Panduan Jelajah Indonesia EDISI II | October 2013
The Magnificent Ujung Kulon
The Real Dragon in the World
Closer to Baduy
You can feel a different atmosphere instantly as you step in the land of Baduy.
Scan the cover image to watch the video.
Majalah Destinasi Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Aurecmedia menghadirkan terobosan baru. Pembaca dapat menikmati video melalui Majalah Destinasi Indonesia.
Anastasia Merrie
Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon memang luar biasa. Perpaduan gunung, sungai, lautan, dan hutan rimba. Trekking, diving, snorklingkano, memancing, wathcing bird, dll. Bisa dipastikan, sihir Ujung Kulon akan me足 nimpa Anda.
Kementerian Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif
Ardha Prasetya
Ardha Prasetya
Tri Wibowo Lahir di Kota Tangerang, Menyelesaikan Pendidikan S1 Jurusan Broadcasting di Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta. Lelaki yang biasa dipanggil Ardha ini mengawali karier sebagai wartawan di salah satu stasiun tv swasta di Jakarta dan saat ini memulai usaha membuat paket perjalanan dengan nama Media Traveler. Sejak sekolah Ardha menyukai traveling dan seni visual. Bagi dia, mendekatkan diri kepada alam akan menjadikan manusia lebih kuat dan lebih berani untuk menjalani kehidupan.
Lahir di surabaya, 43 tahun silam. Mengenyam pendidikan terakhir di Fakultas Pertanian Udayana, Bali. Mengawali karier sebagai desain grafis dan fotografer di salah satu surat kabar di Bali, kini lelaki yang biasa dipanggil Bowo, aktif sebagai wartawan pariwisata di Jakarta. Bagi dia, Indonesia ibarat lukisan yang tak pernah bosan untuk dilihat.
3 Kontributor Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Anastasia lahir dan besar di kota kecil Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung. Sejak kecil sudah hobi berpetualang dan menulis, dan sejak SMP jatuh cinta pada sastra. Setelah kuliah cintanya melebar ke dunia fotografi. Anastasia menyelesaikan pendidikan manajemen di perguruan tinggi swasta Jakarta, kemudian 13 tahun malang-melintang sebagai orang kantoran. Sejak 2008 hengkang dari sebuah kantor production house dan memutuskan menjadi freelancer fotografi dan menulis. Selain cerpen, opini, artikel perjalanan, ia juga menulis untuk program televisi, company profile, iklan layanan masyarakat, dll. Kini, ia menekuni travel photography dan tengah merampungkan buku catatan perjalanan berjudul Baduy Explorer.
Salam Zainal, Tangerang
Selamat atas lahirnya Destinasi Indonesia, apalagi dengan format majalah gratis. Meski gratis, pem baca tetap boleh memberi masukan dan kritik membangun toh. Tanpa mengurangi pujian saya terhadap isi, di edisi pertama saya melihat ada beberapa halaman di daftar isi yang tidak sesuai. Selain itu, kalau boleh usul, bisakah daftar isi dibuat tidak miring? Meski bagus, menurut saya kurang praktis, karena saya jadi harus memiringkan majalah. Salam sukses, merdeka!
MENARIK melihat free magazine yang membahas pariwisata Indonesia. Saya juga tertarik mencoba Aurecmedia seperti yang diiklankan, tapi beberapa kali gagal. Setelah mencoba ketiga kalinya baru berhasil, itu pun loading-nya cukup lama. Mungkin bisa diper baiki sistemnya, karena menurut saya ini terobosan menarik. Nungky Tanah Mas, Semarang
Samanhudi Jakarta
Jawaban Redaksi: Kami senang mendapat pertanyaan seputar Aurecmedia yang belum banyak dikenal orang. Fasilitas Aurecmedia pada dasarnya sangat tergantung pada koneksi internet. Kelancaran, kecepatan loading, sangat dipengaruhi lokasi dan operator telepon seluler yang digunakan. Ketika dicoba di tempat lain, bisa jadi loading-nya hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa detik.
Jawaban Redaksi: Terimakasih atas pujian dan masukannya. Begitu terbit, kami langsung melakukan evaluasi dan hasilnya antara lain sama dengan yang dikemukakan. Kami mohon maaf atas kesalahan halaman di daftar isi. Untuk lay out, kami langsung benahi di edisi kedua ini. Salam merdeka!
English version of Destinasi Indonesia free magazine can be read and downloaded at
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Surat Pembaca Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Jawaban Redaksi: Terimakasih atas sambutan positif untuk Free Magazine Destinasi Indonesia. Kami sangat senang menerima ide-ide dari pembaca, dan berharap jika tereali sasi bisa bermanfaat untuk pembaca lainnya. Kami tunggu ide-ide Pak Zainal, dan silakan datang ke stand Destinasi Indonesia di Mal Living World Alam Sutera pada tanggal 19 Otober hingga 3 November 2013.
Susunan dan Bentuk Daftar Isi
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SAYA pensiunan pegawai negeri yang kini tinggal di Tangerang. Saya mene mukan Majalah Destinasi Indonesia dan merasa senang membaca isinya. Kemudian muncul keinginan saya untuk menyumbangkan ide-ide tentang objek wisata di pangandaran, Jawa Barat, tempat kelahiran saya. Saya berharap, ide-ide itu bisa diterima dan bisa meng untungkan Destinasi Indonesia. Saya juga berharap, Destinasi Indonesia bisa memanfaatkan tenaga saya setelah memasuki masa purnabakti.
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oa wnl dido dan baca i d bisa
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Spirit Perjalanan Destinasi Indonesia
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Direktur Pemberitaan Wanto Umar
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Direktur EO Peter Tarman
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Salam Maria
PT Media Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia sangat terbuka dan berterimakasih jika ada komunitas yang tertarik dan bersedia menjajaki kerjasama. Silakan hubungi di nomor telpon 081280299330 Kami memiliki peraturan internal terkait etika jurnalis dan marketing. Jika mengalami ketidak nyamanan, silakan hubungi kami di nomor telepon 081280299330 atau ke email:
Suite#1 Boulevard Raya BA 2/56, Gading Serpong, Tangerang
5 Selasar Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
ERJALANAN wisata dan fotografi seperti candu. Beberapa kontributor di edisi kedua Destinasi Indonesia sudah merasakan candu dari dua kata itu. Mereka mengaku addict. Berkali-kali datang, berkali-kali pula terpesona. Menggebu ingin memperkenalkan daerah wisata yang sudah dikunjungi dan beberapa di antaranya sudah seperti rumah kedua, tempat di mana mereka memulihkan dan mengisi spirit. Di edisi kedua, Destinasi Indonesia menulis tentang potensi pariwisata Banten dan sebagian kecil Nusa Tenggara Timur. Di Banten, Suku Baduy menjadi laporan utama. Berkisah tentang masyarakat yang masih kuat memegang adat, meski hanya dipisahkan ’sejengkal’ jarak gempuran modernisasi. Mereka melaksanakan dengan sungguh-sungguh tugas yang mereka percaya diberikan oleh Sang pencipta untuk menjaga harmonisasi bumi. Edisi kedua juga menampilkan Taman Wisata Ujung Kulon dan Labuan Bajo yang baru saja menjadi tuan rumah Sail Komodo. Kisah dan panduan untuk mendatangi tempat-tempat tersebut, semoga bisa menumbuhkan kebanggan dan minat menjelajahi negeri. Pepatah lama menyebutkan, tak kenal, maka tak sayang. Budayawan, pianis, dan pengusaha Jaya Suprana, merasa penting mengenalkan kekayaan Indonesia agar bisa menjadi obat bagi bangsa yang katanya masih sakit. Menjadi obat bagi masyarakat yang masih merasa lebih bergengsi jika bisa berlibur ke luar negeri. Terlepas dari itu, selamat membaca edisi kedua Destinasi Indonesia. Mari bergerak! Seperti dikatakan penyair Sufi Jalaluddin Rumi, Travel brings power and love back into your life.
DestinAsi: BAnten | BADUY
Lebih akrab dengan
Panorama kampung Cicakal Muhara Baduy Luar dari ketinggian bukit.
Content Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Destination : Banten | BADUY
Destination: Labuan Bajo |
18-21 The Magnificent Ujung Kulon
Restore the Spirit in Tanjung Lesung
Taman Nasional Komodo
INDAH! Kata seperti itu sangat tepat diucapkan untuk menggambarkan pantai-pantai di Pulau Komodo dan sekitarnya. Ketakjuban bertambah ketika melihat langsung hewan purba khas Indonesia, yang namanya tenar hingga mancanegara.
34-37 Family Vacation
Weekend Without the Mall
The Real Dragon in the World
29 Facts Surrounding Komodo
32 Tourism Object Around Labuan Bajo
ATAHARI terasa membakar kulit, be gitu keluar dari pesawat di Bandara Komodo, Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tengga ra Timur. Di luar ruang tunggu ban dara pengemudi mobil sewaan silih berganti menawarkan jasa. Tarif yang ditawarkan ratarata Rp50 ribu sampai pusat kota Labuan Bajo atau hotel tempat menginap. Jangan ragu menawar, ratarata wisatawan mendapat harga Rp30 ribu untuk perjalanan sekitar 15 menit dari Bandara ke pusat Labuan Bajo. Pantai dengan kapalkapal di Pelabuhan Labuan Bajo menjadi pemandangan pertama yang cukup mempesona. Keindahan yang lebih mempesona lagi akan ditemui di Pulau Komodo dan Pink Beach.
44-47 Tourism Object
Tourism Object
47 Accomodation
Komodo Island
Sundries Banten
theILLer wIKIMeDIa | jorDy
Pulau Kanawa Island,
Closer to Baduy
Sawarna, The Hidden Paradise
Spend the Holiday Camping
9 Destinasi: Banten | Baduy Foto-Foto: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Destinasi: Banten | Baduy Foto-Foto: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Begitu kaki menjejak bumi Baduy, atmosfer berbeda langsung terasa. Suasana sunyi, damai, dan sarat energi positif. Oksigen melimpah, air sungai mengalir tanpa cemaran bahan kimia.
Destinasi: Labuan Bajo | Pulau Komodo Foto: Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Oleh: Anastasia Merrie
The Real Dragon in the World
ANYAK tempat wisata yang menawarkan fasilitas lengkap. Namun tidak banyak yang menuliskan kawasan pedalaman di dalam daftar destinasi. Salah satunya adalah Baduy, yang terletak di Desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten. Sekuat apa magnet yang dimiliki Baduy? Mengapa tempat ini patut dikunjungi? Baduy yang juga dikenal dengan nama Kanekes, sudah ada sejak berabad-abad lampau. Mereka menghuni kawasan pegunungan Kendeng dan percaya bahwa mereka diutus Sang Pencipta untuk menjaga panceur bumi (jantung alam) agar tetap lestari. Di tempat terpencil itu, kehidupan berjalan harmonis dengan alam. Hubungan antarsesama dan Sang Pencipta tak kalah indah. Atmosfer berbeda langsung terasa saat kaki menjejak bumi Baduy. Suasana sunyi dan damai langsung menyergap, sarat energi positif. Oksigen melimpah ruah, rimbun pepohonan menebarkan zat asam, sungai mengalirkan air jernih tanpa bahan kimia. Harum asap tungku menyeruak dari atap-atap rumah berbahan rumbia (kiray). Secara garis besar masyarakat Baduy terbagi menjadi dua. Pertama dikenal dengan sebutan kelompok Urang Panamping (Baduy Luar), kedua disebut Urang Tangtu yang menghuni tiga kampung di Baduy Dalam, yaitu Cibeo, Cikartawana dan Cikeusik (Tangtu Tilu). Urang Panamping sudah mendapat kelonggaran, seperti pembangunan rumah sudah boleh memakai alat bantu seperti paku. Ponsel, pakaian buatan pabrik, piranti dapur modern juga sudah menjadi pemandangan biasa. Sedangkan di Baduy Dalam, tradisi masih sangat terjaga. Mereka hanya memanfaatkan bahan yang terdapat di alam. Ketetapan adat (pikukuh) menjadi falsafah hidup dan masih dipegang teguh. Bagi mereka, adat adalah segalanya. Masyarakat Baduy Dalam masih memasak dengan kayu bakar di tungku (hawu). Penerangan memakai lampu yang terbuat dari bambu, batu konyal dan bahan bakar dari minyak kelapa (totok). Minum pun masih menggunakan gelas dari ruas bambu (somong). Mandi dan mencuci tanpa sabun, berjalan telanjang kaki, dan tidak boleh merokok. Binatang yang boleh dipelihara hanya ayam, kucing dan anjing.
NAMA dragon diberikan saat komodo ditemukan pertama kali di Pulau komodo sekitar 1910. Saat itu, para pelaut Belanda berkalikali melihat binatang raksasa yang oleh penduduk setempat sering disebut naga. Letnan Steyn van Hensbroek, pe jabat Administrasi Kolonial Belanda mendengar laporan tersebut dan kemudian melakukan ekspedisi. Dia menangkap hewan yang disebut naga tersebut, dibawa ke Belanda untuk diteliti. Meski kemudian diketahui bahwa komodo ini sejenis kadal purba raksasa, namun nama komodo dragon tetap digunakan. Saat ini di Pulau Komodo ada sekitar 2.853 komodo. Jika ditambah dengan habitat yang hidup di Pulau Rinca dan Gili Montang, jumlahnya sekitar 5.000 ekor. Taman Nasional Komodo merupakan tempat perlindungan dan penangkaran komodo, hewan khas Indonesia. Pulau Komodo juga men jadi salah satu spot diving terbaik di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Ada sekitar 385 spesies karang, 70 jenis bunga ka rang, ribuan spesies ikan, penyu hijau, 6 jenis paus, 10 jenis lumbalumba, berbagai jenis hiu, dll.
40-41 Culinary Try Your Guts at Zombie Cafe
27 Destinasi: Labuan Bajo | Pulau Komodo Foto: Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
DestInasI: LaBuan Bajo | PuLau KoMoDo
60-61 Zombie Cafe
Jl Braga No 3 Bandung Jam buka: pukul 11.00 WIB hingga 02.00 WIB Kisaran harga per menu Rp15 ribu hingga Rp90 ribu
Tips & TriCK
Photo & Tour Addiction
This Nation Needs Remedy!
