Courses in Image & Fashion Styling – Ireland

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We Create Stylists

of the future

Image & Fashion Styling Courses HND Diploma Professional Certs

Providers of

Image & Fashion Styling Courses to suit all levels of study

Content Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling

Fashion Communication Colour Individual Analysis Grooming Clothes & Accessories Professional Presentation Frequently Asked Questions About this Course



HND in Image & Fashion Styling

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Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy

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Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling

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About Us About Maria Flynn Home Study - It’s about time What you receive Accreditation Quality Assurance Student Stories Your Questions Answered

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Frequently Asked Questions About this Course

Frequently Asked Questions About this Course

Frequently Asked Questions About this Course

Course Advisors Prices

Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling Limperts Academy of Design’s Diploma course in Image & Fashion Styling is an in-depth course that covers the fundamentals of fashion styling & image consultancy, preparing you for a career in the fashion industry. This is one of the few courses available in the world (and it is the only home study course that we know of) to focus on image and fashion styling, as opposed to design. It is an in-depth training programme specifically aimed at those pursuing a career in this exciting new industry, which is currently growing at a rapid rate. It should be noted that the image and fashion styling industry is still very young and to date many leading stylists and consultants originally trained in different areas of art, design or fashion, developing skills in this specialised area through “on the job” experience. However, potential clients and employers are now becoming much more discerning, and they prefer to employ stylists with specialised training and qualifications that gives greater assurances of producing results that work. If you are serious about pursuing a career in this area, then you can expect to achieve high levels of skill and knowledge with this course, increasing your credibility and significantly improving your chances of entering this industry at a progressive level. Stylists are also frequently called on to conduct individual makeovers and to select the appropriate models to showcase outfits in the best possible light, so the ability to assess body types, proportions and individual characteristics is just as vital to success as an eye for style. Good stylists have an ability to transform the mundane into something that looks visually exciting and desirable, and that’s why skilled stylists are in high demand, creating a look that works and presents their client in the best possible light. Graduates from this course progress to work in areas such as personal styling & consultation, editorial styling, commercial styling, catalogue styling & fashion brand development, to name but a few of the roles within the rapidly expanding industry. The following page provides an overview of what you can expect to learn....


This course has given me the confidence to seize every opportunity that comes before me!" Ann Slattery - Former LAD Student

"I am finally working doing something

I love. I highly recommend it.� Carolyn Ruth Former LAD Student

Fashion Communication If we’re totally honest, most jeans look remarkably similar, so what is it that makes us purchase a particular brand of jeans? Sometimes it is genuinely because a particular brand fit us more comfortably, but for the most part we are attracted to a particular range or line of clothing because of the way it’s presented to us, through TV advertisements, billboards & posters, magazine editorials and instore displays. As a fashion stylist, you will need to do more than just put an outfit together; you will need to select the right visual props such as backdrops and accessories to suggest a lifestyle and to communicate a fashion story – featuring the clothes as the main character. You may think it sounds a little outlandish at first, but it’s all about presenting visual displays and images in a way that appeals to an audience causing them to buy. This is essentially what fashion stylist communication is all about! If you are going to create a look that sells, then the best way to begin is by understanding who the customers are and what will appeal to them most. Once you know that, you can start to select the various elements and details to carefully create a style that looks great and will create desire. To successfully communicate in fashion your fashion story must be believable and congruent. Learning how to do this is an opportunity to expand your creativity even further and really have some fun in the process. On this course you will be introduced to the following: ■

The Target Market - the essentials marketing basics you need to know

Fashion Story - what it is, why it’s important and how you can communicate fashion

Building a Mood - using the right combination of elements to create the mood you want

Visual Persuasion - achieving congruency by picking the right details for the story you are trying to tell


Colour Colour is one of the strongest visual elements perceived by the human eye and understanding how to work with colour is not just important, it’s vital to success in the fashion styling industry. Whether you are working with inexpensive ranges from high street chain-stores or top designer labels and haute coutre clothing, colours that are clashing and ill-chosen can create an effect that’s cheap and garish. On the other hand, choosing the right colour combinations can transform the mundane into something that creates a sensation! The key to success when working with colour, is in knowing how to achieve a harmonious balance between the colours of the clothes themselves and any accessories and backdrops. In areas such as fashion buying and visual merchandising, you can apply this particular skill in such a way that you focus attention on the clothes and create a mood that makes consumers want to buy. This is a valuable asset, as the results can be measured immediately in terms of sales and revenue. Developing an eye for colour in this way can help you to become highly sought after and this course will show you how to create winning colour combinations every time. Topics covered include... ■

Colour Combinations - understanding which colours work together so that you can create great colour combinations time after time


The Colour Wheel - what it is and how it can work for you

Colour Characteristics - using colour to disguise, emphasise or achieve special effects

Simultaneous Contrast - how to make any colour look good

Light & Colour - how they relate to each together and special considerations

Working with Colour - choosing the right approach for an individual project

"Every lesson gave me something! " Zana Legemzova - Former LAD Student

Work with Clients to find the

individual look

thats works for them

Individual Analysis Kate Moss has a straight “rectangle” body type, Jennifer Lopez has a classic “pear shape” and Catherine Zeta Jones is definitely “hourglass”. Each of these famous women have completely different basic shapes and bodily characteristics, but they each know how to make the best of what they have and present an image that most women would kill for! Many people are unhappy with certain parts of their body, but the good news is that we don’t need to change our bodies to look good; we all have attractive features, and we simply need to learn how to make the best of what Mother Nature has bestowed on us and cleverly disguise those characteristics that are less than perfect. So then, how do you dress someone with a short neck, long waist, pear shaped bottom and wide ankles..? Before you begin selecting clothes for a client, you need to know exactly what you are working with, and the only way to find this out is by objectively assessing your client’s attributes, such as their body type, proportions, facial shape and skin tone. The right hairstyle can make someone appear taller, slimmer and even younger. Likewise, make-up can drastically affect the way we look. On this course, you will learn how to accurately identify your clients strong and weak characteristics, and then help them to select the clothes and styles that will work with their natural features instead of against them. Topics covered include the following: ■

Body Types - identifying your client’s overall body shape

Features & Proportions - assessing their individual features & characteristics

Facial Shapes - how the facial outline and individual features determine facial shape

Hair - how hairstyles & colour can work for your client

Colour Analysis - developing a colour palette to work with your clients natural tones


Grooming Relatively few women have ever learnt to apply make-up professionally, and even less know how to choose the products and colours that compliment their natural tones and skin-type. Yet, with careful application of make-up and colour you can help your client to enhance their natural features and create the right impression by focusing attention on their strongest features and creating the illusion of balance where necessary. Make-up is an instant transformer for women and with a little practice you will soon be able to show clients how to use make-up to create stunning looks with simple techniques. Applying make-up correctly is not difficult, and it doesn’t even need to be time-consuming, especially when you have expert advice to hand. Another way for both women and men to feel confident in their appearance is by good personal grooming; in skincare, hair care, nail care and general health and well-being. For men, hairstyle, facial hair and grooming habits have a significant impact on a man’s appearance, and in this section of the course you will learn how to advise both men and women on the best ways present themselves. Topics covered include... ■

The Essentials of Skincare - identifying your clients skin type and keeping it in the best condition

Applying Make-Up like a Professional - tips & techniques from the experts

Achieving Balance - how to make thin lips appear wider or lift tired or drooping eyes

Hair Removal & Grooming - the pros and cons of different techniques

Quick Tricks - the bare essentials for when there’s no time to spare!

