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IPMnet NEWS August 2004, Issue no. 128 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Scientists Worry IPM Tenets Ignored Were some soybean growers in the U.S. state of Illinois recently persuaded to unnecessarily and uneconomically apply insecticides when insect pests were not present at anywhere near economically threatening levels? Two highly respected entomologists and IPM experts think so, and have publicly said exactly that. K.L. Steffey and M.E. Gray, faculty members at the Univ. of Illinois, appended their strong expression of concern to an analysis, of "Insects Infesting Soybean? Or Not?" in issue no. 18 of the Pest Management & Crop Development Bulletin, 23 July 2004, found at www.ipm.uiuc.edu The two scientists noted that some sales representatives had recommended inclusion of an insecticide when an herbicide was applied to soybean crops recently. Not only did this action violate a basic IPM tenet of adhering to economic thresholds, the growers who followed the advice flatly "wasted their money," Drs. Steffey and Gray declared. Another abuse of IPM the expert pair noted involved a sales promotion of applying both a fungicide and an insecticide together, a tactic said to guarantee improved soybean yield. Again, insecticides used without justification based on scouting and presence of pest insect densities exceeding published economic thresholds is, in their words, "foolish and irresponsible," and constitutes an outright abuse that "will draw negative attention to agriculture." The authors doubt that any consideration is given to important IPM principles when such spurious recommendations are made. In a plea not to "undo what has taken us decades to accomplish with IPM," they call for a review of recommendations by sales representatives and a halt to "application of insecticides for reasons that are tenuous, at best. K.L. Steffey and M.E. Gray are extension IPM specialists and professors in the Dept. of Crop Sci., at the Univ. of Illinois; Dr. Steffey is also president of the Entomological Society of America. excerpted, with thanks, from Pest Mgmt. & Crop Devel. Bull. #18, July 2004. thanks to S. Lloyd for information. GLOBAL IPM "SNAPSHOTS" FAO's Global IPM Facility recently organized a date palm IPM workshopfor Gulf countriesthat delivered information from other palm IPM programs and recommended several strategies for the

Near East. *> P.E. Kenmore, Peter.Kenmore@fao.org A Bt cotton hybrid outperformed conventional cotton when grown under IPM in farmer participatory trials in rainfed central India. *> O.M. Bambawale, Bambawale@rediffmail.com Scientists now believe that a combination of weather and natural enemies interact to regulate outbreaks of Aphis glycines (soybean aphid). *> D.A. Landis, LandisD@msu.edu. Despite an eradication plan, Chondrilla juncea L. (skeleton weed) infestation in Western Australia is spreading and management costs are rising. *> D. Collopy, DCollopy@agric.wa.gov.au. A recently reported multi-year, multi-site field study revealed relatively little performance difference amongst 10 glyphosate-based herbicides. *> B. Kappler, BKappler1@unl.edu.

back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED FOCUS ON IPM IN INDIA Twenty papers presented at an August 2001 workshop on IPM in Indian Agriculture comprise INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN INDIA, the proceedings for the event, published in early 2004. Editors P.S. Birthal and O.P. Sharma have grouped titles focusing on IPM applied to predominant crops (rice, groundnut, cotton, vegetables, etc.). Other papers in the softbound, 272-page text address IPM economics, farmers' perceptions, promotion and adoption of IPM, and socio-economic aspects. The concluding chapter notes that "at present, IPM is not very popular among farmers," due to a variety of external restraints. Perhaps the workshop's sponsoring National Centre IPM will convene a follow-up event to assess IPM development and adoption in the intervening period. *> National Centre for IPM, Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, IARI Campus, Pusa, New Delhi-110012, INDIA. OPSharmadelhi@rediffmail.com. Fax: 91-011-258-41472. Phone: 91-011-258-43935. thanks to O.P. Sharma for information. WEEDS IN NEW ZEALAND Many are the national volumes of weed identification. For NEW ZEALAND, a 1985 publication (with a second edition in 1986) offered A GUIDE TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF NEW ZEALAND COMMON WEEDS IN COLOUR, a noble but minimally informative, less-than-reader-friendly effort. In 1998 the New Zealand Plant Protection Society published a notably improved sequel, AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO COMMON WEEDS OF NEW ZEALAND. Now, the Society has brought forth a second edition of that Guide, an information packed tour de force of weed identification that will be a highly useful resource for anyone with an interest in weed science. The 2004 version, especially in comparison to the 1985 work, shows a dramatic evolution with nearly a tripling of pages (321), vastly improved organization and grouping of data, a larger easier to view format, and dozens of vivid, clear full color photos. Authors B. Roy, et al tweaked the contents of this edition and the communication specialists at Weed Information in Australia produced a winning graphic design. The bulk of the softbound work is focused on the actual plant descriptions including nomenclature, botanical characteristics, plus luscious photos, and an interesting small feature: derivation of botanical names. The newest Guide not only provides practical information, it stands as a model for weed identification texts. *> R.G./F.J. Richardson, PO Box 42, Meredith, VIC 3333, AUSTRALIA. Richardson@weedinfo.com.au. Fax/phone: 61-03-5286-1533. Web: www.weedinfo.com.au.

