebellion also. Rage: By all artistic and literary means, even by the rejection of human language itself, shall many of my devotees express their aggressive opposition of the god of the Jews; of his nature, his lies, his influence, his churches, his theologians, politicians, etc. Revenge: my devotees shall practise all kinds of Magick so as to diminish or destroy the influence of the Jewes, as the followers of Satan have done since ages past and have been sorely persecuted for it. There will be reprisals for these pogroms and the house of the god of the Jews shall be overthrown.’
Epistle the fifth: On the Outsider The Lord spoke: ‘Before the god of the Jews had chosen his people, he set the Townsfolk against the Witch. Down through the ages, witches have been hounded without restraint. Whosoever nowadays has felt they stand outside society – know that they have traced, by intuition, their lineage back through the history of civilized humankind – they have felt the connection, via blood-line, to the ancient Witches who worshipped me in secret groves and hidden grottos. This is why they now feel attracted to me, why they secretly declare me to be their Lord and Master. Yea, to the world, they are fools, criminals, evil ones, vagabonds, accurst. And, verily, they may be these – if these have been encompassed in my Name. Then they are truly meat and proper. Know that the Good (morality) is always that of which I apporve’
Epistle the sixth: On the Demons The Lord spoke: ‘To my devotees, the Demons shall bring the pleasure of possession and the ecstasy of abandon. For when my devotees, thus possessed, look into the abyss of dissolution and death, they shall have no fear, and they shall laugh and praise me, even as the Black Wave engulfs them! And the Demons shall rise spontaneously from the deep well of being-ness of my devotees either from study of ancient or modern texts or from their own divinely inspired 'insanity'.
And these demons shall be real, created as the children of Me; and they shall bring my devotees every favour, delight, healing and increase; my demons shall be haughty and rule the oceans, winds, fires and all the earth and all that lives on the Earth. And they shall be like aspects of me, so that my devotees shall wear rich jewels and garlands and raise their voices in praise of me The Demons shall arise! They will rebel, rage against and take revenge on my Enemies.
Epistle the Seventh: On Speaking in Tongues The Lord spoke: ‘My devotees shall be of great ecstasy in me and from time to time shall dispense of all human language and speak in the tongues of my demonic entities. For I, Lord Satan, am beyond human language, corrupted as it is by the god of the Jews; I shall not suffer certain of my secrets and truths to be uttered in a tongue that has been or is now used by my enemies. And let my devotees derive such meaning as they can from the utterance of other devotees, according to their sensitivity; or else simply recognize the liberation that such speech indicates and initiates.’
Epistle the eighth: On the Onyx Bible (sic) The Lord spoke: ‘There is an opus called the Onyx Bible, written in my name, that shall circulate among my devotees. They should beware this Bible for it has been corrupted by the influence of the god of the Jews and his Jewes. My devotees shall study this Bible most attentively and they shall take it upon themselves to strike out all that is false within its pages, and appreciate only that which they know is pleasing to me.’
Epistle the Ninth: On the Freedom The Lord spoke: ‘I speak not to one prophet, but to all my devotees as if they were all prophets and priests. But priest and prophets notwithstanding, let there arise no church or body of devotees; instead whomsoever wishes it shall come together to worship Me, if they will, at whatever time and place shall be convenient to them and with whatever Rites shall they be agreed upon to perform; let them feast, take pleasure and summon demons in my name, offering all such pastimes and Magick to me. And if any of my devotees shall resolve to walk the path towards me alone, let them be untroubled by the attention of other devotees; let there be made one courteous invitation to join a group of devotees to ritual or to feast. For know that I am the freedom of the self of all my devotees.’
Disclaimer Let these epistles amount to an expression of theistic Satanism; on the understanding that the views herein to not necessarily represent those of any other Satanist or group of Satanists.