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5. Community Conservation, Environmental education & Ecotourism
Image 37. To allow the mandrills to enjoy the densely grassed strip, the temporary electric fence was removed… Image 38. …and then set up on a different strip that will remain fallow for 3-4 months, allowing grass to grow and an ecosystem to be restored.
February 2021 objectives:
□ Continue the maintenance and re-enrichment of the western lowland gorilla enclosure
□ Maintain structural enrichment in the drill enclosure
5. Community Conservation, Environmental education & Ecotourism
□ School outreach programme: Continued the 2020-2021 programme: 6 schools, 22 classes and 908 children; monthly efforts: 40 men.hours (Images 39-42)
□ Saturday Nature Club: Postponed the 2020-2021 Nature Club
□ Community-based Green Economy: 15 ex-hunter members sustainably harvesting wild herbaceous plants: 1,950 kg of Aframomum stems and 439 kg of Costus stems; 22 women members harvesting crop by-product: 519 kg of cassava leaves, 3,035 kg of papaya leaves, 2,529 kg of potato leaves, 296 kg of invasive Trumpet wood
shoots, corresponding to 66 trees hand-cut; 848,330 FCFA (€1,295) paid directly to the local community association this month; 848,330 FCFA (€1,295) contributed to alleviate local poverty in 2020
□ Art4Nature: Toh Bright and Pandrillus, with support from UNESCO, started a new
partnership to produce a series of animated videos, billboards, posters, and radio podcasts to promote forest ecosystem preservation. The project uses an innovative approach combining science, culture and nature with visuals of high quality to instigate a change of behaviour (Images 43-44)
Image 39. Yvette Sokoudjou went this month to Sonara school, to do 30 to 45min lessons for the children.
Image 41. Sensitization and information sharing is important among the youngest generation (ex. 3rd grade) Image 40. The lesson given by the LWC educator to the 4th grade included revision about apes as well as an introduction to tropical forest ecology.
Image 42. The children are always very enthusiastic during the LWC interventions, which break their routine and bring them to join the Saturday Nature Club.