IPMnet NEWS July / August 2008, Issue no. 164 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs New Website Promotes Pesticide Stewardship A newly created website is designed to provide information, resources, and a forum for what it labels as the international stewardship community concerned with crop protection products and particularly pesticides. The site, www.stewardshipcommunity.com emerged from a partnership between the Inter Region Economic Network, an African non-governmental organization, and the pesticide products mega company Syngenta. The website is said to have been created specifically so the global stewardship community" can use it to access a variety of information, gain ideas, and share comments. The base object is to promote proper and effective use of agricultural inputs (read=pesticides) "through creating dialogue among industry players, individuals, growers, governmental organizations, media, professionals, and individuals." A guiding principle is the international code of conduct: "Product stewardship means the responsible and ethical management of a pesticide product from its discovery through to its ultimate use and beyond." The site, overall, strives to emphasize safe, effective crop protection. A unique feature of the site is a rolling weather and spray conditions assessment in which a user can select any of dozens of global sites, and find an ongoing 5-day color-coded chart of precipitation, temperature, and wind, plus the recommended action (okay to spray, restricted, or no) for ground application during either day or night for each included date, based on the combined predicted meteorological factors. The "stewardship in practice" section focuses on use of a knapsack sprayer and best practices for so doing. Key points for safety in knapsack sprayer use are summarized; additionally, a full set of recommended practices can be downloaded. In contrast, the individual operating a knapsack sprayer in the section's lead-off photo lacks full safety gear (no gloves, no head covering, no mask). The young site's indicated intention is to stimulate comment and contributions from individuals or entities with varied links to crop protection products and the safe use thereof. Plans call for eventually providing expert created and approved training materials as well as practical advice
for successfully handling crop protection challenges. Currently under the site's heading "resource center, useful links, IPM" there is but a single broadly oriented link. [Suggests that the site's authors failed to access the numerous IPM links and resources on the web. Moreover, the nation of Colombia is misspelled. ed]. On the plus side, the site is colorful and easy to navigate. -> M. Wilks, Syngenta Ltd., Priestley Rd., Surrey Resch. Pk., Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YH, UK. Martin.Wilks@syngenta.com. excerpted, with thanks, from the stewardship community website, and from material provided by M. Wilks. Australian Weeds: Research, Information, Cost While Australia's Collaborative Research Centre for Weed Management (CRC4AWM) has turned off the lights and locked the door after seven-plus years of fruitful operation, its website and the vast trove of information and resources it represents lives on. But with a slight tweak in its URL. The new web address, active as of 30 June 2008, differs only in the removal of one "dot" and now is: www.weedscrc.org.au. A new national weeds centre is still in the planning stage (as of the deadline for information for this issue of the NEWS) with a hosting institution yet to be identified. Sadly, closure of the CRC4AWM will likely mean cessation of WEED WATCH, one of the best designed, most informative, and overall superior weed-oriented periodicals available. May it be resurrected in the future. Meanwhile, the cost to Australian agriculture for controlling weeds spirals upward approaching the staggering total of nearly A billion annually. A recent report from that nation's Bureau of Statistics (tinyurl.com) found that farmers spent A,574 million to control weeds in the 2006-07 financial year. Of the total expenditure on weed management, nearly two-thirds, A2 million, was spent on herbicides, the report said. Findings were based on the second nationwide natural resource management survey. thanks to former CRC-Weeds staff, and S. Lloyd, for information. *GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * Potentially effective biocontrol agents in the form of host specialist species (such as certain thrips) are being overlooked currently in Australia. -> M. Rafter, M.Rafter@uq.edu.au. * Research identified severalViciaspp. (vetch) species with high levels of resistance to Orobanche crenata (crenate broomrape). -> J.C. Sillero, Josefa.Sillero.ext@juntadeandalucia.es. * The entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema riobrave introduced to non-Bt refuge areas increased Bt resistance fitness costs in pest arthropods. -> A.J. Gassman, AaronJG@iastate.edu. * A novel molluscicide, based onChenopodium quinoa (quinoa saponins) treated with alkali, is very effective against Pomacea canliculatai> - (golden apple snail). -> R. San Martin, Sanmartin@ing.puc.cl.
