The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching
Table of Contents 3 From the editor
5 Using literature in the language classroom: an
introduction Simon Bibby 10 In this day and age, what is literature? Time to update what ‘literature’ means to pedagogy. Patrick B Judge
29 A conversation with Wendy Jones Nakanishi Interviewed by Simon Bibby 31 A conversation with Jane Joritz-Nakagawa Interviewed by Simon Bibby
Recent presentations
38 Plenary: The place of literature in the ELT curriculum Donna Tatsuki & Lori Zenuk-Nishide
Events and information
41 Forthcoming conferences 42 Journal of Literature in Language Teaching Information
3 In this issue
16 Poetry and diversity in the language classroom Jane Joritz-Nakagawa
36 A conversation with Kayo Ozawa Interviewed by Simon Bibby
40 Literary texts in ELT in Japan
Donna Tatsuki & Lori Zenuk-Nishide
42 Information for contributors 44 About the Literature in Language Teaching SIG
Volume 1: August 2012