February issue

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Statesman L i n c o l n

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S i o u x Fa l l s , S D

F ebruary 2, 2017

“The besT way To predicT your fuTure is To creaTe iT.” -abraham LincoLn

Trippy TruThs: GreaTesT conspiracy Theories Centerspread

p rincipal Fox announces reTiremenT Page 3 is pda okay aT lhs? Page 13

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STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

An end of an era: Principal Fox announces retirement

By Lucy Dekkenga The ultimate Lincoln Crazie will sadly be leaving LHS after the school year, principal Val Fox. Fox began her time at LHS as the assistant principal in 1995 and held this position for four years. She then transitioned to head principal in 1999. Holding a position at LHS through two centuries, three decades and almost 20 years, Fox has seen changes in many aspects of the school. She has witnessed changes in her own managing styles of LHS, amount of students and even family situations. The largest change Fox has seen is the amount of students who open enroll to LHS for academics, athletics and just to come to such as amazing school. “Open-enrollment has changed our school a lot,” said Fox. “We have of each incoming ninth grade class, one third to one half of each class is open enrolled. We have a lot of kids open enrolling for the programing. That’s been fun to watch.” Although there are changes, there has also been aspects that have never changed about LHS, such as our tradition of excellence. Fox gives tours of the building to LHS alumni who are eager to find out if LHS has upheld their academic achievements. The answer Fox gives is always the same; LHS has never wavered in academic strengths. “The things that have never


(Left) Val Fox in her first day as principal. (Right) Fox’s staff picture for the 2016-2017 school year.

changed, from the beginning till now, are we’ve had awesome teachers and awesome kids who really want to do well,” said Fox. “The academics here are top notch. The ACT scores are awesome. The AP scores are awesome. That has not changed.” However, no matter how impressive LHS AP scores are, this cannot persuade principal Fox to stay. Everyone knows that all good things must come to an end, so Fox will be retiring after the 20162017 school year. This decision did not come without struggles, though. Fox loves who she her coworkers and staff but has decided this is the year she will leave. “I love the superintendent that I’m working for; he’s just really a great guy to work with,” said Fox. “I wanted to make sure things transitioned really well and I just liked what I was doing. I kept

’s s, but it wo year t e r e ! h u o been ank y I’ve only t two years. Th a e r been a g itjens, senior Lu -Brooke ! ty on d par ian n a s e ish stod Best w Olson, cu e v -Da

Cong ratul Best w ations, now i -Janet shes on thi the fun beg sn in Kolb, applie ew chapte s! r. d arts teache r

thinking in the back of my mind ‘What are you going to do after this?’ So this year was the year I just started thinking ‘well this is maybe the year.’” LHS has left a lasting impression on Fox. She has learned more about her faculty and much more about the students as she has seen them grow. “In watching students and how they interact and how they grow up, it’s changed me for the better,” said Fox. “The thing that’s imprinted on me is just how hard it is to grown up. I think I’ve become a better person in having a little more empathy and sympathy for the situations that are going on.” After her retirement Fox plans on traveling to visit friends and family in Illinois and North and South Carolina. Students may see her collecting tickets at sporting events or sitting in the crowd of

with you. It’s been a wonderful 22 years her -Mary Coyne, mathematics teac

Dear Mrs. Fox, You’ve done a great job man aging academics, spor ts and music in LHS. You’ve had an outstanding ca re er. -Michael Cha ng, junior


an LHS band concert; however, she has made it very clear she will not be a substitute teacher. Fox will stay involved in LHS, something she cannot let go of as it is now apart of her. Fox also will continue to stay around LHS for the transition to the new principal. She even already has already come up with some tips to help them in the transition. “First thing I would say is be supportive and get involved in all of our activities that support the school, in other words all of the music programs, the drama, the oral interp and the debate,” said Fox. “Those are all what I call supportive programs and that’s what makes this school great. We’re always going to have great tennis players and golf and football but those other supportive activities really make this school great. I would tell whoever comes in to pay attention to those and support them 100 percent.” Fox believes that the transition to the new principal will not be hard for students or teachers and that LHS will not miss a beat. She also knows that LHS will continue on it’s strong course and keep winning the KELO cup each year. However, Fox will greatly miss LHS and it will be hard to say goodbye. “I’m going to miss being here,” said Fox. “Those last few weeks if somebody cries, I’ll cry. It’s a part of me. It’s been fun and I love being here.”

It’s been a grea t pleasure to se rve underneath you. You’ve be en a great role model of exce lence at LHS land it’s going to be hard to anybody more fi n d dedicated to be ing a Lincoln Patriot than yo u. Good luck in retirement! -Don Ryswyk , assistant prin cipal adership uisite le th to q x e r u o g my pa ou for y Thank y guided me alon as which h success. ior tzen, sen -Ben Gie



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

Jumping to conclusions about the SFSD Twitter

By Lucy Dekkenga Over the past 10 years, social media has become an increasingly large form of communication and entertainment. However, social media has also become an easier way to start drama, especially with how much teenagers like to jump to conclusions about little things they see. There is always more to the story than meets the eye, but still everyone does it. The Statesman is no exception. We are still guilty of jumping to conclusions and making up what we want to hear, but we decided to figure out the truth. Recently, the Statesman did some investigating on the Sioux Falls School District, SFSD, Twitter account and its other social media outlets to solve the mystery of how each post is chosen because we realized WHS was getting a lot of publicity. Ben Schumacher, the Communications Specialist for the SFSD, explained the whole situation. “The decision comes down to a few possibilities,” said Schumacher. “What I have been asked to share by administrators, what

promotes students, staff and Dis- high school,” said Schumacher. trict initiatives, what should the “We wanted their perspectives community know about, what’s on things like the last football happening in our schools or with game of their high school career, our students and staff, what do what it’s like being a senior when I have time to share and what you think back to being a freshhasn’t already been shared man, how stressful/enjoyvia another avenue able the last year of and doesn’t need high school is, to be repeathow they maned.” age younger Along with students as finding out team caphow each tains and so post is choon. Out of sen, the that meetStatesman ing, only one also wanted school evento find out why tually respondLHS did not get ed: Washington.” as much publicity as In the end, some of the other PHOTO PROVIDED BY GOOGLE PUBLIC USE there was no need schools and their activities. Es- to fret over the attention we pecially the WHS newspaper, thought we were not getting from the NOW. The answer was not as the SFSD. They still know we are dramatic as what it was thought here but we just got too jealous to be. to see it. However, there are many “Several years ago, my super- ways LHS can still be featured visor and I met with individu- through the SFSD, live either on als from each (traditional) high the Cube or on Twitter by simply school about getting seniors to notifying them beforehand. post about their final year of “Whenever I get a notification

School security rises around the country

By aBBie griffin When students go to school most think of the long hours of sitting and finishing assignments, but most do not think about if they are even going to make it home after a day of school. School safety is not something 15-yearolds think about on a daily basis, but it is becoming more of a growing issue in this country and security measures have tightened. “When people come here they ask why they have to be stopped, checked in and do those things,” said RHS principal Timothy Hazlett. “For some reason, unfortunately, the places that have been attacked in our country have often been in schools, whether it has been the students themselves or somebody who comes from outside the school.” Because of different layouts

and different authority figures, security levels differ depending where you go. At LHS, students are allowed to walk outside to get from classes because the layout of the school makes it difficult to get from one end to the other. At RHS, however, an open campus is not allowed. “After we close the doors in the morning, the exits and entrances are supposed to be the main door so we can see who is coming and going,” said Hazlett. “The more times you open the other doors around the building, the more chances that door doesn’t shut. We have people monitoring the doors throughout the day to make sure they are shut.” After visiting other schools in the school district, LHS has no reason to complain about strictness of security.

on my phone that a live stream has begun at any school, for any reason, every single school, elementary through high school, has their own live streaming channel, I tweet the link to that event,” said Schumacher. Along with this, there are opportunities to be published through the SFSD for seniors who are interested in writing about their high school experiences. “If any seniors, in any class, club or other capacity, ever want to write an essay, column, post or reflection on the high school experience, we’d gratefully consider posting it,” said Schumacher. Let this be a lesson to all, be sure to get all the facts before jumping to conclusions. New information will be discovered that might be even better than expected. To learn more about the SFSD and stay on top of all activities and events happening in the SFSD, check out its WordPress blog, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, The Cube and Snapchat.

LHS trumps WHS by a landslide

By MoLLy Mcinyre Over the summer, LHS has implemented new security rules to keep the students safe. Measures such as locking all but three doors in the morning and taking off your winter jackets seem to be widely unpopular. But do the students at LHS have it worse than students at WHS? On Dec. 15, I spent the day at WHS to feel what it would be like to be a Warrior. Everyone has their own version of school pride, but I considered myself truly blessed to be a Patriot that day. WHS has rules prohibiting cell phones in their classrooms and hallways, and only recently approved cell phone usage in the lunchroom. Their students cannot use headphones in the hallways when going from class to class. Last year at LHS, students were

not allowed to wear headphones in the hallway but this year LHS has allowed students to listen to their favorite jams on their sixminute route from class to class. WHS students are not allowed to roam the halls before and after school. They have designated places to be unless they have a pass. People complain about LHS and some of the rules we have, but they are not as bad as they could be. Next time you dread coming to school and having to walk all the way around the building to get to class, or getting asked to take one of your earbuds out, think about how you could be in a different school where you cannot wear your headphones or check texts from your “mom.” It is always a great day to be a Patriot.