II. IPM-RELATED INFORMATION web, CD/DVD, video and short publications * IPMnet NEWS welcomes information for websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. COCOA AND PESTICIDES DON'T MIX Beginning in September 2008, cocoa imported into the European Union will be checked for traces of substances such as pesticide residues. A new publication, PESTICIDE USE IN COCOA, A Guide for Training, Administrative and Research Staff, is intended to educate and familiarize those involved with cocoa production and thereby avoid any potential importation problems. The 56-page work, by long-time pesticide authority and staff member of the International Pesticide Application Centre (IPARC) in the UK, R.P. Bateman, aims to help establish "good crop pest control, storage and distribution practices" for cocoa production. Numerous full color photos enhance the straight-forward text which ranges from highly detailed to more philosophical. Topics address pesticide registration and regulation, application, and many related elements. Dr. Bateman's approach is far from sugar coated as the risks and potential problems with pesticide use are extensively addressed. Notes Bateman, "it must be emphasized that pest management measures have little or no relevance, if the nature of the pest attack is not understood or if the crop is poorly managed." IPM is clearly cited and reference made to other literature available in six language versions. The publication was co-sponsored by IPARC and the International Cocoa Organisation (ICCO) and can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com by clicking on Manual_ICCO_1stED.pdf (under "Related Docs" on right-hand side of page). -> R.P. Bateman, IPARC, Imperial Coll., Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks. SL5 7PY, UK. Fax: 44-0-20-759-42450. Phone: 44-0-20-759-42383. excerpted, with thanks, from the publication; thanks also to G.A. Matthews for information. INDIA'S BIOCONTROL WEBSITE An Indian governmental agency has created an extensive website focused on multiple aspects of biological control, the method's role and interaction with IPM, and the importance of striving for agricultural sustainability. The site, "Biocontrol Strategies for Eco-friendly Pest Management" at www.dbtbiopesticides.nic.in emphasizes the increasing role of biocontrol in all its manifestations. The easily navigated site includes sections listing biocontrol agents, scientists involved with biocontrol research, manufacturers and marketers of biocontrol products, processes for biocontrol registration, ongoing research projects, and more. -> S. Wahab, Dept. of Biotech., Min. of Sci. & Tech., Block-2, 6th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodi Rd., New Delhi 110 003, INDIA. Seema.dbt@nic.in. Phone/fax: 91-0-11-243-62338. excerpted, with thanks, from the biocontrol website. BE WISE, RECOGNIZE INVASIVES A project undertaken by the program to protect the U.S. state of Oregon against invasive species has produced a collaboratively sponsored, full-color, 52-page booklet, "GardenSmart Oregon, A
Guide to Non-invasive Plants." The 2008 publication, at tinyurl.com highlights well over 20 of the worst invasive plants in the region including information for identification, habitats invaded, and other unpleasant facts. A novel side-by-side format pairs invaders against recommended alternatives, both native plants and non-invasive non-natives. Information for sun and drought tolerance is included to help make wise replacement choices. While location specific, the informative website offers practical information that has geographically broader application, as well as a user-friendly format to aid in invasive plant recognition and selection of benign plant alternatives. excerpted, with thanks, from the invasives website. NEW JOURNAL LAUNCHED Commencing with an inaugural issue in June 2008, the JOURNAL OF BIOPESTICIDES concentrates on "publication of research work on various aspects of ecofriendly crop protection and management." The new journal aims for an interdisciplinary approach reporting research on a full range of crop pests. Plans call for publishing issues twice annually, in June and December. Issue no. 1, June 2008, contains 22 papers. The journal also has opened a website at www.jbiopest.com. -> K. Sahayaraj, Managing Ed., CPRC, Dept. of