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High Desert Approved and Prohibited Plant List

Desert Accent

An accent plant is a tree or shrub with interesting characteristics that is placed as a landscape highlight. The table’s height and width ranges are estimates, water tends to increase the values. Once desert plants are mature, they do not need irrigation.

Planting Instructions:

Succulent plants less than 8 inches can be planted near buildings and under trees. Plant and water according to instructions. Do not plant tall woody accent plants near structures, under trees or near shrubs.

Maintenance Instructions: Remove dead stems, branches, and leaves Typically, these are native plants. They only need rain and snow moisture. Trim the grass around large cactus to a height of 4 inches. Trimming should be in a circular pattern with a diameter of twice the diameter of the plant.

Fire Intensity & Propagation:

Fire intensity and propagation may depend on specific plant selection. They generally do not contribute to spot fires. The height and widths of the plants is the plant’s fire load and its potential fire propagation size. Succulents hold a lot of moisture and cannot carry fire. Some aging herbaceous plants may have a little wood enabling small flames with low radiant intensity heat. The smaller the plants height, the fire propagation risk is for horizontal fires, not vertical.

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