January 2021
Monthly Report
Image 37. To allow the mandrills to enjoy the densely grassed strip, the temporary electric fence was removed…
Image 38. …and then set up on a different strip that will remain fallow for 3-4 months, allowing grass to grow and an ecosystem to be restored.
February 2021 objectives: □ Continue the maintenance and re-enrichment of the western lowland gorilla enclosure □ Maintain structural enrichment in the drill enclosure
5. Community Conservation, Environmental education & Ecotourism Funders
□ School outreach programme: Continued the 2020-2021 programme: 6 schools, 22 classes and 908 children; monthly efforts: 40 men.hours (Images 39-42) □ Saturday Nature Club: Postponed the 2020-2021 Nature Club □ Community-based Green Economy: 15 ex-hunter members sustainably harvesting wild herbaceous plants: 1,950 kg of Aframomum stems and 439 kg of Costus stems; 22 women members harvesting crop by-product: 519 kg of cassava leaves, 3,035 kg of papaya leaves, 2,529 kg of potato leaves, 296 kg of invasive Trumpet wood
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