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Care Packages
Before your Holiday
At the Airport
Assistance at comfort breaks to access food and drink
Assistance to access belongings on board with you on the
Resort (where applicable)
Manual wheelchair to be pushed by the carer as required
Assistance embarking & disembarking the transfer vehicle with loading/unloading luggage
Assistance taking luggage to traveller’s room and placing case in an accessible area
Point of contact between the resort, its facilities, and the traveller when Care Manager/ Lead Carer is unavailable care/mobility
Care assistance with being hoisted into the pool
Care assistance in the swimming pool on the resort
Can be accompanied on excursions outside of main itinerary*
Manual wheelchair to be pushed by the carer
Assistance making the excursion locations accessible e.g.. Moving tables/chairs out of the way of wheelchairs
Assistance getting food/drinks from restaurants and bars

Assistance with cutting up food
Assistance with feeding
Assistance with embarking/ disembarking the excursion vehicle if applicable
Care assistance with toileting throughout the day (Unless specialist equipment is required)
Care assistance relating to the requirements of the excursion or activity e.g.. Assistance using the beach wheelchair
For a tailored quote call us on 0800 711 7112 www.limitlesstravel.org