LIM College Fashion Academy Static Magazine Summer 2022

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Photographer: Jiwan Kim Model: Jiwan Kim Dress: Light Before Dark T-Shirt: Goodi Photo Editor: Jiwan Kim

Model: Jiwan Kim Jeans: The Go-To Mall Shirt: Naning9

Photographer: Jocelyn Sanchez Model: Rafaela Gomez Shawl: H&M Photo Editor: Carly Richter

Photo Editor: Jiwan Kim

Photographer: Rafaela Gomez Model: Jocelyn Sanchez & Jelli (dog) Shirt: PhotoBandana:H&MUnknownEditor:Carly Richter Photographer: Maya Geismar Model: LaneyClothing:Geismar Under shirt: Hysteric Glamour Vest: Free People Skirt: UllaShoes:JohnsonNike Glasses: Rag and Bone Photo Editor: Khayla Biscoe

Inspo Ashes in the Wind SébastienHarrySatelliteLégerStyles ComeMyKindofWomanMacDeMarcoLateNightTalkingHarryStylesOxfordCommaVampireWeekendAeroplaneGreerInBloomNirvanaBacktoEarthMacMillerModel:Purse:MaddieBeidlerCoachNY Shoes: AirWair Dr. Pants:MartensDickies Shirt & Belt: Urban Outfitters Photo Editor: Laney Geismar

Credits CreativeLayoutAnelAnelJocelynMaddieDirectionBeidlerKhaylaBiscoeLaneyGeismarJiwanKimCarlyRichterSanchezYerdenayevaModelsMaddieBeidlerLaneyGeismarJiwanKimJocelynSanchezYerdenayeva&DesignMaddieBeidlerCarlyRichterJocelynSanchezAnelYerdenayevaModel: Anel Yerdenayeva Pants: T-shirt:ZaraVictoria’s secret Vest: 70s Vintage Shoes: Marc Jacobs Heaven Bag: Marc Jacobs Heaven Photo Editor: Jocelyn Sanchez

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