250-430 Administration of Blue Coat ProxySG 6.6
A. Port 443 B. Enable ADN C. Early D. Detect Protocol
Answer: D
QUESTION: 68 Which of the following are recommended to improve CPU performance? (Choose two.)
A. Edit the size of emulated certificates B. Deny wildcard certificates C. Enable DHE D. Reduce the number of emulated certificates
Answer: A, D
QUESTION: 69 Where in the Management Console would you look to find all sessions that are being intercepted by the services framework of the ProxySG?
A. Heartbeats B. Maintenance > System Tools C. Statistics > Sessions > Active Sessions D. Advanced statistics
Answer: C
QUESTION: 70 When must BCAAA be used?
A. When you need to establish more than one Schannel to increase performance B. When the ProxySG cannot directly use APIs that require traditional operating systems C. When more than one ProxySG are deployed D. When Basic credentials are used
Answer: B Reference: Topics/overviews/bcaaa-overview.htm
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