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017 FEATURE Middle children of LHS confessions COMMON By Jamie Brunken Ignored, forgotten and left behind, the story of middle children. Being compared to siblings and receiving hand-me-downs are just a couple hardships middle children face. LHS is home to its own neglected middle children: oral interp, Collision and yearbook. Students at LHS probably cannot remember the last time they saw a headline that talked about any of these groups, proving that they tend to be pushed aside. A majority of individuals follow sports, but groups that people do not know much about tend to be forgotten. Each of these groups have their own purpose and wish more people knew what they do and support them too. “Oral interp takes literature and brings it to life through the use of acting and storytelling,” said senior Ross Weisbecker. “I wish


people would just be more aware of what the activity actually is. I feel like people have misconceptions because they have never been introduced to oral interp.” When the word yearbook comes to mind, many tend to think of pictures of students, teachers, extracurricular and clubs, but they probably do not know what goes into making the book that so many people keep as a memento. “Yearbook designs and writes spreads based on what activities and events happened throughout the school year,” said senior Sydney Johnson. “It includes photos of students, faculty, sports, clubs and other extracurricular activities. People at LHS should know that Yearbook has a small staff and each member works really hard on their pages to meet their deadlines. Everyone is helpful and we all try

to do our best to make the spreads look good and have correct information.” Getting free bagels and hot chocolate on Friday mornings are nice, but the club that is responsible for it, Collision, has a lot more meaning behind what they do. “Collision is a student run ministry where we try to spread the word of Christ,” said senior Bela Cobb. “We do our Collision Cafe on Friday mornings and then after school we do our outreach where we have one student leader do the message and another do the games, so we are all involved. I think it would be nice if people would come to the meetings to get to know our group more because everyone knows collision cafe since they get free bagels, but I think it would be cool if they got to know the leaders and see what we are all about.”

SYMPTOMS OF MIDDLE CHILDREN You may not receive as much attention as your siblings, in fact you might be completely ignored. You may get all of your older sibling hand-me-downs. Your talents may be overshadowed by your older siblings greatness. You may often times find yourself solving problems that your other siblings created. You may receive ten percent less love from your parents.


Questions to superintendent DR. Maher By Lucy Dekkenga

Q: How do you think president-elect Trump will affect public education? A: When president-elect Trump did speak about public education he seemed to be an advocate for vouchers and privatizing public education. I don’t want to get too worried about that but that concept worries me. I don’t want to stand in a position of fear but it definitely has my attention. Q: What are the conditions needed for a snow day? A: It’s a combination of current conditions, volume of snow and wind. If it’s bitter cold, then it’s a wind chill of minus 35. Another factor that people don’t think about much is we have a lot of kids who live in poverty and when we don’t have school, some of those kids don’t get to eat. Q: What is one thing that’s not so great about Sioux Falls School District? A: When I came to Sioux Falls, there are so many great things here. You look at our ACT scores, our AP participation rates and our AP scores. The one thing that kind of sticks out that isn’t great is our graduation rates. We’re right under 80 percent and a little lower at Lincoln. Q: What do you think the new high school will be named? A: We have a Lincoln, we have a Roosevelt, we have Washington. I wonder if there’s a natural fourth name? It seems to me that there would be, but I don’t know that. People have mentioned to me maybe we should round out Mount Rushmore. Q: What is your favorite thing about holding the position of superintendent? A: My favorite thing is I get to work with a lot of neat people, and I get a real variety of people to interact with. I like the variety that comes with the job and the variety of people that I get to interact with. Q: Who decides how the school calendar will change? A: I’m not on the calendar committee but I’ve seen some of the models for it, and the calendar is something that’s getting a lot of attention. We’ve tried to get the voice of teachers, parents and students all involved in that conversation. Q: Where did you go to school and what did you study? A: I got my bachelor’s degree at Midland University in math education. I got my master’s degree at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and I got my doctorate at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, both in educational administration.


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

Teacher sweethearts and their sweet stories By Emily WhitnEy

Kristi Oskar-Groen (Special Education)

We met on Match.com. First date was at Johnny Carino’s. After the date, (he spilled down his shirt) he asked if I would like to go take a walk at the Falls. I decided to go with him in his car... and after getting in I noticed a shotgun case in the backseat… Nervous yes... So I texted my daughter where we were going and she just happened to meet us there… He turned out ok. Proposed at the Falls also. Not the first night.

Matt Myers (Counselor)

Ha! I met my wife in Journalism class in high school. I got her in trouble because I tied her shoelaces to her desk and she made a huge commotion when she tried to get up. We’ve been together since December 11, 1993 (our first date) and married since June 24, 2000. Very stereotypical high school couple. She was the homecoming queen, cheerleader and senior class president and I was the jock (although not all that great an athlete).

Susan Waagmeester (Art)

Mine is just corny but romantic - My husband went out and bought a small stuffed animal of a beaver with a pillow that said, “Damn it I Love You” on it. He had his mom stitch the engagement ring he bought onto the pillow. He took it to the restaurant that we had reservations ahead of time and they kept it in their safe. When we ordered dessert, the waiter came with the beaver on the tray and they sat it down in front of me.

Linda Conrad (Vocal Director)

I ended up marrying my powerlifting workout partner’s twin brother.

FEATURE Statesman

The Statesman is a student newspaper created at Lincoln High School, Sioux Falls Public Schools, 2900 S. Cliff Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57105. The Statesman office is located in room A400. The phone number is 605-367-7998. The Statesman’s purpose is to inform and entertain with an honest and accurate approach. The opinions of students, staff members and faculty are expressed in a tasteful manner. The Statesman is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and is a winner of the George H. Gallup award for “…distinctive achievements in scholastic journalism.” The Statesman was awarded a Pacemaker in 2007 and was nominated for the 20122013 year. The editors and adviser take responsibility for the content of the Statesman. Follow the Statesman on Twitter and Instagram with the handle @lhsstatesman and “like” the LHS Statesman Facebook page. Editors-in-Chief: Lizette Wright & Lucy Dekkenga News Editor: Madison Landon Feature Editor: Julia Breukelman Opinion Editor: Sydney Rosinsky

Katy Heyden (Geometry)

Sports Editor: Megan Landon

My husband and I went to prom together his senior and my junior year! We were friends through basketball at that point. 12 years later, we reconnected and were married the next year! We are now both high school math teachers, he coaches basketball as well and I go to cheer on him and his teams!

Entertainment Editor: Anna Brecht Social Media Coordinator: Sydney Rosinsky

Carmen Meyer (Special Education)

The gist of how I met Adam was when he ran into my dorm room chasing another student. He was wearing a belt on his head and trying to attack the other student with an air spray can. From there we became friends, went to a concert, and started dating and voila!

Photographers: Baylie Embry & Karli Soyland Design Team: Sidney Brower, Lucy Dekkenga, Baylie Embry, Jack Fehrs, Gage Gramlick, Madison Landon, Riley Rasmussen, Karli Soyland & Lizettte Wright

Laurie A. Sterrett (Secretary)

Most kids won’t remember the First Edition, which was a nice steakhouse in (I think) the Last Stop CD Shop area on 41 Street presently. On our first official date, my husband took me out to eat there and then to his friend’s house afterward to play board games. I dressed up for the event and wore a nice silky blouse. We enjoyed a delicious meal and talked for a while and got to know each other. We then went to his friends’ house where I visited the bathroom after meeting several of his friends. While washing my hands, I noticed a huge brown gravy stain down the front of my blouse. I tried to clean it up and asked him later why he didn’t tell me sooner, but he said he didn’t “notice it”. He has offered to buy me a bib several times while out to eat in our 27 years of marriage, however!

Meet the Varsity: Maddi Barness & Anna Boyens


Staff Members: Sidney Brower, Jamie Brunken, Summer Ericson, Jack Fehrs, Gage Gramlick, Abbie Griffin, Tanner Hauck, Ellie Lamberty, Oliver Lockwood-Powell, Molly McIntyre, Riley Rasmussen, Emily Whitney and Glory Yount PHOTOS PROVIDED BY TEACHERS

Adviser: Katie Kroeze



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

Dating Codes: Valetines Day presents

Do’s and Don’ts for a Valentine’s Day date

StorieS By Julia Breukelman

A Few Weeks

1. Flowers and a nice note 2. Kiss them!

A Few Months

1. Something sweet (chocolate!), a side of flowers and a teddy bear 2. A t-shirt

Do 1.

Go out on a date

2. Ask your date out in person or over a phone call 3. Compliment your date

Six Months or More

1. Clothing (Shoes, sweatshirt, ECT.)

A Year or More

1. Jewelry, not a promise ring bud! 2. Alex and Ani Bracelet

4. Handwrite a Valentine’s Day note 5. Be polite as heck 6. Bring your date a gift of some sort 7. Clean up and look nice for

Single students on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is full of public displays of affection, cheesy gifts and sometimes even a real date. But for those without a boyfriend or girlfriend, Feb. 14 is a day that only reminds them of how much they are lacking a significant other. Those students somber in the hallway while keeping their head down and hood up (until Mr. Jones sees them and makes them take their hood off ). A few bold students separate themselves from the “in love” and the “forever alone” students and rejoice in their freedom of being single and independent. Perspective is everything when being smothered with gushy love songs and red hearts. Slater Dixon, LHS freshman, is a prime example of a single student with a good attitude towards a devastating day for him.

