November 2013 Sunset Newsletter What’s Happening This Month at Sunset . . . Monday, November 4th – Sunset Parent/Teacher Conferences for K-3 from 3:30-7:00 pm Tuesday, November 5th – Sunset Parent/Teacher Conferences for K-3 from 3:30-7:00 pm Week of Monday, November 4th– Fall Scholastic Book Fair Thursday, November 7th – Pictures Retakes at 8:00 am Friday, November 8th and Monday, November 11th – NO SCHOOL Monday, November 18th – PTO Meeting at 3:30 pm Wednesday, November 27th – Early Dismissal at 11:45 am Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th – NO SCHOOL
PTO Meeting Calendar 2013/2014 School Year The PTO meetings will be held the third Monday of every month. The meetings will be held in the media room at 3:30 pm. We are holding the meetings after school so our teachers can attend. Please mark your calendars so you can come see what’s happening with the PTO and meet and mingle with the Sunset teachers and staff! Monday, November 18th @ 3:30 pm
Monday, December 16th @ 3:30 pm
A Message from Our Sunset Principal – Brenda Farmer Sunset Families: We have been busy working and learning at Sunset. Each fall, after reviewing all of our student success data from the spring PAWS and fall MAP assessments, we identify focus areas for our school. This year, we are continuing to focus on Reading, Vocabulary Instruction and Math through the implementation of the Wyoming Standards. We know that reading complex text, acquiring academic and conversational vocabulary, and continuing to become mathematically literate requires our students to think, explore, expand, and challenge their thinking. We would ask parents to continue to read and discuss literature with their children. up stories in the car as you travel and ask students to infer what people are doing, they are going, what their lives are like. Extend your spoken vocabulary and define for your children. Give them multiple meanings (i.e. Crown, there is a crown of a crown sits on a Kings head, and your forehead can be called the crown of your head).
Make where words hill, a
Additionally we are raising our expectations of the work level and precision of work required of our students. You can expect to hear about Correction Bell and Working Lunch from your children. These are opportunities to do their best work. Our student’s progress towards proficiency and beyond is well within their reach. Thanks to each of you for your support as we grapple with AYP, state accountability, and more rigorous standards. The phone calls and stop by’s to my office have been a blessing. A celebration for us is according to the state accountability model; Sunset Elementary students are meeting expectations. Sunset students also show growth each year on the MAP assessment and are showing proficiency in our district assessments. McTeacher night and the fall fundraiser were successes! Thanks for that. We had a great October PTO meeting with lots of discussion on standards and PTO business. I appreciate the desire for Sunset parents and staff to collaborate for student advancement. We believe it takes a team to ensure our students succeed! Have a wonderful month— stay warm— and feel free to contact me any time with questions or ideas! Sincerely, Mrs. Farmer
Classroom News! Want to see what is happening in your child’s classroom? Please visit the Sunset Teacher Sites by typing in the following link:
School Counselor’s Corner I would like to thank everyone for participating in the National Character Counts Week by dressing up for each of the Six Pillars of Character! It is so important to be a Kid of Character that at Sunset Elementary School we say the Sunset School Creed each and every day; which is: To be a Kid a Character, I'll be worthy of Trust, I'll be Respectful and Responsible, Doing what I must. I will always act with Fairness, I will show that I Care, I will be a good Citizen, And always do my share. Classroom Guidance Activities include learning about the Pillars of Responsibility and Trustworthiness this trimester. As I finish these pillars up this trimester, I will begin teaching Emotion Management to the Kindergarten students, and Impulse Control and Problem Solving strategies to the First through Fifth Grade students from the Second Step Curriculum. Mrs. Baumstarck, Sunset Counselor
Music Room News The music room is busy preparing for the many performance activities just around the corner. November will be over in the blink of an eye making way for a variety of December performances in the Cody community. The 4th and 5th grade students are presently working on their grade level music program. On Tuesday, December 3rd, they will present the musical, ‘The Xmas Files’. The performance will be at Wynona Thompson Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. Ideas for costumes will be coming home in the next two weeks. Remember to mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please call me at school. (587-4279) Thanks, Kari Pinney, Sunset Music Educator
PTO News! What a Huge Success! We raised over $1,000 for our Sunset library! Thank you to all who came and participated in this event. Thank you to Mrs. Farmer, the Sunset Teachers and Staff for working behind the scenes and volunteering at this event!!