Haircare and Facial Hair Grooming for Men - practical tips & advice for male clients on style, colour and maintenance



personal presentation

"Limperts Academy of Design helped me towards my goal by giving me the opportunity

to learn and improve skills on a large spectrum of subjects!� Pascal Valentino Borreli - Former LAD Student

Clothes & Accessories The majority of people have a natural sense about what looks good and what doesn’t. For the most part, individuals may not necessarily be able to put together a winning look themselves, but they can instantly recognise when something looks wrong. The difficulty usually comes about when we are asked to explain our feelings and define exactly why a style works or doesn’t as the case may be, and this can be a major stumbling block when you are trying to win a client’s confidence! To work successfully as a fashion stylist, you will need to identify and explain to your clients precisely how and why your styling ideas will work for them. The inability to do this effectively can cause doubt in a client’s mind, while supporting your styling ideas in a manner that conveys knowledge and professionalism will enable you to make a plausible and convincing case for your suggestions… On this course you will be introduced to the individual components of style and design, and you will learn to identify them and use them successfully when putting together a look. By understanding the essential components of any style, you will be able to deconstruct and reconstruct different styles effectively, regardless of your own personal preferences – and you should be able to do so with your own unique twist! By developing an understanding of garnet shape, fit and style, you’ll have the knowledge required to choose clothes and accessories appropriately. The topics covered include the following: ■

Assessing Styles & Trends - training your eye to notice the details & accurately define the features that make a style or look distinctive

The Elements of Style - the individual components of style and how to use them

Achieving Visual Balance - symmetry, asymmetry & radial balance

Making Trends - using accessories & details to recreate a trend or start one of your own!

Developing a Core Wardrobe - how to create a wardrobe that works for your clients’ features & lifestyle

Culling - being honest and firm about what doesn’t work

Accessories - using details to create styles that are individual and up to the minute


Professional Presentation The role of the fashion stylist or image consultant revolves around the ability to create a visually pleasing look - after all, fashion professionals are employed because a client understands the importance of achieving the perfect look for their clothes and accessories, and they want to get it right first time. Successful stylists & image consultants have an air of confidence, because most of them don’t begin to put a style or display together until they can see in their mind’s eye exactly how the end result will look once it has been completed. Furthermore, they can also communicate their ideas visually and persuasively by using a number of different tools to help their clients and other team members to envision their ideas as accurately as possible... Successful communication of your styling ideas is imperative when you are working to a client’s brief and when you are working with a team of creative people - all of whom might have their own ideas about what they would like to achieve. The ability to visually present your ideas is the only way to determine that everyone understands the creative direction for a project, and it can also help you to sell your ideas to clients in a way that communicates both professionalism and creativity. Some of the topics this course will teach you include the following:


Tear Sheets & Storyboards - the language of the fashion styling industry

Mood & Concept Boards - adapting traditional designers’ tools for visual communication

Testing - ways to build practical experience along with your confidence and your portfolio

Writing Captions - how to record and format necessary details accurately

Successful Team Productions - working with photographers, make-up & hair stylists

Planning for Success - simple steps to keep everyone on track, on time and on budget!

Bring your

ideas to life

Begin your career in

image & fashion styling

Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling Award – The Limperts Academy of Design Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling. Length of Course – Students are permitted up to 18 months to complete the program and most home study students complete the program within a 12 month period. Time extensions are available if necessary and this course may also be deferred in special circumstances (such as illness). Amount of Study - The Diploma course in Image & Fashion Styling is delivered in the format of 20 lessons, each of which is followed by an assignment. On completion of all 20 assignments, you will be asked to complete a Final Project which involves designing a residential interior scheme and communicating your design ideas professionally through drawings, specifications and mood boards. On average, a single assignment requires 10-12 hours study time, while the final project requires an average of 80 hours work. This is a valuable qualification and clearly it requires commitment to achieve what is required. However, this is a creative and enjoyable subject and “study” in the conventional sense does not apply to these assignments. Committing up to 10 hours per week consistently will enable you to complete this program in approximately 9-12 months. Committing 5-6 hours per week consistently would enable you to complete the course within 18 months. All the coursework is very practical and while students will admit that it takes commitment, they all stress the enjoyment factor and sense of pride and achievement in their work. Entry Requirements – No previous art or design experience is necessary to complete this course successfully, and there is no pre-requisite except for a genuine interest in the subject and an ability to read and write clearly. (Please note that special arrangements can be made for people with learning disabilities. Contact us for further information if required.) We don’t believe in excluding people, and we offer excellent training and qualifications to anyone who is willing to make the commitment that a course of this nature requires. We are confident that if you have a genuine interest and desire to learn, then we will provide you with the best means to achieve that goal through this program of study.

Method of Assessment – All assessments are based on completed assignments and project work. Each assignment is awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade and the full grading criteria are explained in detail in the student handbook that accompanies this course. In brief, each lesson is followed by an assignment and these have been deliberately structured to enable you to learn and apply your new skills in the context within which they will be used in professional practice. Each lesson and assignment builds on previous accomplishments so that you progressively build your knowledge and skill-set. At the end of the course, the Final Project provides a way for you to demonstrate how successfully you have integrated all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course. With this method of teaching and assessment you will build a strong portfolio of work and gain confidence in your ability as you venture into the industry. All our students find this approach extremely valuable. Course Fees – The course fees are detailed in our current price list and installment options are also available. All registration fees, tuition and exam fees are included within the course price and we stress that there are no hidden extras. Students must cover the cost of posting assignments to us for grading, and Limperts Academy of Design will cover the cost of return postage. The Final Project is a particularly important portfolio piece and many students prefer to use a courier service to ensure safe delivery and return. Students will be required to cover this additional expense. Materials Required - The student pack provided by Limperts Academy of Design contains all the information and instruction necessary to complete this course successfully. Students will obviously need to purchase standard stationery items/art supplies (such as mounting board, adhesive etc...) and obtain samples and images from brochures and magazines to complete mood boards. While access to a computer is not necessary, it will enable you to present written work to a higher standard and to access a wealth of invaluable resources through the internet, including our password protected student website.


HND in Image & Fashion Styling The Higher National Diploma (HND) in Image & Fashion Styling (which is also the equivalent of a Foundation Degree) is an internationally recognised award that qualifies you to work with individual clients on a personal level or corporate clients in a variety of different capacities. This course will be valued at 240 University Credits; the equivalent of a 2 year full-time university course. The HND in Image & Fashion Styling course will enable you to fully explore and develop your creative abilities relevant to the commercial fashion industry and it also encompasses project management techniques, team structures and communications, budget development, contracts and effective time management – all of which are skills that prepare graduates for a career within the commercial fashion industry. Ordinarily, a HND in requires two years of full-time study. However, unlike traditional universities that offer parttime courses, Limperts Academy of Design specialise in developing courses for part-time adult learners and you can achieve this sought-after award in as little as two years, while continuing to work in your existing employment. Our HND in Image & Fashion Styling is divided into two stages as follows:


Stage One - Limperts Academy of Design’s Diploma course in Image & Fashion Styling forms the first stage of the full HND programme. This course is described in full on the previous pages and is usually completed within 12 months. Upon successful completion of this Diploma section of the course you can commence onto stage 2, the HND in Image & Fashion Styling. Stage Two - The second part of this program may also be completed within 12 months, however student are allowed up to 3 years in total for the entire HND program so that you can set your own schedule to suit the amount of free time you have available. On successful completion of both stages, you will receive the Higher National Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling which is awarded by Limperts Academy of Design and will be validated by Edexcel International. HND Modules include; History of Fashion & Style, Sketching & Illustrating, Commercial Styling, The Fashion Industry, Working with Garments and Professional Practice.

