Lily pap work for november's crit

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Building Programme-Musical Dialogue through the Cypriot tradition of the Tsiiattista

Cypriot poetry and performed with violin or lute in the background. The ‘Tsiattista’ performers improvise

rhyming couplets on specific themes

within strict time constraints and attempt to outwit their opponents to win over the crowd. It is seen as one of the endangered traditions in the world and has been protected under UNESCO Cultural Heritage. The lively, impromptu oral poetry known as Tsiattista is often performed to the accompaniment of violin or lute in ‘jousts’ in which one poet-singer attempts to outdo another with clever verses made up of rhyming couplets. It has long been a popular component of wedding feasts, fairs and other public celebrations, where eager crowds encourage poets to perform. The most common metrical form is the iambic fifteen-syllable verse in a rhyming couplet, although a poet may use eight-syllable, six-syllable or even nine-syllable verses. Successful tsiattistaes (poet-singers) exhibit ready wit, deep familiarity with poetic and musical traditions, a rich vocabulary and an active imagination. They have often been men of modest means and limited education who transmit their works only orally; Musical Communication through Consonance and Dissonance

In music, a consonance (Latin con-, "with" + sonare, "to sound") is a harmony, chord, or interval considered stable (at rest), as opposed to a dissonance (Latin dis-, "apart" + sonare, "to sound"), which is considered unstable (or temporary, transitional). In more general usage, a consonance is a combination of notes that sound pleasant to most people when played at the same time; dissonance is a combination of notes that sound harsh or unpleasant to most people.

Musical Storytelling through notes in harmony and tension/sounds/instruments.

Poetic Dialogues

A metronome becomes part of the structure in all of the units throughout the buffer zone so that they could keep to one rhythm Organic shaped towers, embracing the natural decay of the ruin which straddles along the buffer zone.

A steel framework creates the outline of the geometric towers which influence the acoustics of the space.

Towers have open areas where sound is allowed to come in for there to be a response in the musical storytelling

Materials found in the area could be reused as cladding tiles for the towers-such as roof tiles.

Sound amplifiers transmit music from one tower to another

The towers give access and a chance of exploration of the ruin where spaces can be used for dancing from incoming music.

Filling in the void of the ruin with musical sculptures.

Re use of war remnants such as sand bags and metal barrells as acoustic musical instruments. Recycling ruin material as cladding materials for the musical towers-roof tiles-floor tiles-window/door material..

Musical Playgrounds

A organic sculpture which appears to be growing out of the ruin- the surface could be played upon according to its geometry/solidness/hollowness/delicacy /materials. Music is played within the towers and changes in style/sound from one tower to another. Sound amplifiers carry the sound from one place to another-from street level to sky level. Metronomes hanging from scaffolding system which facilitates for the music to keep to the same rhytm with the rest of the towers in the buffer zone.




Musical dialogue through whistling/humming

Musical dialogue through instruments

The ruin as a musical instrument

Existing architectural ruins in Nicosia-filling in the void with musical architecture

Side Elevation

Front Elevation

Tower 1 Design

Sound is played and moves upwards through a lattice structure which is filled with material which reflects and dissipates sound allowing it to escape towards the top. Further on sound is gathered again and projected through a fourway trumpet to the other side of the buffer zone.

Tower Architectural Strategy

The Primary Vibrator is the part that creates the sound. In a violin, cello, or piano it's the string. The Resonant Vibrator is the part that makes the sound louder through a process called resonance. In a violin, guitar, or piano it's the soundboard. The Sound Effuser is the part that focuses and helps to project the sound toward the audience. In a violin it's the f hole, in the guitar it's the sound hole, and in the piano it's the opened lid.

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