Entry #2162 Print Communications Category Lina Zhao
Welcome Description: Bloom is a non-profit program empowering girls living with cancer to face the future with confidence and positivity. Through activities like drama workshops, summer camps, and online interactions, the program encourages these girls to open up and express themselves, share stories and connect with other girls like them. The project includes a brand identity package, various print materials, an awareness campaign, and a website. With these efforts, Bloom plays a positive and inspiring role in these girls’ lives. The awareness campaign is an invitation to join Bloom, to break through the boundaries and to discover hope. Objective: Living with Cancer can be terrifying, and for teenage girls the fears are amplified by a sense of isolation. Bloom invites these girls, their families, and friends to address their fears and discover support through a community. The name “Bloom” and the logo are inspired by the optimism and promise of a blossoming flower. The logos shape was actually constructed by capturing and layering top-down views of the ruffles of a dancers dress, evoking a sense of celebration and hope. The first step of the program is the invitation. Transit interior signage and magazine advertisements use sequential panels to tell transformational stories, promoting the Bloom website. Wearing a Bloom flower from the point-of-purchase flower boxes is a tangible way to make donations and show support. The second step is the website. This is where girls discover that they are not alone. They discover camaraderie and positive reinforcement when they share their feelings and experiences. Beyond advertising and the web, the optimism and promise of a blossoming flower extends through all of the Bloom brand applications The in house Bloom magazine features inspiring stories and important information. There are branded journals for the girls to keep as a diary to encouraging self-expression. Group uniforms for summer camps and outreach team are also designed with a consistent style by allowing unique emphasize of how Bloom connects individuals. So many people believe a positive outlook is a key part of winning the battle against cancer. “Bloom” may not be able to extend a girls life but it can help them blossom, grow and not feel alone.
Tools Used ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS 5 Created logo, graphics amd typesetting. ADOBE BRIDGE CS 5 First step retouching photographs ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS 5 Logo and graphics were imported from Illustrator and Photoshop was used for photo manipulation and for creation of photorealistic assets, branding applications and print materials. ADOBE INDESIGN CS 5 Created this project book.
Brand Brand Identity Identity
The name “Bloom” and the logo are inspired by the optimism and promise of a blossoming flower. The logo’s shape was actually constructed by capturing and layering top-down views of the ruffles of a dancer’s dress, evoking a sense of celebration and hope.
Variations of the bloom logo are available for different applications. The versions of the logo should be selected for use based on the colour used within the composition it’s being applied to. The preferred versions of the logo are the CMYK pink and reversed versions. They should be used most frequently.
Original CMYK pink version:
Logo without tagline:
Black & white version:
often used on white applications.
often used on brand merchandise such as journal and uniform.
often used on black & white applications or can be made into a stamp.
CMYK reversed white version:
Logo with URL:
often used on pink or other coloured applications.
often used on posters & advertisements after call to action
Clear space:
Minimum size
Logo position:
xx x
] 1.5’’
x x
For best impact, our logo needs room to breathe. Allow a minimumclear space around the logo as indicated by the Xs below.
Under good reproduction conditions (133lpi +), the minimum size of the logo is 1.5” in width. Where reproduction quality is questionable, minimum sizes should be increased.
The logo should always be positioned in one of the corners of a composition, with the top and bottom left corners as the preferred location. Do not centre the logo within compositions.
Bloom’s colour palette reflects the vibrancy of the brand. Power Pink is the primary brand colour. Snow White is mainly used for the reversed logo, graphic, and text colour or as background. Dreamy Grey is used for logo text and body copy on a white background. whereas the other four colours are used for Bloom graphics. Do not use screens of these colours or any additional colours for Bloom branded applications.
Power Pink C0 M91 Y0 K0
Primary brand colour Applied to logo, graphics, background, headlines, call to action buttons.
Princess Purple C51 M79 Y0 K0
Snow White C0 M0 Y0 K0
Applied to reversed logo, graphics, background, headlines, body copy.
Pinky Purple C31 M84 Y0 K0
Bloom graphic colour Applied to bloom graphics. Symbolizes hope.
Applied to bloom graphics. Symbolizes hope.
Dreamy Grey C64 M55 Y52 K2
Applied to logo text, transparent background on web, headlines, body copy.
Morning Green C37 M0 Y100 K0
Applied to bloom graphics. Symbolizes hope.
