September 2010, Issue no. 181 ISSN: 1523-7893 © Copyright 2005 I. News About IPM FAO GLOBAL GUIDELINES GIVE IPM AN EXPANDED ROLE In June 2010 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. (FAO) published Guidance on Pest and Pesticide Policy Developmenta topic linked to the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and in so doing gave special attention to IPM as an approach to sustainable pest management and a viable avenue toward reducing reliance on pesticides. The 6-chapter guide, focusing on agricultural pests and pest management, is aimed at policymakers, governmental departments, and other relevant stake- holders involved in policy development, especially in developing nations. In contrast with other technical guides related to the Code of Conduct, the guidelines emphasize the importance and scope of policies impacting pest management and encourage both governments and stakeholders to consider whether the present level and extent of pesticide use is actually justified. Following the introduction, the full, freely downloadable FAO document at presents a discussion of the driving forces behind pest and pesticide management policy development, and explains the concept of pesticide risk reduction. The 39-page text touches on other important aspects and includes an annex entitled “Further Information on Integrated Pest Manage- ment,” a concise section that distills IPM into its basic tenets and includes a listing of “available techniques in the IPM toolbox." A list of sources for further IPM technical information is also presented. –excerpted, with thanks, from the FAO Guidelines; thanks also to Pesticides-L for information. IPM WORKSHOP FINDINGS PUBLISHED AS 'WHITE PAPER' The CGIAR Systemwide Program on Integrated Pest Management (SP_IPM) recently published Integrated Pest Management and Crop HealthBringing Together Sustainable Agroecosystems and People's Health as a 'white paper' "to provide guidance to the CGIAR Consortium, its research partners, donor agencies, and other institutions and organizations working towards reducing world poverty and hunger, improving human health, and fostering agricultural ecosystems," according to the document. The paper resulted from a 3-day workshop organized by the SP-IPM in Germany during March
2010 and attended by international experts in a variety of related fields. Among the 11 major points summarized in the document's executive summary, the workshop participants agreed that "there is a dire need for research to be strengthened so as to improve established IPM methodologies" across CGIAR centers. The group also felt that there is a basic need to "improve knowledge generally of what crop health is and how to adopt IPM innovations with extension services and at the farmers' level." The 17-page document is not online as of this writing. -> SPIPM, Carolyn House, 26 Dingwall Rd., Croydon, CR9 3EE, UK. excerpted, with thanks, from the SP-IPM white paper. CABI LAUNCHES REVAMPED CROP PROTECTION COMPENDIUM UK-based CABI is actively marketing a newly tweaked version of its compre- hensive Crop Protection Compendium (CPC) as "a one-stop shop for information on crop protection" that has been enhanced with new content and features as well as relocated to a new online 'platform.' The CPC bulges with: full data sheets on 3,000 pests (i.e, pest insects), weeds, diseases, natural enemies, host plants, and crops, plus the countries in which they occur; 160,000 bibliographic records that are updated weekly; and loads of full text journal and conference articles. There is now a "report generator" to enable key information to be rapidly edited and disseminated. And the list of included resources goes on. Broadly, the CPC is an "encyclopaedic, mixed-media tool [that] collates science-based knowledge from experts all over the world," CABI sources explain. The latest revamped version of the CPC is designed to provide better access to, and delivery of, information in a more user-friendly manner, according to CABI officials involved with the CPC. Compilation of the CPC represents years of work with funding support from a wide array of organizations and consortia. The CPC, at is offered on a subscription basis; a free trial can be requested. {$} -> S. Bell, CPC, CABI, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. –excerpted, with thanks, from CABI materials. = IPM GLOBAL NOTES = * An international firm is now marketing a biofungicide, for control of diseases in vegetable crops, built on two naturally occurring active ingredients, Tichoderma gamsi and T. asperellum, which are said to be effective across a broad range of temperature and humidity. -> * Research evaluated a series of varied pesticide applications and other manage- ment tactics to forestall resistance in Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower thrips). -> J.E. Dripps,