Pimpinan Redaksi Destinasi Indonesia Wanto Umar
PelUNcURaN DestInasI InDOnesIa
KHIRNYA, setelah maju mundur penentuan tanggal, peluncuran Destinasi Indonesia yang diresmikan Wakil Menteri Kementerian Pariwsata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sapta Nirwandar bisa terlaksana. Terimakasih kepada Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Alex Retraubun, tokoh masyarakat Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, Dirjen KP3K Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Sudirman Saad, Bupati Kotawaringin Barat Ujang Iskandar, Bupati
Buolamo Rum Pagao, tokoh pariwisata Adhi Tirtawisata, Pontjo Soetowo, Yanti Soekamdani, Elly Hutabarat, Meity Robot, Mimi Hudoyo, dan seluruh undangan yang sudah memberi support atas kelahiran Destinasi Indonesia. Terimakasih juga atas kepercayaan para sponsor yang telah mendukung kesuksesan peluncuran Destinasi Indonesia: Bumbu Desa, Aurecmedia, Sekolah Musik Indonesia, nesa, Duren Q, dan Mom’s Cake & Cookies.
News & Events
58-59 Harmonization Conservation & Tourism
KLICK chick Secure & Funny
Reading Point
54-55 Horizon Lodging Trend Among Y Generation
56 20 Destinations targeted by Chinese Tourists
60-61 The Launching of Destinasi Indonesia
7 Content Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Taburan conveti dan bunyi sirene yang ditekan Wamen Kemenparekraf Sapta Nirwandar menandai peresmian Peluncuran Destinasi Indonesia.
Galeri Foto Peluncuran Foto: Destinasi Indonesia | Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana & Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
aat mengunjungi Kota Bandung, sempatkan waktu menyusuri kawasan pedestrian di Jalan Braga. selain bisa memuaskan mata karena keindahan arsitektur bangunan tua peninggalan Belanda, Braga juga menyuguhkan beragam wisata belanja serta kuliner. Disalah satu bahu jalan, tepatnya di sebuah bekas bangunan tua yang konon angker lantaran bertahuntahun terbengkalai tanpa penghuni, terpampang tulisan Zombie Cafe. sesuai dengan namanya, cafe yang baru mulai beroperasi September 2013 ini menyuguhkan aneka makanan khas Western, Mexican dan Italian dalam suasana horor. Suasana horor sudah mulai terbangun begitu tamu tiba di pintu masuk. tepat di atas gerbang, terdapat tulisan “You Dare, You Come In”. Begitu melangkahkan kaki ke dalam, sesosok boneka zombie dalam kondisi berdarah-darah berdiri dekat pintu masuk Zombie Land. andri Irawan, General Manager Zombie Cafe menjelaskan, “Zombie Land itu semacam wahana rumah hantu. Bagi pengunjung yang punya nyali bisa masuk gratis sambil menunggu makanan dan minuman yang dipesan datang,” tuturnya.
teras dan beberapa pendopo. Beberapa nama unik digunakan di dalam menu, nuansanya masih berbau horor. Untuk makanan pembuka misalnya, ada Zombie Quesadila. terbuat dari adonan tepung tortilla chip, dipanggang lengkap dengan keju feta, potongan ayam dan taburan saus alpukat. Rasanya gurih dan sedikit pedas. ada juga Cheesy Nachos Soul Crusher, terbuat dari tepung jagung goreng ala Mexico yang disajikan dengan buah zaitun, tomat salsa, keju dan jalapeno. Sebagai makanan utama, pengunjung bisa memilih aneka steak, pasta maupun pizza. ada juga hidangan khas nusantara seperti bebek goreng, nasi goreng kambing juga sop buntut yang bisa disajikan dalam 3 pilihan : bakar, goreng atau kuah. “Yang pasti semua makanannya enak dan harganya juga terjangkau,” jelas andri. Puas menikmati hidangan utama, semangkuk Fresh Mango Soup bisa dijadikan penutup. atau bisa juga memilih Crème Brulee Dark Halloween Horror, sejenis krim panggang klasik yang manis dan lembut. Untuk minuman, pengunjung bisa memesan Zombie in Wonderland, paduan jus nanas dan jeruk yang disajikan dengan grenadine sirup dan cream yang terasa begitu segar.
Galeri Foto Peluncuran Foto: Destinasi Indonesia | Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana & Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Kuliner Foto-foto: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Zaman sekarang, sajian makanan enak saja belum tentu cukup. Butuh sensasi yang berbeda saat menyantapnya. Perpaduan dua hal itulah yang berusaha disuguhkan Zombie Cafe.
Zombie Land Di dalam Zombie Land, cahaya lampu tampak temaram. aneka boneka seram penuh luka dan darah terlihat di sepanjang jalur tersebut. Suasana makin dengan adanya suara-suara perempuan tertawa, jeritan, dan nyanyian sinden diiringi gamelan. Beberapa bagian lantai ada yang dibuat khusus untuk mengagetkan. Bila salah injak misalnya, tiba-tiba akan muncul sesosok zombie yang siap memeluk dari belakang. Puas menguji nyali, pegunjung bisa bersantai di bagian dalam cafe yang relatif nyaman dan tidak terlalu menyeramkan. Hanya di bagian tertentu saja ada ornamen-ornamen berbau zombie dan beberapa foto lama yang menunjukan penampakan gedung sebelum digunakan sebagai cafe. Interior cafe dipecah dalam beberapa bagian, ada bar, ruang dalam,
Kuliner Foto-foto: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
DestinaTION: Banten | BADUY
Closer to
Baduy By: Anastasia Merrie
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
You can feel a different atmosphere instantly as you step in the land of Baduy. Serene, peaceful and full of positive energy. Filled abundantly with air, unpolluted clear water flows in the river.
Panorama of Cicakal Muhara Outer Baduy village from the hilltop
9 Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
any tourist sites offered full facili ties. But not too many put inland region on their destination list. One among those is Baduy, located in the Village of Kanekes, Leuwidamar Sub-district, Lebak Regency, the Province of Banten. How attractive is Baduy? Why this place worth visited? Baduy which existed for centuries is also known as Kanekes. They reside in the mountain range of Ken deng. They believe that the Creator send them forth to guard the “Panceur Bumi” (Heart of the Nature) in order to keep it preserved. In this remote area, life runs harmoniously with the nature. The relationship between men and most of all with their creator is so beautiful. You can feel the different atmosphere instantly as you step in the land of Baduy. Quiet, peaceful and full of positive energy. Filled abundantly with air, clusters of trees spread the oxygen, unpol luted clear water flows in the river. You can smell the smoke coming out of the hearth rising through the tasselly roof (kiray). The Baduy is divided into two main groups, Urang Panamping (Outer Baduy) and Urang Tangtu (In ner Baduy) which resides in three villages namely, Cibeo, Cikartawana dan Cikeusik (Tangtu Tilu). Customary law allows the Urang Panampings to build houses with tools, using hand phones, and manufactured clothing. Even modern household ap pliances are very common among them. Meanwhile the Urang Tangtu still kept the tradition well. They utilize all the material in the nature. The provision of custom (pikukuh) becomes their philosophy of life that they still hold strongly. For the inner Baduy tradi tion is everything. The people of Inner Baduy cooked their food on a hearth with firewoods (hawu). They make light out of bamboo, konyal stone with coconut oil (totok). To drink they use bamboo (somong) as the cup. They bathe and wash without soap, walk barefooted and not allowed to smoke. The animals they can raise are only chickens, cats and dogs.
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Arsitektur The architecture of a house (imah) in Tangtu (inner Baduy) is a stage style. Every house faces the north and south, except the customary elders (Puun) houses that face the east. The house and rice barns are made of wood and bamboo. They are joined with a wooden wedge and fastened with a rope made of tree skin. The building of the house must follow the contour of the land. In principal, they are not allowed to change anything that is already exist This regulation is also applied to their agricultural system. Huma is a field to reserve water from the rain. They used tugal, a piece of wood with a sharp tip, to plant rice. During planting season, they work together to plant rice in the field. The men making holes using tugal, the women sow the seeds. The customary law does not allow the Baduy to hoe the land, or use irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide.
Gajeboh Outer Baduy Village (above). Sarta and his son Jarmain at Leuit Babakan Lame Outer Baduy Village.
A Panamping woman is weaving at her house terrace.
A tassely (kiray) roof house in Cipiit Village Outer Baduy
A Baduy woven shoulder cloth
11 Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Jali, a young man of Cibeo Village at Cisimeut River, under a root bridge
The Baduy are very skillful in making vari足 ous beautiful handicrafts. Namely, Baduy weaving, local and international designers lately develop the fabric. Even though now a days Baduy weavings, has also been us足 ing yarn from outside of the village, but in Cikeusik Village their weaving are still using the original natural material called pelah. Pelah is made of rattan leaf fiber. It takes six months to process the yarn. Now there are only few pelah weaver left in Cikeusik Village. Plaited bracelet made of handam tree is also liked. Other than plaited bracelets there are also koja and jarog, plaited bags made of teureup and kasungka tree. Men usually wear koja meanwhile women wear jarog. More interestingly is the kepek, a bag used to keep the clothes. It is made of the skin of sarai wood and has the shape of a suitcase.
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Root Bridge. (Below) Karinah, woman of Cibeo Village, buying fish at Karoya market.
These are the activities that you can do in Baduy, taking pictures (only in outer Baduy), bathing in the river, watching the women weav ing, spinning the yarn, pounding rice, making handicrafts, watching the process of making palm sugar, cooking in the kitchen with hearth (hawu), listening to angklung, (a traditional music instrument made of bamboo) lute and flute or mingling with the village people. When visiting Baduy on a certain month you can see other customary events such as wedding, circumcision, shearing, planting rice and many more.
Make time to go to the bridge made of roots located in Batara Cisimeut Village, in the eastern part of Baduy. It takes about 1 hour to walk from Ciboleger or 30 minutes by ojek (motorcycle) or car. Other interesting spot is Dandang Lake, located in Kadujangkung Village, Outer Baduy about 45 minutes tracking down Ciboleger. If you want to take pictures do not missed the
Urang Tangtu’s (Outer Baduy) activities at the tra ditional market. The market is held every Sunday morning. Karoya market is located in the border of Cijahe, western part of Baduy. It needs 1 hour to walk from Cibeo Village or 30 minues from Cikeusik Village.
Leuwi Gajeboh The famous bamboo bridge at Gajeboh Village Outer Baduy
Akses Traveler
Baduy is located about 120 km out of Jakarta. You can reach it by car or public transportations. Take the Jakarta-Merak toll road, exit at East Serang, go towards Rang kas Bitung, and pass Serang City heading for Leuwidamar go straight to Ciboleger. The distance between Rangkas Bitung – Ciboleger is about 40 km. You can reach it within ± 1 - 1.5 hours. Usually it takes ± 4 - 5 hours from Jakarta to Ciboleger. There is only one access to Inner Baduy from Ciboleger entrance and can only be reached by foot. The journey to Inner Baduy from Cibo leger, takes about 3 hours (normal walk), up and down hill, passing numbers of villages, forests, rivers, bamboo bridges and farms
When travel by train, get in at Tanah Abang train station heading for Rangkas Bitung train station. Kalimaya AC, Rangkas Jaya and Ekonomi trains are available. The journey will take about 45 mi nutes – 1 hour. For your convenient, it is best to take Kalimaya AC or Rangkas Jaya train. From Rangkas Bitung train station the journey will continue by riding the red angkot to Aweh Terminal then take the elf bus to Ciboleger. The trip from Aweh Terminal to Ciboleger will take about 1.5 hours. The public transportation from Aweh Terminal to Ciboleger and vice versa is very limited. The elf bus from Ciboleger operated bet ween 2 AM to 1 PM. The other way round from Aweh Terminal to Ciboleger the elf bus route is between 6 AM to 4 PM. So, make sure to plan the time well.
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Budget Prepare the expenses for transpor tation, lodging (people’s houses), supplies, food, guide and porter. Two types of people visit Baduy, back packer or traveler. Decide your type to simplify and specify in planning the budget. Be noted that the Baduy never set prices for their services. Meaning, it all depend on the willingness and ability of the guest.
Sapri and Lilis, teenagers of Cibeo Village at Bukit Puru hut.
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Transportation: car, gasoline and toll fees (round trip) = Rp. 450.000 Lodging: ± Rp. 100.000/night Supplies: Rp. 250.000-500.000 (depend on the menu and number of people in the family) Food: Lunch at Rangkas Bitung twice = Rp. 20.000/person Guide & porter: ± Rp. 50.000-100.000/ bag (depend on the number of bags carried)
Urang Panamping are walking towards Cikeusik Village, near Cikeusik Hill.
Urang Tangtu (Narja, Sarta and Jarmain) at Muhara Ciberani, the border between Inner and Outer Baduy.
Transportation: AC train Tanah Abang - Rangkas Jaya Rp. 15.000, angkot Rangkas station- Aweh terminal Rp. 4.000, elf terminal Aweh - Ciboleger Rp. 18.000. Total (round trip) = Rp. 74.000/person Accommodation: ± Rp. 100.000/night Supplies: Rp. 200.000-300.000 (depend on the menu and number of people) Food: Lunch at Rangkas Bitung/Cibo leger twice: Rp. 20.000/person Guide & porter: ± Rp. 50.000-100.000/ bag (depend on the number of bags carried)
Before traveling to Baduy, prepare your equipment and supplies well. For your convenient, drive your own car when traveling with the family.
Equipment needed: track ing shoes or mountain sandals, sweat absorbed clothes, sleeping bag, jacket, sarong, flashlight, hat, sunscreen, toilet kit, wet tissue, and personal medication.
Bring along simple supplies. Give your food sup plies to your host. For those who love cook ing can help in the kitchen.
Recharge all your gadgets in the city, because you are en tering a non-electricity area. Keep all your equipments and supplies in plastic bags to cover from the rain. Be sure to cover your backpack with plastic or rain cover.
Be fore enter ing Baduy, do not forget to report yourself to the village chief of Kanekes Village (Baduy) in Cigowel Village near Ciboleger.
Tips Spare your time at least 2 days and 1 night to visit the villages. You will need 3 days and 2 nights to visit Inner and Outer Baduy to spend a night in each place.
Dispose non-organic waste in a special plastic and bring them back to Ciboleger or the Outer Baduy area.
When entering Inner Baduy area, prepare your self to obey strict customary rules. One of it is prohibition to use soapy product such as, toothpaste, shampoo. You are not allowed to take pictures. Ask the guide to re mind you as you reach the border of Inner Baduy area. Put away your camera as a form of respect to the tradition.
