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Replication and scaling up of the programme at national scale
Image 17. In 2020, one of the 10 billboards of the new #ProtectWildlife campaign promoting the work done in Limbe to save the endangered African grey parrots. Image 18. Cameroonian artist Toh Bright’s original artwork depicts in 3 panels the consequences of poaching, the rehabilitation work of the LWC and the possibility of release of this iconic species.

Replication and scaling up of the programme at national scale
o In 2020, we organized a meeting with the conservators of 4 protected areas and their NGO partners (ZSL, WWF, AWF and Pandrillus) to draft the strategy of the national rehabilitation and release programme o Visited 2 potential release sites (Lake Ossa Wildlife Reserve and Campo Ma’an National Park) and assessed the feasibility to set a soft release and tracking programme

Image 19. The meeting in Edea brought representatives of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (Limbe Zoological Garden/Limbe Wildlife Centre, Lake Ossa Wildlife Reserve, Douala-Edea National Park and Campo Ma’an National Park), as well as partner conservation NGOs (Zoological Society of London, African Wildlife Foundation, World Wildlife Fund and Pandrillus) and a bird expert. Image 20. Our team worked with Bagyeli pygmies from Njamabande, near Campo Ma’an National Park and assessed the existence of local African grey parrot populations and suitability to replicate the soft-release.

Image 21. One African grey parrot was spotted near its nest in Njamabande, near Campo Ma’an National Park. Image 22. The population of African grey parrot around the Campo Ma’an National Park seems large and needs protection.

Reuters online report Reuters documentary France 24 documentary AfricaNews documentary Deutsche Welle documentary Deutsche Welle social media Le Monde Afrique newspaper BBC World Service Newsday
And many local media
1. TV report: Limbe Protect Wildlife Campaign Launched, Canal 2 International, presented by Environmental Journalist, Regina Leke Tandag 2. Newspaper: Pandrillus, Da Nzimbistic Cultural Center launch Protect Wildlife Campaign in Limbe, The Star Newspaper, 20th of May 2019, by Solomon Agboren 3. Online report: Cameroun – Environnement. Une nouvelle ere pour la protection de la faune est-elle a l’horizon au Cameroun ? Le cas de Limbe, Cameroun24.net, 27th May 2019 4. Newspaper: Nzimbistic Cultural Center Launches Change Behavior Campaign To Conserve Nature, The Sun Cameroon, 28th May 2019, by Simon Ndive Kalla 5. Online report: Rescuing African Grey Parrots, Guest Blog, Born Free 6. Online report: Ground-Breaking New Campaign Encourages Wildlife Protection In Cameroon, News, Born Free 7. Hartlep 8. TV report: Limbe Wildlife Centre protège notre biodiversité, Publi Infos, Canal 2 Internation, 7th of June 2019, by Junior Haussin & Marius Kuossu 9. Online report: Wildlife law enforcement leaders honored at CITES, Animal Welfare Institute, 20th of August 2019 10. Online report: Limbe Wildlife Centre wins prestigious award in Geneva, The Post, 26th of August 2019 11. Newspaper: Limbe Wildlife Centre wins Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law Enforcement Award in Switzerland, The Star, 2nd of September 2019 12. Newspaper: Limbe Wildlife Centre wins an international award, celebrates 25th anniversary, The Guardian Post, 17th September 2019 13. TV & Radio: Un quart de siècle de partenariat entre la Fondation Pandrillus et MINFOF pour la protection des espèces fauniques menacées d’extinction, CRTV News, 14th September 2019 14. Newspaper: Limbe Wildlife Centre cements role in rescue, rehabilitation of endangered African grey parrots, The Star, 11th November 2019
15. Newspaper: Traffic of endangered animal species on the rise in Bakassi,
The Guardian Post, 28th November 2019 16. Newspaper: Limbe Wildlife Centre rescues 84 endangered African grey parrots, The Sun, 30th November 2019 17. Newspaper: Limbe Wildlife Centre: Last hope for endangered African grey parrots, The Star, 9th December 2019