“Since I’m single, I have more money,” said Dixon. “This means I can buy more Mike Wazowski cutouts.” Others have attitudes less like Dixon and more like Eva Mendoza, LHS senior. Mendoza’s attitude is less positive but she is still proud to be single during this horrible holiday. “On Valentine’s Day I like to sit in my room and scroll through my newsfeed and social media,” said Mendoza. “I sit and think about how disgusted I am of all the annoying couples who only show love and appreciation on Valentine’s Day.” Even the most independent singles get a bit lonely when Cupid refuses to hit them with an arrow on his holiday. When times get tough, the single students of LHS depend on their single friends at LHS. “My friends help depending

on what happens on Valentine’s Day,” said Dixon. “Suppose I am being crushed by a six ton Asian elephant. I would imagine that at least one of my friends would call an ambulance.” Single students usually feel left out on Valentine’s Day. They envy the couples who are in love. To cure the jealously, the single students at LHS need to remember that even though they may be not winning the girl or boy of their dreams, they are still winning in more ways than one. “I’d say the single life is pretty neat,” said Mendoza. “It’s neat because you’re not forced to waste your time and money on people who you will break up with in the next year or so. Being single saves you from being an emotional mess for a while.”

your date

Don’t 1. Break







Valentine’s Day 2. Watch Netflix in a basement and call it a “date” 3. Go to Skyzone 4. Split the check 5. Expect a grand, romantic gesture by your date 6. Say a pick-up line, please 7. Go on your phone during the date 8. Give them a gift card or cash


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


Super Teacher By Sidney Brower

Willing to go the distance to see their student succeed. -Mr. Anderson & Mr. Carlson

A really ‘jawsome’ teacher that I can bond with. -Mr. Jarovski (Jaws)

Students at LHS gave the Statesman qualities that they admire in teachers, along with examples of outstanding teachers who possess these qualities.

Open to questions, helpful, understanding and has a sense of humor. -Mrs. Kolb

Chill, makes learning entertaining, encouraging and funny. -Mr. Blankenship Able to explain subjects in multiple ways if a student has questions, chill and funny. -Mr. Rice

Funny, honest, open to questions and helpful. -Mrs. Bull

Helpful and teaches in a way to help you remember things easier. -Mr. Aukerman


by karli soyland










STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


Glo-ups: coming out of the awkward stage By Sydney RoSinSky

“Glo-up” is a phrase used when describing how a person has changed from their awkward, adolescent stage, to their now not-so-awkward, young adult stage. Everyone and their mom goes through an awkward stage at some point in their life. These four individuals have bravely volunteered to show us how they got through the terrors of growing up (or “glowing-up” for that matter).

Alice Scarbrough

Abdiel Maldonado Grade: 12 Quote about “glo”ing up: “Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun.”

Grade: 12 Quote about “glo”ing up: “Eyebrows make a difference.”

Braydon Ibis

Brooke Luitjens

Grade: 12 Quote about “glo”ing up: “You got games on your phone?”

Grade: 12 Quote about “glo”ing up: “Paint me like one of your french girls.”

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STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

An extremely necessary checklist for each grade


By AnnA Brecht

Freshmen to-do list:

Sophomore to-do list:

Junior to-do list:

Senior to-do list:

Start eyeing certain colYou are now almost halfNarrow down your colDo not waste time by going to your locker, carry way through high school, start leges that you are interested lege choices. in. everything around with you. getting more independent. Start thinking about Prepare for the ACT by what type of career you want Take the ACT or SAT. Try out some extracurto pursue. ricular activities this year to taking a prep course. It is finally your year to find out what you will be This year is easy; make the take the Smarter Balance interested in the rest of your Try to get into the class most of it before the difficulty test! high school career. outdoor adventures. It is two of junior year begins. periods long and in the class It is almost time to glo Take team sports, it’s one one gets to experience fun Once again, semester tests of the best classes of all time. activities outside. (Hence up kids. are very important, so study the name of the class.) Don’t take semester tests hard if you want open lunch. Be prepared to take selightly, you need to get an nior pictures in the upcom85 percent average to get Start deciding which ex- ing summer. Go to senior prom. open lunch junior year. tracurricular activities you Go to all of the dances (homecoming, winter formal and Spinsters). Dress up for homecoming week, it IS cool.

want to pursue during the rest of the time at LHS.

Make friends with people in different grades.

It is almost this class’ Plan an end of the year turn to be the top dog, so get open house around graduaready to fill in that position. tion time. Prepare to say goodbye to senior friends after they graduate.

Prepare a senior quote.




STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

All the Wright things Society’s addiction: the problem with porn

By Lizette wright, Editor-in-Chief


We live in a day and age where technology is inevitably in our midst. There is a whole cyber world filled with information that we can access at the touch of our finger tips. Need to know how much a U.S. dollar is worth in euros? Search it on the Internet. Not sure what the word sesquipedalian means? No problem, the Internet will enlighten you. Sure, it’s easy to address the aspects of the Internet that help us, but what about the part of the internet that can hinder

us? For example, pornography. The effects of pornography are negatively shaping society and has even been scientifically proven to be harmful to those who view it. Pornography is very addictive and has similar effects on the brain as drugs have on one’s brain, according to Donald L. Hilton, a faculty member in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center. In case you aren’t familiar with the brain, here’s a little crash course on how it works. Every mammal has a reward pathway. A reward pathway’s job is to keep one alive by rewarding them when they do something that advocates life, such as eating a meal or achieving a task that one worked hard for. The way the reward pathway works is by releasing chemicals in the brain, mainly dopamine, but also others like oxytocin, which make the person feel good. Substances like cocaine

and opioids make users feel high by triggering the reward pathway to release high levels of dopamine without making the user do anything to earn it. In short, the drug user feels great but the “feel good” brain chemicals were tricked into being released. Guess what else does the same thing. Porn. The more a drug user uses or the more a person watches porn, those pathways are engraved into the brain, making it easier for the person to return to using, whether wanted or not. This subjectivity to addiction is not healthy. Along with pornography being highly addictive to those who watch it, porn has been warping society’s views. Back in the ‘80s, the VCR made porn more accessible. And then came the Internet. It changed everything and porn was integrated into society in a bigger capacity. Between the years of 1998 and 2007 the number of pornographic web-

sites increased by 1,800 percent. TV shows and movies have been influenced as writers and producers have increased the stakes by using more graphic content to keep the watcher’s attention. According to the Chicago Tribune, from the years of 1998 and 2005 the number of sex scenes on American TV have almost doubled. The more our society becomes sexualized, the more porn makers are releasing more extreme and graphic content. Okay, so porn is seriously affecting society, what’s next? Pushing the topic under the rug isn’t working. Discussions about the effects pornography is having on society as a whole need to be had. The best solution is to be informed about the effects of pornography and spread the word. Significant changes won’t happen all at once, but if one person at a time changes their way of thinking a bigger change is bound to come.

Patriot Views

Do you believe pornography is affecting society? How? Why?

“I feel that porn is affecting our society and perverting our young, innocent children.”

-Ryan Steinhoser, 9

“I read a study that said porn can actually be addicting, so it can affect school work, how people view others and activities outside of viewing porn.” -Delenn Palmer, 10

“I don’t think pornography is a big deal as much as what the content is. If it’s child pornography, obviously that’s a huge deal. If it’s regular stuff, then why not?” -Maddie Paul, 11

“I think it can have a negative effect on people because it rewires their brain and makes them more accustomed to more inappropriate material; it makes it more normalized.” -Sam Babcock, 12


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

By megan Landon, SportS editor


ON I remember being the naive freshman walking through the halls for the first time, nervous and excited at the same time. As I ventured my way to my first period class in the first week, I had no idea the sights that I would see. Then, I saw something that scarred me: two older students were making out in the hallway, all over each other as if they would never see each other again. Even thinking about it now makes me cringe. The problem with PDA at school is a big one, and it needs to be ad-

dressed. First of all, is it really necessary to hold hands in the hallway? Holding hands isn’t inherently bad, but who would even want to hold hands while walking to class? If couples can’t walk somewhere and just have a casual conversation while not showing the world that they are together, then there are bigger issues to worry about in that relationship. Next, it is obnoxious to be walking to class and all of a sudden you run into a couple that is making out, clogging up the traffic. The hallways are already packed with kids trying to get to class on time, so we don’t need another obstacle. Couples need to realize that PDA is not okay; that should be done in private and on their own time. Overall, PDA is just plain gross. No one wants to see it or hear about it. With Valentine’s Day coming up, couples should keep in mind that school is for learning, not making out. Make it easier and show a little respect for the rest of the student body by keeping PDA to yourselves. PDA is not the Lincoln way.

By anna Brecht, entertainment editor


PDA: Public Display of Affection. CO N Something that myself and plenty of other students at LHS are uncomfortable seeing while walking down the halls. Love is a beautiful thing, really it is, but while at school, there’s no need to show your love by making out or hanging all over each other. These ways of showing affection for a significant other can be shown in private. More than being an unpleasant sight, it can be a disruption to the flow of the hallway traffic. To be honest, there’s nothing more bothersome than slow walkers or something preventing people from getting through the halls at a pace that one would want. These little make out sessions or kisses goodbye definitely fall into the category of slowing the flow of traffic. Another more common sight to see in the halls of LHS is a couple holding hands. This doesn’t seem to strike as unpleasant of a sight as couples locking lips. The hand-holding just strikes as an unnecessary action that can be done at any other time, except for at school. I just want to stop sometimes and ask “why?” and see if I can get a logical explanation for the PDA that goes on. So, student couples at LHS, if you could please refrain from kissing and touching until after school hours, I think that would be appreciated by many. Like I said earlier, love really is a beautiful thing, but while in school, showing love and affection is not needed.

Is PDA okay at LHS?

By Summer ericSon, Staff Writer


RO When a man loves a woman, he will do anything to show his affection for her. That includes in the hallways, in class or during lunch. With the overwhelming amount of high school couples, justified by the fact that high school years are the prime time for relationships, PDA, Public Display of Affection, is expected. Some people have a problem with this, which seems a bit discourteous for couples only trying to show their love for each other. These innocent kids are not intentionally trying to gross you out. Is the sound of their sloppy kissing really that bad? Watching them hug can’t be that bothersome, I think that it’s even kind of cute. The couples are risking judgement and the deterioration of their reputations just to kiss their lover goodbye. Maybe the people that are annoyed by these couples are the people that don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend themselves. Boom, roasted. If you truly hate PDA, there are simple solutions to it. Don’t pay attention to it. Don’t watch the couples suck each other’s faces if it’s irritating to you. Just walk past it and pretend like it is not happening. Students have the right to be affectionate towards their significant other, whether it is annoying to other people or not. The true problem with PDA, is that people are just too judgemental. I think it makes school a little less boring and a little more entertaining. PDA is not going to stop, so the best thing to do is just to ignore it and deal with it. Who knows, maybe someday we will see the people complaining about it, kissing their boyfriend/girlfriend goodbye as they walk into class. “Love” can make people do crazy things.