Rainbow at Cikeusik Hill, the border of Outer Baduy and Cikeusik Village
You may bring your three year old but do not forget to bring a baby carrier. You can hire a porter to carry your baby, of course let the baby be acquainted with the porter first.
For those who never visit Baduy, it is best to hire a guide that you can find in Ciboleger. The guide can also be your porter. If you want to spend the night at Inner Baduy directly, you have to leave early from Jakarta so it will not be too late. Visitors can only spend a night at Inner Baduy. If you want to spend the night in Outer Baduy you can find people’s houses in Gajeboh Village, there are many activities like weaving and you can see the beautiful bamboo bridge.
Destination: Banten | Baduy Photo: Anastasia Merrie Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Vis iting time to Baduy is April to November. Please avoid the rainy season.
Destination: Banten | Sawarna Photo: Natalia | Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Sawarna, The Hidden Paradise By: Ardha Prasetya
merak serang tangerang
pandeglang rangkas bitung
jawa barat
gunung kencana
malingping Bayah
Sawarna Village owns numerous tourist attractions with many different characteristics, from beaches, caves, and 100 stairs Hill
Private Vehicle When driving from Jakarta, take the Jakarta – Merak route, exit East Serang towards Pakupatan Terminal. From the terminal go straight ahead, turn left at the first traffic light near a gas station towards Serang Banten five junc tions (Palima). From Palima headed to Baros and Pandeg lang. When you get to Baros before entering Pandeglang City there will be two routes to choose, either through Alunalun Pandeglang or drive down the outskirt of Pandeglang
towards Saketi to Malingping. Prepare yourself for a rough road from Saketi to Malingping that is badly damage with very little light at night. From Malingping drive towards Bayah, alog this road you can see beautiful beaches like Bagedur, Cihara, Cibobos beach.
Public Transportation You can start your journey from the bus terminals in Kampung Rambutan, Kalideres, Tanjung Priok or wait for the bus at Slipi Jaya across from Harapan Kita Hospital. Take a bus heading to Merak, get off at Pakupatan Termi nal, Serang. Bus fare varies depending on its facilities. From Pakupatan take the elf bus or other public transportation called dambri to continue the trip to Bayah. The Malingping – Bayah elf bus operates from 2 AM to 6 PM. While dam bri operates, up to 4 PM and is available only at 7 AM, 1-2 PM, and 3-4 PM. There is dambri route to Binuangeun and Cikotok. If you take the Cikotok route, you can get off at Bayah. But if you take the Binua ngeun route you have to get off at Malingping. The elf bus fare from Serang to Malingping is Rp 25.000 to Rp 30.000. And from Malingping to Bayah is Rp 5.000. you can continue the trip by public transportation to the main entrance of Sawarna Village. Have fun!
17 Destination: Banten | Sawarna Photo: Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
he Tourism zone of Sawarna is located in Sawar na Village, subdistrict Bayah Lebak, Banten. It is easy to reach Sawarna. The distant is about 280 km from the central of Jakarta, more or less 7 hours in normal speed. Sawarna Village has several natural tourist objects with different characteris tics. Its beach tourism is still harmonious; among them are Ciantir Beach, Layar Cape, Pari Lagoon, Taraje Coral, Manuk Island, and Cipamandangan. There are also Lalay and Langir Cave tour, and 100 stairs Hill. All beaches in Sawarna directly connected to the South ern Sea, causing some point of the beaches with great waves sought by surfer from many countries. Surfers usually come to Sawarna after they have enough hunting for waves in Pelabuhan Ratu. The distant from Pelabuhan Ratu to Sawarna is about 60 km. Now, people know Sawarna. Its beauty is so attractive. As a result, the people of Sawarna Village are competing to build lodging. Most of the lodg ing in Sawarna are managed by the local people. They rate between Rp 200.000 to Rp 500.000 per night.
Destination: Banten | Ujung Kulon Photo: Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
The Magnificent Ujung Kulon If you love the beauty of the nature with all its fauna, Ujung Kulon National Park can be in your must visit list
jung Kulon National Park doubtlessly keep the extraordinary natural beauty. On the 122.956 hectare land, you can see the combination between the volcano (Anak Krakatau), ocean, prairie, and jungle in a har足 mony. Ujung Kulon, located in the Province of Banten, is the conservation for the Javanese Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) that is estimated only 60 left. There lies the heavenly beauty of nature. Each part of the place of足 fered peculiarity and has its own stories behind. Here are some tourist attraction in Ujung Kulon that are worth visited.
Peucang Island
Peucang Island is considered the dream island of Ujung Kulon. The white sand spread softly along the clear blue water. On clear days, the white cloud decorated the blue sky. The ocean around Peucang is one of the best place to snorkel and dive. In ad足 dition, the 450-hectare island is perfect for tracking and viewing the beauty of sunset. You often see deer and long tailed monkeys wandered freely by the beach. It is so wonderful to watch the wild life combined with the blue water and sky. From Peu足 cang Island the journey continues towards Cidaon prairie, where the Rhino, peacock and deer lived.
Destination: Banten | Ujung Kulon Photo: Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
From Cidaon you can continue the trip to Cibunar by foot. This is the heavenly route to see the life of vari足 ous birds and bulls busily grazing.
Destination: Banten | Ujung Kulon Photo: Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Handeuleum Islands
Cidaon You can visit Cidaon by speed boat or boat from Peucang Island. As you get to the island take a short walk to reach the destination. Cidaon can also be reached by land. Pasturing in Cidaon is done on a man made prairie to support the life cycle of fauna in Ujung Kulon. Visitors in Cidaon can enjoy the wild life activities such as bull and deer grazing, peacock and wild chicken wandering around the green grass. These animals are active between 6 AM to 7.30 AM and around 4 PM.
Handeuleum Island consists of several islands namely, Large Handeuleum, Middle Handeuleum and Small Handeuleum. Here you can trace the stream in a canoe. The mangrove forest and wild birds can be a fun spectacle.
Panaitan Island
This island usually be足 comes the main spot to dive and snorkle. This 17.500 hectare island has several diving spots such as, Legon Kadam in the northern coast and Legon Samadang in the southern part of the coast. Other than that there is a surfing location popular among the foreign tourist. They call this place One Palm Point.
Transportation • Speed Boat (maximum capacity of 8 people) Rp4.500.000/night leaving from Carita • Regular Boat (maximum capacity of 20 people) Rp2.250.000/night leaving from Sumur / Taman Jaya
1. By Land You can take a bus from Kalideres, Jakarta to Labuan or Kampung Rambutan, Jakarta to Serang-Labuan, and then continue the trip by taking public transportation such as mini/elf bus Labuan-Sumur-Tamanjaya. Route
Jakarta-Labuan Labuan-Sumur Labuan-Tamanjaya
120 Km 60 Km 90 Km
4-5 hours 2 hours 3 hours
You can take a boat from Labuan/Carita, Sumur, and Tamanjaya.
45 Miles
Time/Information 3-4 hours | Longboat 1,5 hours | Speedboat
Labuan/Carita-Pulau Peucang
80 Miles
5-6 hours | Longboat 2 hours | Speedboat
Labuan/Carita-Pulau Handeuleum
60 Miles
4-5 hours | Longboat 1,5 hours | Speedboat
Tamanjaya-Pulau Handeuleum
8 Miles
Labuan/Carita-Pulau Panaitan
30 minutes | Longboat 10 minutes | Speedboat
80 Miles
Flora A (6 Rooms) 2 persons per room equipped with AC + bathroom
Flora B (10 rooms) 2 persons per room equipped with AC + bathroom
* including 15% tax and service * including 3 meals for 2 persons
Fauna 6 (6 rooms) 2 persons per room No AC
Ticket to UKNP
Source: Ujung Kulon National Park
Tickets Rp2.500 (Indonesian) | Rp20.000 (Foreigner)
Water vehicles fare Motor boat up to 40 hp Motor boat 41 to 80 hp Motor boat above 80 hp
Badak (1 Room) 1 person per room No AC + outside bathroom
Handeuleum Island Resort 8 rooms 2 persons per room No AC, with bathroom
*For room reservation 2 weeks in advance and 50% down payment 1 in advance
5-6 hours | Longboat 2,5 hours | Speedboat
Peucang Island Resort
* Sewa extra bed untuk Fauna, Flora A dan B Rp. 450.000,- / unit/malam sudah termasuk 3 (tiga) kali makan
2. by Sea
Rp50.000 Rp75.000 Rp100.000
Visitors can bring home souvenirs from Ujung Kulon National Park. There many selections: • Wooden statue of Javanese Rhino (rhino batik) • Rhino key holder • T-shirts with selections of motives and sizes • Ujung Kulon National Park pins and hats
21 Destination: Banten | Ujung Kulon Photo: Ardha Prasetya Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
You can reach the Ujung Kulon National Park area by land or water.
Sundries Banten
at a
BANTEN has separated itself from the province of west Java since 2000. It is divided into four districts and cities, those are Se rang, Lebak, Pandegang, Tangerang districts and Cilegon, Serang, Tangerang Selatan and Tangerang cities.
Banten has strategic area air and water. Soekarno-Hatta airport is in Banten. Banten sea line (Sunda Strait) is also a strategic area that can be passed by ships that con nects the neighboring countres such as Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore and others.
Tourist Attractions
Destination: Banten Photo: Dok Disbudpar Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
BANTEN is extraordinary. This province has options of natural and cultural tourist attractions. Although not too many people know or heard about these places. “Is that Banten?” is the people’s comment. Tourist objects are far away from each other. In addition, they have their own stories. Even though there are several natural tourist objects that are already well known, one of those are Anyer and Carita. Other than the two beaches, Banten has a lot of Natural tourist objects, indigenous people, and other culture. Here is some information on them:
Indigenous People of Cisungsang Just like the Baduy, the indig enous people of Cisungsang still hold on their customary law inher ited by their ancestor. Cisungsang is located at the foot of Mount Halimun and surrounded by four indigenous villages those are Cica rucub, Bayah, Citorek and Cipta Gelar. You can reach Cisungsang Village by land in about 5 hours from Rangkasbitung or 200 km from Serang. An indigenous chief, elected by inspiration, leads the vil lage. Cisungsang Village followed three systems of government, custom, nation, and religion.
Umang Island Umang Island owns beautiful view with a clean beach, white sand, blue water and sky. The 5-hectare island is located in the Sumur sub-district, Pandeglang district, the province of Banten. It is managed professionally in a resort concept equipped with facilities such as banana boat, Jet Ski, diving, snorkeling and many more. The beauty of Umang Island is rec ognized overseas. It is known as the dream island. Fresh seafood domi nates every culinary corner in the island. During the night, the manage ment usually offered live music. Fresh air, music, and food by the beach can be very romantic.
Cihear Waterfall Cihear waterfall is lo cated at Mount Leutik in the Mount Halimun Salak area. Its height can reach 25 meters high and 6 meters wide. The location is close to the white water rafting tour at Ciberang River. The panoramic of Mount Hali mun Salak, rice paddies, forest and various animals such as monkeys, Javanese eagle, can be enjoyed while climbing up to reach the waterfall.
What are Banten’s culinary tour and souvenir? Destinasi Indonesia traced the city of Serang, the central government of Banten Province.
Sate Bandeng (milkfish satay) Jl Kiuju No 63 Central Kaojan, Serang Phone: 087771845592/081906060404
Sate bandeng is one of the specialty tourist usually take home from Banten. The main ingredient of sate bandeng is the fish. The spines are separated for the fish, mashed, add coconut milk, sea soning and spices. Then stick the finished part on the skewers. You can find sate bandeng at some restaurants and eateries from Serang up to Anyer. But if you decide to take home as souvenirs, you can visits some home industries, such as sate bandeng Ibu Hj Maryam. It comes in two flavors original and hot. The price is Rp25.000 per portion/stick. If you want the sate packed in a box or plastic and vacuumed to be well preserved, just add a Rp2.000 extra charge per portion.
Sop Ikan (Fish Soup) Taman Taktakan Restaurant Jl Yusuf Martadilaga No 2 Serang Phone: 0254 215953
Restaurants and eater ies that serve sop ikan spread all over Serang City. The soup’s basic ingredient is snapper. Varieties of vegetables are added to the soup such as, green tomatoes, basil, and green onion. Taman Taktakan is one of the restaurants that are often vis ited by guest that come to Serang. The price per por tion is Rp90.000 (for 4-6 persons), for a half portion, they will charge Rp50.000 (for 2-3 persons).
Sate Bebek (Duck Satay) Damai 05 Restaurant Jl KH Abdul latief Sumur Pecung, Serang Phone 087771188887
Duck meat lo vers must try this. Haji Sjamsuddin, the owner, started the business in 1974. Now he owns two outlets. The tender odor less duck meat taste so distinct. Other than sate bebek there are other dishes on the menu such as, duck soup and fried duck stew. A portion of sate is Rp17.000 and a portion of soup is Rp14.000. What is the secret recipe to the tender odor less meat? “The secret is the skill of selecting the best duck base on the age. Choose the middle-aged ones, so you can get a chewy duck meat. The meat of a young duck is too soft whereas the old one is too hard,” said Haji Sjamsuddin laughing. Other than the three dishes above, Banten, especially Serang is also famous for Nasi Sumsum (rice marrow). Rice filled with buffalo marrow, wrapped in banana leaf then grilled. Nasi sumsum is only available at night in the street vendor’s eatery, located near city plaza. Have fun trying!
Info Cultural and Tourism Authorities the Province of Banten The Central Government of the Province of Banten Jl Syech Nawawi Palima Serang Phone: 0254 267060 Website: www.bantenculturetourism. com
Sol Elite Marbella (5 stars) Jl Raya Karangbolong Km 133.5 Anyer, Serang district, Banten. Phone: 0254 602345 and 0254 602346
Ujung Kulon National Park Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan No 51, Kecamatan Labuan, Pandeglang, Banten. Phone: 0253 801731 and 0253 804651 Webasite:
Sanghyang Indah Spa Resort Jl Raya Sirih Km 128 Anyer, Serang Phone: 0254 600988
Umang Island Sumur sub district, Pandeglang district Phone: 0253 80331 0253 803351
Mambruk Anyer Hotel Jl Raya Karang Bolong, Cikoneng Village, Serang Phone: 0254 601602
The Jayakarta Anyer Jl Raya Karang Bolong Km 17/135, Anyer, Serang Phone: 0254 601783 Patra Anyer Beach Jl Raya Bandulu, Anyer, Serang Phone: 0254 601783
23 Destination: Banten Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Culinary in Banten
Restore the Spirit Tanjung Lesung Destination: Banten | Tanjung Lesung Photo: Dok Tanjung Lesung Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Pampered yourself in a well equipped facilities and natural beauty of Tanjung Lesung. The price and satisfaction is adequate.
ired of the busy life. It is time to enjoy the excitement and tranquility with the family or friends in Tanjung Lesung, Banten. You can have a fun picnic and holiday in an exclusive world class standard tour destina足 tion. Tanjung Lesung offered well equipped facilities and the beauty of nature with a back drop of Mount Anak Krakatau, white sand beach, blue sea, fresh air, and various fun activities. Tanjung Lesung with its 1.500-hectare land is pre足 pared to be the most equipped international tourism site besides Bali. As a new area, Tanjung Lesung is facilitated with 18 holes golf course, Marina for the yacht and cruise to dock, theme park, health farm and airstrip as the pad for the registered flight from Halim Perdansa Kusuma to Tanjung Lesung. The first flight is planned to take place at the end of 2013.
Accommodation The area does not only offer beauty and tourism activities, but also pampering with various high class facilities. For lodging, villas, hotels and even camping ground by the beach are available to offer a combination of adven ture and professional services. The Beach Club, Sailing club, and Green Coral Camping Ground are the four stars that give away different sensations in every visit.
All sorts of world trend activi ties from relaxation to adrenalin booster such as spear fishing, can be done in Tanjung Lesung. Beach Club is suitable for aqua sports lovers. They can indulge themselves with various activi ties like snorkeling, diving, banana boat, and jet ski. Snorkeling and diving are tourist’ favorite activities. They can admire the underwater beauty and its variety of biota and coral reef.
Sales & Marketing Tanjung Lesung Phone: 021 572 7225 / 0812 9261088 Villa Reservation: 021 5727345 Hotel Reservation: 021 57904731
Tanjung Lesung
ventional Economic Zone Facility received in 2012 has made it easy for investors in acquiring license and fiscal and non-fiscal advantages. Investment will benefit more with the support of infrastructure provided by the Central Govern ment in a form of toll road East Serang – South Panimbang and an international airport in South Panimbang. Investing or just touring to enjoy the beauty and facilities of Tanjung Lesung is as excit ing. The price and satisfaction is adequate. In Tanjung Lesung you can re-charge you spirit.
25 Destination: Banten | Tanjung Lesung Photo: Dok Tanjung Lesung Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Other than hotel, there is also Kalicaa Villa Estate in Tanjung Lesung. It has a choice of 1 to 3 bedrooms equipped with private pool. This property is owned by individual but managed by the management of Tanjung Lesung. In the near future, they will launch Beranda Villa with a dif ferent design. It will be equipped with private pool made of natural stone to form a mosaic. Beranda Villa offered several benefits in investment such as, 2 years of rental warranty with 9% rental income, 30 point for stay ing one year, free maintenance fee, electricity and water. Uncon
Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island
The Real Dragon in the World
Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Theiller wikimedia | Jordy
Kanawa Island, Park Komodo National
Lovely!This is the perfect word to describe the beaches in Komodo Island and its surrounding. Amazement adds up when you see the Indonesian ancient species which is known all over the world.
ou felt the sun burn your skin, as you get of the plane at Komodo Airport, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. In the waiting room of the airport the rental drivers take turn to offer their services. The rate is Rp50.000 to get to the city of Labuan Bajo or hotel. Do not hesitate to bargain, most tourist will be charged Rp30.000 for a 15 minutes ride from the airport to Labuan Bajo. Beach and boats docking at the harbor is the first fascinating scenery. You will experience a more enthralling beauty in Komodo Island and Pink Beach.
27 Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
The name Dragon is given to the komodo when it was first found in Komodo Island in 1910. At that time the Dutch sailors saw the giant animal that was called dragon by the local people. Lieutenant Steyn van Hens足 broek, Administrator of the Dutch Colony heard about the finding then sailed to the island. He captured the animal and brought to the Nether足 lands for research. Even though the research showed that, the animal is an ancient giant lizard but the name Komodo dragon is kept until now. There are about 2.853 komodos in the island. If added with the one that live in Rinca Island and Gili Montang the total will be 5.000 komodos. Komodo National Park is the con足 servation and breeding of komodo. Komodo Island is also one of the best diving spot in East Nusa Tenggara. There are 385 coral species, 70 kinds of coral reef, thousands species of fish, green turtle, 6 kinds of whale, 10 kinds of dolphin and varieties of shark.
DDestination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Wanto Umar Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Rent a Boat
Komodo Island
The tour package offered by the travel agents in Labuan Bajo can be a practical solution for tourists to explore Komodo Island and its surroundings. You can also arrange your own trip. It will be more economical to rent a boat if you travel in groups. You can join other group if you travel alone or with a partner. However, if money is not a problem then you have wider selections of boats depending on the availability. Where do you rent the boat? Some local travel agents offer arrangements and rent als. You can also go directly to Labuan Bajo Harbor. Another manner can be done by mingling with the local people, chat with the food stall or restaurant owner to get in formation on boat rental to Komodo Island and its surrounding. Boat rental rate varies, depending on the size and facilities in the boat. Some boats are offered for 1 million rupiahs and some 10 million rupiahs. Do not hesitate to bar gain! Make sure they provide food for the trip and agree on the route. Travel agents or the boat owner usually suggested starting the journey early in the morning, around 5 or 6 PM Indonesian Central Time. It takes 6 hours from Labuan Bajo to Ko modo Island or 1 to 2 hours by speedboat. In addition, it takes 4 hours from Labuan Bajo to Pulau Rinca.
Loh Liang is one of the entrance to Komodo Island. This is where tourists take care of their paper work and get some explanations on safety and rules. Take a short break, then start the journey to find the existence of the Komodo. One thing for sure tourist are not allowed to explore Komodo Island alone without the ranger’s assistance (Komodo handler). The ranger is in charge in guiding the tourist. There are three route to explore Komodo Island, one kilometer short trekking, five kilometers medium trek king and 10 kilometers long trekking. Along the way the ranger will explain many things such as, the nature of Komodo, the origin of the name, how they lay eggs and many more. The beauty of the ocean from the hill, the existence of the komodo, monkey and deer are views that can be seen in Komodo Island. Visiting the Komodo Island will be an unforgetable experience. There is a distinct sen sation when you see live the ancient animal that was named The Real Dragon in the World.
Facts Surrounding Komodo
2. Komodo is an ancient animal that is found only in Komodo Island, West Manggarai, Flores, Indonesia 3. Komodo in Indonesia live naturally. They hunt without the help of human. They usually prey on deer, buffalo, horse, monkey and others. Little komodo eat insects. 4. Komodo gobbles their prey without chewing (similar to snake). This creature only eats once a month.
5. Saliva is the komodo’s main weapon. Its saliva contains a huge amount of bacteria and is very dangerous. A bite can paralyze the stronger prey. It can be eaten within weeks. Recent stu dies said that a komodo has seven venom channels on its gum. The venom is the one that kills not the bacteria in the saliva. 6. An adult Komodo can run 18 kilometer per hour. 7. Komodo is a solitary animal, but they will gather to fight for their prey. 8. Komodo can live up 50 years. 9. The population of the female komodo is smaller than the male in a one to three ratios. 10. Mating season is bet ween July and August. Three males will fight for one female. Komodo can be very aggressive. They can even stand on their two back feet to fight. At this period komodo fight with each other frequently.
11. A month after they mate, the female will lay around 15 to 30 eggs. Female komodo will hide their eggs in a 2-meter deep hole. They also dig two fake holes to trick the predator. 12. They awaited the eggs for 3 months and then leave them. The eggs will hatch in nine months. Birth rate of baby komodo is up to 85%, but survival rate because of natural selection is around 10%-15%. 13. In certain circumstances, female komodo can lay eggs without fertilization. In this kind of situation, the eggs will hatch male baby komodo. Researchers suspect this miracle as a way to avoid extinction. 14. Komodo has a strong smelling. It is its strength and weakness at the same time. Its nostrils are the weakest spot. Rangers use this spot to drive them out using a stick when they are very aggressive.
15. The best visitation time to see Komodo is around March to August. Although lately climate anomalies often happen, those months the weather is usually bright. Moreover, in those months komodo are calmer. Meanwhile, they are more aggressive between September to January because of the mating season. 16. Researchers called Komodo the last ancient animal. They are categorized into the giant lizard. However, there are researches that link to the possi bility that komodo is related to the extinct dinosaurs.
29 Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
1. English name Komodo Dragon, local name Ora.
Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Tri Wibowo Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Safety Tips in Komodo Island • Do not visit Komodo Island on rainny season. The muddy and slippery road will give you difficulties.
• The management provides a kind of café in the island, but it is preferably to bring your own lunch since the café only provides snacks and drinks.
• Do not be wounded and bleed. Komodo has strong smelling. It can smell up to 5 kilometers. Komodo will be very aggressive when it smells blood.
• Women who are having their menstruation should report before the journey, so that the ranger will notify and anticipate.
• When trekking, follow and
obey the ranger’s instruction. A ranger will lead a group of five people.
• When taking pictures in a closer distant, do not separate yourself from the group and always notify the rangers so that they will warn you to keep your distance.
• Do not attract the attention of the komodo with sudden gesture; it will stimulate the reptile’s aggressiveness. Move slowly and carefully.
• Do not joke around, shout or any noisy action. Do not step on dry leafs or branches too often, a disturbed komodo can be very aggressive.
• Do not feed the komodo. They may look slow and lazy but
they can be very surprising.
• Do not smoke. The cigarette bud can be swallowed by the baby komodo that is looking for food. Moreover, Komodo Island is very dry and withered because of the sun heat.
• Do not litter. Not only for sanitary reason but also for the safety of the komodo. Trash can kill when eaten by komodo.
• Cover your skin with sunscreen. Wear sunglasses and hat to protect your eyes from the sun’s radiation.
• Do not forget to apply mosquito repellent because Labuan Bajo and its surrounding are malaria endemic area.
Labuan Bajo on a Glance
ACCESS Air Line • Via Kupang Fly with Sky Air, Trans Nusa, Merpati or Wing Air • Via Denpasar Fly with Sky Air, Trans Nusa, Merpati or Wing Air • All flights to Labuan Bajo. 2 flights per day
Komodo Island Tickets Type
Local tourist (wisnus) ticket Foreign tourist (wisman) ticket Non-commercial Handy cam wisnus Non-commercial camera wisnus Non-commercial Handy cam wisman Non-commercial camera wisman
Rp2.500/person Rp20.000/person Rp15 ribu/unit Rp5.000/unit Rp150.000/unit Rp50.000/unit
Sea Line • Benoa Bali-Labuhan Bajo, sail with Pelni boat twice a week • Makassar- Labuhan Bajo, sail with Pelni boat twice a week • Sape Bima Harbor-Labuhan Bajo sail with ferry boat everyday Bus: You can reach Labuan bajo by bus from Denpasar. The bus fare is about Rp350.000.
Tour Guide Rate in Komodo Island Source:
Loh Buaya Loh Buaya – Wae Waso Loh Buaya – Loh Kimia Loh Buaya – Golo Kode Loh Buaya – Golo Kode Loh Buaya - Kerora
Loh Liang Rp50.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp150.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp150.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp100.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp300.000/group (1-5 persons)
Loh Liang – Banu Nggulung Loh Liang - Poreng Loh Liang - Sebita Loh Liang – Gunung Ara
Rp50.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp150.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp200.000/group (1-5 persons) Rp250.000/group (1-5 persons)
31 Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Wanto Umar | Tri Wibowo Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Labuan Bajo is a small fishermen city in East Nusa Tenggara. The city that can be explored by foot is the entrance to Komodo Island, Rinca Island, Pink Beach and other islands. You can reach Labuan Bajo by air, water and land through Denpasar and Kupang. The city’s glory keeps on rising interna tionally not just because the famous rep tile but also the success of Sail Komodo in October 2013.
Tourism Object Around Labuan Bajo
INFO Komodo National Park Hall
Pink Beach
This is one of the tourism
Destination: Labuan Bajo | Komodo Island Photo: Tri Wibowo Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
primadona in Labuan Bajo. The pink sand can be seen clearly, when the water that brush the beach dwindle back into the ocean. The pink sand is from the fragments of the pink coral in the area. Pink Beach is lovely; the clear water is heaven for those who love snorkeling. In certain spots, diving is guaranteed fascinating. To keep the beauty of Pink Beach, boats are not allowed to dock. Visitors will be picked up by the fisherman’s boat.
Kambing Island (Goat Island)
Batu Cermin Cave (Mirror Stone Cave)
The color of the
Batu Cermin Cave is is one of the most
coral in the island is well known for its beauty. Boats can dock in Kam bing Island. People can view the sun set and hundreds of bats fly out of the nest to fill the evening sky.
visited tourist object in Labuan Bajo. The location is only 4 kilometer out of the city center. The entrance ticket is only Rp10.000/person and if you want to hire a tour guide just add another Rp10.000/ person. Just like entering, any cave you will be equipped with flashlight and helmet. The cave was found by an archeologist named Theodore Verhoven. Later it became a tourist attraction. The cave was called Batu Cermin, because at 9 AM to 12 noon Indonesian Central Time, the stones in the cave shines and the water underneath it reflected lights as if a mirror.
Jl Kasimo, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara 86554 Phone/fax: 0385-41005 - 41006 Email:
Green Hill Boutique Hotel Jl Soekarno Hatta, Labuan Bajo, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Phone: 0385 41289/0385 41290 http://greenhillboutiquehotel. com
Bintang Flores Jl Raya Pede GorontaloLabuhan Bajo Phone: (0385) 42000
Hotel Jayakarta Jl Raya Pede GorontaloLabuhan Bajo Phone: (0385) 41688
Luwansa Beach Resort Pantau Pede Labuhan Bajo, Flores Phone: (0385) 2443677
Komodo resort & Diving Tj Pelinta, Sebayur Island, Komodo West Manggarai - Flores
Panduan jelaja h indonesia EDiSi i | SEPT EmBE
R 2013
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Family Vacation | Batu Tapak Photo: Sulha Handayani Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Family Vacation
Spend the Holiday Camping
By: Sulha Handayani
Is it possible to bring a five year old kid and a 70 year old parent on a camping trip. I have proven that camping is for all ages.
O spend the holi day with camping is something I doubted. But when I browse the internet and did a little survey, the desire burn out. There are some interest ing location to visit, those are Rakata Tanakita in Cisaat Sukabumi, Matahari in Puncak, Happyland, Batutulis, Bogor, Bravo Camp in Sukabumi, And also Batu Tapak in Ci dahu Village, Sukabumi. When you are at Rakata Tanakitai you will feel like stay ing at a five star hotel because
of its facilities. Meanwhile in Batu Tapak with a limited and simple equipment, you will get an ordinary camping sensa tion. Both places have plus and minuses. Rakata Tanaki tai and Batu Tapak are two interesting places to visit but considering our goal and bud get on this vacation we picked Batu Tapak as our destination. In Batu Tapak we have the op portunity to teach the children to cook, bathe in the river and eat on top of a big rock. Children will get a different experience; they learn to be in dependent and to get to know
nature at the same time. The topography of the camping site in Batu Tapak has contour and is decorated with large natural rocks. The 2,5 hectare camping site is di vided into three areas, the flat land on the hill, in the middle by the river and waterfall, or below near the cafeteria. Batu Tapak has a beauti ful panoramic view, with a backdrop of Mount Gede and Pangrango. Direction of view reached 180 degrees, including the green valley of resin forest. You can also enjoy the city of Cicurug and the surrounding villages. The twinkling lights of Cisarua Puncak make the evening at the camping site merrier.
Family Vacation | Batu Tapak Photo: Sulha Handayani Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Family Vacation | Batu Tapak Photo: Sulha Handayani Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
To Camp with Toddlers Is it possible to bring tod dlers on a camping trip? Don’t worry! Our family took Vava our kindergartener and our two year old twins Kirana and Kinara. I even brought a long my 70 year old mother who is still active. The manager of Batu Tapak, Yulius Fanumbi, his wife and the staff member are so dexterous in assisting the guests that bring tod dlers and seniors. Batu Tapak is designed for beginners, equiped with a little mosque, bathroom and simple menu cafeteria. If you want to prepare your own food, cook ing appliance are available. The management provides from stove to all sizes of pots
depending on the number of people. Lights, mattresses up to special treatments are also available for those who want to sleep comfortably in a tent. Although most of your needs are provided but you can still feel the natural camp ing atmosphere. The manage ment rented some simple tools in order not to spoil the self-reliant nuance in the nature. In Batu Tapak you can build a stronger family relation ship. In the past three years, I have camp seven times at this place. Six times with the whole family and one time joining the company’s out bond.
Visitors can usually do these activities such as, playing in the water, bathing in the river, trek king, and cliff climbing. Other than those activities, Batu Tapak also provides activities like, paintball, flying fox, two-line Bridge, spider web and many more. The man agement will also provide activi ties that is requested by compa nies which are having out bond there. Having been camping in Batu Tapak many times did not bore the children. They always enjoy playing at the rice paddy pathway while walking towards the loca tion of the waterfall. The children can see the buffalo plough the rice fields and learn various kinds of plants. Cooking is the activ ity they cannot wait to have. We brought our own raw materials. We keep them at the cafeteria.
Loction Rp20.000/ person/night Rp 30.000/person/two nights Rp 50.000/family
Tent Platoon Tent 20 people Rp 1.250.000 CharlyTent 7 people Rp 400.000 Dome Tent 4 people Rp150.000 Sleeping Bag Rp 30.000 Tarp 4x4 Rp 150.000 Tarp 4 X 8 Rp 250.000 Tarp 8x8 Rp 450.000 1 Sponge mattress Rp 15.000 1 Sponge leather mattress Rp30.000 1 Pillow Rp 15.000
VIP Dome Tent 6 people 3 mattresses Rp 800.00/night Dome Tent 4 people, 2 mattresses Rp600.000/night Dome Tent 2 people 1 mattresses Rp400.000/night
37 Family Vacation | Batu Tapak Photo: Sulha Handayani Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Rental Price:
Batu Tapak is located 900 me ters above the sea level. It can be reached by public transportation Cicurug-Cidahu route. If you drive your own vehicle, passed through Cicurug towards Cidahu Village 15 kilometers from Javana Spa area. Cidahu is a sub district in Sukabumi district, the Province of West Java. You can reach the area 2,5 hours on regular days and 3,5 hours on holidays or weekends. From Bogor take the route to Sukabumi, passed Cicurug Market and a gas station, 200 meter later turn right. Pay attention to the land mark until you see Javana Spa sign board, 12 kilometers later you will reach Batu Tapak Camping Ground Through this route, you will pass Kratingdaeng and Aqua factory. The road is ascending but overall it is smooth and comfortable. At kilometer 12, take the gate on the right to get into the parking location at Batu Tapak Camping Ground. You will not find a board sign to Batu Tapak the only sign says Cangkuang Tour. Both places have Camping Grounds but they are operated by different manage ment. Cangkuang is managed by Perhutani Public Business Entity, while Batu Tapak is managed privately. Batu Tapak is suitable for public and beginners because the place is made orderly, close to the plantation and waterfall.
Community Photo: Dok WTM Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Weekend Without the Mall Weekend without the Mall is not an antimall movement! It is just an encouragement to people and families to spend the holiday with a more creative and educative way by recognizing the neighborhood and the city we live in.
eekend is the best time of the week for those who live in a big city like Jakarta. To relax with friends or family on the weekend is a solution to release the weariness after five days of work. The main targets are usually malls, plazas, atriums, squares and the onestop-service structures. People neglect tourism that values
education and other positive val ues because of lack of information, hidden access and other barriers. “From that point Wiken Tanpa ke Mall (Weekend Without the Mall) or usually called WTM come into be ing,” said Opang, who was elected Public Relation. WTM used to be a community before it develops into a movement. Wiken Tanpa ke Mall was born out of a chit-chat of a group of young
people and young families in August 2008. In the chat came out the long ing of visiting alternative, educative, creative but fun tourism places. The purpose was to enhance the concern on the environment. “Our main goal is to offer alterna tive ideas in enjoying a quality week end with the family or friends, to invite the people to have a creative, educative and fun weekend and to be acquainted with the environment and the city they live in,” explained Opang. From there, various kinds of simple but fun activities came into being. Unfortunately, because of the organizer’s activities WTM temporarily stopped organizing
Ragunan is WTM’s initial pro gram. In Ragunan WTM invited its members to enjoy the weekend by playing the scout’s games such as to follow the trace. Members are divided into several groups. Each group will trace the route set by the organizer. After a certain distant, the group will stop at the play stations such as, Ular Tangga station, playing with the snakes station guided by SIOUX, The Study on Snake Institute, tradi sional games station and the last station is trashcan painting.
Acik in Cikini What can you do in Cikini? WTM invites you to enjoy the weekend by exploring the historical track in Cikini. We start from Gedug Joang ’45 – Cikini Post Office – Tan Ek Tjoan Bakery – Maisson Benny Bakery, and the Planetarium to experience science together.
Fun to Play with Ceramic This activity takes place at the Museum of Art and Ceramic. Other than exploring the museum’s collection, members are invited to make ceramics guided by Nia Gautama, the Indonesian potter with International reputa tion.
activities since 2012. “But we still actively invite people to fill up their weekend with inventive activities,” explained Opang. He also gives some achieved WTM program as an example that will inspire people. Other activities can be attrac tively presented while exploring the surrounding neighborhood. WTM expects the movement keep on inspiring the forming of other communities that produce creative ideas on weekend WIKEN TANPA KE MALL Email : Facebook: Wiken Tanpa Ke Mall | Twitter : Wikentanpamall
To Reap Poems at Botanical Garden Light dialog with Sapardi Djoko Damo no at Bogor Botanical Garden. Picnic while discussing, reading and making poetry with one of Indone sia’s best poet, Sa pardi Djoko Damono. “Although there are some members who have no idea on poetry, but at the end of the event there are hundreds of poems written by the members and organizers published in a form of a book titled: Ternyata Puisi itu Asyik (Obviously Poetry is Fun)!
activities in Jakarta and other big cities. WTM is not an anti mall movement. “We want to encourage people not to give up with one idea just to fill up the weekend by going to the mall. If we want to look further, there still lots of places in Jakarta that can be explored and creative activities that can be done with family and friends. Let us spend the week end without going to the mall. We believe in a healthy weekend there is a strong weekdays!”
39 Community Photo: Dok WTM Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Don’t Hesitate to go to Ragunan
Try Your Guts at ZOMBIE CAFE
Culinary Photo: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Now a days, serving delicious food is not enough. People need a distinctive sensation while dining. Zombie Cafe effortly combine the two in their cuisine.
ake time to stroll the pedestrian zone at Braga Street when visiting Bandung. You can spoil your eyes with the beautiful ar chitecture of the old buildings from the Dutch colony, at the same time Braga entertain you with various shopping and culi nary tour. On one side of the street there lies an old building. Being deserted by the owner for so many years the building became haunt ed. The sign on the building says Zombie Café. The café that operates on September 2013 serves Western, Mexican and Italian cuisine in a horror atmosphere just like the name of the café. The atmosphere is build up as you enter the entrance gate. Right above the gate, a sign says, “You Dare, You Come In”. As you step inside, a bleeding zombie doll stands by the entrance door to Zombie Land. “Zombie Land is a kind of haunted house. For visitors that have guts can get in for free while waiting for the food and drink to come,” said Andri Irawan, General Manager Zombie Café.
Zombie Cafe
Jl Braga No 3 Bandung Jam buka: pukul 11.00 WIB hingga 02.00 WIB Kisaran harga per menu Rp15 ribu hingga Rp90 ribu
Zombie Land it was made into a café. The interior of the café can be divided into several parts, bar, inner room, terrace, and some open air pavilion. Some unique names are used in the menu, the nuance is horror. For appetizers, Zombie Quesadilla, made of tortilla flour, baked with feta cheese, chicken diced and avocado sauce. It tastes savory and a little hot. There is also Cheesy Nachos, Soul Crusher. Mexican style fried corn flour serves with olives, salsa, cheese and jalapeno. For main course, a choice of steak, pasta or pizza is available. Indonesian cuisine such as fried duck, lamb fried rice, ox tail soup served in three different ways grilled, fried or boiled are also available. “Everything is delicious and affordable,” said Andri. Satisfied with the main course, a bowl of fresh Mango Soup is ready for your dessert. You can choose Crème Brule Dark Halloween Horror, a sweet and smooth classic roasted cream. For drinks, visitors can order Zombie in Wonderland, a combination of pineapple and orange juice served with grenadine syrup and cream so refreshing.
41 Culinary Photo: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
The lights in Zombie Land are dim. All kinds of horrible dolls with wound and blood stand along the way. It becomes creepier with the sound of a woman laugh ing, shouting and singer singing followed by gamelan. There are some parts of the floor made to shock people. If you step on that shocking part a zombie will hug you form behind Satisfied with the challenge, visi tors can relax themselves in the comfortable and not too spooky café. There are only some zombie ornaments and pictures, showing unidentified appearance in the building, before
Indonesia’s Leading Restaurant Chain
“Bumbu Desa present modern Indonesia – Asian cuisine. It provides a well defined, sophisticated, elegant dining where the producers and customers are brought together in celebration, with the best in service and cutting edge serene aesthetics”
INDONESIA Medan | Padang | Pekanbaru | Bukittinggi | Bengkulu | Palembang | Batam | Bintan | Bangka | Lampung | Jakarta | Bekasi | Depok | Karawang | Bogor | Bandung | Cirebon | Semarang | Solo | Jogja | Surabaya | Kediri | Malang | Bali | Makasar | Gorontalo | Menado | Pontianak | Batulicin | Banjarmasin MALAYSIA KLCC | Alamanda | The Curve | Midvaley |
Bumbu Desa - Indonesia |
Umbra Bar & Lounge UMBRA is still a hot place to hang out in Jakarta. The place was officially operated in Febru ary 2012 with Western and Asian food in the menu. On a 420 square meter land, visitors have a choice to dine indoor or outdoor. Its interior is adopted from the old time European nu ance. Steel and wood dominate the interior. The combination looks simple but elegant. What is special about this place? Live music played every day by best quality Indonesian bands. They play quality music that suits the theme of the day.
Jl Taman Kemang 1 No. 6, Jakarta 12730, Indonesia Phone: +62 821-1000-6000
Rock Bar
Tourism Object | Culinary Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
ROCK Bar is a hang out place that lately had a great vogue in Bali. It is part of Ayana Resort & Spa, built on the edge of a cliff of Pantai Krisik, Jimbaran. Rock Bar is open for public. It serves food and drinks, but the main menu is the extraordinary beach view. Rock Bar opens from 4 PM to 1 AM Indonesian Central Time. You can experience its romantic ambience while din ing and enjoying the sunset. For those who lodge at Ayana Resort will get the best place to relax and enjoy the view.
Ayana Resort & Spa Jl Karang Mas Sejahtera, Jimbaran, Bali Phone: 0361 702222
Kamikoti Kamikoti offered a cozy Jogjakarta style atmosphere along with various art objects displayed on the wall. The location is strategic, near the plaza and a place where art lovers’ community gathered. Friendly but professional café personnel are its specialty. Foods are worth trying, a five star hotel taste with student’s price. That is what they say. Other than the food, Kamikoti is known for its coffee, tea and late. Do not miss the comfort offered at Kamikoti when visit Jogjakarta.
Jl Ngadisuryan No 4 South Plaza Yogyakarta Phone: 0274 371916
The Strudel Factory House & Café Dessert lovers must visit this place. You can find The Strudel in Bandung and Bali. ‘The Strudel’ means varieties of cakes. The café serves all sorts of cakes and desserts that arouse your ap petite but affordable. It also serves varieties of main courses. Other than culinary, The Strudel also offers comfortable dine in atmosphere and attractive food serving from dessert to the main course.
Jl Progo 13A Bandung
Carpentier Kitchen NICE, a comment that is usually said when entering Carpentier Kitchen. The unique concept of Carpentier, the fusion of modern and vintage style, is like sitting at the ter race of your own home. It s lo cated at Ore Shop. So, before entering the café, visitors are invited to stroll around to see indie clothing and accesso ries. Carpentier is well known among young people, a place to hang out while talking about indie fashion in Surabaya. The café is also known for its delicious food and drinks with suitable prices.
Ore Building, Jl Untung Suropati No 83, Surabaya Phone: 031 5682074
Distric 10 Distric 10 is a Singaporean franchise restaurant, available in Medan on the mid of this year. It is located at the ground floor of Gedung Forum 9. Other than the black dining tables, Distric 10 is also equipped with a long bar table dominated with bricks interior. The restaurant serves food what they called Indo-Eropa. The menu varies, from fried tempe to steak. The composition of IndonesianEuropean cuisine is available. Such as baso wangyu serves with tomato sauce and fresh basil. Distric 10 enliven the culinary in Medan.
Forum 9, Jl.Imam Bonjol No.9 Medan, 20112, North Sumatera, Indonesia Phone: (061) 8050 – 1660
It is located at Sabang area, Central Jakarta. The shop is small, long and narrow, with a less than 3 meters wide front part. It is sometimes missed because of the cars and motor cycles that parked in front of the shop. Saudagar Kopi can be a fun place to release weari ness after work or to wait for traffic to die down in Jakarta. The brewed coffee and food are not disappointing with afford able price and equipped with wifi. With all its advantages, Saudagar Kopi has its own regular customers.
Jl H Agus Salim No. 26 F Phone. (021) 314 3270 Central Jakarta
Kampoeng Kopi Banaran KAMPOENG Kopi Banaran is not just a place to drink coffee. It is also an Agro Tourism owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero). The place is located at the coffee plantation of Getas Afdeling Assinan Plantation at Jl. Raya Semarang-Solo Km 35 at 480 – 600m above sea level. The temperature there is cool between 23ºC - 27º C. All sorts of brewed coffee and snacks such as fried ba nana and cassava are worth trying. Because of its wide and strategic location, the place often becomes a place for bikers to stop. The area is equipped with out bond facilities and children’s playground
Jl. Raya Bawen-Solo Km.1,5 Phone.(0298) 7101770
Pecel Srundeng Hasanudin PECEL is one of the foods known in Semarang. Other than pecel uleg Bu Sri that was established years ago, there is also Pecel Srundeng Hasanudin. The eatery is named after the street where it is located. The place, located on the sidewalk of Jalan Hasanudin, is open only at night. Although it is only a street vendor but you can see luxurious cars, taxi and motorcycles parked on the park ing lot. A portion of pecel rice is Rp7.000. However, when you add other side dish such as shell satay, martabak, liver, gizzard and many other, you end up paying Rp36.000. Stop by the place the next time you visit Semarang.
Taman Santap Rumah kayu SESUAI dengan namanya, Restoran Rumah Kayu didomi nasi dengan bahan bangunan kayu. Terlihat asri, dibuat dalam bentuk saung-saung dan lobi besar, lengkap dengan arena bermain anak-anak. Rumah kayu berkapasi tas 1.000 orang, sehingga cocok di gunakan untuk pertemuan keluarga besar, arisan, meeting, atau sejen isnya. Menu yang ditawarkan ber variasi, aneka tumis sayuran, cumi, kepiting, udang, ikan kukus, bakar, Taman Santap Rumah kayu Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara SKL sampai nasi goreng. Minumannya 002 (next to Pahoa) pun cukup bervariasi. Rumah kayu Gading Serpong masih satu grup dengan Sriwijaya Summarecon, Tangerang Air, selain di Tangerang juga ada di Phone. 021 54212011 / Lampung. 54212012
Ria Djenaka Coffee House and Resto SUASANA tempoe doeloe sangat terasa di Ria Djenaka, sebuah nama yang mengin gatkan pada acara canda di TVRI zaman dulu. Ria Djenaka menjadi tempat nongkrong anak muda dan komunitas di Malang. Suasananya hangat, layanannya ramah, dileng kapi musik hidup, dan aneka pilihan olahan kopi. Menunya cukup beragam, dengan harga terjangkau. Bangunan Ria Djenaka terdiri dari dua lantai, konsepnya menggabungkan antara kuliner, tempat hang out, entertaiment, musik, dan tentu saja warung kopi.
Jl Bandung No 5, Malang Phone: 0341 551 003
Rumahku Art Café RUMAHKU Art Cafe is designed like a home. You can release wea riness while enjoying a cup of cof fee or other serving on the menu. The interior is attractive. It is often become the object of photogra phy or a pre wed photo session location. Rumahku Art Café is also a place for artists to express their ideas. If you come on the right time, you can enjoy a delicious treat while appreciating the paint ings or other art exhibition.
Jalan Hasanudin Semarang
Puri Cendrawasih Kav.5 Magelang (In front of Puri Asri Hotel) Phone: 0293 314 8589
Tourism Object | Culinary Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Saudagar Kopi
Tourism Object
Hong Community
Holiday Info | Tourism Object Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Pakarangan Ulin Dago Pakar Bandung Folk Game Study Center Jl Bukit Pakar Utara 35 Dago Bandung 40198 Phone. +62 22 2515775; 085295111950 Ticket Rp50.000/person
If you spend your holiday in Bandung, stop by at Hong Community in Dago Pakar. Here children will be introduced and played hundreds of traditional games. There are games that uses plaything or group games that uses tools such as pushed cart. It is fun to see children busy trying and knowing old games such as walking stilts, horse riding, marbles and many other. Parents and children can learn to make craft from palm leaf.
Floating Market
Jl. Grand Hotel No. 33E Lembang, West Java +62708 888 81 Business Hours: 8.00 - 18.00 Ticket Rp 10.000/ person Floating market coin: Rp5.000, Rp10.000, Rp50.000, Rp100.000
FlOATING Market in Lembang Bandung is a place worth consider ing spending the holiday. A wide location with a backdrop of moun tain and fresh air of Lembang. The concept is unique, a combination of culinary and educative play ground. If you want to enjoy the view and atmosphere, a row of café like kiosk can be a choice. If you want a unique experience there are boats that sell selec tions of food, snacks and drinks at the edge of the lake located at the center of the area. You can purchase using coins provided at the counter.
Tanah Tingal (Tingal Land)
Jl Merpati Raya No.32 Sawah Baru- Jombang Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten Phone: 021 740 9454, 7409429
TANAH Tingal can be an alternative holiday location near Jakarta. It gives a fun and distinctive nuance. Children can learn and get up close with the nature. They get to know plants, or to plant and pound rice, play in the mud and enjoy various out bond games designed to build up children’s confident. Children can learn to recycle papers, paint farmer’s hat, ceramic, bathe the buffalo and many more.
Godong Ijo
Jl. Cinangka Raya KM 10 No. 60 Serua Bojongsari, Sawangan Depok, West Java 16517 Phone/Fax : 021-74710678/ 021 – 741-3334 Business hours: 09.00 – 17.00
GODONG Ijo is a family recreational and educational place. Parents and children can learn a lot on plants and the maintenance. At Godong Ijo Educational Plantation, you can see all sorts of unique plants. The 2,5 hectare land is also equipped with fishing pond and restaurant with wifi. The management provides interesting pack ages of educational tour.
Elephant Safari Park
Jl Elephant Park Taro, Taro Village, Tegallalang, Ubud, Bali Phone: 0361-8988888
Jl Tugu No 3, Malang, East Java Phone. 0341-363891
Tugu Malang Hotel not only offered lodging but also past time nuance rich with histories. Attractive interior, best service in all you get what you pay for. The hotel’s decorations are antiques with stories behind each one of them. Various selections of rooms with different decorations and arrangements that suit the name of each room such as, Honey Moonlight Suite, Apsara Residence, Raden Saleh Suite.
Jeeva Beloam
Jl Pantai Beloam, Tanjung Ringgit, Sekaroh, Jerowaru, East Lombok Phone: 0370-693035
INDONESIA is amazing. Jeeva Beloam Hotel can describe the exotic and beauty of Indonesia. Guest rooms in a form of huts lie by the beach. The atmo sphere is serene, far away from the crowd and city center. This is the best place for those who wish to have a peaceful holiday with a backdrop of the beautiful nature.
Bumi Bandhawa Jalan Konstitusi I No16 Bandung, West Java Phone: 022-82522724
BUMI Bandhawa offered homey comfortable and beautiful place to stay with huge yard, dense pine trees and attractive garden arrangement. You can feel a warm sensation in every guest and other rooms. Bumi Bandhawa only pro vides 16 guest rooms along with its professional and satisfying services. Previ ously, it was a residence that was renovated and added more rooms to be a hotel.
This hotel is worth trying. it offers a distinc tive atmosphere, sleeping in the middle of elephant park with modern equipments. As you open the window in the morning, lays the park with elephants and their activities. If you want to have breakfast, the elephant will pick you up and take you to the loca tion. Elephant Safari Park offers various educational activities. The life, habits, population and everything about elephants is explained in a fun way such as elephant back ride and various attractions.
Dusun Jogja Village Jl Menukan No 5, Jogjakarta Phone: 0274-373031
ROMANTIC and serene. If you go to Jogjakarta, try to lodge at Dusun Jogja Village. It is not a big hotel but arranged to give a village atmosphere. All kinds of trees thrive to decorate the hotel’s rooms, mainly with wooden nuance. The bathroom is a combination of open and closed space. There is a reading corner at the lobby and a room equipped with home theater to watch video. The swimming pool in the center of the garden is enjoyable.
47 Holiday Info | Accomodation Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Tugu Malang Hotel
Tips & Trick
Photo & Tour Addiction
Photography is not just about inspiration but also to feel the soul of the object that you are going to capture.
New Object
Try to find fresh new objects that have not been exposed by other photographers.
Leave the Camera
Do not spend the whole trip to look through the lens. Enjoy the journey by exploring the place to freshen the mind. That way you can have a different perspective on your object.
Tips & Trik Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Be Natural
Hunting for photo object can be addicted and has no age limit. To travel, to look and to wait for attractive object is relaxing. Photo and tour, two soul in one body.
Wake Up Early
Do not spent time to study the camera in the location. That should already been done at home.
tour without taking pictures will not give you any satisfaction. Your skill and sen sitivity will improve in time and effort. Here are some tips from Digital Photo graphy School (digital-photo that you can apply wherever and whenever.
The best time to capture an object is one hour after sunrise and before sunset. So, wake up early to get that magnificent moment.
Do Some Research
The more you know about your destination, the easier to hunt for object.
Study the Camera
Try to enjoy the benefit of natural luminance before you purchase an expensive flash disk or reflector.
Stop Arguing
Equipment is important, but do not forget camera is just an instrument. Learn to work hard to reach your goal.
Find an Instructor
The best way to learn is to watch the expert in practice. Anybody can take pictures how ever to know the right exposure, you need experience and help from other people.
Choose the Right Place to Lodge
Do not Stop Traveling
The location and atmosphere of the lodge will affect on getting the object that you wish.
A good travel photographer has to keep his portfolio. So, keep on traveling.
Be Human
Communicate with the local people is the key to get the attractive ob ject that you want.
Look for Inspiration
Study other photographer’s portfolio and get some ideas from there. Do not underestimate inspirations.
Treat your subject right. Oded Wagenstein, a world-class travel photographer and writer is known for his photograph that describe intimate cultural touch. His work puts emphasize in understanding the culture and the relationship with the people in the photograph.
.com erials
NanoTouch Mat Travel Dissemination of disease such as flu bird by hands or objects has worry travelers. Nano Touch Mat Travel can be a solution. It looks like a plate mat equipped NanoSeptic, a mixture of nanotechnology and chemistry. The surface of Nano Touch Mat travel is antimicrobial, capable to kill bacteria, virus, and fungi, without contributing to antimicrobial resistance and toxic or other heavy metal free. The fun part, Nano Touch Mat Travel can be cleaned and used constantly. bisa dibersihkan dan dipakai terus-menerus. The packaging is practical; it can be inserted into the tube and easily tossed in the bag. Purchase the product at for $9,95 or about Rp120 ribu.
Music has become part of a lifestyle, travel, and relaxation. Mu sic is also an important means when you want to hold a party by the beach or other tourist places far from an electric range. Rugged Solar Rucus Speaker (Eton Rugged Ru cus) is a small device that offers sound system to complete your holiday by organiz ing parties by the beaches, mountains, etc. The product is designed in a wireless system that creates an all-out stereo sound. The only condition is to travel where there is lots of sun. It uses a lithium solar power battery, a device that could save power up to eight hours. If everything is fulfilled, enjoy varieties of music that can be connected with any equipment through bluetooth. It can also be connected with a micro USB cable and Smartphone charger. A USB device allows the deposit of various music and song. Rugged Rucus Solar Speaker is practical and easy to carry. It is small, 16.3 x 15.1 x 4.6 cm, you can pack in a suitcase or back pack. The price is offered US$ 99.99. for more info please click
HapiFork VACATION but still worried of gaining weight? HapiFork electronic maybe one of the solution. The special fork is designed vibrate, when you feed more than once in 10 seconds. The vibration is a reminder to control the con Courtesy of HAPILABS/ sumption and to slow down the way you eat, so that the food is chewed right and ultimately influence the portion of the meal. HapiFork manufacturers claimed this magic fork can help control cholesterol levels as well as the amount of food that has been swallowed. HapiFork is offered US$ 99. Interested? Klick
51 Klick Chick Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Secure & Funny
Rugged Rucus Solar Speaker
This Nation Needs Remedy!
O doubt, Indonesia is extraordinary rich. It has 400 volcanoes, more than one thousand ethnic groups, arts, cultures, dozens of national parks, and six of them is in UNESCO World Heritage Site’s list. Unfortunately, many of the nation do not aware and appreciate the richness of their own country. Let alone, promoting it to the international world, they sometimes are reluctant just to see and experience it for themselves. Traveling over seas is more interesting and prestigious. Jaya Suprana the founder of Jamu Jago puts this condition forward. So what needs to be done? Destinasi Indonesia tries to dig into his think ing, the man who is known as a pianist, writer, humanist and television host. Below is part of the interview.
Blitz Photo: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
What do you think about Indonesian Tourism? Natural and cultural tourism of Indonesia is the best. Imagine, this country has dozens of national parks and cultural heritages that are ac knowledged and protected by the world. People put a lot of effort just to see Borobudur Temple. While Indonesians like to go to countries that does not even own cultural heritage. They do not go there just to travel. They even go there to die. They are so proud to die at one of the hospitals abroad, very proud. It says in the newspaper in big letters: Rest in Peace our beloved father in the neighboring country. This nation is sick.
What should be done? Firstly, the national pride has to be resurrected. The nation has to learn to respect its own work, not respecting other nation’s work. It seems any thing that comes from abroad is the best. The na tion needs to be healed starting from the young generations which are easier to embrace. What kind of action? One of the acton is to introduce the culture and achievement of the nation. That is our purpose of establishing Jamu Jago and MURI Museum in Semarang and our target are young generations and schoolchildren. At Jamu Jago Museum, the young generations can learn about the history of
Will WOIP that you lead contribute? Of course. Not long ago Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka (WOIP) present a performance titled Arjuna Galau. The performance is presented for the young generations of Indonesia, so they are familiar with the nation’s art tradition and at the end the national pride will grow. WOIP has performed overseas several times. In which country WOIP has ever performed and what are the purposes? In 2010, WOIP performed at Sydney Opera House, Australia. More than 2000 people welcomed us enthusiastically. Then in 2012,
WOIP performed in one of the cultural event at UNESCO quarter in Paris, France. At that time, delegates from 160 countries in the world watched us. From the performance, foreigners will know about Indonesian culture. They may also know the greatness of our culture and will be more interested in visiting Indonesia. What do you hope for Indonesian Tourism? My highest expectation is the people to appreciate their own art and culture because the two are worth appreciated. As we take ac count on our art and culture the national pride will emerge, then domestic tourism can be the primary choice. I do not want to be too pompous in having vision and mission on improving the local tour ism. To me, action is more important than vi sion and mission. For that purpose, I will keep on developing the Jamu and MURI Museum to help grow the national pride within the young generations. Moreover, I will keep on perform ing wayang orang in countries around the world so that other nations will be interested in coming to Indonesia. Prayed that in the near future I will be on the trip to perform in Rusia.
53 Blitz Photo: Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
jamu, to see the plants, blends of ingredients, and to try the jamu while listening to gamelan. Then they can continue the visit to MURI Museum located in the same area. There you can see the records made by the people through photos and slides. This year we will also operate MURI Gallery at Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. At the gallery, the young generations can see how incredible this nation is, that way the seeds of the national pride will grow.
Lodging Trend Among Y Generation
HAT does the hospitality industry need to learn in capturing the explosion of the Y Generation or known as the Millennium Generation? This genera足 tion starts to dominate the travel activities of the previous generation. Here are some facts revealed by
Horizon Photo: Destinasi Indonesia/Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Siapakah Generasi Y?
Generasi Y adalah generasi yang lahir antara 1980 hingga 1999. Sebagian dari mere足 ka masih bergantung pada orangtua, namun generasi awal sudah mulai mandiri dan mencapai kemapanan.
The American Express Survey
The American Express Survey shows the traveling and shopping expenditure increase in this generation. Some of the Y Generation has reached the peak of their carrier and became the decider of million or even billions of dollars. The move足 ment of this generation is estimated to reach its peak in 2017.
The Y Generation has a habit of digging information through the web, search engine, and review sites such as TripAdvisor. They will look for new information, before they decide where to and where at to lodge. Hotel, resort and other types of lodging that does not follow the technology trend will be left behind and omitted. To control content, there is no other way; hotels have to provide comprehensive information and mate rial, to avoid bad review. Comprehensive and valid information with experience and user’s testimony of this generation will help to counter damaging issues.
Velocity and Efficiency The Y Genertion Trend heads to veloc ity and efficiency of service. That is why they like the concept of chain hotel such as Aloft and Yotel. There is a habit shift ing from the previous generation that prioritizes service and interactions with the hotel staff. This generation believes that talking to the concierge is just a waste of time when information can be acquired through smartphone. Technolo gy is the key comfort to this generation.
Social Media Domination Social Media like twitter, facebook, instagram, dominate the life Y Genera tion. They demand fast and real time information through social media. They expect the same way from the hospi tality industry. The Y Generation likes to share information, activities, and
Review The Y Generation or so-called Millen nium Generation is always bombarded with advertisement. However, they are too sophisticated to swallow every ad vertisement they see. They will look for friends to get reviews or the best com mentary on what they are looking for. Again, they will do it through technology and social media.
Social Creature Millennium Generations are social creatures, online and offline. Although there are assumptions that this gen eration is lack of interactions. In reality they are connected to hundreds or even thousands of friends in a different way as to the previous generation. Messag es on Facebook , GChatting, WhatsApp, and others create bond among Y Gen erations. They are social creatures that love to interact and share experiences, locations and many more.
Love to Travel Millennium Generation loves to travel with friends. They like to interact directly with each, if that is not possible they will make use of the laptop or smart phone while relaxing at public places such as lobby, hotel, café and others.
Business Travel The same trend happens among Mil
lennium Generations that travel for busi ness trip. The previous generation loves to get working facilities in the room; meanwhile Generation Y prefers to take advantage of the third room where it is possible for them to interact. Therefore, came forth the phenomenon of coffee shops and of the same type. Millennium Generation values teamwork and feed backs. The survey shows 36% of them prefer to work at an open veranda.
Authentic Experience The Y Generation refuses to travel only visiting one place to another. They demand integration between culture and authentic local experience. Re search shows 78% of them choose to learn something new when traveling. Meanwhile 70% of them expect certain places that offer interactive experience.
Social Responsibility There is an important phenomenon in a journey for the Millennium Generation, that is to promote social responsibility. They are not there just to see new sites and enjoy local experiences, but expect to give contribution. They believe, under go, and again love to share experiences and opinions through the social media.
Conclusion Millennium Generation will keep on growing. Therefore, the hospitality industry needs to un derstand and adapt to their point of view. They are not afraid to take advantage of the technol ogy. There is an anecdote that represents their being that is: “We don’t wait for you to greet us with open hands, but we wait for free wifi!”
55 Horizon Photo: Destinasi Indonesia/Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Technology Trend
opinions through social media. Hospi tality industry has to follow the trend. There are several hotels that published their success by updating through the instagram namely Morgan Hotel Group, Thompson Hotel, Four Seasons Los Angeles, and Gansevoort hotel. The five boutique hotels realized that a picture could take the place of thousands of words. A spectacular party by the pool can invite thousands of followers. The most recent photos can influence the Y Generation who is making decision in the last minute or second.
20 Destinations targeted
by Chinese Tourists These are 20 destinations targeted by the Chinese tourists below age 45 surveyed by TripAdvisor.
Horizon Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
56 Clock wise, Dubai, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapura
RIPADVISOR the influen tial review published 20 main travel destination in Southeast Asia aimed by the Chinese travelers not long ago. The list mentioned Indonesia, represented by Bali on the tenth place. Meanwhile Thailand, represented by Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang May, are on the second, fourth and twelfth place. Some travel agents in China say, the number of Chi nese tourist to Thailand jump up this year because of last year’s Chinese comedy box office “Lost in Thailand”. The list shows Hong Kong is still on the first place as a duty free shopping destination. “Although there is a significant shift stimulated by the young ex ecutives’ travel tradition in China, now they love to do online re search. They started to spread to other countries,” said Lily Cheng,
managing director TripAdvisor China, as quoted by The Journal Wall Street through their site TripAdvisor survey was done in the period of July and August 2013 by – a business entity operated under TripAdvisor. China Tourism Academy mentioned the number of Chinese young travel ers that travel overseas will keep on increasing. Data shows 90% of the movement of Chinese tourists under the age of 45. In 2012, more than 83 million Chinese tourists traveled overseas. According to the China Tourism Academy data, it grows about 18% comparing to 2011. Total expenditure is around US$102 billion or a 40% increase comparing to last year. In 2013 there will be 94 million Chinese tourists that will travel overseas with a total expenditure of US$117 billion.
20 Most Popular Destinations These are the 20 most popular travel destinations among Chinese travelers, based on a survey by TripAdvisor. 1. Hong Kong 2. Phuket 3. Taiwan 4. Bangkok 5. Paris 6. Dubai 7. Macao 8. Seoul 9. Singapore 10. Bali, Indonesia 11. Rome 12. Chiang Mai, Thailand 13. New York 14. London 15. Jeju Island, South Korea 16. Boracay, The Philippines 17. Kyoto, Japan 18. Kota Kinabalu , Malaysia 19. Hanoi, Vietnam 20. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
News & Events
BPPI Tourism Research & Mapping
needs to be done in the low season where tourists do not decline drastically. “This is what we need to think about, to push the coming of tourists in low season. At BPPI we have marketing expert such as Hermawan Kertajaya who is now with the team working on various marketing possibili ties that can fill the periods of
low season,” said Yanti. BPPI gives its full support on the executing of sport tourism competition just like what is being encouraged by the Min istry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). Jakarta is getting ready to carry out The Jakarta Marathon 27 October 2013 that will be joined by around 1000 local and world-class runners. “This idea comes from the Deputy Minister of Kemenparekraf and welcomed by the Governor of Jakarta. This kind of event can fill the low season periods. The participant will come with their family and supporter. The Jakarta Marathon will be at tended by 3.500 tourists.”
Menuju Destinasi Dunia AFTER Komodo National Park becomes one of the World’s Heritage Site, the government is commited to make East Nusa Tenggara as a world-class tourist destination by organiz ing an event Sail Komodo 2013. President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurated the peak of the event on 14 Sep tember in Labuan Bajo. Partici pants from all over the world, namely, Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Thailand, The Phil ippines, and The USA, attended sail Komodo. “The goal of the event is to improve the people’s economy
and to make the region world’s tourist destination. For that purpose, the theme of Sail Komodo 2013 is: Golden Bridge to East Nusa Tenggara to Becoming the World’s Main Tourist Destination,” ex plained The Ministry of Marine and Fishery Sharif C Sutardjo a while ago. Sharif adds that Sail Komodo is a government activity sup ported by every government institution. Each institution allocated their budget and get
involved in the committee. The task of the local gov ernment is to mobilize every resource in the area, the regional budget and also the private sector’s involvement. “The event is expected to be a stimulant. Bottom line this will not end on Sail Komodo, but it must continue. The expectation is foreign tourist will keep on adding up and the turning of the regional econo my is improving.”
57 News & Events Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
NDONESIA Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI) keeps on doing tourism research and mapping to escalate foreign tour ist visit and to move the local tourist. “BPPI is creating city map, travel directory and ar ranging a seminar on tourism distribution. Through research, we can also make the blueprint of creative tourism,” said BPPI Chairperson Yanti Soekam dani, in Jakarta, a while ago. Relating to urge the coming of foreign tourists and the circula tion of local tourists, BPPI is concerned on promoting green tourism, to push and arrange the mapping of creative tourism, and too think about what
Harmonization Conservation & Tourism Researchers cited, an adult shark’s meat and fin is worth Rp 1,8 million, meanwhile alive and become a diving tourist object it is worth Rp 1,8 billion.
Advetorial Photo: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Director of Small Islands Productivity DG KP3K Ridho MS Batubara, inspecting the execution of Minawisata West Lombok
Raja Ampat The regional government is fully supported in Minawisata Program, namely Regional Government of Raja Ampat Islands that has issued regional policy that prohibited shark haul ing in Raja Ampat waters. Sharks are now one of the mainstay attractions of diving in Raja Ampat. Other kind of animal pro tection becomes tourist attraction. Sudirman mentioned the turtle conservation in Berau (East Kalimantan), Pangumbahan Beach (Sukabumi) and Jamursba Medi in Tambrauw District, West Papua that attract a lot of foreign tourist. The number of tourist ar rival increases each year.
West Lombok Lombok, especially West Lom bok District owns a number of small islands and coastal areas potentially to be in Minawisata zone. One of it is West Lombok, three gilis conservation area that they work on are, Gili Tangkong, Gili Nanggu, dan Gili Sudak. The Minawisata Zone proclaimed by Directorate of Small Islands Productivity DG KP3K in 2012 has shown its result. Foreign and local tourists come to witness directly the beauty of scaled turtle, cultiva tion of lobster, squid, and other kind of saltwater fish. The coastal area towards Gili Tangkong, Gili Nanggu, and Gili Sudak that used to be desolate and dirty is now started to tidy up. The people’s economical centers grow such as, food stalls, eatery, restaurant and traditional boat rent. The Director of Small Islands Productivity DG KP3K, Ridho MS
59 Batubara said, after six month of development it started to give benefits to the group of managers that consist of 25 social members. The floating fish net that they built has shown its fruitfulness, more over with the arrival of tourists that came to enjoy the beauty of the nature while enjoying grilled fish on top of a hexagonal pool. On September 2012, West Lom bok Minawisata has gathered 450 lobster (around 100 kilograms) the same as Rp 8,5 million in value. Contribution of earning is sig nificant, although visitors are not being charged yet. They can feel the multiplayer effect through this activity. Harvest, tourist arrival, and now school children come to the location to have a study tour. Other than that he people are eager to build food stalls. “I reckon, next year, this Minawisata zone will be more enhusiastic and gives benefit to the surrounding people,” said Ridho.
Advetorial Photo: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
ONSERVATION and utilization of the natural resources is like a twosided coin that cannot be seperated. Both need harmonization for balance implementa tion. For that purpose, come forth the concept of blue economy, presently is the blueprint of the Ministry of Marine and Fishery (KKP). One realization of the blue economy was carried out by DG of Shoreline Marine and Small Islands, KKP, through Minawisata program. The program was aimed to inhabited small islands located in the border. Basically Minawisata combines tourism investment activity in the small islands with the attempt to protect the ecosystem through conservation. “The principle is investment cannot destroy the ecosystem,” said Sudirman Saad, DG of Shoreline Marine and Small Islands (KKP). To balance the ecosystem, KKP carry out various activities and policies. Other than Minawisata program, protecting variety of fish and rare wild marine animals in extinction such as turtle, shark, whale, dugong and dolphin. In present, KKP has determined full protection status on shark whale (Rhincodon Typus) through Minis terial Decree No 18 the year 2013. “As a description, the researchers cited that selling one adult shark meat and fin can make Rp1,8 mil lion. Meanwhile if you keep it alive to be a diving tourism object, it is worth Rp1,8 billion. Imagine the big difference in value,” explained Sudirman.
Confetti sprinkled and the sound of siren when button was pressed by Sapta Nirwandar, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy on the Launching of Destinasi Indonesia.
Photo Gallery Photo: Destinasi Indonesia | Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana & Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
The Launching of Destinasi Indonesia
INNALY, after a long discussion in determining the date, the launch of Destinasi Indonesia was inaugu rated by Nirwandar, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Thanks to Deputy Minister of In dustrial Affairs, Alex Retraubun, community leaders Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, Directorate General KP3K, the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Sudirman Saad, The Regent of West Kotawaringin, Ujang Iskandar,
the Regent of Buolamo, Rum Pagao, Tourism leaders, Adhi Tirtawisata, Pontjo Soetowo, Yanti Soekamdani, Elly Hutabarat, Meity Robot, Mimi Hudoyo, and all the guests that have given support on the birth of Destinasi Indonesia. Thank you to the sponsors who supported the launching, for the trust in us: Bumbu Desa, Aurecmedia, Sekolah Musik Indonesia, nesa, Duren Q, dan Mom’s Cake & Cookies.