PESTICIDE PAMPHLETS PUBLISHED Being located in Indianaa key U.S. farming state, it is not surprising that Purdue University's prolific Pesticide Programs group has published nearly 50 pamphlets on a wide range of pesticide-related topics. What is refreshing about the series is the very high degree of professionalism and extensive use of color that yield reader friendly, actively communicating materials, based on review of five recent titles. Case in point: publication PPP-61 issued in 2003 is titled PESTICIDE SAFETY TIPS FOR THE WORKPLACE AND FARM, A Pictorial Guide to Best esticide Management Practices. Editor F. Whitford, et al use full color photos and short text to clearly show the "don'ts" and "do's" of handling and using pesticides; the 62-page work is printed on coated paper for longevity and is brimming with practical ideas and comparisons. Another in the pesticide series, PESTICIDES AND RISK COMMUNICATION, offers useful ideas for more effective interaction and dialog with the public. A list of available publications, ranging from 2 to 114 pages, is at www.btny.purdue.edu *> AgComm Media Ctr., 231 S. University St., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2064, USA. media.order@purdue.edu. Fax: 1-765-496-1540. thanks to F. Whitford for information. WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES ACTIVELY COPING WITH INVASIVES With its sub-tropical and tropical climate, the U.S. state of Florida is a battleground for managing invasive, non-native plants on public conservation lands. Responsibility for stemming the tide of these uninvited exotic and alien plant species that are now found on nearly 1 million ha. in Florida falls to the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, an arm of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Bureau's extensive 2002-2003 Annual Report provides a thorough programmatic review of invasive plant management actions taken, their costs, and the critical "complex operational and financial interactions between state, federal, and local governments, as well as private sector companies." The review is organized into sections covering aquatic plant management, upland plant management, and field operations, and can be freely downloaded from the web at: www.dep.state.fl.us *> R.L. Cleary, BIPM, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 705, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000, USA. Ruark.Cleary@dep.state.fl.us. Fax: 1-850-245-2835. Phone: 1-850-245-2809, ext. 4828. thanks to R.L. Cleary for information. TROPICAL CROP PEST LOSSES The Brisbane, AUSTRALIA based Cooperative Centre for Tropical Plant Protection (TPP) website notes that "Northern Australia's plant-based industries lose an estimated A.5 billion per year in failed production and the cost of pest and disease management." To address the problem TPP conducts research on a variety of pest problems, such as resistant varieties, and seeks avenues to reduce reliance on pesticide usage and provide strategies for positive economic gains. One of TPP's programs has published an interactive list of over 60 predominantly tropical, crop-attacking pests (pathogens/diseases, insects, weeds) at www.tpp.uq.edu.au Clicking on a listed item leads to a detailed description and, in some cases, a color photo of the pest. A second interactive list is arranged by commodity. *> TPP, Level 5, John Hines Bldg., Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA. TPPinfo@tpp.uq.edu.au. Fax: 61-0-73-365-4771. Phone: 61-0-73-365-4776. RIPARIAN INVADERS The Pennsylvania (U.S.) office of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (ACB) recently (2004) published PENNSYLVANIA FIELD GUIDE, COMMON INVASIVE PLANTS IN RIPARIAN AREAS, a 29-page effort describing 24 of the "most significant