By gLory yount, Staff Writer


RO As the last leg of winter approaches, only a few occurrences among the icy bitterness can comfort us as we anticipate spring. Something that always warms my heart is seeing couples, clearly madly in love; exhibit their deep and unrelenting romance in the middle of the hallway. Passionate duos cling to each other in the middle of rush-hour hallway traffic, sometimes kissing, breaking apart for air or the occasional “rawr,” which is “I love you” in dinosaur. There’s nothing that nonverbally says, “I love you,” quite like stroking your partner’s clip-on tail, which happens to be every girl’s weakness. Although some argue that affection should be saved for home, I say that home is where your lover is. This may be in the privacy of your own house or along the walls of E-wing. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with two individuals displaying their immensely intense devotion for each other in public, considering that they will be together forever. Studies brought to you by the same conspiracy theorists that believe Obama is a space lizard show that 75 percent of people marry their 7th grade lovers, basically making high school couples engaged. Nobody complains about PDA at a couple’s wedding, so why should anyone complain about PDA in the cafeteria before school? PDA is perfectly acceptable, even among high schoolers. The double standards for what counts as PDA needs to be ditched. There’s no shame in physically displaying your love to your to-be husband or wife in the middle of the hallway as annoyed students try to push past you with their eyes covered. Those pesky high schoolers don’t understand love quite like you do.



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

The plight of a preposterous poster and its effect on students By Gage Gramlick, Staff Writer

We are products of our environment. Just as a baby chick that is thrown into a litter of peacocks will believe that it is large, in charge and not paired well with rice, we conform or, at least, react to our surroundings. Similarly, students’ learning environment has a significant impact on how well they learn and the attitude they have towards school. “Let’s make it a good day to be a patriotthe people who celebrate a country that celebrates everyone.”

At the foundation of any learning environment is the classroom set up. According to a study done by Western Michigan University,

aspects such as color, artwork and desk arrangement play major roles in the building of a setting that fosters creativity while minimizing behavioral disruptions. Furthermore, the study found that the traditional design of straight rows of desks does not inspire the best work by students and heightens the frequency of behavioral outbursts. The correlation between how a classroom is laid out and the success of students is as direct as the correlation between Twinkies and obesity… Luckily, it takes a relatively minimal amount of effort to rearrange the layout of a classroom. However, it is significantly more difficult to rearrange the manner in which personal beliefs are shared. Transcending the physical layout of a room, the content of the posters on the wall can have an even greater impact on students. I’m not talking about having too many posters or too bright of posters, though

that can also be a factor in how students learn, I’m referring to the meaning behind the words on the posters.

walk as if they have nowhere to be anytime soon, people who walk like they are living, breathing turtles. Slow-walkers are the ones who can cause the large traffic in the hallways to move much, much, much slower. For as much as high schoolers have to walk each day, students should learn that slow walking should not be an option in the hallways during passing time or even at all. Slow-walkers can cause many students in the hallway to get annoyed and frustrated when they have some place to be.

walkers are in their way or are blocking students from moving around them. It can be inconvenient when slow-walkers are moving at the pace of a turtle and making everyone behind them walk at the pace of a turtle also. What is everyone supposed to do when they are affected by the slow-walkers in the hallways? Should we just let it go and put up with it for just a little longer? How do we let these people know that they should really pick up the pace? Patience is usually not an option at this point. People also want to let the slow-walkers know that this is annoying and frustrating to them. Sometimes people think that pushing the slow-walkers could possibly be the right answer. However, we should all keep in mind the golden rule, the rule in which we were always reminded of when we

“Luckily, it takes a relatively minimal amount of effort to rearrange the layout of a classroom. However, it is significantly more difficult [...]”

This effect has been majorly beneficial in the creation of an environment of acceptance for LGBT students with the popular “safe space” emblem spread throughout much of LHS. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Posters can often have messages that alienate students, whether intentional or not. In LHS alone, there is a poster that reads, “Americans are the people that tamed the West that dug out the Panama Canal… Then we started thinking small… We can bring America back- bigger and better.”

Though the message behind this poster is to enhance America, it also insinuates that Americans domesticated Native Americans, a false statement and an offensive one. Imagine the effect this poster may have on a Native American student. “White America civilized your barbaric ways- and that’s why America is great.” Not because of our diversity both racially and culturally, but because our ancestors “tamed” yours. Of course, the person who decided to hang this poster likely did not intend to alienate students; however, he or she did. The rejection that students feel from messages like this are strong enough to hinder their education. This is why teachers must be conscious of how they decorate classrooms, lockers and our school in general because everybody is welcome at LHS. Let’s make it a good day to be a patriot- the people who celebrate a country that celebrates everyone.

Slow walkers: Can you pick up the pace?

By Riley Rasmussen,

Staff Writer Traveling from A wing to E wing at LHS can be a long and frustrating trip at times. The crowded halls, students everywhere and trying to make it to your next class on time can be tough and annoying. Trying to make it to your next class can result in an LHS student doing something such as walking fast through the halls. The act of fast paced walking can be helpful when you need to get to your next class quickly and there is not much time during passing period left or when you have somewhere you need to be. Walking fast is an ideal action when traveling from class to class here at LHS. Fast-walkers will run into some of the people they despise most in the hallways: the slow-walkers. Slow-walkers are people who walk slow, people who

“For as much as high schoolers have to walk each day, students should learn that slow walking[...]”

It can be hard for students to be on time when slow-

were younger by our family members and teachers. When the thought of pushing slowwalkers comes into our heads just remember, ‘Treat others how you want to be treated.’ So always remember that if you push the slow-walkers, the slow-walkers might push you back. On the other hand, you are faster than the slowwalkers so they might not even catch up to you. “People also want to let the slow-walkers know that this is annoying and frustrating to them.” Lastly, to all the slowwalkers out there, I know you might not be born gifted with walking at a fast or reasonable pace but please just speed it up; it would be greatly appreciated by many in the hallways.


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

People got me questioning, where is the love?

By Molly Mcintyre, staFF Writer

In 2003, the Black Eyed Peas released their album “Elephunk.” On their extremely popular album, they had multiple hits, one of which being “Where Is the Love.” Along with peaking at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100, their song outlined problems with the world such as only showing love for your own race and negative images corrupting the minds of children. They asked where the love was and pleaded everyone to find it again. Fourteen years later, did Fergie and her gang get their message across? Take a look back to 2016. Did ya do it? Well if you did not, 2016 sucked. Every morning you would find yourself learning about some tragedy that happened over night or get more intel on the tragedy that happened the day before. Nations and families would weep. They could not be-

lieve what just happened. Now, it is 2017. It is time we do not wake up to another tragedy. We need to learn from 2016 and learn to love one another a little more this year. “We need to learn from 2016 and learn to love one another a little more this year.”

In a year to forget, there were 726 murders in Chicago alone. That is over two murders a day. This is only a fraction of the number of gun violence victims (4,331). The country was divided in one of the biggest political messes of all time. People were treated horribly for their political preference. A gunman walked into a nightclub in Florida and claimed 49 lives. To top it all off, millions of innocent people in Syria died and are continuing to

be attacked without a hint of a solution. With the devastating events happening all over the globe in 2016, the Black Eyed Peas tried to persuade the world to be nicer to each other yet again. They released a new remix to their song and named it “#WHEREISTHELOVE.” They worked with over 50 well-known artists such as A$AP Rocky, DJ Khaled and Wiz Khalifa. All of the proceeds to their song will go to the i.am. angel Foundation that invests in kids to keep them away from violence and other bad situations. It is time for people to stop what they are doing and think about how they treat their neighbors. Is it necessary to belittle someone for their political view or for the way they look? Is it necessary to treat others horribly that they hurt others or take their own lives? At the beginning of every year, people use phrases such as “New

Year, new me” or say that they are going to be a new, better version of themselves this year. I challenge everyone to be that better version of themselves and to be a better person you have to treat everyone you encounter with respect. “This is the year to show that we can be different than who we were last year. This is the year we become the best us we can be.” Do not make this year a repeat of 2016. Nobody could stand losing David Bowie or Prince again. This is the year to show that we can be different from who we were last year. This is the year we become the best us we can be. Live by the words of the Black Eyed Peas, “Take control of your mind and meditate, let your soul gravitate to the love.”

The Timberwolves need to make changes

By Jack Fehrs, staFF Writer

The Timberwolves are not having a good season. With an 11-23 record, they are 13th in the west but are not achieving their full potential. With stars like Karl AnthonyTowns, Andrew Wiggins and Zach Lavine, the Timberwolves should at least have a winning record. Needless to say, there needs to be major changes to the team. The Timberwolves need to make some sacrifices to achieve success. “The Timberwolves need to make some sacrifices to achieve success.”

One such sacrifice could be trading Ricky Rubio, an effective point guard, for a better power forward such as La-

Marcus Aldridge or DeMarcus Cousins, two very dominant power forwards that could significantly improve the Timberwolve’s performance. Cousins is averaging 29.0 points per game and 10.2 rebounds per game. If the Timberwolves could obtain Cousins, this could take a lot of pressure off Anthony-Towns, Wiggins and Lavine. Cousins would also be another offensive threat that opposing teams would have to worry about when facing the Timberwolves. Aldridge, who is a little bit less productive than Cousins, would still be a great option for the Timberwolves to trade for. Gorgui Dieng is good, but not good enough as a power forward. Dieng along with Rubio could be used to trade for Cousins or Aldridge. Although the Timberwolves would be making a sacrifice, it would pay off in the long run. With

the gained experience and scoring efficiency from Cousins or Aldridge, the Timberwolves could become more of a threat. If the Timberwolves could trade for one of the two players previously stated, their record would no doubt improve. “If the Timberwolves do not implement these changes, they will not be successful.”

Another area that needs to be addressed is that Kris Dunn, the rookie from Providence, is getting half the minutes of Rubio but is playing more effectively. If Dunn were to receive the same minutes as Rubio, he would be playing better than him. Although the rookie is young, he is performing well. The Timberwolves need to give Rubio and Dunn the same playing time, and whoever


performs better should receive more playing time and the starting role. This would be a great opportunity for Dunn to prove himself and break into the league. Dunn has a lot of potential and will become a great guard but he will never get to that level if he doesn’t get the playing time that he needs first. If the Timberwolves do not implement these changes, they will not be successful. They will continue to be a lottery team when they already have the talent to be a one or two seed in the near future. With so much talent and potential, the Timberwolves are practically wasting their time until they make these changes. Until then, The Timberwolves can only hope for a few wins here and there, and squeeze in and grab the final playoff spot, the eight seed in the west.

The Beatles n

By Glor A man that goes by the pseudonym James Richards claims that on Sept. 9, 2009 he ards allegedly tripped over a rabbit hole after pulling over to let his dog go to the bathr claims contained furniture, electronics and a man that called himself Jonas. After Rich the machine was used to travel into different dimensions, which is precisely how he stu travelers normally will not bring people from other dimensions back with them, but Jo Jonas explained that dimension travel in his dimension, although costly and danger Suspecting that nobody back in what Jonas referred to as the “Earth Dimension” woul snagged a cassette tape labeled “Everyday Chemistry- The Beatles” as proof of his his v “Everyday Chemistry” is an album by The Beatles that not only was recorded many Richards that The Beatles are still alive and well in his dimension as well as currently m After returning to the Earth Dimension, Richards created the website thebeatlesnev sion as well as uploading “Everyday Chemistry” for anybody to listen to. Although avid projects, nobody can argue about the uncanny similarities to the music made by The B


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never broke up

yount e was taking a scenic drive through Del Puerto Canyon, just west of Turlock, CA. Richroom and knocked himself unconscious. He woke up in a strange room in which he hards noticed an unfamiliar machine with the acronym “ARP-D,” Jonas explained that umbled upon Richards, passed out in the hot California sun. Richards was informed that onas, finding him unconscious, was convinced that Richards was in need of urgent care. rous, was a regular occurrence in his world and was invented several decades before. ld believe that he was taken to a parallel dimension by this mysterious stranger, Richards visit to an alternate dimension. y years after they broke up, but never existed in the Earth Dimension. Jonas informed making music and touring around the world. verbrokeup.com in which he told the full story of finding himself in a different dimend Beatles fans may argue that the album sounds like mashups of individual Beatles’ solo Beatles.


Obama: pre

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Was the moon landing fake?

By ellie laMBerty Ever since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped foot on the moon, people have had doubts if they really did. Non-believers try to find holes and invalidate the videos NASA released. Others are avid believers and think it was “one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.” Commonly, people argue about a few of the same conspiracies in the landing, but there are two sides to every story, so let’s discuss both: 1) The Flag Waving: In pictures released from NASA, the American flag can be seen rippling in the wind, but if they were in a space vacuum how would the flag be waving? Believers- The flag was rippling because it had just been unrolled out of a tube, and after it was taken out Armstrong had to twist it into the sand causing ripples in the flag. Non-Believers- The supposed moon landing must have been filmed on a set, a possible location in area 51, because there is no way for the flag to be moving in space. The rippling means that there was a presence of air, but there is no air in space. 2) Reflections in the astronaut’s masks: In many photos , odd objects can be seen that look strangely similar to cameras and on stage lighting devices. Believers- The cameras were mounted on the astronauts chests. The angle of the cameras and the way Aldrin and Armstrong were holding them created the strange reflections. Non Believers- The object looks like it is hanging from a rope or wire, and has resemblance to a spotlight commonly found on film sets. Although the reflection is not high quality, something can be said, as items should not be suspended in space. Although these are just a few of the conspiracies people believe in, each side presents a good argument. So, who is right?


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


South Dakota’s next top model struts halls of LHS

By Summer ericSon High school is typically a time spent doing average activities: homework, minimum wage paying jobs and casual weekends spent with friends. But Ashley Healy, LHS senior, has experiences and places stamped on her passport that are completely contradictory from “average.” Healy has traveled around the world doing a job many would dream of, modeling. She started when she was around 15, when her mother came up with the idea. She had virtually no interest in modeling before her mom urged her to try it. “My mom told me that if I went to see a modeling agent, she would take me shopping at the Mall of America,” said Healy. “Next thing I knew I was sent to Milan and scouted by an agent.” Milan is known as one of the most important fashion cities in the world. After this, Healy’s modeling career boomed, and she

for high fashion designers, like Jonathan Simkhai. “Kylie Jenner was in the front row of the Jonathan Simkhai show that I did,” said Healy. “This was probably one of my favorite shows that I’ve done so far because there were many other supermodels there. Some of them even being Victoria Secret Angels that had just walked in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. The whole experience was great and I


began traveling and getting more modeling jobs as the opportunities came. “I’ve met so many cool people,” said Healy. “I’ve spent a few months in New York doing jobs, and next month I’m going to be in Paris and New York again.” Healy has gotten high acclaim from her modeling and has even walked in front of incredibly wellknown celebrities and modeled

had so much adrenaline.” Healy has some upcoming modeling jobs and is going to be walking in the Couture Fashion Week in the fall of 2017. This features high fashion brands like Chanel, Gucci and Versace brands that “average” teenagers probably are unable to afford, but can see Healy wearing as she struts the runway. Although Healy has done many different modeling jobs, she is not going to continue to pursue her job as a high fashion model. Instead, Healy plans to save her earnings from her hard work and use it for medical school. *Gasp. Healy is very set on this decision. Her modeling experiences will stick with her throughout her years as she decides to divert from it, and will continue to make all of us a little jealous. “Modeling is pretty fun,” said Healy. “I get to travel and meet new people and see new things which really is awesome.”

Cirque du Soleil’s ‘OVO’ brings mystery and talent to Sioux Falls

By megan Landon Sioux Falls, SD rang in the new year with a special treat when the acclaimed Cirque du Soleil came to town to perform their show, “OVO,” from January 4-8. For those who do not know, Cirque du Soleil is a Canadian entertainment company that is wellknown for its performances in Las Vegas. “OVO” is just one of the 21 shows that are currently touring around the country, and its plot gives the audience a sneak peek into the life of a bug with crazy acrobatics, shocking stunts and a sweet love story that develops between insects. The name of the show “OVO” means “egg” in several languages, such as Spanish and Portuguese, and this was indicated by a mysterious egg that works its way in and out of the show at various times. Cirque du Soleil describes “OVO” as “teeming with life,” as all of the performers were dressed as different insects that work, fight with each other and “look for love in

PHOTO BY MEGAN LANDON Cirque du Soleil performs a bug-centric show at the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center, attracting all ages.

a non-stop riot of energy in motion.” The audience members’ attention was captured from start to finish when ants took the stage toward the beginning of the show and performed a variety of stunts while juggling props with their feet and throwing other ants back and forth and end with trampoline stunts and tumbling by crickets. “OVO” was an entertaining story full of life, love and diversity, as well as some extremely lithe and strong

people. Viewers watched in amazement as the spiders and other little creatures contorted their bodies in ways that should not even be possible. The two-hour show was split by a 30 minute intermission, but it seemed to fly by in no time at all as audience members were on the edges of their seats the entire performance. Some especially aweworthy acts were the trapeze artists that were thrown across stage while doing flips and turns, the

spiders that looked life-like in their flexible movements and the finale performers who seemed to defy gravity by climbing up walls and flip onto trampolines. Observers also got a few chuckles in during the show as a love triangle between a ladybug and two other bright colored male bugs formed, each of the men competing for the ladybug’s heart. It lightened up the show and made for a nice break in the action. Watching Cirque du Soleil was truly an amazing experience and anyone who gets the opportunity to do so should consider themselves lucky. The amount of practice and precision that goes into each movement is incredible and mind boggling, as there were virtually no visible errors. Also, there must be an extreme amount of trust between all of the performers who complete dangerous stunts. The performers of “OVO” were extremely talented and the experience of watching them perform was second to none.


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


I have bean places with neato burritos Qdoba

By Karli Soyland

Qdoba is one of those places that is awkwardly in between a fast food place and a restaurant. I ordered my food through the line where employees ask a thousand questions. This then results in the perfect order. After watching them slap different ingredients down on the plate, I can enjoy my food while sitting down close enough to other tables to hear other people’s conversations. My burrito was quite tasty, yet they had the ratios way off. I had to take a bite of one half which was just rice. Then I had to try to shove another bite in my mouth of the other half with all of the meat, cheese, salsa and sour cream. Despite these mistakes, Qdoba does make up for it with their bomb rice and slightly spicy queso, but I do not recommend the habanero salsa unless you want to be a dragon for at least three days and breathe fire. This burrito is a seven out of 10 because I expected more out of the Doba.

Jacky’s Jacky’s is a sit down restaurant but was not necessarily fancy. For my burrito choice, I had the option to pick between about five meats, but that was about the extent of my decisions. I also could choose between a wet and dry burrito, but I’m not quite sure what it means by wet and how they would make that happen. When my burrito arrived, the lettuce, sour cream and salsa were on the plate and all that was inside my burrito was rice and “shredded” chicken. I had to somehow craft my own burrito and I was also disappointed that there was no cheese. Since the chef was too lazy to create my burrito, I decided that I was too. Without the cheese and queso, it was just a tortilla with rice and huge lumps of chicken. It also came with a single, bright orange carrot on my plate. I am pretty sure the only purpose for this carrot was to confuse me. Either that or to be able to say I ate something healthy for dinner rather than saying I ate my fourth burrito for the week. This burrito is a five out of 10 because I was upset that I had to craft my own food and it did not even have cheese.


Pancheros is quite similar to Qdoba, but there is only one in town. It is fascinating to watch the employees squish down the ball tortilla dough with the press to begin the process of making the burrito. At the end of creating my marvelous burrito, they mixed it up with their little chopstick tools. Although the inside of my burrito looked like a mess, I have to say it was the best burrito I have ever eaten. One downside to Pancheros is my food was not very warm. It is also all the way out on Louise Avenue, meaning it took a life time to get out there. A huge bonus was that I had enough food to save for another meal. This burrito is a solid 10 out of 10 and I will go back to Pancheros when I have my reoccurring burrito cravings.



Giliberto’s is a Mexican restaurant that you can dine in or take to go. Right when I walked in, there were the toy machines that cost a quarter and I was instantly upset that I did not have any change. I walked along a long hallway with the menu on one of the walls. As I looked up at the menu, I heard the Spanish speaking TV behind me. While waiting patiently behind the family in front of me, I was intrigued how they ordered in Spanish. The environment of the restaurant was definitely a positive experience and felt authentic. My burrito was crafted with similar ingredients to Jacky’s. An addition to this burrito was that there was cheese on it, and in my opinion, that made the burrito so much better. The chicken was not completely shredded, but it was cooked so when I took a bite, it would fall apart easily. Either the cheese or the chicken seasoning had a kick of heat which surprised me at first. The burrito was pretty dry, so one thing I would do would be to add some type of salsa or sour cream. This burrito is a six out of 10 because with more ingredients it could reach its full potential.




STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

I follow ____ because... By sidney BRoweR

Bailey Auen, 10 I follow @GertnerDaniel on Twitter because... He is Twitter King.

Pad Baireddy, 10 I follow NASA on Twitter because…Their tweets are out of this world!

Hannah Risch, 12 I follow @puppyboyfriend on Twitter because. . . They post the cutest puppy pictures.

Alice Scarbrough, 12 I follow @ProBirdRights on Twitter because… Bird rights!

Dani Kenyon, 12 I follow Argus 911 on Twitter because… I like hearing about weird crimes in Sioux Falls.

Suzi Fitterer, 10 I follow @lynnlovelatin on Twitter because…Who doesn’t love a fanpage about Tmo?

Elma Sahuric, 12 I follow @chancetherapper on Twitter because… Eye candy and good music.

Taylor Salonen, 12 I follow @BraydonIbis on Twitter because… He always asks me to like his tweets.

New Year brings new movies for all ages

By Riley Rasmussen As the New Year begins, new movies come to the theater making fans and viewers thrilled. In 2017, movies start to get more advanced making the impossible, possible. Anxious fans have waited some time for the new and exciting movies and 2017 is the year for them. Childhood dreams come to life, literally, as “Beauty and the Beast” live-action comes together and prepares to launch in theaters. The movie features Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast. The movie will be the same as the original cartoon movie but with a few changes to the characters and storyline. The movie is set to come out March 17, 2017. “Fast and the Furious” fans can race to theaters as the eighth movie of the series, “The Fate of the Furious” comes out. It will be in theaters April 14, 2017. The movie will star Vin Diesel


as Dominic along with other recurring characters. It is said to be intense and action-filled, and fans cannot wait. The famous space series everyone knows and loves returns again with another movie. “Star Wars: Episode VIII” is set to come out Dec. 15, 2017. It will be a continuation of the previous movie and answer fan’s questions

about the series. This movie will star the same characters as the previous movie, minus a few due to storyline. Daisy Ridley takes the main role of Rey and John Boyega takes the supporting role of Finn like the previous movie along with other familiar characters. “Ascendant,” part two of the movie “Allegiant” from the Divergent Series, is also coming

to theaters in 2017. The movie will be starring the same familiar cast from “Allegiant” like Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Miles Teller and Zoe Kravitz. All the movies in the franchise are based on the “Divergent” book series written by Veronica Roth. “Ascendant” will continue the storyline from “Allegiant”. The famous avenger Thor returns with a third movie in the series, “Thor: Ragnarok.” The movie will come into theaters on Nov. 3, 2017. It will continue the storyline of previous movies but has not yet revealed full details. The movie will star some of the main characters from previous movies in the series which includes Chris Hemsworth, but will in a fellow avenger, the Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo. “I’m most excited for Star Wars,” said LHS sophomore Tristian Johnson. “I like the movies and they are visually entertaining.”

By Emily WhitnEy


Monday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday National Freedom Day

National Weathermans day

Plum Pudding Day

National Chocolate Mint Day

Tell a Fairytale Day

Lame Duck Day

Get a Different Name Day

HoodieHoo Day

No Brainer Day

Wave All Your Fingers at a Friend Day

Ferris Wheel Day

Card Reading Day

Public Sleeping Day

Kite Flying Day

Groundhog day

Toothache Day

Do a Grouch Single Awareness a Favor Day Day

International World Thinking Day

National Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

The Day Music Died

Umbrella Day

Random Acts of Kindness Day

National Tortilla Chip Day

SaTurday Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

National Battery Day

Pistol Patent Day


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


See someone and think they’re fine? Use these creative pick up lines By Maddi Barness, anna Boyens, Karli soyland and Baylie eMBry

Are you a photographer? Because I can picture me and you together.

I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?

Are you Wi-Fi? Because I feel a connection.

I don’t have a library card, but can I check you out?

Can I follow you home? My mom told me to follow my dreams.

Are you a bonfire? Because you’re smoking and I want s’more.

Are you a banana? Because I find you a-pealing.

Does your left eye hurt? Because you’ve been looking right all day.

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

By Baylie emBry, Sidney Brower and Karli Soyland

How to play: 1. Have one person draw a spiral (lower bottom rigHt corner) to determine tHe “magic number”.

Husband Justin bieber vin diesel Zac efron mr. bean stepH curry


doctor artist atHlete mail carrier pop star


dog monkey ferret Horse rat


sioux falls, sd new york, ny orlando, fl beiJing, cHina toronto, canada


volkswagen bug mustang porscHe garbage truck smart car

Kids 0 2 5 9 17

2. tell otHer person to close tHeir eyes wHile first

person draws (from inside out) and Have tHe second person say


3.count tHe number of

spiral lines you drew. tHis becomes your ber”.

“magic num-

4. use your number and begin counting starting at tHe

m in m.a.s.H. count

eacH option as one and cross of tHe option you land on.

5. continue around tHe page, skipping over tHe crossed off options until

one cHoice from eacH section is left.

6. circle tHe final options in eacH category.



taylor swift miranda sings Jennifer aniston miley cyrus kendall Jenner

cat koala gecko giraffe fruitbat



arcHitect lawyer actor taxi driver atHlete

minneapolis, mn denver, co los angeles, ca oslo, norway tokyo, Japan


Jeep tesla smart car subaru minivan

Kids 1 3 6 11 15

7. tHe ones circled are your final masH story!

Sports FEB. 2, 2017


By the Numbers 13


POints AnnA Brecht hAs scOred thrOughOut her

lhs BAs-

ketBAll cAreer

secOnds it cOrey Fichter tO Pin tOOk

9 5

An OPPOnent in wrestling

stAte chAmPiOnshiPs lhs wOn in the 2016


schOOl yeAr

the PlAce BOys vArsity BAsketBAll Finished lAst yeAr

Upcoming EvEnts Tuesday, Feb. 7

Varsity Girls Basketball vs. WHS 7 p.m. @ LHS

Thursday, Feb. 9

Varsity Wrestling Triangular vs. Dell Rapids and RHS 5 p.m. @ RHS

Friday, Feb. 10

Gymnastics Varsity SDHSAA State Tournament @ Aberdeen Central High School

Sneaker Heat Evolution of shoe game By Oliver lOckwOOd-POwell

In December of 1891, James then was the Converse low tops Naismith created one of the because that was the “in” back world’s most popular sports to in the early 1900s for athletes date, the sport of basketball. around the world. Yes, people Ever since the start, the trend would look at the best playduring basketball has been to ers in the world and think that match jerseys with your team- they had to get what they were mates and as far as shoes go, wearing, but in reality, it was you should be individual in what everybody your own style. was wearing. In With everything evolving today’s age, in one way or another, one would assume that basketball shoes would start to evolve right alongside everything else. And that would be correct. Over time basketball shoes have gone from low-top to high-top, back to low, then high again. Changing color and fashion, PHOTOS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE PUBLIC USE thickness and grip style, every element has people look at the NBA players evolved for the better. From and say that they want to “be the first man to ever score an like Mike” with Michael JorNBA bucket, Ossie Schectman, dan’s 30 different pairs of his who wore low cut Converse, to own shoe brand “Air Jordan’s,” the face of the NBA right now, and that is not including the LeBron James, wearing his own different variations of every shoe brand combining with shoe and their colorways. Or Nike to make both high top they want to “jump higher and and low top basketball shoes. run faster” with Nike. Today Back in the day, it was very that is acceptable due to the common to share team shoes diversity in shoe brands, color and they were usually one solid and uniqueness inside of the color with the logo on it, or brand. else they would be mildly difFrom 11 total NBA teams ferent with little change to each during the start of basketball of them. The main shoe back now to 30, the chance that

there is a player out there wanting to start his own shoe brand is very, very high. Including all of the deals they get when they sign with a huge corporation like Nike, Under Armour, Adidas and so forth, the variety is going to exponentially grow. One must wonder why basketball shoes had to change along with the game. From the technical foul to the three-point line, games are getting more heated and aggressive, so shoemakers worldwide had to make shoes that could support the new breed of athletes ready to take on the big stage and go to work in the trenches. The science of the game has changed so the shoe is forced to fit the beast. With the physicality rates skyrocketing, scientists and shoe makers are teaming up to make the shoe versatile, but bulky enough to protect the ankle and foot from injury. Along with that, one would have to add the element of style. If someone were to look at the evolution of the basketball shoe, the most noticeable part would be style. Until the end of the basketball era, the shoe will continue to grow alongside the players wearing them, the question is, what is next?


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

Superbowl 51: one for the ages

By Oliver lOckwOOd-POwell Super Bowl 51 is set and excited fans all across the globe no longer have to wait. The two teams that made Super Bowl 51, the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons, are ready to put on a show for the ages on Feb. 5, at 5:30 p.m. sharp. Both teams have elite quarterbacks and any football fan knows that. Matt Ryan for the Falcons and Tom Brady for the Patriots are both top tier quarterbacks that are closely tied in the race for the MVP of the 2016-2017 season. This comes as no surprise to many people. Both quarterbacks are averaging over 295 passing yards per game and both with a passer rating over 100. Not only do their stats show, but their team’s success piggybacks off of their success. Ryan’s Falcons ended the regular season

with an 11-5 record, which may have surprised some. According to many sports analysts, there was a close to six percent chance for the Falcons to win the Super Bowl and as of now it looks like the Falcons may have a good chance to do so. The only obstacles in their way are Bill Belichick, coach of the Patriots and widely known as one of the greatest coaches of all time, and Tom Brady. Brady led the Patriots to an unbelievable 14-2 record in the 2016-2017 season. Although the Patriots may seem like a better team, it would come to no shock if Ryan tore the Patriots defense into pieces like he did to the Green Bay Packers in the NFC championship game. Not only did Ryan obliterate defenders right and left, he was consistent throughout the whole

game and showed the Patriots he was coming to fight. On the other end of this matchup is Brady, who is now entering his seventh Super Bowl and is clearly more experienced. This Patriots team has been widely known for success under the coaching skills of Belichick. Under Brady’s time in New England, he and Belichick have combined to win four Super Bowls and seem to have no end in the near future. Brady being 39-years-old and Belichick being 64, time is ticking for this dynasty and who knows, maybe this could be the last Super Bowl they enter together. On the defensive side, both the Patriots and Falcons have lockdown cornerbacks, massive D-linemen and witty linebackers. Most of the time people think about a team’s success, they only


think of the offensive part of the game. For these two teams, it is a combination of both offense and defensive specialists that come into the game and take over. Although the Patriots edged the Falcons in just about every stat, the Falcons are coming hungry for a championship after locking down the Packers to just 21 points and shutting down Aaron Rodgers completely. The Patriots have a three point advantage and favorites to win the Super Bowl, but only Ryan will decide the fate of the young Falcons team. With the teams so closely matched, it is hard to predict the outcome of the Super Bowl, but all one can assume is that it will be action-packed, suspenseful and one for the ages.

Baylor standout eyes a return after being sidelined for two years

By Tanner Hauck Isaiah Austin had everything he ever wanted. He got to play his favorite sport, basketball, for Baylor, a nationally ranked school. He had spent two years in the program putting up solid numbers and had attracted numerous NBA scouts. In 2014, Austin declared that he was entering the NBA draft and was projected to be a first round draft pick. Suddenly his world came crashing down when he was diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects roughly one in every 5,000 people. This news came after a combine workout and prohibited him from entering the draft and playing the game he so dearly loved. Two and a half years later Austin announced that he is in stable condition and will attempt to pursue a career in basketball. Six years prior to the draft Austin had overcame near blindness when his retina was detached during basketball warm-ups. The Marfan Syndrome diagnosis was yet another punch to the gut. The news came just four days before

PHOTO PROVIDED BY GOOGLE PUBLIC USE Former Baylor basketball star Isaiah Austin will make his pro basketball debut despite his diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome.

the draft, an experience Austin had been dreaming of his entire life. The newfound genetic disorder threatened the connective tissue holding together all of his body’s cells, organs and tissues. If he had continued a basketball career, he would have essentially committed suicide. However, the NBA and commissioner Adam Silver made Austin an honorary draft pick between the 15th and 16th selections fulfilling his wish to walk the stage and hear his name announced. Despite the gesture, Austin’s professional basketball career looked as if it had ended before it even started.

After realizing that a profession as a NBA athlete was no longer possible, Austin decided to raise awareness for Marfan Syndrome and created the Isaiah Austin Foundation. Additionally, he served as the national spokesperson for the Haier Achievement Award, which honors student athletes across the country. Austin also collaborated with Matt Litton and NFL quarterback Robert Griffin III to publish a book called “Dream Again.” Austin decided to return to Baylor part time to pursue a major in marketing. Lastly, he received regular checkups to evaluate his condition.

It was through these routine checkups that Austin discovered he was stable enough to pursue a professional career. However, there is still a great deal of skepticism surrounding the two-year removed player. Is he actually healthy enough to play? Can he still play at the level he was at three years ago? Is the risk worth the reward? These are just a few of the questions racing through general managers’ heads. Since releasing the news of his new eligibility, Austin has not released any news outlining a return timetable. It appears that Austin and those around him are taking things slowly at this point. Austin is very interested in playing basketball for a living, but currently does not know what path he will have to take to get to that point. His 7’1’’ stature makes him a desirable player, but many basketball analysts suspect he will have to spend some time in the DLeague or overseas before he will get any hearty playing time in the NBA. If there is anything Austin has shown, it is that he is willing to work for what he wants.



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

New school brings on debates over mascots

by abbie Griffin As Sioux Falls continues to grow in size, so does the need for more schools. With three public high schools and two private schools up and running, the demand for more space already existing in those schools is at an all time high. Talk of a new high school being built has many excited but also many who are very opinionated on what the name and mascot of the school should be. The three public schools are currently named after three of the presidents on Mt. Rushmore and many people want the next high school to be named after Thomas Jefferson. So, the Statesman ran a Twitter poll to figure out what the new mascot should be and these are the


The basketball bunch by madison landon

Dillon Barrow

Junior forward/post player - His ability to get to the basket, finish inside and his athletic ability make him one of the Pat’s better all-around players.

Sydney Rosinsky

Senior point guard - Rosinsky is smart about reading defenses and setting up the offense. She is the floor general of the team, and is very reliable at knocking down shots and scoring.

Carson Coulter

Senior guard - He is leader on the team and a floor leader, setting up the offense. Coulter is a great ball handler, shooter and scorer for LHS.

Brooke Luitjens

Senior shooting guard - Work ethic and determination set her apart from others. She gives the Pats speed on both ends of the floor as well as possesses the ability to score inside.

Anna Brecht

Senior shooting guard - With great work ethic, Brecht has become the team’s go-to scorer. The team relies heavily on Brecht for her scoring ability and her high shooting percentage from the field.

Simon Higgason

Senior guard - A key player for LHS, Higgason’s 3-point shooting ability forces opposing teams to guard him outside and allows LHS to run plays specifically for him to get the ball.

Jayda Hallman

Sophomore center - Hallman keeps a positive attitude and makes the team laugh. She is the anchor on defense and the best post player, so she is relied on to grab defensive and offensive rebounds.

Diang Gatluak

Junior forward/post player - The Pat’s big man has good ball handling skills for a post player, as well as a quality shot and a strong inside game. LHS relies on Gatluak for his scoring abilities as well as some rebounding on both ends of the floor. PHOTOS BY RILEY RASMUSSEN AND BAYLIE EMBRY

60% Liberators 16% Delegators 6% Expeditionors 18%


BaskeTBall Bunch


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


A day in the life of gymnastics: tumbling through life by gage gramlick

A day in the life of a gymnast is just like a day in the life of any other Joe Shmow, except these Joes can tumble, somersault, flip, cartwheel on thin beams and jump exceedingly high. The LHS gymnastics team upholds the school’s standard of excellence, and has a blast while doing so. The general environment of the team’s practice is that of comradery; the gymnasts tease one another while working on their dare devil routines. “I started Lincoln gymnastics in second grade,” said junior Michaela Mohr. “Gymnastics is fun because we get to be around a whole bunch of funny people, and just be yourself.” The team starts practice with an onslaught of warm-ups that prepare muscle groups necessary for the job. Following the demanding warm-up, the acrobats stretch casually in ways that appear painful, particularly for the male anatomy. “We do these things called tor-


Junior Michaela Mohr jumping on a beam like a freaking super human, making the rest of us basic folk feel self-conscience. The gymnastics team practices most days after school.

nados,” said Mohr. “Then we run two laps and then we do two back packs, run two laps and do handstands. Then we do pirouettes, stretch and do what’s called lines (this is the painful-looking activity that is essentially the splits).

We usually do three events a day, 20 minutes on each event.” The rest of practice is utilized for skill building. Coach Les Frederick assigns each gymnast to a particular event and periodically rotates them. Frederick has

a lengthy resume filled with accolades. “25 years ago I started coaching club,” said Frederick. “Then I was approached by Rapid City Stevens High School to coach their team. So, I coached there for seven years and they won seven state titles and two runner-ups. My job recruited me out here to Sioux Falls, and I knew the only school I’d coach for was Lincoln. I wasn’t going to coach for anybody else. So I’ve been here 17 years now.” Though the LHS gymnastics team consistently proves its superiority in competition, the team also serves as a support network for one another. Frederick believes that the primary purpose of the team is to foster growth among the young gymnasts. “The last thing I’m here to do is teach them about gymnastics,” said Frederick. “I’m here to teach them about making friends, being loyal, being disciplined and the consequences of not following through.”


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017




H. .T YOGA REVIEW By Jamie Brunken

Being in a room with a temperature set at 105 degrees does not seem like the most pleasant experience in the world, but hot yoga is all the rave and many are taking part in the craze. I got the chance to attend a hot yoga class of my own and needless to say, hot it was. I have wanted to try hot yoga for a while because I constantly hear from friends about how much fun and relaxing it is, and all of the benefits it brings. The main reason I held off from trying hot yoga was because I was just a tad nervous of being in a 100 degree room for an hour. Finally, I decided to schedule a class and see what all the talk was about. After finishing my first ever hot yoga class, I now know why it is such a popular activity. The class started at 7 p.m. and even before it started I knew I was in for it. I got my yoga mat and water bottle, took a deep breath and entered the room. Once I walked in, I found a spot and sat down, and I could already feel the sweat coming. At 7 p.m. on the dot, the instructor came in and we started the class. This was a traditional, 60 minute hot yoga class where we would be doing the normal 26 yoga poses. Our first couple of exercises were breathing ones, so not too hard. Next we did the half-moon pose, awkward pose and eagle pose. All were pretty easy, beginner moves, so I was not too uncomfortable… yet. At this point, we were about 10 minutes into the class, and boy oh boy, I have never perspired that much in my entire life. The instructor said ‘try to be okay with being uncomfortable,’ and I was like “oh okay I will try to be fine with sweat pouring off my face.” My favorite pose throughout the whole class by far was the dead body pose. It looks kind of like it sounds, you just lay down on the mat and try to relax and remain still. Now that is what I am talking about. After sweating for 40 minutes, laying on the ground and not moving a muscle was glorious. After 60 hot and sweaty minutes of yoga, I know why so many are joining gyms and fitness clubs that offer hot yoga classes. Although it was much hotter than I am used to for working out, I definitely felt relaxed and cleansed afterwards. Overall, I would recommend that everyone try a hot yoga class because the relaxation and refreshing feel will outweigh the heat in the room and the sweat dripping off your face.



STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


Standing Patriette

The College Football Playoff should have eight teams As anyone who watched college football knows, the College Football Playoff (CFP) and football bowl season is the most exciting time of the season. Bowls and the CFP consists of the best teams from all leagues facing off against the best teams from different leagues, so it is a good time to get into college football. In 2014, the CFP began, creating more hype from around the country as it’s four teams play in the two best bowl games. The CFP currently consists of four teams who play for a national championship. The CFP committee, made up of former college coaches and athletic directors, decides which four teams are in and which teams are out. The problem with choosing four teams who get to battle for the right to a national title is this: Should the committee choose

By Madison Landon the “best” teams or the “most didn’t even make it to the Big deserving” teams? This problem Ten title game. So while they with the playoffs would more may have been the “best” team, than likely be erased if the CFP were they “more deserving” than went to an eight team playoff either Penn State or Michigan? The other conflict with the rather than four. This year the number one spot chosen rankings was the number in the playoff was Alabama, who four spot. The final spot in the was clearly the best team in col- CFP was given to Washington lege football, so there was no over Penn State and Michigan. question there. Then, the com- There were valid arguments in mittee chose Clemson at num- favor of all three teams earning ber three, and there was no argu- the final spot. Penn State beat ment there either. The argument fellow playoff candidate Ohio this year was with the number State and went on to win the Big two and four seeds of the rank- Ten conference. Michigan went ings. Ohio State was chosen by a full season ranked in the top the committee as a number two four and they beat Penn State, seed to play Clemson in the Fi- Big Ten champs, by 39 points esta Bowl. The reason there was during the regular season. In some controversy is because the end, Washington won the Ohio State didn’t even win their Pac-12 with a 12-1 record, so conference, the Big Ten, like they were given the final spot the other three teams won their in the rankings. There wouldn’t conferences. In fact, Ohio State be any problem fitting in all of

the “best” and “most deserving” teams if the CFP went to eight teams. Opponents of an eight team playoff argue that the teams would end up playing 15 or 16 games a season and that is too many for football, but the NFL plays 16 games a season. They say that eight teams creating two extra games would be too much, but the other portion of Division 1 college football, the FCS, has a 24 team playoff and many extra postseason games. If for nothing else, an eight team CFP would attract more viewers and create more hype than the four team playoff does right now. It would eliminate the argument that the “best” team or the “most deserving” team didn’t get in, and it would be entertaining for everyone who is a fan of college football.

College-bound athlete, Brecht, breaks all-time scoring record

By aBBie Griffin LHS senior Anna Brecht has made the past four years of her basketball career ones to remember. This season, University of Wisconsin Green-Bay commit, Brecht, has helped the team with numerous wins throughout the season and seasons in the past. In the game against Edina MN, LHS had 38 points total and Brecht had 16 of them. In the game against WHS on Jan. 3, Brecht accumulated 28 of the 58 points scored by LHS. With this large amount of points scored by Brecht throughout the season, the school record for all-time points scored during four years was achieved during the Yankton game. LHS head girls basketball coach, Matt Daly has nothing but good to say when it comes to Brecht. “She stands out because she’s a shooting guard that stands 6 feet tall,” said Daly. “She is standing

PHOTO PROVIDED BY GOOGLE PUBLIC USE LHS girls varsity head coach Matt Daly awarded senior Anna Brecht with a plaque to commemorate her scoring record.

at a height right now that most people play as a post, but her length and her height give her a different advantage. The characteristic about Anna that stood out for the last four years is her

amazing ability as a jump shooter and a flat out tenuous scorer. She is averaging 25 points a game right now, and she has broke the school record for points scored in a single season and points per

game, and she is closing in on breaking the all time points record at this high school.” After this record breaking season, Brecht is planning on continuing her basketball career at Division 1 school UWGB. Outside of basketball Brecht participates in FCA, NHS and excels in the classroom. With these attributes under her belt, Brecht’s future is wide open for possibilities. “I am not sure she has decided what she is doing academically,” said Daly. “I think with her work in the Statesman, she would be a great journalist. She is a tremendous writer, she is a good public speaker and she has had a lot of interviews and time in front of the camera because of her success in athletics. I think Anna would be a successful teacher, coach at basketball and to be honest I think Anna, with the work ethic she has developed in sports, would probably be successful in whatever she chooses.”


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017

Carson Coulter, 12


Pump Up Song: “Marvin’s Room” by Drake Guilty Pleasure: ...haha If I was not in my activity I would be: Still hoopin’...ball is life

Kaleb Dobbs, 12 Pump Up Song: “Bounce Back” by Big Sean Guilty Pleasure: Online Vineyard Vine shopping with Cole Crissman If I was not in my activity I would be: Fighting Tristan Cheeseman

Anna Brecht, 12

Pump Up Song: “Baby” by Justin Bieber Guilty Pleasure: Hockey players If I was not in my activity I would be: Watching YouTube story time videos

Sydney Rosinsky, 12 Pump Up Song: The Dreidel song Guilty Pleasure: Lightskins If I was not in my activity I would be: Trying harder to stop the Stampede boys from taking away my friends


Simon Higgason, 12

Andrew Tverberg, 12

Alex Glanzer, 11

Dillon Barrow, 11

Pump Up Song: “Big Green Tractor” Guilty Pleasure: Dressing up like a cowboy and then driving my pickup around town If I was not in my activity I would be: Working on Henry Bankshaft farm, yeehaa

Pump Up Song: “Earned It” by Chief Keef Guilty Pleasure: Tristan Cheeseman If I was not in my activity I would be: Hanging out with Jackson and Co

Karli Soyland, 12 Pump Up Song: “Wii Plaza Song” Guilty Pleasure: Dwight Schrute If I was not in my activity I would be: Doing those dang pirouettes

Brooke Luitjens, 12 Pump Up Song: “Electric Pow Wow Drum”...look it up Guilty Pleasure: Watching “Vampire Diaries” in my footie pajamas If I was not in my activity I would be: Thumb wrestling Jack VanVeldhuizen

Pump Up Song: “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” Guilty Pleasure: Bronson’s frosted tips If I was not in my activity I would be: A pro in Tchoukball

Pump Up Song: “Eenie Meenie” by Sean Kingston ft. JB Guilty Pleasure: Yeah... If I was not in my activity I would be: Yeah...

Baylie Embry, 12 Pump Up Song: According to Mrs. Maass, “German techno rock” music Guilty Pleasure: Chandler Bing’s third nipple If I was not in my activity I would be: I can’t imagine doing anything else. Ball is life

Jayda Hallman, 10 Pump Up Song: “Wii Plaza Trap Song” by YaBoyJDub Guilty Pleasure: Watching Anna dance If I was not in my activity I would be: Drinking more chocolate milk


STATESMAN | Feb. 2, 2017


ORAL INTERP Sofia Haan, 12

Claire Carlson, 12 Pump Up Song: “Best of Both Worlds” by Hannah Montana Guilty Pleasure: 6 for $20 at Aerie If I was not in my activity I would be: Going to school on Fridays

Pump Up Song: “Rivers and Roads” by The Head and the Heart on repeat Guilty Pleasure: 6 for $20 rack at Aerie If I was not in my activity I would be: In debate

Raeann VanDrongelen,12 Pump Up Song: “How Now Brown Cow” Guilty Pleasure: 6 for $20 at Aerie If I was not in my activity I would be: Running Puppy Club full-time

Ross Weisbecker, 12

Pump Up Song: “Till I Collapse” by Eminem Guilty Pleasure: “The Bachelor” If I was not in my activity I would be: Passing Calc


Corey Fichter, 12

Pump Up Song: “Lose Yourself ” Guilty Pleasure: Getting my hand raised after a win If I was not in my activity I would be: Powerlifting


Ian Ward, 10

Pump Up Song: “We are Number One” Guilty Pleasure: Surrounding myself with memes instead of stable relationships If I was not in my activity I would be: Wait are there other activities that involve constantly yelling and earning trophies? Marching band, then

Featured in next issue: Theater, National Honor Society, DECA, Yearbook, Patriot Pride and Student Athletic Training

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