"Being paid for something you truly

have a passion for

is unbeatable"

James Lambrou - Former LAD Student

“The skills I learnt helped me to

secure my place in the industry and I think anyone can do it!� Luciana Mazza - Fomer LAD Student

HND in Image & Fashion Styling 1. History of Fashion & Style In this module you will study the fascinating development of costume from early civilisations through to couture and the luxurious brands of today. Upon completion you will understand how politics, the environment, social class and technology have all influenced not only the garments themselves but the wearer’s lifestyle and attitudes. 2. Sketching & Illustrating Every top stylist knows how to sketch their ideas quickly and easily for clients and we will teach you how to do this with panache! You will learn how to illustrate and sketch fashion drawings, from drawing a fashion body through to developing your own illustration style with the ability to render fabrics, represent texture and colour. 3. Commercial Styling The commercial styling sector is an elite and professional industry that requires knowledge and skill. We walk you through the key areas of this exciting industry looking at the various arenas such as styling in the media, TV and film and visual merchandising, as well as storyboards and creating your own fashion stories and themes. 4.The Fashion Industry The fashion industry works to its own specific calendar and mindset, especially in the design and manufacturing sector. To get the most out of styling you need to understand how the fashion design industry works, its timeframe and industry deadlines. We look at seasonal trends, fashion filtering, catwalk to store lead times to help you understand the intricate workings of this busy and lucrative design world. 5. Working with Garments A stylist works with garments every day and needs to know garments in great detail - where to source them, how to care for them, how to manipulate them and how to acquire and select specialist garments such as a vintage blouse or a bespoke ballgown. We bring you through sourcing, altering, customisation and tricks of the trade when it comes to working with garments. 6. Professional Practice To be a professional and successful stylist, you will also need to have some business and marketing savvy. From marketing your own services through to hiring and accountant or honing your negotiation skills, we teach you everything you need to know in order to run a successful fashion styling business of your own.


HND in Image & Fashion Styling Award – Higher National Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling is awarded by Limperts Academy of Design and will be validated by BTEC & Edexcel. Length of Course – Students are permitted up to 3 years (36 months) to complete the program in full although it can be completed in as little as 2 years (24 months). This course may be deferred and/or time extensions granted in special circumstances (such as illness). Amount of Study - By allocating approximately 10-12 hours per week consistently, this course can be completed within 2 years. By allocating approximately 6-8 hours per week consistently, this course can be completed within 3 years. As a home study student you are in a unique position to create a schedule to suit your current lifestyle, but this is a valuable qualification and clearly it requires commitment to achieve what is required. It is worth noting however, that this is a creative and enjoyable subject and “study” in the conventional sense does not apply to these assignments. All the coursework is very practical and while students will admit that it takes commitment, they all stress the enjoyment factor and the great sense of pride and accomplishment in their work.

Course Format – The HND format encompasses 12 individual modules across subjects such as: History of Fashion & Style, Sketching & Illustrating, Commercial Styling, The Fashion Industry, Working with Garments and Professional Practice. Modules from the Diploma Course complete the HND format, these include: Fashion Communication, Colour, Individual Analysis, Grooming, Clothing & Accessories and Professional Presentation Success in Image & Fashion Styling depends more upon a holistic approach and integration of all these skills and knowledge, rather than excellence in one particular area. In brief, each lesson is followed by an assignment and these have been deliberately structured to enable you to learn and apply your new skills in the context within which they will be used in professional practice. Each lesson and assignment builds on previous accomplishments so that you progressively build your knowledge and skill-set. At key stages throughout this course, you will also be asked to complete three Major Projects for both individual and commercial clients.

Method of Assessment - All assessments are based on completed assignments and project work. Each assignment is awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade and the full grading criteria are explained in detail in the student handbook that accompanies this course. Entry Requirements – No previous art or design experience is necessary to complete this course successfully, and there is no pre-requisite except for a genuine interest in the subject and an ability to read and write clearly. (Please note that special arrangements can be made for people with learning disabilities. Contact us for further information if required.) We don’t believe in excluding people, and we offer excellent training and qualifications to anyone who is willing to make the commitment that a course of this nature requires. We are confident that if you have a genuine interest and desire to learn, then we will provide you with the best means to achieve that goal through this program of study.


HND in Image & Fashion Styling

For more information on BTEC HND qualifications visit the Edexcel website at

Materials Required – The student pack provided by Limperts Academy of Design contains all the information and instruction necessary to complete this course successfully. Students will also need to purchase additional stationery items & art supplies to complete their assignments to professional standards of presentation. While access to a computer is not necessary to complete this program successfully, it will enable you to present written work to a higher standard and to access a wealth of invaluable resources through the internet, including our password protected student website. It should also be noted that there are 3 major projects throughout this course and it is a requirement that all related written work is typed.

Credit Value - The BTEC Higher National Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification that is highly regarded by employers and professionals around the world. This award is will be valued as follows:

Who this course is for - This course is a professional training program for individuals who are serious about pursuing a career in commercial Image & Fashion Styling.

The projects throughout the HND course provide a way for you to demonstrate how successfully you have integrated all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course, and they simulate typical projects that you may be expected to carry out in the professional workplace. With this method of teaching and assessment you will build a strong portfolio of work and gain confidence in your ability as you venture into the industry. All our students find this approach extremely valuable.

■ ■

In the UK & Europe the HND is valued at 240 Credits In the USA the HND is valued at 60 Semester Credits

We are also happy to provide students with an official transcript and an explanation of how these credit values compare with those of other countries. Course Fees – The course fees are detailed in our current price list and installment options are also available. All registration fees, tuition and exam fees are included within the course price and we stress that there are no hidden extras. Students must cover the cost of posting assignments to us for grading, and Limperts Academy of Design will cover the cost of return postage. There are 3 Major Projects to be completed within this program, and these are particularly important portfolio pieces. Most students prefer to use a courier service to ensure safe delivery & return, and students will be required to cover this additional expense. Please Note: Both stage one AND stage two comprise the HND in Image & Fashion Styling (i.e. the Diploma course is included as part of this program and does not require separate enrolment).


“After finishing the course, I can say that it has far exceeded all my expectations” - Former LAD Student

Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy Kate Moss has a straight “rectangle” body type, Jennifer Lopez has a classic “pear shape” and Catherine Zeta Jones is definitely “hourglass”. Each of these famous women have completely different basic shapes and bodily characteristics, but they each know how to make the best of what they have and present an image that most women would kill for! Many people are unhappy with certain parts of their body, but the good news is that we don’t need to change our bodies to look good; we all have attractive features, and we simply need to learn how to make the best of what Mother Nature has bestowed on us and cleverly disguise those characteristics that are less than perfect. So then, how do you dress someone with a short neck, long waist, pear shaped bottom and wide ankles..? Before you begin selecting clothes for a client, you need to know exactly what you are working with, and the only way to find this out is by objectively assessing your client’s attributes, such as their body type, proportions, facial shape and skin tone. The right hairstyle can make someone appear taller, slimmer and even younger. Likewise, make-up can drastically affect the way we look. On this course, you will learn how to accurately identify your clients strong and weak characteristics, and then help them to select the clothes and styles that will work with their natural features instead of against them. Topics covered include the following: ■

Body Types - identifying your client’s overall body shape

Features & Proportions - assessing their individual features & characteristics

Facial Shapes - how the facial outline and individual features determine facial shape

Hair - how hairstyles & colour can work for your client

Colour Analysis - developing a colour palette to work with your clients natural tones


Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy 1. Individual Analysis This module teaches you have to objectively assess your client’s attributes, such as their body type, proportions, facial shape and skin tone. By gathering this information you develop an understanding of what you are working with and will be able to select garment shape, make-up and hair style appropriately to maximise your client’s best features. 2. Make-Up & Grooming Every top stylist knows how to sketch their ideas quickly and easily for clients and we will teach you how to do this with panache! You will learn how to illustrate and sketch fashion drawings, from drawing a fashion body through to developing your own illustration style with the ability to render fabrics, represent texture and colour. 3. Male Makeovers As a general rule, men’s wardrobes are not as colourful as woman’s and they don’t have the same opportunities to improve their features with make-up. This module teaches you how to make an impact with male makeovers by paying attention to every aspect of a man’s wardrobe including the small details and accessories. You’ll also study how to alter a man’s grooming habits & hairstyle to have a significant impact on his appearance. 4. Develop a Style This module in your image consultancy certificate will teach you how to help your clients find a style that is appropriate for their lifestyle on a personal level, and reflective their unique personality and character. Image consultancy is about bringing out the inner beauty and personal confidence in all your clients by helping them be themselves in a way that makes the work take notice.


"Empowering yourself to

follow your passion

is priceless..... I am feeling both aligned and confident with my career direction now" Kimberly Sutton - Former LAD Student

Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy Award – The Limperts Academy of Design Certificate in Image Consultancy is accredited by BTEC (Edexcel) as a Level 4 Professional Certificate. Length of Course – Students are permitted up to 6 months to complete the program. Time extensions are available if necessary and this course may also be deferred in special circumstances (such as illness). Amount of Study - This course is delivered in the format of 6 lessons, each of which is followed by an assignment in which you will apply your new skills and knowledge. On successful completion of all these assignments, you will be asked to complete a Final Project in which you will demonstrate the integration of all the skills and knowledge you have acquired throughout the program by completing a client makeover and demonstrating the process. On average, a single assignment requires 10-12 hours study time, while the final project requires an average of 25-30 hours work. This is a valuable award and clearly it requires commitment to achieve what is required. However, this is a creative and enjoyable subject and “study” in the conventional sense does not apply to these assignments. Committing approximately 5-6 hours per week consistently would enable you to complete the course within 6 months. All the coursework is very practical and while students will admit that it takes commitment, they all stress the enjoyment factor and sense of pride and achievement in their work. Method of Assessment - All assessments are based on completed assignments and project work. Each assignment is awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade and the full grading criteria are explained in detail in the student handbook that accompanies this course. In brief, each lesson is followed by an assignment and these have been deliberately structured to enable you to learn and apply your new skills in the context within which they will be applied. Each lesson and assignment builds on previous accomplishments so that you progressively build your knowledge and skill set. At the end of the course, the Final Project provides a way for you to demonstrate how successfully you have integrated all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course. With this method of teaching and assessment you will build a portfolio of work and gain confidence in your ability. All our students find this approach extremely valuable.


Entry Requirements – No previous experience is necessary to complete this course successfully, and there is no pre-requisite except for a genuine interest in the subject and an ability to read and write clearly. (Please note that special arrangements can be made for people with learning disabilities. Contact us for further information if required.) We don’t believe in excluding people, and we offer excellent training and qualifications to anyone who is willing to make the commitment that a course of this nature requires. We are confident that if you have a genuine interest and desire to learn, then we will provide you with the best means to achieve that goal through this program of study. Course Fees – The course fees are detailed in our current price list and installment options are also available. All registration fees, tuition and exam fees are included within the course price and we stress that there are no hidden extras. Students must cover the cost of posting assignments to us for grading, and Limperts Academy of Design will cover the cost of return postage. Materials Required – The student packs provided by Limperts Academy of Design are very thorough and contain all the information and instruction necessary to complete this course successfully. Students will obviously need to purchase standard stationery items to complete their assignments. While access to a computer is not necessary, it will enable you to present written work to a higher standard and to access a wealth of invaluable resources through the internet, including our password protected student website. Who this course is for – This course is aimed at preparing the student to work as a Professional Image Consultant, and throughout the course there is a strong focus on applying your new knowledge to achieve practical results and benefits that your clients can see. All the key aspects of Image Consultancy are covered within the course lessons, and each lesson has an assignment requiring you to put into practice what you have just learned. The assignments are deliberately structured so that you will develop your skills as you progress through the course, and the assignments themselves can be used as a portfolio of work and business tools to help you in the industry on completion of your course. All our students find this approach extremely valuable.

Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy Career Opportunities – Image Consultancy is a relatively young industry, and there are many opportunities for work. Many Image Consultants work freelance (self-employed), offering their services to individual or corporate clients. You may also seek employment with some of the larger department stores, fashion houses or boutiques, helping their customers to find the clothes that suit them best, and ultimately increasing sales in a way that benefits everyone! Here are just some of the services that you might offer... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Personal analysis featuring style and colour recommendations Developing an individual style for your client to suit their lifestyle Hair and make-up advice, including make-up lessons Advice on wardrobe planning and maintenance (including wardrobe “weeding”!) Personal shopping services Helping clients prepare for special occasions or events, including travelling


This is a concise yet thorough course in Image Consultancy and it is designed to prepare you to work professionally in the industry. However, if you are seriously thinking about building a strong career in image consultancy, then we would recommend you consider enrolling on the Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling.

Professional Associations

After successful completion of this course, students may apply for membership in the professional associations shown opposite:

BTEC / EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL Professional Crertifate in Image Consultancy Level 4 is awarded by Limperts Academy of Design and will be validated by BTEC & Edexcel. Edexcel was the first of the three unitary awarding bodies to be established to offer both academic and vocational qualifications, following the Stafford Review of exam standards in 1995. We were formed in 1996 by the merger of the Business & Technology Education Council (BTEC), the country’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, and the University of London Examinations & Assessment Council (ULEAC), one of the major exam boards for GCSEs and A levels.. Find out more by visiting their website at The Association of Image Consultancts International (AICI) Students of the Limperts Academy of Design Image Consultancy Course can gain student membership with the AICI and can upgrade to a full member upon successful completion of the Image Consultancy course. AICI has chapters in Asia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, South America and the United States. The AICI is a world-wide, non-profit professional association of men and women specialising in visual appearance, and verbal and non-verbal communication. AICI is an international communuity that provides a challenging and inspiring environment for business growth and development. It is dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants world-wide. Find out more by visiting their website at


Become a

“Designer of Style”

Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling A fashion designer is responsible for designing clothes, while a fashion stylist works with clothes, accessories and even background props when necessary, to put together a complete look or style. Just as the conductor of an orchestra carefully controls all the musicians and various instruments to create a beautiful piece of music, the fashion stylist selects each item appropriately so that they compliment and harmonise with all the other components successfully. It is for this reason that fashion stylists have been called “Designers of Style”, setting the trends that everyone else follows. A good Fashion Stylist can take what looks like an ordinary outfit and turn it into something spectacular by “simply” adding a few details or fitting it in a particular way. Fashion stylists have an ability to transform the mundane into something that looks visually exciting and desirable, and that’s why skilled fashion stylists are in high demand, creating a look that will sell for their client. Most people think that a sense of style and flair is something that you are born with; you either have it or you don’t. While is it true that this ability comes more naturally to some people than others, the right training can teach anyone to develop an “eye” for fashion. This course can teach you how to recognise what works and why, so that you can recreate your own looks, and create results that are WOW! Whether you would prefer to work on the high street, the catwalk or the fashion pages of a glossy magazine, fashion styling is a young and exciting business and there are many different avenues and career paths a fashion stylist can follow. One thing is for certain; the fashion industry is BIG BUSINESS, and styling can be a highly profitable career as well as exciting and dynamic. The following pages provide an overview


Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling 1. Elements of Style In this module you will be introduced to the individual components of style and design, and you will learn how to identify them and use them successfully when putting together a look. By understanding the essential components of any style, you will be able to deconstruct and reconstruct different styles effectively. 2. Communicating Your Ideas Through this course you will develop your ability to visually communicate your ideas in a way that successfully demonstrates the creative direction of your styling project. These communication skills will help you to sell your ideas to your clients in a way that communicates both professionalism and creativity. 3. Working With Colour This module will teach you how to achieve harmonious balance between the colours of the clothes themselves and any accessories and backdrops. Through the development of your eye for colour, you can use these skills in areas such as fashion buying and visual merchandising to the effect of focusing attention on the garments and creating a mood that encourages customers to buy. 4. Fashion Story As a fashion stylist, you will need to do more than just put an outfit together; you will also need to select the right visual props such as backdrops and accessories to suggest a lifestyle and tell a fashion story, featuring the clothes as the main character. This module teaches you have to develop a fashion story that is believable and congruent and will help you to expand your creativity when promoting particular styles.


"Every lesson gave me something! " Zana Legemzova - Former LAD Student

Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling Award – The Limperts Academy of Design Certificate in Fashion Styling is accredited by BTEC (Edexcel) as a Level 4 Professional Certificate. Length of Course – Students are permitted up to 6 months to complete the program. Time extensions are available if necessary and this course may also be deferred in special circumstances (such as illness). Amount of Study - This course is delivered in the format of 5 lessons, each of which is followed by an assignment in which you will apply your new skills and knowledge. On successful completion of all assignments, you will be asked to complete a Final Project in which you will demonstrate the integration of all the skills and knowledge you have acquired throughout the program by developing and communicating your original styling ideas in response to a specific brief. On average, a single assignment requires 10-12 hours study time, while the final project requires an average of 25-30 hours work. This is a valuable award and clearly it requires commitment to achieve what is required. However, this is a particularly creative and enjoyable subject and “study” in the conventional sense does not apply to these assignments. Committing approximately 3-5 hours per week consistently would enable you to complete the course within 6 months. All the coursework is very practical and while students will admit that it takes commitment, they all stress the enjoyment factor and sense of pride and achievement in their work. Method of Assessment - All assessments are based on completed assignments and project work. Each assignment is awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade and the full grading criteria are explained in detail in the student handbook that accompanies this course. In brief, each lesson is followed by an assignment and these have been deliberately structured to enable you to learn and apply your new skills in the context within which they will be used in practice. Each lesson and assignment builds on previous accomplishments so that you progressively build your knowledge and skill-set. At the end of the course, the Final Project provides a way for you to demonstrate how successfully you have integrated all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course. With this method of teaching and assessment you will build a strong portfolio of work and gain confidence in your ability as you venture into the industry. All our students find this approach extremely valuable.


Entry Requirements – No previous experience is necessary to complete this course successfully, and there is no prerequisite except for a genuine interest in the subject and an ability to read and write clearly. (Please note that special arrangements can be made for people with learning disabilities. Contact us for further information if required.) We don’t believe in excluding people, and we offer excellent training and qualifications to anyone who is willing to make the commitment that a course of this nature requires. We are confident that if you have a genuine interest and desire to learn, then we will provide you with the best means to achieve that goal through this program of study. Course Fees – The course fees are detailed in our current price list and installment options are also available. All registration fees, tuition and exam fees are included within the course price and we stress that there are no hidden extras. Students must cover the cost of posting assignments to us for grading, and Limperts Academy of Design will cover the cost of return postage. Materials Required – The student packs provided by Limperts Academy of Design are very thorough contain all the information and instruction necessary to complete this course successfully. Students will obviously need to purchase standard stationery items to complete their assignments. While access to a computer is not necessary, it will enable you to present written work to a higher standard and to access a wealth of invaluable resources through the internet, including our password protected student website. Who this course is for – This course is designed as an introductory training program for professional Fashion Stylists, and there is a strong focus throughout the course on applying your knowledge practically to produce real results and benefits for your clients. Progression – This is a solid foundation course in fashion styling and successful completion of this program will certainly prepare you for an entry level position in this industry. If you are thinking more seriously about building a career in fashion styling, and particularly if you are interested in carrying out makeovers, then we would encourage you to consider enrolling immediately on the Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling.

Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling Career Opportunities – Fashion Styling is a relatively young industry and there are plenty of job opportunities available, some more obvious than others. Most Fashion Stylists work freelance (self-employed), offering their services to businesses or publishing houses (in the case of editorial stylists). You may also seek employment with some of the larger department stores or fashion houses in their visual merchandising departments. The type of skills you will learn on this course would be beneficial in any of the following areas...

One of the best tools you can have to help you impress potential clients and/or employers is a strong portfolio, which is what you will have on completion of this course.

Will my qualification be recognised? This award is accredited by BTEC (Edexcel International) as a level 4 professional certificate. This awarding body is recognised world wide. In addition to this, Limperts Academy of Design is an Awarding Body, and all of our courses have been carefully structured to meet both national and international standards in education and the design industry. Fashion Styling is a very young industry and currently there are no governmental or trade regulations that exist in any country that we know of – in fact, fashion styling is not even recognised as an industry in many countries around the world. Strictly speaking, no qualifications are required to work in this industry as it currently exists, so it would be misleading for any course or training program to state that a course will “qualify you” to work as a Fashion Stylist. To date, most of the leading stylists and consultants in this industry originally trained in different areas of art, design or fashion, developing skills in this specialised area through “on-the-job” experience. There is however, a better way...

I have no background in fashion, is that a problem? If you already had these skills then you wouldn’t need to learn them from us, so there is no prerequisite for this course except a genuine interest in the subject. All of our course materials are prepared to the highest standards and are written in language that is easy to understand and free from unnecessary jargon; if you have a genuine interest and desire to learn, then we will provide you with the best means to achieve that goal.

Limperts Academy of Design are one of only a few organisations in the world to offer high quality training in Fashion Styling and the high standard of work that our students produce is earning us a strong reputation in this rapidly growing industry. The most important tool for any Fashion Stylist is their portfolio, as that shows clients exactly what you can do and that is currently the only way to secure work.

Will this course sufficiently prepare me to work as a Professional Fashion Stylist? The course assignments will ensure that you learn many important skills that will help you to work as a fashion stylist, and even more importantly, that you understand how to apply those skills in practical ways with your clients. From the very beginning of the course you will physically see the effects of the choices you make, so you will know from first-hand experience what works and what doesn’t. There is no better way for you to learn the course material, and to build your confidence at the same time. Furthermore, the feedback you receive from your tutor throughout the course will confirm your strengths and weaknesses, encouraging you to achieve your best work and to continually improve your ability so that you can pursue your new career with confidence and vigour!.

It should be noted that this course is a very thorough yet concise training program in Fashion Styling, which aims to prepare you for an entry level position in the fashion industry focusing primarily in the areas of Visual Merchandising and Editorial Styling. This will give you a very strong foundation and introduction to the industry as a whole, however, if you are serious about making your mark in this field, then the Diploma course will prepare you to a higher standard so that you enter the industry at a more advanced level. The Diploma course in Image & Fashion styling will form stage 1 of the HND.

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Retail managers and visual merchandising artists All areas of design, such as fashion, costume and graphic design Advertising, marketing and visual communications Photography and multi-media services Image consultants and personal shopping services


About Us The year 2000 marked the beginning of a new millennium and it was also the year that Limperts Academy of Design burst onto the scene. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s cognitive psychologists and learning specialists had already been commissioned by governments to study ways to improve learning, and a number of independent reports had been produced. One significant report for the US Government concluded that most educational programs focused entirely on curriculum, and while the content was clearly important, a number of changes in the delivery and assessment structure could impact students learning potential and dramatically improve student achievements. These recommendations were first made over 15 years ago and educational institutions have been extremely slow to respond, until now…

Limperts Academy of Design have enrolled students in over 17 countries, helping them to achieve standards of excellence through distance learning that has frequently been described as “impossible”. Our commitment to providing quality training programs has resulted in unique teaching and student support systems that produce unparalleled results. In short, students on our courses consistently produce higher quality work, achieve at higher levels and in a shorter period of time than conventional wisdom suggests possible. The continuing achievements of our students and the professional recognition and external validation of our programs is testament to the quality of our courses.


In the late 1990’s a unique group of individuals with various backgrounds in training and education, design and even business and systems development, came together to form Limperts Academy of Design. By pooling this complimentary yet diverse range of talents, we have been able to develop a range of courses that are setting the standards in today’s design industry. A similar design process is followed in the development of each of our courses, in which each detail of every course is skilfully planned and prepared – to ensure the results are consistent and that students have everything they need to achieve success. We don’t believe in excluding people and we offer excellent training and qualifications to anyone who wants to learn. Our students continue to excel regardless of their background or previous education. In brief, Limperts Academy of Design has grown out of the passion and dedication of design and educational professionals who wanted more; by fully preparing design students to take on active roles in the design industry and helping them to achieve their fullest potential, both practically and creatively. We don’t just teach design, we encourage each and every student to access and nurture their own natural sense of flair and creativity. We also teach the technical and practical skills necessary to translate those design ideas into reality. So if you are serious about a career in design or if you simply want to learn from the best, then we invite you to review our prospectus and take the next step now to designing your future...

Develop the skills to

realise your dreams

"The constant feedback & encouragement from Limperts Acaemy of Design was fantastic and I can’t believe what I have achieved� Lesley Massey Former LAD Student

About Maria Flynn (Principal) Maria Flynn is an innovative Interior Architect and design consultant specialising in colour and design psychology and it’s practical application in interior environments. An accomplished writer, her articles have been published in numerous newspapers and periodicals, and she is also the author of “Colour Your World”, first published by Rotovision. Maria’s projects are varied and include commissions by private residential clients to major international companies. Her work has been showcased in some of Europe’s leading magazines and newspapers and she is also regularly featured on TV and radio in Ireland and the UK. (For more details visit her website at Maria’s unique experience and dynamic personality have made her a leading international Design Consultant, and she knows firsthand what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive design industry.

It takes a team of dedicated professionals to achieve the results that we do at Limperts Academy of Design. However, every team needs a strong leader to provide clear direction and purpose and keep everyone focused on their goals - at Limperts Academy of Design that leader is Maria Flynn…

In addition to her ongoing design consultancy, Maria has been involved in training and education for 18 years, and it is her intense drive, energy and commitment to excellence that led to the establishment of Limperts Academy of Design. A natural communicator, Maria is passionate about design and education and she personally oversees all course development and tutor training activities. As a keynote speaker, she continues to give specialist lectures and regularly hosts workshops and seminars. As a student of Limperts Academy of Design you will have the unique opportunity of being personally guided by Maria on audio CD’s in which she shares her practical experience with you and she will undoubtedly inspire and motivate you towards your goals. Limperts Academy of Design exists today because of Maria Flynn, and her commitment to excellence is the solid foundation on which the organisation has been built. She has an inimitable style that leaves an impression on everyone and inspires them to be the best they can be. Her approach is best summed up in her own words, “Nobody becomes excellent overnight, excellence is a habit, and one that can be learnt! Quality training programs should be carefully designed so that they enable students to acquire new skills & knowledge and begin to build the habits of excellence…” If you want to become an excellent designer, then Maria Flynn and the Limperts Academy of Design team can help you to achieve your goal.


Home Study - It’s about time Limperts Academy of Design specialises in Home Study training programs, so you can enjoy freedom and flexibility with the peace of mind that you will have all the support and encouragement you need to complete your course successfully. Choosing Home Study simply means that no matter who or where you are, and no matter what amount of free time you have, you can study your area of interest at a time and pace to suit you; rather than committing to a full-time or part-time schedule of study at a college, the course material is delivered directly to you… Upon registration, you will be sent our detailed course manuals, which are powerful learning tools that include all the practical and technical information you need, with language and illustrations that are easy to understand and free from unnecessary jargon. You will also be assigned a personal tutor who will review all of your assignments, providing you with detailed feedback and guidance. Your tutor will be available to offer help and support whenever you need them and you can contact them directly by phone, fax or email. Many of our Home Study courses are also accompanied by audio programs on CD, which have been designed to motivate you and give you the benefits of a “classroom” lesson. These audio programs include valuable hints and tips, in addition to the course manual, and, unlike a classroom lecture, these CD’s can be reviewed as often as you like until you are confident that you have fully absorbed the information. Home Study is certainly the most flexible way to learn any new subject, and there are many benefits such as... Work at your own pace - busy working lives and personal commitments often mean that you have limited free time. However, with home study, you can set the pace to suit your lifestyle. You may work at a leisurely pace, or you may be so keen to get into the industry, that you prefer to complete the course in the minimum time possible. Either way, you set the pace that suits you, at the times that best fit your schedule.


Never miss a class or lecture - even with the best intentions, there are times when you just can’t make a class due to sickness or other unavoidable circumstances. The beauty of home study is that you need never worry about missing a class, so you are guaranteed never to miss any vital information. Save time, energy and money - with home study you can learn in the comfort of your own home, saving you unnecessary costs and travel time. What’s more, listening to our CD’s can make good use of otherwise wasted time in cars or public transport. An equal opportunity for you to achieve your goals – if you have ever felt restricted by access or mobility problems, discrimination issues or low financial resources, then you’ll appreciate how home study can provide a genuinely equal opportunity to everyone. As a student of Limperts Academy of Design you will be encouraged and guided to achieve your utmost potential and the cost of your education can be paid for in easy installments while you continue to work and earn a full-time income. (Please see the enrolment form for details of our installment options).

What you receive For a course to be truly effective and produce valuable results, it needs to be more than just a collection of manuals and assignments. What sets us apart from other training organisations is that numerous subject experts and training professionals carefully design every aspect of our teaching materials and student support systems to ensure maximum learning potential. Students on our courses consistently achieve unparalleled results and the real benefits of our courses are more apparent on completion, but here is an overview of what you can expect to receive on enrolment… Detailed Student Manuals – our detailed course manuals are prepared to the highest standards so that information is clear, user-friendly and visually pleasing. As well as providing the information necessary to complete each course, our manuals will also be an invaluable reference tool as you progress into the design industry. Many also contain templates and sample documentation that can be adapted for professional use. Audio CD’s – many of our courses are accompanied by audio CD’s in which you will be personally guided by Maria Flynn through key aspects of the program. Maria is the driving force behind Limperts Academy of Design and is regularly featured on TV and radio. Maria has an unrivalled talent for taking complex information and communicating it in a way that is enjoyable and inspiring, and through these audio programs she will undoubtedly motivate you in her inimitable style. Student handbook & assignments – many training programs use assessments merely as a means of testing skills or knowledge. However, we have applied the latest research from cognitive psychologists in the development of our course assignments, to ensure that they are valuable learning tools in themselves. Most of these assignments are project based, providing you with the opportunity to build an impressive portfolio that you can use with prospective employers and clients on completion of the course.

Your Personal Mentor – all of our tutors are practicing design professionals who are involved with Limperts Academy of Design because they are passionate about design and want to be involved in ensuring high training standards. These professionals are more than mere tutors, they are mentors and they share a common goal - to help you succeed not just by “passing” the course, but by achieving your fullest potential. On enrolment, a tutor will be assigned to you and they will be available to you by phone, fax or e-mail to offer you guidance and encouragement whenever you need it. Detailed feedback sheets & progress reports – with each assignment you complete you will receive a detailed feedback sheet highlighting your strengths and weaknesses and offering advice on how you can continue to improve. If your grades are low then you will be told exactly what you need to do to improve, and when your grades are high you will be told how and why you’ve achieved them. We believe it’s important for you to know how your work compares to what will be expected in the professional design industry, so that when you are ready you can venture into the design world with ability AND confidence! An open invitation to become part of a worldwide network – Limperts Academy of Design have enrolled students in over 17 countries and upon enrolment you will be granted access to our restricted student website which will provide you with a wealth of design information & internet resources, lots of visual aids and examples of other students work to inspire you. There is also a bulletin board where you can communicate and share ideas with other students. Student groups in the past have organised networking days and social events throughout the year, and this is a great way to build new friendships as well as your career. In addition to these, Limperts Academy of Design also host a number of workshops and networking days throughout the year, which give you the opportunity to meet with tutors and students and to concentrate on improving specific skills. These are an optional addition to any of the courses, and all students are sent full details and prices as these events are scheduled.


Accreditation If you are considering investing time and money into your education, you need to be sure that the course you choose will give you real skills and knowledge that will be recognised both academically and professionally. In addition, it’s important to have reassurances that sufficient support systems are in place to help you achieve your learning goals. Quality has been defined as, “the ability to produce the same results consistently, to meet customer requirements”, and at Limperts Academy of Design we have applied the techniques that the most successful businesses use, to develop a unique set of systems for delivering our education programs. It works, and this is undoubtedly why our students consistently achieve the high standards required by the professional design industry, regardless of where they study. Our external validation is a testament to the quality of our results. Limperts Academy of Design courses are all carefully structured to meet the standards & requirements defined by educational organisations and professional associations around the world. Each course description in this prospectus includes information about recognition by professional associations and we continue to be actively involved in seeking alliances and partnerships with leading professional bodies. Limperts Academy of Design are also happy to support individual students in negotiations with professional bodies. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) EDEN is the largest, active and developing professional community of experts and practitioners of electronic and distance education in Europe. Established in 1991, its mission is to remain the most comprehensive European association of its kind, providing a platform for professional co-operation and information exchange in the area of distance learning. Based in the UK with a secretariat in Budapest since 1997, EDEN is open to all levels and sectors of education and training institutions, individuals and networks. EDEN has members in over 47 countries and represents 335 institutions and over 700 members in the Network of Academics and Professionals. EDEN assists a wide range of European institutions in becoming involved in professional co-operation. The EDEN network is dedicated towards achieving coherent educational standards across Europe and the world.


BTEC / EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL Limperts Academy of Design have formed an alliance with Edexcel International who are one of the largest and most respected validating bodies in the world, with centres in over 100 countries and representatives on every continent. Limperts Academy of Design is an approved BTEC centre and our Higher National Diploma (HND) & Professional Certificate Programmes are validated by Edexcel International. The BTEC HND is one of the most sought after qualifications and is recognised and respected by employers and higher education institutions around the world. The award is valued as equivalent to 240 credits under the UK qualification system (60 US semester credits) and students who have successfully completed the HND programs have been accepted onto the final year of degree programs in the UK, USA and Australia. The BTEC Professional Certificates are a new style of qualification allowing the student to gain an indepth knowledge in a particular subject following a short course curriculum. They are ideal way of gaining an accredited vocational qualification which can either be used to start your career in a given industry or as a stepping stone onto higher levels of qualifications. The Professional Certificates are a level 4 qualification on the UK framework. History of Edexcel Edexcel was the first of the three unitary awarding bodies to be established to offer both academic and vocational qualifications, following the Stafford Review of exam standards in 1995. Edexcel was formed in 1996 by the merger of the Business & Technology Education Council (BTEC), the country’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, and the University of London Examinations & Assessment Council (ULEAC), one of the major exam boards for GCSEs and A levels.

Quality Assurance The history of these separate bodies can be traced back as far as 1836 when a royal charter gave the University of London limited functions of conducting exams and conferring degrees. The 1902 Education Act introduced reforms that broadened secondary school education, bringing with it a need to rationalise school leaving certificates. The University introduced School Examinations in 1905, which became the General School Examination in 1911, and by 1918 was more commonly known as a School Certificate. By 1930, a new body had been set up, the Matriculation & School Examinations Council, which had the power to set matriculation requirements. In 1951, the General Certificate of Education (GCE), normally taken at Ordinary (O) level at 16 and Advanced (A) level at 18, was introduced. The University Entrance & School Examinations Council took over the responsibilities of the Matriculation & School Examinations Council that was abolished at this time. In September 1984, it was replaced by the University of London School Examinations Board (ULSEB). On 1 September 1991, ULEAC was set up. Throughout this period, vocational qualifications were developing. In 1973, the Technician Education Council (TEC) was established by the then Secretary for Education & Science, Margaret Thatcher. TEC’s remit was to establish a unified system for technical education and it eventually took over the validation of courses in further and higher education. These courses led to Ordinary National Diplomas (ONDs) and Higher National Certificates and Diplomas (HNC/Ds) and were previously the responsibility of various professional bodies including the City & Guilds of London Institute. One key principle adopted by TEC, to mitigate the complex situation it had inherited, was that curriculum and assessment had to follow the requirements of employment. In 1974, the Business Education Council was established. Their remit was to rationalise and improve the relevance to work standards of sub-degree vocational education in FE and HE colleges and in Polytechnics. Within 18 months, BEC had taken over the responsibility for ONCs, ONDs, HNCs, HNDs, and other qualifications of this nature administered by various joint committees. In 1978, it introduced BEC Nationals and Higher Nationals as replacements. BEC provided similar courses to TEC, but catered for 60% less students than TEC; its range of studies was limited and its emphasis was business-related, aiming to prepare the learner for the world of work. TEC and BEC merged in 1983, to form the Business & Technology Education Council ( BTEC). BTEC and London Exams merged in 1996 to form Edexcel.

ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFICATION There are numerous quality assurance programs in existence, but when large multinational organisations seek verification of their quality measures, including governments and major regulatory bodies, they turn to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). With students in over 17 countries, ISO Certification was the natural choice for Limperts Academy of Design and it is your assurance of our commitment to quality. ISO is the world’s largest developer of quality assurance standards, and ISO Certification is recognised worldwide as a hallmark of professionalism and commitment to quality. ISO Certification is ONLY awarded to those organisations who meet the rigorous assessment standards and Limperts Academy of Design was one of the first education and training organisations to achieve ISO 9001:2000 Certification. We have adopted the main ISO principles of continually improving our courses and support systems to ensure they continue to meet the highest standards possible, and we are independently audited on an annual basis to ensure that our Quality Assurance Program is adhered to. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Limperts Academy of Design is a member of the Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC). IDEC was founded in 1963 and is dedicated to the advancement of education and research in interior design. IDEC fosters exchange of information, improvement of educational standards, and development of the body of knowledge relative to the quality of life and human performance in the interior environment.


Student Stories

“I would never have believed it possible to change careers as I did at the age of 45 !” (Wendy Casey)

“Every lesson gave me something! “ (Zana Legemzova) My name is Zana Legemzova, I am 26 years old and I come from Slovakia. In 2005 I decided to move to London. I have always been interested in the fashion industry and I have had the feeling that this is a dynamic, expanding and unique area that I would like to advance my career in. The only problem was where and how to start as I did not have any previous experience. I came across Limperts Academy of Design website and from the very beginning I knew I wanted to do the Diploma Course in Image and Fashion Styling with them. I am very happy I made this decision. The course gave me good knowledge and background about the industry. I enjoyed the course exceedingly. It was hard work, but great fun at the same time. Since receiving my diploma I have been involved in styling and production of the online fashion magazine called MC Mag – it is a great fashion publication with style and taste dedicated to all fashion aficionados. I genuinely enjoy working in an fashion environment. I am really grateful to Limperts Academy of Design for helping me on my way to the fashion world. I thoroughly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about becoming a stylist.


I was a Vice President of a large American bank, managing the international personal banking division in Luxembourg. I was responsible for a team of 45 staff - which included multi-national teams of client relationship managers, operations staff, a treasury team and Compliance staff. Together with the Managing Director, I was legally responsible for the entire bank in Luxembourg which consisted of three separate divisions totalling more than 200 staff. Since completing the Limperts Academy of Design Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling, I now write a monthly column on image and fashion for the local English news magazine, read by the international community in Luxembourg. I have been given a free reign to write on any subject of my choice and have free use of the magazine’s photographer. It has proved to be excellent advertising for me, since my name, business and email address is listed at the foot of each article. I have also established myself as an Image and Fashion Consultant and deal with private, individual clients and with companies. The work is really exciting and highly varied - for example, I have just been approached by a large company to write and present a course on business dress code. They market to a variety of countries and wish to ensure that their sales staff dress accordingly. I would never have believed it possible to change careers as I did at the age of 45!

“As an employer, I am constantly looking for people with a real passion and enthusiasm for the fashion industry” (Michelle Curtis - Recruitment Manager for House of Fraser) I am a Recruitment & Training Manager for House of Fraser, and I am constantly looking for people with a real passion and enthusiasm for the fashion industry. We have been very lucky to have on our team some students who have studied with the Limperts Academy. These staff members have consistently demonstrated passion and flair for the fashion industry on the shop floor, which inspires our guests to return again and again to our store.

Graduates of the Limperts Academy of Design Image & Fashion Styling Courses are often featured in major publications. The images shown are of a photo shoot styled by a Limperts Academy of Design Graduate, Jemma Connolly. These images were featured in the Irish Independent (National Newspaper). Graduates of this programme have successfully gone on to style photo shoots, fashion shows, TV presentations and media events around the world.

Limperts graduates have presented their portfolios at interview stage and I’ve been incredibly impressed by the caliber. To think that most of them have done this course whilst they have been in full time emplyment is a real reflection of their commitment and drive to be a success in this exciting area of business.

“I really enjoyed this course - it made me think “outside the box”, but most of all, I was able to express my “creative side” and qualify at something I have a huge passion for!” (Elizabeth McDaid - Image and Fashion Styling Diploma with Distinction - 2009)


Your Questions Answered Why do all our courses have deadlines? Research has repeatedly shown that there is a significantly higher rate of successful completion on courses where students are given a deadline versus when they are allowed unlimited time. Our course deadlines are very generous and allow maximum flexibility, which is one of the major reasons why people choose home study. In addition to this, they provide the additional motivation you may need to schedule regular time for course work, so that you can build momentum and become actively engaged in the course process. If you want to really learn valuable new skills and knowledge that can change the direction of your future, then you have to be prepared to put aside a little time each week. At the end of each course description in this prospectus, we provide details of how much time you should expect to set aside. How quickly will I receive my course materials? All courses are dispatched on the last Friday of each calendar month. We use a courier service and delivery should not take longer than 2-3 days unless you are in a particularly remote area. Please allow up to one week for delivery as delays can occur for a number of reasons. If you would like to receive your course materials sooner, you may prefer to download our electronic version and save the cost of postage and packaging. How quickly will I receive feedback from my tutor? All assignments are graded and returned within one week at most, from the time we receive your assignment at our office. Your assignment will be returned to you with a detailed feedback sheet, indicating your strengths and weaknesses. Feedback sheets are e-mailed to overseas students to speed up the process and special arrangements are also in place for emailing assignments on some courses. What happens if I fail? Each course assignment is returned to you with detailed feedback to tell you exactly what you what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can continually improve your work to meet the standards required. If any of your course assignments are below standard, they will be returned to you by your tutor and you will be asked to re-submit the assignment, taking on board the tutor’s comments and feedback. This doesn’t happen often, but even so, it’s all part of the learning process and that is what any course is essentially all about.


Is there an exam? Design is unlike traditional academic subjects and examinations of the conventional kind are not appropriate for testing these types of skills and knowledge. On completion of all course assignments, you will be given a Final Project that incorporates everything you will have learned throughout the course into one complete assignment. The project question will be a typical job requirement or client brief, so that you gain experience and are confident in your ability and can apply your knowledge in practical scenarios. You must pass both the coursework AND the Final Project in order to receive your award and the grading criteria are explained in detail in the student handbook that accompanies each course. By the time you have completed the coursework, you should know what is expected in the Final Project, and the grades you will have been receiving on your coursework will give you a strong indication of the final grade you are most likely to receive. At that point, it is very unlikely that you will fail to achieve the standard required on the Final Project. In the event that your project does fail, you will be given the opportunity to re-submit once for a nominal fee. Who will be my tutor? All our tutors are practising designers and professionals who are actively working in the industry, who teach on a part-time basis. When you send in your first assignment, you will receive details of the tutor who has been assigned to you and how you can contact them. Are there any additional costs not included within the course fee? Our course fees represent excellent value for money, and everything is included in the price, we stress that there are no hidden costs. All of our course manuals have been specifically written for each program, they are very thorough and contain all the information needed to complete the course. Additional reading lists are provided to students who wish to conduct further research but it should be re-iterated that the course materials have been specifically created to be the best guide available and the manuals provided take the place of any “essential reading” list.

“I didn’t realise how much was in store.

I love everything about this course and I think Limperts Academy of Design are the best!” - Fomer LAD Student

Course Advisors are here to help Our Course Advisors are here to help with any questions you have. Limperts Academy of Design are passionate about offering students excellent support throughout their studies. Our support starts with advice and guidance from a Course Advisor, who is here to discuss your interest in person and help you select the right course. Your Course Advisor can give you advice on the career options available on completion of your course and career opportunities within your chosen industry. We can also offer academic advice on the status of your course, and the progression throughout our curriculum - from Professional Certificate to Degree.

Whatever your questions, we are here to help “It was really good talking to you, it has personalised everything. I enrolled today, thank you for all the help with my questions.” Ruqayya Sameem - Image and Fashion Diploma Student “Thank you for all your effort with so many of my questions! It really helped!” Nadia Fredderick - BA Interior Design Student

Follow this link to request a call from a Course Advisor, or contact us on (01) 299 3003


Prices Diploma in Image & Fashion Styling Payment Options Normal Course Fee

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time only, pay the £ value in €

1 X Full Payment of €2,755 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

1 X Full Payment of €2,295 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

Save €460

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €220

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €175

Save €495

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 5 X Instalments of €455

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 5 X Instalments of €359

Save €480


HND in Image & Fashion Styling Payment Options Normal Course Fee

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time only, pay the £ value in €

1 X Full Payment of €5,995 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

1 X Full Payment of €4,995 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

Save €1000

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 23 X Instalments of €275

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 23 X Instalments of €225

Save €1150

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €535

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €435

Save €1100


Diploma to HND Stage 2 in Image & Fashion Styling Payment Options Normal Course Fee

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time only, pay the £ value in €


1 X Full Payment of €4,795 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

1 X Full Payment of €3,995 (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

Save €800

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 23 X Instalments of €215

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 23 X Instalments of €175

Save €920

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €419

OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 11 X Instalments of €339

Save €880

Professional Certificate in Fashion Styling Payment Options Normal Course Fee 1 X Full Payment of €1,315 (Inclusive of Registration Fee) OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 5 X Instalments of €175

Professional Certificate in Image Consultancy Payment Options Normal Course Fee 1 X Full Payment of €1,315 (Inclusive of Registration Fee) OR 1 X Registration Fee of €595 PLUS 5 X Instalments of €175

Post & Packaging is a one off payment of €30

+353 (1) 299 3003

Call today to speak with one of our Course Advisors and learn more about the courses offered by Limperts Academy of Design and about our regular special offers.


Acknowledgements We are grateful to a number of people for putting together this prospectus, and in particular we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following organisations for allowing us to use their images & expertise:

Hickeys Homefocus Harequin Fabrics & Wallcoverings Crowson-Monkwell Fabrics & Furnishings Wilman Interiors Modular Lighting National Associations of Certified Home Inspectors (of America) AICT / Allan T. Kohl

Š Copyright Limperts Academy of Design 2010. All rights reserved. The contents of this brochure are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in part or in form without the prior written consent from Limperts Academy of Design. Limperts Academy of Design reserves the right to withdraw or alter any of the courses and/or modules described in the prospectus. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained within this prospectus is accurate. Limperts Academy of Design is not liable for any errors or omissions.

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