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IPMnet NEWS September 2003, Issue no. 117 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Target: Marketers of Invasive Plants The U.S., jolted into action by the mushrooming magnitude of invasive plants and the damage they have wrought and continue to cause, has launched a new, internet-based effort to choke off domestic retail sales of illicit, banned plants as one phase of a strategy to limit further introduction and spread of invasive plant species. The web has sprouted into a popular conduit for more than a few online vendors to promote sales of plants found on the federal noxious weed list. For instance, Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) is sold as an ornamental, though it is a notoriously invasive, damage causing plant. The U.S. spends billions of dollars annually battling invasive plants such as purple loosestrife, kudzu, and many others in natural areas, gardens, waterways, and agriculture. Scientists at the Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) at North Carolina State Univ., together with their federal counterparts, now are developing software that searches the internet for websites selling plants defined as noxious weeds or invasive species. The system, Agricultural Internet Monitoring System (AIMS), will be used primarily to locate, then notify offending vendors, according to R.E. Stinner, lead researcher on the AIMS program. Vendors identified by AIMS as offering banned species online will benefited by a federal agency and directed to stop selling the plants. "Some of the vendors may not know the species they are raising and marketing are invasive plants and are listed," Dr. Stinner said. AIMS will then keep track of retailers who continue to sell illegal plants; refusal to comply with notification can lead to prosecution and the possibility of substantial fines. "It's not Big Brother looking over their shoulder or somebody saying you can't do that. It's more, 'please don't do this,'" Stinner commented. Depending on performance and results from the AIMS program, federal officials will consider developing a cooperative effort with equivalent organizations in other countries. Authorities in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have expressed an interest in some form of joint effort. *> R.E. Stinner, CIPM, Partners Bldg. I, Box 7553, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695, USA. Fax: 1-919-515-1114. Ron_Stinner@ncsu.edu. Phone: 1-919-515-1648. thanks to

North Carolina State Univ. News Services, and R.E. Stinner for information. GLOBAL IPM: BITS AND PIECES A mixture of Beauveria bassiana and canola oil shows potential for economical control of the common North American grasshopper.*> S. Jaronski, SJaronski@sidney.ars.usda.gov. Alley cropping of plants between rows of Populus euramericana (hybrid poplar) contributed to significantly increased arthropod diversity compared to other treatments during a trial conducted in Turkey. *> S. Akbulut, SAkbulut@yahoo.com. A test kit to rapidly detect presence of one kernel in 800 of maize engineered to resist Diabrotica spp. (rootworm) was verified by a U.S. government agency. The kit maker is Strategic Diagnostics Inc. at: www.sdix.com . *> JDonovan@sdix.com. Research begun in 2002 aims to develop a database and other related IPM information programs for "hand-held" mini-computers so that critical data can be accessed in the field to support immediate decision-making. *> V.P. Jones, VPJones@wsu.edu . back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED (4 in this issue) FOCUSED ON BIOCONTROL With its 126 pages well endowed with over 400 clear color photos, A COLOR HANDBOOK OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN PLANT PROTECTION adds yet another combined text-and-visual information resource for professions concerned (or that should be concerned) with biocontrol. The hardbound volume, while not an actual field "handbook" well suited for in-field use, provides profiles for insects, both pests and beneficials, plus a condensed section on entomopathogens. Glaringly absent is any attention to weeds or vertebrate pests. The 2003 volume was compiled by N. Helyer, et al, and published in 2003. The overall graphic layout, while attractive, suffers due to small-size, tightly spaced, justified type on high gloss, reflecting paperstock. *> Timber Press, 133 SW Second Ave., Suite 450, Portland, OR 97204-3527, USA. Fax: 1-503-227-3070. Phone: 1-503-227-2878. Web: www.timberpress.com. HANDY IPM SCOUTING GUIDE The latest addition to a highly useful series of spiral bound, full color IPM guides from the IPM group at Michigan State Univ. is A POCKET GUIDE FOR GRAPE IPM SCOUTING IN THE NORTH CENTRAL AND EASTERN U.S. While targeted at a specific region, this 110-page, informative publication has far wider application, especially in approach and format. Its four main color coded sections: insect/mite pests; natural enemies; diseases; and physiological/chemical disorders 2003 can be applied in many cases to other crops and locales. This 2003 publication (bulletin #E2889), compiled and edited by R. Isaacs, et al, is printed on plastic-coated, 9 x 12 cm (3.5 x 5 in.) cardstock and intended to be used in the field. The close-up photos of insects and disorders are useful for identifying field examples. More information, including links to sample pages and an order form, are at www.ipm.msu.edu MSU Bulletin Office, 117 Cent. Servs., MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824-1001, USA. thanks to J.N. Landis for information.

