January 2024

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hen hen it comes it comes to LHS to LHS extracurriculars, extracurriculars, students students oftenoften havehave an overwhelming an overwhelming variety variety to choose to choose from.from. EvenEven so, underneath so, underneath the multitudes the multitudes of activities, of activities, the LHS the LHS oral oral interpretation interpretation teamteam shines shines excellence excellence in comparison, in comparison, successfully successfully wiping wiping opponents opponents withwith theirtheir tactful tactful words words and and charismatic charismatic presence. presence. WithWith just just a team a team of eight, of eight, eacheach member member dominates dominates every every section section at the at oral the oral interpretation interpretation statestate tournament tournament by embodying by embodying the prose the prose and and literature literature itself. itself. Aubrey Aubrey Windish, Windish, the LHS the LHS AP Lang AP Lang teacher, teacher, English English 3 teacher 3 teacher and and the oral the oral interp interp coach, coach, spends spends her time her time afterafter school school helping helping the oral the oral interp interp teamteam perfect perfect theirtheir craft.craft. Windish Windish explains explains oral oral interp, interp, an unfamiliar an unfamiliar wordword to some, to some, is extremely is extremely similar similar to theater to theater yet with yet with key differences. key differences. So similar So similar in fact, in fact, that that sometimes sometimes otherother theater theater students students do oral do oral interpretation interpretation on the on side. the side.







Despite Despite theirtheir winning winning record record and and looming looming presence, presence, the team the team is often is often described described as small as small but close, but close, practices practices oftenoften feeling feeling like alike group a group of friends of friends instead instead of solely of solely teammates. teammates. DueDue to this to this unique unique atmosphere, atmosphere, the LHS the LHS oral oral interp interp teamteam doubles doubles as both as both fun and fun and successful. successful. But But eveneven withwith this this welcoming welcoming ambience ambience in the in the team, team, the students the students stay stay focused focused for the for big the tournament: big tournament: National National Qualifiers. Qualifiers. “National “National Qualifiers Qualifiers is the is goal the goal [in order [in order to gototogothe to NSDA the NSDA National National Tournament] Tournament] for this for this season. season. TheThe NSDA NSDA Tournament Tournament is a giant is a giant tournament tournament that that happens happens in June in June where where students students whowho win win the top the top two two spotsspots fromfrom across across the nation the nation all go alland go and compete compete against against eacheach other,” other,” said said Windish. Windish. “You“You wantwant to take to take home home the giant the giant trophy trophy that that says,says, ‘I’m ‘I’m the best the best in the in the nation.’” nation.’” “[In] “[In] theater, theater, you you havehave costumes costumes and and makeup makeup and and sets sets and and characters, characters, and and we we [oral[oral interpretation] interpretation] havehave nonenone of that. of that. OralOral interp interp is allisabout all about taking taking a piece a piece of literature, of literature, a poem a poem or anoressay an essay and and you you havehave to cut to itcut down it down to the to ten the most ten most essential essential minutes minutes of that of that piece,” piece,” said said Windish. Windish. “You“You mustmust embody embody the character. the character. Essentially Essentially present present whatwhat you you thinkthink is the is argument the argument of the of piece the piece to the to audience.” the audience.” In Windish’s In Windish’s experience, experience, she enjoys she enjoys the quirks the quirks of the of LHS the LHS oral oral interp interp team. team. WithWith this this hugehuge award award and and skillful skillful activity, activity, somesome assume assume that that individuals individuals mustmust havehave priorprior public public speaking speaking skillsskills to join. to join. Windish Windish denies denies that that assumption, assumption, asserting asserting that that any any student student at LHS at LHS should should feel free feel free to join. to join. In actuality, In actuality, many many students students gaingain perks perks fromfrom taking taking partpart in this in this well-spoken well-spoken group. group. “Several “Several people people whowho join join say ‘I’m say ‘I’m not anot public a public speaker, speaker, I’m scared I’m scared to dotothis,’ do this,’ and and the oral the oral interp interp teamteam is like, is like, ‘Oh ‘Oh no, like, no, like, we got we you,’” got you,’” said said Windish. Windish. “I have “I have so many so many people people say they say they werewere so terrified so terrified to dotothis, do this, but now but now [they [they say]say] ‘I can ‘I stand can stand up inup in class,class, I canI give can give speeches, speeches, I never I never knewknew I could I could be sobefunny.’ so funny.’ [Joining [Joining oral oral interp] interp] is a way is a way to join to join a really a really supportive supportive group group and and enhance enhance youryour public public speaking speaking skills.” skills.” So, as So,the as LHS the LHS oral oral interp interp teamteam fights fights theirtheir way way up toupNational to National Qualifiers, Qualifiers, theythey gaingain friendship friendship and and a silver a silver tongue, tongue, two two qualities qualities that that are are rarerare to receive to receive at the at same the same time.time. TheThe oral oral interp interp teamteam is not is just not just a speech a speech teamteam nor anor rag-tag a rag-tag group group of buddies, of buddies, but instead, but instead, the wielder the wielder of of words, words, elegantly elegantly cutting cutting theirtheir obstacles obstacles withwith a gleaming a gleaming sword sword of speech. of speech.



shift to their studies, rather than food security. “Anyone that qualifies for free and reduced lunch, their lunches are actually free, even if it’s just reduced, it’s free. If you don’t qualify, you get rejected, then you would qualify for some angel funds, which you would need to fill a form out,” said Dr. Raeder. Angel funds comes from two main organizations. The long-standing account at LHS is the Benevolence Fund, where all proceeds are directed towards underprivileged students at LHS. A new organization, The Ripple Effect, emerged Dec. 10, 2023 as a response to the lunch balance changes, aiming to provide free lunches for all students in need. “We have some families at LHS that are trying to think about how to help kids and how to help families, so they have created a nonprofit called The Ripple Effect. This is a bunch of families that have gotten together to donate,” said Dr. Raeder. “We have an account here at Lincoln, it’s called the Benevolence Fund, and it also funds Club 17, who give anything that a student needs for the 17 hours that they are outside of school. So, we would also be able to take donations there.” The Ripple Effect, founded by LHS sophomore Ellie Quinn and her family, directly aids students on the cusp of qualifying for free and reduced lunch. They started The Ripple Effect as a response to the changing lunch balance rules in the district, aiming to ensure no student is left hungry, reaffirming school as a safe haven and place of equal education. “The Ripple Effect was started because we don’t want any student in the school district to be singled out by not being able to eat a proper lunch,” said Quinn. “Our ultimate goal is to grow an endowment so all families in the Sioux Falls School District can participate in the school lunch program regardless of means.” To help fund nonprofit organizations, such as the Ripple Effect, visit https://www.therippleeffectsd.org/ or the Sioux Falls School District website to make a donation. “We encourage any and all LHS students and families to participate and get involved in the search for a permanent solution to our public school food debt,” said Quinn.


verlooked with an abundance and cherished with a scarcity, food provides energy, fulfillment and security, essential for students’ prosperity. However, the Sioux Falls School District’s new lunch policy, which took hold Dec. 4, 2023, threatens food security for students district-wide. Dr. Laura Raeder, the Principal of LHS, along with the Sioux Falls School District faced mounting debt as a consequence of negative lunch balances. As a result, they initiated these changes to help curb the debt. It applies to all students not on a free and reduced lunch plan, tightening restrictions on negative lunch balances by denying food to students based on the negativity of their account. “It’s quite an extensive change,” said Dr. Raeder. “During the COVID year and the year after that, all of the lunches were free. After that, the lunches were no longer free and the families had to pay for that. Now, we let some of the balances slide and now if you are negative you no longer get breakfast, and if you are more than $20 negative you will no longer be able to have a lunch, but you can have a smart snack, and it’s cheese, cracker, milk.” While the changes resolve the debt problem, it ignites a larger issue for students unable to afford lunch and are not on a free and reduced lunch plan. Now these students risk going hungry, a burden no student should bear. The impact of not receiving a meal effects not only their mental health, but also their academic performance. “...children’s learning outcomes suffer when they regularly experience hunger and that nearly every aspect of physical and mental function is hurt as well. Food insecurity affects concentration, memory, mood, and motor skills, all of which a child needs to be able to be successful in school,” said No Kid Hungry, an organization dedicated to resolving childhood hunger. Fortunately, through the aid of generous donations, the district has sent up angel funds for those in need. By filling out the application, located on the school district website www.sf.k12.sd.us, going to students and families, nutrition services, then free/reduced application, students’ focus can








Additionally, being a teacher is not option According to USA Today, of public schools in the Additionally, being a teacher is not the the onlyonly job job option in in According to USA Today, 86%86% of public schools in the the education field; one could be a counselor, administrator United States struggled to hire teachers for the 2023 school United States struggled to hire teachers for the 2023 school the education field; one could be a counselor, administrator or curriculum developer. If students what career of public schools understaffed. These or curriculum developer. If students are are not not suresure what career year,year, andand 45%45% of public schools feelfeel understaffed. These they want to pursue, they may find it beneficial to experiment staggering numbers directly point to a teacher shortage they want to pursue, they may find it beneficial to experiment staggering numbers directly point to a teacher shortage education field. Even students think across nation, issue is affecting South Dakota withwith the the education field. Even students whowho think thatthat theythey across the the nation, andand thisthis issue is affecting South Dakota want to do something else may find they have a passion and the Sioux Falls community. Therefore, it is more want to do something else may find they have a passion for for and the Sioux Falls community. Therefore, it is more teaching. example, senior Zoey Dommer important than ever for people to join the education field teaching. ForFor example, LHSLHS senior Zoey Dommer waswas not not important than ever for people to join the education field initially sure she wanted to become a teacher before joining and become teachers. Teacher Pathway seeks to solve this initially sure she wanted to become a teacher before joining and become teachers. Teacher Pathway seeks to solve this Teacher Pathway. problem by inspiring coaching community’s future Teacher Pathway. problem by inspiring andand coaching the the community’s future “Teacher Pathway really grown for teaching, teachers. “Teacher Pathway has has really grown my my lovelove for teaching, teachers. I actually really found what I love to do. It has definitely Teacher Pathway a dual credit course offered to high andand I actually really found what I love to do. It has definitely Teacher Pathway is a isdual credit course offered to high given me more of a passion to go into teaching,” said school students in the Sioux Falls School District. Dual given me more of a passion to go into teaching,” said school students in the Sioux Falls School District. Dual Dommer. credit courses allow students to earn school credit credit courses allow students to earn highhigh school credit andandDommer. Teacher Pathway to encourage students to think college credit through USD simultaneously. Students can Teacher Pathway aimsaims to encourage students to think college credit through USD simultaneously. Students can about becoming a teacher and prove that teaching get a head start on completing the required college credits about becoming a teacher and prove that teaching is anis an get a head start on completing the required college credits extremely important rewarding career. By joining and save time in the future. In 2018, Teacher Pathway set a extremely important andand rewarding career. By joining and save time in the future. In 2018, Teacher Pathway set a Teacher Pathway, students get ahead mission to encourage the next generation of teachers. LHS Teacher Pathway, students get ahead mission to encourage the next generation of teachers. LHS in their careers, build confidence English teacher Klawonn accepted position in their careers, build confidence English teacher SaraSara Klawonn accepted the the position of of when teaching teaching Teacher Pathway. when teaching andand havehave fun fun withwith teaching Teacher Pathway. like-minded peers “I was asked teach class], which an honor like-minded peers whowho are are alsoalso “I was asked [to [to teach the the class], which waswas an honor interested in education. a privilege. I guess called toabeteacher a teacher in education. andand a privilege. I guess I’veI’ve felt felt called to be andand be beinterested “I think a field involved in education for my whole life. I was playing school “I think thatthat it isita isfield involved in education for my whole life. I was playing school that not everybody always when I was like seven years old. I have just always found that not everybody always when I was like seven years old. I have just always found thinks about. Maybe toabecalling. a calling. Now, as I’ve gotten more experience, about. Maybe thatthat to be Now, as I’ve gotten more experience, I I thinks we dream of being sort of feel this calling to encourage others to join me,” said sort of feel this calling to encourage others to join me,” said we dream of being something Klawonn. something else,else, but but Klawonn. there is so much Furthermore, Teacher Pathway does not exclusively stay there is so much Furthermore, Teacher Pathway does not exclusively stay power nobility inside walls of LHS. Students learn about teaching power andand nobility inside the the walls of LHS. Students learn about teaching satisfaction strategies history of education, satisfaction in in strategies andand the the history of education, but but theythey alsoalso havehave andand being a teacher,” the opportunity to practice what they learn. Every week, being a teacher,” the opportunity to practice what they learn. Every week, Klawonn. students travel to Robert Frost Elementary to observe saidsaid Klawonn. students travel to Robert Frost Elementary to observe classrooms and even teach lessons. After learning about classrooms and even teach lessons. After learning about lesson planning, classroom management assessment, lesson planning, classroom management andand assessment, students give 25 minute lessons to showcase their skills. Dommer students give 25 minute lessons to showcase their skills. Dommer “They get to think about these things already, before “They get to think about these things already, before theytheyreadsreads a college course. They these experiences to a to a eveneven get get intointo a college course. They get get these experiences Robert set them up success, for success, or help them to discern thatthat set them up for or help them to discern thatthat Robert Frost Frost career for [them],” Klawonn. thisthis isn’tisn’t the the career for [them],” saidsaid Klawonn. student. student. Through Teacher Pathway, students learn what it takes Through Teacher Pathway, students learn what it takes toabeteacher. a teacher. experiences allow them to decipher to be TheThe experiences allow them to decipher if they truly have an interest in becoming a teacher if they truly have an interest in becoming a teacher andand if the career would a good fit them. for them. Many students if the career would be abegood fit for Many students overlook the field of education when deciding their futures overlook the field of education when deciding their futures in college; however, teaching is essential to have an educated in college; however, teaching is essential to have an educated DESIGNDESIGN BY LEAH MANNES BY LEAH MANNES progressive society. PHOTOS USED WITH PERMISSION BY SARA andand progressive society. PHOTOS USED WITH PERMISSION BY SARA



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ay in and day out, many LHS students make their way to the cafeteria during 4th and 5th period to refuel their bodies. With nutritious food provided by the school, those who do not feel like packing a lunch can eat. With various food options and many kids to feed each day, it is important to recognize those who devote their time to not only their own kids, but to hundreds of others. You may recognize Beth Claussen after picking up your cheesy flatbread from the lunch line; Claussen has dedicated five years to working as a lunch provider at LHS. Her schedule is very busy each day, as she enters LHS at 6 a.m. and leaves no later than 2 p.m. “I come in at 6 o’clock, as well as Pam. We start getting ready for breakfast first, try to get that out of the way, knock that out, then Pam starts cooking lunch and I start ordering inventory. All the things that a restaurant does, we do here. Just getting ready to go,” said Claussen. Although Claussen has busy days, that does not stop her from enjoying time with her two grandkids, doing yoga and staying active. Staying healthy is

important while working in the kitchen, because of all the duties and tasks. “It’s a lot of planning and preparation. It’s a lot of heavy work, a lot of lifting, twisting and bending. There is a lot that goes into it and hopefully we make it look pretty effortless,” said Claussen. Though Claussen spends a lot of her time prepping meals for LHS students, she still finds time to create relationships and have fun with the people she is surrounded by in the kitchen. Claussen values those relationships just as much as she values her job. “We are just a family, such a cohesive unit, everybody treats each other with respect and kindness, no issues,” said Claussen. As Claussen is used to working in customerheavy environments. She has learned that being around people helps you become the best version of yourself. With that being said, the LHS lunch ladies would appreciate any student help they could get. “I think it’s important for people to know how to treat other people because it’s a learned thing, it’s not automatic. Now me, I like people, I could get along with anyone but that’s not the case for everybody.

Sometimes if you get in this kind of environment you really can see, ‘wow if I just treat people with a little kindness that really goes a long way,’” said Claussen. Students may not see what goes on inside the kitchen, and for some, it may appear easy. However, making hundreds of meals a day and dealing with large portions of food can be overwhelming. Running the school cafeteria is not a solo job, and with the help of many hands they seem to fulfill the needs of every student who comes through the line. Another recognizable lunch lady who takes part in making the LHS cafeteria run smoothly is Pam Peterson. Peterson has worked in the district since she was 39 and has loved every minute of it. She enjoys spending time with and getting to know her coworkers, signing and joking around. She is at LHS for most of her day but when she is away from work she enjoys spending time with her kids and grandchildren. Along with Claussen, Peterson also thrives off being active. Staying active while they get older makes them feel the most energized and healthy. Peterson takes a big role in the preparation

of the food. She has been able to accumulate tips and tricks throughout her time in the kitchen. Many would think there would be a lot of leftovers; however, Peterson has nailed her measurements and numbers down and has figured out how to make enough food for the number of students coming through. Peterson, being someone who likes to be organized and prepared, was given a challenge the day LHS had a shelter in place. “Just this year we had the shelter in place, and nobody could leave, so we had all these extra kids and we found out like five minutes before we were serving we were gonna have like 200 extra kids, and everyone just pitched in and worked together and we got the job done,” said Peterson. The LHS cafeteria is so much more than the basic, stereotypical lunch room. It is a family who makes an effort to get to know each other and help improve the lives of everyone who they see throughout their day. Next time one finds themselves in the lunch line, make an effort to thank and get to know the special lunch staff here at LHS.