* Two years of field trials revealed pea intercropped with cereal substantially re- duced ascochyta blight impact compared to a pea monocrop when the epidemic was moderate to severe. -> A. Schoeny, * A review concluded that published research lacked evidence for predatory arthropods suppressing target lepidopteran pest populations, and thus the research was seen to have little relevance for pest management. -> M.J. Furlong, * Newer style air induction nozzles are not capable of eliminating all spray drift, but can help significantly reduce drift when operated at the correct pressure. -> H. Spieser,
II. IPM Information Resources > Recently Published Information Materials = RECENTLY PUBLISHED INFORMATION MATERIALS = IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop IPM, crop protection, or invasive species. Please send a review copy of the material to the postal address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: A {$} indicates an item can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage, or both. A SOURCE FOR BIOPESTICIDE DATA A U.S.-based organization offers free access to an available biopesticide/organic database designed to help users identify products and sources for specific crops and situations. Known as the the Biopesticide and Organic Database for Integrated Pest Management, the massive information accumulation has been assembled by the IR-4 Project (originally the Interregional Research Project No. 4) a governmental funded entity "facilitating registration of sustainable pest management technology for specialty crops and minor uses," according to the IR-4 website. The biopesticide database at can be searched by area (U.S. states), crop, or pest problem, or various combinations of these criteria. A search delivers up to 11 information categories including trade name (in alphabetical order), mandated re-entry or pre-harvest waiting periods, active ingredient, and other data. A clickable link to a label (in PDF) is provided as is a link to the manufacturer's website. The information is provided as a guide only and does not constitute a recommendation. While designed for U.S. conditions, the listed data can be a useful initial information source for many other locations -> M.P. Braverman, IR-4 Project Hdqts., Suite 201 W, 500 College Rd. East, Princeton, NJ 08540-6635, USA. M. Braverman, Voice: 1-732-932-9575, ext. 4610. Fax: 1-609-514-2612. excerpted, with thanks, from IR-4 materials. SPOTLIGHTING PESTICIDE-SENSITIVE CROPS Several states in the midwestern U.S. have developed public information systems (viewers, directories, or registries) for identifying and locating sites producing pesticide- sensitive crops. The state of Nebraska's 6-month old Pesticide-Sensitive Crop Locater is an active on-line database of commercial pesticide-sensitive crop production locations across the state. A recent summary of approximately 240 voluntarily grower reported sites includes categories for fruit or
vegetables, vineyards, organic crops, and honey production. Commercial crop growers can register crop locations at the website and pesticide applicators can, at the same site, search both a pesticide-sensitive crop locater database of legal descriptions (section, township, and range) as well as a pesticide-sensitive crop locater mapping system that allows users to zoom in/out to gain details of a specific area. Applicators also can use the information to print a list of pesticide-sensitive locations for reference. The information system is a joint effort between the Nebraska Dept. of Agric. (NDA) and the Univ. of Nebraska's Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies. A disclaimer makes clear that the provided service bears no liability and that users are obligated to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and rules. -> T. Creger, Pesticide Program, Nebraska Dept. of Agric., BPI, PO Box 94756, Lincoln, NE 68509-4756, USA. Voice: 1-402-471-2394. . excerpted, with thanks, from the NDA website, and from Pesticide and Noxious Weed Newsletter, vol. 27, summer 2010. GARDEN INSECTS PROFILED A. Callaghan and M. Fellowes at the Univ. of Reading (UK) have prepared an extensively illustrated website, entitled GARDEN ENTOMOLOGY, as a guide to both identifying and understanding the roles, functions, and idiosyncrasies of in- sects frequently found in UK garden settings. In many cases, there is much broader