Snipe Dales offers a range of waymarked trails that you can enjoy throughout the year.
There & Back Trail
1 mile black waymarkers allow 30 minutes

A metalled footpath leads to the small marsh area. There are steep slopes along this trail. by car, but access must be arranged in advance by contacting the Warden.
Please follow the black star markers.
Country Park Trail
11/4 miles green waymarkers allow 45 minutes

This trail leads you through the woodlands of the Country Park. The quick dash of a sparrowhawk may reward those with sharp eyes. Listen for the raucous cries of jays and the occasional drumming of a great spotted woodpecker.
Small skipper, speckled wood and comma in spring and summer.

Snipe Dales Round
31/2 miles red waymarkers allow 2 hours
Snipe are now rare in the valleys of the Wolds. They can sometimes be spotted here in winter; grazing cattle help to provide soft boggy ground where snipe can feed.

are rich in plants, insects
it is now being restored to grazing
Please follow the green tree markers. Please follow the red square markers.
Get a feel for Snipe Dales by venturing through the contrasting landscapes of the Country Park and Nature Reserve.
Look for common spotted orchid, ragged robin and water avens during May and June.

Nature Reserve
Country Park
Beckside Meadow