July 2020
Monthly Report
Data analysis □ None
August 2020 objectives: □ Continue with the above ongoing activities □ Start analysing the behavioural data on Chimpanzees
7. Capacity building, staff empowerment & Mentorship □ Workshop: The importance to perform daily maintenance of fence lines to ensure a safe and secured environment to primates, by Vallarine Aforlica, Head of Construction (Image 34) □ Workshop: Communication using radio: basic rules to enhance information sharing and increase security, by Akih Emmanuel, Head of Hygiene and Sanitation □ Workshop: Keeping a healthy and safe environment for animals and staff members: implemented strict cleaning and disinfection protocol in primate sections, by Akih Emmanuel, Head of Hygiene and Sanitation (Image 35) □ Mentorship: Our Vet team provided emergency assistance to a severely injured Chimpanzee at Papaye France, Littoral region (Images 36-37)
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