Type 2

Page 1


y 2: struct


name: emily xie class: typography 2 instructor: tyrone drake term: 2nd project: final book

table of contents

phase 1- one size, one weight


phase 2- one size, two weights


phase 3- two sizes, one weight


phase 4- any sizes/weights using rules/lines


phase 5- any sizes/weights, using reversed out type blocks


phase 6- any sizes/weights, using rules/graphic devices


phase 7- experimental/expressive


phase 8- using images in color


phase 1:


ne weigh

one size o

Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan

Typography Magazine Inaugural Issue

www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

Typography Magazine Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Typography Magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

his In t



ng: es You sociat i e n n i z e s m A rd e aga Go Not awaka s y M al Issu y h e h K i p r i r t a W om t a ogr naugu dus Mo se In amad ma 01 I Typ e u u i H s o h d i t s s I 1, Co., L n H akesh Naga ura e T am A g pa um ko Vol lishin in Ja ika ki Kaw UM R b d a u r s am P nte Ma ign F ida o.jp sha 3 Pri c . c s i a ph 211 sh De i Yosh abe hic n Gra p a r Yun to Ma w.g i Da hol ww r N e g 02 Yan tro l De

tore pe l ty cept s a c i tor hy con Ora type ograp y p Pla al Ty u Vis e JM C Nik

Typography Magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

phase 2:

one size tw

o weight

In G th W ord is is M hy en su H oto No Yo e: o Ta u m t A un Ri ke se I i Ka sso g: k M a sh nd wa ci De asa ko i Ha ust ka ate Y si ki Na m rie mi s Da uni gn Ka gas ada s N ito Yo Fa wa hi Ya erh M shid rm mu ma De ng ol ana a UM ra A be ltr 02 o

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

Typography Magazine

Typography Magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

Typography Magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

s : : te ue ng cia i iss ou so am is Y s k s th en t A wa rie In ord No i Ka ust ada ma G hy m nd m hi ra W oto se I i Ha gas mu A M ou sh Na wa UM H ke ko Ka rm Ta ka ki Fa a Ri asa gn shid abe M si Yo an De uni M Y ito ol Da erh 02 N ng o Ya eltr D e or st pe pt ty ce hy al on ap ric c r to e og ra yp yp O layt al T C P u JM s Vi ike N

ph y M a ag Vo ug az G lum ur r in a a 21 p e l I e ww 13 hic 1, ssu I s e s w. Pr ha su gr in P e ap te ub 0 hi d i lis 1 cs n ha Ja hing .co pa C .jp n o., Lt d In

Ty po gr a

Typography Magazine Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

phase 3: tw

o size one


d Lt ., Co e 01 hing n u e Iss su lis pa al Is ub Ja .jp ur 1, a P in .co g d au e sh e ha In olum hic rint ics V rap 3 P aph G 11 .gr 2 ww w



e in az g a


og yp

ph ra

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC


Yang 02


Daito Manabe

Yuni Yoshida

Design Farm UMA

Masaki Kawamura

Rikako Nagashima

Takeshi Hamada

House Industries

Motomi Kawakami

Why Not Associates

Gorden Young:

In this issue:

e in az ag M hy ue ap Iss 01 gr al e td po ur su ., L an Ty g s I au , Co p jp In e 1 ng n Ja .co. i a m i lu ish ed sh Vo bl nt ic Pu Pri aph ha 13 .gr ics 21 ww w ph



pe ty re al to y ric s h to pt ap C ra e gr M O onc ypo e J c T ik pe al N ty su ay Vi


Typography Magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography

Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

Nike JMC In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Inaug ural Is

sue V

olum e 1, Is sue 0 1 Gra phics ha

2113 Prin ted in Ja pa

n www.g

Typography Magazine Publi

shing Co., L td raphicsh a.co.jp

In this

issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro




pe Playty


ept s


Visual Typography Nike JMC





ra og p y T

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., Co

01 g s l Is sue ishin n a r s a I u bl ug e 1, Pu Jap p a a n n .j I i m h o s d lu c Vo phic rinte sha. a Gr 13 P phic a 21 w.gr w w e typ re al ric t sto hy o t p p a O r o n c e o g ra M C J p e c l Ty ike p a y N yt isu Pla V


: ue s is : his oung t In n Y tes a e i i rd oc Go Ass akam t w es No i Ka ustri a y Wh otom e Ind mad M ous Ha hima i h s H s ga ura ke Ta o Na wam A ak i Ka UM a k i k m R id ar sa sh e F a o Y M ign b ni na ol s u a e Y D M erh 2 ito N a 0 D ng tro a Y l De

phase 4:


sing rules

weights u

any sizes/

typo gra Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01

Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

phy magazine

typogra phymaga zine in this issue Inaugural Issue

Volume 1, Issue 01

Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd

2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp Oratorical type

Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

In this issue:

Rikako Nagashima

Gorden Young:

Masaki Kawamura

Why Not Associates

Design Farm UMA

Motomi Kawakami

Yuni Yoshida

House Industries

Daito Manabe

Takeshi Hamada

Nerhol Yang 02

at or


ay ica t Vi su ype l typ a Ni e ke l Ty con JM pog cep ts ra C ph to re y






Go is i W rde ssu n e hy M No You : ot ng om t A H : o ss Ta use i Ka oc ke wa iat In Ri du es ka ka shi s m H t M ko r i i a a Na ma es De sak d g i a as Yu sign Ka h n Fa wam ima Da i Y r o u m Ne ito M shid UM ra a r a ho A Ya na l n be De g 0 2 ltr o






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In a Vo ugu l u Gr m ral I e a 1 ss 21 ph ics , Is ue 1 su ww 3 h w. Prin a P e 0 gr u 1 bl ap ted ish hi i n i cs n ha Jap g C .co an o ., .jp Lt d


Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp


graphy magazine In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

typo graphy magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

phase 5:

e blocks

ed out typ

sing revers

weights, u

any sizes/

typography magazine Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC



Vol u







1, I ssu Gra e0 1 211 phicsh ww 3 Prin a Publ w.g i t s e rap d in hing hics C J Ora ha.c apan o., Ltd o.jp Pla torical ytyp t y Visu e c pe Nik al Typ oncep o t eJ MC graph store y





Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01




Nerhol Yang 0 2

In this is sue: Gorden Young: Why No t Associ ates Motomi Kawaka mi House Industri es Takesh i Hama da Rikako Nagash ima Masaki Kawam ura Design Farm U MA Yuni Yo shida Daito M anabe

Graphicsha Publish ing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Jap an www.graphicsha.co.jp



azin g a m y h p a ypogr

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp In this issue: Gorden Young: Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

typography magazine

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

y e h n i p z a a r g g a o p m y t In this issue:

Gorden Young:

Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada

Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura

Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

o., ue 01 Iss gC e su lishin s I n ug 1, ub pa Ina me a P in Ja jp lu sh . d Vo phic e .co t a rin csha P Gr i 13 raph 21 w.g ww


l ura

e e tor typ ept s c n y co ph a pe ogra Or yty yp Pla al T u C Vis JM ke Ni al

ic tor

y e ph zin ra ga og a m

typ : : ng iates ou c Y i so n I s e am A rd ak ot Go w N s a e i K hy r i st W tom ndu ada a Mo se I m u Ha ashim hi Ho ra g a es k mu A N Ta wa ko a a UM K Rik aki arm s Ma ign F ida s h e De i Yos ab n an Yu o M t i Da hol r Ne g 02 n Ya ro lt De ss


hi nt


phase 6:

sing rules

weights, u

any sizes/



ine az ag

ym ph ra og ty p Ina Gr


e l typ pt store e orica Orat pe conc phy y t a Play l Typogr a u Vis JM C Nike



l Is sue e1 sha , Is 21 Pub sue 1 lis 01 ww 3 Pri hing w.g nte C rap d in o., L hic Ja td sha pan .co .jp


Vo lum

In th is iss ue: Gord en Y oung Why : Not Asso Moto ciate mi K s awa Hou kam se In i d ustrie Take s shi H ama Rika da ko N a g ashim Mas aki K a awa Des mura ign F a r m Yuni UM A Yosh ida Dait o Ma nabe Nerh ol Yang 02 Delt ro

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Rikako Naga shima

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Inaugural Issue

typography magazine

Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

typography magazine

m Inaugural Issue

Volume 1, Issue 01

Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

In this issue:

Gorden Young:

Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada

Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura

Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida

Daito Manabe Nerhol

Yang 02 Deltro

phase 7:




Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01

In this issue:

Masaki Kawamura

Gorden Young:

Design Farm UMA

Why Not Associates

Yuni Yoshida

Motomi Kawakami

Daito Manabe

Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd House Industries 2113 Printed in Japan Takeshi Hamada www.graphicsha.co.jp

Rikako Nagashima

typography magazine

Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro

l Is ura



o p ty

1 e0

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tes un Yo socia i en s d A am r ot ak Go y N Kaw ries Wh omi st du t da Mo se In ama a u him H o i H as sh ag mura ke N a a T o aw MA ak Rik aki K rm U a s a F M n a sig hid e De i Yos b na n a u M Y ito a l D rho 2 Ne g0 n Ya ro lt De s



ore pe t st l ty ep ca onc phy i r ato e c ra O r y ty p y p o g Pla ual T C Vis e JM Nik

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

ty p typography magazine

In this issue:

Gorden Young:

Why Not Associates Motomi Kawakami House Industries Takeshi Hamada Rikako Nagashima Masaki Kawamura Design Farm UMA Yuni Yoshida Daito Manabe Nerhol Yang 02 Deltro


y ph ra ne og zi yp ga ma In this

issue: Gorde n You ng: Why N ot Ass ociate s Motom i Kaw akami House Industr ies Takes hi Ham ada Rikak o Nag ashim a Masak i Kaw amura Desig n Farm UMA Yuni Y oshida Daito Mana be Nerho l Yang 02 Deltro

Inaugu Volum

ral Iss ue

e 1, Is

sue 01

Graph icsha Publis 2113 hing Pri www.g nted in Jap Co., Ltd a raphic sha.co n .jp

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC



ga ma

ore e t st typ ep al nc hy ric co rap ato pe og Or yty Typ Pla sual MC Vi ke J Ni

hy ap gr

: ue : es ss ung iat si thi n Yo soc s mi In e ka rd tA wa s Go No a e i hy iK str a W ue d tom Indu Iss ma e ma Mo al ur us Ha ashi a ug Ho eshi g 1 ur Ina Na k am e0 A Ta su ko Kaw UM d ka , Is i Lt k Ri rm e1 o., pan sa Fa a lum Ma ign g C Ja .jp id Vo s sh e hin d in a.co lis De ab Yo ub rinte icsh an ni h Yu to M aP P i sh 13 rap ol Da hic 21 w.g h w r ap 02 w Ne Gr ng ro Ya lt De

phase 8: u

sing imag e

s in color

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

Oratorical type Playtype concept store Visual Typography Nike JMC

typography magazine In this issue:

Masaki Kawamura

Gorden Young:

Design Farm UMA

Why Not Associates

Yuni Yoshida

Motomi Kawakami

Daito Manabe

House Industries


Takeshi Hamada

Yang 02

Rikako Nagashima


In this issue:

Takeshi Hamada

Daito Manabe

Oratorical type

Gorden Young:

Rikako Nagashima


Playtype concept store

Why Not Associates

Masaki Kawamura

Yang 02

Visual Typography

Motomi Kawakami

Design Farm UMA


Nike JMC

House Industries

Yuni Yoshida

Inaugural Issue Volume 1, Issue 01 Graphicsha Publishing Co., Ltd 2113 Printed in Japan www.graphicsha.co.jp

typography magazine











Issu e



, Iss Gra ue 01 211 phicsh ww 3 Prin a Pub l w.g i t rap ed in shing hics J C ha.c apan o., Ltd o.jp

In t his issu Go e: rde nY Wh oun yN g: ot A Mo ss tom i Ka ociate Ho s wak use am Ind i ust ries

Tak esh i Ha Rik ma ako da Nag Ma ash sak ima i Ka Des wam ign ura Far Yun m i Yo shid UM A a



to M ana be rho l

Yan g0 2 Del tro

Ora Pla torical y Visu type c type Nik al Typ oncep o eJ t M C graph store y

ami awak mi K s Moto ustrie e Ind a Hous ue: amad is iss shi H : In th Take oung en Y iates Gord ssoc Not A Why

hima agas ko N ura Rika wam ki Ka MA Masa rm U n Fa Desig

hy m


02 Yang o Deltr


ida Yosh Yuni be Mana Daito ol Nerh


zine Orato Play rical type ty Visu pe conc al e Nike Typogra pt store phy JM C


l Is gura Inau

1 ue 0 td , Iss o., L me 1 ing C Volu blish n u P pa ha hics in Ja Grap Printed ha.co.jp 3 s 211 raphic .g www

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In th

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sue : Gor den You Wh ng: yN ot A Mot sso omi ciat es Kaw Hou aka se I mi ndu Tak strie esh s i Ha Rik mad ako a Nag Mas a shim aki a Kaw Des amu ign ra F a Yun rm UM i Yo A shid Dait a oM ana Ner be hol Yan g0 2 Delt ro Ora toric al ty Play pe type con Visu cep al T t sto ypog Nik re raph e JM y C





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annie hall daniel nguyen

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