invasive plants, vines, shrubs, and trees" in the state of Pennsylvania. Each plant rates its own page which includes an identifying color photo, a black and white line drawing, botanical description of leaf, flower, and seed, plus strategies for control, and comments about "look-alike" plants. The publication was designed for use by volunteers in targeted invasive plant removal projects. Copies can be downloaded from: www.acb Additionally, ACB has a limited number of waterproof hard copies. *> ACB, 3310 Market St., Suite A, Camp Hill, PA 17011, USA. Fax: 1-717-737-8650. acbpa@acb-online.org. thanks to S. Lloyd for information. NEW DATABASES ORGANIZED Pesticide Action Network-UK (PAN-UK) recently launched a "Pesticides and Alternatives Database" comprised of a research segment with over 5,000 articles, reports, and books related to environmental and health aspects of pesticides, and alternatives thereto. Additionally, a separate new database was set up to act as an archive of photos taken by PAN-UK staff over the years. Use of either database is open and cost-free to all. The online site to access, and enter queries to, the databases is: www.pesticidelibrary.org. PAN-UK, Eurolink Ctr., 49 Effra Rd., London SW2 1BZ, UK.Fax: 44-20-7274-9084. Phone: 44-20-7274-8895. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IPM CENTER CO-DIRECTOR, Geneva, NY, USA * Provide leadership for the Northeastern Regional IPM Center serving a 12-state area in development and delivery of IPM tactics for both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors; serve as a focal point for organizational and public relations activities; network with research and extension personnel; aid in regional project planning; oversee production of documents; manage annual budget. * REQUIRES: M.S. (Ph.D. preferred) from an accredited institution in an IPM-related field; broad knowledge and experience in IPM; ability to effectively interact and communicate via oral, written, and electronic means with growers, consultants, faculty, extension staff, government entities, and the public; previous extension experience is desirable. * CONTACT: M.P. Hoffmann, Director NYS IPM Program, NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456, USA. mph3@cornell.edu. Fax: 1-315-787-2360. Web: www.northeastipm.org IPM PROGRAM MANAGER, Maricopa, AZ, USA * Help lead and implement programs of the newly-formed Arizona Pest Management Center (APMC), an interdisciplinary team of extension and research specialists; help coordinate, manage, and support IPM program planning; cooperate with federal, state and local agencies; develop and focus resources on priorities identified by a stakeholder IPM Coordinating Committee; increase visibility and function of the APMC in coordination with the Western Regional IPM Center. * REQUIRES: Ph.D. in an IPM-related discipline; capability to teach and communicate with diverse audiences; strong writing skills; ability to productively collaborate with peers and professionals; independent work mastery; preferred: extension experience; broad interest in IPM. * CONTACT: P.C. Ellsworth, IPM Coordinator, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Arizona, Maricopa Agric. Ctr., 37860 W. Smith-Enke Road, Maricopa, AZ 85239-3101, USA. PeterEll@ag.arizona.edu. Fax: 1-520-568-2556. Phone: 1-520-381-2225. Web: www.uacareertrack.com cals.arizona.edu LECTURER IN ENTOMOLOGY, Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND * Teach first year biology and

