CRITICAL REFLECTION Architecture has ascendancy to influence the society, in which and alter the identity of a place. Transformation in dwelling is to change city and to reform society. An environment created by architecture can authorise the quality of a well-being society. This project aims to explore ideas in strict manners and principles which controls the outcome of spatial qualities, a friendly environment to enhance the ability of basic crafting, learning and communication. Therefore, this brief breaks down into ‘A Series of Rooms’ for their own unique uses, in order to construct a comfortable community, whether looking at it as multiple entities or as a whole. The intention of this brief is to emphasise ‘Architecture of Health’, the relation between human well-being and building design. This can be approached through how ones behaviour can be controlled by optimising parameters such as temperature, light, air and a hint of nature. The evidence has suggested five ways leads to mental well-being established by scientists. When outlining a proposed architecture should always consider these rules to promote a healthier solution of living for occupants. Connect with other people/Be physically active/Learn new skills /Give to others/Mindfulness Immediate treatments for mental health is often solved by medical treatment, and thus as friendly design home, neighbourhood environment is a long term solutions to improve the quality of life. In this regard, Roman Architect Vitruvius Pollio identified three elements necessary for a well-designed building: ‘Firmitas’ is health, ‘Utilitas’ is comfort and ‘Venustas’ is for happiness. These three principles are both physically and spiritually approach for individuals being well, thus it must response to users need in prior. Louis Kahn declared the process in making architecture is through a series of ‘The Space of Ideas’. He focus on constrains the relationship between indoor and outdoor rooms which conducive to a mediation environment. This concept helps him to breakdown each rooms in geometric orders, within the simplicity of his organisation, Kahn inspired to create a complex content by abstraction. His spatial arrangement is often follows having a large centre for serving and rooms for servant spaces, indicates distinct and logical circulation, achieved a comfortable and calm ‘society’. 5