1 minute read

High Desert Approved and Prohibited Plant List

Revised November 15, 2022


Firewise Reference

Firewise USA Residents Reducing Wildfire Risks, National Fire Protection Association, NFPA - Firewise USA®, (https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire/Firewise-USA)

For the table information the following were used

Identification of plants’ common, scientific, and family names. Wikipedia, https://www.wikipedia.org/

Identification of Plants’ New Mexico native status. USDA Plants Database, https://plants.usda.gov/home

Identification of plants’ height and width. Used Google.

Identification of plants FireWise status used the following references. If could not find in these documents, then reported as “Unavailable.” They do studies on the flammability of plants it is used by state as guidance for plant in communal areas.

Arizona Tom DeGomez, Jeff Schalau, Chris Jones, and Steve Campbell, FIREWISE Plant Materials for 3,000 ft. and Higher Elevations, The University of Arizona. az1289.pdf (arizona.edu), (https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1289.pdf)

Californi a Theodor Payne, California Native Plant List, California Native Plant Society & City of Big Bear Lake Fire Department, Fire-Resistant Plant List (firesafesdcounty.org), (http://firesafesdcounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Comprehensive-Fire-Resistant-PlantList.pdf )

Californi a Smart Gardening Information Sheet FIRE-WISE GARDENING, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Countywide Smart Gardening, Microsoft Word - SG-7 Fire-wise Gardening Fact Sheet.doc (lacounty.gov)


Colorado F.C. Dennis, FireWise Plant Materials – 6.305, Colorado State University Extension, FireWise Plant Materials - 6.305 - Extension (colostate.edu) (https://extension.colostate.edu/topicareas/natural-resources/firewise-plant-materials-6-305/)

Idaho Roger Rosentreter, Brett Van Paepeghem, and Ann DeBolt, Fire Resistance of Plants Master Database & Placement of Species Within Firewise Landscape Zones, Fire Resistance of Plants Master Database.pdf (idahofirewise.org)

New Mexico NM state Forestry, Fire Wise Plant Materials, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division, Wui plant list.doc (nm.gov)


Montana Cheryl Moore-Gough, Fire-Resistant Plants for Montana Landscapes, Montana State University

Extensionhttps://apps.msuextension.org/montguide/guide.html?sku=MT200101AG, MSU Extension | Montana State University, (https://apps.msuextension.org/montguide/guide.html?sku=MT200101AG)

Nevada Heidi Kratsch and Rick Heflebower, Gardening Guide for High-Desert Urban Landscapes of Great Basin Regions in Nevada and Utah, University of Nevada Cooperative extension SP1309, https://www.fs.usda.gov/rm/pubs_other/rmrs_2013_kratsch_h002.pdf

Ohio Fire Performance Plant Selector, Plant List, (https://fire.sref.info/)

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