Sunset at the Movies –
220 of our Sunset students enjoyed a viewing of “Free Birds” on Friday, November 1 , at Big Horn Cinemas. The kids had a great time! Thanks again to our parent and teacher volunteers for watching over our kids at the movie! We raised over $1,000 for our library and teachers for this event! st
Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is happening right now in your Sunset library! Drop by to purchase some wonderful books for your students. The teachers and the library have bins filled with the books on their “wish list”. Please feel free to purchase one of these books to be used in your child’s classroom. Books purchased for the library will be available for all students to check out. Thanks for your support!
Sunset School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) President — Rebecca Merritt Vice President — Becca Manchester Secretary — Chrystal Rippeto Treasurer — Marcie Barton Sunset PTA E-mail Address: Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions, comments, suggestions and ideas! To our volunteers – we can never say “thanks” enough. We will be contacting you to help with future events! Your Sunset PTO
As the weather turns colder we are all reminded that flu season is just around the corner. It is important to take steps to prevent influenza in your student and your family! Here are some things you can do to try to keep Influenza from invading your household:
GET VACCINATED!!! The short-lived discomfort of the influenza vaccine is much better than actually contracting the virus. Contact Park County Public Health, your physician's office, or any pharmacy to find out more information about vaccination. Keep your students home when they are ill. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher they should not come to school. Your child needs to be fever-free without the aid of medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school. If your child is vomiting or having diarrhea they should be kept at home. Wash your hands! Simple as it sounds, hand washing with soap and water is still the best defense against illnesses such as Influenza. Cover your Cough - help us teach your student to always cover their coughs or sneezes the proper way. I teach them to sneeze or cough into their upper arm (without using their hands) or into a Kleenex. I always remind them to wash their hands after coughing or sneezing! Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of sleep! Keeping a healthy immune system is important to keep illness away during the long winter months.
Windy Smith, RN - Sunset School Nurse
November School Events No School on the following dates in November: Friday, November 8th Monday, November 11th Early release on Wednesday, November 27 th @ 11:45 am Thursday, November 28th Friday, November 29th
Parent/Teacher Conferences K-3 Grades
Monday, November 4th Tuesday, November 5th 3:30-7:00 pm Come meet with your child’s teacher and see the progress they have made in class.
Fall Scholastic Book Fair Monday, November 4th through Thursday, November 7th
November Community Events Paul Stock Aquatic and Recreation Center
Riley Ice Arena Pricing
• NOV 1: New Session of Fitness Classes Begins • NOV 1: Winter Swim Challenge Begins (All Ages, $15/person) • NOV 4: New Session of Adult Aquatic Classes Begins Pools; Days & Times Vary • NOV 4: New Session of Private & Semi-Private Swim Lessons Begins Pools; Monday - Thursday, Times Vary • NOV 4 to 14: Parent-Tot Level 1 (6 Months to 1 1/2 Years Old, $25) Pools; Mon/Tues/Thurs, 5:30 to 6 P • NOV 5 to 26: Gymnastics (Beginner, Advanced Beginner & Pre-Gym, Fees Vary) Gyms; Tues &/or Thurs, Times Vary • NOV 7 to 21: Pick Up Indoor Soccer (Middle School & Older, FREE for members) Gyms; Thursdays, 7:45 to 9:45 P • NOV 8: School’s Out, Stay Safe - Make Tamales, Play Dominoes & Pool Fun (School Age Youth, FREE for members) Gym, Concessions & Pools; 10 A to 2 P • NOV 9: CMS Cody Invitational Swim Meet Pools; 10 A (Pools CLOSED to public) • NOV 11: Veteran’s Day – Regular Facility Hours NO CLASSES TODAY! • NOV 15: HCA Stay Safe - Kids’ Choice (School Age Youth, FREE for members)
