The Lake Erie Beacon April 11 2014

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Serving Lake Erie’s North Shore Friday April 11, 2014

HMCS Prevost is a Naval Reserve unit based in London. It is also the home of The Battle of the Atlantic STORY PAGE 3 Memorial.




Port Stanley Report During the past two years the PSVA has worked towards the development of a dog beach. STORY PAGE 5

Count Your Turtles, Toads and Tulip-Trees Updated natural heritage information for Elgin County is urgently needed. STORY PAGE 6

Site of a new public boat launch

Spot dredged West Harbour walkway


First, Council reviewed Transport Canada’s (TC) commitment for the environmental clean up of the harbour lands. TC held a public meeting at the arena 28 January 2014 with all this information currently

Community Events

Page 6

Classifieds & Service Directory Page 7 Business Roladex

Pages 4 & 8

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Potential continuation of the west Breakwater shown in red.

The following information was provided, and discussed, at the “Harbour Vision Committee” meeting of 25 March 2014. Members of this committee include the Port Stanley Business Association and the Port Stanley Village Association. Other stakeholders include our local fishermen and Elgin County’s tourism and economic development branch.


East Harbour walkway

The Berm

Above: Map of Port Stanley harbour showing areas that will be worked on this year. Left: A view of the harbour looking south.

posted on Central Elgin’s web site. The bottom line is that no action is likely to be seen on the property until 2016. While this may be disappointing, it is because the process requires time and due diligence because the clean up will be conducted to meet Ontario standards rather than federal standards. This delay in any development on the “berm” provided some impetus for Council to consider projects that could, and should, be completed in the

short term. First, early this year Riggs Engineering provided the municipality with plans for repairs to the ‘cribs’ under the west breakwater. This work was paid for by the federal government in 2009. The engineering is ready and this work will be necessary to the future rebuilding of the breakwater. One half million dollars has been allocated. Most of this will be underwater work conducted during the good weather of 2014. Next, one million dollars has been allocated for dredging work. The depth sounding surveys conducted last year shows the harbour does not actually need immediate dredging. The plan is to prepare for focused spot dredging and the maintenance dredging which Continued On Page 5

Most Anglers Obey Ice Fishing Rules Kevin Sprague Lake Erie Enforcement Unit



DOC Building



Areas shown in yellow to be spot dredged

Port Stanley: Recently Central Elgin Council reviewed their plans for Port Stanley’s harbour for 2014. Following consultation with Riggs Engineering of London Ontario specific budget allocations were made with the funds from the harbour divestiture of September 2010.

In Port Burwell, the sky was black and the trees full of blackbirds. STORY PAGE 4



Dan McNeil

Port Burwell Report


Repairs to the west Breakwater

TAC recommendations are developed after thorough lakewide biological assessments, analysis, discussions, and consultations with stakeholders.. STORY PAGE 2

HMCS Prevost Meet and Greet



Lake Erie Committee Recommends 2014 Yellow Perch and Walleye Catch Levels

New seawall to contain dredge material. The area shown in red to be filled.



$1,800,000 for harbour improvements EDITH CAVELL BLV

Our annual April Fools story grabbed the attention of several people. Some were suspicious and called or Emailed but we hope you enjoyed “Teaching squirrels to fly” on page 4 of our March 28th edition.


April Fools

Most anglers checked during the recent ice fishing season by the Ministry of Natural Resources Lake Erie enforcement unit were obeying the rules. Conservation officers conducted numerous patrols on the ice-covered waters of Lake St. Clair, the St. Clair River, Lake Erie, Rondeau Bay, the Detroit River and the Thames River, from the second week of January until the third week of March. In total, 1,580 resident anglers and 600 non-resident anglers were checked, and overall compliance with Ontario’s sport fishing and public safety-related legislation was found to be 82 per cent. A total of 104 charges and 290

warnings were issued for the following offences: • fishing without a licence • catching and keeping too many yellow perch • fishing with too many lines • failing to register ice fishing huts • being more than 60 metres away from fishing lines • failing to maintain a clear and unobstructed view of a fishing line • fishing without carrying a licence • littering on public land. Officers also issued charges and warnings related to safety infractions under the Liquor Licence Act, Off-Road Vehicles Act and the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act.

With the open water season just around the corner, conservation officers will continue patrolling the local waterways for compliance with Ontario’s sport fishing and public safety-related legislation. Anglers are reminded that it is illegal to bring any live fish, crayfish, leeches or salamanders into Ontario for use as bait or to use invasive species as bait. For further information on fishing regulations and bait restrictions, please consult the Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary, available at To report a natural resources violation, call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry’s office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Page 2 • The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014

Lake Erie Committee Recommends 2014 Yellow Perch and Walleye Catch Levels

American fleet in Sackets Harbor and capture Oswego, restoring British control of Lake Ontario in the War of 1812 and ending the threat of US invasion of Kingston, Ontario


April 19: Lt Col Robert McDouall and the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles leave Glengarry Landing to reinforce Fort Michilimackinac, held by the British.

The Lake Erie Committee

Yellow Perch

April 20: The British ship HMS Orpheus defeats USS Frolic in the Caribbean

Windsor, ON – The Lake Erie Committee, composed of senior fishery managers from Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, and Pennsylvania, met in Windsor Ontario this week and recommended a 2014 total allowable catch (TAC) of 11.081 million pounds of yellow perch and 4.027 million walleye . These recommended harvest levels represent a modest decrease in allowable yellow perch harvest and a modest increase in walleye harvest for 2014.