Springing right into adulthood, numerous students at LHS choose to graduate before May of their senior year. In this year’s graduating class, 21 LHS seniors graduated before the end of their senior year’s first semester. The previous year, 10% of the LHS class of 2023 graduated by the first semester of the school year. These students finish high school before the rest, choosing to walk before the ceremony in May. This achievement may be a goal for some, a reward for others or a missed opportunity for a handful. A high school diploma is imperative to career pathways beyond high school. Students who graduate

“Students should take advantage of everything they can [in high school],” said Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent of the Sioux Falls School District. “We want students to become adults who are equipped to do whatever they choose to pursue and have options for how they want to spend their lives. If you miss out on part of that opportunity by graduating early, you can

Of the class of 2023 graduated by the 2022-23 school year first semester.

early from high school versus those who graduate after all four years gain their diplomas either way. Nevertheless, the merit of participating in a complete high school experience should not be overlooked. Engaging in the entirety of high school is a onetime opportunity that leaves a lasting impact on one’s development. Not only this, it is a pivotal point in preparing a student for their future both academically and socially.


never go back and recapture that time.” Even with countless initiatives and programs offered within the district, some students are not swayed by

the chance to kickstart a college career during their enrollment in high school. Throughout the district, dual credit enrollment and AP courses can aid in boosting a college career before a student walks through the doors of their future university. These courses end up being an inexpensive way to earn credits in anticipation of a college career. LHS principal Dr. Laura Raeder sees these programs as a beneficial way for students to get ahead. “You can take a college class for $50 a credit,” said Raeder. “[Dual credit] is a huge program.” In addition to getting a head start in education beyond high school, the district has plenty of opportunities for students to discover unfamiliar career options. Beyond achieving every required class, students can choose certain electives and take classes that explore other pathways to a profession. The district’s CTE Academy offers several industry-specific classes to choose from and explore before a student chooses to graduate early. Classes such as these bolster students’ careers and prepare them for their future fields of work. Not only this, they allow students to make decisions on whether or not to pursue a career of previous interest. “AP and dual credit give students access to rigorous content with the opportunity to earn college credit at a greatly reduced cost,” said Kristin Grinager, High School Curriculum Coordinator for the Sioux Falls School District. “The Sioux Falls School District has partnerships with post-secondary institutions so students can get a head start on their chosen careers by taking college courses while still in high school.” Some may see early graduation as missing out on their high school experience. However, LHS senior Zach Werner sees early graduation as a reward for the extra work he has put in throughout his high school career. While occupied with a full six-class schedule in the first semester of his senior year (the final semester of his high school enrollment), Werner achieved his goal of early graduation. With enough credits to graduate and also achieve the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship, Werner is taking advantage of his employment at Sanford and the extra time to prepare for his future academic career. “I’ve always wanted to graduate early and work my second semester of my senior year,” said Werner. “The one thing that motivated me

was to be done with school and starting my adult life.” “For students who have a plan it’s a really good idea [graduating early],” said Raeder. Additionally, many seniors decide to take less than a full schedule of courses during their senior year. To lighten the effects of burnout seniors face, some will enroll in a minimal amount of classes. According to a survey including 21 LHS seniors, 76% are taking less than a full schedule of courses. These seniors likely have enough credits to graduate while having a less strenuous schedule. This is an opportunity for students to experience their high school while avoiding graduating early.

According to an LHS survey including 21 answers, seniors are taking this many classes in their second semester schedule.

“These kids probably won’t graduate early…they want to be in school the full year,” said Raeder. “In some respects they earned it.” With the vast number of students graduating before their peers in May of their graduate year, an important question to ask is whether or not to take this step. At LHS, early graduation permits students to start the furthering of their education. However, it dismisses programs that allow students to stay in high school and achieve college credits at a cheaper cost. Nevertheless, the Sioux Falls School District can tremendously assist the future of each student and has countless programs for students debating early graduation. DESIGN BY LUCAS HIATT


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Junior Junior year year cancan be be confusing confusing for for many, many, butbut it does it does notnot have have to be. to be. Classes Classes resume resume Making Making sure sure oneone is keeping is keeping3rd:3rd: 8th:8th: Register Register for for thethe 10th: 10th: ACT ACT 5th:5th: Register Register for for February February ACT ACT 27th: up up with with deadlines deadlines andand April April ACT ACT 27th: Register Register for for March March SAT SAT 10th/11th: 10th/11th: Semester Semester OneOne tests tests important important information information 9th:9th: SAT SAT Overall Overall is key is key to success to success before before 13th: 13th: ASVAB ASVAB -registering for for senior senior year year graduation. graduation. And And remember, remember,-registering (look at graduation at graduation your your counselor counselor is always is always (look 3rd:3rd: Register Register for for thethe June June ACT ACT requirements) available available to answer to answer anyany requirements) 4th:4th: SAT SAT -Dual -Dual Credit Credit opportunities opportunities in in 6th-17th: questions. questions. June June 1st:1st: SAT SAT 6th-17th: APAP testing testing senior senior year year June June 7th:7th: Register Register for for 15th: 15th: FallFall Dual Dual Credit Credit -AP-AP classes classes for for senior senior year year thethe JulyJuly ACT ACT Registration Registration Deadline Deadline -Avera -Avera Academy Academy for for students students June June 8th:8th: ACT ACT 21st: 21st: Register Register for for June June SAT SAT -maintain -maintain or get or get a job/ a job/ interested interested July July 13th: 13th: ACT ACT 21st-22nd: 21st-22nd: Semester Semester Tests Tests internship internship in aincareer a career in the in the medical medical field field -shadow -shadow or try or try outout -Start -Start looking looking intointo post-high post-high ACT ACT Details: Details: From From TheThe Princeton Princeton Review, Review, “The “The purpose purpose of of different different future future career career school school plans plans the the ACT ACT testtest is toismeasure to measure a high a high school school student’s student’s readiness readiness for for options options youyou maymay be be college, college, andand provide provide colleges colleges with with oneone common common datadata point point thatthat cancan interested interested in in be used be used to compare to compare all applicants. all applicants. College College admissions admissions officers officers willwill review review standardized standardized testtest scores scores alongside alongside your your high high school school GPA, GPA, -tour -tour campuses campuses the the classes classes you you took took in high in high school, school, letters letters of recommendation of recommendation -create -create a student a student 3rd-5th: 3rd-5th: State State Testing Testing from from teachers teachers or mentors, or mentors, extracurricular extracurricular activities, activities, admissions admissions resume; resume; part-time part-time 13th: 13th: ACT ACT interviews, interviews, and and personal personal essays. essays. How How important important ACT ACT scores scores are are in in jobs, jobs, school school activities, activities, 23rd: 23rd: Register Register for for May May SAT SAT the the college college application application process process varies varies from from school school to school.” to school.” community community activities, activities, SAT SAT Details: Details: According According to The to The Princeton Princeton Review, Review, “The “The SAT SAT is is awards, awards, volunteer volunteer work, work, a multiple-choice, a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper pencil-and-paper testtest created created andand administered administered leadership leadership roles, roles, etc.etc. by the by the College College Board. Board. TheThe purpose purpose of the of the SAT SAT is toismeasure to measure a high a high -start -start working working on on school school student’s student’s readiness readiness for for college, college, andand provide provide colleges colleges with with college college application application essays essays oneone common common datadata point point thatthat cancan be used be used to compare to compare all applicants.” all applicants.” -request -request letters letters of of ASVAB ASVAB Details: Details: Taken Taken from from officialasvab.com, officialasvab.com, “The “The Armed Armed Services Services Vocational Vocational Aptitude Aptitude Battery Battery (ASVAB) (ASVAB) is aismultiplea multiplerecommendation recommendation aptitude aptitude battery battery thatthat measures measures developed developed abilities abilities andand helps helps predict predict -prepare -prepare andand review review future future academic academic andand occupational occupational success success in the in the military. military. It isIt is your your senior senior year year timeline timeline




administered administered annually annually to more to more thanthan oneone million million military military applicants, applicants, high high school, school, andand post-secondary post-secondary students.” students.”



RISE students Bo Bergen and Kacera Dragg making Christmas ornaments.

RISE students Deaja and Eli running the club fair with Best Buddies members.

RISE students Paige and Camden working the coffee cart in the morning

teacher workroom, so it would be more convenient to have someone bring their mail to them,” said Alexander. In addition to teaching the basics and abilities needed in the workforce, RISE also concentrates on teaching life skills the students will need to live independently after they turn 21. “One of the things we are really focused on this year is making sure they are all independent on doing their personal hygiene. We have cooking classes as part of our program, so we work on reading visual recipes and whatever skills they need to be independent,” said Alexander. Along with the RISE program at LHS, the Best Buddies club is also dedicated to helping the students involved with RISE. The Best Buddies club pairs a RISE student with a gen ed student and focuses more on offering entertaining activities for the RISE students to participate in. “Through Best Buddies, we have a show choir that practices during WIN time, and then after Christmas break our basketball starts practice,” said Alexander. Rheanna Petersen is a sophomore at LHS and a gen ed member of the Best Buddies club. She has played an active role in the club. “I like to help with the coffee cart as much as I can, I am in the show choir, so I’m there every Tuesday and Thursday, and if [the club] is doing any other activities then I go help with that stuff,” said Petersen. Being involved in the Best Buddies club has given the RISE students new opportunities and benefits that they do not usually get during the school day. “They have benefited just from getting more opportunities to meet other people and students around Lincoln and have made lots of new friends,” said Petersen. Not only does the Best Buddies club benefit the RISE kids, but also the gen ed students. “It honestly shows me a new look at life because the students in the RISE program are just always happy and just being around them opens my eyes to seeing new perspectives and enjoying the little things,” said Petersen. For decades the RISE program has been helping students throughout the Sioux Falls school district gain the knowledge and skills necessary to live a successful and independent life after high school. If you are interested in getting involved to help students in RISE, you can sign up for the Best Buddies club with Mary Alexander in room 503A.

Last season’s RISE basketball team placed 2nd in state.

Jack Severson and Sam Sahly making ornaments together for Best Buddies.


The RISE program has been a part of LHS for many years. Short for ‘Reaching Independence through Structured Education,’ the program concentrates on helping students with cognitive disabilities learn important life skills necessary for helping them succeed outside of high school. Mary Alexander is one of the teachers involved in running the program at LHS. Alexander has worked with the RISE program for a total of 24 years in the district and she has been at LHS for 13 of those years. Along with teaching the basics like math, science and english, RISE also has an employment component to help the students gain work-like experience. “We work with our students to gain the skills they need to be competitively employed,” said Alexander. This involves giving students tasks and responsibilities around the school to help them learn what it is like to work a job. “They start in the classroom and the second part of the program is they do jobs in school, so that includes [stocking] the school store, library, [collecting] recycling, washing tables down in the cafeteria and just the different things we can find here within the school [so] that the kids can learn the skills to transfer into the community,” said Alexander. After the students have learned and experienced enough of how a job works at the school, they are sent out into the community to put their knowledge to use. “They go into the community with a job coach and they volunteer, and then the last part is competitive employment,” said Alexander. One of the main activities that the RISE students participate in order to learn skills needed for competitive employment is the coffee cart. Before and during WIN, students involved sell hot and iced coffee, hot chocolate and Italian sodas. The proceeds brought in by the coffee cart go back to the RISE program for fun activities for the kids. “Every once in a while we will have a pizza party, we have bought new appliances for our kitchen and last year at the end of the year we took an afternoon and all the kids got to go to Thunder Road,” said Alexander. Starting next semester the program will be introducing another job for the students. “We’re kind of excited; we are going to do a mail delivery service for teachers that are so far away from the




It is no secret that industrial fashion production rages on, creating what the United Nations Environment Programme estimates to be one truckload of textiles dumped in landfills or incinerated every second. Still, it can be difficult for consumers to escape corporate wastefulness and pursue more sustainable options. For the past four years, Terra Shepherd Boutique and Apothecary has provided these environmentally conscious options and offered sustainability education through their selection of eco-friendly products. Terra Shepherd is not a person but rather an encompassment of ideas for owner Sara Jamison. With “Terra” meaning “earth” in Latin and “Shepherd” meaning “guide,” the store is built upon pushing the world in a more eco-friendly direction. From loungewear to pantsuits, the store possesses an array of primarily women’s clothing that carry tags describing where it came from, the materials used to make it and sometimes the name of the person who handcrafted it. A drive for this sustainable production appealed to Jamison years before she opened the doors to Terra Shepherd in downtown Sioux Falls. After years of experience in retail, she dreamt of opening a small business that fit her environmental interests and would close the gap in access to sustainably sourced clothing for Sioux Falls residents. “I had been working in retail for many years and, much to my surprise, it became what lit my fire,” said Jamison. “But as I learned more about the fashion industry, I wanted to find a way to do it that matched my own values. Sustainability and being more familiar with where my products were coming from is so important to me, and I wanted that to be easier for people in my hometown.” Jamison did not stop at finding suppliers with only earthfriendly practices; she pressed further and doubled down on her

research to find worker-friendly suppliers as well. This became particularly meaningful as ultra-popular fast fashion companies like SHEIN continually face accusations of worker abuse, including the enforcement of 18-hour shifts in their Chinese factories. Because of these headlines, the ethicality of clothing production became synonymous with overall sustainability for Jamison. “I really think we talk a lot about ethical production and sustainability as though they’re two separate ideas or elements. But I truly believe you can’t have one without the other,” said Jamison. “Something that’s not ethically produced isn’t truly sustainable, and if something isn’t eco-friendly and made in a way that cares for the earth, is it really ethically produced?” Jamison goes further and not only looks to promote better conditions for workers making her products but also for the people she employs herself. She refers to Terra Shepherd employees as a team, establishing more executive equality for all. This worker-first outlook, along with Terra Shepherd’s environmentalism, intrigued Tuesday Vander Weide, who has worked at the boutique for just under four years. “I love it here. I have always been called to sustainability, along with health and wellness. Seeing some place that offered that in Sioux Falls made me excited,” said Vander Weide. “I was really happy when the opportunity arose to have a full-time position here.” As the effects of climate change become more apparent, it can be easy for consumers to start thinking that they must live with no waste at all to be sustainable, creating waves of climate guilt. However, Jamison uses her store to display how living eco-consciously does not mean having to complete a full lifestyle change.

“We stress the possibility for small changes to have a big impact. I think that idea resonates tremendously with our community. You can come here to make those small changes,” said Jamison. “In the world of sustainability, it can be so much of an all-or-nothing mentality, and that is really intimidating. Our magic is showing people that you don’t have to do everything to be more sustainable.” Still, crafting products with sustainable materials and paying fair wages to the workers who make them inevitably drives up retail prices. Not many can afford to spend over $100 for a new outfit, no matter how long it may last, and Jamison acknowledges this. To remedy this, she set up stations around the store with pumps full of household necessities. From eco-friendly detergent to herbal body wash, customers can refill reusable pods and containers with these liquids; therefore, they can cut down on their waste production in inexpensive ways. “[The refillery] felt like a natural fit. On the fashion side of things, we often talk about buying things less often, and investing in pieces when you do purchase. But I still need revenue coming in, I need people to buy things to keep the doors open. Those consumable products, whether it’s face wash, laundry powder, even toilet bowl cleaner, keep people coming in,” said Jamison. “It is a great way to introduce people to ways they can reduce waste in their everyday lives.” Even then, it has not been entirely smooth sailing for the shop. As with so many other small businesses, COVID-19 complicated Jamison’s business strategy and continues to push her through economic challenges. “The pandemic happened before we were even a year old. The doors to Terra Shepherd were closed on our one-year anniversary,” said Jamison. “From that, there have been supply chain disruptions and fear of economic downturn. I have had to learn how to be nimble and always adjust to the ever-changing retail landscape.” As a result of this adaptiveness, Jamison worked to expand the store’s reach much farther using both social media and an online shop for all people seeking sustainable and ethical options, no matter how far they may be. “Social media is a connector when used for good. It has allowed us to forge relationships with customers who have become regulars that live in Massachusetts, Seattle or Michigan,” said Jamison. “It is special to be able to have that connection even when they are states away.” In the end, Jamison knows that people are at different stages of exposure to sustainable living; she implores them all to explore their next steps, no matter how small they may seem. “We have the variety of products that we do to meet people where they are. It might not be investing in a hand-knit sustainable sweater today, but maybe it’s buying a bamboo toothbrush,” said Jamison. “We want to be here to meet people where they are on their sustainability journey and to grow and evolve with them.” DESIGN BY REESE DUNCAN PHOTOS BY REESE DUNCAN ARTWORK BY ZOE LARSON



