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+52 (722) 3503576 +52 (722) 2720610 MEXICO


Who is MAZAME X We are a family owned Mexican company located in central México who´s main goal is to offer a high quality and healthful product by using TRADITIONAL methods and materials and therefore, promoting Mexican culture around the world. The founder, Jose Antonio Rodriguez, has always been involved in the Mexican agricultural sector, he had foreseen an opportunity with the local owners of “Tortillerías” by offering them a product with the same quality and flavor as the one achieved homemade while minimizing the manual labor required on their daily production of tortillas. His determination and commitment to the local communities led to the creation of Mazamex.


Miss ion To produce flour by nixtamalization method with the highest quality which represents with prestige our most traditional flavors. We strive to grow our Business by empowering indigenous communities by generating jobs and promoting production of native corn.

“To be a company that emphasizes in the quality of their product by offering nutritious and superior tasting flour to people around the world�


V is ion To be the company that best sponsors and promotes the core Mexican valuesfamily, community and traditions. To be a company that emphasizes in the quality of their product by offering nutritious and superior tasting flour to people around the world.


O u r Process V is ion

Our process begins by a meticulous selection of high quality corn native to the region, called “maiz criollo”, once we have the corn that satisfies our standards, it goes through a traditional method of nixtamalization. The term Nixtamalization comes from the Aztec word “nixtamalli”, compound of nextli "ashes" and tamalli "unformed corn dough”. It refers to the process of cooking dried corn kernels in an alkaline solution. Dried kernels are mixed with lime and cooked continuously at an approximate temperature of 70° C. After cooking, the mixture is steeped for around 8 hours. Cooking and soaking corn in an alkaline solution partially dissolves the cell walls of the kernels making it easier to grind for consumption.


The next of the process is grinding the mixture. Once grinded, the mixture turns into a dough, called masa. The masa passes through a dehydration process, which is achieved by applying a heat stroke To be the company best sponsors of 370°that C. After that, the and promotesmixture the coreisMexican valuesthen elevated family, community anddown. traditions. To to cool The dried be a company thatflour emphasizes in the masa is then filtered quality of their product offering by grading andby if desirable nutritious andgrading superioris tasting to met it flour passes people aroundthrough the world. the final process of packing and weighing.


O u r Products Ni xta m a l ized whi te cor n m as a flo u r

P rod uct p r e s e ntat io n 8

· 1 KG · 2 0 Kg

Ni xta m a l ized blue cor n m as a flo u r

P rod uct ion C a pac i t y

W e ca n ach i eve a tota l p ro d uct io n o f 2 0 tons o f flo u r pe r day . 9

O u r co m p et i t i ve a dva ntage ● Higher rate of final product production per kg of flour. For example, the production rate of tortillas for any commercial flour brand is 1.6 kg of tortillas per 1 kg of flour, our flour has an advantage of 25% in production rate, which translates into 2 kg of tortillas per 1 kg of flour. ● Only water is needed ● No additives or preservatives, all natural. Only lime added ● High quality corn native of the region. Non GMO´s. ● Whole grain – Grain is used completely we do not remove the bran or germ. Therefore, higher nutritional value. ● Nixtamalization process (Mexican Traditional method) ● Improved flavor and aroma achieved by the nixtamalization process and by using native varieties of corn.





+52 (722) 3503576 +52 (722) 2720610 MEXICO

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