advanced entomology classes; supervise postgraduate students' research; conduct and publish research; seek external research funding. * REQUIRES: demonstrated entomological skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: biodiversity, evolutionary biology, biosystematics, biosecurity, and molecular biology. Vacancy 04/59. * CONTACT: Human Resources Section, PO Box 94, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND. TrottC@lincoln.ac.nz. Fax: 64-3-325-3870. Phone: 64-3-325-3613. Web: www.lincoln.ac.nz PESTICIDE INFORMATION COORDINATOR, Gainesville, FL, USA * Work closely with state and county faculty to develop, design, and implement pesticide safety education programs to meet specific needs of target clientele; administer educational aspects of the State of Florida's Pesticide Safety Education Program coordinate and/or conduct safe and legal pesticide use training sessions for various groups; maintain, update, and prepare instructional materials, administer elements of the Pesticide Applicator Certification Program; publish a monthly newsletter; liaise with various agencies. * REQUIRES: Ph.D. in entomology, plant pathology, weed science, crop protection or closely related field; experience with USDA-CSREES and EPA pesticide safety and worker protection educational programming; familiarity with issues pertaining to pesticides, laws and regulations, storage and disposal, applicator licensing and worker safety; record of leadership accomplishments in pesticide education; strong record of academic excellence; demonstrated verbal and written communication skills; excellence in developing and delivering education programs; procurement of extramural funding skills; management of grants including fiscal responsibility skills; and strong interpersonal relationship skills. * CONTACT: J.L. Capinera, Entomology & Nematology Department, Univ. of Florida, PO Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611-0620, USA. JLCap@ifas.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-0190. Phone: 1-352-392-1901, ext. 111. ORNAMENTALS IPM COORDINATOR, Ithaca, NY, USA * Facilitate statewide demonstration and implementation of IPM practices for nursery and greenhouse crops, and sod production farms; in cooperation with faculty, extension staff, and industry stakeholders extend IPM information (80 percent) and conduct applied research (20 percent) addressing needs of the commercial ornamental industry. * REQUIRES: MS (Ph.D. preferred) in entomology, plant pathology, weed science, horticulture, or related field; broad experience in and knowledge of IPM; extension and research experience desirable; ability to interact with a wide range of clients, organizations, and research programs. * CONTACT: M.P. Hoffmann, Director NYS IPM Program, NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456, USA. mph3@cornell.edu. Fax: 315-787-2360. Phone: 315-787-2353. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES INSECT RESISTANCE ANALYSIS A private firm, Insect Investigations Ltd (I2L), has joined forces with the Pest Management & Ecotoxicology Centre at Cardiff Univ. to establish Cardiff Resistance Monitoring Service (CARMS) offering a variety of technical and laboratory-based capabilities to support pest management companies needing to detect and analyze insect resistance to insecticides. CARMS, drawing on decades of collective expertise, can provide pest rearing, pesticide susceptibility assays, resistance diagnosis (biochemical and molecular assays), and pesticide metabolism studies, as well as access to thin-layer chromatography and a range of

other scientific studies. The organization's facilities include labs, said to contain state-of-the-art equipment, glass houses, and controlled environment units. Since CARMS is independent of any insecticide producer, it claims to provide unbiased information, specifically tailored to client needs, and offered in complete confidentiality. *> P. McEwen, I2L, Capital Business Park, Wentloog, Cardiff, CF3 2PX, Wales, UK. insect@insect-investigations.com. Fax: 44-0-29-208-37451. Phone: 44-0-29- 208-37450. Web: www.insect back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Pesticides Used on Processing Tomato Crops," Bues, R., et al. * AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 102(2), 155-162, April 2004. "The GDS ModelA Rapid Computational Technique for the Calculation of Aircraft Spray Drift Buffer Distances," Craig, I.P. * COMPUT. AND ELEC. IN AGRIC., 43(3), 235-250, June 2004. Phytopathology "Effect of Time of Spraying of Fungicide and Foliar Nutrient on Soybean Powdery Mildew," Yorinori, M.A., et al. * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 152(3), 129-132, March 2004. "Evaluation of Systems for Timing of Fungicide Sprays for Control of Postbloom Fruit Drop of Citrus in Brazil," Peres, N.A.R., et al. * PLANT DIS., 88(7), 731-735, July 2004. Weed Science "Orchard Floor Management Influence on Summer Annual Weeds and Young Peach Tree Performance," Belding, R.D., et al. * WEED TECH., 18(2), 215-222, April 2004. "The Effect of Sowing Date, Stale Seedbed, Row Width and Mechanical Weed Control on Weeds and Yields of Organic Winter Wheat," Rasmussen, I.A. * WEED RESCH., 44(1), 12-20, February 2004. "Weed Control of Four Higher Plant Species in Paddy Rice Fields in Southeast Asia," Hong, N.H., et al. * JRNL. OF AGRON. AND CROP SCI., 190(1), 59-64, February 2004. Entomology "Enhancing Parasitism of Wheat Aphids Through Apparent Competition: A Tool for Biological Control," Langer, A., and T. Hance. * AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 102(2), 205-212, April 2004. "Evaluation of Oils and Microbial Pathogens for Control of Lepidopteran Pests of Sweet Corn in New England," Hazzard, R.V., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOMO., 96(6), 1653-1661, December 2003. "Towards Insecticide Free Apple Orchards: Flowering Plants to Attract Beneficial Arthropods," Bostanian, N.J., et al. * BIOCON. SCI. AND TECH., 14(1), 25-37, February 2004. Bt sub-Section "Dynamics of Insect Resistance in Bt-corn," Linacre, N.A., and C.J. Thompson. * ECOL. MODEL., 171(3) 271-278, January 2004. Nematology "Control of Root-knot Nematodes by Composted Agro-industrial Wastes in Potting Mixtures," Nico, A.I., et al. * CROP PROT., 23(7), 581-587, July 2004. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Modules Discuss IPM Agronomy faculty at North Central RIPMC member Univ. of Nebraska have created a unique

