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LARP Lily Thomson

“The Navarr are descended from those who followed the eponymous heroine Navarr and her lover Thorn who swore an oath to restore the civilisation of Terunael. The Navarr display their fierce heritage in battle. Warriors explode from ambush, slaughtering enemies with barbed spears. Navarr warlocks fuel magic with the primal power of blood. But in peace they are a generous people, noted for their festivities and celebrations to which all are wel- come. Throughout the Empire travellers may stumble across Navarr settlements, the steadings, which offer welcome shelter and respite. More than anyone else the Navarr know how fragile civilisation can be. Centuries ago their fore- bears dwelled in cities, but they were lost to war with the orcs and magic run amok. They carry the memory of that loss with them everywhere they travel, and though they still seek to reclaim the lands they lost, what drives them more is the need to ensure that it does not happen again. The Navarr know what happens to an Empire that believes itself invincible. They have lost one Empire - they are determined they will not lose another.� - Empire

“I’m from Narvaar, which has been invaded by poisonous vines, and therefore have to travel. The nomad style suits me and I feel has one of the more flexible costume bases.”

“I started as a basic character with knowledge of where I had come from and how I met my comrads, but you really develop in game through conversations and how your character responds to the environment. I’ve only been to a few LARPs so my character is still expanding, its like reading further into a book.”

“It’s great to make a character as it can be as close or distantly related to yourself. It can be hard getting into character as Baddon is a great deal more confrontational and stubborn than I am, though I try my best.”

“As my character I feel more standoffish to newcomers who ask personal questions. I don’t trust people and always ask myself, ‘why is it their buisness?’ I am naturally friendly and open, so this was a change for me. My character has also fought in a few battles, saved some fellow people and therefore feels confident and capable to aid the nation in scraps .”

“I always wanted to look like a an every man, with scavenged armour and weapons all battered and travel warn. At the beginning we could only afford the cheep gear. It sort of ended up working in my character’s favour.”

“Shows like Game of Thrones and films like Lord of the Rings are a part of my inspiration. Though the biggest inspiration has been my favourite authors such as Tolkien and Robin Hobb.�

“One positive of all this is getting to meet so many different people and the fantastic personas they’ve created, so you never really know who you’ll meet next. A negative is when people assume that as a LARPer you’re some spotty awkward nerd hitting people with cardboard swords and don’t bother to see it’s not just what the movies and tv tells you.”

“I always look for more things to add to my costume, and feel that my combat skills have increased. I think if I joined a sport such as taikwando or even athletics, it would increase my fitness for the event, which includes a lot of running around in a sloping field. I’ve also found out that dry shampoo is fabulous and you can avoid washing your hair longer than what you think. I have been more open minded towards things I would have never considered, such as Dungeons and Dragons; a role playing fantasy game which involves effectively acting out what your character would do. I have read more comics and been into shops with wizards and dragons in them which before I wouldn’t have entered. But, now I know that most people interested in these things arn’t weird or odd, but just passionate about the imagination. I feel less apprehensive and judged here than say, when I was in school.”

“My brother got me interested originally in LARP though I’ve always had a keen interest in fantasy, dungeons and dragons etc. I loved the idea of taking it from the board game to real life.”

“LARP is like a holiday for me where I can get away from being me for a few days. It’s pretty liberating so I wouldn’t want it bleeding into my ‘real’ life.”

“Most of the LARP events are on weekends, which I feel isn’t long enough. I feel fully submerged into the story and my character by the Saturday evening, but then the next thing you know you have to go home.”

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