WEEDS: THE LEAST WANTED Instead of grainy monotone photos one might expect to represent a group of miscreants, author J.B. Colquhoun takes a different approach by presenting clear, full color pictures of 41 plant species stigmatized as the Pacific Northwest's Least Wanted List: INVASIVE WEED IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT. An informative introduction succinctly ticks off key reasons for concern with invading plant species: crop loss; fire hazard; reduced biodiversity, and several other critical points. The 41 selected offenders are then fully described (identification, origin, impact, ecology, and management) as well as shown in a variety of settings and growth stages. Management options stress other than use of herbic idea last resort. The softbound, 2003 work EC 1563 uses a straight-forward, clear format for its 44 pages. A preview version can be found at: eesc.orst.edu Orders, Ext. & Stn. Comms., 422 Kerr Admin., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2119, USA. Fax: 1-541-737-0817.Phone: 1-541-737-2513. Web: eesc.oregonstate.edu. TARGETED IPM IN AFRICA The thrust of an intriguing 2002 publication is the sum of its title, subtitle, and sub-subtitle: INTEGRATED VEGETABLE PEST MANAGEMENT, Safe and Sustainable Protection of Small-scale Brassicas and Tomatoes, A Handbook for Extension Staff and Trainers in Zimbabwe. Authors H.M. Dobson, et al, effectively provide their target audience with a wealth of information, all under the philosophy of an integrated approach. Easily read text and dozens of full color photos cover IPM, primarily applied to insects and pathogens. While weeds are mentioned, they and vertebrates as serious pests are not given much attention. The soft-bound, 179-page volume has well organized, distinctly color coded sections. A useful set of appendixes is included. *> H.M. Dobson, Sust. Agric. Grp., NRI, IPARC, Imperial Coll. at Silwood Pk., Ascot, Berks. SL5 7PY, UK. H.M.Dobson@gre.ac.uk. Fax: 44-020-7594-2450.Phone: 44-020-7594-2383. PUBLICATION & CD NOTES WEED INVADER PROFILED A colorful new mini poster, "Deeprooted Sedge: An Overlooked Aggressive Weed in the Southeastern United States," profiles Cyperus entrerianus, a combative newcomer from South America, and its displacement of native vegetation across a wide swath of the southern U.S. Published in 2003 as an insert in AQUAPHYTE 23, the 22 x 36 cm (8.5 x 14 in.) information sheet describes the invader's tenacious characteristics with photos and text. D.J. Rosen, et al, compiled the poster, printed on heavy coated paper-stock, which lists several key prevention and control strategies. *> D.J. Rosen, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Svc., Div. of Ecol. Servs., 17629 El Camino Real, Suite #211, Houston, TX 77058-3051, USA. David_Rosen@fws.gov. Fax: 1-281-488-5882. Phone: 1-281-286-8282. AQUATIC PLANT JOURNALS OFFERED The Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. (APMS) offers complete sets of the JOURNAL OF AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT for sale, spanning 40 years of research into the investigation, management, and control of aquatic plants. The semi-annual journal was first published in August 1962; the most recent issue is vol. 41, January 2003. Four issues are only

avail-able in photocopy format. *> L.S. Nelson, USAERDC-WES, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199, USA. Phone: 1-601-634-2656 . Linda.S.Nelson@erdc.usace.army.mil . thanks to AQUAPHYTE, 23(1), Summer 2003, for information. WEB, VIDEO, & OTHER RESOURCES ONLINE IPM COURSES OFFERED For anybody interested in broadening their knowledge in a variety of IPM-related topics, the IPM group at the Univ. of Connecticut (U.S.) now offers a series of tuition free, self-paced, non-credit IPM Online Home study Courses. An expanding list of topics currently ranges from the fundamental, "What is IPM," to "Minimizing Pests in the Garden," and "Pest Identification-Invasive Plant Species," plus others. These internet-based titles are self-correcting, tutorial type courses (some with flash cards) offered only online. They are based on conditions in the northeastern U.S. region, but could well have broader applicability. See at: www.hort.uconn.edu .