O O / Lin, Lin-Chen's service & product design portfolio

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Contents Profile Service Design


Right Royal Supper Club MyNeighbours RASA





42 52

Luck for You


Product Design


Handy Cooking



Branding & Marketing

Time flies, we dye.


Graphic Works

Graphics of Graduation Exhibition




Art Works



林 琳蓁 Lin, Lin-chen RCA MA Service Design mobile/ 44 7935 800 818 email/ lcl.linchenlin@gmail.com



Royal College of Art, London, UK Master/ Service Design National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Master/ Industrial Design Bachelor/ Industrial Design

Freehand sketching Illustration Painting Design thinking Presentation Researching Branding Digital graphics Physical modeling User interface design


Digital Tools

2016-2018 Research Student collaborated with Partners & London, London, UK The European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland Royal Opera House, London, UK Islington London Borough Council, London, UK Lambeth London Borough Council, London, UK

Keynote Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe After Effects Solidworks

2014 Intern Hers Experimental Design Laboratory (METAPHYS), Osaka, Japan

Languages Mandarin Chinese English Japanese German


Service Design


Feb. - Jun. 2018 Final Project Service Innovation in Culture Client / London & Partners (London, England) Since London is a city embraces people from all over the world who enrich the cultural diversity here, we propose COUSCOUS, a new and more interactive way of experiencing diverse food cultures between the locals and the tourists. It enables tourists and locals to reach each other and exchange culture through food, offering a series of themed events where they will meet up and explore the hidden jems of the city, cook and share the dishes together.

collaborated with /

Huaqing Wang



How might we

provide a new experience for tourists to have a closer look and deeper understanding about rich and living food cultures in London?

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what else can we eat in London?

“ Except for fish and chips, Background

Being one of the most visited city in the world, nearly 80 million of tourists from abroad or other parts of the UK have visited London in the past year. However, as a capital with plenty of attractions appealing people to come visit, London seems to be underperforming in the visitors satisfaction with food. Interestingly, according to statistics, London still draws a plenty of tourists particularly because of its food offerings. That’s because London embraces people from all over the world that enrich the cultural diversity, including various of food cultures. This is also noticed by the official promotion group of the major’s office, which aims to show the richness of London’s food offering by providing a variety of food experiences.


Research Starting from the food cultures in London, we did more research on food tourism, different kinds of food tourists, how tourists find out where to eat, attended several current food events to observe the real experience and interviewed attendees to get some more insights.

Shanghai supper club


Supper club is a fast-growing food event where people, often sit with others they don't know before on a large dining table, have a themed dinner together. It is a new way of having a meal from different food cultures or with distinct themes, as well as knowing people. We attened one supper club during Chinese New Year and were sit with other eight people from different cultural backgrounds. We were really surprised by the broadness of topics discussed and spread from merely the 10 dishes served on the table in the event.

cook-and-share events

We also held several cook-and -share events among friends. Although we are from similar cultural backgrounds, the food we are familar with are different, so are the ingredients used and cooking methods. In these events, we talked through deeper and more private topics.

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We interviewed several people about their foreign food experiences and participants of the current food events, then found some more insguts and weaknesses of the current offerings.

My local friend recommended me the signature dish which is frogs’ leg, but I just can't... The 'teacher' was reading the recipes herself most of the time, and the dishes we spent 4 hours cooking were not very nice at all... The guide leading us seemed not well-trained and his knowledge of the area was superficial. I rather see some kind of presentation by the chefs, not just introduction by the food tour guide.




key findings

From all of the above, here concludes what we have observed and learned from the research.



(Watch our pitch video)

From the opportunities identified, we gradually formed a concept offering a channel for tourists and locals reaching each other, having a bidirectional interactive food experience together, sharing not only the taste, but the cultures and stories behind the dishes in this multicultural capital. We also recognised that people share the same main ingredients to develop distinct food cultures, and would like to apply this into designing our new service.

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Service: COUSCOUS introduction

COUSCOUS provides a new and more interactive way of experiencing food culture from all around the world between the locals and the tourists. They can enjoy food from anywhere in the world and exchange the food cultures between each other. Through our platform, tourists and locals will be matched up, meet somewhere with the spirit of their own cultures and explore the hidden gems in that area together. By participating one of the events with diverse themes, they prepare the ingredients, cook and enjoy the dishes. It is not only the tastes being shared, but stories and experiences behind the food.

(Watch full introduction video)

user journey

Plan a tour




In order to bring the best experience to the participants, our platform enables them to choose their partners by themselves according to their messages left on the platform describing what they are good at and what they want to experience.

The event doesn’t start merely from the cooking venues, but somewhere in the destination city where they can buy specific ingredients they need for the dishes. This could be a collaborative exploration into some hidden gems of the city.



In the cooking process, participants could share the food culture through the discussion about ingredients, cooking skills, even extend onto the history of the dishes, and why they chose this dish to share.

Through sharing the dishes, participants are able to taste and find the differences between dishes made using the same main ingredients and talk about the reasons. On the other hand, having more people on a table helps conversation be more easily extended onto topics which are deeper and more diverse.

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key touchpoints COUSCOUS Website The website shows the events happening in the period of time and acts as an important bridge for users to match and contact for the first time.


event locator

select and match

Current events are located on the interactive map which helps users easily find the themed events that they are interested in. By zooming in and clicking on the event, users can see more details and sign up for event that attracts them.

Users can see all participants in the selected event in this page, and are able to choose up to three people they would like to partner with. They can leave direct message on the platform and will be informed once got a match.


Event Posters The posters hung on the wall in the cooking venues act as advertisements of upcoming events. The themes are clearly shown on it so participants can see if there is suitable event for them.

Welcome Pack Some simple suggestions for whom might attend the event for their first time are given on the welcome pack, which will be sent out to participants before they attend. Several copies will be left on tables in the cooking venues as reminders as well.

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Service System pilot & system map Propose The first thing to do to run COUSCOUS will be proposing our event to the venue owners and rent the space for hosting the event. Prepare Then we will be able to design the event specifically for the rented venue and open the places for the participants to book, as well as decorate the place and prepare for the event. Host the Event During the event, COUSCOUS staff will guide the participants and record the event through videos and photos for later use. Review & Promote After each event, our group needs to recover the venues, summarise the event and do possible improvement for next event. We will also use the recorded images or videos for promote our event after gathering permission from the participants, and send them a copy as a take-away memory. We will start from hosting the event once a week, do the preparation work during the weekdays and run the event on weekends, so that both the locals and tourists could have enough time to participate. As shown in the graphic, our service is in a circular system which can be improved and keep evolving over time.



stakeholder map

To run COUSCOUS, our main stakeholders include tourists, locals and owners of the cooking venues. Also we need promoting platforms to help raise awareness of both locals and tourist, and cleaning companies to recover the venues after each event. Some other potential collaborators like grocery stores or markets, which are key touchpoints existing in our service are likely to offer some discounts or vouchers to our customers, and at the same time get new customers from COUSCOUS. From the tourists' perspective, accommodations and travel agencies are the essential elements whilst travelling, so they are as well considered in our stakeholder map.

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Exhibition: ShowRCA 2018 The project is displayed in the ShowRCA 2018 from 23rd June to 1st July. Visitors have given us precious feedback and some said they would really love to see it to be realised in the near future.


Apr. - Jun. 2017 Service Design in Culture Client / Royal Opera House (London, England) The Royal Opera House (ROH) is one of the busiest theatres in the world, but it still aims to provide new experiences other than formal performances on stage that enrich, entertain and inspire a wider range of visitors and audiences. Right Royal Supper Club provides a unique and immersive dining experience in the Royal Opera House, with tasting menu inspired by the narrative of the repertoires, accompanied by live opera or ballet performance between courses evoking the whole story.

collaborated with /

Hsin-Yi Lo Rebecca Miller



How might we

inspire a new, younger audience to attend an event or activity at the Royal Opera House for the first time, so that they might begin to develop a relationship with ROH over their lifetime?

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Background Sitting right at the heart of Covent Garden, Royal Opera House is one of the busiest theatres in the world,. However, the number of people visiting the ROH on a casual rather than on a formal performance is relatively small. The aim for this project is to develop the ROH not only as a centre of excellence for the performing arts, but as a place that is open to the public, inspiring young and old generations not only with what is performed on the stage, but its fascinating history, the expertise and unique craft of all the disciplines involved in creating the highest level of performances. With the redevelopment “Open Up� Project, ROH aims for greater public engagement and new audiences. The goal is to provide experiences that enrich, entertain and inspire a wider range of visitors and audiences through its new spaces, services and experiences.

Research By attending the backstage tour in the ROH, conducting street interviews in Covent Garden, reading thoroughly through the Annual Report provided by our client, here we reveal the key insights that would lead to our new service.


key insights

After the research, we found four key insights from the existing activities at ROH, which each offers an opportunity for designing a future service.


From the insights, we came to the opportunities for designing our new service, - to diversify demand, create new venues and activities.

- 96% of tickets for performances are already sold.

- to potentially increase frequency of visits.

- Two-thirds of visitors only visit the ROH once a year.

- to aim to attract new audiences.

- 80% of tickets are bought by returning visitors.

- to grow younger audience.

- Young audience only occupy one-fifth of the existing audience.

Design Principles After exploring our opportunities, we set five design principles to ensure our new service will meet the needs of our client,

- Inspire, engage & educate new, young audiences 26

- Use repertoire to inspire new activities - Maintain reputation for excellence & sophistication, whilst reducing exclusivity and barriers to entry - Encourage multiple visits annually - Diversify income streams beyond the focus of the main house

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Design Process

concept developing


client presentation

Bearing in mind the five priciples, we started brainstorming and mapping out the rough customer journey and refined it through discussions.

After our final concept was finely developed, we prototyped the whole experience and made a video using the repertoire of The Magic Fluet.

We had a presentation to gather precious feedback from the event managers and developers from ROH. Fortunately they really appreciated our idea and would like to realise it in the future.



Service: Right Royal Supper Club introduction Right Royal Supper Club provides a unique and immersive dining experience in the Royal Opera House, with tasting menu inspired by the narrative of the repertoires, accompanied by live opera or ballet performance between courses evoking the whole story. (Watch full introduction video)

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target users We chose to focus on two complementary personas: wanderer and experience seeker as our main users. We found these personas to most likely co-exist within young social circles, where the experience seeker is the instigator of social and cultural activities and the wanderer tends to follow.

James, 30, Wanderer Goals & Needs


Looking for things that he and his girlfriend can do together Challenge Not highly motivated and doesn’t feel like he is the kind of person who would like to go to an opera or ballet

Emily, 28, Experience Seeker Goals & Needs To be involved in special experiences Challenge - Isn’t sure what to expect from an opera or ballet performance - Worries that Royal Opera House won’t feel like a welcoming place

user experience For targeted younger audience who have never been to the Royal Opera House, our service acts as an entry point for them to start their journey in this historical and fascinating palace of performing arts. The entire service is split into 5 stages,



Reaching Out Customers will raise their awareness through various of pathways, - Social media - Timeout - Reviews on travelling websites


Booking System Customers would be able to make their reservation through, - Official website of ROH - Existing event booking websites


Sharing & Re-visit As Right Royal Supper Club is a brand new experience, customers would like to share with their friends. Also, being a fine meal with live opera or ballet performance, it is at an affordable price for people to visit again and again.