geographical applicability. The intriguing booklet, sponsored by the Royal Entomo- logical Society (UK), incorporates full color close up photos throughout, accompa- nied by a down-to-earth, informative text. The free site, at includes 'fact files' and is a useful identification guide as well as a source of interesting specie profiles. > A. Callaghan, III. IPM Medley > Equipment, Products, Processes, Services > Professional Opportunities > Raiding the 'In" Box = EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, SERVICES = A New Biocontrol Product Introduced A recent addition to a growing list of biological control agents available from an international firm specializing in biocontrol is designed to help control Planococcus spp. (mealybug) attacking citrus, grape, and other vine crops. The product, Citripar, is based on a parasitic wasp, Anagyrus pseudococci, in mummy form that is said to be effective against second and third larval and adult P. citri and P. ficus, especially female P. citri. A single pack is sold as a 50 ml bottle containing wood chips and mummies from which 500 parasitic wasps hatch when the label is removed (per instructions) on the bottle, and the bottle hung in the crop out of direct sunlight for at least two weeks. The product requires controlling any presence of ants. The female adult wasp parasitizes the targeted mealybugs; results can be visually observed within two to three weeks. The firm also has developed two models of a hand-held, dry cell powered device for distributing predatory mites within a crop. The device ("Airbug") comprises a fan blowing a forward stream of air that intercepts, and transports to the target crop, the mites in a carrying mixture that falls out of holes in a revolving container. The process requires that an operator walk through the crop. -> Koppert B.V., Postbus 155, 2650 AD Berkel en Rodenrijs, THE NETHERLANDS, Fax: 31-10-511-5203. Voice: 31-10-514-0444. excerpted, with thanks, from Koppert information materials.
= PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES = PLANT DISEASE DIAGNOSTICIAN, Logan, UT, USA * Identify biotic and abiotic diseases; provide disease management recommendations to extension personnel, homeowners, agricultural and horticultural producers, and agencies; conduct training; assist with phytosanitary certification. * REQUIRES: M.S. in plant pathology or a closely related discipline; experience in isolation of fungi and/or bacteria, and use of morphological, serolog- ical and molecular identification techniques; excellent verbal and written commun- ication skills; experience training master gardeners, and with the Plant Diagnostic network. See: For information contact: C. Nischwitz, 5305 Old Main Hill, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 84322, USA. Voice: 1-435-797-7569. = RAIDING THE 'IN' BOX = Imagining Agriculture's Future For anyone inclined to dust off their crystal ball and engage in some forward prognostication here's an invitation to imagine how agriculture might be conducted worldwide in 2050. The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) and the German GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit) hosted a seminar in August 2010 ("The Future of AgricultureScenarios, Concepts, Visions") and now seek input from anyone who wishes to provide their views. However, the survey, The Face of Agriculture in 2050, closes on 12 September 2010. For all the details regarding the three scenarios offered, contact: -> A. Engel, excerpted, with thanks, from PAR and GTZ materials. APS Forges a New, Expanded Website The clever folks at the American Phytopathological Society have given their website a do-over that they demurely point out has been thoroughly reworked to have enhanced search functionality and improved nagvigability. It now includes a daily news feed and a webcast section, plus a truck load of searchable abstracts and historical archives. The name remains unchanged as and the APS Press (found under "APS Store") continues it's presence on the society's site. In fact, the more than 300 titles it lists are all on sale through 30 September 2010. The re- vamped site was two years in the making, and no wonder as it is said to include more than 100,000 pages and over 20,000 images. -> D. Eastburn, excerpted, with thanks, from an APS news release. Anniversaries U.S.-based Plant Management Network (PMN) sent up a flare to note its first decade of existence growing from a single journal, Plant Health Progress, to now encompass a varied stable of periodicals, proceedings publications, image collections, searchable databases of (U.S.) state extension publications, and even an employment and internship posting service. PMN is jointly managed by the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the American Phytopath. Society. -> M. Wimer, The Canadian province of Ontario's periodic electronic CropPest Ontario Newsletter recently marked 15 years of publishing timely information for growers and others in- volved with crop protection. Editor A. Tenuta remarked that "our intention is to provide you with the best practical, theoretical or research-based information." The newsletter, the official provincial field crop production and IPM information periodical, is sponsored by an agribusiness contingent and