*> More information from: IPM@canr.cag.uconn.edu . ENEMIES OF PEST INSECTS The Integrated Pest Management for Small-holder Estate Crops Project in Indonesia has published a series of six extensively illustrated, full color book-lets on IPM for insect pests and diseases covering the main "estate" crops: cacao, coffee, tea, cashew, cotton, and black pepper. The 50-60 page volumes, in Bahasa Indonesian, are aimed at farmers, extension agents, and farmer trainers, and emphasize the vital role and importance of natural enemies in crop protection. Separate pages are devoted to descriptions of each major pest insect as well as to the types of natural enemies attacking it at its various life stages. PDF files for each publication can be freely downloaded from the website: www.mamud.com . These informative works, though omitting weeds, may be useful beyond Indonesia because the numerous color photos are clearly labeled with scientific and English names. *> G.C. Luther, OIRED, 1060 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. GLuther@vt.edu. Phone: 1-540-231-3893. thanks to G.C. Luther for information. SOYBEAN RUST FACT SHEET A recent addition to the National Pest Alert (U.S.) series of full color information sheets is "Soybean Rust * Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae." The 2-sided information document discusses identification (including full color photos), distribution and transmission, host range, symptoms and development, management recommendations, and collection procedures. The alert's PDF file is at: www.ncpmc.org . CICP WEB REVAMPED After an extended transition, the U.S.-based multi-institution Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP) has unveiled a totally redesigned website at www.ipmnet.org that is easier to navigate, graphically improved, and more streamlined than it's previous incarnation. CICP

executive director R.E. Ford noted that, "We believe the updated version will aid in seeking current IPM information. User feedback is welcomed as CICP works to make additional improvements to the new website." The website currently includes access to: the unique Database of IPM Resources (DIR); IPMnet NEWS, both the current issue (in both HTML and PDF) plus archives of previous issues reaching back to 1995; the information packed Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook; IPMnet CALENDAR, an extensive listing of future events; and, an introduction to the Professor Ray F. Smith IPM Library. The new CICP website was designed by P.W. Zhang and is still being refined. *> CICP, c/o IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. CICP@uiuc.edu .Fax: 1-541-737-3080. Phone: 1-541-737-5673. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES MSc IN CROP PROTECTION A two-year masters degree (MSc) in environmental science with specialization in crop protection will be launched in January 2004 at Potchefstroom University, SOUTH AFRICA, under the multi-sponsor "Initiative for the Development of Expertise in Plant Protection. The program is designed for students who intend to pursue a crop protection or related profession. In addition to fundamental, core, and elective modules including principles of IPM, students will undertake a one-year research project involving hypothesis, experimental procedures, statistical methods, and report writing. *> H. van Hamburg, Sch. for Environmental Sci. and Devel., Private Bag X 6001, Potchefstroom Univ., Potchefstroom 2520, SOUTH AFRICA. drkhvh@puknet.puk.ac.za . Fax: 27-18-299-2370. Phone: 27-18-299-2385. Web: www.puk.ac.za . thanks to C. Ngwata and A. Rother for information. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ISSUE Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #116, August 2003: In: Section II, "IPM MEDLEY" . Under: "WEB, VIDEO, & OTHER RESOURCES" . In the item: "HERBICIDE RESISTANCE" . the correct website should have been listed as: www.weeds.crc.org.au Section III, "IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS" . Under: "THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES" . Under the heading: "PHYTOPATHOLOGY" .For the paper: "Effect of Diseases on Soybean Yields ." the correct web site should have been listed as: www.plantmanagementnetwork.org IPMnet NEWS regrets stating incorrect information, as well as any inconvenience, problem, or frustration it may have caused. Ed. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "Insect Management and Herbicide Tolerance in Nearisogenic Sister Lines of Transgenic and Non-transgenic Sweet Corn," Doohan, D.J., et al. * CROP PROT., 21(5), 375-381, June 2002. "The Probabilistic Economic Injury Level: Incorporating Uncertainty into Pest Management Decision-Making," Peterson, R.K.D., and T.E. Hunt. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 96(3), 536-542, June 2003. Phytopathology

"Integrated Control of Apple Postharvest Pathogens and Survival of Biocontrol Yeasts in Semi-commercial Conditions," Lima, G., et al. * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 109(4), 341-349, May 2003. "The Use of Molecular Assays to Identify Plant Pathogenic Organisms Vectored by Biological Control Agents," Davis, H.G., et al. * BIOCON., 47(5), 487-497, October 2002. Weed Management "Advances in Bioherbicide Formulation," Auld, B.A., et al. * WEED BIOL. & MGMT., 3(2), 61-67, June 2003. "Weed Control and Root Maggots: Making Canola Pest Management Strategies Compatible," Dosdall, L.M., et al. * WEED SCI., 51(4), 576-585, July 2003. Entomology "Effects of Organic and Synthetic Fertilizer Sources on Pest and Predatory Insects Associated with Tomatoes," Yardim, E.N., and C.A. Edwards. * PHYTOPARA., 31(4), 324-329, 2003. "Testing Two Corn Rootworm Controls," Comis, D. * AGRIC. RESCH., 51(1), 4-6, January 2003. Special Bt sub-Section "Economic Analysis of Planting Dates to Manage European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) with Bt Corn," Pilcher, C.D., and M.E. Rice. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 96(3), 941-949, June 2003. Nematology ?,000 Nematode ESTs on the Net," Parkinson, J., et al. * TRENDS IN PARASITOL., 19(7), 283-286, July 2003. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Revised U.S. IPM Roadmap Released The term "roadmap" has gained a bit of notoriety on a global scale lately. But for IPM in the U.S., the recently revised National Roadmap for IPM is the keystone document incorporating the latest strategic directions for IPM research, implementation, and measurement. The four existing U.S. Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers (and affiliated networks) will be tightly integrated focal points for action on the three indicated elements. The IPM Roadmap lays out a clear, over-arching goal: to improve the economic benefit of adopting IPM practices while reducing potential risks to human health and the environment caused by the pests themselves or by the use of pest management practices. Each aspect is defined in the 6-page Roadmap document, which sets forth "needs" for research, implementation, and measurement. The Roadmap can be found at: nepmc.org . To gain a more accurate measure of progress achieved in IPM, the document also calls for a national IPM practices survey to gauge actual IPM adoption, as well as pilot studies initially, with potential for geographic scale inventories, to evaluate the ability of IPM programs to truly propel economic and social gains. IPM Center Redesigns Newsletter The U.S. Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center recently debuted a new name and format for its periodic newsletter. Starting with the July 2003 issue, the Center's electronic (and printed) news-letter becomes "Northeast IPM News," sporting an attractive new format,