E-invitation Customers will receive e-invitation and confirmation before the event, including important information, e.g. what to expect, what to wear.


Curated Menu & Live Performance All the menus are designed by ROH chefs together with event planners for the next season production to promote upcoming performances. Customers are able to enjoy delicious food whilst seeing live opera or ballet performance performed by younger talented opera singers & student ballerinas.

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business plan For business consideration and service maintenance, we anticipate the costs and the estimated revenue of Right Royal Supper Club as follows, Anticipated Cost - Staff: event designer, chefs, performers - Food - Event decoration - Third party ticketing website commission - Marketing Estimated Revenue - ÂŁ48 per guest (Average 3 course meal price on Grub Club: ÂŁ40) - Approx. 20 invitations per Supper Club - Approx. 37 performances annually* - A potential ÂŁ57,000 annual revenue * based on 2017/18 season

future plan Furthermore, we also expect that the whole service could develop through out the UK if Royal Opera House could collaborate with local event planning companies and independent restaurant in different cities across the UK. Royal Opera House could provide brand, strategy and menus and the partner event planning companies could in charge of the logistics, decoration and reaching out local restaurant who could provide venue and fresh local ingredients.



Jan. - Mar. 2017 Service Design in Community Client / Islington Council (London, England) Social rented housing accounts for 42% of all homes in the borough of contrast, Islington, whilst most council homes are managed and maintained directly by Islington’s Housing Operations Service (HOS), whose aim is to create new and better ways of engaging with their residents . MyNeighbours is a service aiming to provide an easier way of exploring new living environment for down-sizing tenants who live in social rented housing. Through this service, tenants are able to preview the neighbours beforehand, compare places with ease as well as contact and share skills with neighbours, so that they may feel more satisfied with the new houses, and build a stronger community. collaborated with /

Yu-Ting Huang (research part)



How might we

open a door to lending a fresh perspective to tenants on their new housing offers and making them look forward to moving into a new environment?Â

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Background In Islington, the borough of contrast, 42% of all homes are social rented housing. Most of these council homes are managed and maintained directly by Islington’s Housing Operations Service (HOS). The HOS has maintained high standards in core services to tenants and leaseholders; however, their ambition is to make their frontline housing services play a leading role in corporate action to mitigate the impacts of worklessness, long term conditions, mental illness, substance misuse and domestic violence on their communities. Although significant progress has been made in recent years, the council acknowledges the need to change the way they tackle the deeper social challenges which prevent residents from improving outcomes for themselves and their families. How might service design help Islington’s Housing Operations Service to become a people centred and preventive service platform by redesigning their frontline housing services and creating new and better ways of engaging with their residents?


Research visits to the office

To help us understand more profoundly and deeply about the housing issues in the borough, the council staffs kindly arranged several visits to the social housings and the Islington Council Office for us. Also, we were lucky enough to conduct a formal interview with Tenancy Management Adviser, Income Recovery Officer and Antisocial Behaviour Assistant to acquire concrete knowledge about how tenants and council staffs interact, what do council staffs need to deal with, and the process of renting or queueing for a house. 36

street interviews

After knowing the process of how to ensure a physical place to stay, we wanted to learn more about how people think of “home”. To identify the meaning of “home”, we then conducted a pop-up workshop near the Angel tube station. All these research process led to our key insights.

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issue of downsizing

The council is now suggesting under-occupying tenants to downsize, in order to make the most effective use of the social housing. The main focus of this project is on this group of people who are facing the downsizing issue. As downsizing means giving up the current house, squeezing their space and moving to an unfamiliar living place, the inner space as well as outer atmosphere all change at the same time, people often feel reluctant to do so.


key insights

Taken from desk research, visits, interviews and the pop-up workshop, here are the four insights identified, - Good housing can have a positive impact on the physical, mental health and wellbeing of people. - As time passed, people redefine their meaning of “good house�. - Because of the extreme limited housing stock, the council suggests under-occupying tenants to downsize, in order to make the most effective use of the social housing. - Downsixing tenants are often reluctant to move to a new place where they are much more unfamiliar with.


Service: MyNeighbour introduction

MyNeighbours is a subservice set up under My eAccount launched by Islington Council, which enables users to preview their new neighborhood before house-viewing, compare different places without much effort and contact with neighbours with ease. Users can get access to it through their original account name and password, so it is much easier to manage for both council and users. (Watch full introduction video)

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user journey

The timeline highlights the user journey of this new service. The most important part of myNeighbours is to help people preview not only the environment, but who's living around and what’s happening there. Besides the physical housing, they could take this into consideration and make the best choice out of the offerings.


key touchpoints


MyNeighbours Website An easy-to-access website appears as the subpage on the original My eAccount website already be widely used by Islington residents.




MyNeighbours enables tenants to preview Simply entre the postcode provided, tenants The built-in chatbox provides a gateway for what's going on in their new neighbourhood are able to compare different nighbourhoods. neighbours who want to share skills and give and locates the events on the map. hands to others to communicate with ease.

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. 2017 20-26. FEBRUARY

20-26. FEBRUARY. 2017

Fred Won the Final Game!

l Fred Won the Fina

Samantha Snow @N1 7HL

Live Painting Classes Available Kathrine Park @N2 9PG


Samantha Snow

@N1 7HL

The Weekly Neighbouts Newspaper The weekly news handed out whilst tenants are viewing new houses acts as Liv a reminder, ass Av it aila is ble easy to browse, and to make sure whether e Painting Classe it is the neighborhood they like. It is also sent every Monday to residents as a trigger for people who are not that addicted to computers or tablets to find out things going on around the corner and shows the tenants’ contributions to the area. All contents are collected from the MyNeighbours database. Kathrine Park @N2


expecting result With all features provided by the new service myNeighbours, I hope tenants who are originally compromising with no matter what situation, or feeling reluctant but need to move, would eventually satisfy with the best choice and agree that the new place meet their definition of good housing.



Oct. - Dec. 2017 Product Service System in Healthcare Client / CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) CERN, the birthplace of the World Wide Web and the Large Hadron Collider, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research. The aim of this project is to use the most exciting technologies emerged from CERN to deliver impactful solutions to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. RASA is a service package enabling clients to accurately measure the radon levels in their buildings and take action when there is an unsafe level. Through continuous assistance, the aim of the service is to make the clients feel at ease knowing that they are fully protected against the ill-effects of radon gas. collaborated with /

Boyoung Lee



How might we

use CERN’ s technology to manage radon levels and give awareness to the public of how to take preventive actions for their safety and wellbeing?Â

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Background Collaborated with CERN, the aim of this project is to examine how innovative and disruptive technologies, together with design thinking can help address the world’s most intractable challenges. We as designers and experts from Knowledge Transfer Team IdeaSquareare are seeking to develop innovative product service systems that can address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals using the most exciting technologies emerged from CERN, and to furthermore inspire the world’s most innovative companies, interested governments and the third sectors to exploit ground breaking technologies to deliver impactful solutions.

After looking deeper into UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we decided to target the goal no.3, good health, and started to explore how can CERN’s innovated technology help to achieve this.


Research radon gas

Road traffic accident

From the 5-day visit to IdeaSquare and desk research, we settled our project aim down at solving the emerging problem of radon gas. Radon is a colourless, odourless, tasteless but naturally radioactive gas that exists everywhere, released naturally from rocks and soil. It is very hazardous to health and is particularly easily trapped indoors. To make things even worse, it is second only to smoking as the main contributor to lung cancer that takes away thousands of people’s life every year in the UK. Compared to radon, the famous silent killer, carbon monoxide, takes only 40 people’s life in a year.

Radon related lung cancer

Food poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning

* danger of radon compared with other causes of premature deaths per year in the UK

46 precise radon dose & sniffer plug-in sensor

key technologies

unified electronic body

precise radon concentration plug-in sensor

portable detector The RaDoM detector

The RaDoM detector developed by CERN is the most advanced radon detector in the current market. There are three main features used in our service, - Portability: It is portable and attachable, so it easy to carry on and collect data; - Real-time analysis: It measures and displays real time data which can then be uploaded immediately to the national database, which enables analysis and immediate action. - Connectivity: Using LORA, the long-range wireless telecommunications system, it creates a secure wireless connection between the radon detectors and the central network server without requiring a lot of energy to power.

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key insights From the above, we concluded our main insights and the opportunities we may develop into our new service. 01 |

02 |

03 |

High risk of exposure to indoor radon

Need direct solution

Building usage dependent

People spend up to 80% of their time indoors in a daily basis

People either don’t know the real risk of radon or simple solutions to reduce the level

Radon level changes depending on building environment

opportunities 01 |

02 |

03 |

Provide continuous data

Encourage taking action

Efficient building usage

Radon level changes depending on building environment

Providing instant and simple solutions so people can take action to lower radon levels

Assisting people to manage building usage and ventilation systems


Service: RASA 48


RASA provides a service package to enable clients to accurately measure the radon levels in their buildings and take action in buildings with an unsafe level of radon. Through continuous assistance, the aim of the service is make the clients feel at ease knowing that they are fully protected against the ill-effects of radon. (Watch full introduction video)

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customer journey 1 week


4 weeks



Remediation & Maintenance

For our users, the main activities we provide are the four steps as follows, - Assessment: a free pre-checking service to check the current radon data and carry out the study of building usage - Deployment: installation of the high-tech radon detector to detect radon data in the building and provide immediate simple solutions - Monitoring: a monitoring cloud enables our client to have an overview of the radon data and the real-time building usage - Remediation & Maintenance: after service support is always provided once requested, to make sure our clients are getting the most out of our service

service system map This system map shows the relationship between RASA and other main stakeholders. RASA buys the detection technology from CERN, hires people from human resource companies to run the service and provides service to private sectors. Users can get access to the data from monitoring software provided, in the service package, however RASA owns the radon data and trades the data to government to help build a complete database of radon in the nation.


radon data trading In our system, customer from private sectors are able to be funded by government because of their willingness of providing the important radon data. Through this funding mechanism, private sector customers could reduce the total cost of using the service and the govement will have a more comprehensive understading of the radon data in the nation.

radon data

funding Local Government

Private Sectors

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potential future market Starting from the UK, our future plan will be expanding the market to Europe, US and East Asia, since radon is already a well-known health issue in those areas. By collaborating with the local human resource, ventilation and maintenance companies, we are sure to provide accurate and efficient services to global users.


Internship in

Aug. 2014 Social Design Product Service System for Taiwan Nightmarkets Material/ Nylon Taiwan is famous for the culture of night markets, but trash cans are always not enough for the great amount of trash and garbage produced everyday by tourists. By Bagback System, this problem may be solved, and leave a clean and pleasant environment for those who come experience this enthusiastic culture of Taiwan.