Advanced Zool. and Biotech., St. Xavier's Coll. (Auton.), Palayamkottai 627-002, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. ttn_KSraj@sancharnet.in. Fax: 91-0462-256-1765. Phone: 91-0462-256-0744. thanks to K. Sahayaraj for material. CONSERVATION BIOCONTROL FEATURED The May 2008 edition of the journal BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, vol. 45, issue 2, is a special issue focused on "Conservation Biological Control" or CBC. In his preface, long time advocate of biocontrol, D. Pimentel, defines CBC as "the practice of enhancing natural enemy efficacy through modification of the environment or of existing pesticide practices." The issue, edited by M. Jonsson, et al offers nine papers by an international author group. Dr. Pimentel notes that CBC of arthropods by arthropods provides opportunities for pest insect management. When successful [and "when" is the operative term] CBC can reduce crop losses attributable to arthropods and "thereby help create a more sustainable agriculture and a safer food supply." -> D. Pimentel, dp18@cornell.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from BIOL. CONT. A PLANT PATHOLOGY OVERVIEW An international corps of plant pathologists contributed 19 papers, published under the banner of "Sustainable Disease Management in a European Context," as a special issue of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, vol. 121, no. 3, July 2008. Editors D.B. Collinge, et al divided the material into four sections beginning with the topic "How can biotechnology contribute to sustainable development?" followed by "Strategies for disease control," including two papers considering appropriate alternatives for organic crop production. The third section, "Quarantine and diagnostics," addresses the global dispersion of pathogens, and the concluding group of papers dwells on "Population diversity and dynamics." The 196-page publication is intended to demonstrate, as Dr. Collinge remarks, "that the research and teaching that we perform reaches our targets .....and that the benefit of our effort is visible to society." -> D.B. Collinge,
Dept. of Plant Biol. and Biotech., Univ. of Copenhagen, Thorvalsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen, DENMARK. dbc@life.ku.dk. excerpted, with thanks, from the journal. AGRI BIOTECH BOOK LIST AgBioWorld, an entity that advocates for adoption of biotechnology in agriculture, has compiled a list of "important published books" that, in the organization's view, "chronicle, explain, and document" the 20-year history of agricultural biotechnology and its "scientific, agronomic, environmental, economic, and social success." Scientists and scholars worldwide suggested titles for inclusion. However, the list, at: tinyurl.com notes AgBioWorld, is acknowledged to be far from inclusive, but is said to include materials that have "the most fundamental, historical, or practical importance." excerpted, with thanks, from AgBioWorld's website. IPM-RELATED PUBLICATIONS books, other longer publications * IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. MONOGRAPH EXAMINES IPM Editors O. Koul and G.W. Cuperus enlisted the services of a notable international, 41-author contingent to forge a wide ranging monograph on the important topic of IPM and its broad application in agriculture, impacts on the environment, and links to sociology. The 2007, hardbound work covers many aspects of the subject and, as a single reference source, stands as a useful addition to the body of available IPM literature. However, its inclusion of a surprisingly paltry number of graphic or visual items within its 474 pages detracts from its readability and utility (the old "one picture is worth a thousand words" vision). Many of the 18 chapters, as well as the preface, refer to the three words "integrated pest management," whereas the book's title is ECOLOGICALLY BASED INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT. Tacking "ecologically-based" onto IPM bespeaks the obvious and serves only to muddy the water. IPM itself is a robust construct that implies an understanding of the ecological linkage between the plant species to protect, pest organisms, natural enemies, and the environmental matrix in which the interaction takes place; there is dubious need, or benefit