ilena Vercellino is a sophomore at LHS involved in Golf, Best Buddies, SALSA and more. But meeting her, you might never know that just a few years ago, her life was debilitated by a severe eating disorder: anorexia. The National Institute of Health describes anorexia nervosa as a condition where individuals avoid or restrict food and often view themselves as overweight, regardless of their actual physical condition. 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, and every 52 minutes, one person dies as a direct consequence. Vercellino’s anorexia first began while in seventh grade when she was exposed to a calorie-counting activity in her health class. As a gymnast, she was self-conscious of her body and began to limit her calories to lose weight. As her behavior progressed, Vercellino dealt with insomnia, fatigue and fainting spells. Despite having lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time and suffering serious physical symptoms, her family doctor told her that her experience was a normal occurrence in teenage girls and not something to be concerned about. “I would pass out a lot, and in the mornings I would wake up and I would just fall over. I couldn’t see anything, it was all black. So, that would happen a lot,” said Vercellino. “I was gray and blue; there was no color in my face, and I wouldn’t eat family meals.” Vercellino’s mother realized she had a problem and began to seek treatment, although Vercellino was still unwilling to admit the gravity of the situation. “[When] you have poor body image and body dysmorphia, you don’t know what you actually look like. But everyone could tell that I had a problem, except for me,” said Vercellino. “At my lowest…I was barely alive.” Vercellino’s condition was serious, if proper action had not been taken quickly, the outcome could have been fatal. Finding a medical BY KATE MATTHES, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BY KATE MATTHES, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF professional to fit her needs, however, was no easy task due to a lack of availability. In Vercellino’s experience, treatment for an eating disorder ilenailena Vercellino is a sophomore at LHS involved in Golf, Best Buddies, SALSA and more. But meeting her, you might never know Vercellino is a sophomore at LHS involved in Golf, Best Buddies, SALSA and more. But meeting her, you might never know requires manythat hands on deck including doctors who candebilitated address mental anddisorder: physical aspects of the disorder. just a few years ago,ago, her life life was debilitated by both a severe eating anorexia. that just a few years her was by a severe eating disorder: anorexia. The The National Institute of Health describes anorexia nervosa as as a condition where individuals avoid ororrestrict food and National Institute of Health describes anorexia nervosa a condition where individuals avoid restrict food andoften often “Inview thethemselves state ofasSouth Dakota, there’s an incredibly limited amount of dieticians that are specialized in eating disorders as well as view themselves overweight, regardless of their actual physical condition. 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their as overweight, regardless of their actual physical condition. 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, andsaid every 52 minutes, one one person diesdies as aasdirect consequence. lifetime, andVercellino. every 52 minutes, person a direct consequence. therapists,” “[Eating disorders are] never about the food. It’s abouttocontrol. So, the big thing about eating disordersAsis athat you Vercellino’s anorexia firstfirst began while in seventh grade when sheshe waswas exposed a calorie-counting Vercellino’s anorexia began while in seventh grade when exposed to a calorie-countingactivity activityininher herhealth healthclass. class. As a gymnast, was self-conscious of her body andand began to limit calories lose weight. AsAs behavior dealt want that she control, at least for anorexia, and bulimia asbegan well… soher that’s what Itowanted because atherthat time, myprogressed, whole life Vercellino was unstable.” gymnast, she was self-conscious of her body to limit her calories to lose weight. her behavior progressed, Vercellino dealtwith with insomnia, fatigue and fainting spells. Despite having lostlost a significant amount of of weight in in a short period insomnia, fatigue and fainting spells. Despite having a significant amount weight a short periodofoftime timeand andsuffering sufferingserious seriousphysical physical After months of family waiting, she connected with a therapist dietician whoinwould begin herandand treatment and introduce a meal plan. symptoms, her family doctor toldfinally her her that her her experience waswas a normal occurrence teenage girls not totobebeconcerned about. symptoms, her doctor told that experience a and normal occurrence in teenage girls notsomething something concerned about. “I would pass pass out aout lot,a and in the I would wake up up andand I would just fallfall over. I couldn’t see “I would lot, and in mornings the mornings I would wake I would just over. I couldn’t seeanything, anything,ititwas wasall allblack. black.So, So,that that However, given that eating disorders have the second-highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness, many cannot afford to wait that long. would happen a lot,” said said Vercellino. “I was graygray andand blue; there waswas no no color in in mymy face, and I wouldn’t would happen a lot,” Vercellino. “I was blue; there color face, and I wouldn’teat eatfamily familymeals.” meals.” Vercellino’s mother realized she had a problem and began to seek treatment, although Vercellino was still unwilling the Vercellino’s mother realized she had a problem and began to seek treatment, although Vercellino was still unwillingto toadmit admit thegravity gravity “We had to wait for two months for a dietician to open up because it’s a really big problem, globally eating disorders are, and there’s suchofof the situation. the situation. “[When] you have poor body image andresources,” body dysmorphia, youyou don’t know what you actually look like. But could you have poor and body dysmorphia, don’t know what you actually look like. Buteveryone everyone could tellthat that Ihad had a lack of“[When] available people that canbody helpimage and said Vercellino. “My organs were shutting down, nothing was good. So tell then we Ihad toaa problem, except for me,” said said Vercellino. “At “At my my lowest…I waswas barely alive.” problem, except for me,” Vercellino. lowest…I barely alive.” waitVercellino’s all Vercellino’s the waycondition untilcondition January to start and was really awful.” was was serious, ifmyproper action hadthat notnot been taken quickly, thethe outcome could have serious, iftreatment, proper action had been taken quickly, outcome could havebeen beenfatal. fatal.Finding Findingaamedical medical professional to fittoher however, waswas no easy tasktask duedue to atolack of of availability. In In Vercellino’s experience, professional fit needs, her needs, however, no easy a lack availability. Vercellino’s experience,treatment treatmentfor foran aneating eatingdisorder Vercellino finds ithands important toincluding speakdoctors outdoctors about this and both confront it head-on ratheraspects than avoiding it.disorder. She did just this in May ofdisorder her requires manymany hands on deck including who canissue address mental andand physical ofofthe requires on deck who can address both mental physical aspects thedisorder. “In the of at South Dakota, there’s anSchool incredibly limited amount of of that areare specialized in well “Instate theyear state of South Dakota, there’s an incredibly limited amount that specialized ineating eatingdisorders disorders aspoem wellasas eighth grade Patrick Henry Middle when she participated indieticians adieticians district-wide poetry slam. Vercellino wrote herasdisorders about heryou therapists,” said said Vercellino. “[Eating disorders are]are] never about thethe food. It’sIt’s about control. So,So, the big isisthat therapists,” Vercellino. “[Eating disorders never about food. about control. the bigthing thingabout abouteating eatingdisorders thatyou wantwant that control, at least for anorexia, bulimia as well… so that’s Iclass, wanted at that time, my that at least for anorexia, ascompetition well… so that’s what I wanted because at that time,and mywhole wholelife lifewas wasunstable.” unstable.” experience withcontrol, anorexia and went on toandwinand thebulimia poetry forwhat her thenbecause grade, then school eventually advanced to the months of waiting, she finally connected with a therapist dietician who would begin her treatmentand andintroduce introduceaameal mealplan. plan. AfterAfter months of waiting, she finally connected with a therapist andand dietician who would begin her treatment district level with other eighth graders from Falls. mortality However, given that eating disorders have the second-highest mortality rate psychiatric illness, manycannot cannotafford affordtotowait waitthat thatlong. long. However, given that eating disorders have theSioux second-highest rate of of anyany psychiatric illness, many had to wait for two months a dietician to open because a really problem, globally eatingdisorders disordersare, are,and andthere’s there’ssuch such “We “We had to wait for two months for afor dietician to open up up because it’sit’s a really bigbig problem, globally eating “[The poetry slam] wasthatsothat scary, but I felt like it wassaidreally important because nobody talks about it unless it was actually happens towewe them, a of lackavailable of available people can help and resources,” said Vercellino. “My organs were shutting down, nothing wasgood. good. Sothen then hadto to a lack people can help and resources,” Vercellino. “My organs were shutting down, nothing So had wait allway the way until January to start my treatment, and that was really awful.” wait all the until January to start my treatment, and that was really awful.” because I feel finds like people don’t realize thatoutit’sout a real thing,” said Vercellino. “And thenrather a rather lot ofthan people that cameShe updiddid tojust me after andMay were like, Vercellino finds it important to speak about issue confront it head-on than avoidingit.it.She justthis thisininMay her Vercellino it important to speak about thisthis issue andand confront it head-on avoiding ofof her eighth grade year at Patrick Henry Middle School when she participated in a district-wide poetry slam. Vercellino wrote her poem about her eighth you grade year atfor Patrick Henry Middle School when she participated in a district-wide poetry slam. Vercellino wrote her poem about her ‘thank so much sharing your story. I also struggle with like my relationship with food and all this stuff.’” experience anorexia onwin to win poetry competition class, then grade, then schooland andeventually eventuallyadvanced advancedtotothe the experience withwith anorexia and and wentwent on to the the poetry competition forfor herher class, then grade, then school district level eighth graders Sioux Falls. Once Vercellino hadother begun the long road toSioux recovery, it took a year for her to return to a healthy weight. Although treatment was incredibly district level withwith other eighth graders fromfrom Falls. “[The poetry slam] so scary, I felt it was really important because nobody talks about unlessititactually actuallyhappens happenstotothem, them, “[The poetry slam] was was so scary, but but I felt likelike it was important because nobody talks about it itunless difficult taxing, onerealize presence areally constant motivator in“And Vercellino’s her mom. Vercellino’s mother did because I like feel people like people it’s a real thing,” Vercellino. then a lot ofpeople people thatcame cameupuptotome me afterand andeverything werelike, like, because Iand feelemotionally don’tdon’t realize thatthat it’s remained a real thing,” saidsaid Vercellino. “And then a lot oflife: that after were ‘thank youmuch so much for sharing your story. I also struggle with like my relationship with food and all thisstuff.’” stuff.’” ‘thank you so for sharing your story. I also struggle with like my relationship with food and all this sheOnce couldOnce to get herhad daughter the help she needed make shea year stayed ontothetoreturn right track. At times, anorexia drovetreatment a wedge between Vercellino had begun the long to and recovery, itsure took return a healthy weight. Although treatment wasincredibly incredibly Vercellino begun the long roadroad to recovery, it took a year forfor herher to to a healthy weight. Although was difficult and emotionally taxing, one presence remained a constant motivator in Vercellino’s life: her mom. Vercellino’s mother did everything difficult and taxing, presence remained a constant motivator Vercellino’s life: herthe mom. Vercellino’s mother didineverything Vercellino andemotionally hergetloved ones; sheone recalls fighting with her mother over stayed meals,inbut nowright recognizes necessary roledrove she played her she could toher her daughter the help needed make sure track. times,anorexia anorexiadrove wedgebetween between she could to get daughter the help she she needed andand make sure sheshe stayed onon thethe right track. AtAt times, a awedge Vercellino and her recalls with mother over meals, now recognizes the necessaryrole roleshe sheplayed playedininher her recovery. Inandtheher end,loved theloved tough loveshe proved tofighting be worth it. her Vercellino ones;ones; she recalls fighting with her mother over meals, butbut now recognizes the necessary



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recovery. Inend, the end, the tough proved toworth be worth recovery. In the the tough lovelove proved to be it. it.

readmilena’s milena’spoem poem read


lot of people are uneducated about it and don’t understand how severe it is. I feel like other people judged me for [my anorexia], but what they didn’t realize is that it’s not something that I’m controlling. It’s not my fault.” said “My mom’s been my person; she’s always there for me. like: tiptoe ‘mom, around I don’t wanna eat Vercellino. “Nobody talksI would about it;be they it. But you’re not gonna fix the problem if you don’t talk about today,’ she’s like:my ‘Okay, that’s tough, you’re toIanyway.’ assertive sheeatneeded “Myand mom’s been person; she’s always theregoing for me. would beShe like:was ‘mom, I don’twhen wanna it.” to be. But I just needed to sit you’re there and cry,toshe was there for me too,” said Vercellino. today,’ and also she’swhen like: ‘Okay, that’s tough, going anyway.’ She was assertive when she needed to be. Butnow, alsoVercellino when I justrealizes neededthat to sitthis there andeveryday cry, she was me too,” she saidhas Vercellino. Even is an effortthere and for something to work hard at The ofproblems sharing andand connecting with others is evident to Vercellino. One resource she found helpful during Even now,She Vercellino realizes this isvalue an everyday effort something she overnight, has to work hardrequire at to improve. wants others tothat know that these do not just go away they to improve. Sheand wants others to know that these do not just worth go away overnight, intentionality time. It is not always easy, butproblems reward is well the effort. recovery was a the support group ofworth others dealing with they eatingrequire disorders. Two older girls from the group in particular, intentionality andattime. It is not always easy, but the reward is well the “Once you’re a healthy weight, that doesn’t mean you’re recovered. I’meffort. never gonna be “Once you’re a healthy weight,Bella thatI Krenik doesn’t mean you’re recovered. be becoming models she could look up to and providing her with recovered; this isatgonna be something have toand dealSophie with for the rest mynever life,”gonna said Vercellino. Siegel, wereofI’m especially crucial, recovered; beto something I have to deal withthat for the rest of with. my life,” Vercellino. “It’s not asthis badisasgonna it used be, but it’s still something I struggle Andsaid I think it should be hope for theitfuture. “It’s not as bad that as it people used tostill be, but it’s still something struggle with. at And I think it shouldand be they acknowledged struggle with every that day, Ieven if they’re a healthy weight acknowledged people still struggle with it every day, even if they’re at a healthy weight and they went through that treatment.” a lotinof2022 reallyshegood people that showed me it doesboth get better. I feel like that’s really, really important went through knows treatment.” Vercellino that progress is “I notmet linear; experienced a hardship thatthat impacted Vercellino knows that progress is not linear; in 2022 she experienced a hardship that impacted both her and her recovery: the passing of her father.isAlthough was athat challenging time for Vercellino, in recovery, a groupandthis ofthis people are goingher through the same thing you are,” said Vercellino. “[The older girls] her hersetback, recovery: of her father.stronger Although a challenging for withand each shethe canpassing come back a little is was motivated to maketime dadVercellino, proud of the with each setback, she can come back a little stronger and is motivated to make her dad proud of thein high school and I was in eighth grade and I was like, person she has become. were really big recovery role models for me because they were person she has become. “My dad passed away and I relapsed a little bit, which was really hard because I had relapses before, away and I relapsed littleto bit, was really hard because I had relapses ‘okay,awhat they struggled it too andhard now they’re doing great. They still have their bad days, but they’re good now. but“My not dad like passed that because I didn’t know dowhich with with myself. It was for me because mybefore, dad but not like that because I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was hard for me because my dadand was always that person that would sit with me while I ate and make sure that I ate everything That wasmejust something I needed toIsee, other was alwayssupport that person sit with while I ate and make ate everything and he would me,” that said would Vercellino. “But the summer of that 2022, Isure justthat made it athat point thatpeople if I’m like me could recover.” he would support me,” said Vercellino. “But the summer of 2022, I just made it a point that if I’m going into high school, something has to change. I need to be a she person that would of there aretopeople talkmytomydad ifdad needed is be keyproud forofVercellino, and she encourages others to be there and going high Ischool, something hasKnowing tothe change. I need beona track.” personcan that would be proud seeing,into so then tried really hard over summer to stay seeing, so then I tried really hard over the summer to stay on track.” look out for one another. Although many of her school peers were aware of you’re her eating disorder, hardly anyone acknowledged it, and “You needmany a bigofsupport group that’s strong withhardly anything mental health-wise. And nobody Although her school peers were awarewhen of her eatingdealing disorder, anyone acknowledged it, and Vercellino even dealt with bullying. She believes those around her were simply afraid because they did not understand Vercellino even dealt with bullying. She believes those around her were simply afraid because they did not understand the and there was noit’s open Shedepressed. hopes this Okay, will change in theWhat future that others canabout understand likessituation talking about it because like:dialogue. ‘Oh, you’re that sucks. amandI supposed to do it?’ the situation and there was no open dialogue. She hopes this will change in the future and that others can understand and learn about eating disorders. and abouttoeating disorders. But“Ilearn you there thoseIpeople if they need youabout to beitthere,” saidI feel Vercellino. “Paytalked attention your friends, likeneed talkingbe about it for because like educating people because like it’s not abouttoenough. A “I like talking about it because I like educating people about it because I feel like it’s not talked about enough. A lot of people are uneducated about it and don’t understand how severe it is. I feel like other people judged me for lot people are and don’t it is.ofI feel peoplesome judged me forask them payofattention touneducated their habitsabout and ifit things startunderstand changinghow oversevere a period time,likeif other you notice changes, [my anorexia], but what they didn’t realize is that it’s not something that I’m controlling. It’s not my fault.” said [my anorexia], but what they didn’t realize is that it’s not something that I’m controlling. It’s not my fault.” said Vercellino. “Nobody talks about it; they tiptoe around it. have But you’re not gonna fixdon’t the problem if you don’ton.” talk about about it. And it might beabout uncomfortable at first, butit.youBut to ask youthe knowif what’s going Vercellino. “Nobody talks it; they tiptoe around you’re not because gonna fix problem you don’t talk about it.” it.” Thevalue valueofofsharing sharingand and connecting with others is evident to Vercellino. resource found helpful during The connecting with others is evident to Vercellino. OneOne resource she she found helpful during recovery was a support group of others dealing with eating disorders. Two older girls from the group in particular, recovery was a support group of others dealing with eating disorders. Two older girls from the group in particular, BellaKrenik Krenikand andSophie SophieSiegel, Siegel, were especially crucial, becoming models could upand to and providing her with Bella were especially crucial, becoming models sheshe could looklook up to providing her with hope for the future. hope for the future. meta alot lotofofreally reallygood good people that showed that it does better. I feel that’s really, really important “I“Imet people that showed meme that it does getget better. I feel likelike that’s really, really important in recovery, is a group of people that are going through the same thing you are,” said Vercellino. “[The older girls] in recovery, is a group of people that are going through the same thing you are,” said Vercellino. “[The older girls] werereally reallybig bigrecovery recoveryrole role models because they were in high school I was in eighth grade were models forfor meme because they were in high school andand I was in eighth grade and and I wasI was like, like, ‘okay,they theystruggled struggledwith with too and now they’re doing great. They have their they’re ‘okay, it it too and now they’re doing great. They stillstill have their badbad days,days, but but they’re goodgood now.now. Thatwas wasjust justsomething somethingthat that I needed see, that other people could recover.” That I needed to to see, that other people likelike me me could recover.” Knowingthere thereare arepeople people she can talk needed is key Vercellino, encourages others be there Knowing she can talk to to if if needed is key for for Vercellino, andand she she encourages others to betothere and and lookout outfor forone oneanother. another. look “Youneed needa abig bigsupport support group that’s strong when you’re dealing with anything mental health-wise. nobody “You group that’s strong when you’re dealing with anything mental health-wise. AndAnd nobody likestalking talkingabout aboutit itbecause because like: ‘Oh, you’re depressed. Okay, sucks. What I supposed do about likes it’sit’s like: ‘Oh, you’re depressed. Okay, thatthat sucks. What am Iam supposed to dotoabout it?’ it?’ Butyou youneed needtotobebethere thereforfor those people they need to there,” be there,” Vercellino. attention to your friends, But those people if if they need youyou to be saidsaid Vercellino. “Pay“Pay attention to your friends, payattention attentiontototheir theirhabits habits and things start changing over a period of time, if you notice some changes, ask them pay and if ifthings start changing over a period of time, if you notice some changes, ask them aboutit.it.And Andititmight mightbebeuncomfortable uncomfortable first, have to ask because don’t know what’s going about at at first, butbut youyou have to ask because youyou don’t know what’s going on.” on.”