Photo Gallery Photo: Destinasi Indonesia | Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana & Peter Tarman Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Chief Editor Destinasi Indonesia Wanto Umar
Strolls Surabaya Heritage Track House of Sampoerna Phone: 0231-3539000
Agenda Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
The Journey of Sampoerna Founder Liem Seeng Tee 04 October - 03 November, 2013 Regular Weekend (Friday-Saturday) • Exploring Surabaya, Balai Pemuda • (City Hall – ex De Javasche Bank) 9 AM -10.30 AM • Surabaya The Heroes City pukul 1 PM – 2.30 PM • Babad Surabaya (Kampung Kraton City Hall, Cak Durasim) 3 PM – 4.30 PM
Grebeg Lawu
14 November 2013 Wisata Tawangmangu Market, Karanganyar, Central Java Grebeg Lawu is a series of activities that performed various arts and ceremonial custom of several areas in Karanganyar such as, Mondosio Dance, Dukutan, Toronggo Karyo, and carnival.
Festival Musi Triboatton 2013
26 November – 1 Desember 2013 This year is the second year of Musi Triboatton. An activity organized Along the Musi River in Palembang, South Sumatera. This is a collaboration between The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy with the local government. The goal is to promote tourism through sports. Musi Triboatton combines water rafting, canoe and Traditional boat race. The event will take place along The Musi River and is planned to cross a 500 kilometer route, divided Into 5 levels. This international event Will also have art and cultural performance, bazaar, music concert and culinary festival.
Music Concert Ngayogja zz
18 November 2013-10-15 9 AM – 9 PM Brayut Pandowaharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta
ESQI:EF (Syaharani and Queenfireworks), Benny Likumahuwa, Barry Likumahuwa Project, Shadu Rasjidi, Shaku Rasjidi, Irianti Erningpraja, Eramono Soekaryo, Rio Sidik, etc.
Jazz Traffic Festival 2013
24 November 2013 Exhibition & Convention Hall Grand City Mall Surabaya
Syariah Tourism Indonesia
30 Oktober 2013
Jumat, 29 November 2013 Skenoo Exhibition - Gandaria City, Jakarta
Container Clothing 1 – 10 November 2013 Bandung Indah Plaza
Art and Creativity Week
1 -12 Desember 2013 Bandung Timur Plaza Jl AH Nasution No 46, Bandung
Indonesia Halal Expo (Indhex) 2013
30 Oktober – 2 November 2013 International Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta
Indie Clothing Carnival Noah Concert
November 2013 2 November 2013 Cilacap 3 November 2013 Banyumas 5 November 2013 Kebumen 7 November 2013 Magelang 9 November 2013 Semarang 10 November 2013 Klaten 13 November 2013 Sragen 16 November 2013 Kudus 17 November 2013 Blora 19 November 2013 Lamongan 21 November 2013 Jombang 23 November 2013 Tulung Agung • 24 November 2013 Ponorogo
• • • • • • • • • • • •
22-24 November 2013 Jogja Expo Center
Brand: Koil (Bandung), Efek Rumah Kaca (Jakarta), Endank Soekanti (Jogja), Billfold (Bandung), Rosemary (Bandung), Festivalist (Jogja), Dan Lego (Bandung, Captain jack (Jogja), Fraud (Surabaya), Knockdown (Jogja), NOK37 (Jogja), Havinhell (Jogja), etc.
Indonesia Halal Expo (INDHEX) 2013 an international event that has been organized for the third time in Jakarta. There will be an exhibition of various new halal product and innovation namely, food, drinks, cosmetics, banking/ finance, tourism, hospitality, fashion, pharmacy, logistic, etc.
This column is provided to overspread various art, cultural, tourism and expo events in Indonesia. Please send release and photos to
63 Agenda Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Alicia Keys – Set the World on Fire Tour
Jakarta International Expo Sharia Tourism is considered a new way to develop Indonesian tourism that uphold the Islamic culture and values. The Development of Sharia Tourism covers four types of business components, namely hospitality, restaurant, travel service or agency and spa. Besides that, other supporting tourism will also be included. There will be a sharia tour package on potential destination, among others Aceh, Sumatra West, Riau, Lampung, Banten, Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Makassar, Yogyakarta and Lombok.
Reading Point Government The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The Ministry of Fishery and Marine Governor’s Office District Head’s Office Tourism Office
JAKARTA Lounge & Boarding Gate Soekarno Hatta Airport Garuda Indonesia Lounge Soekarno Hatta Rancamaya Golf Course/ Rancamaya Golf & Country Club BSD Golf/Damai Indah Golf & Country Club
Reading Point Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Kat Salon
Hair Coloring & Beauty Salon
Klinik Prima Gemilang
Kemang Medical Center Women & Children Hospital
Margo City
Matah Cafe
Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital
Solo Resto
Paramita Lab
Royal Safari garden
MPX Travel
Baby and Child Grow Clinic Child Development
Bina Insani Tour
Kodok Ijo Photo Studio Yadika Women & Children Hospital
De’leuit Resto
Adventure Tour & Travel Swara Harmony Music School
Dr Linus (Dentist)
Kebun Kita
Dr Edward (Dentist)
Horison Hotel
Melinda Hospital & Esthetical Center
Rancamaya Golf and Country Club
Selasih Cafe
Hocus Focus MOI & Plaza Indonesia Royal Progress International Hospital Family Women & Children Hospital Hermina Podomoro Hospital Gading Graha Dental Clinic Kelapa Gading Tofu Stall Punk Q Hair Studio
Dedaunan Cafe Salak The Heritage Hotel
BANDUNG Bellaluna Karaoke Parahyangan Coffee Prime Coffee & Tea Factory
Rollaas Coffee & Tea D’Carmel Boutique Hotel Harris Hotel The Valley Resort Hotel Gumilang Regency Chara Hotel Imah Seniman Resort
Golf Pondok Indah Course
Chocokids Little Town
Golf Halim
RH Baby & Mommy Spa Pluit
Bandung Bar & Lounge
Sinou Cafe
Bunda Women & Children Hospital
Aston Braga & Residence
Kafe Merica
Prodia Childlab
Kafe Has Es Ef Kopitiam
Pan Travel
Warung Solo
Best Western Hotel
Star Buck Plaza Indonesia
Bumbu Desa Cikini
Anomali Coffee
Mitra Kemayoran Hospital
Tree House Kemang
Indonesia Music School
Les Classiques Cafe
Cocktail & Friends
Mahakam Pharmacy
Warung Strawberry
Harum manis
Animaland Store FX Sudirman
Cafe Batavia
Animaland Store Senayan City
Amaris Hotel Cimanuk Bandung
Kiddy Cuts
Cipaku Garden Hotel
Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa
Ever Green
Dago Highland Resort & Spa
Click House
Yellow Truck
Yadika Hospital
Kopi Selasar Sunaryo
Children Hair Salon
Santosa Hospital
Bumbu Desa
Circus Play & Party
Bumbu Desa
Grage Hotel
Planet Car Wash kebon Jeruk
Cafe Rumah 1930
Mr Pancage Puri
Rumah Teras Pavilion
Sumber Kasih Women & Children
Asmila Boutique Hotel
Dunkin Donat Hayam Wuruk
Roemah Coffee
Dharmawangsa Hotel Fave Hotel Pasar Baru Citi Residence Hayam Wuruk Oak Tree Urban Hotel Smart Hotel Alila Hotel Grand Mahakam Intercontinental Mid Plaza Red Top Hotel Sugi Salon Dental Health Center
Saudagar Coffee
Marbella Suite The Peak Resort Dinning Bumi Bandhawa Hotel Mountain View Golf Club Bandung Giri Gahanan Golf Padma Hotel The Trans Luxury Hotel The Lamar’s Day Spa & Family Reflexiology
Congo Gallery & Caffe Imah Kopi
Buku Café
Verde Resto & Lounge Kopi Progo
Omni Pulo Mas Hospital
Zoe Café & Library Graha Women & Children Hospital
Getback Coffee
Animaland FX Senayan Esther House of Beauty Holistic Centre Roger Salon, Clinic & Spa Madeline Beauty Center Carina Hair & Beauty
Permata Bunda Hospital Burger Grill Hermina Hospital Puri Cinere Hospital Fery Salon & Spa
Gino Feruci Hotel Diva Clinic Svarga Holistic Health Center Icos Cafe Tembalang Semarang
El Cavana Hotel
Kids Foot, Mitra Keluarga Hospital Kelapa Gading Cikal Play House
Mason Pine Hotel
Siera Cafe & Lounge Noah Barn Coffee Coffee Clinic Bradford Coffee & Lounge
PURWAKARTA & PANGANDARAN Kota Bukit Indah Plaza Hotel Laut Biru Resort
Gunung Jati Hospital Dr Hendrawan’s Office Patra Jasa Hotel Bentani Hotel Klapa Manis Restaurant Grand Tryas Hotel Kusuma Beauty Clinic Beauty Lab
SEMARANG Pandanaran Hotel Classic Coffe House
Pop Hotel
Lemon Tea Resto bakery & Cafe
Exelco Coffee Dago
Rudy Hadisuwarno Salon
KoenoKoeni Cafe Gallery Coffee Toffee The Rays Cafe and Resto Cafe Deoholic Dante Coffee Shop & Restaurant Arjuna Radio Cafe & Resto Semarang
Dusun Jogja Village
Travel Café
Cakra Kusuma Hotel
Ria Djenaka Coffee House & Resto
Lecker Je Cafe Scherz Cafe The Phoenix Hotel Merapi Merbabu Hotels & Resorts
LAMPUNG Mokko Donuts & Coffee Mall kartini Enggal Laboratories
Tentrem Hotel
Imanuel Hospital
Sewu Padi Hotel
Anugerah Medika Hospital
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic
Melia Purosani Hotel
K-24 Antasari Pharmacy
Lexa Skin Clinic
The City Library
Gumaya Hotel
Djendelo Cafe
Lampung Futsal-Kedung Meneng
Grand Candi
Kopi Item
Ciputra Hotel
Coklat Cafe
Horison Hotel
Kesuma Restaurant
Haryono Tour & Travel
Bright Dental Maguwo
MG Suites MAVEN Semarang
Harmoni Keluarga Clinic
Kencana Agrowisata Hotel & Resort Ungaran Semarang
Rumahku Art Café
Bunda Hospital La Dolce Vita
St Theresia Hospital Town for Kids
KALIMANTAN Borneo News Central Kalimantan
Cafe Wedangan Mooei
The Cafe House of Sampoerna
River View Cafe
Garuda Indonesia Lounge Surabaya
Icos Cafe Tembalang
JAMBI Women & Children Pharmacy
Palangka Post Central Kalimantan
Refresho Kedai Kopi Paser East Kalimantan Swiss Bellin Hotel
Wong Art Bakery & Cafe Puri Anjasmoro
Ciputra Golf Club & Hotel Bukit Darmo Golf
Republik Kopi
Indische Cafe and Imperial Bakery
Finna Golf & Country Club Resort
Bumbu Desa
Parahita Coffee Shop & Resto
Chicco Swalayan
Quest Hotel
Kok Tong Kopi Tiam
Siloam Hospital
Crown Plaza Hotel
Rocco Coffee & Snack
Majapahit Hotel
Swiss Bellin Hotel
Refresho Coffeee Sidoarjo
Danau Toba International Hotel
Singgasana Hotel
Karibia Boutique Hotel
Oost Koffie & Thee
Cafe Momento
C2O Library & Collabtive
Lincak “Warung Hotspot
Ladang Coffee
Bukan Cafe”
Coffee Corner
Kedai Kopi
Trimurti Lounge & Restaurant
Pugeran Lodge
Honeymoon Desert
Artemy Italian Gelato & Coffee Shop
The Library
Rollas Café
Legend Coffee
Wing Dom
Vis A Vis
Oval Hotel
Snap Cafe
Carpentier Kitchen
Bale Hotspot & Cafe Coklat cafe Dixie Square Yogyakarta
De Sava Coffee
Tugu Hotel
Jentra Hotel
Padi City Resort
Brongto Hotel
Santika Premiere Hotel
Roemah Djawa Resort
Haris & Convention Hotel Malang
1001 Malam Hotel Rumah Mertua Hotel
Solaris Hotel
Macehat Cafe
PADANG Refresho kedai kopi padang Hau’s Tea Elidarman Cafe D’Ox Ville Hotel Cubadak Paradiso Village Bedudal Café Bukittinggi Turret Café
BATAM Bumbu Desa Break Cafe May cafe Waffle Town USA Kaya Toast Cooljuzz Spa Central Sukajadi Ozon International Hotel The Rock 8 Hotel Romance Hotel Holiday Hotel Vista Hotel
Batam Smailing Tour & Travel Eka Shogi Travel Kaha Tour & Travel
MAKASSAR Kafe Baca Biblioholic Starbook Cafe Kafe Buku Singgasana Hotel Hertasning Hotel
BALI Bumbu Desa Renon Bambu Indah Hotel Hard Rock Café Bali The Coffee House Kopi Bali House Komaneka at Rasa Sayang Hotel Melting Wok Luhtu’s Coffee Shop Maya’s Coffee & Smothie Bar Street Cafe Izakaya Café & Bar Café Moka The Batu Belig Hotel & Spa J-Boutique Hotel Bali tropic Resort & Spa The Kunja Hotel Buddha garden Villa Mahapala Villa Karma Jimbaran The Magani Hotel & Spa Pondok Ayu Dijon Cafe Kopi Paras Cafe Black Canyon Cafe Café Batu Jimbar Misterblek
LOMBOK Alberto Cafe & Restaurant Mahamaya Boutique Resort Wayan Cafe Lombok Kosaido Golf Club Lombok Golf Kosaido Country Club Chillout Bungalows and Bar Segara Villas Pool Villa Club Senggigi Alang-Alang Boutique Beach Resort Bintang Senggigi Hotel Holiday Resort Lombok Three-C Tea & Coffee Tami’s Neverland
MALAYSIA Bumbu Desa Alamanda Putrajaya Bumbu Desa Suria KLCC Bumbu Desa Mid Valley
65 Reading Point Destinasi Indonesia | Oktober 2013
Bliss Pampering Studio, Spa Salon and Reflexy
Away fom all the rush