Monthly Report
April 2021
Sandra is a final year BSc student in Environmental Science at the University of Buea, South-West Cameroon and passionate about wildlife. She has been volunteering at the LWC whenever she has had time. In April 2021, she attended the Miss Environment Contest, an annual event by the International Centre for Environment Education and Community Development, to demonstrate the value and contribution of women in environment protection and sustainability, and took home the award for "The Best Biodiversity Conservation Project" “I have volunteered at the Limbe Wildlife Centre since 2019. I took part in cage cleaning, animal feeding, and preparation of enrichment for the animal wellbeing. I also participated in the African grey parrot rehabilitation program which entailed health checks, observation of quarantined parrots seized from illegal trade until their release. Today, I aspire to work in the field of nature conservation. My most wonderful experience at the LWC is the feeling of being a family both with the people and relating to the animals they seek to protect!”
Forbah Sandra Ngwemetoh
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