Monthly Report
December 18
Limbe Wildlife Centre: December 2018 by Guillaume LE FLOHIC Manager (Limbe Wildlife Centre) & Country Director (Pandrillus Cameroon)
Published in January 2019 Limbe Wildlife Centre, P.O. Box 878, Limbe, Republic of Cameroon
Limbe Wildlife Centre is a collaborative effort between the Pandrillus Foundation and the Republic of Cameroon, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, MINFOF Pandrillus Foundation is a non-profit making NGO specialized in the protection, rehabilitation and reintroduction of primates, as well as management and sustainable financing of conservation projects in Africa Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife is in charge of implementing the national forest policy for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of wildlife and biodiversity over the national territory as enacted by forestry law No. 01/94 of 20 January which regulates all forestry, wildlife and fisheries activities limbewildlifecentre
+237 681 991 590 limbewildlife
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Monthly Report
December 18
FOREWORD DECEMBER 2018 HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS DECEMBER 2018 & OBJECTIVES JANUARY 2019 1. LWC-RoC Partnership 2. Basic documents 3. Administration, Human Resources & Finance 4. Infrastructures and development 5. Material & Equipment 6. Capacity building 7. Conservation and Environmental Education 8. Constituency for conservation 9. Conservation ecotourism 10. Management of animal population and well-being 11. Rehabilitation and release programme 12. Research, Monitoring & Health Safety rules 13. Communication & Visibility 14. Revenues generated
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Monthly Report
December 18
Dear Friends and Supporters, As we approached the end of 2018, it was full steam ahead for our education team to organise the second session of the Batoke's Family Nature Club, which brought 221 community members to the Limbe Wildlife Centre (p. 10-12), and also the traditional Nature Club's Christmas event, which brought 126 kids of our community in to the LWC to enjoy music shows, watch wildlife documentary and observe wildlife in rehabilitation (p. 10, 12). Furthermore, our education team also organised, in partnership with Da Nzimbistic Cultural Centre, the second edition of our Christmas in the Village event! The 10 day-long event included various artistic activities over the festive period, including wildlife documentaries, traditional decorations, music, and face painting for the youngsters to enjoy (p. 10, 12). Despite the situation in the south-west
region, it was a successful event and we are looking forward to improve even further for next year. We hope to organise more events at the LWC throughout 2019 to bring people together to support our efforts to protect wildlife and advocate for nature protection. We also focused on the much needed maintenance of the Chimpanzee Island night cages (p. 7-9). The work started mid December and will continue in January. Important efforts were also made again in the Drill enclosure to continue building new enrichment (p. 7-8). The Drills are making good use of the recently installed complex environment and we have already observed that the group is calmer and more active – so that’s a great success! More obstacles will be made and installed in January now that the Drills have gotten used to the recently added enrichment.
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Monthly Report
December 18
At the beginning of December, we met with Save the Drill, a long-term committed supporter of the Limbe Wildlife Centre, based in Hannover, Germany (p. 10). We are so grateful to Save the Drill for giving us the opportunity to discuss our strategy and upcoming projects for Drills in Hannover and OsnabrĂźck Zoos and for donating a lot of material and equipment for the LWC! Thank you!
The episode Green Cops in Cameroon, filmed last month, was broadcast on Planète + (teaser) (p. 16)
Thank you for your unfailing support,
With very best wishes,
Limbe, 31 December 2018
Guillaume LE FLOHIC LWC Manager, Pandrillus Foundation
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Monthly Report
December 18
December 2018 Highlights
□ Positioned a new set of enrichment structures in the Drill enclosure □ Organised the second session of the Batoke’s Family Nature Club □ Organised the traditional Nature Club's Christmas □ Organised the second edition of the Christmas in the Village at the Limbe Wildlife Centre □ Green Cops documentary highlighting the Limbe Wildlife Centre was broadcast on Planète + □ Visited Osnabrück and Hannover Zoos, and discussed with the members of Save the Drill (Rettet den Drill e.V.) in Germany -6 -
Monthly Report
December 18
Achievements December 2018 & Objectives January 2019 1. LWC-RoC Partnership □ None
January 2018 objectives: □ None
2. Basic documents □ None
January 2018 objectives: □ Validate internal rules and regulations
3. Administration, Human Resources & Finance □ None
January 2018 objectives: □ Organise Individual performance review □ Organise an annual staff meeting
4. Infrastructures and development □ Continued the enrichment of the Drill enclosure: positioned wooden poles, prepared and mounted a network of bamboos and ropes, installed one experimental visual obstacle (Images 1-3) □ Started the maintenance of the Chimp Island satellite cages (Images 4-10) □ Replaced tunnel door bearings and maintained sliding doors in the Gorilla group 1
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Monthly Report
December 18
Image 1. Positioning and concreting of Image 2. Drilling, insertion, welding and wooden poles in the Drill enclosure. preparation of rings and support hooks to hold the bamboo sticks in the Drill enclosure.
Image 3. Final view showing the hanged Image 4. Damaged metal supports in bamboo branches on the vertical the chimp island satellite cage. wooden poles in the Drill enclosure.
Image 5. Scribbling and cleaning of Image 6. Replacement, mounting and merge, identification and removing of welding of new lower linking beams and
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Monthly Report
December 18
damaged rusted metal structures in the pillar supports. Painting of first layer chimp island satellite cage. antirust paint on the maintained area in the chimp island satellite cage.
Image 7. Arrangement and mounting of iron merge platforms, painting of final layer green paint in the chimp island satellite cage.
Image 8. Concreting of the lower surface and partial final view of the maintained area in the chimp island satellite cage.
Image 9. Dismounting of damaged sliding Image 10. Final view of mounted sliding doors, angle bars, and door rails in the doors in the chimp island satellite cage. chimp island satellite cage. January 2018 objectives: â–Ą Complete the re-enrichment Red-capped mangabey enclosures (pending) â–Ą Complete the renovation and enrichment of the Drill enclosure: visual obstacles â–Ą Continue the maintenance of the Chimp Island satellite cages
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Monthly Report
December 18
5. Material & Equipment □ Received an important donation of material and equipment from Save the Drill and Hannover Zoo, including 2 cameras, working suits and boots for our staff, and vet supplies
January 2018 objectives: □ None
6. Capacity building Ongoing activities □ Professionalised & trained staff, students and volunteers on behavioural (quarantine & stage 1) and social (stage 2) rehabilitation □ Empowered our vet nurse at capturing veterinary records in our database
Specific activities □ None
January 2018 objectives: □ Continue with the above ongoing activities
7. Conservation and Environmental Education □ Nature's Club: Continued the 2018-2019 programme: 111 kids registered; monthly effort: 271 children.days NB: due to the second session of the Batoke's Family Nature Club that took place on 15th and 29th of December at the Limbe WIldlife Centre, 2 Saturday's Nature Club were cancelled
□ School outreach programme: Continued the 2018-2019 programme: 40.9 men.hrs, covering 10 schools, 21 classes and 1,023 students (Images 11-12)
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Monthly Report
December 18
□ Batoke’s Family Nature Club: Organised the second session on the 15 and 29th December : 61 families, 221 particpants (64% females, 110 children between 4 and 17 years old (50%), 74% of community members not inviolved in the Green Project) (Images 13-14) □ Special event - Nature Club's Christmas: 126 children participated in the guided tour of the LWC, watch and disucssed about a wildlife documentary and enjoyed entairntainment (Image 15) □ Special event - Christmas in the Village at the Limbe Wildlife Centre, 2nd Edition: installed a traditional African village and organised various artitisc, cultural natureoriented activities such as live music, story telling and wildlife documentary projection for all ages (Images 16-18)
Image 11. Great participation by the Image 12. Teaching in Class 4 (7-8 years kids of form 1 (10-11 years old) of the old) in Champion's school. Limbe's Bilingual Government Bilingual High School!
Image 13. The family of Batoke village Image 14. Smaller group were formed and
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Monthly Report
December 18
were given a tour of the Limbe Wildlife the Family Nature Club was split into two Centre to understand our mission and days to allow each member of the Batoke day-to-day work. community to enjoy the documentary on wild chimpanzees projected in our conference hall.
Image 15. Family picture of the Nature Club children who participated in our Christmas event at the Limbe Wildlife Centre.
Image 16. Nyango's Hall was redecorated into the African village. Several artistic activities were organised during the Christmas holidays period and made available to the public.
Image 17. Despite the current situation in the Anglophone region, many people visited the Limbe Wildlife Centre and enjoyed our second edition of the Christmas in the village at the Limbe Wildlife Centre.
Image 18. Music poetry was one of various artistic activities proposed during the Christmas in the village and definitely one of the most popular. Music and dancing are omnipresent in daily life in Cameroon and is the best tool to pass on messages.
January 2018 objectives: â–Ą Continue with ongoing programs â–Ą Organise session 2 of the Family Nature Club
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Monthly Report
December 18
8. Constituency for conservation □ Community-based Green Economy: 15 ex-hunter members sustainably harvesting wild herbaceous plants: 799,5 kg of Aframomum stems and 786 kg of Costus stems; 47 women members harvesting crop by-product: 991 kg of cassava leaves, 1,351 kg of papaya leaves, 3,283 kg of potato leaves, 811 kg of invasive Trumpet wood shoots, corresponding to 181 trees hand cut; 837,135 XAF (€1,278) paid directly to the local community association this month; 10,371,295 XAF (€15,834) contributed to alleviate poverty in 2018.
January 2018 objectives: □ Continue with the ongoing programme
9. Conservation ecotourism □ Continued with the ongoing activities □ Special event - Christmas in the Village at the Limbe Wildlife Centre, 2nd Edition: installed a traditional African village and organised various artitisc, cultural natureoriented activities (see pictures in 7. Conservation and Environmental Education)
January 2018 objectives: □ Continue with the ongoing activities
10. Management of animal population and well-being Ongoing activities □ Maintained frequency and diversity of enrichment in each section □ Drill: Continued the reintegration of Jomio (adult male), Ossing (adult female) and their baby back to the group: transfer in satellite cage
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Monthly Report
December 18
Specific activities □ Tantalus monkey: Continued re-socialization process of Malende (adult male) in a satellite cage of the savannah-dwelling guenon enclosure in view of future possible re-integration into the group (Image 19)
□ Vet cares (December 2018): ◌ 16 Primate individuals treated; 1 anaesthesia performed; 0 individuals sampled (0 blood samples for haematology analysis, 0 blood samples for biochemistry analysis, 0 faecal samples for coprology analysis, 0 exudate sample for microbiology analysis); 0 identification with microchip; 0 minor surgery; 1 laceration repairs; 25 drug therapies: 27% arthritis supplements, 18% antibiotics, 14% dietary supplements, 10% antiparasitics, 9% painkillers, 9% antispasmodic, 5% anti-inflammatories, 8% others; 1 health check (2nd health check: Mona monkey (1: Akwa,; subadult male)); 1 death: Drill (1: Monday (diabetic adult male, degenerating sickness); 0 euthanasia ◌ 1 Bushbuck (adult male) died
Image 19. Malende is still in the satellite cage of the savannah-dwelling enclosure. We hope to integrate him back into the group led by Boyo in the next few weeks. January 2018 objectives: □ Continue with the ongoing activities □ Tantalus monkey: Continue Malende's (adult male) re-integration process
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Monthly Report
December 18
□ Vet cares: 3rd health check: Mona monkey (Akwa, subadult male); General health checks: None; Contraception: None; Microchip identification: None
11. Rehabilitation and release programme Arrival & quarantine □ Baby large-spotted genet continued to receive daily care
Behavioural rehabilitation □ Mona monkey: Continued behavioural rehabilitation of Akwa (subadult male) □ Western lowland gorilla: Continued behavioural rehabilitation of Bobga in the forest
Social rehabilitation □ Mona monkey: Started social rehabilitation of Akwa (subadult male) in a satellite cage of Sonara's group (Image 20)
Release (ecological & environmental rehabilitation) □ None
Image 20. Mona monkey Akwa, rescued in Douala in October 2018, was transferred near Sonar's group, made of Mona and Putty-nosed monkeys to complete his social rehabilitation.
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Monthly Report
December 18
January 2018 objectives: □ Mona monkey: Continue Akwa's (subadult male) social rehabilitation into process Sonara's group □ Western lowland gorilla: Continue Bobga's behavioural rehabilitation by introducing him into a forested area to stimulate foraging and locomotive behaviours
12. Research, Monitoring & Health Safety rules Ongoing activities □ None
Activity achievement □ None
Data analysis □ None
January 2018 objectives: □ Continue with above ongoing activities
13. Communication & Visibility □ Digital communication (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter): Overall reach down this month to 100,000. □ Green Cops documentary highlighting the Limbe Wildlife Centre was broadcast on Planète + (watch the teaser here). □ Germany: Visited Osnabrück and Hannover Zoos, and discussed with the members of Save the Drill (Rettet den Drill e.V.) about the strategic plan for the Limbe Wildlife Centre
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Monthly Report
December 18
January 2018 objectives: â–Ą Continue advocating the missions of the LWC within the Central African Conservation Landscape in Cameroon
14. Revenues generated â–Ą Entrance fees (December 2018): 1,207,600XAF (4,543 visitors; 52% adults, 48% children) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Dec-17 Jan-18
Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18
Adult Nationals
Children Nationals
Aug-18 Sep-18
Adult Foreigners
Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18
Children Foreigners
Figure 1.Visitor statistics December 2017-December 2018
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Monthly Report
December 18
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