expanded coverage, and easier navigation. Coordinator J.R. VanKirk, with support from E. Thomas and E. Myers, includes articles on center-related IPM activities as well as material from IPM groups in the states that comprise the Northeastern Center. The newsletter is at: www.nepmc.org . *> J.R. VanKirk, coordinator, eml: JRV1@cornell.edu.Phone : 1-315-787-2378. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global Updated as of 31 August 2003. 2003 (N) 14-19 September * FOREST INSECT POPULATION DYNAMICS AND HOST INFLUENCES, Kanazawa, JAPAN. Contact: N. Kamata, Fac. of Sci., Kanazawa Univ., Kakuma, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, JAPAN. KamataN@kenroku.ipc.kanazawa-U.ac.jp . Fax: 81-76-264-5708. Phone: 81-76-264-5620. (N) 24-27 September * 2003 SYMPOSIUM ON INVASIVE PLANTS IN THE UPPER MIDWEST, Madison, WI, USA. Contact: Bureau of Endangered Resources, WDNR, Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7012, USA. Phone: 1-608-266-7012. Web: www.se 29 September-02 October BARK BEETLE BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT: FROM THE 1960'S TO THE 21ST CENTURY, Georgetown, CA, USA. Contact: F. Stephen, Dept. of Entomology A-319, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA. FStephen@uark.edu. (N) 23-26 October * TALLER LATINOAMERICANO SOBRE CONTROL ORGANICO DE PLAGAS Y ENFERMEDADES, Huerta Grande, Cor., ARGENTINA. Contact: MAPO, Sarmiento 1562 Piso 6 Oficina "F," Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. info@mapo.org.ar .Fax/phone: 54-11-4382-5562. Web: www.mapo.org.ar (N) 01-03 November * INTERNATIONAL WILD BOAR FORUM, Akagi, Shimane Pref., JAPAN. Contact: Y. Kodera, Wildlife Cons. Sect., Mountainous Reg. Resch. Ctr., KamiKijima 1207, Akagi Town, Shimane Pref., JAPAN. Y-Kodera@chusankan.jp .Fax: 81-854-76-3758. Phone: 81-854-76-3814. Web: www.chusankan.jp (N) 03-06 November 2003 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach, PMB #345, Fresno, CA 93720, USA. gobenauf@agresearch.nu . Fax: 1-559-322-2186. Phone: 1-559-322-2181.Web: www.mbao.org. 13-14 November * 1ST EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON THE CO-EXISTENCE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS WITH CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC CROPS, Helsingor, DENMARK. Contact: S. Graugaard, DIAS, Conf. Secretary, eml:

GMCC-03@agrsci.dk . Fax: 45-58-11-3301. Web: www.agrsci.dk (N) 13-15 December * 2003 NATIONAL FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT FORUM, Bloomington, MN, USA. Contact: S. Canty, Conf. Secretary, USWBSI-NFO, 380 Plant & Soil Sci., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1325, USA. scabusa@scabusa.org . Phone: 1-517-355-2236. Web: www.scabusa.org 16 December * ADVANCES IN NEMATOLOGY, London, UK. Contact: R. Gwynn, Bagmoors Cottage, Pettinain, Lanark ML11 8SR, UK. Roma.Gwynn@dial.pipex.com . Fax/phone: 44-0-1555-870798. Web: www.aab.org.uk 2004 (N) 21-23 April * 15TH CAB INTERNATIONAL REVIEW CONFERENCE. Web: www.cabi 11-13 August * 25TH CONGRESS, ASOCIACION COLOMBIANA DE FITOPATO- LOGIA Y CIENCIAS AFINES (ASCOLFI), Palmira, Valle, COLOMBIA. Contact: ASCOLFI, Calle 37A #27-33, Palmira, Valle, COLOMBIA. Fax/phone: 57-92-275-0557. ASCOLFI@telesat.com.co. Web: www.telesat.com.co 29 November-01 December * 2004 CANADIAN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY MEET- TING, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA. Contact: G. Turnbull, Dow AgroSciences Canada, 39 Scurfield Blvd., Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4, CANADA. GCTurnbull@dow.com. Phone: 1-204-488-5757. Fax: 1-204-488-5788. Web: www.cwss (N) 03-04 December * ARBEITSKREISES NUTZARTHROPODEN UND ENTOMOPATHOGENE NEMATODEN, Hannover, GERMANY. Contact: R. Meyhoefer, Inst. fur Pflanzen. und Pflanzen., Univ. Hannover, Herrenhauser Str. 2., 30419 Hannover, GERMANY. Phone: 49-0511-762-3096. Meyhoefer@ipp.uni-hannover.de . Web: dpg.phytomedizin.org 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 No (N) ew or [R]evised entries to cite in this issue.

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