from, slicing the pie into ever smaller pieces. {$} Customer Service, CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. orders@cabi.org. Fax: 44-1491-829292. Phone: 44-1491-829400. www.cabi.org recent title from CABI: HEAT TREATMENTS FOR POSTHARVEST PEST CONTROL, edited by J. Tang, et al; hardbound; 2007; 363 pages; {$}; monograph. www.cabi.org WOMEN AND PLANT PATHOLOGY A prominent plant pathologist noted that in the run-up to the American Phytopathological Society's (APS) centennial year of founding, extensive historic photos and materials revealed a gap; where, she asked, were the many faces of, and background information about, women scientists who worked and accomplished in the science since its inception? To help document the void, J.B. Ristaino has edited, and APS has published, PIONEERING WOMEN IN PLANT PATHOLOGY, a lively 352-page chronicle of the many women scientists and their legacy to plant pathology. The hardbound work draws on
contributions from nearly 40 authors plus archival material. The text is enhanced by over 130 black/white illustrations, many of them rarely viewed photos. Dr. Ristaino has divided the 2008 volume into three sections primarily covering North America and Europe. Pioneering breakthroughs by these women are, Ristaino observes, "truly amazing" and a factual basis for informing students of "the full history of our science." {$}. Also from APS: THE BIOLOGY OF FUNGAL PATHOGENS, an award-winning four DVD (or VHS) set prepared by J-A. Verreet and H. Klink, is available individually or as a complete set. Text and full color graphics address both fungal pathogens and diseases of cereals. The material is said to offer "an exciting blend of vivid 3D animations and real images, with informative commentaries." Sample video clips, as well as a booklet including the editor's preface and table of contents, can be viewed at the APSnet website. {$}. -> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. APSpress@scisoc.org. www.shopapspress.org. A BERRY NICE GUIDE A new, 157-page guide said to be "a comprehensive resource for both novice and experienced growers" of Rubusspp. (raspberries and blackberries) more than fulfills the billing. While RASPBERRY AND BLACKBERRY PRODUCTION GUIDE FOR THE NORTHWEST, MIDWEST, AND EASTERN CANADA amply covers all aspects of production, four of its 14 chapters specifically address pest management topics ranging from scouting to spray application techniques and cautions. The attractively designed guide includes more than 35 descriptions of diseases, insects, mites, and physiological disorders, supplemented by 70 color photos (out of the total 134 and 36 black/white illustrations throughout the publication). Published by Natural Resource, Agric., and Engrg. Svc. (NRAES), the 2008 work, the joint effort of 18 international experts, is spiral bound for ease in field use, and printed on high quality paperstock. The title is misleading in a sense as this practical reference has far broader usefulness than the indicated geographic target area; as a U.S. west coastRubusauthority proclaimed, this is a comprehensive resource that "growers, educators and crop consultants will want to have in their library or pickup truck." The very reasonably priced work can be ordered from the website www.nraes.org. {$} NRAES, Coop. Ext., PO Box 4557, Ithaca, NY 14852-4557, USA. nraes@cornell.edu. Fax: 1-607-254-8770. Phone: 1-607-255-7654. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* APPLIED ENTOMOLOGIST, Ames, IA, USA * Conduct extension (70 percent) and research (30 percent) on arthropod pests of field crops (in Iowa) emphasizing, but not limited to, soybean and maize; develop a nationally recognized field crops pest management extension program; collaborate with colleagues, commodity groups, growers, and their service providers. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology; demonstrated relevant experience; desire and ability to develop strong programs; excellent written and verbal communication skills; capability for informing mass media and the public; evidence of ability to obtain extramural funding. See: vacancy ID #080538, tinyurl.com * CONTACT: -> M. O'Neal, Dept. of Entomology, 110 Insectary, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011-3140, USA. ONeal@iastate.edu. Phone: 1-515-294-8622.
INVASIVE PLANT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, Kula Maui, HI, USA. * Provide statewide leadership for extension programs in the management and control of invasive plant species affecting natural and managed areas; develop programs for stakeholder agencies; research management and control strategies involving cultural, biological, chemical, and integrated approaches; advise graduate students. * REQUIRES: PhD in related field; minimum of 3 years experience in research, teaching, or outreach in invasive species management, preferably in tropical, subtropical, or island environments; demonstrated ability to develop and lead educational programs and to work in multidisciplinary teams; excellent communication skills; record of successful grant preparation and administration. * CONTACT: A. Fares, Dept. of Natural Resources and Environ. Mgmt., Univ. of Hawaii, 1910 East West Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. AFares@hawaii.edu. Phone: 1-808-956-6361. PEST INSECT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, Plymouth, NC, USA * Develop a relevant, effective, high-impact extension (70 percent) and research (30 percent), locally and nationally recognized program that delivers research-based pest insect management and IPM information for major field crops (small grains, soybean, maize, cotton, and to a lesser extent, groundnuts and biofuel crops); effectively interact with producers, consultants, industry personnel, and other stakeholders in the eastern half of the state and serve as the primary statewide extension contact for the indicated crops; participate in graduate student education; actively seek extramural funding. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology or related field; relevant training or experience in IPM; demonstrated strong commitment to both extension and research; ability to collaborate with other faculty. Apply online at: jobs.ncsu.edu. * CONTACT: J.D. Harper, Dept. of Entomology, Gardner Hall 2301, Box 7613, N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695, USA. James_Harper@ncsu.edu. Fax: 1-919-515-7746. Phone: 1-919-515-2746. ENTOMOLOGY ADVISOR, Salinas, CA, USA * Conduct an extension and research program applicable to crops produced in a three-county area; extend research-based information to commercial growers, pest control advisors, and other stakeholders through a variety of channels; publish peer-reviewed articles and publications; effectively interact with clients and colleagues. * REQUIRES: MS in entomology or related field; ability to speak, read, and write Spanish; experience in supervising students and others. Position #ACCSO-07-07-R, see: ucanr.org * CONTACT: S. Varea-Hammond, SLVareahammond@ucdavis.edu.
*EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* FLAMING VS. HOEING A multi-year trials program conducted under the aegis of Michigan State Univ. (MSU) compared the use of flaming against other non-chemical methods of weed management in organic crops. The results are set forth in a January 2008 extension bulletin (E-3038), "Flaming as a Method of Weed Control in Organic Systems," by D.R. Mutch,et al On a well-drained sandy loam soil, maize yields were comparable when weeds were controlled by either powered rotary hoeing or flaming. Because the growing point of maize is below the soil surface when flaming is applied, scorching crop leaves did not reduce yield whereas in soybean flaming caused crop damage that depressed yield. Dr. Mutch and colleagues discuss the various pros and cons of flaming, not the least of the latter now being propane gas cost to operate flaming equipment. On the plus side,
flaming was shown to be independent of soil type, weather conditions, and much less invasive as well as more preserving of soil structure than rotary hoeing. The illustrated, concise, 4-page bulletin can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com -> D.R. Mutch, KBS, 3700 E. Gull Lake Dr., Hickory Corners, MI 49060, USA. Mutch@msu.edu. Phone: 1-269-671-2412. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Comparative Susceptibilities of Legume Species to Infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi" Bonde, M.R.,et al * PLANT DIS., 92(1), 30-36, January 2008. "Crop Management Practices in the Control of Peanut Diseases Caused by Soilborne Fungi," Gil, S.V.,et al * CROP PROT., 27(1), 1-9, January 2008. Weed Science """""""""""" "Diversity and No-till: Keys for Pest Management in the U.S. Great Plains," Anderson, R.L. * WEED SCI., 56(1), 141-145, January 2008. "Ongoing Development of Integrated Weed Management Systems on the Canadian Prairies," Blackshaw, R.E., et al * WEED SCI., 56(1), 146-150, January 2008. Entomology """""""""" "Botanical Insecticides: For Richer, for Poorer," Isman, M.B. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 64(1), 8-11, January 2008. "Evaluation on Potential Wild Hosts as Trap Plants for Managing Gramineous Stemborers in Maize Based-Agroecosystem," Yewhalaw, D., et al * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 101(1), 50-55, February 2008. "Plant-mediated Interactions Between Whiteflies, Herbivores, and Natural Enemies," Inbar, M., and D. Gerling. * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 53, 431-448, 2008. Transgenics """"""""""" "_Bacillus thuringiensis_: Applications in Agriculture and Insect Resistance Management, A Review," Sanchis, V., and D. Bourguet. * AGRON. FOR SUST. DEVEL., 28(1), 11-20, January-March 2008. "The Cost and Benefits of Refuge Requirements: The Case of Bt Cotton," Frisvold, G.B., and J.M. Reeves. * ECOL. ECON., 65(1), 87-97, March 2008. Nematology """""""""" "Vertical Distribution of the Plant-parasitic Nematode, Meloidogyne chitwoodi Under Field Crops," Wesemael, W.M.L., and M. Moens. * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 120(3), 249-257, March 2008.