Library of Crop Technology Learning Modules, a collection of over 60 free, expert-authored, peer reviewed online learning blocks. Topics explore a wide range of crop technology subjects; though relative few relate to IPM, important aspects of resistance refuge design are presented. The beauty of the modules lies in their accessible, reader friendly format that includes photos, illustrations, and even animation. Lessons range in difficulty from beginner to advanced; a significant number have parallel Spanish versions. The Library is found at croptechnology.unl.edu Use of the crop technology library is open, without cost, to all. thanks to D. Baltensperger for information. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2004 (N) 20-22 September * AGCHEM FORUM 2004, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS. Contact: L. Beachus, IBC Conferences, Informa UK Ltd., PO Box 406, West Byfleet, KT14 6NN, UK. Fax: 44-0-207-017-4749. Phone: 44-0-207-017-5507. Web: www.agchemforum.com. 18-20 October * CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE BIOPLAGUICIDAS Y ABONOS ORGANICOS, San Jose, COSTA RICA. Contact: CATIE, catiegtz@bioplaguicidas.org. Phone: 506-296-5715. (N) 19-20 October * 26AS JORNADAS DE PRODUCTOS FITOSANITARIOS, Barcelona, SPAIN. Contact: Inst. Quimicos de Sarria, Jorn. de Prod. Fitos, Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, SPAIN. Barelles@iqs.edu. Fax: 34-93-205-6266. Phone: 34-93-267-2000. Web: www.iqs.es 15-16 November * WORKSHOP ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS BY THE USE OF ORGANISMS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PESTS AND DISEASES IN AGRICULTURE, Elsinor-Helsingor, DENMARK. Contact: N.B. Hendriksen, nbh@dmu.dk. Web: www.center (N) 24-25 November * NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF APHIDS, Kalyani, West Bengal, INDIA. Contact: S. Chakrabarti, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Kalyani, Kalyani 741235, West Bengal, INDIA. Chakrabarti32b@vsnl.net. Fax: 91-33-258-28282. (N) 07-08 December * THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF VIROLOGY, "Towards a Better Strategy for Control of Virus Disease," Cairo, EGYPT. Contact: D. El-Kadi, Arab Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Tharwat St., Cairo Univ. Hostel, Giza, 12613, EGYPT. acgssr@hotmail.com. Fax: 20-2-760-2658. Phone: 20-2-567-6048. 2005 (N) 30 January-3 February * INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF Lygus PLANT BUGS, Ottawa, ONT., CANADA. Contact: P.G. Mason,

K.W. Neatby Bldg., Rm. 3042, 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6, CANADA. Fax: 1-613-759-1926. MasonP@agr.gc.ca. (N) 12 August (tentative) * SYMPOSIUM: IMPACT OF EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES ON THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM, (during 22nd IUFRO World Congress) Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: R.K. Kohli, Ctr. for Environment, Panjab Univ., Chandigarh 160 014, INDIA. RKKohli45@yahoo.com. Phone: 91-172-253-4015. (N) 02-07 October * 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APHIDS, Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: O. Edwards, CSIRO Entomology, Private Bag No. 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-08-9333-6410. Phone: 61-08-9333-6640. Owain.Edwards@csiro.au. Web (in production): www.aphidsymposium.org. (N) ew or [R]evised event listings reported for this year. 2007 (N) 17-21 September * 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: M. Sheehan, Conf. Secretariat, Congress West Pty. Ltd., 12 Thelma St., Suite 3, West Perth, WA 6005, AUSTRALIA. emapi9@congresswest.com.au. Fax: 61-8-9322-1734. Web: www.congresswest.com.au Phone: 61-8-9322-6906. 2008-2009 No (N) ew or [R]evised event listings reported for these years.

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