posts both English and French versions on its website -> A. Tenuta, The Decade's Best Article Title Writing in the January 2003 issue of Nature, K. Clay prefaces his article by rhetorically asking, "Why do some plants and animals become pests when they are introduced to new areas? Part of the answer seems to be that they have left most of their parasites behind, gaining new vigour as a consequence." And, what was the incredibly pungent and clever article title? Why, of course, "Parasites Lost." "QUOTE" "The biopesticide industry is still considered a niche sector of the crop protection market accounting for some 1-2% of the overall global pesticide market. However, the challenge of new and more stringent chemical pesticide regulations, combined with increasing demand for agricultural products with positive environmental and safety profiles, is currently boosting interest in biopesticides." M. Redbond, editor, CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY, #235, June 2009 IV. IPM-Related Publications > Books, Other Longer Publications IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on. or related to, crop plant IPM, pest management, crop protection, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. IPM FOR VEGETABLES: AN AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE A new publication punctuated by over 100 full color photos, numerous data tables, and other practical information is destined to become an invaluable resource on applied IPM. Integrated Pest Management in Vegetable Production: A Guide for Extension Workers in West Africa was prepared by B. James, et al, a team of highly experienced IPM scientists at the International Institute of Tropical Agri- culture in Africa. While primarily intended for field practitioners and extensionists, and with examples for conditions in BENIN, the 120 page volume has clear applicability to some extent for other vegetable production sites in West Africa and beyond as well as for technicians, scientists, and students globally. Following introduction of vegetable agroecosystems, their components and complexities, the narrative expands to cover field diagnoses and biotic specimen collection techniques. A series of liberally illustrated pest fact sheets precedes sections on IPM options and learning IPM. The authors conclude by presenting several key considerations, not the least of which is the necessity to appreciate the realities growers, particularly those operating on a smaller scale, face and which can in- fluence or limited their use of IPM options. The 2010 work is printed on high grade matte coated paperstock and spiral bound inside a protective cover. Several international institutions provided support for publishing this landmark guide. -> B. James, IITA, Tower Hill, PMB 134, Freetown, SIERRA LEONE.
MANGO IPM IN ASIA A 2009 summarizing report from the Australian Centre for International Agri- cultural Research (ACIAR) presents an objective view of a project focused on IPM applied to Mangifera indica (mango) in two Asian growing regions where production is impacted by pest insects and diseases responsible for crop losses and damage levels of up to 40 percent. The publication, Integrated Pest Management and Supply Chain Improvement for Mangoes in the Philippines and Australia, which can be freely downloaded from describes the project's five principle research activities, their objectives and results. Authors B. Williams, et al, prepared the 122-page extensively illustrated (full color photos) report in which, among other information, IPM practices were compared with farmer's practice (mainly chemical-based), and control plots (no pest management). The concise text and data graphs offer ample information including trial results, overall conclusions, and recommendations. A section of the report is devoted to "Field Evaluation of Plant Host Defence Activators," the objective being to further develop and evaluate treatments