Entry #2213 Packaging category Lina Zhao
Description: Red Crush is the branding and packaging for a private winery, targeting adventurous non-traditional wine enthusiasts and collectors. Objective: The client needed a name for the winery, packaging for a Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc and wanted a private label gift bag or container for his bottles that would set him apart from other wineries. The concept developed tells the story of the wine. Wine is the essence of a grape’s life. The design focuses on the crushing of grapes as the core idea. The name “Red Crush� and the logo captures the essence of this idea. The dramatic splash and the saturated red on white emphasizes the process and makes the wine packaging stand out on the shelf. Both products utilize the same design, but alternate colours to work best for each varietal. Both the gift box and wine tag have a liquid shape to reinforce the idea of flowing wine. The splashes on the gift boxes always bleed out from red onto white, reinforcing the concept of crushing grapes. Special presentation adds to the giftability and continues the liquid metaphor.
Tools Used Adobe Illustrator CS 5 Created the logo, graphics, and flat designs. Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Th retouched images of the 3D prototypes were edited in Photoshop. Adobe Indesign CS 5 Created this project book.
Logo and Graphic
Colour Palette
Crushing Red
C 26 M 100 Y88 K 24
Crystal White
C 0 M 0 Y0 K 0
Flowing Black
C 0 M 0 Y0 K 100
Zapfino: Logo “Red crush”
Mrs Eave All small Caps: Names and titles on all lables.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Mrs Eave Roman Medium:The year 2012 on Front label.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Mrs Eave OT Roman: Body texts on back label.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Entry #2213 Packaging category Red Crush Lina Zhao