Gym, Concessions & Pools; 2:15 to 4:30 P • NOV 15 & 22: Basic Babysitter’s Training (11 to 15 Yrs Old, $55 by NOV 8) Conference Room; Fridays, 2:30 to 7 P • NOV 19 to DEC 10: Turtle “Tales” (2 to 5 Yrs Old, $30 or $9 Drop In) Leisure Pool; Tuesdays, 8:30 to 9:30 A • NOV 22: HCA Stay Safe - Broom Ball, Snack & Pool Fun (School Age Youth, FREE for members) Gym, Concessions & Pools; 2:15 to 4:30 P • NOV 22: Water Float Day (All Ages, FREE for members) Pools; 2 to 5 P • NOV 27: HCA Stay Safe - Turkey Trot, Snack & Pool Fun (School Age Youth, FREE for members) Gym, Concessions & Pools; 2:15 to 4:30 P • NOV 28: Thanksgiving - FACILITY CLOSED! • NOV 29: Regular Facility Hours, NO Classes! • NOV 30: Family Day (All Ages) ******* $5 Entry for Entire Family! *******
Public Skate Prices: $6 for 12 and over; $4 under 12. Group Rates - 11 to 20 skaters = $5 per person 12 and over; $3 under 12 21 or more skaters = $5 per person 12 and over; $2 under 12 Skate Rentals: $3 per session Stick & Puck: $7 Adult Drop-in Hockey: $10 Broomball: $7 Open Figure Skating: $7 Call for Birthday Party pricing
Cody Cubscout Pack 3050 Calling all boys ages 7-11! Cody Cubscout Pack 3050 is always willing to take on another Kid of Character! Contact Den Leader Andy McKnight for details of your den's meeting night and time! 899-4982. We work around sports and you get recognition for school and sport activities! Not "sporty"? The scouting program is for you! Also:
Cubscout Pack 3050 Chilly night Chili Dinner!!! Warm up after the Christmas Parade. Saturday, November 30th after the Christmas Lights Parade. Cody Elks Lodge Cubscout Basement. 7 pm until --? All you can eat Chili. Adults $5. Kids $3. Chili Dog $3. Drinks included.
Buffalo Bill Center of the West November 15: Family Fun Day—Tasty Traditions. Enjoy activities that are all about food! Dutch oven cooking, samples, recipes, and learning how animals store food for the winter. Find out more. Free for members; $10 per family for non-members.
Park County Library
Lego Club for grades K-5 will be Friday, November 8th from 10:30-11:30 am, and Friday, November 22nd from 2:15-3:15.
In the Children’s Library:
supply the Legos; you supply the imagination.
Children’s Resource Center Playgroup for ages
Sign up for one or both programs in person, by
1-3, 9:30-10:30 am Fridays, Nov. 1 and Nov. 15.
email, or by phone, as space is limited.
During the winter they will meet on the first and
Regular Programs – drop-ins are welcome
third Fridays of the month.
Welcome back to
this important collaboration.
OPEN for Veterans Day, Monday Nov. 11
Harvest Art for ages 4-grade 2, 10:30-11:30
CLOSED Thursday–Sunday, Nov.28-Dec. 1 for
am, Saturday, Nov 9, taught by volunteer art
the Thanksgiving holiday.
teacher Paige Bacon.
For a complete calendar please go to this
Mondays: Toddler Time 10:00-10:20 am, for ages 12-36 months with parent or caregiver. Short stories, music, movement, and finger plays develop a comfort in the library. Tuesdays and Wednesdays – Story Time, 10:00-10:45 am for ages 3-6. Stories are based on a theme each week, accompanied by games, songs, and crafts promote early literacy.
For more information, call the Children’s Library at 527-1884 or email librarian Holly Baker, or visit
Sleepy Time Stories the first Monday evening of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm. This is an
evening story time for the whole family featuring great new books.
Kids may come in pajamas,
bring a stuffed animal or pillow if they’d like. This October program will be EXTRA-special with our favorite guest reader, Mr., Dave and birthday cake by Wildflour Desserts, celebrating the FIFTH birthday of our beautiful library! Please join the fun – we love our library. Read to a Dog every Tuesday afternoon from 3:45-4:45 pm.
This is wonderful oral reading
Yellowstone Quake Home Games Catch all the action at the Victor J. Riley Arena (1400 Heart Mountain St.). For a complete season schedule, visit their website. http://yellowstonequake.pointstreaksit
listeners, and this program is proven to help fluency. Call, email or stop by to sign up for a 15 minute session.
OPENING Saturday NOVEMBER 16th!!