General """"""" "Impact of Environmental Factors, Chemical Fungicide and Biological Control on Cacao Pod Production Dynamics and Black Pod Disease (_Phtophthora megakarya_) in Cameroon," Deberdt, P., et al * BIOL. CONT., 44(2), 149-159, February 2008. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Training for Retail Pesticide Sales Personnel The Statewide IPM Program conducted by the Univ. of California now offers a free, online, two-module pesticide training course for personnel in retail sales situations, or for individuals who advise homeowners about home and garden pesticides. The course, "Introduction to Pesticides for Retail Employees," is narrated, includes interactive quizzes, and offers a certificate for successful completion. The first 40-minute-long module discusses how to: review pesticide labels, use and store pesticides, clean up any spills, and dispose of empty pesticide containers. A second module will focus on IPM and is scheduled for release in December 2008. The course suggests that there are several avenues for successfully managing pests and that, depending on circumstances, non-chemical methods may be safer and more effective. See: www.ipm.ucdavis.edu -> M.L. Flint, UC Statewide IPM Program, Univ. of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616-8621, USA. MLFlint@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-752-7692. Avoiding Pesticide Drift, Water Contamination Individuals applying pesticide via sprayers all have an awareness, ranging from watchfully acute to vaguely conscious, that sprayed droplets don't all necessarily find their way to the target. A new publication from Oregon State University extension, PREVENTING WATER CONTAMINATION AND PESTICIDE DRIFT, A CHECKLIST FOR PESTICIDE APPLICATORS, sharply focuses attention on the potential impacts of spray drift, and offers a constructive and practical list of measures for preventing, or least greatly diminishing, the occurrence as well as dangerous contamination of waterbodies. IPM education specialist T. Stock discusses steps to take before, during, and after application including clean up and storage. A series of columnar checksheets list the decision/steps to take, who is responsible in each case, when and how often to take the step, plus a final comments column. The 12-page, 2008 document, EM 8964-E, in English, can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com or requested from Oregon extension offices. -> T. Stock, IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis 97331, USA. StockT@science.oregonstate.edu. Phone: 1-541-737-6279. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) On the IPM-CRSP Research Front Under humid conditions, such as found in parts of HONDURAS, a tiny mite, Phytonemus pallidus (cyclamen mite, or strawberry mite), attacks and severely reduces yields of Fragaria x ananassa (strawberry). Scientist J. Alwang, representing the IPM-CRSP, and colleagues found that the customary local method of controlling P. pallidus involved dipping plant crowns in a miticide solution. The practice eliminated the mites, but caused an accumulation of pesticide residue in the fruit produced. After investigating and trialing numerous non-pesticidal approaches, the IPM-CRSP team found
that by dipping plant crowns in water heated to 43 deg. C. (109 deg. F.) for a 30-minute period the plants remained free of P. pallidus in the field for 26 weeks, ample time to produce a healthy crop. The benefits of the thermally treated planting material were: no loss of marketable yield; absence of undesirable residue; and a reduction in production costs compared to the traditional practice. -> J. Alwang, AlwangJ@vt.