C4090-453 IBM System Storage DS8000 Technical Solutions V3
Correct Answer D
QUESTION 48 Which of the following items would suggest that the use of space efficient FlashCopy for the Global Mirror secondary volume could present an issue? A. B. C. D.
The customer is using Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication to manage Global Mirror The workload has a large amount of heavy sequential write activity There is a long distance between the primary and secondary sites There are multiple primary disk subsystems in the Global Mirror session
Correct Answer B
QUESTION 49 As with all types of technology. System z software occasionally needs to have maintenance applied to it to fix errors or to support enhanced functionally. In the System z environment, this maintenance is known as A. B. C. D.
Service Level sets APAR5 and PTE5 MLs and Patches Non-disruptive Code Loads
Correct Answer B
QUESTION 50 What should be used to most effectively model System z customer workload for implementation on IBM DS8800? A. B. C. D.
SMF Analyzer Disk Magic only RMF Magic only RMF Magic and Disk Magic
Correct Answer D
QUESTION 51 Which of the following elements provides data integrity in the DS8000? A. B. C. D.
Non-Volatile Storage I/O Priority Manager Storage Pool Striping Subsystem Device Driver
Correct Answer A
QUESTION 52 What z/OS solution supported by the D68000 is designed to provide continuous availability in cases of disk subsystem failure? A. B. C. D.
zHPE MIDAW HyperSwap HyperPAV
Correct Answer C
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