The Lake Erie Committee recommended a 2014 binational TAC of 11.081 million pounds of yellow perch, a 9% decrease from last year’s allocation of 12.237 million pounds. The proposed harvest level is based on biological assessments— conducted and analyzed by biologists from all jurisdictions on Lake Erie—that showed a moderate decline in yellow perch biomass in the lake. Lake Erie Committee members together concluded that the harvestable stocks of yellow perch will be lower in 2014 than last year, necessitating a reduced TAC. The proposed TAC, after deliberations with stakeholders through the LEPMAG process, reflects the committee’s interest in maintaining stability in harvest while ensuring yellow perch sustainability.

April 20: Napoleon says farewell to his Old Guard and is exiled to Elba.

TAC recommendations are developed after thorough lakewide biological assessments, analysis, discussions, and consultations with stakeholders. The Lake Erie Committee, which operates by consensus, also supports the Lake Erie Percid Management Advisory Group, or LEPMAG, as a mechanism to consider the status of walleye and yellow perch and to discuss harvest strategies with affected stakeholders, such as commercial and recreational fishers. This structured stakeholder engagement reflects the committee’s interest in involving the fishing community in actions related to management of Lake Erie’s percid fisheries. The Lake Erie Committee recommends TACs that are consistent with the status of Lake Erie’s fish population while maintaining stable harvest levels, as informed through the LEPMAG process. The individual provincial and state governments adhere to and implement the TAC recommendations consistent with their respective regulations and management objectives.

Published by Kettle Creek Publishing Ltd. 204 (A) Carlow Road Port Stanley, ON N5L 1C5 Telephone: 519.782.4563

1814, April 14: On learning of Napoleon's downfall, James Madison immediately repeals the Embargo Act of 1807 and the Non-importation Act; calls for an immediate repeal of the trade embargo with neutral nations, signaling a major reassessment of American war aims and strategy. April 15: Kingston Navy Dockyard launches two new British warships, the HMS Prince Regent and the HMS Princess Charlotte; under Commodore Sir James Yeo. They will blockade the

April 25: British Royal Navy extends its blockade to New England. April 25: U.S. President Madison approves General Dearborn's sentence of death against General William Hull, but remits the execution because of the officer's impressive Revolutionary War record of service; he orders Hull's name struck from the army roll, but later pardons Hull. Fort Michilimackinac located on Mackinac Island where Lakes Michigan and Huron meet. Known as the Gibraltar of the Great Lakes.

The five jurisdictions on the lake share Lake Erie’s yellow perch based on an area-based formula. Under the 2014 TAC recommendation, Ontario will receive 5.409 million pounds, Ohio 4.418 million pounds, Michigan 0.145 million pounds, New York 0.259 million pounds, and Pennsylvania 0.850 million pounds. Scientists and field biologists from all jurisdictions meet annually and on an ongoing basis to analyze fisheries and agency data in order to estimate population levels and recommend the annual TAC.

Walleye Informed by a harvest policy recently developed in consultation Continued On Page 4

Publisher/Editor Andrew Hibbert Advertising Linda Hibbert

Letters to the Editor The Lake Erie Beacon is a community newspaper published every second Friday by Kettle Creek Publishing Ltd. Over 5800 copies are delivered by Canada Post to homes, apartments and businesses along the north shore of Lake Erie. The Beacon is also available through Variety Stores, Restaurants, Inns and B&B’s in Dutton, West Lorne, Rodney, St. Thomas, Copenhagen and Port Stanley bringing our distribution to 6800. The Lake Erie Beacon shall not be liable for changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of advertisements or other similar material that has been included in this publication. We reserve the right to edit all submissions including letters to the editor which must be signed and include your name, address and phone number, be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander. Anonymous letters will not be published. Articles written by freelance writers do not necessarily reflect the views of The Lake Erie Beacon.

The Advertising Deadline is: Friday Noon Prior to Publication. Member: Member: Member: Member: Member:

Andrew Hibbert

Distribution Audited by CCNA Ontario Community Newspaper Association Canadian Community Newspaper Association St. Thomas and District Chamber of Commerce Dutton/Dunwich Chamber of Commerce Elgin Tourism Services

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HealthTalk Small Bites, Big Threats

April 7th, 2014 is a significant day. Not only was it my daughters 8th birthday (where does the time go?) but it was also the World Health Organizations’ Annual World Health Day. This year’s theme focuses on vector borne diseases. “Vector-borne diseases” are infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites that living creatures carry and pass on to other living creatures. Disease carriers, called “vectors,” are usually mosquitoes, ticks and mammals (such as cats and farm animals). Some local vector borne diseases include: Toxoplasmosis, Lyme Disease, Avian Influenza and West Nile Virus. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite found in birds and mammals, especially cats and farm animals. People with healthy immune systems usually have no symptoms or mild flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, muscle aches and tiredness). However, the fetuses (unborn babies) of pregnant women can be severely affected. Anyone who is pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant should follow precautions around household cats and with handling meat. People can catch Toxoplasmosis by cleaning cat litter boxes; working in gardens or playing in sandboxes that contain cat feces; eating raw or undercooked meat or drinking unpasteurized milk. Lyme disease I’ve talked about previously, so I won’t go into detail. Suffice to know that it’s a vector borne disease that is transmitted by ticksblack legged ticks (formerly known as deer ticks).

Steve Bond,

BScPhm, RPh, CDE Pharmacist/Manager

Mosquitos can transmit diseases such as West Nile Virus (WNV). WNV was first isolated in Africa in 1937 and first found in North America in 1999. It has established itself in nearly all of the United States and much of Canada. Symptoms of WNV include: fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, occasional skin rash (on the trunk of the body), and swollen lymph glands. While the illness can last as short as a few days, even healthy people have reported being sick for several weeks. The time between the mosquito bite and the onset of symptoms, called the incubation period, is between three and 15 days. Vector Control is a method of reducing transmission rates and includes: Habitat Control (such as stagnant water removal, destruction of old tires and cans which serve as mosquito breeding environments); Reducing Contact (examples include window screens on homes, or protective clothing to reduce the likelihood contact with vectors); Chemical Control using insecticides, larvicides, rodenticides, and use of personal repellents can reduce incidence of insect bites and thus infection. ; Biological Control such as the use of natural vector predators, such as bacterial toxins or botanical compounds, can help control vector populations. Take care of yourself and each other. For more information, check out our blog: 519 Talbot Street, St. Thomas 631-3330 PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION AVAILABLE CONVENIENT HOURS: Monday to Friday 9 am - 9 pm, Saturday 9 am - 6pm, Sunday 10 am - 4 pm

The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014 • Page 3 the inner harbor at Port Stanley, was acquired. For practical training in seamanship, Prevost keeps several RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) at this water-based facility in the village. This training location is used on a regular basis and has been one of the Port Stanley/Sparta Doors Open venues on several occasions. They will be open for tours again this year during the local Doors Open on Saturday, September 20th, 2014.

Current operations

HMCS Prevost Meet and Greet Andrew Hibbert Wednesday April 2nd saw the annual HMCS Prevost "stone frigate" open house at their London facility at 19 Becher Street, overlooking the Forks of the Thames. This was an opportunity to visit with the ships company, tour the facilities, observe training and learn about upcoming events. HMCS Prevost is a Naval Reserve unit based in London. It is also the home of The Battle of the Atlantic Memorial. The facility was named after the HMS Sir George Prevost a 20-gun freshwater sloop of war, launched at the Kingston Royal Naval Dockyard, in Upper Canada, on 5 May 1813. She served with a crew of 220 in the British naval squadron on Lake Ontario during the War of 1812. The sloop was later renamed the HMS Wolfe. The ship was originally named for Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost who was the British Governor General of Canada and the military commander during the 1812-1814 War. The Prevost facility dates back to 1938 and was originally located in the Darch Building on Talbot Street, and the Market Square was used for its parade training. During the hostility of World War II, HMCS Prevost enrolled 4,480 officers, men and Wrens (Women's Royal Naval Service) into the Royal Canadian Navy. HMCS Prevost is properly referred to as a ship, since it has been officially christened as Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Prevost. There is a bow, a stern and a port side and a starboard side. However, since the ship is part of the reserves the majority of its sailors do not operate on a full-time basis, though there is a small staff of regulars that do. After 25 years of service, in late 1963, the Minister of National Defence announced a drastic curtailment of expenditures for defence purposes. Among "economies" to be affected was the closing of six Naval Reserve Divisions. Among those six, was HMCS Prevost. The paying off HMCS Prevost the land-locked "stone frigate", brought home the reality of Service integration

Above: HMCS Prevost personnel giving Harbour tours during a Doors Open event in Port Stanley. as their building was turned over to the Western Ontario Area Command Headquarters for the use of Army Militia Units. In 1990 HMCS Prevost was recommissioned as a Naval Reserve Division of Maritime Command. Since HMCS Prevost has been a permanent Naval Division they have been offering specialized training that includes personal arms training, navigation, radar, communications, seamanship, gunnery and engineering. Permanent force Staff Officers are appointed to assist with the administration and specialized training. Reserve recruiting draws from Western University and Fanshaw College students with the occasional high school grad, the ships company has members of all ages and from a broad spectrum of professions including doctors, lawyers, mechanics, engineers and journalists.

The Port Stanley facility In October 1950 a boathouse property, situated immediately south of the lift bridge on the west side of


The present Commanding Officer is Lt-Cmdr. Ian Findlater. During the summer months, Prevost reserve sailors continue to serve on all classes of ship on both coasts and the great lakes and have served on many occasions overseas on UN and NATO tours of duty, along with harbour defense units. In Canada personnel have assisted with the ice storms in Ontario, flooding in Manitoba and Quebec and overseas in Bosnia, Haiti and Afghanistan. Around the world, you will find members of London's Naval Reserve Division. All of the ships company are part

of the Naval Reserve and as such are paid for their duty. Many students particularly those attending UWO in London receive an annual grant towards their education as well as pay for their part-time work. Those university students who plan to make the navy their career can then go on to the Royal Military College in Kingston to receive an advanced degree and a commission as a Naval officer. The Canadian Navy then covers a portion of their education. The Naval Reserve is open to both genders and at present over forty percent of the HMCS Prevost ships company are female. HMCS Prevost has other roles in the boating community of Southwestern Ontario. It currently serves as the teaching home of London Power and Sail Squadron, a unit of Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, a volunteer organization teaching safe boating to the general public. LPS teaches courses in Basic Boating, Seamanship, Advanced Piloting and Celestial Navigation, along with a number of elective courses such as Navigating With GPS, Continued On Page 7

Come and Dine Jesus said unto them “Come and dine”. John 21:12 Mark your calendar for 5 pm April 19, 2014 You are invited to come to a FREE Turkey Supper at Parkside Collegiate Institute 241 Sunset Drive, St Thomas, ON N5R 3C2 Receive a free gift and enjoy a time of fellowship, singing, and Bible talk. If you need a ride please call William at 519-317-1663

No collection will be taken. In Isaiah 55:1 it says,” Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price”.

“Oh, have you not heard of that wonderful love,” Oh, have you not heard of that wonderful love, That flows from God's heart so free, Which led Him to give for a perishing world His Son to be nailed to the tree? Believe that wonderful love, Believe that wonderful love, The gospel is free, God sends it to thee, Believe God's wonderful love.


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Then will you not prove this wonderful love, That flows from God's heart so free, Which led Him to give, that sinners might live, His Son to be nailed to the tree? For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Brought to you by those He has gathered at 20 Trafalgar St. St. Thomas. (519-317-1663)

Page 4 • The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014 should contact the group’s chair John Blankenship, at (519) 7738794.


PBRA memberships for 2014 are now available from any current board member. The cost of a voting membership remains $20 for the year. Be sure to get your membership before the annual meeting!

Cathy Crane

Port Bruce Ratepayers Association Meeting

Mark your calendars Be sure to mark your calendars with some upcoming events in Port Bruce, including:

The monthly meeting of the Port Bruce Ratepayers Association (PBRA) was held on April 3rd, with eight board members present. Confirmation was received from the Township of Malahide that they were successful in their application for a grant to complete a master plan for Port Bruce. Part of the development of the plan will involve public consultation. Watch for further details for your opportunity for input.

• Ratepayers Annual Meeting – May 24, 2014, 10 a.m. at the pavilion • Spring Community Clean-up – May 24, 2014, 1 p.m. at the pavilion • Perch Derby – July 5 & 6th, 2014, at the pavilion. Lots of great prizes • Yard sale day – July 26, 2014

Other discussion included plans for the annual meeting to be held on May 24th, 10:00 a.m. at the pavilion. Election of board members will be on the agenda, as well as a review of the operating guidelines. Anyone wishing to run for a position on the board or if you have questions about the Port Burwell Ratepayers Association

• Community dance – August 2, 2014, 8 p.m., at the pavilion • Fish fry – September, 2014 (date to be confirmed). Watch for further details of each of these events!

such as salamanders as spring breaks. Amphibians as a species are threatened. For information on how individuals can make a difference, call Luke Stephenson, 874-4208.


OVN Meetings & Events Join in several public meetings and events with local and regional conservation and field naturalist groups, and get the chance to learn about taking part in the Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory.

Allan Spicer

Polestars in action On May 14, Hydro One will be coming back to Port Burwell. Port Burwell Public School students will be downtown participating in the hydro pole beautification event, complete with a student band from St. Thomas, the Moore Street Underground. Other area schools have been invited.

April 14, 2014, 7:00 pm Otter Valley Naturalists Port Burwell Public School TALK: Discovering Nature: Pathways to Healthier Kids & Stronger, Closer Families

OVN Cornucopia On March 22, local birders, from the Otter Valley Naturists (OVN), had a good outing, covering Big Creek, Port Rowan Lagoons, the Long Point Causeway, Long Point Region Conservation Authority and all roads in between. Fifty five species were recorded included 3132 Tundra Swans, only 479 Canada Geese, 29 Sandhill Cranes, 390 Redheads, 13 Common Mergansers, 6 Turkey Vultures and 1 mute swan. In Port Burwell, the sky was black and the trees full of blackbirds. Their loud chatter perhaps heralded spring at last. Earlier in the week I spotted a single red winged black bird, a not so common species these days.

Amphibian Watch Luke Stephenson urges residents to enjoy nature and look for amphibians

April 17, 2014, 8 pm West Elgin Nature Club TALK: 'Butterfly Whisperer' and author Brenda Kulon Grace Anglican Church Hall, Morden St., West Lorne May 2, 2014, 7:30 pm St. Thomas Field Naturalists TALK: Sciensational Snakes – will include mostly native snakes Knox Presbyterian Church file://localhost/x-msg/::2: - TOP Do More for Nature GROW WILD! Over the past three years, we have been collecting Grow Wild! pledges to track the success of our outreach programs. Grow Wild! has allowed us to capture what people want to do for healthy habitats, and has allowed us to gather stories about some of the many activities that are taking place throughout Carolinian Canada. Why not join a nature club this spring? It is a perfect way to get outside and learn more about nature.

2014 Yellow Perch and Walleye Catch Levels Continued From Page 2 with LEPMAG members, and on a new population assessment model developed in conjunction with stakeholders and Michigan State University, the Lake Erie Committee today set a 2014 walleye TAC of 4.027 million fish, compared to the TAC of 3.356 million fish in 2013. The increased TAC recommendation for 2014 reflects the committee’s goal to manage the lakewide fish stocks sustainably while integrating stakeholder input into the process. Walleye hatches have been generally poor in recent years, though some year classes, particularly those in 2010 and 2003 have been moderate to exceptional, contributing to the stability of the walleye fishery and allowing for an increased TAC over last year. The Province of Ontario and the states of Ohio and Michigan share the TAC based on a formula of walleye habitat within each jurisdiction in the western and central basins of the lake. Under a 2014 TAC of 4.027 million fish, Ohio will be entitled to 2.058 million fish, Ontario 1.734 million fish, and Michigan 0.235 million fish. Because the majority of harvest comes from the western portion of Lake Erie, jurisdictions in the eastern end of the lake are outside the TAC area. Harvest limits in the eastern basin are established separately by Ontario, Pennsylvania, and New York and remain consistent with lakewide conditions and objectives. Scientists and field biologists from all Lake Erie jurisdictions, meeting as the Walleye Task Group, share data and reach consensus on biological conditions. The task group’s walleye abundance estimates, which incorporate suggestions from LEPMAG, serve as the foundation for the Lake Erie Committee’s discussions and TAC recommendations. Like yellow perch, each Lake Erie jurisdiction is responsible for implementing their portion of the TAC.


The Lake Erie Percid Management Advisory Group (LEPMAG) The Lake Erie Percid Management Advisor Group was first convened in 2010 and serves as the primary method to incorporate stakeholder needs and objectives into the Lake Erie yellow perch and walleye decision-making process. LEPMAG consists of senior representatives from all provincial and state jurisdictions on the lake, recreational fishers, commercial fishers, and other interested organizations. Through LEPMAG, fishery managers and stakeholders work together to identify the harvest policies for Lake Erie percids that meet the needs of all stakeholders while maintaining stability in the percid fishery. Michigan State University’s Quantitative Fisheries Center facilitates the LEPMAG process. Walleye are now being fully managed through the recommendations and population objectives developed through LEPMAG. This will be documented by the LEC as they draft and complete the revised Walleye Management Plan this year. The main focus of LEPMAG will now shift to developing population objectives and harvest strategy development for yellow perch in Lake Erie. This process is expected to take approximately two years.

The Lake Erie Committee The Lake Erie Committee comprises fishery managers from Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania. The committee’s work is facilitated by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, a Canadian and U.S. agency on the Great Lakes. Each year the committee recommends a total allowable catch for walleye and yellow perch. Total allowable catch represents the number or weight of fish recommended to be caught by sport and commercial fishers without putting the fisheries at risk. The individual agencies implement the recommended total allowable catch. For more information, visit the Lake Erie Committee online at Footnote: Yellow perch are allocated in pounds; walleye are allocated by number of fish.


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The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014 • Page 5

Figure Skating Medalists 35 members of the Port Stanley Skating Club shone brightly at the recent Futures Central Invitation Competition held in Port Stanley. Medalists are: front row, left to right: Katherine Easton Gremonprez - Silver; Akadia Ndur Gold; Riley Palmer - Gold; Megan Gaylard Bronze; Jaydon Ritter - Gold; Madelynn Clark Silver. Second row left to right: Clarissa Cron - Gold; Lindsey Shivers - Silver; Naomi Morrow - Gold; Emma Hind - Gold; Ella DeMille - Silver; Alexia Platt - Silver; Victoria Wilson - Silver; Olivia Summers - Silver; Rachel Wouters - Silver. Back row left to right: Colleen Black - Silver; Sabryn Johnson - Silver; Dakota Dawdy - Gold; Emma Blewett - Bronze; Veronica VanBroekhoven - Gold; Colm Ritter - Gold. PSSC skaters are now practising for their annual carnival - Let the Stars Shine - to be held April 12. Wanda Tully Publicity Chair

$1,800,000 for harbour improvements Continued From Page 1 will be required in the future. The plan will create a dredgeate basin as part of the northeast portion of the west breakwater (see diagram). This has many positive aspects including getting pedestrian traffic to the ‘knuckle’ of the breakwater, creating new parkland and forming part of a pier for the next project – a public boat launch to be located at the site where the rail car ferry used to berth on the southern end of the west pier. Two hundred thousand dollars has been allocated to build the public boat launch. This was only made possible because the municipality bought the Lakes Terminals property and made it into a parking lot last year. This will attract boaters who wish to launch their boat for a couple hours or the day. TC divestiture funds cannot be used for this because this is not part of the original port infrastructure. Interest earned on the $13.5M over the last several years will be used. Eventually the operation, including paid parking for trailers, is expected to pay for itself. The municipality has applied for Ontario, ‘Rural Economic Development’ funds for the boat launch and also for engineering to continue the harbour walkway to the eastern side of the port lands. Finally, one hundred thousand dollars has been allocated for an environmental assessment and engineering for the potential continuation of the west breakwater in an east-west alignment. This study is required to determine if it is feasible to turn Port Stanley’s harbour into a protected small craft harbour. An extended breakwater would block the swells and surges that normally come through the entrance especially with southwesterly storms. Most of the projects outlined here require various levels of government approvals, the most complex being the extension of the breakwater. Much of the work can only be done after the fish spawning season. Council expects the breakwater to be tendered in late spring, the dredging project could begin during the summer and the boat launch work will probably not begin until the fall. (Daniel McNeil is a retired Rear Admiral in the Canadian Navy and, along with his wife Kathy, a resident of Port Stanley. Dan is the municipal councillor for Port Stanley)


Conservation Authority to establish an off leash dog park at the Dan Patterson Conservation Area. Regards, Don Leitch

Andrew Hibbert

PSVA looking for dedicated dog beach During the past two years the Port Stanley Village Association (PSVA) has worked towards the development of a dog beach, where local pet owners could take their dogs without fear of fines. It was suggested that the small beach area, south of the McAsphalt tanks, part of the outer harbour, might work as a dog friendly beach.

In answer to correspondence from PSVA Chair Linda Easton, Don Leitch, Central Elgin Chief Administrative Officer & Clerk commented: Staff have not received any further direction from Council respecting the establishment of a dog beach. Over the past year, the Municipality has been focused on partnering with the City of St. Thomas and the Kettle Creek

Linda Easton replied: Thank you for your reply, Don but I hope the issue of a dog beach in Port Stanley is still under discussion. The fact is that we already have many people walking their dogs on the beach and, at present, they do not obey the "no dog" signs. We need to establish a reasonable, easily enforced bylaw that is fair to both dog owners and beach goers.

Nominate a Conservation Hero Carolinian Canada Every year, we accept nominations to celebrate the individuals, groups and youth who care for our unique nature in southwestern Ontario.

The PSVA had discussed the possibility of the area south of the McAsphalt tanks as a dog beach since many dog owners already go there but I understand that the area will be filled with dredging material and eventually become parkland. In the meantime, perhaps that could become a temporary dog beach for the next summer.

Everyone has a different reason to do more for nature. Youth want to save wildlife. Grandparents think about leaving a legacy. Farmers want to protect soil quality. Municipal leaders envision communities with clean air and water for all. Community groups work to protect a natural area close to their heart. Help us celebrate all this great work!

Donation of original Stork Club bench

We are seeking nominations for our 2014 Conservation Awards in the categories:

Penny Crichton, a board member with The Stork Club Big Band Museum & Hall of Fame received a call from a lady who lives in the Carlow Road Townhouses across from the school in Port Stanley. She had an old cement style bench that she said had been situated outdoors at the original Stork Club on Main Beach. It had been acquired by her parents when the original Stork Club closed after the fire in 1979.

Individual: may be a dedicated landowner, stakeholder, professional or volunteer who has acted above and beyond expectations.

She wanted to pass the bench on to someone who will cherish it for its Stork Club heritage. The bench was gratefully received by The Stork Club Big Band Museum & Hall of Fame and has been moved to a temporary location. It is hoped that it can be installed in a public garden area, with a commemorative plaque, for the public to enjoy.

Group: an organization, partnership or project that has contributed greatly towards the conservation of natural heritage within the Carolinian life zone. Youth: may be a young person, youth group or youth program that is active in protecting Carolinian Canada's unique nature. Lifetime Achievement: a group or individual that has contributed exceptionally over many years. Nominate Today! Find more information at OR by calling 519-4337077


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Page 6 • The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014

North Shore Community Events F E S T I V A L S


Port Stanley Community Policing Requires volunteers. To help protect your village, call 519-782-3934 or Carroll at 519-782-7616, email Port Stanley Library 782-4241 304 Bridge St. Mon, Tues, Thurs, 10 - 8:30 Fri 1 - 5, Sat 9 - 1. Children’s Programs Kidz Korner Games, crafts, stories Monday Evenings 6 6:45pm (grade 1 and older) Pajama Rama Join us for Bedtime Story Time! Monday Evenings 7 7:30pm (all ages with an adult) Pre school Story Time Stories, songs and crafts! Tuesday Mornings at 10:15am (0 5 years with an Adult) Lego Mania! Saturday Mornings from 10am 12:30pm Any donations of LEGO are greatly appreciated! (with adult) Girls Club Registration is now open for a 6 session series for girls grades 4-6! (every other Thursday from April 3—June 12) First meeting will be Thursday, April 3, 4:30-5:30pm. Please ask for more details or to register for this series! Boys Club Are you interested in a Boys Club for ages 8-12 on Thursday Evenings? Ask for more info or to register!! Itty Bitty Knitty Commitee Bring your knitted or crochet project, learn from others! Thursday, April 10 at 2pm & Thursday, April 24 at 7pm Christ Anglican Church Sunday Morning Service, 9:30 am with Eucharist. We invite all to join in worship with us. Coffee follows downstairs. Al-Anon Meeting, Christ Anglican Church 7:30 pm every Friday. If there is an alcohol/drug problem of a family member or friend that is affecting you, the Alanon Family Groups may be able to help you. The Port Stanley Choir announces their next concert. “Remember The 60’s” held at the Port Stanley Festival Theatre, May 3rd 7:30 pm and May 4th 2:30 and 7:30 pm. $5 tickets available from choir members or call Evelyn at (519) 782-3919 St. John's Presbyterian Church Tom Jeffrey Pastor. Sunday Worship 10 am followed by Fellowship Hour. The Door is always open, why not join us? St. John's Presbyterian Church Good Friday breakfast April 18, 9 a.m., followed by a Three Church Cross Walk, starting at St. John's 10 am, proceeding to the Anglican Church and then back to the United Church. Sunday Worship 10 am followed by Fellowship Hour. Port Stanley United Church Service of Worship at 11 am followed by a time of fellowship. Come join us. We are now wheelchair friendly and barrier free. Port Stanley United Church Big Breakfast, Palm Sunday April 13, pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, etc., Adults $6, Children $4, under 6 free, 8-10 am. Service at 11am. Port Stanley United Church Good Friday Cross Walk. 9 am, light breakfast followed by a 10 am short service at St. John’s Presbyterian Church. The cross will be carried to Christ Anglican Church and then to Port Stanley United Church. Approximately 20 minutes at each church. Port Stanley United Church Alcoholics Anonymous meets Thursday 8 pm, Call 782-3056. VON Foot Care Clinic April 24th at The Villa Apts, 289 Frances Street 8 - 11:30 a.m. Call 519-782-4089 for appointment. Sponsored by the Port Stanley Lioness Club. St. John's Presbyterian Church Youth Group April 11 or 25 ? Pizza, games and movies (7:00 to 9:00) Heritage Port Next meeting is April 24th 1:30 pm, United Church, on Colborne Street. Post Card books Vol. 1 & Vol 2 now available, $90 each, Port Stanley the First 100 Years, $25. Get yours at the Lake Erie Beacon, 204-A Carlow Road, side door, 1-5 pm. Proceeds to Heritage Port. Port Stanley & Community 55+ Club Meets every Monday 1:30 -4 pm to play Euchre at the Port Stanley Arena. For info call 519-782-4801 (John Brenders) or 519685-2101 (Marie Geerts). Port Stanley Village Association meets the third Thursday of the month 7- 8:30 pm. All welcome. Check out the psva website at Port Stanley Legion Branch #410 Monday - Friday 12-10 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12-7pm. Port Stanley Legion Branch #410 Don’t forget the Legion offers the following: Seniors Bridge, Tues. night, Euchre: Wed. night Legion Darts Tuesday night 8 pm Men’s Darts Saturday Afternoon Meat Draws 3-5 pm Port Stanley Legion Bottle Returns Mon & Thurs- Closed, Tues, Wed., Fri, Sat 12-4 pm. Port Stanley Legion Ladies MahJongg, Fridays 1:30pm. We are looking for beginners as well. If you like to play MahJongg come on out! Call 519 782-3189 or 782-3118. Port Stanley Legion Port Stanley Karaoke Sing It To Win It! Every 3rd Friday of the month, 7pm - 11pm Chicken Wings on Special. Come for the fun. Port Stanley Legion Br 410 Childrens Easter Egg Hunt April 19, 10:30 am.


St. Paul’s Port Burwell /Vienna Sunday Services St. Paul's P.B./Vienna United 11:00 am Port Burwell Trinity Anglican 11:30 am Port Burwell Lighthouse Gospel Church 10:45 am Port Burwell - Bayham Horticultural Society, Meets Every 3rd Monday, 7 pm at the Port Burwell School. For more Info 519 874 4260. Otter Valley Naturalists Monthly Meeting is the second Monday of the month, 7 pm to 9 pm at the Port Burwell Public School. Photographers of the Otter Valley (POV) meet the last Monday of the month, 6:30 pm, Bayham Public Library in Straffordville. All are welcome. Call Bruce at 519 874-1822.

The Lake Erie Beacon 204 A Carlow Road Port Stanley, Ontario N5L 1C5 Phone: (519) 782-4563




Aylmer 50 + Seniors Welcome you to join them for Euchre or Bridge Every Monday 1 - 3:30 pm upstairs at Aylmer Legion Admission $2.


Dexter United Church Dexter Line. Service of Worship at 9:15 am followed by a time of fellowship.


Duff Largie Ham Supper April 23 - 5 pm to ? Adults $12 Children 6-12 $5 under 5 free.


Knox Presbyterian Church Lay Minister Mr. John Van Eyk. Worship 10 am. Coffee, cookies, fellowship follows: Sunday school/nursery 10 am. For info (519) 769-2157. Come and worship with a warm and friendly group of people, we are barrier free.


Shedden Library Hours: Tues. 2:30-8:30, Thurs. 2-5, Fri. 10 - 5, Sat. 2 - 5 764-2081. Pre-school Storytime Friday Mornings 11am (under 5 years with an Adult) Come for stories, songs & crafts! Survivor Man Series A monthly program for boys grade 58 on Saturday afternoons! For more info - Sign up now! Lego-Mania! Saturday afternoons from 2:15-4:30pm Any donations of LEGO are greatly appreciated!


Sparta Baptist Church Please join us for worship 9:45 am Sunday Morning. Come as you are! We are a friendly church who want to love and reach out to our community. We would love to meet you. Sparta Stitchers Every Tuesday 1 - 4 pm, Sparta Community Hall. We quilt, tat, knit, embroider, smock, crotchet, etc. Everyone welcome. Cost is $5. session. Come learn a new skill. Call Sally Martyn (519-775-2292) for more information or just show up. Youth Activities Sylvie Davey is holding regular Dances for youth from Grade 4 -8 at the hall. The dates will be announced at the school. Admission is $5.00. Easter Bunny visits Sparta, Saturday April 19, 12-3, The Spartahouse Tearoom. Free picture with the Easter Bunny Robson's Studio will mount your picture for free. Draws, Easter Egg hunts and specials at participating businesses Donations to Caring Cupboard gratefully appreciated. Contact Sparta Candles at or 519-775-0054 for more information.


Abundant Life Fellowship Join us at the Timken Community Centre - Doug Tarry room (2 Third Ave.) at 6 pm on Saturdays for a free meal followed by our celebration service. For more info call 519-633-9207 or go to Trinity Anglican Church, April 16, Lenten Lunch Noon Hour Recital Program Featuring, Dr. Wayne Carroll, Lunch Following, Soup, Sandwiches, $7.00 Phone 519-631-7000


Backus-Page House Museum, 29424 Lakeview Line, 519-762-3072. Clean up Day and Potluck April 26, 9am. War of 1812 Weekend May 10 & 11.

UNION 2014

Union United Church, 6008 Stonechurch Rd., Worship and Sunday School at 9:30 am. We are a Welcoming Friendly Family of Faith and are barrier free. For info: 519631-0304 and our website is Union Community Centre Family Easter Event April 19th, 10 - 11 a.m. - This is a family event sponsored by the Union South Yarmouth Optimist Club with Clowns, Easter Egg Hunt and a visit from the Easter Bunny. No Charge just come and have some fun.


Bayham Historical Society meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:30 pm at the Vienna Community Centre. All are welcome. Call Bruce at 519 874-1822.

See The Lake Erie Beacon on facebook and The Port Stanley Community Food Bank at Christ Anglican Church

PLEASE!!! We need you to drop off non-perishable items at Foodland or call 519 782-3122 for pick-up.

The food bank is open the third week of the month: Tues. 3:30-6 pm Thurs. 10 - Noon For cheque donations please send to: Port Stanley Foodbank, c/o Christ Church, 283 Colborne St. Port Stanley, On. , N5L 1A9.

Cheques payable to Christ Church with Foodbank in memo section please. Thank You In Advance, Port Stanley Foodbank@Christ Church Port Stanley Ad sponsored by the Lake Erie Beacon

The Lake Erie Beacon is pleased to support your local community events. We will make every effort to post promptly and accurately. If you would like to have your event posted on this page please contact us at:

519 782-4563 or

Count Your Turtles, Toads and Tulip-Trees in Elgin County! Jessica Steiner Conservation Biologist How do you describe the feeling of spring? Is it the bright splashes of colour, the crisp morning air filled with song, or simply the general sensation of life seeping back into the landscape? It is time to put your awakening senses to good use! Launching April 1st, the Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory is a community project, which encourages people to get outside, explore Elgin, and collect biodiversity information of all kinds. Updated natural heritage information for Elgin County is urgently needed. Most information is out-ofdate, with many species records more than 30 years old! Accurate and current data is critical to informing effective conservation, stewardship and long-term planning. This project will harness community efforts to collect, record, and report accurate and reliable data for Elgin’s diverse animal and plant life, making it available to government agencies, environmental organizations and researchers. Through a detailed Participant Guide, and the use of community members as local Area Coordinators, Carolinian Canada hopes to make the process of reporting significant species easier and more accessible. The Guide is freely available to all

registered participants. Register today! To find out more, visit or email Join our mailing list to keep informed of all upcoming Elgin Inventory workshops and events.

Thanks to the support of Ontario Trillium Foundation, Parks Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment Canada and a host of other partners for supporting our programs to "Green the Future of southwestern Ontario".

The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014 • Page 7

North Shore Community Classified Serving over 7000 Homes, Apartments, Farms & Businesses Port Stanley Public School Activities April 2014 There are two sessions left for our new to Junior Kindergarten (September, 2014) students and their parents on the follow dates. All sessions are from 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Day 2 May 5 Port Stanley P.S. Day 3 June 2 Port Stanley P.S.


April 16 - Hot Lunch Day (School) Pizza Day April 18 - Holiday Good Friday April 21 - Holiday Easter Monday April 24 - Building Event Flower Fundraiser Orders Due April 25 - Assembly (School) Recognition Assembly 9:05 AM April 30 - Hot Lunch Day (School) Penne & Meatballs Hot Lunch Day

Ojibwa Festival Want to be a Vendor? Or know someone who does? The Bayham SubMissions along with the Elgin Military Museum- Museum of Naval History are looking for vendors for their 3RD Annual Fundraiser. This year the funds raised will be used to purchase lumber to build benches and picnic tables at the site. Where: Ojibwa Site - 3 Pitt St. Port Burwell, ON Date: Saturday May 17, 2014 Deadline for Vendor: May 15, 2014 From: 9 am to 4 pm with vendors setting up between 8 & 9 am. Silent Auction will be drawn at 3 pm Sharp. Cost: $20.00 per 10 x 10 spaces. Bring your own tables and Canopy's. Donations for Silent Auction Table greatly appreciated. Contact- Maryellen 519 874 4988, Gloria 519 874 1720 or email



Advertising Sales Reps • For St.Thomas area & • For Western Elgin area • Must have own car • Experience preferred but will consider qualifications.

HMCS Prevost Meet and Greet Continued From Page 3 Electronic Charting, Fundamentals of Weather, Radar for Pleasure craft, and other courses on sailing theory, maintenance of pleasure craft, etc. CPS has the mandate from Industry Canada to offer courses and examine candidates for the Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime), which is required to operate marine VHF on pleasure craft in Canada. The grounds of HMCS Prevost are also home to the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial. This memorial is dedicated to ships and men lost during the Second World War. Each year in May the ships company honours those sailors who were lost at sea during this campaign. At the open house we learned from HMCS Prevost Public Affairs Officer Lt (N) David Lewis, about a project that he undertook several years ago to find photographs of all the sailors who were lost during the Battle of the Atlantic. To date he has located nearly 500 images.

Sovereignty of the seas When it comes to the importance

of Naval operations the role of the Canadian Navy cannot be underemphasized. Exercising sovereignty in waters under Canadian jurisdiction is critically important. To have Sovereignty over the oceans on our eastern, western and northern borders the following three criteria must be met: knowing who is using our waters and for what purpose; maintaining an unequivocal expression of government authority in our waters; and responding quickly and effectively to violations of the law and threats to our national security or sovereignty. As a nation dependant on its oceans, Canada needs to be in control of her maritime interests. These Include: a coastline measuring almost a quarter of a million kilometers; close to 470 million tonnes of cargo and approximately 76 million tonnes of crude oil and refined petroleum products that move through Canadian ports each year and our valuable ocean fisheries stocks. Protection of Canada's sovereignty at sea, collective defence, and contributing to international peace and stability will continue to be the priorities of the Canadian navy. Above: HMCS Prevost personnel. Photo: Lt(N) David Lewis

Please reply to

519-782-4563 OR


Did you know we can insert your flyers? Call Linda at 519 782-4563!!! Classified Ads are an inexpensive way to get things noticed. Our classifieds are $1.55 per line, based on 25 characters or spaces per line.

Call Linda at: The Lake Erie Beacon Office 204-A Carlow Road, Port Stanley, On for details 519



Marcus is 12 years old. He was picked up be City Animal Services as a stray. Marcus came to us already neutered so, at some point he had a home. Did his people pass away? Did someone decide that Marcus deserved to be left outside to fend for himself? Is it possible that someone could be so cruel to a 12 year old cat? Well, yes, it is possible and it has happened before, too often. Marcus is a sweet cat who has the potential of 8+ years left to enjoy good food, warm sunshine on his gorgeous,


tabby fur and the confidence that he will never be dumped again. Is there anyone out there who can do that for Marcus? Nelson is a victim in a different way. Nelson was found, by chance, in a carrier in a dumpster. His cries were heard, he was taken to the pound and rescued by us Aug.7, 2013. Nelson is an buff orange and white , bobtail. Nelson sometimes gets a little over excited and would not be good with other cats or children. Animal abuse takes many different forms. Will it ever end?

Animal Aide Association 333 Talbot St. St. Thomas

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Page 8 • The Lake Erie Beacon • Friday April 11, 2014

WEDS presents a fiddle, two guitars and a nightingale Allan Spicer “It was a sparkling night out in Dutton. The West Elgin Dramatics Society, celebrating 43 years, since 1971, presented Quilting Pieces, a new play with two acts and music. The playwrights, Elizabeth Inder Corwin and Barbara Inder Robertson, used quilts to connect the past with the present and future. The drama lived up

to the liner notes. The cast covered the ages from pre teens to octogenarians, green horns to veteran actors, all from the Dutton-Dunwich area. From the opening note, the Patchwork String Band, promised a scintillating night of entertainment. Their simple

and easy, traditional down east, acoustic style grabbed the audience attention and did not let go all night. The young soloist had a clear and evocative voice. Her renditions of Lille Marlene and the White Cliffs of Dover set the tone for the WW2 quilting scene. The


The play provided both humour and pathos. The two hours passed in no time. The music and the quilts provided continuity. My quilting partner, smiled constantly, as the quilting phenomenon was mocked and lauded, all in good fun.

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