Vercellino believes that those who struggle with eating disorders are often scared to look for treatment because of denial or fear that they will be viewed differently. However, she has advice for anyone who might be experiencing something similar to what she went through. “Look for help. I know that you don’t want to, and I know you’re gonna fight, but you don’t know how much life you are missing out on and your friends and your family until you don’t have that anymore,” said Vercellino. “Just talk to someone who you know can help find you help and just work on it. Try. You’re gonna have bad days…but you have to keep going because you have to live. You have to.” Vercellino believes stressesthat that eating disorders canwith be eating overcome. A person’s struggle does not Vercellino believes thatthose thosewho who struggle with eatingdisorders disorders often scared look Vercellino struggle areare often scared to to look treatment because becauseofof denial denialororfear fearthat thatthey theywill willbebeviewed viewed differently. However, for treatment differently. However, sheshe hashas represent who theywho are,might nor does it determine something the coursesimilar ofsimilar their life.whatsheshewent advice for toto what through. for anyone anyonewho mightbe beexperiencing experiencingsomething went through. “Look for help. I know that you don’t want to, and I know you’re gonna fight, but you “Look for help. I know that you don’t want to, and I know you’re gonna fight, but “Just because a person has an eating disorder, it doesn’t define and themyour as afamily person,untilityou doesn’t don’t know youyou know how how much muchlife lifeyou youare aremissing missingout outononand andyour yourfriends friends and your family until don’t said “Just totosomeone you know cancan help findfind have that anymore,” saidVercellino. Vercellino. “Just talk someone who you know help make have themthat lessanymore,” than or anything like that,” saidtalk Vercellino. “Itwho doesn’t make them selfish or you help you have to to keep going help and and just just work workon onit.it.Try. Try.You’re You’regonna gonnahave havebad baddays…but days…but you have keep going conceitedyou because they’re focused onto.”their looks or something, because it’s not about that. because have live. have because you have to to live.You You haveto.” Vercellino AA person’s struggle notnot Vercellino stresses stressesthat thateating eatingdisorders disorderscan canbebeovercome. overcome. person’s struggle does You are notwho your eating disorder…I’m recovering from an eating disorder, thatdoes does not represent they life. represent who theyare, are,nor nordoes doesititdetermine determinethe thecourse courseofoftheir their life. “Just because aaperson has them as as a person, it doesn’t “Justme because person hasan aneating eatingdisorder, disorder,ititdoesn’t doesn’tdefine define them a person, it doesn’t define as a person though.” make doesn’t make them selfish or or make them them less less than thanor oranything anythinglike likethat,” that,”said saidVercellino. Vercellino.“It“It doesn’t make them selfish conceited because they’re focused on looks ororsomething, because notnot about that. conceited because they’reboth focused ontheir their looks something, because it’s about that.has Vercellino’s progress physically and mentally is a testament toit’sher strength and You disorder, that does notnot You are are not not your your eating eatingdisorder…I’m disorder…I’mrecovering recoveringfrom fromananeating eating disorder, that does define allowedme herasastoaa person be the though.” woman define me person though.”she is today, to spend time with her loved ones and to find joy Vercellino’s progress toto herher strength andand hashas progressboth bothphysically physicallyand andmentally mentallyisisa testament a testament strength onceVercellino’s again. Though anorexia once took over her world, she hasherloved reclaimed her body, spirit allowed her ones and to to find joyjoy allowed her her to to be be the thewoman womanshe sheisistoday, today,totospend spendtime timewith with loved ones and find once again. reclaimed herher body, spirit once again. Though anorexiaonce oncetook tookover overher herworld, world,she shehas has reclaimed body, spirit and most ofThough all, heranorexia life. and most of all, her life. and most of all, her life.



years since the greatest game ever played made its anticipated debut and in doing so brought AP CHEMISTRY WAS THE MOST a generation together. While I would love to The thing that keeps me up at night is how in six short COMMON ANSWER to the question of the hardest class offered at LHS. Taught by Jaws, the provide a response for you and aid you in your years, Fortnite went from a silly game with it being a class is essentially Accelerated Chemistry but much harder. All of the subjects taught in Acc. struggle, I think this topic is too serious for Chem are expanded upon in very granular detail battle royale and you fight other people and try to win making the class extremely difficult. R C consideration by a humble Statesman staff writer. “It was worth it in the end, although it was and now it can be a Lego survival game or you can play a a struggle… I got an A,” said LHS senior Laura Ge. The national AP test pass rate is 54%, Nothing I can say will be of meaning. You said it million different types of game on one singular game. It although last year all but one of Jaws’ students Honestly, you’re all. probably going to have Honestly, you’re probably going to have received a three or higher on the test. I love you. makes me think about how much can change in so little to get over this one. I understand that for the to get first over this one. I understand that for the first The life-sizedshocking Curran Littelfew nights, it could have been waking few nights,up it could have been shocking waking up andwith we Curran shouldn’tLittel-Jensen, be afraid of but change Jensen cardboard cutout in the and locking eyes with Curran Littel-Jensen, but as and locking atime, fully eyes as a and fullywe should g rown high school student, youcorner should be used to grown ithigh by school now student, you.should be used to it by now. of my room that randomly THIS CLASS DEALS WITH THE SAME SUBJECT try to embrace it alikefewFortnite has:acclimatize to Personally it FAMOUS only took me a few nights acclimatize Personally, it only to took me nights to THAT,MADE GENIUSES like Sir Isaac awakens with the lightto of God BY





elhe domly od BY JAMES PLORDE

At LHS, many tears have been shed over various classes from AP U.S. History to Drawing and the 1. These classes are the hardest, u have according to some LHS students. nd Despite the difficulty, they are ieve it’s been six also opportunities, or at least as er played some students see it:made “I mean for g so brought me, I just want to exploit my free ouldeducation… love I’m veryto grateful for d you in your the APs at Lincoln,” said LHS serious senior Arthur for Tao.

the presence of my cardboard cutout of Curran the presence of Littelmy own cardboard cutout of Curran LittelNewton and Albert Einstein. Althoughown it does not go into during the night: Jensen. I’ve even ned eyes I’ve evenwhile learned to enjoy I gazing into his eyes while I as much detail as Einstein did,lear the class requires a great to enjoy gazing into his Jensen. fall asleep again fall asleep and then again when deal of and studying, withthen pretty significant curves on most when of the tests. The the homework inmor the class is also one of its I wake up in ning. I suggest you do the same. I wake up in the morning. I suggest you do the same. hardest components. Students who put it off until the last day can expect three or more hours of homework. “[AP Physics 1 is the hardest class I’ve taken], just because of the amount [of homework] there is,” said LHS senior Jackson Skuodas. The AP test is on the harder end, with only a 43.3% pass rate. This is the single lowest pass rate of any AP test, making getting a good score on it as well as the getting a good grade in the class difficult.

I appreciate the response and the vulnerability with which you have articulated such a complex and important issue. I can hardly believe it’s been six years since the greatest game ever played made its anticipated debut and in doing so brought a generation together. While I would love to The thing that keeps me up at night is how The thing in that keeps six me upshort at night is how in six short provide a response for you and aid you in your years, Fortnite went from a silly game with years, it Fortnite being went from a silly a game with it being a struggle, I thinkother this topic is too serious for battle royale and you fight people and battletry royale andto you fight win other people and try to win man staff writer. consideration by a humble Statesman staff writer. and now it can be a Lego survival game orand you now it cancan be a Lego survival play game or ayou can play a ning. You said it Nothing I can say will be of meaning. You said it singular million different types of game on one million different game. types of game on one It singular game. It UNLIKE AP WORLD HISTORY, AP U.S. HISTORY (or APUSH as it is known) goes all.how I love you. much can change makes me think about makes me in think so about how little much can change in so little into a lot more detail with the events and people, kind of like how AP Chem is a step up time, and we shouldn’t be afraid of change time, and and we shouldn’t we be should afraid of change and we should from Acc. Chem. APUSH has a lot of homework, just like AP Physics 1, and students who try to embrace it like Fortnite has: try to embrace it like Fortnite has: procrastinate will find themselves with hours upon hours of homework to catch up on. Along

have just received word that BY RYAN CIALHOUN

with this, a lot of the tests are stimulus-based, where a student cannot simply just get by based on their knowledge of the content. This class’ AP test is also on the more difficult side with a mere 48% pass rate nationwide, but Roxanne Harte always prides herself on her high pass rate: “We’re always better prepared than everyone else,” Harte often remarks.

going till

d that ed. he try. As ere, tisfied.


Worrying about where I’m going to college. Also if my rizz is still interested:

your “rizz” is no longer interested. Please go to college on one of the coasts or even in a foreign country. As long as you are far away from here, your “rizz” and I will be fully satisfied.

Please grow up. I’m trying not to yawn listening to this D1 yap-sesh. It is so immature thinking about the irreversible passage of time as a young adult in today’s world. Who cares? I can’t believe this keeps you up at night, because it has the opposite effect on me.

Please g row up. I’m trying not to Please grow up. I’m trying not to yawn listening to this D1 yap-sesh. yawn listening to this D1 yap-sesh. Worrying about where I’m going It is so immature thinking about theIt is so immature thinking about the to college. Also if my rizz is still irreversible passage of time as a young irreversible passage of time as a young interested: world. Who cares? I adult in today’s adult in today’s world. Who cares? I can’t believe this keeps you up at night, can’t believe this keeps you up at night, AS THE ONLY AP FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASS OFFEREDbecause AT LHS, it has the opposite effect on because it has the opposite effect on I have just received word that AP Spanish is the culmination for students who took Spanish 1, 2, 3 and 4. For those me. me. your “rizz” is no longer interested. who did not start in the Spanish Immersion Program, learning a language, even one Please go to college on one of the somewhat similar to English like Spanish, exclusively in their middle school and high coasts or even in a foreign country. As school years is more than just challenging. long as you are far away from here, “I started Spanish in high school, so I had to grind,” said Tao. Although the class your “rizz” and I will be fully satisfied. challenges many students, it has one of the highest AP test pass rates with a 90%. PHOTOS USED WITH PERMISSION BY CANVA, RIZKREATIV ,GRAPHIC ATTACK & SKETIFY MEXICO DESIGN BY LHS STATESMAN


The irreversible passage of


The irreversible passage of time:



time: The irreversible passage of time:


The teachers here at LHS seem to be natural born educators, helping the students achieve their academic goals each and every day, but what would happen if the teachers had an opportunity to change their careers? Five teachers at LHS explain what their career would be in another life. A well-known sports coach for boys basketball as well as girls and boys golf, Jeffery Halseth has been working and coaching at LHS for the past 39 years. During his high school years, Halseth hoped that sports would somehow be connected to his future career. “I have wanted to be a teacher/coach ever since high school. I coached a little league baseball team and that made me interested in pursuing this career. If I did not get into this profession, I probably would have chosen anything that would have kept me involved in sports,” said Halseth.


Picture this: you pick up your “Where's Waldo” book from when you were younger, you flip through the pages, full of pictures and drawings trying to find Waldo. Almost everyone has seen the “Where's Waldo” books and experienced the fun of trying to find Waldo in a sea of similar-looking characters. Well, we are now bringing this same excitement to the Statesman. You can now look for Missing Murphy, hidden in our paper issues. As an example, look for our LHS mascot hidden in the pictures below. There is also a Missing Murphy hidden in this issue that you can try to discover. See if you can find Missing Murphy below!

At first glance, Maggie Peterson appears to be the perfect teacher. From her patience to teaching methods as well as the perfect outfits and classroom, Peterson makes her job look easy. In another life, Peterson wishes to still be tied to the teaching life while trying to improve the academic system. “If I weren’t a teacher, I think I would work on developing and improving technology used in education, specifically in math. I like finding new ways to challenge students to discover things and take ownership of their own learning. I don’t know how to do the programming side of things, but I think it would be so cool to go into schools and work alongside teachers and students to improve things like Canvas, ALEKS, Formative, etc.,” said Peterson. As one of the multiple assistant principals here at LHS, Mitch Lynch works in all areas to improve the school in an overall manner. In another life, Lynch jumps from hands-on career to management positions within the sports community. “I think if you would have asked me this 10 years ago, I would have said something to do with a professional sports team (general manager perhaps),” said Lynch. “My answer now would be something more in line working in construction and building houses. I’ve had the opportunity to work with several folks on different building projects and building a home is very interesting and fulfilling.” Mary Peters, a librarian here at LHS, works hard to keep the library a perfect area for students to study and read. While she loves her job here at LHS, if Peters had the opportunity to change her career in another life, she would love to work within a fast-paced career. “My dream job would be something with technology, something in the computer industry because it’s moving so fast and it’s changing all of the time, and I just think it would be interesting to work with something that moves so fast and changes all of the time,” said Peters.




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Unusual Unusual


H Hooppee

A person’s A person’s petpet cancan hold hold a significant a significant andand special special place place in their in their heart. heart. Whether Whether it isitaiscat, a cat, dogdog or something or something more more unusual, unusual, such such as aasturtle a turtle or aorsnake, a snake, these these creatures creatures cancan exist exist as aasperson’s a person’s best best friend. friend. There There areare endless endless variations variations of of types types of of pets pets a person a person cancan choose choose from, from, butbut no no matter matter thethe type, type, every every petpet hashas its its own own distinct distinct personality. personality. GetGet to know to know some some of of these these unique unique andand unusual unusual pets pets belonging belonging to the to the LHS LHS community. community.


Type: Type: Tree Tree frogfrog

SSaannt ti iaaggoo

anonymous source. Many people know “hallway wanderers” to be spontaneous and in the moment. The average loiterer is wil ing to have a conversation when passing by; however, it is never certain when or where they could be. Oftentimes, Lincoln loiterers are never in class. This tragic scenario is being halted by hallway monitor Jef rey Halseth. “When you leave class several times a day you are missing out on learning, and it is also important to be in class so that we know where everybody is at…There might be a situation where we need somebody but we won’t know where they are at,” said Halseth. Seeing the same person in the halls can be fun, but it is important for everybody to stay in class for their safety and for the importance of their learning.

Type: Type: Musk Musk turtle turtle Type: Type: Horse Horse Owner: Owner: Katlyn Katlyn Soldatke Soldatke Owner: Owner: Sam Sam Sahly Sahly Owner: Owner: Mr.Mr. Rice Rice Age: Age: 2 years 2 years Age: Age: 3 years 3 years Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: “He“He seems seems Age: Age: 2 years 2 years equally equally enthusiastic enthusiastic about about all the all the Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: bugs bugs we we givegive him.” him.” “She “She eatseats everything. everything. “He “He loves loves shrimp shrimp and and FunFun fact:fact: “His “His color color changes changes BY M ADDOX R APH BY MADDOX RAPH SheShe loves loves apples apples and and likes likes to to chase chase fish fish depending depending on on his his temperature temperature carrots. carrots. SheShe alsoalso hashas andand mood. mood. (Darker (Darker when when coldcold around.” around.” this, you are sitting in class, you doze off and look out Picture the this, you window are sitting in . class, There you dozeis off nothing and look out thethere window. There for is nothing a few there seconds for a few seconds a favorite a favorite ballball shePicture she andand upset upset andand lighter lighter when when he'she's but then you see someone, you have never talked to them but but you then you know see someone, who you they have never are. talked to Y them ou but go you to know your who they next are. You go period to your next period Fun Fun fact: fact: “He “He likes likes to to plays plays with.” with.” warm warm andand happy). happy). Also Also when when we we and look out again, and then you see them, and look out the of the same window person again, and thenis youwalking see them, the same the person halls is walking inthethe halls in the Fun Fun fact: fact: “She “She used used climb climb things.” things.” give give himhim fireflies fireflies youyou can can stillstill seeof see the window to be to be a wild a wild mustang mustang next next for period a as teacher: well. It is one of a the student biggest pet-peeves that for acomes teacher: a student to school that comes tobut school but them them glow glow for period for a while a while after after heas he well. It is one of the biggest pet-peeves from from Nevada.” Nevada.” leaves leaves class. eats eats them.” them.” class. The reason that some people leave class for an extended The reason amount that some people of leave time class for isanunknown extended amount of to time most is unknown people, to most people, it seems odd. What could be out in the hall that wouldit seems have odd.somebody What could be out incoming the hall that would back have somebody over and coming back over over and over again? While it is a mystery to most, some people have again? it While all it figured is a mystery to out. most, some people have it all figured out. FFr re edd, , SSuummmm ee rr A large majority of people are on their own daily schedule A large majority and of people it is areunderstandable on their own daily schedule andto it is want understandable to to take want to take a break. After all, everybody has their own bathroom schedule a break. After all, even everybody if has their you own do bathroom not schedule know even if about you do not it, know so, about it, so, && LLa af a f anndsomebody da a Type: Type: Donkey Donkey walking out of class every day should be excusable. somebody walkingHowever, out of class every day should be excusable. However, Type: Type: Three Three Tiger Tiger Owner: Owner: Mr.Mr. taken advantage of this privilege some individuals have someand individuals find have taken themselves advantage of this privilege and find themselves salamanders salamanders Blankenship Blankenship creating multiple E-hall passes a day . creating multiple E-hall passes a day. Owner: Owner: Oliver Oliver Comp Comp make four E-hall passes in a day… my average “I probably make E-hall four E-hall pass passes in a day… my average E-hall pass Age: 20 20 years years Ages: Ages: 4 years, 4 years, 3 years 3 years andand 3 3“I probablyAge: time is probably four minutes,” said one anonymous source. time is probably four minutes,” said one anonymous source. Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: “He“He years years Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: While being out of class While being too outbad, of class for this four minutes does not seem too bad, this likes likes apple apple flavored flavored horse horse for four minutes does not seem “They “They likelike dried dried crickets crickets time can addtreats.” up. The rough estimate that this source gave time can add us up. would The rough estimate equal that80 this source gave us would equal 80 treats.” andand grasshoppers.” grasshoppers.” minutes of missed class per week. It does not feel harmful minutes of at missed first, class per but week. the It does not feel harmful at first, but the Fun Fun fact: fact: “He’s “He’s a rescue a rescue Fun fact:fact: increaseFun of minutes wasteddonkey.” in the hallway can be harmful to someone’s increase of minutes wasted education, in the hallway can which be harmful is to someone’s education, which is donkey.” “Salamanders “Salamanders likelike to to the actual problem at hand. the actual problem at hand. swim swim as much as much as they as they For like the people missing class, it can be harmful, but even if there For the people is a missing shared class, it can glance be harmful,with but even if there is a shared glance with like to bask to bask in the in the sun.” sun.” a “hallway wanderer” they are sure to make your day better. Sometimes a “hallway wanderer” they they are sure will to make just your give day better. Sometimes they will just give you a friendly smirk, other times you might have a once-in-a-month you a friendly smirk, conversation. other times you might have a once-in-a-month conversation. “What can I say, I am a man of the moment,” said “What another can I say, I am a man of the moment,” said another anonymous source. Many people know “hallway wanderers” anonymous source. Many topeople be know “hallway wanderers” to be spontaneous and in the moment. The average loiterer spontaneous isand willing in the moment. to The average loiterer is willing to Type: Type: Chinchilla Chinchilla have a conversation when passing by; however, it have is a never conversation certain when passing by; however, it is never certain Type: Type: Bearded Bearded dragon dragon Type: Type: Sunkissed Sunkissed corn corn Owner: Owner: Isabella Isabella Krunitzky Krunitzky when or where they could be. when or where they could be. Owner: Owner: Ashlyn Ashlyn Gramm Gramm snake snake Age: Age: 5 years 5 years Oftentimes, Lincoln loiterers are never in class. Oftentimes, This tragic Lincoln loiterers scenario are never in is class. being This tragichalted scenario is being by halted by Age: Age: A little A little over over a year a year Owner: Owner: Makaila Makaila Mertes Mertes Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: “None, “None, hallway monitor Jeffrey Halseth. hallway monitor Jeffrey Halseth. Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: Age: Age: 9 months 9 months sheshe justjust sitssits in her in her cage cage andand “When you leave class “When missing you leave classout severalon times learning, a day you are missing and out on itlearning, is also and it is also “Bowie “Bowie LOVES LOVES hornworms” hornworms” Favorite Favorite treat/toy: treat/toy: “He“He several times a day you are poops poops all all over over thethe floor.” floor.” important doesn’t to be in class so that we know where everybody important to be in class is so at…There that we know wheremight everybody isbe at…There a situation might be a situation Fun Fun fact: fact: “Bowie “Bowie loves loves to to doesn’t have have treats treats or toys, or toys, Fun Fun fact: fact: where we need somebody but we won’t know where where we they need somebody are at,” but wesaid won’t know Halseth. where they are at,” said Halseth. cuddle cuddle andand laylay on on mymy chest, chest, butbut when when the the dirtdirt in his in his “The “The chinchilla chinchilla Seeing the same person in the halls can be fun, but Seeing it the is same important person in the halls can for be fun, everybody but it is important to for everybody stay in to stay in he'she's more more likelike a dog a dog than than a a tank tank is replaced is replaced he he willwill digdig loves loves to run to run class for their safety and for the importance of their class for learning. their safety and for the importance of their learning. lizard.” lizard.” in the in the dirtdirt forfor hours.” hours.” in this in this loud loud Fun Fun fact: fact: “At“At fullfull sizesize he he hamster hamster wheel wheel willwill be be about about fivefive feet.” feet.” PHOTOS BY MADDOX RAPH & LAURA PHOTOS H BY ECKENLAIBLE MADDOX RAPH & LAURA HECKENLAIBLE type type thing.” thing.”

K Khhaann

BBoow wi iee





26 26







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Have you ever been sitting in class, thinking to yourself “Wow, my teacher sure says that a lot.” Me too, and apparently, we are not alone. The teachers of LHS are certainly not immune to this phenomenon of repetition, and it is time to expose them. Match the teacher to their catchphrase! ACROSS 3. “If I were a betting woman” 4. “Put your hood down” 5. “It’s grind season” 6. “Get out your cahier” (cahier means notebook in French) 7. “Sort of like” 8. “Coding is like putting baby powder on a sore rash” 9. “Let’s have a moment of silence for our hopes and dreams” 10. “I am a good Rat Mommy” 11. “Let that sink in” 12. “Here’s what” 13. “Papier und bleistift” (means paper and pencil in German) 14. “Tip from Tara” 15. “Don’t be soft” 16. “Thanks for all the memories today” 17. “Hey, kiddo” 18. “Math is sexy” “Everybody always remembers because [my catchphrase] is so gimmicky because it has my first name in it.”

DOWN 1. “Sweetness” 2. *Threatens you with gavel* 4. “Put your hood down” 6. “Get out your cahier” (cahier means notebook in French) 7. “Sort of like” 8. “Coding is like putting baby powder on a sore rash” 10. “I am a good Rat Mommy” 12. “Here’s what” 14. “Tip from Tara” 16. “Thanks for all the memories today”

Student reports of how many times these teachers said their catchphrases on a given day:

Walking Walking Walking through through through thethe halls halls the of halls LHS, of LHS, ofthe LHS, the students students the students andand staffstaff and may staff may seem may seem like seem like ordinary ordinary like ordinary people, people, people, butbut little little but does little does onedoes one know, know, onethey know, they have they have extraordinary have extraordinary extraordinary hidden hidden talents. hidden talents. talents. Cohen Cohen Cohen Pyper: Pyper: Pyper: Contortionist Contortionist Contortionist “My mom “My mom was mom was a gymnast was a gymnast a gymnast andand I would Iand would Igo would go [to[to go [to Tony Tony Welter: Tony Welter: Welter: “My gymnasium] gymnasium] the gymnasium] with with herwith her when when herI when was I was little.” I was little.” little.” Secret Secret spy Secret spy spy thethe “I made “I made “Ithe made the mistake mistake the mistake of telling of telling of telling Matthew Matthew Matthew Krueger: Krueger: Krueger: people people that people that a real that a real Russian a real Russian Russian spyspy whowho spy hadwho had had The The world’s The world’s world’s been been found been found infound Sioux in Sioux inFalls Sioux Falls back Falls back in back like in like in like longest longest longest tongue tongue tongue 2016. 2016. Somehow 2016. Somehow Somehow being being the being the oneone the to to one to “In“In third third “Ingrade, third grade, Igrade, I I blow blow theblow the whistle whistle the whistle incriminated incriminated incriminated noticed noticed noticed thatthat mythat my my me.me. I’veI’ve me. lived lived I’ve with lived with that with that ever that ever ever tongue tongue tongue waswas was since.” since.” since.” longer longer than longer thanthan

Paclik- 3 Eckart- 9 Jaws- 4 Edwards- 1 Balta- 2 Hardie- 2

everyone everyone everyone else’s.” else’s.” else’s.” Natalie Natalie Natalie Tufte: Tufte: Tufte: Playing Playing Playing thethe piano piano the piano upside upside upside down down down “I was “I was bored “I was bored bored oneone dayday one with with day with thethe songs songs thethat songs that that I knew I knew Iand knew and I Iand I decided decided decided to play to play to play differently. differently. differently. So, So, So, I turned I turned I upside turned upside upside down down and down and putput and mymy put my head head underneath head underneath underneath thethe piano piano theand piano and sawsaw and if saw if if I could I could Iplay could play it upside play it upside it upside down down and down and I could.” Iand could.” I could.”

Ralph Ralph Williams: Ralph Williams: Williams: Backflip Backflip Backflip master master master “I learned “I learned “I learned when when I when I I waswas young. was young. Iyoung. started I started I started off off by just by offjust putting by just putting putting pillows pillows pillows on on thethe on the ground ground ground andand then then and then going going on going on thethe bed on bed the andand bed and then then doing then doing itdoing on it on theitthe on the hard hard floor.” hard floor.” floor.”

“It gives me warm and fuzzy feelings to ask students to remove their warm and fuzzy hoods.”





Gus Gus Talley: Gus Talley: Talley: Swallow Swallow Swallow a a a banana banana banana whole whole whole “Freshman “Freshman “Freshman yearyearyear at the at the lunch at lunch thetable lunch table I table I I waswas eating was eating aeating banana a banana a banana andand and I tried I tried to I tried swallow to swallow to swallow it and it and I it Iand I could.” could.” could.”


Gemma Gemma Gemma Oppenheimer: Oppenheimer: Oppenheimer: VeilVeil poiVeil poi poi “I discovered “I discovered “I discovered it on it onit on TikTok TikTok TikTok andand I found Iand found Ithem found them onthem on on Amazon Amazon Amazon andand justjust and kind just kind of kind taught of taught of taught myself.” myself.” myself.”

Javin Javin Augustus: Javin Augustus: Augustus: Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics barbar tricks tricks bar tricks “My “My sister “My sister was sister was a gymnast was a gymnast a gymnast andand sheshe and taught taught she taught me me barbar me tricks.” tricks.” bar tricks.”







Vanilla First impressions are not always reliable, or similar to those around you but everyone molds their own opinions. Disagreements on people occur regularly, however, the most important opinion is your own. Not on others, but on how you view yourself, so a plethora of LHS students shared how they view themselves in one word. One singular word is impossible to fully grasp an individual’s humor, sympathy and more as every person is complex, but the first word that comes to mind can help describe them in a nutshell.















Academic Cringe


Punctual Dumb





Ginger Kind






Outgoing Cheerful











• • • • • • •




Podcasts have gained popularity over the years, and there is no surprise why. According to globalEDGE, their popularity took off during the pandemic when, as everyone experienced firsthand, people tried to figure out different ways to stay entertained while stuck inside. Ever since then, podcasts are still taking off, with the number of listeners increasing by millions each year. They are a great option to learn something new or to keep entertained while multitasking. Podcasts can be listened to anywhere and everywhere, such as on the drive to school or while doing chores around the house. There is a wide variety of podcasts to choose from, which guarantees that one will find the podcast for them. Here are only a handful of the podcasts that LHS students listen to:


January has arrived. The month of growth, goals and failure. Resolutions come with difficulty, according to Richard Batts, only 9% of people create and complete their objectives. To be real, 43% of people do not make it to the end of January. What goal do you have in mind to accomplish in the new year?



Genre: Pop Culture Hosts: Sydney Battle and Matt Bellassa About: This podcast digs deep “...into pop culture’s most iconic celebrity feuds,” according to the Podcast app, such as Paris Hilton vs. Lindsay Lohan and Hailey Bieber vs. Selena Gomez. Updated: Weekly

LIGHTHEARTED • • • • • • • • •



Genre: True Crime Hosts: Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat About: The hosts dive deep into whatever crime or case they have been obsessing over that week, according to the Crime Junkie website. These cases include serial killers, murders, missing people, conspiracy theories and more. They go over every little detail of each case, with plot twists and endings you will not expect. Updated: Every Monday

• • • • • •



Genre: True Crime Hosts: Alan Urquhart and Ash Kelly About: An autopsy technician and hairstylist discuss everything spooky in a comedic way. Listeners can send their own spooky stories for the hosts to talk about. Updated: Semiweekly

Genre: Sports Hosts: Kenny Beechum, Pierre Andresen, Mike Heard and Darrick Miller About: These four childhood friends talk about everything NBA, including predictions and their answers to commonly asked questions. Updated: Twice a week

Genre: Health/Fitness Hosts: Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon About: This podcast debunks the science behind health fads and food myths. Updated: Every other Tuesday

Genre: Comedy Host: Brittany Broski About: Broski talks about, according to the Podcast app, whatever she “...is currently obsessing over, learning about, crying about, etc.” Updated: Every Tuesday

Genre: Educational Hosts: Tom Lum, Caroline Roper and Dr. Ella Hubber About: If one prefers podcasts as a way to learn something new, then this is the perfect choice. Each episode focuses on a new science topic, along with a bit of history as well. Updated: Biweekly DESIGN BY LAILA MILLER PHOTOS BY LAILA MILLER

Genre: Conversational Hosts: Nathan Thompson and Lily Gruber About: The LHS Statesman channel has other episodes made by Statesman students, but this particular show gained the most popularity after their first episode aired in November 2023. As the hosts say, there are no words to describe what this podcast is about. Updated: Once a month



of LHS

Sideline Cheer WreStling BoWling

by Ashlyn hoffmAn

BoyS BaSketBall gymnaStiCS Gymnastics girlS BaSketBall Wrestling Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Bowling Sideline Cheer