Background Taiwan is famous for the culture of night market, and when it comes to night markets, everyone thinks of delicious food and snacks, enthusiastic Taiwanese, crowded and noisy streets, and lots of garbage! Although it is part of the Taiwan culture, it still has lots of problems to solve. According to research, there are about 30,000 to 50,000 people a day go to night markets in weekdays, and even more than 50,000, up to 100,000 people eating and shopping in night markets on weekends or holidays. That certainly cause some problems, and I focus on these two: 1/ trash cans are too small and not enough for the amount of trash tourists produce 2/ beggars gather in night markets hoping to get more money because of the big number of tourists

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Bagback System The final solution is a non-profit system called "Bagback," which sets up to help deal with the sanitation problems as well as the beggars problem. The logo replaced two As into two bags: the first one is an empty bag ( ) and the second a full bag ( ). After using the bags, users should give them back to counters. So is called "Bagback."

empty bag

bag with garbage

The main purposes of this system is to: 55

1/ reduce randomly thrown garbage in night markets

2/ help the homeless and beggars have jobs with reasonable payment

The detailed survice process will be introduced in the next pages.

Service System renting counter

At the entrances and exits of the night markets we set counters of Bagback system. Renting counter and returning counter are at the same place so it is convenient for users to rent and return bags. Workers at counters are volunteers who has relevant working experience, and beggars or the homeless in that night market.

+ volunteers

recyclable backbag bag 56

size: 28*37*8(cm) material: Nylon cost: 85NTdollars/ 200 bags The bags are made by Nylon, so they are light and easy to clean. Also, it is very cheap to print and produce. The size is big enough for trash produced by 3-4 people while eating in night markets. To rent a bag, pay 50 NT dollars as deposit; as long as users return the bags back to returning counters, 50 NT dollars will be given back to users.

50NT for renting tourists

backbag bag

beggars and homeless

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sponsorship & discounts

Because the Bagback System is a non-profit system but need to pay salary to those beggars working in, it needs sponsorship to keep it working. To achieve a win-win situation, night market supporting Bagback System should encourage vendors and shops in it to be sponsors; as long as they sponse the system, they will get a sticker as shown above. When customers who carry the bag come to a store with that sticker, they can get 10% off discount. In this case, Bagback get money from sponsors; shops and vendors attract more customers because of having discounts; and users carrying the bag get some discounts.

+ tourists


backbag bag


Service System

gathering & returning

Users of the bags should put their garbage or trash produced during visiting night markets, instead of throwing them randomly. It is customers that help gather garbage. There are returning counters at the end or the exit of the market, so users can give back the bags with garbage, then get the 50 NT dollars deposit back. So eventually users don't pay for the bag but get discounts from vendors, and also help gather garbage.


+ tourists 58

recycling & cleansing After tourists return bags back, the homeless and beggars’ job is to deal with garbage and do the cleansing of bags. They do recycling of the garbage, wash and make bags in order, then send them back to the renting counters. They are paid to do the job, so they no longer need begging on the streets.


backbag bag (with trash)

backbag bag (clean)

backbag bag (with trash)

50NT back

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users of Bagback

help gather garbage


help recycle & do cleansing


vendors and shops


jobs & salary

sticker to attract customers

clean & no-beggar environment

beggars and homeless

night markets

expecting result Bagback System is designed to solve the sanitation and beggars problems in the night market. With this system, I hope that not only those problems will be solved but bring profits and achieve a win-win situation for vendors, customers, beggars and night markets!


Luck for You Nov. 2014 - Jan. 2015 User Studies Praying Product Service System for Examinees Material/ Paper. Plastic Tainan Confucius Temple is the very first one built in Taiwan, so many examinees visit the temple to pray for luck to successfully pass exams and reach their goals. "Luck for You" is a new product service system whose goal is to help people living in Tainan easily send blessings from Tainan Confucius Temple to their friends who can' t come pray for themselves, and connect them with the temple, make them feel like Confucius is always by their sides!

collaborated with / Chia-Ying, Huang Sheng-Ting, Huang Sheng-Pei, Hu


Background Many people visit Tainan Confucius Temple to pray for good luck for their important exams; however, sometimes it is the examinee's friends in Tainan wanting to help pray for them voluntarily. Unfortunately, they often found it difficult to improve they' ve prayed and send the blessing to their friends, so we started to figure out what to do.

Praying Process The praying process that we observed is : 62

go into 以成書院 put the incense ash into the zipper bag with the bamboo spoon

ask the temple host for a zipper bag


make clockwise rotation above the incense burner three times

give the blessed zipper bag to frineds

The existing process needs two main objects: zipper bag and bamboo spoon. We thought the zipper bag doesn' t contain enough feeling of blessing, so we focused on designing new carrier of incense ash, as well as the whole product service system.

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Product Service System Our product service system includes a blessing postcard and a "Luck for You" App. The postcard is designed to carry the zipper bag filled with incense ash; users can also write down encouraging words for their friends on the back, then directly send it from Tainan Confucius Temple. Once their friends receive the blessing, they can scan the QR code for futher service from the combined App.

blessing postcard




bulletin board

A information desk

put the zipper bag filled with incense ash in front of the postcard






A send to friends

write down blessings to friends at the back of the postcard

Product Service System Luck for You App This App provides cute Confucius and Wen-Chang by the side of examinees to push them forward. It helps examinees set goals, count down for their exams, and automatically send great news of achieving goals to Tainan Confucius Temple! Thus, the temple and examinees can be combined togther, having stronger relationship than before.

scan the QR code at the back of the postcard to download "Luck for You" app

loading screen 64

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神明伴左右 gods by your side

providing daily quotes to encourage examinees to study harder

日期報你知 test date

helping users to count down for exams; system will also show the count-down on your desktop 65

目標在前方 set your goal

setting goals to achieve so examinees will be more motivated

好消息相報 good news

the system will pop up a notice immediately right after the result comes out; also it help sends the result back to the temple


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Final Look We hope the blessing can be sent directly to those in need, and with the help of Confucius and Wen-Chang in the App, examinees can achieve their goals.


