VÄLILLÄ LISKO -KLASSIKOT SARJASSA 7 veljestä Draamattu Maailmanhistoria Juttu Arvostelukirja Suomen käyttöopas Mörmörutto Anatidaefobia Maailmanparannus Mytologiikka Elimme Mussiikkilisko
Välillä Lisko 13 Limingan taidekoulun sarjakuvalinja ISBN 978-952-68327-4-6 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-68327-5-3 (muu) Toim. Mikko Jylhä, Tessa Astre, Anne Siltavuori, Jarkko Somero Painettu Oulussa, Erwko OY
The first escalators in Oulu and the whole Northern Finland moves you effortlessly from one floor to another. Between the departments rests a cosy cafeteria where you can take a breather and enjoy a cup of refreshing AAA-coffee.
1. I got a job through my father. . In a shop in Pikisaari. 3. Fire heated. 4. And always cold. 5. ‘Hey!’ 6. ‘Did you hear’ 7. ‘They have a vacation at the textile department downtown.’ 8. ‘aha?’ 9. ‘Might that be possible?’
10. So i applied. 11. They said: 12. 'Yuo're so tiny' 13. 'You can not lift the heavy packs.' 14. 'How about footwear?' 15. That was fine after the cold. 16. One was a fine salesperson, working in Arina.
‘They were not visible on the street.’
1. Canada had a mountainous landscape
2. I was on my way to work at a printing house 3. She visited there once
1. In childhood christmas was imprtant. 2. I’m thrilled for this one too. 3. We went to churc with siblings
4. I must get the christmas porridge, but the ham don’t matter. 5. I still enjoy christmas carols. 6. I’m not into buying presents. I prefer to do socks and mittens and such.
THE MARKET 1. ‘Fine place this market.’ ‘Yes.’ 2. ‘Fine looking that statue.’ ‘It is.’ 3. ‘Things were better before.’ ‘Damned brat!’
The story of Marjatta 1. ‘I said: Don’t bloody take my sisters!’ 1. ‘Hello... a train’ ‘I’ll lower the beam’
2. Mother got ill and died. 3. I took care of us. Dad was a conductor and always on a train. 4. ‘Don’t bloody take my sisters!’ 5. ‘Asta and Annikki! sob!’ 6. I’d sing in the forest, since they forbade me. 7. ‘Later a family of my own.’ 8. ‘Astaa’’Annikkii’ 9. ‘Dad gave my sisters to Sweden. Brothers went for them and failed. That was it for them.
1. I was with a friend crossing the street. 2. A man asked if he could come along. 3. He went to the war, and then asked ‘Aino, will you marry me.’ 3. It’s been a journey together ever since.
1. The girls and I were leaving from the movie theater Hovi. A man approached us and asked if he could walk with us.
2. And now he's been walking with me 3. for 70 years.
1 ‘Have you had time to think about it? Moving to America? ‘ 2. ‘That... ‘ 3. ‘That would sure be an adventure. ‘ 4. ‘And think about all those job opportunities. ‘ 5. ‘There’s no complaining about them here, either. ‘ 6. ‘No ‘ 7. ‘But the salary would be better. ‘
1. ‘Life would be better for our future children there. ‘ 2. ‘They’d learn English. ‘ 3. ‘Perhaps French, too. ‘ 4. ‘While living in a proper Finnish community. ‘ 5. ‘There’s so many of us there. ‘ 6. ‘Your father liked it there, too. ‘ 7. ‘It’s a chance to begin everything anew! ‘
1. ‘But living here is still good, isn’t it. ‘ 2. ‘Yes.’
1. It’s about time to get driving classes. 2. I dunno... 3. It’s easy! I can drive. 4. you teach me. 5. Easy. 6. Later. 7. Oops no more driving classes.
1. Hey. Are you awake? 2. Yes. 4. Remember... 5. Remember how we met?
6. Eh? 7. Just that.... 8. May I come along? 9. You may. 10. Frankly, dancing is my passion. 11. For real? 12. We could go dancing! 13. Though i know only robot. 14. Ta-dah! 15. Bravo 16. I like your company. 17. Likewise. 18. Gosh. 19. This occurs when i get excited. 20. Charming! 21. Shall we go dancing on friday.
22. My wife is pretty like a flower! 23. Silly husband you. 24. You know... 25. My childhood town had no plants. 26. So I love this. 27. To have a garden. 28. Me and dad made pancakes. come and have! 29. Mom. Why do you like to read? 30. There are such wonderous things.
31. Honey... 32. How about building a ship for an adventure? 32. Captains hat! 33. For me! 34. We had a good journey together. 35. Thank you for taking me along.
THE RED ARMY 1. Only few buildings were left intact during occupation. 2. the window was shattered, otherwise it was fine. 3. But after blowing out the candles... 4. ...everyone started itching. 5. The house was filled with lice.
1. Hey Grandma... 2. Yes Anni? 3. Doesn’t it get boring in this nursing home? 4. Oh, not at all my dear. 5. I have done more than enough things. 6. Have you? 7. Yes.
8. Alright, be good girls. Soon mommy will come too. 9. Mommy! 10. You really know how to dance. 11. Boys in the army-shelter taught me. 12. Coffee’s ready! 13. Your baby didn’t make it. I’m so sorry... 14. C’mon mother, they’re waiting at the nursing home. 15. In a minute...
1. If there have been no one else for me, God have been. 2. If there´s no one walking by my side enymore, angel will be 3. I would like to leave to home, but still something has to be done before I go.
4. And sun went behind clouds and she remembered wherw she were. 5. Then we set table for us. 6. Oh dear grandfather, we miss you so much.
1. So much has happened. 2. Mother! Mother! 3. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking in a mist. Everything is so..
4. ...flickering. 5. Mother.
1. Mum, dad, siblings and me came early to the fields. 2. It was hard work with horseflys and wasps. 3. A bee stung. 4. It will heal. 5. Just a bit more before lunch.
6. We had a break on a river nearby. Swimming and fishing. 6. And lunch. 7. Now home, back in the morning. 8. Can we sleep at the barn. 9. Then we’d be ready in the morning.
10. The horse will stand watch. 11. Mum and Dad went home and we stayed at the barn. 12. The hay itches! 13. I am a bit scared. 14. No need, the horse is here. 15. We slept poorly with no blankets and the tickly hay.. 16. But it was an experience.
Wirkkala’s Kraatari* (kraatari is an old Finnish world for tailor) Kraatars house is 150 years old traditionally renewed building that is now located in Kaustinen. There’s a museum nowadays, that is open in summers. The original sewer brought one of the Finlands first sewing machines from America. His son Ilmari grew up to be one of the most famous sculptors and architects in Finland at the early years of independence.
1.We are getting older together, aren’t we.
2. Memories 3. will follow 4. alwys whit us 5. Untill we´ll meet again.
1.Hello, I would you have any work for me? 2. Hello. Hello! Come in an we will see. 3. So, need to build home. 4. Lucily our childrens aren´druggies. 5. Hello again. 6. Granny! 7. War were horrible time but we kept our independence.. 8. ‌ I wish that newer again.
9. Throu some peabags whit others futile persons and get 9₏/day. 10.Jeah, okay! 11.Fine! 12. Whaat.... 13. I haven´t pay my rent yet? 14. Ooh, much new hentai! 15. I wonder will super bakteria, nuclear war, enviroment disasters or neural network destroy ouer human society? 16. Quite heating to think but would be cool to get change to see it...
Instructions for a ‘granny’s square’
TEKIJÄT 2. Päivi Kontinen kontinen.paivi@gmail.com 5. Pauliina Littow pauliina.littow@gmail.com 7. Ira Sarsila ira.sarsila@gmail.com 8. Siina Sipilä siina.sipila@gmail.com 10. Untamo Leppänen untamoleppanen@gmail.com 12. Sirpa Heikkinen sirpaheikki62@gmail.com 14. Alrik Palto alrik.vox@gmail.com 15. Heini Turpeinen heini.amijah.turpeinen@gmail.com 17. Saila Paloniemi saila.p@hotmail.com 18. Tuomas Ojala OKRSPM@gmail.com 20. Even Jerrik riimumoukari@gmail.com 22. Jere Mattila 24. Rami Kantola 25. Helka Hautala helka.hautala@gmail.com 28. Saara Nurmi saa.nurmi@gmail.com 30. Marika Ruuska bubo0bubo@gmail.com 32. Rebecca Huttunen huttunen.rebecca@outlook.com 34. Pinja Peltonen pine.bunbun@gmail.com 36. Laura Torvinen laura.alisa.torvinen@gmail.com 39. Ville Karppinen villetin@kempelelainen.com 40. Mira moisanen mhmoisanen@gmail.com 44. Pinja Peltonen pine.bunbun@gmail.com 45. Veera Rosslyn grinningreindeer@gmail.com 46. Miro Rissanen rissanenmiro@gmail.com 48. Elisa Muukkonen elisamuukkonen24@gmail.com 50. Kuvat Siina Sipilä, teksti ja sivusommittelu Heini Turpeinen 52. Olli Kaihua opk273@gmail.com 54. Essi Ström esmaelj95@gmail.com 57. Anniina Heikkilä 58. Virva Hukkanen virva.hukkanen@hotmail.fi 60. Jasu Hakala jasu.hakala@gmail.com 62. Liisa Ketoharju liisa.ketoharju@gmail.com Kansi: Nea Runne nea.runne@gmail.com Sarjakuvalinjan mainos: Suvi Kangaspuoskari suvi.puskari@gmail.com Kuvataidelinjan mainos: Mona korolainen taomozi@gmail.com
limingantaidekoulu.fi Arvolankuja 1, 91900 Liminka p. 044-7265030, toimisto@limingantaidekoulu.fi 67
‘Välillä’ on sana, joka palauttaa meidät muistoihin ja kohtaamisiin. Limingan Taidekoulun Sarjakuvalinjan opiskelijat -17-18 ovat keränneet tarinoita Hiirosen hoivakodin asukkailta. Työskentelyssämme ovat metodiikkaa opettaneet KOTOKEROn Jarkko Somero ja Anne Siltavuori. Teoksen tarinat pohjaavat hoivakodista sekä tekijöiden lähipiiristä kerättyihin tarinoihin. Toivotamme ylisukupolvisia ja elähdyttäviä lukukokemuksia sinulle, hyvä lukija, ja kiitämme kaikkia kirjan tekemiseen osallistuneita ihmisiä. - Sarjisopettajat Mikko ja Tessa
ISBN 978-952-68327-2-2 (nid.)