photos by Ashlyn hoffmAn design by Ashlyn hoffmAn



36 3636 36

gymnastics to succeed based on the facts spots available in each sport is not allowed available. In this case, the court found in the to be shared despite the high relevance preliminary injunction that “The District to students. The parents and coaches of has not shown compliance with any of gymnastics have also been dealing with the the three-prong tests of Title IX.” The lack of information. BY JOSEPH TUNGE three-prong tests of Title IX are three “For a school district, this lack of requirements, one of which needs to be transparency has been extremely frustrating who struggle with establishing social The head coach of LHS track and met, in order for the school board to comply and disappointing,” testified Angi Allen in thanthan proving irreparable irreparable than harm, harm, proving therethere irreparable harm, there administrators administrators of the of Sioux the Sioux FallsFalls School administrators School of the Sioux Falls School connections. Sports such as track andproving field field, James Jarovski, has coached with Title IX. The first requirement calls S.A. et al in v. SFSD. Allen has daughters are three are three requirements requirements for are the for three court the court requirements to to forDistrict the court to District in a recent in a recent email, email, and are and only are District only a recent email, and are only with provide an outlet for the challenges and for 26 years and has seen firsthand for an with equal of participation grantgrant a preliminary a preliminary injunction grant injunction a preliminary with thepercentage the injunction with the hopes to participate in gymnastics, who allowing allowing the spread the spread of minimal of minimal information. information. allowing the spread of minimal information. stresses of school, and open most opportunities how the opportunity for everyone to most important important beingbeing the likelihood the likelihood important for women’s for beingsports. the Information likelihood for inmost men’s and Theonsecond Information the on number the number of roster of roster Information on the number of roster are directly affected by the School Board’s gymnastics gymnastics to succeed based gymnastics based on the onrequirements facts theto facts succeedspots based on the for a sense of community, regardless ofto succeed participate in high school athletics spots available available in facts each in each sportsport is notisallowed not spots allowed available in each sport is not allowed and third involve providing cutting of program funding. available. available. In this In case, this case, theavailable. court the court foundfound In in this thein the case, to the court found in beto shared be shared despite despite thethe high the high relevance relevance to be shared despite the high relevance skill level. benefits his students in every aspect opportunities and meeting the interests the current proposed preliminary preliminary injunction injunction that preliminary that “The“The District District injunction District tothat students. to “The students. The The parents parents and coaches and coaches of toThe students. of problem Thewith parents and coaches of “Some of our current seniors didn’t find of their lives. ofhas the underrepresented sex. Since has not hasshown not shown compliance compliance with not with anyshown of any of compliance with anythe of been implementation Title IXdealing in response gymnastics gymnastics have have also also been dealing dealing with gymnastics with the the haveofalso been with the a place where they could fit in, really “Probably about five years ago we the didn’t three-prong the three-prong teststests ofschool the Title of three-prong Title IX.” IX.” The The tests gymnastics of Thethe board removed from lackTitle lack of information. ofIX.” information. lack information. to theoflawsuit is that instead of providing BY JBY OSEPH JOSEPH BYTJUNGE OSEPH TUNGETUNGE three-prong three-prong teststests of Title of three-prong Title IX IX three are three tests of that Title IX are three have a friend group at Lincoln High School had a student that struggled to get to “For “For a school afunding, school district, district, this lack this lack of of “For a school district, this lack of list ofare district sports receive equal opportunity on the basis of sex, it requirements, requirements, ofrequirements, which needsneeds to beto be one of which needshas tobeen be been transparency transparency has extremely extremely frustrating transparency frustrating has been extremely frustrating and decided to come out for track. Theyone ofonewhich class. He head had acoach problem… the district can potentially no longer be who struggle struggle who with with struggle establishing establishing with socialsocial establishing social TheThe The head head coachcoach ofbehavior LHS of of LHS track LHS track andtrack andwho and may equal opportunity for Allen students met, met, in order in order for the forschool themet, school board inboard order to comply to comply for the school to comply and disappointing,” andboard disappointing,” testified testified AngiAngi Allen and Allen in prevent disappointing,” in testified Angi in weren’t particularly butwith they found usfield, as coaches, specifically myself connections. connections. connections. Sports Sports such such as track Sports as track andtalented, field such and field aswith track and field field, field, James James James Jarovski, Jarovski, Jarovski, has coached hashas coached coached in compliance with providing Title Title IX. The IX. The firstconsidered first requirement with requirement Titlecalls IX. calls The first requirement calls who underprivileged, isolated or with S.A. S.A. et al et v. SFSD. al v. SFSD. AllenAllen has daughters has daughters S.A. withare et with al v. SFSD. Allen has daughters provide provide an outlet an provide outlet for the for anchallenges the outlet challenges for andthe and challenges and for for 26 for years 26 26 years years and has and and seen hashas seen firsthand seen firsthand firsthand what looks like lifelong friends right and coach Rice, took him under our for an forequal an now, equal percentage percentage offorparticipation of anparticipation equal percentage ofhopes participation hopes to participate to participate inofgymnastics, in gymnastics, who hopes who to participate gymnastics, whofrom opportunities and meeting the interests incapacitated in waysinthat hinder them stresses stresses of school, stresses of school, and open of and school, open opportunities opportunities and open opportunities how how how the the opportunity the opportunity opportunity for everyone for for everyone everyone to to to in men’s in men’s and women’s and sports. in sports. men’s The The second andsecond women’s are sports. The second they hang out at basketball games…and allwomen’s wing and encouraged him to be a directly are directly affected affected by the by School the School Board’s are Board’s directly affected by the School Board’s the underrepresented sex (prongs two and participating in certain school sports. for afor sense a sense offor community, ofa community, sense regardless of community, regardless of of regardless ofrequirements participate participate participate in high ininhigh school high school athletics school athletics athletics andfield,” third and third requirements involve andinvolve third providing providing requirements involve providing cutting cutting of program of program funding. funding. cutting of program funding. that was because of track and said part of track and field. We saw a gift three). In response, they plan on reducing skill skill level.level. skill level. benefits benefits benefits his students his hisstudents students in every in every in aspect every aspectaspect As of problem right now, if the onecurrent wants to protest opportunities opportunities and meeting and meeting opportunities the interests the interests and meeting interests Thethe The problem problem withwith the current the current proposed proposed The with proposed inof him andlives. what he ended up doing“Some “Some ofJarovski. our of “Some current our current seniors of our seniors didn’t current didn’t find find seniors didn’t find the of their oftheir their lives. lives. in men’s of the of underrepresented the underrepresented of sex.percentage the Since sex.underrepresented Since the theof participation sex. Since the against these measures there areresponse multiple implementation implementation of Title of Title IX inIX response in response implementation of Title IX in aand place a place where where athey place they could where could fit in,fit they didn’t in, didn’t could really really fitschool in, who didn’t really “Probably “Probably “Probably about about about five years fivefive years agoyears we ago we ago we The fact that those students, were at was going to college [for track] school board board removed removed gymnastics school gymnastics from from the removed the gymnastics theinstead to the to lawsuit the lawsuit isfrom that isone. that instead of providing of providing to the lawsuit is that sports toboard be in compliance with prong courses of action. Oneinstead parentofat providing LHS, have have a friend a friend have group group a at friend Lincoln at Lincoln group High High School at Lincoln School High School had had a had student a a student student that that struggled that struggled struggled to get to to get to to get to list of list district of district sports thatlist that receive ofreceive district funding, funding, sports that receive funding, equal equal opportunity opportunity on the on basis the basis of sex, of equal it sex, it opportunity on the basis of sex, it first isolated, developed friendships throughsports graduating from a Big 10 university. The difference in participation between the Gregg Gohl, recently spoke at a school and decided and decided to and come todecided come out for outtrack. to forcome track. Theyout Theyforthe track. They class. class. class. He had He He ahad had behavior a abehavior behavior problem… problem… problem… district the district can potentially can potentially the nodistrict longer no longer becan bepotentially noprevent longer be opportunity may may prevent equalequal opportunity for students for may students prevent equal opportunity for students track and field emphasizes the importance Without track and field thatmyself would two sexes inin the districtwho is with currently 7.6%, isolated weren’t weren’t particularly particularly weren’t talented, particularly talented, but they but they talented, foundfound but they found us us asus coaches, as ascoaches, coaches, specifically specifically specifically myself myself meeting on the issue.isolated He recommends considered considered in compliance in compliance considered with with providing providing compliance providing who are underprivileged, are underprivileged, isolated or board who or are underprivileged, or of maintaining availability for allopportunities students not have been possible,” said Jarovski. what lookslooks like what lifelong like looks lifelong friends like friends right lifelong right now,now, friends right now, and and coach and coach coach Rice, Rice, Rice, took took him took under himhim under ourunder our ourwhat and while there isofno set percentage toin be opportunities and meeting and meeting opportunities the interests the interests of and meeting the interests of that incapacitated incapacitated in ways ways that hinder hinder them incapacitated them from in ways that hinder them from that iffrom any other parents are willing to get hanghang out atout basketball at hang basketball out games…and games…and basketball all not allthe games…and all sexthe wing wing wing and and encouraged and encouraged encouraged to him be him toa be aan bethey a they tothey participate inatathletics, just Track and fieldhim opened upto underrepresented thethose underrepresented sexunderrepresented (prongs two and two and prong sexone (prongs and participating participating in two certain in IX, certain school school sports. sports. participating in certain schoolthe sports. in (prongs compliance with of Title involved, they should contact school that was because wasthat because ofwas track of because track and field,” and of field,” said track said and field,” said part part part of track of of track and field. and field. We field. saw We aWe giftasaw giftthat a gift three). three). In response, In response, they they plan plan on reducing In on response, reducing theyAs on reducing ofAsright of have right now,now, if one if wants one wants to protest to protest As of right now, if one wants to protest with natural athletic talent. avenue fortrack thisand student tosaw develop the itthree). is clear that the numberplan would to board and voice their opinion. Gohl, along Jarovski. Jarovski.Jarovski. in him ininhim and him what and and what what he ended hehe ended up ended doing up doing up doing the percentage the percentage of participation of participation the percentage in men’s in men’sof participation in men’s against against these these measures measures there there are multiple are multiple against these measures there are multiple some kids [physically discipline to [for successfully significantly decrease. The The fact that fact“We that those Thehave those fact students, students, thatwho those who werethat students, were at are at who were was was going wasgoing going to necessary college to tocollege college [for [for track] track] and track] and and with individuals protecting theatinterests sports sports to beto inbe compliance inat compliance sports withwith prong to prong beone. in one. compliance with prong one. courses courses of action. of action. One One parent parent at LHS, at LHS, courses of action. One parent LHS, disabled] who can’t compete for The varsity earn his college degree. This student, first first isolated, isolated, first developed developed isolated, friendships friendships developed through through friendships through graduating graduating graduating fromfrom afrom Big a 10 Big a university. Big 10 university. 10 university. The difference difference in participation in participation The difference between between the participation the spoke Right now theinthe school board isbetween appealing Gregg Gregg Gohl, Gohl, recently recently spoke at a school at a of school Gregg Gohl, recently spoke at aall school the gymnastics program, are tracktrack and field and track field emphasizes emphasizes and field the importance the emphasizes importance the importance Without Without Without tracktrack track and field and and field that field that would would would athletics and other sports but they under potential changes inthat athletic two sexes twocan sexes in theindistrict the district is two currently issexes currently 7.6%, in the 7.6%, district isboard currently 7.6%, board meeting on Circuit the onissue. the issue. He recommends He recommends board meeting on the issue. He recommends the preliminary injunction to themeeting 8th frustrated with the school board’s lack of of maintaining of maintaining of availability maintaining availability for all for availability students all studentsand for while all notnot have nothave have beenbeen been possible,” possible,” possible,” said Jarovski. said said Jarovski. Jarovski. andstudents while therethere is noisset noand percentage set percentage whiletothere beto be is no set percentage to be that that if any if other any other parents parents are willing are willing to that get to if get any other parents are willing to get go out there and compete with their requirements for the track and field Court of Appeals. Based on the District communication and agree that taking away to participate to participate to in participate athletics, in athletics, not just in not athletics, those just those not just those Track Track Track and field and andfield opened field opened opened up anup anup an in compliance in compliance withwith prong prong inone compliance of oneTitle of Title IX, with IX, prong onethey of they Title IX, involved, involved, should should contact contact the school the involved, school they should contact the school classmates,” said Jarovski. program, would likely prevented with natural natural with athletic athletic natural talent. talent. athletic talent.it is clear avenue avenue avenue for this for for student this thisstudent student to develop tobe develop to the develop thewiththe Court’s interpretation of the law, in order opportunities from students is not thealong best it is clear that that the number the number itwould is clear would havethat have to the to number would Boys powerlifting i boardboard and voice andhave voice theirto their opinion. opinion. Gohl,Gohl, along board alongand voice their opinion. Gohl, Competition is a kids highly important part from being a part ofto the team. “We “We havehave some “We some kidshave kids that that are some [physically are [physically that aresignificantly [physically discipline discipline discipline necessary necessary necessary to successfully successfully to successfully significantly decrease. decrease. significantly for the school decrease. board to with accomplish their with individuals individuals protecting protecting the interests the interests with individuals protecting the interests course of action. sport in the Sioux Fa disabled] disabled] who who can’t can’t compete compete who forcan’t varsity for varsity compete for varsity earn earn earn his college his his there college college degree. degree. degree. This This student, This student, ofdisabled] development both on and off the field. Similarly, are students at student, LHS Right Right now now the school the school board Right board appealing is now appealing the school board appealing of the ofthey gymnastics the is gymnastics program, program, are all are all of the gymnastics program, are all goal ofis cutting gymnastics would athletics athletics and athletics other and other sports sports and butother they but they can sports can but they can under under under potential potential potential changes changes changes in athletic in athletic in athletic the the preliminary injunction the to preliminary the to8th theCircuit 8th Circuit injunction to the 8th the first sport to be a frustrated frustrated with with the Circuit school the school board’s board’s lackfrustrated lack of of with the school board’s lack of Physically disabled studentswith arepreliminary often leftinjunction today who for struggle with a lack offield have to of comply with prong one of Title IX. out gothere out there and go out compete and there compete with and with their compete their their requirements requirements requirements the for for track thethe track and track field and field and go Court Court of Appeals. of Appeals. Based Based Court on the onDistrict the District Appeals. Based on the District communication communication and agree and agree that that taking taking communication away away and agree that taking away out ofJarovski. that Jarovski. limit the number of interpretation motivation and discipline could classmates,” classmates,” said classmates,” saidsports Jarovski. said program, program, program, would would would likely likely be likely prevented be prevented bethat prevented to happen either Court’s Court’s interpretation ofFor Court’s the ofthis law, the in law, interpretation order in order the district of the law, in has order opportunities opportunities from from students students is notisthe notopportunities best the best from students is not best Boysthe Boys powerlifting powerlifting is noislonger no longer a sanctioned a sanctioned Boys powerlifting Competition isCompetition a spots, highly is a highly important important is adoes part highly part part roster which notimportant provide from from being being being a part aapart ofpart the of team. of the the team. team. Competition befrom left out from athletic participation for the forschool thethem school boardboard to accomplish tobolster accomplish the school their their board tocourse accomplish their tofor participation in women’s sports course of action. of action. course of action. sport sport in the in Sioux the Sioux Falls Falls School School District. District. It isIt is sport in the Sioux Fa development of development of both development on and on opportunity off andthe both off field. theon field. and offgoal Similarly, Similarly, Similarly, there there areenforcement students areare students students at LHS atofLHS at of LHS ofthe cutting of field. cutting gymnastics gymnastics goal they of they would cutting would gymnastics they would with an both equal togoal succeed. with thethere new Title IX or cut boys’ roster spots. Even though the the first the first sport sport to be to affected be affected by Title by Title IX. IX. the first sport to be a disabled Physically disabled students students disabled are often are often students left left have arehave often left today today today whowho who struggle struggle struggle withwith a lack with a lack of a of lackPhysically of Physically to comply to comply withwith prong have prong oneto of one comply Title of Title IX. with IX. prong one of Title IX. Maintaining equal opportunities ensures policy. coaches and administrators in the district out of outsports of sports out thatof that limit sports limit the number the that number limit of of the For number of motivation motivation motivation and discipline and anddiscipline discipline that that couldthat could could this For to this happen to happen the district the For district this either either tohas happen has the district either has everyone can find their place as aparticipation loved No-cut that don’t cap the roster roster spots,that spots, roster which which does spots, does not provide which not provide them does them not them be be left beleft out leftfrom out outsports from from athletic athletic athletic participation participation participation are working hard best ofsports the toprovide bolster to bolster participation intowomen’s bolster in women’s sports participation sportsto make inthe women’s withwith an anand equal with opportunity opportunity an equal to part succeed. opportunity to succeed. to with with with the new the the new enforcement new enforcement enforcement Title of Title IX of Title IX IXequal respected of the LHS community. maximum number ofofteam roster or succeed. cut orboys’ cut boys’ roster roster spots. spots. or Even cut Even though boys’ though the roster the spots. Even though the situation and increase participation, in the Maintaining Maintaining Maintaining equal opportunities opportunities equal ensures opportunities ensures policy. policy. policy. coaches and and administrators coaches inframe theindistrict and theitdistrict administrators in achieve the district Toequal provide context, in S.A. etcoaches alensures v. administrators spots, such as track and field, provide BOYS BOYS : : time is not realistic to equal everyone everyone that can find everyone can their find their place can place asfind a loved as atheir lovedare place ahard loved No-cut No-cut No-cut sports sports sports that that don’t that don’t capdon’t the cap the capthat thethat working are as working hard to make toare make theworking best the best of the ofhard the to make the best of the Sioux Falls School District, the lawsuit time for students that struggle in participation without the “adjustment” GIRLS GIRLS : : and respected and respected and partrespected part of the of LHS the LHS part community. community. of the LHS community. maximum maximum maximum number number number of team of of team roster team rosterroster situation situation and increase and increase participation, situation participation, in and the inincrease the participation, in of the over cutting the high gymnastics various ways totrack develop both inprovide and To provide To provide context, To context, provide in S.A. in S.A. et context, al et v. alschool v. in S.A. et al v. spots, spots, spots, suchsuch such as track asas and track field, andand field, provide field, provide roster spots in sports like track and tennis. time time frameframe it is not it isrealistic not realistic time to achieve frame to achieve equal it isequal not realistic to achieve equal Sioux FallsFalls School Sioux School District, Falls District, School the lawsuit the lawsuit District, theparticipation lawsuit time time time for for for students students that that struggle that struggle struggle in inandSioux in program in Sioux Falls, the court ordered out of students the classroom. Track field, participation without without theparticipation “adjustment” the of without of “adjustment” of If “adjustment” the school districtthe were to lose over cutting cutting over high the cutting high school school gymnastics the gymnastics high school gymnastics various various various waysways ways to develop toto develop develop both inother and both in and inover and roster roster spots spots in sports like roster track like track and spots tennis. and in tennis. sports like track and tennis. a the preliminary injunction. This was done inin sports powerlifting, tennis andboth no-cut S.A. et al v. SFSD court case, they would program program in Sioux program in Sioux Falls,Falls, the in Sioux court the court ordered Falls, ordered the court outout of outthe of of classroom. the the classroom. classroom. Track Track and Track field, and field, and field, If the Ifordered school the school district district wereIf were tothe lose to school lose district were to lose order to prevent the school district from sports help to provide opportunities be required reinstate gymnastics a preliminary a preliminary ainjunction. preliminary injunction. ThisThis injunction. was done was done in This inS.A. was incourtcourt powerlifting, powerlifting, powerlifting, tennis tennis tennis and other andand other no-cut other no-cutno-cut S.A. et al et v.done SFSD al v. SFSD case, S.A. case, they et al they would v.to would SFSD courtthe case, they would selling gymnastics equipment and for students to excel beyond a orderorder to prevent to order prevent the the to school theprevent school district district the from school from district from sports sports sports helphelp help to provide to toprovide provide opportunities opportunities opportunities program andto continue funding for the be required be required to reinstate to reinstate the be gymnastics required the gymnastics reinstate the gymnastics selling the gymnastics the selling gymnastics the equipment gymnastics equipment andbefore andequipment and for for students forstudents students to excel totoexcel beyond excel beyond beyond a a Athletic a selling cutting the program the court’s solely academic standpoint. program program and continue and continue funding program funding for the for and thecontinue funding for thethe program. While this may seem costly, cutting cutting the official program the cutting program before thebefore program the is court’s the court’s before theprogram. court’s solely solely solely academic academic academic standpoint. standpoint. Athletic Athletic Athletic program. While While this may this program. may seem seem costly, costly, While the the this may seem costly, the decision made. Federal court opportunities forstandpoint. LHS students are in price students will pay for the alternative decision official is made. isdecision made. Federal Federal court is made. court Federal court opportunities opportunities opportunities for LHS for for LHS students LHS students students are inare inofficial areofficial indecision price price students students will pay will for pay price the for alternative the students alternative will pay for the alternative cases sometimes take years without jeopardy after the Sioux Falls School isismuch greater. casescases sometimes sometimes cases take sometimes take yearsyears and without and take without yearsand and jeopardy jeopardy jeopardy after after after the Sioux the the Sioux Falls Sioux Falls School Falls School School is much iswithout much greater. greater. Currently, Currently, the much district the greater. district is isCurrently, Currently,the thedistrict districtisis the allallofofthe District’s decision to cut roster the injunction the injunction the allinjunction injunction ofallthe of gymnastics the gymnastics thegymnastics gymnastics District’s District’s District’s decision decision decision to cutto roster to cut cut roster spots roster spotsspots spots trying several different strategies trying trying several several different different strategies trying strategies several to win to the win different the strategiesto towin winthe the equipment equipment was equipment scheduled was scheduled to was beto sold scheduled be sold and andtotolawsuit. soldand and in incertain incertain certain boys’ boys’ boys’ sports. sports. sports. equipment was scheduled bebesold incertain boys’ sports. lawsuit. lawsuit. lawsuit. the sport the sport would the would have sport have been would been cut. Other cut. have Other beencut. cut. Other There There There areare many are aremany many many students students students The The district district silenced silenced coaches The coaches and district and silenced coaches and the sport would have been Other There students The district silenced coaches and PHOTOS PHOTOS BY ASHLYN BY ASHLYN H OFFMAN HOFFMAN & AIDAN &A MIDAN CGARRY MCGARRY PHOTOS BY ASHLYN HOFFMAN & AIDAN MCGARRY throughout throughout throughout the School the theSchool School District District District SHLYN HOFFMAN IDAN MCGARRY DESIGNDESIGN DESIGNBY BY JD BY YUNAG JD Y&UNAG JOSIE&TJOSIE OLLINGER TOLLINGER PHOTOS BYA JD YUNAG & JOSIE&TA OLLINGER throughout the School District ARTWORK ARTWORK BY JAMES BY JPAMES LORDE PLORDE




Out of the many sporting goal for the year is to get just wrestling. They also team. This year only one girl Out of the many sporting goal for the year is to get just wrestling. They also team. This year only one girl teams LHS, that as many kids would like students to leave team. is competing ononly the team: Out of one thesporting many sporting goalthe for theparticipating year to get just wrestling. They also also This only oneone girlgirl Out ofatthe many goal for year is toisget just wrestling. They team. Thisyear year teams at LHS, one that as many kids participating would like students to leave is competing on the team: we hear about a little less the state tournament as as better and senior Larson. at LHS, that asinmany as many participating would likepeople students toharder leave isisLHS competing onMaria thethe team: teams at teams LHS, one thatone kids kids participating would like students to leave competing on team: weoften hear about a little less theinstate tournament as as as better people and harder LHS senior Maria Larson. wrestling team.less in many of the Because ofharder this the LHS However, they hope that wethe hear a little the For state tournament betterpeople peopleand and harder senior Maria Larson. we hear isabout a about little less inpossible. the state tournament as as asworkers. better LHS senior Maria Larson. often is the wrestling team. possible. For many of the workers. Because of this the However, they hope that Hidden upwrestling above theteam. old team.possible. wrestlers hope to not team also focusesof making the girls part of thethat team often is the wrestling possible. For many of the workers. Because ofonthis this the they hope that often is the Forthe many ofisthe workers. Because the However, However, they hope Hidden above old wrestlers thethe hope is to not team also focuses on making the girls part of the team gym, up the teamupthe has been onlywrestlers make sure students keep on the will grow and give girls Hidden above thetournament hope to not team team alsofocuses focuses onfocus making girls part of of the team Hidden up above the oldthe old wrestlers the hope is toisnot also on making the girls part the team an gym, the team has been the tournament sure students keep focus onto will will grow and give girls an working hard and ishas excited butmake placemake as high as possible. sure their school work and opportunity to learn about the team been only only the tournament sure students keepfocus focustry on grow and give girls an gym, thegym, team has been only make the tournament students keep on will grow and give girls an working hard and is excited but place as high as possible. their school work and try to opportunity to learn about for thisworking year's wrestling “I’m looking forward be good people on and offto wrestling.toto hard and is excited but place as high as possible. their their school work and learn about working hard and is excited but place as high as possible. school work and try to opportunity opportunity learn about for this wrestling “I’m looking forward bethe good people on and offhave wrestling. wrestling. to making it toforward state and mats. One on way they “We are always looking to for this year's wrestling “I’m looking forward be good people onand and forseason. this year's year's wrestling “I’m looking be good people off wrestling. season. to making it state andand the mats. One way they have “We are always looking to After starting the top 5,itstate sotoIstate will work the done thisOne is by relying on add to the girlslooking team,” said season. to making the mats. One way they have have “We are always to season. toplacing making it to to and mats. way they “We are always looking to After starting the placing top 5, so I will work done this is by relying on add to the girls team,” said tournament early placing my placing hardest for saidwork done upperclassmen to set on good Ernster. Afterseason starting so I will done thisisisbybyrelying relying add totothe team,” saidsaid After starting the in the top 5,top so5,Ithat,” will work this add thegirls girls team,” tournament season in early hardest for that,” saidsaid upperclassmen to set good Ernster. December the team has Kishmar examples for the younger Despite the challenges tournament season in earlymy my wrestler hardest for that,” upperclassmen toset set good good Ernster. tournament season in earlybeen myjunior hardest for that,” said upperclassmen to Ernster. December the team has been junior wrestler Kishmar examples for the younger Despite the challenges working hard and often to Eberline. members of theyounger team. that come with the sport, December the team has been junior wrestler Kishmar examplesfor forthe younger Despite thethe challenges December the team has been junior wrestler Kishmar examples Despite challenges working hard and often to Eberline. members of the team. that come with the sport, prepare for the months of toEberline. With the amount of time members “We are everyone continues to stick working andtooften Eberline. members theteam. team.with the that come thethe sport, working hard andhard often ofoffortunate the that comewith with sport, prepare for the of With the amount ofputs time “We are fortunate with the everyone everyone continues tostick stick tournaments, invitationals effort class leaders with we have together and work towards prepare for the months of and With theteam amount of in time senior “Weare arefortunate fortunate with the continues to stick prepare for the months months of With the the amount of time “We the everyone continues to tournaments, invitationals and effort the senior class leaders we have together and work towards and other events toinvitationals come. together, they have grown this year. allwe excel on together the best season possible, they tournaments, and effort the team puts senior classThey leaders have and work towards tournaments, invitationals team puts in into senior class leaders have together and work towards and events come. they year. They all excel on the best season possible, they “Weand practice every day be more thanthey justhave teammates the wrestling and inon the the dobest this through continuing otherto events to come. together, together, grown this year.They Theymat allexcel excel season possible, theythey and other other events to come. have grown to to this year. all on the best season possible, after school 5 p.m. also friends. Despite the the classroom,” to show up tocontinuing practices and “Weuntil practice everyWe day bebut be more than teammates the wrestlingsaid matErnster. this through “We every day more than just just wrestling mat and in in the the do do this through continuing “We practice practice every day teammates wrestling mat and the do this through continuing also have practice onp.m. theWe stress the season, thethethe classroom,” Despite said the that the not losing focus on the goals afterAM school until 5We butof also friends. Despite classroom,” saidfun Ernster. toto show upup toto practices andand after school until 55 p.m. but also friends. classroom,” said Ernster. to show up topractices practices and after school until p.m. Despite Ernster. show days that we doAM notpractice compete. team found many has the together, there oflosing the season. also have stress of the season, the to team Despite thefun funthat not focus onon the goals also have AM practice on the on the stress ofhas the season, Despite the fun that the not losing focus onthe the goals also have AM practice theways Despite the not losing focus goals Lifting every and stayhas connected andmany help each are many struggles when “The work I put in for thatTuesday wecompete. do not compete. team has found ways team hastogether, together, there ofof season. days thatdays we do not compete. many ways to to team has there the season. days that we do not team found has together, there ofthe the season. Thursday,” said varsity other become better people itare comes tostruggles wrestling both the team isIjust being there Lifting every Tuesday stay connected and help each are manystruggles when “The work put in for Lifting every Tuesday and help each many when “The work IIput in Lifting every Tuesday and andstay connected many struggles when “The work put infor for wrestling coach Mark rather than just athletes. and physically. after school and doing what I Thursday,” said varsity other other become better people it mentally it comesto wrestling both team is isjust being there Thursday,” said varsity better people comes wrestling both the team being there Thursday,” said varsity become comes toto wrestling bothThe the the team isjust just being there Ernster. “The team a big family. mentally sport is and demanding. NotThe only after need to do in practice, " IsaidII wrestling coach Mark rather than athletes. mentally andphysically. physically. The school and doing what wrestling coach Mark Mark athletes. after school and doing what wrestling coach rather than justisjust mentally and physically. The after school and doing what On top of the busy We have team group are there strugglesNot when it need Eberline. Ernster. “The team is a big family. sport sport demanding. Not only toto dodo inin practice, " said Ernster. big family. is only need ""said Ernster. “The team is ameals, sport isisdemanding. demanding. Not only need to do inpractice, practice, said practice schedule, outings andteam we like to go comes tostruggles weight and Although the team's Onthe topbusy of the busy We have meals, group are are there strugglesclass when itit Eberline. On top top of of the busy We have team meals, group there when Eberline. On We have team meals, group are there struggles when Eberline. competition tournament to the areawe college meets meeting diets and plans season is only just beginning, practiceand schedule, the outings and we like to go comesto weight class Although thethe team's practice schedule, the outings and we like to go comes class and Although team's practice schedule, the outings and like to go comes totoweight weight class andthat Although the team's schedule is grueling as together as a team when we work for the athletes, but it Ernster expects that the competition and tournament to the area college meets meeting diets and plans that season is only just beginning, competition and tournament to the area college meets meeting diets and plans that season is only just beginning, competition and tournament to the area college meets meeting diets and plans that season is only just beginning, well, with many of the are able to,” said Ernster. can also always be difficult team will do well as long schedule is grueling as together as a team when we work for the athletes, but it Ernster expects that the schedule is grueling as together as a team when we work for the athletes, but Ernster expects that the schedule is grueling as together as a team when we work for the athletes, but it Ernster expects that the athletes getting inthe 60 of or the are Not onlysaid off said theErnster. mat is the can to play such a competitive as they continue to stay well, withof areto,” able to,” can alsoalways always bedifficult difficult team will do well as long well, with many ofmany the are able able to,” said Ernster. also be team will do well as well, with many Ernster. can also always be difficult team will do well aslong long more matches throughout team close but the teammates sport, especially because motivated throughout athletes getting in 60 or Not only off the mat is the to play such a competitive as they continue to stay athletes getting in 60 or Not only off the mat is the to play such a competitive as they continue to stay athletes getting in 60 or Not only off the mat is the to play such a competitive as they continue to staythe the matches season, a partthroughout of the team alsoteam try to support comes down to entiretythroughout of the season. more as matches close but theeach teammates when sport,itespecially because motivated the more throughout close but the motivated more matches throughout team close but the teammates teammates sport, sport, especially especially because because motivatedthroughout throughoutthe the 15season, competitions leading other their itwhen only one wrestler is on “I always predict great the as season, asofa part of thealso alsothroughout try to support each itcomes comes down to to entirety ofofthethe season. the a part the try to support each when it down entirety season. the season, as a part of the also try to support each when it comes down to entirety of the season. to region and the state training and push each mattone at wrestler a time, and things forpredict those great that work 15 competitions leading other other throughout theirother it the it only is the “I“Ialways 15up competitions leading throughout their 15 competitions leading other throughout their it only only one one wrestler wrestler isis on on “Ialways alwayspredict predictgreat great to be better. players don't haveand thethe help hard,” said Ernster. up toand region the state training training and push other the the mattat ata atime, time, and things forfor those that work upchampionships. to region theand state and push eacheach other matt things those that work up to region and the state training and push each other the matt at a time, and the things for those that work “ Our end goal is placing to be“My ofplayers other teammates rely hard,” championships. to befavorite better. wrestler is don't havethe theto championships. better. players don't have help hard,”said saidErnster. Ernster. championships. to be better. players don't have the help hard,” said Ernster. as many weend can at the he wrestled ifother necessary. “asOur goal is placing Tae “My favorite wrestler ofother teammates to to rely “ Our end goal is placing “MyEllenbecker, favorite wrestler is is ofon teammates “state Ourtournament end goal is placing “My favorite wrestler is of other teammates to rely and myEllenbecker, freshman year… helps onon as at we can at the Tae Tae Ellenbecker, hehe wrestled ifnecessary. necessary.is the greatest as many as as many we can the he wrestled if“Wrestling as many as wetournament can at leaders the Tae Ellenbecker, wrestled if“Wrestling necessary. turning out future in practice tohe get ever, it isisisthe athe team sport, state my freshman year… he helps onsport greatest state tournament and and mymefreshman year… hebetter,” helps “Wrestling greatest state tournament and freshman year… helps “Wrestling isaathe greatest in the community…We look my Eberline. but first and foremost it is turning out future leaders in practice to he get better,” sport sport ever, team sport, turning out future leaders mesaid inme practice to get better,” ever, ititisis team sport, turning out future leaders me practice to get better,” sport ever, itforemost isforemost a teamsaid the State Meet competing an individual sport,” in to the community…We said Eberline. but first and in forward the community…We look look saidinAlthough Eberline. but first and itsport, is in the community…We look said Eberline. but first and foremost it is in Sioux Falls at the the end of suchAlthough a big part of the forward to State Meet isAlthough competing an individualsport,” sport,” said said forward to the State Meet competing anErnster. individual forward the State Meet Although anErnster. individual sport,” saidteam's said Ernster. the hope Ernster. Along with this, the in Sioux Falls at the is asuch acompeting big part of the in February,” Siouxto Falls at the end of end ofis sport, such bigcoaches part of also the in Sioux Falls at the end of is such a big part of the Ernster. With the effort sport, thatsport, theycoaches cancoaches teach struggle has been February,” said of Ernster. the also hope recent Along withthis, this, the team's February,” saidamount Ernster. the alsothe hope Along with the team's February,” Ernster. sport, thecan coaches also hope Along with this, team's the team puts in, the students about recruiting girls to the be on the With the amount of effort that they canmore teach the recent struggle has been With thesaid amount of main effort that they teach the than recent struggle has been With the amount of effort that they can teach the recent struggle has been team in, the main students students recruitinggirls girlstotobe be on on the the the teamthe puts in, puts the main aboutabout moremore thanthan recruiting the team puts in, the main students about more than recruiting girls to be on the DESIGN BY STELLA SONNICHSEN

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Around this time of year, talk about Around this time of competition year, talk about wins, losses, fouls and between wins, losses, fouls and competition between LHS YBall teams cram the halls. For high LHS YBall teams cram the halls. For schoolers, the Young Men’s Christianhigh schoolers, theYMCA, Young offers Men’stwo Christian Association, sports Association, YMCA, offers twofootball. sports programs: basketball and flag programs: basketball and flag football. Underclassmen to upperclassmen get to Underclassmen to upperclassmen know their teammates, their attire get andto know their teammates, their attire and to even their signature plays. If you need even their signature plays. If you need to learn the importance of LHS YBall history, learn the importance of LHS YBall history, let the teams below show you the key to let the teams below show you the key toyou success. The question is: what team are success. question is: what team are you followingThe to the championship game? following the Academy, championship game? Teams: to IMG Ice Spice Elite, Teams: IMG Academy, Ice Spice Elite, IDLN, Ballin’ Brazies, Brickfest club, Team IDLN, Ballin’ Brazies, Brickfest club, Team 5. 5. The simplified run-down of YBall The simplified run-down of of YBall is simple. YBall games consist two is simple. YBall games consist of two 20-minute halves. The rules require each 20-minute Thewith rulesatrequire each team to fillhalves. the roster least seven team to fill the roster with at least seven players currently attending high school. players currently attending high school. Each player is allowed to participate on one Each player is allowed to participate team; no player can be on more than on oneone team; no player can be on more than one team per season. The clock is constantly team per season. The clock is constantly running and only stops in the remaining running and only stops in the remaining two minutes of the second half. All fouls two minutes ofin the All fouls accomplished the second last twohalf. minutes accomplished in the last two minutes of the second half will conclude in an of the second half will in an additional two-shot freeconclude throw; bonuses additional two-shot free throw; bonuses and double bonuses are exempt at this and arelead, exempt at thispress time.double After abonuses 15-point full-court time. After a 15-point lead, full-court is prohibited. Each team is entitled to press two is prohibited. Each team is entitled to team two timeouts per game. In overtime, each timeouts peranother game. In overtime, each will receive timeout to use to team their will receive anotherfortimeout to use to their desire. The layout overtime includes a desire. The layout for overtime includes three-minute running clock and a five- a three-minute clockbefore and a the fiveminute grace running period given minute grace period given before the start of any game. If teams fail to start start of any game. teams fail to start the game before theIffive-minute grace the game before theinfive-minute ends, it will result a forfeit. Allgrace technical ends, it will result in forfeit.toward All technical fouls will translate inapoints the fouls will translate in points toward opposing team. NO DUNKING or itthe will opposing NO DUNKING or forfeits it will result in ateam. technical foul. If a team result in a technical foul. If a teamfrom forfeits three games they will be dropped three games they will be dropped from the league with no refunds on league fees. the league no refundsofongames. league fees. There is nowith rescheduling There is no rescheduling of games. IMG Academy Academy AIMG senior lead YBall team consists of A senior leadSawyer YBall team of Sawyer Mindt, Tolk,consists Ryan Hirsch, Sawyer Mindt, Sawyer Tolk, Ryan Hirsch, Charlie Theophilus, Jake Vander Feen, Charlie JakeKooper VanderPerry, Feen, Hirsch, Theophilus, Preston Huwe, Hirsch, Preston Huwe, Kooper Perry, Dayton Griess and Brycen Mitchell. “Our Dayton Griess and Academy Brycen Mitchell. team name is IMG and we “Our picked team name isitIMG Academy that because is where all of and the we bestpicked high that because it is all of the best school athletes gowhere for high school,” saidhigh school athletes go for high school,” said Mitchell. The boys’ record is one win and Mitchell. The boys’ record is one win and DESIGN BY CAROLINE HUGHES & SARA MATHISON ARTWORK SARA MH ATHISON DESIGN BYBY CAROLINE UGHES & SARA MATHISON ARTWORK BY SARA MATHISON

zero losses, but the reason they zero but thetheir reason they have losses, put together team this have put together their team YBall season is to stay active this and YBall to stay active to haveseason fun. Aissuccessful teamand to have fun. A successful team practices. “Our practices are us practices. “Our practices are us going to GreatLife and running going GreatLife and running five vsto five,” said Mitchell. IMG five vs five,” said Mitchell. Academy’s signature play isIMG called Academy’s signature play called the “iso”. The “iso” play is is where the “iso”. The “iso” play is where every player clears the court and every player clears and the player with the the ballcourt goes onethe player with ball goes on-one with thethe defender. Notoneon-one with the Not being allowed todefender. let them score being allowed to let them score with their dunk game has to be with game has be their their least dunk favorite rule, buttowith their least favorite rule, but with that being said, no rule can stop that no ruleincan stop thembeing from said, succeeding their them from succeeding in their b-ball game. b-ball game. IDLN IDLN This LHS YBall team is made YBall team is made up This of 10LHS players: Cole Garner, up of 10 players: Cole Garner, Graham Eisenberg, Arvid Nelsen, Graham Eisenberg, Arvid Nelsen, Nolan Slade, Gavin Casanova, Ryan Nolan Slade, Gavin Casanova, Baker, George Osterloo, AedanRyan Baker, George Osterloo, Aedan Wagner, Tristain Rabanales and Wagner, Tristain Rabanales and Riley Haubert. “Our team name Riley Haubert. is IDLN: I don’t“Our lose team nerds.name We is IDLN: Icame don’tup lose nerds. originally with thatWe name originally came up with that name because one opposing player called because one opposing called us nerds,” said Garner.player Originally, us nerds,” said Garner. Originally, due to commitment and issues, due to was commitment and issues, IDLN conflicted; they all IDLN was conflicted; in they all enjoyed participating basketball, enjoyed participating basketball, but the time and effortinrequired to but time and effort required to playthe LHS basketball was impossible play LHS basketball was impossible to handle. YBall resolved all to YBall resolved all of handle. their problems. “Last year of their problems. “Last year we finished with zero wins and we finished withthis zero wins eight loses, but year weand have eight loses,hope,” but this we have newfound saidyear Garner. newfound hope,”rarely said Garner. IDLN practices occur, but IDLN practices rarely occur, but when they do, their main focus is when they do, their main focus team bonding and constructingis team bonding constructing superior plays.and “Our least favorite superior plays. “Our least favorite rule of Y-ball is the half-court shot rule because of Y-ballif isyou’re the half-court rule down or shot rule because ifaround, you’readown or just messing half-court just messing around, a half-court shot can really brighten up the shot can really brighten up the team,” said Garner. Adding to their team,” said Garner. Adding success, their signature play to is their the success, their signature play the “crash.” The “crash” happensiswhen “crash.” The “crash” happens when all the players bark to intimidate all the playersteam. bark This to intimidate the opposing allows the opposing team.playing This allows IDLN to continue the ball, IDLN continue playing make ato quick pass and scorethe asball, the make a quick pass and score as the other team is distracted. other team is distracted.

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elebration elebrationininsports sports isisone oneofofthe themany manybeauties beautiesthat that promotes promotesenjoyment enjoymentwithin withina a game, game,match matchororcompetition. competition. Celebrating Celebratingcan canbebedefined definedinin many manyways, ways,but buta a“celebration” “celebration” has hascoined coineda anew newmeaning. meaning. InInthe thecontext contextofofsports sportsand and athletics, athletics,a acelebration celebrationcould couldbebe a asignature signaturemove, move,iconic iconicgesture gesture orororchestrated orchestrateddance/action. dance/action. Celebrations Celebrationshave havetaken takena abig big role roleininthe thesports sportsworld. world.One One issue, issue,however, however,rises riseswith withthese these celebrations. celebrations.Where Wheredoes doesthe theline line get getdrawn drawnbetween betweena acelebration celebration ofofgood goodtaste, taste,and andone onethat thatisisnot? not? Celebrations Celebrationsare arethreatened threatenedbyby rules rulesand andregulations, regulations,despite despitethe the positivity positivitythey theycan canbring bringtotoanan ordinary ordinarygame. game. Some Somesports sportscelebrations, celebrations, although althoughmeant meanttotobebecomical, comical,can can get gettreated treatedasasunsportsmanlike unsportsmanlike conduct. conduct.Whether Whetherititisisoffensive offensive ororinappropriate, inappropriate,a aplayer playercan can bebesuspended suspendedororfined finedlarge large sums sumsfor fora adance danceororaction actioninin order ordertotocelebrate celebratea atouchdown, touchdown, goal goalororbasket. basket.There Therehas hasbeen been controversy, controversy,however, however,and and people peopleare areconcerned concernedabout about the thelogic logicbehind behindthese thesefines fines and andpunishments punishmentscompared comparedtoto others. others.InInthe thecase caseofoffootball, football, there therehas hasbeen beenananinstance instancewhere where player playerJamaal JamaalWilliams Williamsfor forthe the Lions Lionswas wasfined fined$18,566 $18,566for fora a touchdown touchdowncelebration, celebration,which which may mayseem seemminiscule minisculecompared comparedtoto the theaverage averageNFL NFLplayer playersalary salary isisaround around$2.8 $2.8million, million,while while another anotherplayer playergot gotfined finedless less for forpushing pushingthe theopposing opposingteams teams athletic athletictrainer trainerininthe thesame same game. game.Although Althoughthe thecelebration celebration may mayhave havehad hadinappropriate inappropriate

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denotation, denotation,viewers viewersimmediately immediately knew knewthat thatsomething somethingwas wasnot not right. right. Celebrations Celebrationshave have been beenpopular popularfor fora along longtime. time. Traditionalists Traditionalistsflinched flinchedatat distasteful distastefuldancing dancingininevery every sport sportalike, alike,but butallallininall, all,most most corporations corporationswould wouldagree agreethat that money moneyisisjust justmore moreimportant important than thantradition. tradition.These Thesecelebrations celebrations bring bringviewers, viewers,and andmore moreviewers viewers make makemore moremoney. money.Fans Fanslike likethese these celebrations celebrationsjust justa alittle littletoo toomuch much for foritittotobebetaken takenaway. away.One Oneofofthe the common commoncelebrations celebrationsininsoccer, soccer, now nowbanned, banned,was wastaking takinga ajersey jersey off. off.This Thisaction actionisisforbidden forbiddeninin both bothmen’s men’sand andwomen’s women’ssoccer. soccer. Although Althoughthis thisrule ruleapplies appliestoto many manyother othersports, sports,itithits hitsa alittle little different differentfor forChloe ChloeKelly, Kelly,a afemale female soccer soccerplayer playerfor forManchester ManchesterCity City W.F.C. W.F.C.and andthe theEngland Englandwomen’s women’s national nationalfootball footballteam. team.She Sheisis known knownfor forrecently recentlycelebrating celebratingbyby taking takingher herjersey jerseyoff. off.Although Although this thispenalty penaltyhas hashappened happened before, before,ititremains remainspowerful powerfuland and inspirational inspirationalininwomen’s women’ssports. sports. This Thissports sportsbra bracelebration celebrationwas was later latercarded, carded,but butasasmost mostplayers players would wouldagree, agree,she shecould couldnot not care caremuch muchabout abouta apunishment punishment when whencelebrating celebratinga awin.These win.These celebrations celebrationshave havemade madeimmense immense impacts impactsononviewers. viewers. These Thesepunishments punishmentshappen happeninin the thecase caseofof“excessive “excessivecelebration” celebration” calls. calls.This Thisisiswhen whenthe theofficials officials decide decidethat thata acelebration celebrationhas has gotten gottenout outofofhand. hand.AAplayer playercan can get getcarded, carded,fined, fined,ejected ejectedand and suspended suspendedallalldue duetotogetting gettinga a tad tadtoo toohappy. happy.Without Withoutthinking thinking about abouthow howthese thesecelebrations celebrations affect affectthe theindividual individualplayers, players, how howdoes doesititaffect affectthe thegame? game? Celebrations Celebrationsare aresimply simplyjust just fun. fun.AAgreat greatway waytotoput putititisis inina apsychological psychologicalmanner. manner.

“Psychology “Psychologycan canteach teachususabout about the theprogress progressprinciple, principle,which whichisis the theidea ideathat thatsmaller smallervictories victories keep keeppeople peoplemore moreengaged engagedand and positive positivewhen whenlooking lookingtowards towards accomplishing accomplishinglarger largergoals. goals.For For this thisprocess processtotowork, work,small smallwins wins need needtotobeberecognized recognizedand andnot not regarded regardedasasinsignificant,” insignificant,”said said The TheTufts TuftsDaily. Daily.Celebrations Celebrations mean meansosomuch muchmore morethan thanthey they seem seemononthe thesurface. surface.Without Without celebrations, celebrations,there therecould couldbebenono game. game.Recognizing Recognizingthose thosesmall small wins winsisistotocelebrate celebratethose thosesmall small wins. wins.So, So,aside asidefrom fromcorporations corporations making makinga agood goodprofit profitdue duetoto viewer viewerinterest, interest,celebrating celebratingisisa a pure pureexpression expressionofofbeing beinghuman. human. Celebrations Celebrationshave havenot notonly only made madeananimpact impactononsports sportsevents events but butalso alsoininsocial socialmedia/ media/pop pop culture. culture.One Oneofofthe themost mostpopular popular ones onestoday todayisis“The “TheGriddy”. Griddy”.The The Griddy Griddywas wascreated createdbybya ahigh high school schoolfootball footballplayer, player,Allen Allen Davis, Davis,inin2018. 2018.NFL NFLplayers players like likeJustin JustinJefferson Jeffersonand andJa’Marr Ja’Marr Chase Chaseadopted adoptedthe thedance danceand and created createda aGriddy Griddycraze. craze.The The dance danceblew blewupupand andwent wentviral viral ononmany manyplatforms, platforms,like likeTikTok. TikTok. Another Anothercelebration celebrationthat thatisisonon the thecome-up come-upisis“The “TheSquabble” Squabble” ororalso alsoknown knownasasthe the“Left “LeftDo DoIt,It, Right RightDo DoIt”It”dance. dance.This Thisdance dance was waspopularized popularizedaround aroundthe thesong song “Soak “SoakCity” City”byby310babii, 310babii,Mustard, Mustard, Blueface, Blueface,Tyga, Tyga,BlueBucksClan BlueBucksClan and andOhgeesy. Ohgeesy.The Thedance dancehas has also alsobeen beenallallover overTikTok TikTokalong along with withplayers playersCJCJStroud, Stroud,Chris Chris Olave Olaveand andJayden JaydenReed Reedtaking taking part. part.Some Somecelebrations celebrationshave have been beenpopular popularfor formuch muchlonger, longer, like likeChristiano ChristianoRonaldo’s Ronaldo’s “Siiiiiii”, “Siiiiiii”,arguably arguablyone oneofofthe the most mostrecognizable recognizablecelebrations celebrations ininsoccer. soccer.InInbasketball, basketball,there thereisis Lebron LebronJames’ James’“The “TheSilencer” Silencer” ororMichael MichaelJordan’s Jordan’s“The “The

Shrug.” Shrug.”Then Thenofofcourse coursethere there are arethe thelarge largegroup groupcelebrations celebrations practiced practicedbybythe thewhole wholeteam, team, most mostcommonly commonlyininfootball. football.The The Dolphins Dolphinshad hadjust justrecently recentlydone done their their“Roller “RollerCoaster” Coaster”celebration celebration after afterTyreek TyreekHill Hillscored scoreda a touchdown. touchdown.There Thereisisalso alsoThe The Packers PackersOrchestra Orchestraled ledbybyAJAJ Dillon, Dillon,The TheCowboys CowboysSalvation Salvation Army Armykettle kettleand andthe theVikings Vikings Duck-Duck-Goose Duck-Duck-Gooseled ledbybyKyle Kyle Rudolph. Rudolph.

Lincoln’s Lincoln’sFavorites: Favorites:

-The -TheMikal MikalBridges Bridges “Three “ThreeFinger” Finger” -Shedeur -ShedeurSanders Sanders “Watch” “Watch” -Jaire -JaireAlexanders Alexanders “Seatbelt” “Seatbelt” -The -The“fake “fakehamstring hamstring injury injurytwerk” twerk”celebration celebration -The -TheCowboys CowboysSalvation Salvation Army ArmyKettle Kettle -Christiano -ChristianoRonaldo’s Ronaldo’s “Siiii” “Siiii” -The -The“Griddy” “Griddy” -DK -DKMetcalf Metcalf’s’sASL ASL celebrations celebrations All Allofofthese thesecelebrations celebrationshave have their theirplace placeininpopular popularculture, culture, even evenone onewho whoisisnot notananavid avidsports sports watcher watchercould couldrecognize recognizethem. them. They Theyare area agreat greatway waytotobring bring fun funand andentertainment entertainmentinto intothe the sports sportsworld. world.It’s It’simportant importanttoto celebrate celebrateevery everyvictory, victory,big bigand and small, small,because becauseininthe theend, end,sports sports are areabout abouthaving havingfun. fun.While Whileititisis hard hardtotosay sayhow howpunishments punishmentswill will continue continueininsports, sports,celebrations celebrations are arenot notgoing goinganywhere. anywhere. DESIGN DESIGN BYBY KADENCE KADENCEDEAN DEAN ARTWORK ARTWORK BYBY KADENCE KADENCEDD EAN EAN

given is, many responded with ‘treat yourself how you want to be treated’ or ‘live life to the fullest.’ Even though both these examples might be influential to some, one teacher at LHS had significant recommendations. Maggie Peterson, an applied smath and geometry we grow up, we gain new knowledge that teacher, gavehelpssomeus fabricate advice thata helps different outlook on life. We all othersmistakes, become aware of themselves. make and sometimes those mistakes change our life “Focus what for the worse. However, the on most influential people help us learn youtime. from those actions for the first


Occasionally, it might be difficult to accept constructive criticism, but the advice is to help make a small change that could last a lifetime. When asking many teachers and students what the most influential piece of advice they have been given is, many responded with ‘treat yourself how you want to be treated’ or ‘live life to the fullest.’ Even though both these examples might be influential to some, one teacher at LHS had significant recommendations. Maggie Peterson, an applied math and geometry teacher, gave some advice that helps others become aware of themselves. “Focus on what you

anyone who might be struggling while being mature about certain situations. Peterson explains how she understands that sometimes it might be difficult to regulate one’s emotions, but sometimes our reactions end up harming other E people G more than we think. can control. We spend so much time worrying about things we have no control over, like otherThroughout people. You can’t control their actions, but you can ourreactions,” lives, we control your actions and said Peterson. tendstudents to Peterson feels that many at LHS are too focused on the overlook the simple things and stress themselves BY



about situations we can’t control. Meanwhile, Peterson tries to teach her students to control everything that they can and have trust in the situations they can’t. She wants the student body of LHS to be a welcoming environment for anyone who might be struggling while being mature about certain situations. Peterson explains how she understands that sometimes it might be difficult to regulate one’s emotions, but sometimes our reactions end up harming other people more than we think. Throughout our lives, we tend to overlook the

daily moments that bring us joy. Wooledge feels that many people at LHS need to listen to her message because high school can be stressful for many, and as teachers, she feels it is their job to bring a little bit of joy into the classroom and brighten students’ day. that happen every small victories day. Many students are too focused at LHS onSeveral the endteachers goal when, fromhave time to time, we have to take a minute to acquiredit down important lessons andstep. break and go step by It takes a long time to fully reach a ideals where as theyyouhavearelived life. with point satisfied the work you have done and the Countless are made person youmistakes have turned out toevery be. For many, that time doesn’t ever day, some but come, and greater it takes than greatothers, courage to “stop and smell the roses,” said it is allteacher a matter of howWooledge, we shape a LHS Charnelle computer science teacher. ourselves besttheversion To stopinto and the smell roses we means to take time to recognize the can be.moments that bring us joy. daily Wooledge feels that many people at LHS need to listen to her message because high school can be stressful for many, and as teachers, she feels it is their job to bring a little bit of joy into the classroom and brighten students’ day. Several teachers at LHS have acquired important lessons and ideals as they have lived life. Countless mistakes are made every day, some greater than others, but it is all a matter of how we shape ourselves into the best version we can be.




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very August, students come to fill the halls of LHS. Students love coming back to see their friends, but the one part of school that students dread the most is the hallway traffic. In my two and a half years at LHS, the hallways somehow seem to get smaller every year I come back. During passing periods I am constantly squished between hundreds of other students trying to make their way to class on time. The hallways can get so crowded that students have to stop walking and wait for it to clear up. This leaves many students anxious to get to class on time, and annoyed with running into and being squished by strangers. A possible cause of this problem are the blue lockers that can be found throughout almost every hallway of LHS. With the lockers being 15 inches wide and on both sides of the hallway, 30 inches of space is being taken up in most of the hallways. 30 inches may not seem like a lot, but if this space was added, there could be at least two more rows for students to walk, helping with the hall traffic jams. At most, I see 10 students a week using a locker. With over 1,000

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students roaming the hallways every day, and less than 25% of the student population using lockers, it seems as if lockers are not a day-to-day priority for many students.

Back when LHS opened, there were no Chromebooks and online technology, so students carried around heavy books for each class. Due to all of these supplies, more students used lockers to set certain books in, so they would not have to carry them around all day. Now, students can be found online almost the entire school day, with access to learning online, so students do not need heavy textbooks for every class. With fewer books to haul around, it seems there isn’t as much of a need for lockers as there was years ago. One of the newest schools in Sioux Falls, JHS, had different ideas for the layout. JHS was built on the idea of having space for students to lounge and have focus areas for study instead of having lockers. A recent transfer to JHS, junior Savannah VanderZee feels that getting to class every day is not a struggle. “Traffic in the hallway is very steady and I wouldn’t really say there is traffic, the school is very big and nicely laid out, so going from class to class is very quick and smooth for the most part,” said VanderZee. There are a few lockers that JHS incorporated for students who still like to use them, but other than that, VanderZee and many other students have no use for lockers. “Students can go to the office and request a locker. My friend has one that we can put our winter coats in, but I don’t need a locker for my school stuff because the teachers don’t give us big books. I just hold everything in my backpack,” said VanderZee. LHS is already very crowded, and the lockers are not helping. Removing the lockers would help with hall traffic and ease the crowding. Some students would be upset if the lockers were removed, so there could still be some lockers in a few of the hallways to provide for those students. LHS can become a more enjoyable environment for all students when they know they can get to class on time, have room to walk and not be squished in between other students.



be fo bein spac seem mor Family history ties all humans together, no one would exist without it. mos Everyone has a family history, but only some know about theirs. Sourcing back in your family tree and searching for ways to figure out who they were stud can become a tangled mess of old photos and lost names. Thankfully, I do of t not haveare to do that. Recently, my great-aunt found a hidden treasure trove that uncovered much of my family history. I am Jewish and Ukrainian on my dad’s side and Scottish on my mom’s. What my Aunt found testified to my Jewish heritage, showing my great-grandfather, Albert Jacob Haft, who served as a doctor in WWll. She found a whole bunch of pictures of him, and found handwritten letters on the backs of nearly all of them. We also gained access to the letters written by other ancestors of mine to each other during and before the war, letting us in on their personalities and the family dynamic. Not only was there an abundance of pictures of Haft, but also pictures of the war: he had one of a blown-up hotel and one of him performing surgery in the war too. Pictures like this may seem irrelevant nowadays, since knowing family history is not at the forefront of many minds; however, the first step to learning more about yourself is learning about your ancestry. Knowing onli who you are startsclas with knowing where your ancestors are originally from and learning cer about who they were. Using websites like ancestry. t com or familysearch.org can make finding old familial relatives easier. But No w sometimes, the old-fashioned way of asking your grandparents for pictures acce and stories is the best way to get an authentic answer to your heritage e v er questions. muc

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