that enhance host resistance and delay or inhibit disease development on mangoes under natural field conditions. -> ACIAR, excerpted, with thanks, from ACIAR materials. ANTS IN YOUR PLANTS? A 2010 volume, Ant Ecology, is "a comprehensive and authoritative text that takes the reader on a journey of discovery from the beginnings of ants many hundreds of thousands of years ago, through to the makings of present day distributions," according to the publisher. The softbound work, edited by L. Lach, et al, explores ecological issues, with one section devoted to invasive ants and how they move around the globe, invade, and affect ecosystems while humans attempt to manage them. The well-researched and thoroughly referenced monograph includes a full color section (approx. 28 clear photos) plus numerous black/white illustrations in its more than 420 pages. -> Oxford Univ. Press, C. Lee, V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Articles > Journal Special Issues > Selected Title = RECENT JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES = ~ The June 2010 special edition of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, a Cambridge journal, (formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture) covers “Sustainable Agriculture Systems in a Resource Limited Future,” edited by R. Welsh, et al. The issue includes 10 entries addressing a wide swath of topics. One of the research papers asks, “Are Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture Compatible?” and delivers some provocative prognostications. = SELECTED TITLES = Selections from current literature, by subject area, in chronological order. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the physical and email address, as available, for first authors of the following titles, when so requested from:
Phytopathology """"""""""""""""" “Persistent, Symptomless, Systematic, and Seed-borne Infection of Lettuce by Botrytis cinerea,” Sowley, E.N.K., et al. * JRNL. OF EURO. PLANT PATH., 126(1), 61-71, January 2010. “A Review of Advanced Techniques for Detecting Plant Diseases,” Sankaran, S., et al. * COMPUTERS AND ELEC. IN AGRIC., 72(1), 1-13, June 2010. Weed Science / Invasives """"""""""""""""""""""""""" “Elucidating the Apparent Maize Tolerance to Weed Competition in Long-term Organically Managed Systems,” Ryan, M.R., et al. * WEED RSRCH., 59(1), 25-36, February 2010. “Addressing Current and Future Problems of Parasitic Weeds in Rice,” Rodenburg, J., et al. * CROP PROT., 29(3), 210-221, March 2010. “A New Method for the Analysis of Germination and Emergence Data of Weed Species,” Onofri, A., et al. * WEED RESCH., 50(3), 187-198, June 2010. Entomology """"""""""""" “Dispersal Kernels of the Invasive Alien Western Corn Rootworm and the Effectiveness of Buffer Zones in Eradication Programmes in Europe,” Carrasco, L.R., et al. * ANNS. OF APPLD. BIOL., 156(1), 63-77, January 2010. “Tandem Use of Selective Insecticides and Natural Enemies for Effective, Reduced-risk Pest Management,” Gentz, M.C., et al. * BIOL. CONTROL, 52(3), 208-215, March 2010. “Improved Quality Management to Enhance the Efficacy of the Sterile Insect Technique for Lepidopteran Pests,” Simmons, G.S., et al. * JRNL. OF APPLD. ENTOM., 134(3), 261-273, April 2010. Transgenics """""""""""" “Public Opinion, Risk Assessment, and Biotechnology: Lessons from Attitudes Toward Genetically Modified Foods in the European Union,” Legge Jr., J.S., and R.F. Durant. * REV. OF POLICY RSCH, 27(1), 59-76, January 2010. “A Synthesis of Laboratory and Field Studies on the Effects of Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Maize on Non-target Lepidoptera,” Lang, A., and M. Otto. * ENTOMO. EXPER. ET APPLI., 135(2), 121-134, May 2010. Nematology """""""""'''''" “Plant-parasitic Nematodes Attacking Olive Trees and their Management,” Castillo, P., et al. * PLANT DIS., 94(2), 148-162, February 2010. “Nematicidal Activity of Monoterpenoids Against the Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita,” Echeverrigaray, S., et al. * PHYTOPATH., 100(2), 199-203, February 2010. Vertebrates """""""""""" “A Technique to Estimate Bird Damage in Wine Grapes,” Tracey, J.P., and G.R. Saunders. * CROP PROT., 29(5), 435-439, May 2010. General """"""""" “Farmer Field School-IPM Impacts on Urban and Peri-urban Vegetable Producers in Cotonu, Benin,” Lund, T., et al. * INTL. JRNL. OF INSECT SCI., 30(1), 19-31,
March 2010. “Defence Mechanisms of Brassicaceae: Implications for Plant-Insect Interactions and Potential for Integrated Pest Management. A Review,� Ahuja, I., et al. * AGRON. FOR SUSTAIN. DEVEL., 30(2), 311-348, April-June 2010.
VI. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - An Effective Biofungicide for Vegetables - A Pest and its Predators in Asia An Effective Biofungicide for Vegetables A recent addition to the Philippine Rice Research Institute's printed booklets in its Rice Technology Bulletin Series is Trichoderma Biofungicide for Vegetables, an illustrated description of using Trichoderma sp. to realize benefits of economically effective pest management. The succinct, 16-page, 2009 publication, no. 62 in the series, was authored by H.R. Rapusas, et al, and addresses procedures for both Trichoderma sp. production and application to a crop. Funding for the study sup- porting the document came from both the Institute and the IPM-CRSP. Other recent series titles related to crop protection include management of rice blast disease, management of yellow and white stemborers, and root-knot management in a rice-onion cropping system. See:, click on "products," then "knowledge products." -> A.Blanuza, thanks to R. Muniappan for information. A Pest and its Predators in Asia Recently the IPM CRSP Southeast Asia team, plus the program's director returned to INDONESIA and found that the formerly identified pest insect Paracoccus marginatus (papaya mealybug) was now being attacked and controlled by a fortuitously introduced parasitoid, Acerophagus papayae. In INDIA, A. papayae is also one of three introduced parasitoids, along with Anagyrus loecki, and Pseudleptomastrix mexicana,for control of P. marginatus. The predator species were imported into INDIA from Puerto Rico (USA) in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The three biocontrol species are being reared in a quarantine facility at Bangalore, INDIA, in anticipation of gaining official clearance for field release within the next few months. thanks to R. Muniappan for information. VII. IPMnet CALENDARUpdate > (N)ew or (R)evised Entries for IPMnet CALENDAR NOTES: 1. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate , lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events with new information compared to previous mention in IPMnet NEWS.
2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version , can be requested any time from It is also online at courtesy of International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) executive director, B. Zelazny. The latter site includes features intended for user convenience. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate section appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 01 September 2010 2010 (N) 05-07 September * INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN PLANT VIROL- OGY, Arnhem, The NETHERLANDS. Info: 12-16 September * POPULATION DYNAMICS, BIOLOGICAL CON- TROL, AND INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF FOREST INSECTS, Eberswalde, GERMANY. Info: A. Linde, 13-14 September * ECOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO INVASIVE PLANT MANAGEMENT, Revelstoke, BC, CANADA. Info: (N) 13-16 September * POTATO PESTS AND DISEASES: OLD ENEMIES, NEW THREATS, Carlow, IRELAND. Info: 27-30 September * NORTH AMERICAN WEED MANAGEMENT ASSO- CIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Pueblo, CO, USA. Info: NAWMA, PO Box 687, Meade, KS 67864, USA. Fax: 1-620-873-8733. Voice: 1-620-873-8730. (N) 03-07 October * BIOCONTROL FOR NATURE, Northampton, MA, USA. Info: 10-14 October * revised dates * POTENTIAL INVASIVE PESTS WORK- SHOP, Miami, FL, USA. Info: H. Paszko, PO Box 110750, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, USA. Fax: 1-352-392-9734. Voice: 1-352-392-5930. (N) 14 October * CONNECTICUT INVASIVE PLANT WORKING GROUP SYMPOSIUM, Storrs, CT, USA. Info: 18-22 October * NORTH AMERICAN PLANT PROTECTION ORGAN-IZATION ANNUAL MEETING, Kelowna, ALB., CANADA. Info: L. Cree, Fax: 1-613-228-6602. Voice: 1-613-221-4546.
25-29 October * 2ND INVASIVE SPECIES IN NATURAL AREAS CON- FERENCE, Coeur d’Alene, ID, USA. Info: 15-20 November * 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE BIO- SAFETY OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. Info: (N) 16-18 November * 25TH TOMATO DISEASE WORKSHOP, Wimauma, FL, USA. Info: G. Vallad, Voice: 1-813-633-4121. 17 November * ADVANCES IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Marston, Lincs, UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Fax: 44-01-789-470234. Voice: 44-02-476-575195. (N) 22-23 November * MANAGEMENT OF VIRAL DISEASES OF VEGETABLE CROPS WORKSHOP, Comayagua, HONDURAS. Info: S. Tolin,, or J. Brown, See: 24-25 November * INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN EUROPE, ENDURE, Paris, FRANCE. Info: 25 November * INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN PEST AND WEED CONTROL IN FIELD VEGETABLES, Harpenden, Hertfordshire,UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Fax: 44-01-789-470234. Voice: 44-02-476-575195. 13-14 December * OPERATOR AND RESIDENT EXPOSURE AND RISK ASSESSMENT, Mainz, GERMANY. Info: S. Mummenbrauer, Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH, Alter Hellweg 46, 44379 Dortmund, GERMANY. Fax: 49-231-758-9653. Voice: 49-231-758-9682. 24-26 January * SOUTHERN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY (U.S.) ANNUAL MEETING, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. Info: SWSS, 205 W. Boutz, Bldg. 4, Ste. 5, Las Cruces, NM 88005, USA. Voice: 1-575-527-1888. (N) 23-24 February * CROP PROTECTION IN SOUTHERN BRITAIN 2011, Impington, Cambridge, UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, Warwick, Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Fax: 44-01-789-470234. Voice: 44-02-476-575195. 24 May * 63RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTEC- TION, Ghent, BELGIUM. Info: G. Smagghe, Fax: 32-09-264-6249. Voice: 32-09-264-6010. (N) 19-23 June * INSECT PATHOGENS AND ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA. Info: H. Strasser, BIPESCO Team Innsbruck, Univ. Innsbruck, Technikstrasse 25, 6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA.
2012 (N) 23-25 January * SOUTHERN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY (U.S.) ANNUAL MEETING, Charleston, SC, USA. Info: SWSS, 205 W. Boutz, Bldg. 4, Ste. 5, Las Cruces, NM 88005, USA. Voice: 1-575-527-1888. (N) 17-22 June * VI INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Dynamic Weeds, Diverse Solutions, Hangzhou, CHINA. Info: H.J. Huang, IPP, CAAS, No. 2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100193, CHINA. Fax/voice: 86-10-628-15937. 2013 (N) 18-22 February * INTERNATIONAL HERBICIDE RESISTANCE CON- FERENCE, Perth, AUSTRALIA. Info: S. Powles, AHRI, School of Plant Biol., Univ. of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy., Crawley, Perth 6009, WA, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-8-6488-7834. Voice: 61-8-6488-7870. 2014 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. ********************************************* Publication Frequency: IPMnet publishes IPMnet NEWS every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). To Subscribe (free) or Unsubscribe: Subscriptions to IPMnet NEWS are entirely free. To subscribe, send the message | "subscribe," (or "unsubscribe") to:, being sure to state the specific e-mail address involved. Problems: Please advise IPMnet regarding: content errors; non-working websites cited in the NEWS; subscriptions to incorrect addresses; too many copies of the file being received (or a need for additional copies); or any other problem encountered so that we can attempt to correct or resolve it. Contributing material: Notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome, as are short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information. IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: The NEWS' mailing list is a private list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet, and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence and respects the privacy of its global subscribers/readers. Disclaimer: Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect | those of the underwriters. Copyright and Reprinting: Content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in the NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is clearly
identified as the source. Of course, IPMnet appreciates being alerted to any instance referring to the NEWS. ISSN: 1523-7893. Editor/Coordinator: A.E. Deutsch, Contact Information: Email > Fax >1-541-737-3080 Voice > 1-541-737-6275 Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA ##