Serving Lake Erie’s North Shore Friday April 15, 2016
There When You Need Them
Port Stanley Report
Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act
Port Stanley fireworks display on July 2nd rather than July 1st. STORY PAGE 2
Walleye and Yellow Perch Harvest Levels for 2016 The Lake Erie Committee’s TAC recommendations are reflective of the status of Lake Erie’s fish populations and take into account the goal of consistent harvest from year to year. . STORY PAGE 2
The Schooner Porcupine Story “The Schooner Porcupine” is the remarkable story of one of three U.S. Navy gunboats that Daniel Dobbins built in Erie, Pennsylvania . STORY PAGE 3
Above: Photographs taken over the last several years show First Responder crews at accidents, fires and a boat show.
Craig MacBride Minister’s Office
MPs Kate Young & Karen Vecchio, Visit Port Stanley Harbour To discuss the issues council is currently facing with Port Stanley Harbour. S TORY PAGE 3
Taylor Made It was easy to see U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent sojourn in Cuba as a first step in reducing a cold war to a, well, chilly, war. STORY PAGE 5
Sparta Report The Seminary Cemetery is a designated heritage site and has 3 veterans of the War of 1812 buried there. STORY PAGE 5
TIPS Call Leads to $5,000 Fine for Illegal Shoreline Work Court heard that in March 2015, the ministry’s TIPS line received a complaint of fill being dumped into Rondeau Bay in the Village of Erieau. STORY PAGE 7
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The Government of Ontario has passed legislation that will create a presumption that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosed in first responders is work-related. Under the Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act, the presumption allows for faster access to WSIB benefits, resources and timely treatment. Once a first responder is diagnosed with PTSD by either a psychiatrist or a psychologist, the claims process to be eligible for WSIB benefits will be expedited, without the need to prove a causal link between PTSD and a workplace event. The presumption applies to police officers, firefighters, paramedics, certain workers in correctional institutions and secure youth justice facilities, dispatchers of police, firefighter and ambulance services, and emergency
Left: The Port Stanley Fire Station. Local residents are looking forward to a new station being built in the near future.
response teams. The act also allows the Minister of Labour to request and publish PTSD prevention plans from employers of workers who are covered by the presumption. This act is part of the province’s strategy to prevent or mitigate the risk of PTSD and provide first responders with faster access to treatment and the information they need to stay healthy. The Supporting Ontario’s First Re-
sponders Act (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), 2016 amends the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) and the Ministry of Labour Act. The act comes into force on Royal Assent.
Amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 The act amends the WSIA to create a presumption that PTSD diagnosed in first responders is work-related, leading to faster access to WSIB benefits and proper treatment.
The proposed legislation covers: • Police officers (including First Nations constables) Continued On Page 4
Be a Donor Month April is “Be a Donor Month” Trillium Gift of Life Network One donor can save 8 lives and improve the quality of life for up to 90 by donating corneas, skin tissue, bones, bone marrow, heart values, and stem cells.
Gift of Life Network The Trillium Gift of Life Network ( TGLN ) is a non profit agency of the Government of Ontario. TGLN plans, promotes, coordinates and supports organ and tissue donation and transplantation across Ontario. Its mission is to save and enhance lives through the gift of organ and tissue donation and transplantation in Ontario. Did you know that as of March 15th, 2016, 1679 people are waiting for transplants in Ontario? Every three days someone dies waiting for an organ transplant. Over 1600 Canadians are
Twenty -nine per cent of Ontarians are presently registered. This is up from twenty-six per cent this time last year. So we are slowly gaining. added to the organ wait lists yearly. In 2014, 1,093 organ transplants were done. Twenty organ transplants were done in January and February of this year in the hospitals of Southwestern Ontario. Six of those were done in London.
The agency ranked the top communities from September 30, 2015 to December 31, 2015 and, Port Stanley had the third highest increase in new registrations. Continued On Page 7