EXploded Perspective
Parabolic Curve
Perfomance Space-Sound from the sound mirrors is delivered here-the parabolic dome allows for sound to have a focus point which is the center under the parabolic dome. Sound is collected from here to be delivered outwards.
Parabolic sound mirror allows for whispers to music perfomances to be picked up from the opposite tower due to its parabolic shape and focus point. This is the sound collection point.
Perfomance Space-Sound from the sound mirrors is delivered here-the eliptical shape allows for sound to have a focus point which is the center under the parabolic dome. Sound is collected from here to be delivered outwards.
Space of practice- sand bags from the military zone allow for sound to be absorbed, therefore the sound is contained. The irregular patterns of the bags allow for the sound to be diffused and to be clearer.
Nicosia Buffer Zone
Existing Divided Ruin which is located either side of the buffer zone
Sound Mirror
Whispering Gallery
The Elipse
Sound Diffusion
Lily Papadopoulos Bartlett School of Architecture Unit 22
Term 2 Design Brief
Site: Nicosia Cyprus, Buffer Zone User: Generation Z as post war builders. The aim of this project is to implement the element of ‘play’ into a wounded landscape such as the Nicosia buffer zone which divides the island (the last divided city in Europe) between the southern Greek and northern illegally occupied Turkish side. This ‘no –man’s land’ has been frozen in time, where abandoned buildings now lie as ruins, untouched by human activity. What would happen if the politically aware and curious children of Nicosia are given tools of empowerment in this sensitive area and how would this influence Nicosia’s culture and divided society? Architectural towers injected into the divided ruins along the buffer zone would empower the children, allowing them to view the ‘other side ‘of their country. However I discovered another tool of empowerment and means of communication between the two sides- sound and music. The Ramallah concert became a key ingredient of inspiration for the project; The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra-a youth orchestra founded in1998, consisting of musicians from Israel and Arab countries. The emotional conductor stated "It is our belief that the destinies of these two peoples, Israel and Palestine, are inextricably linked ... either we all kill each other or we share what there is to share. It is this message that we have come here to bring." Through music, messages were shared and communication started to occur between two communities in conflict. My proposal is to apply this concept into Nicosia by designing musical towers which would sit within the decaying buildings along the buffer zone. The geometry of each tower would allow for sound to be amplified, focused, or directed through the means of parabolas and sound mirrors, allowing for a unique way of communication between the towers. The geometry and materiality of the towers would also allow for the building to be played upon. The towers remind us of the typology of the Mosque and Church tower but in this case music, whispers and whistles create an eventful atmosphere, similar to a carnival, where one can enjoy unexpected sounds coming from both sides of the city. One can enjoy listening from his private balcony, from a midnight stroll or a day at the market.
Perspective Section-1:100
Tower of Percussion
Tower of Wind
Division Line
16 Sound communication across the buffer zone due to parabolic architectural geometry
5 6 13 4
3 1
Nicosia Buffer Zone
Existing Divided Ruin which is located either side of the buffer zone
5 Sound Diffusers sculted into the wall to limit reverberation.
10 Sound Diffusers sculpted into the wall to limit reverberation.
Space of practice- sand bags from the military zone allow for sound to be absorbed, therefore the sound is contained. The irregular patterns of the bags allow for the sound to be diffused and to be clearer.
6 Sound is let out
11 Conical funnel allows for sound to travel upwards
Space where water is contained-as the level of water changes so does the pitch of the sound change. Sound from the sound mirrors are funnelled here.
Perfomance Space-Sound from the sound mirrors is delivered here-the eliptical shape allows for sound to have a focus point which is the center under the parabolic dome. Sound is collected from here to be delivered outwards.
7 Parabolic sound mirror allows for whispers to music perfo-
mances to be picked up from the opposite tower due to its parabolic shape and focus point. This is the sound collection point.
8 An outdoor perfomance space which opens up in front of
12 Practice Space-Ribbed structure reinforced with metalic
balls. The material allows for reflection but the spherical shape also allows for diffusion to limit reverberation. Less material is filled up us you go up allowing for sound to escape at street level.
the sound mirror.
9 Sounds which are quieter are placed here where they can
travl further because of the height. The parabolic dome here cretes a focus point.
13 Perfomance Space-Sound from the sound mirrors is deliv-
ered here-the parabolic dome allows for sound to have a focus point which is the center under the parabolic dome. Sound is collected from here to be delivered outwards.
Parabolic sound mirror allows for whispers to music perfomances to be picked up from the opposite tower due to its parabolic shape and focus point. This is the sound collection point.
An outdoor perfomance space which opens up in front of the sound mirror.
Sounds which are quieter are placed here where they can travl further because of the height. The parabolic dome here cretes a focus point. Look at sound research booklet for further information on the geometries/sound