Product Design


Sep. 2014 - Mar. 2015 Thesis Project

Food Management and Preservation System Material/ Acrylic. Plastic. Silicone By the complementariness of Crispal crispers and the food management application, it is easy to keep the freshness, make good use and get clear informations of foods! By Crispal System, people can reduce food waste at home, cook well and eat well. collaborated with /

Hsing-Yu, Chen Pin-Yi, Lai



Background Often, we open the fridge to find that there are so many foods put randomly in it, just like a huge box of kitchen waste! People always put foods into their fridge without a second thoughts, no matter the categories or ways of preservation, and even forget what are still in it, making lots of food expired unconsciously. This may increase the chance of cross infections between foods, and makes it not easy to find or take things out; thus, the fridge becomes messier and messier, the qualities of foods get worse as well.

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Food Preservation The best way to preserve food is doing some simple cleaning, chopping, draining and packaging right after the purchase, then place them into crispers. It will be much better if crispers are vacuumed. In this way, it is easy to keep foods fresh and convenient to take them out of fridge. Keeping records of food items can help people efficiently use those ingredients, so foods won’t lay in fridge being forgotten and expire. As a result, food waste at home can be decreased.

Concept 73

drawer-like crisper

We often use drawers to keep items in different categories if we want to organize our messy desktop; starting with this, we try to think outside the box: combine drawer with crisper, create the drawer-like crisper called ” Crispal Crisper” that makes taking out food from the fridge more convenient.

vacuum crisper

Cut an apple into a half, and put one into the fridge directly, another after placed in a vacuum crisper. Three days later, we found that the former one shrank and oxidized while the latter is as fresh as the first day. Adding the function of vacuum preservation to Crispal Crisper, it will be a more efficient way of food preservation and utilization.

food management

Many people put memos on the fridge door to remind themselves of expiration dates and places they put. Crispal System offers a food management application for users to get clear information of foods in fridge, and even provides recipes to make good use of ingredients already purchased.


Introduction “ Crispal� is a food management and preservation system including Crispal Crispers and a food management application. Drawer-like vacuum crispers are easy to stack up, and the inner box where foods are put can be taken out individually; besides, the design of the handle valve makes it intuitive to pull the handle and release vacuum at the same time, then the drawer can be opened. As for the application, by scanning receipts, it can build food information rapidly, remind users of expiration dates and provide recipes to make good use of foods.Through this system, we can decrease the chance of food waste and improve family health and safety.

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Product Details knob ringed groove

silicone handle

vacuum valve

The handle of drawer plays an important role in this vacuum device. The metal part up front is a support while pulling out to reach pressure balance; the middle part is a soft and flexible silicone handle whose contact surface with front cap of the inner box must be flat, or the vacuum device won’t work. The bottom part is a knob which users can remove while the crisper needs washing.

front cap

sheetmetal elevated platform


The hole which can be covered by the handle acts as a vent while the drawer is being vacuumed, and as a intake while releasing vacuum. The ringed groove surrounding the handle fits the mouth of vacuum machine, making it perfectly sealed while pumping. Behind the hole is a slightly elevated platform that prevents the knob blocking the intake while releasing vacuum.

white LED colour detector

vacuum pump

vacuum machine

To be connected with the food management application, there are colour detector and white LED assembled in the mouth of vacuum machine. While pumping, the colour detector detects the colour of the handle and sends it to the application by bluetooth, so the interface will show up information of the corresponding crisper.

silicone mouth



Using Process

putting in magnet


The inner box containing foods can be taken out and placed in separately. When placing it into the outer box, magnets on the back of both outer and inner boxes attract each other, making these two parts closely attached. In this way, the crisper can be perfectly sealed.


p re s s u re difference

Aim the ringed groove surrounding the handle and press the power button, the machine will start pumping and automatically stop until the inner space becomes vacuumed. Pressure difference makes the handle being closely attached to former cap of the crisper, and makes sure the drawer crisper is vacuumed.

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pulling out The drawer handle is also the vacuum valve: as long as we pull it, gas outside the box will seep into the drawer to reach pressure balance, then vacuumed drawer can be pulled out. The anti-slip silicone strips at the bottom of the outer box are strong enough to contend with the pulling force.

pulling force


placing magnet

Added with magnets, the automatic vacuum machine can be stuck on the fridge door, so users won’t need to find another place to put it, making the whole process smoother.

Crispal App Interlocked with Crispal Crisper, the food management application of Crispal System can be downloaded in mobiles or pads, so users can manage their foods easily. The application tells users about locations, quantities and expiration dates of foods and provides recipes to efficiently use them. Through reminding and providing recipes, the application can help reduce food waste at home.


2016.1.31 2016.2.4 2016.2.7 2016.2.8 2016.2.14 2016.2.16

new item Food management applications nowadays depend on manual entering to get food items and expiration dates. To make it more convenient, we use the technologies of scanning QR codes on receipts, and filtering keywords to get food items and expiration dates instead of manual entering. In this way, the system can get more than a record at once.

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food list Food information is shown on the “ Food Information” box on the upper left; after vacuuming, the machine sends the colour of handle to the application, then the system shows image of crisper with the corresponding colour on the “ New Crisper” box on the lower left. Users can drag crispers and items to edit their locations; the quantities can be edited too. There are items and countdowns of expiration date shown on the interface, intuitively reminds users of the most important information.

best before This page shows countdowns and amounts of foods yet to finish. The closer the expiration date, the upper the information will be shown, so users can quickly view all informations of foods.

today's meal Crispal System provides suitable recipes for users to choose based on expiration dates and quantities of foods; the choice up front contains more foods whose expiration dates are very close. In this case, the system can help users make good use of foods when they are still fresh and crisp, make healthy meals for the whole family.


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Final Look Through Crispal System, it is easy for users to keep foods fresh and arrange foods on their mobiles, helping people efficiently use those ingredients. As a result, food waste at home can be decreased, and the whole family can enjoy fresher and healthier meal.



Handy Cooking Oct. 2013 - Jan. 2014 Industrial Design Kitchenware Material/ ABS. PU. Wood. Melamine plywood Whenever cooking, what' s annoying the most? Trashcan far away, water flowing everywhere, lots of plates occupying the working place...? Handy Cooking may be a solution for those who cook ! With elegant wooden cutting boards sliding on countertop, you can make dishes on the enlarged working place; a hidden trashcan standing by just on the right side of the sink makes throwing garbage no longer a thing that bothers; it even drains leftover! Handy Cooking, makes cooking handy! collaborated with /

Pin-Yi, Lai




As a college student, eating outside for every meal is very common; however, it is not so healthy and clean. So we often like to cook by ourselves if there is a kitchen in the dorm. But when cooking , we met several problems : 1/ trashcan is far away, and our both hands are always busy carrying trash 2/ water flows everywhere 3/ lots of plates and containers occupying the working place We truly hope to solve these problems through our new kitchenware design; so here comes -- "Handy Cooking."

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Concept We found that the existing cutting boards often make cooking even more annoying, and the working space often filled with other things instead of plates is too small. Another that bothers is how to deal with trash and leftover. So we focused on simplifying the cooking process by enlarging the working space of countertop, and making throwing trash and leftover easier.


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Process From idea sketches to the final model, my partner and I took time discussing and figuring out solutions to problems we met when cooking or obstacles bothering us while making prototype. Making the sink and the functional parts were the toughest of all. We used PU and ABS to form the shape of the sink. As for the wooden cutting board, we asked seniors for help to shape it, and tested it again and again to make sure the size can truly slide on the countertop smoothly.

Product Features sink

draining plate

trash bin

cutting boards

glass-ceramic cooktop


easy cleansing cutting board can be slided right under the faucet to do cleansing

easy draining

a slope on one side let water flow down to the sink naturally

easy dumping

simply put the trash or leftover on the plate

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easy sliding

slide the cutting board on the built-in start cooking without using other plates or track on countertop to the cooking area containers


easy using different ingredients seperated by two cutting boards

designed to be taken up intuitively

both sides can be used

leftover will be drained through the after being drained , it is ready to be trash goes down into trashcan when door osculums thrown away is closed


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Final Look We hope cooking will be easier, cleaner and more convenient through our design,"Handy Cooking." Life will be different if we just put a little more consciousness! Handy cooking, makes cooking handy!


Branding & Marketing


Time Flies, We Dye Oct. - Dec. 2013 Marketing and Management of Art Plant Dyeing Backpack & Pencil Bag Material/ Cloth. Plants. Leather. Metal Buckles Plant dyeing is a traditional way to make cloths colourful. We want to find the true beauty of natural plant dyeing, extract the remaining soul of falling leaves; so even if they died, their beautiful colours are still vividly alive.

collaborate with / Shi-Dian, Chang Yi-Chin, Lee Ya-Chuan, Mei Yi-Chun, Huang



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The Story Plant dyeing is a traditional way to make cloths colourful. However, for the convenience and budget, there appeared chemical dyes nowadays. We want to find the true beauty of natural plant dyeing, extract the remaining soul of falling leaves; then put those splendid colours on cloths, giving them beautiful and unique patterns by tieing them in different ways. Our brand is called" č??ć&#x;“ (Ren-Ran)," being homophonic to a Chinese old saying: Time flies. So we thought up an English slogan "Time flies, we dye" having another humorous euphony between "dye" and "die." We try to remain the essence and spirit of plants, so even if they died, their beautiful colours are still vividly alive.


Products We turned the beautifully-dyed cloth into pencil bag and backpack. Every single product has its own colour and pattern, no matter how seemly-alike with others, it is still the very unique one.

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pencil bag size: 16.5 * 23 (cm) texture: cloth & leather colour: blue/red/yellow/brown 1







Our pencil bag can be your little cutie partner besides you no matter where you go. The suitable size for putting ballpens and pencils or other little stuffs makes it convenient to carry without bringing too many stationeries. The very first time we only dyed one colour on each cloth, leaving the patterns white and clear.

We tied cloth tight on pipes, chopsticks, or just bound them randomly to make those beautiful patterns. We have made mainly four kinds of patterns. Each has its own beauty and attractiveness to customers; but I personally love " pipe dye" the most, the kind shown in this picture .

We tried double-dyeing our cloth after making the hit on the first sale. We dyed cloth into light colours at the first time, wait until they dried completely, then dyed them again into deep colours. The most successful combinitions are yellow on blue/ red. We made some special edition for sale in small numbers, trying to attrack those who find the special beauty of them.

backpack size: 30 * 50 * 7.5 (cm) texture: cloth & metal colour: blue/ red/ yellow/ brown with white/ black yellow with red blue with mizu (water blue) yellow on blue with white/ black




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We discussed for the style of backpack for a long time, and finally chose this kind of style. Backpacks shown in this picture are the original style made before the first sale, mainly in colours red, blue and brown with white cloth, and a metal buckle to open the bag.

We tried double-dyeing our cloth after making the hit on the first sale. These are the special ones made from doublecoloured-cloth.

The scene of our booth. We took out several bags as samples for customers to try carry it on, while others rolled up and put into round shelf made by ourselves. The one at the front in the picture is special kind which combined blue cloth and mizu cloth, the kind I like the most.

The picture is uploaded to our fanpage to let our fans see what product they can choose at the sale day. Many people asked us why not run an on-line shop? But because we are still students, business is not the most important thing at the current stage.


Experiment We have tried many plants, such as onion, red cabbage, leaves of beggars-ticks, to extract their colours by putting them into boiled water. The experiments failed easily because there were many details awaited us to discover. Finally we found some plants that colours can be successfully dyed on cloths: Da-Qing (Mayflower gloryberry), Kerria, Banyan and Common Garcinia. Banyan and Common Garcinia are particularly special because they are famous trees in our campus.

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Process We picked up fallen leaves as our ingredients to make dyes. After collecting plenty of leaves, we washed them, put them into a big pot, then started to boil. Wait for about 30 minutes, dye was extracted out. But it was not thick enough, so the process above needed to be repeated for several times. Until the dye was ready, tied or bound the clothes in different ways for different patterns, then soaked them into the dye. After half an hour we took them out, put them into fixative to make sure the colour was absorbed into cloth; this step also needed to be done again and again to ensure the colour was deeply absorbed in. After all the steps above, the most excited part was coming: open up and see the patterns! Sometimes we met failures, for many reasons such as too little fixative, did not tie cloths correctly... . Though it was a time-consuming procedure, it was still full of fun and excitement.


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pick up fallen leaves for making our dye wash the leaves boil them with plenty of hot water to extract pigment in leaves tied clothes absorbed with dye unfold it and take a look at the beautiful pattern






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Marketing running fanpage

To show our products to customers before the sale day, we founded a web page as a platform. For advertising, we took lots of photos to show how beautiful our pencil bags and backpacks are, showing usages, attracting them to buy one. Every single piece is the very unique one. We promised that no one would look exactly the same as the other.


psychological test We offered a psychological test to our customers to trigger them being interested in our products. Our patterns can be classified mainly into four categories: Hepburn, Jack & Rose, Juno and Lennon. We found that customers really liked to take psychological test to have a surprising result, and then asked for products with the exact pattern according to the result.

Hepburn: romantic, girlish, have a naive dream of future

Jack & Rose: being eager for a deep love, sentimental

Juno: Lennon: independent, determined, love freedom, love traveling, have differnrt thoughts easy-going


Fortunately, all products sold out . After all the efforts, the fruit should be sweet. My partners and I are all happy to be part of this team; we discussed, wondered, and even had little fights, but still, we made a great cooperation with each other and are really proud of "č??ć&#x;“ ." It is a great experience indeed, I enjoy a lot and love it from the bottom of my heart.

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Workshop After graduation, we have some free time and want to make our brand alive again. We first came up the idea of holding workshops to let people who are interested in plant-dyeing and our products to make out their own backpack. Thus, we held a workshop lasting for two days in Tainan.


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participants showing their own works together introducing our brand participant tieing cloth to make her own pattern putting cloth in the dye unfold it and take a look at the pattern unipue backpacks made by the participants newly-designed shape of our backpacks full view of the beatiful pattern




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About Us 2013.10 2013.12.02 2013.12.22 2013.12.28 2014.01.11 2014.03.23 2015.08.09

set up in NCKU set up Facebook fanpage first sale at Memorial Hall for Women in Tainan second sale at NCKU Banyan Garden third sale at 手 _ 手 Design Fair fourth sale at NCKU Banyan Garden first workshop at Planett in Tainan




Graphic Works


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Graphics for Graduation Exhibition " Start it with us. Let’s explore the opportunity for design and search the better resolutions for live. As the Domino Effect, it would trigger a series of thought provoking reactions." Our main idea is Domino Effect, so every design is based on thos concept.


Canvas Poster

size: 300 * 300 (cm)


size: 210 * 297 (mm)


size: 130 * 50 (mm)


Art Works Drawing is the very first interest developed in my childhood. I started learning it when I was only a 4-year-old child.I love painting and drawing, no matter Charcoal sketch,aquarelle or Chinese painting, but I love aquarelle the most. My art teacher even said that my watercolour painting has a very strong personalilty. I learned until 17 and reluctantly stopped it because I needed to prepare for University Entrance Exam. Painting was, is and will be my most interested hobby!

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street in snow aquarelle

Charcoal sketch

an old woman

skiffs under the tree

Aquarelle is my favorite kind of painting of all! Because it is colourful and easily controlled to me. My teacher said that my personality was hidden in the painting secretly while I did the drawings. Painting with watercolour is a great fun to me!

When drawing Charcoal sketch, what I enjoy the most is the moment while strokes being smashed and becoming layers of shadows. Charcoal sketch performs a special feeling and requires strength to draw deep.

When it comes to Chinese painting, trivial and tedious are the top two descriptions occurred to me. It is hard to control and easily failed. But I still tried hard to practice it.

Chinese painting


Illustrations I am also in love with illustrating. Different from the training of fine arts, illustration is all based on my own feelings and imaginations, and I can use only a normal pencil or pen to draw whatever occured to my mind. I seldom have time to do illustrations, so I mainly do it for celebrations, such as birthdays, Mother's Day and other holidays. I also enjoy drawing and making cards a lot, and can be easilt motivated especially when seeing receivers appreciated reactions.

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when spring comes

needle pen & aquarelle

pencil & aquarelle

I really enjoy drawing seasons and horoscopes. Though spring is not my favorite season, I love to draw it in all kinds of style.

Butterflies and blossoms are symbols of the coming spring. Spring has not yet come to those tree branches, I wonder what flowers will bloom next.



aquarelle "What did you just say?" "I heard that... but don't tell anyone else, will you?" "Absolutely not."

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zodiac signs

digital graphics Using the lucky colours and flowers of horoscopes as metaphors, I tried to make them different from other works depicting zodiac signs. Their hairstyles are also symbols. These are my first digital graphic works.




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celebration cards

needle pen & colour pencil graphics 1 2 3 4 5

Birthday Card for Mom Mother's Day Card Birthday Card for Dad Mother's Day Card Birthday Card for Mom


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