Eternal Blue Green C57 M0 Y40 K0
Applied to bloom graphics. Symbolizes hope.
The typefaces used in all Bloom branded applications are Diavlo and Gotham. Do not extend or condense the type. Horizontal/vertical scaling must always be 100%. Be sure to use the specified weight for each component (logo, headline, subhead, and body copy).
Diavlo Bold: logo “Bloom” (all lower case).
Gotham Bold regular: bloom magazine spread headings.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Diavlo Medium: website call to action button text.
Gotham Bold Italic: headings on bloom magazine cover.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Diavlo Book: poster & magazine advertisement headlines, website headings & navigation.
Gotham Medium: bloom magazine cover headlines spread headings, spread subheads & quote.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Diavlo light: logo tagline, body copy.
Gotham Book Regular: body copy on bloom magazine . spread & website featured story pages.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Book Italic: quote on bloom magazine backcover.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Studio photos, for campaign advertisements, utilize white to grey backgrounds. This allows for our subject`s personality to shine through.
For featured stories in Bloom magazine and on the website, photos should be shot in situation, allowing for personality of subject to stand out. Choose backgrounds that are colourful and as unique as the personalities of the subject. Backgrounds should be blurred as to not show detail.
Our tone of voice is friendly and personable, as you would speak to a friend. We`ve written some headlines with suggestions for use.
Headlines for posters and magazine advertisement:
Bloom magazine headlines:
Cancer is scary. Discover hope. Share your stories!
The pink warrior Break free Sing a new song Shining like a star
Body copy for posters & magazine advertisements:
Website call to action:
Living with cancer isn’t easy. You may feel scared and alone. At Bloom, we connect you with other girls who are going through the same thing. By sharing experiences, you can truly blossom. Discover hope. Join us today!
Share your stories! Websiteheadlines:
Bloom camp, where hope connects! Drama workshop, talent discovered.
Brand Applications
STATIONERY business card The business card is to be printed double sided on Luna gloss paper.
Size:3.5’’x 2’’
Yvonne Steward
General Manager
604 551 5433 yvonne@bloom.com
STATIONERY letterhead The letterhead is to be printed double sided on 8.5’’x 11’’ letter sized paper.
Size:8.5’’x 11’’
756 Hope Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
STATIONERY envelope The envelope is to be printed single sided on regular No.10 envelope.
Size: 9’’x 4.5’’
756 Hope Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
This branded journal is designed for the girls to keep as a diary to encouraging self-expression.
Transit interior signage and magazine advertisements use sequential panels to tell transformational stories, promoting the Bloom website.
The uniforms are designed with a consistent style by allowing unique emphasize of how Bloom connects individuals. The outreach team goes into public (such as schools, hospitals or streets) to promote “Bloom” and give out Bloom flowers.
OUTREACH TEAM UNIFORM front The uniforms are designed with a consistent style by allowing unique emphasize of how Bloom connects individuals. The outreach team goes into public (such as schools, hospitals or streets) to promote “Bloom” and give out Bloom flowers.
For fund-raising activities, we have designed a point of purchase display for Bloom Flowers. This is to be placed on the counter of school, hospital reception desk, or department store. These flowers are also given out to the public by Bloom outreach team. Wearing a Bloom flower is a tangible way to make donations and show support. People can also buy the flower and give it to a girl they know who is living with cancer. For information and ordering Bloom Flower Display, please contact head office.
BLOOM MAGAZINE cover The in house Bloom magazine features inspiring stories and important information
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It was a time when I felt really alone Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque massa eros, sodales ac scelerisque sed, condimventum ac lorem. Duis mattis, orci eu imperdiet vestibulum, leo dolor tempor elit, sed egestas nisi velit at dolor. Vestibulum in lacinia urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
Break free
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Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. ~Alyssa Pietruszka
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tate euismod.
Feburary/March 2012
Web Presence
This is where girls discover that they are not alone. They discover camaraderie and positive reinforcement when they share their feelings and experiences.
Campaign Overview Touch Points
On - Line
Register for camp
Register for drama workshop
Girls living with cancer
Make new friends, buy souvenir merchandise and access the camp`s support services.
Make new friends, Explore your feelings through role play
Visit bloom.com
And Blossom
Get inspired, and leave comments Share your experience Build friendships View others` comments on your story