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Education, awareness and visibility
Education, awareness and visibility
o In 2019, we launched the first #ProtectWildlife campaign made of 10 twosided large billboards in partnership with local authorities and civil society highlighting the value and threat to the endangered African grey parrot o Conducted an environmental education programme with 120 school children of the local community in partnership with the UNESCO o Pandrillus was invited at the 2019 EAZA1 Conference in Valencia, Spain to give a talk on the African grey parrots rehabilitation programme in Cameroon
o The Limbe Wildlife Centre received a 2019 Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law
Enforcement Award at the Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Geneva, Switzerland o In 2020, we launched the second #ProtectWildlife campaign by displaying a series of 10 large billboards of the as well as 1 large original art creation of the Art4Nature programme in Limbe
Image 15. During the launching of the first #ProtectWildlife campaign, in 2019, each member of the local community involved in the Green project was offered a T-shirt highlighting our flag species and the threat to it. Image 16. The Divisional Delegate of the Ministry or Arts and Culture unveiled the billboard highlighting the threats to the African grey parrots during the launching of the first #ProtectWildife campaign
1 European Association of Zoos and Aquaria