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from the IPM-CRSP website. back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site is designed with features intended for the convenience to users. The "IPMnet CALENDARUpdate" continues to appear in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 14 July 2008 2008 (N) 11-22 August * CURSO TALLER INTERNACIONAL SOBRE MANEJO DE PLAGAS DEL CAFÉ CON ENFASIS EN LA BROCA DEL CAFÉ, Chinchina, COLOMBIA. Contact: A.E. Bustillo, Alexe.Bustillo@cafedecolombia.com. (N) 01-03 September * 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON GRAPEVINE TRUNK DISEASES, Florence, ITALY. Contact: L. Mugnai, Depto. di Biotech. Agrairie, P.le delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, ITALY. Laura.Mugnai@unifi.it. tinyurl.com 18-22 October * 58TH MEETING, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA, Ottawa, ON, CANADA. Contact: Entom. Soc. of Canada, 393 Winston Ave., Ottawa, ON, K2A 1Y8, CANADA. entsoc.can@bellnet.ca. Fax: 1-613-725-9349. Phone: 1-613-725-2619. www.esc 27-29 October * ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIOCONTROL PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING, "Clean, Green and Mass-reared," Stoneville, MS, USA. Contact: ANBP, PO Box 1609, Clovis, CA 93613-1609, USA. Fax: 1-800-553-4817. LeBeckanpb@comcast.net. Phone:
1-559-360-7111. www.anbp.org. 19-22 November * 8TH AUSTRALASIAN PLANT VIROLOGY WORKSHOP, Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: R. MacDiarmid, Hortresearch, Auckland, NZ. RMacdiarmid@hortresearch.co.nz. www.biosecurity.govt.nz 23-27 November * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, GENETIC CONTROL OF PLANT PATHOGENIC VIRUSES AND THEIR VECTORS, "Towards New Resistance Strategies," Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz, SPAIN. Contact: F. Poey, INRA, Dom. St Maurice, BP 94, 84143 Montfavet cedex, FRANCE. Florence.Ploey@avignon.inra.fr. Phone: 33-0-43-272-2713. www.richalia.es 03 December * AAB CONFERENCE, RESIDUE REDUCTION THROUGH BIOCONTROL, Holmewood Hall, Peterborough, UK. Contact: AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Rachel@aab.org.uk. tinyurl.com 2009 (N) 01-03 February * ANNUAL CONFERENCE, ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED IPM ECOLOGISTS. Contact: AAIE, PO Box 12181, Fresno, CA 93776, USA. director@aaie.net. Phone: 1-559-907-4897. www.aaie.com. 16-19 March * ANNUAL MEETING, GERMAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Gottingen, GERMANY. Contact: S.M. Blank, DGaaE, Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Muncheberg, GERMANY. dgaae@dgaae.de. Fax: 49-334-328-24706. Phone: 49-334-328-4730. www.dgaae.de. New dates * 01-04 June * 4TH MEETING, IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP "INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF OLIVE CROPS," Cordoba, SPAIN. Contact: E. Quesada-Moraga, ETSIAM, Univ. of Cordoba, Campus de Rabanales, Bldg. C4 "Celestino Mutis," Cordoba 14071, SPAIN. cr2qumoe@uco.es. 2010-2013 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years. ................................................................. * About IPMnet *; ......IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information resource service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., USA, www.ipmnet.org and underwritten by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, www.csrees.usda.gov and the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program tinyurl.com IPMnet maintains working relationships with the International Society for Pest information www.pestinfo.org and the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences www.plantprotection.org.
*IPMnet NEWS* #164, July/August 2008. ISSN: 1523-7893. *Disclaimer*: .....Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the underwriters or others. *Reprinting*: .....IPMnet NEWS content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source. *Contributing material* to IPMnet NEWS: .... Items such as short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, plus notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome. *To Subscribe* (free), or to Unsubscribe: .... Send the message "subscribe," or "unsubscribe" to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state the e-mail address to be used. The IPMnet NEWS *Mailing List*: .... Is a PRIVATE list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet; it is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership. IPMnet NEWS *Editor/Coordinator*: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. *To contact* IPMnet NEWS: Email > IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax > 1-541-737-3080 Phone > 1-541-737-6275 Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Ctr. 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ.