IPMnet NEWS March 2005, Issue no. 135 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Groups Create Soybean Rust InfoCenter A coalition of private and public sector organizations has taken a positive step forward in the battle against the globally spreading fungal pathogen Phakospora pachyrhizi [(Asian) soybean rust] by creating a comprehensive, freely accessed on-line soybean rust information center, www.plantmanagementnetwork.org (click icon). The site includes current news on soybean rust; links to featured soybean rust sites government, national, international, and university; a soybean rust database that can be used to find information about identification and management of soybean rust, as well as links to university and extension sites with more detailed data. There is an additional searchable soybean rust image database, plus soybean rust distribution maps and identification training materials. The Plant Management Network (PMN) and the American Phytopathological Society (APS) led the way in establishing the soybean rust information site as an efficient entry point and clearing house for accessing dozens of soybean rust related websites scattered all across the web. Useful information from numerous sources has been, and continues to actively be, aggregated in this single central site. Recent arrival and subsequent rapid spread of P. pachyrhizi in the continental U.S. provided impetus for creating the centralized site, a development whole-hearted welcomed by numerous crop-oriented societies, land grant universities, and agribusiness organizations. thanks to M. Wimer and A. Steigman for information; excerpted with thanks from PMN/APS documents and sites. GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS Wild relatives of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) were found to have potential resistance resources against the parasitic weed Striga spp. (witchweed). *-> G. Ejeta, GEjeta@purdue.edu. In trials, flower color was shown to strongly influence which plants are most favored by arthropod parasitoids. *-> M. Begum, MBegum@orange.usyd.edu.au. A multi-year trial confirmed that Cosmopolites sordidus (banana weevil) constrains banana (cv.
Atwalira) production in highland east Africa. *-> C. Gold, C.Gold@cgiar.org. While biotechnology innovations are often farm scale-neutral, and offer advantages for long domesticated crops, they embody risks and dangers. *-> E. Tollens, Eric.Tollens@agr.kuleuven.ac.be. An Asian leaf beetle Diorhabda elongata Brulle, subsp. deserticola (Chen)) shows promise as a biocontrol agent against Tamarix spp. (saltcedars). *-> P.A. Lewis, Phillip.A.Lewis@aphis.usda.gov. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources Climate Change, Crops, and Pests As if the inter-relationships between plants, pest organisms, and the existing environment weren't staggeringly complex, the onus of potential global climate change bodes yet further complications of the fragile equation. Viewing climate change as a looming challenge, two scientists have polished their trusty crystal ball and ventured into the future to predict the implications of multiple environmental changes on biotic interactions. S.G. Pritchard and J.S. Amthor, in their 2005 book, CROPS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, address the effects of global warming, increasing atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations, and soil salinization on crop physiology and yield. With a specific focus on major classes of crop pests, Drs. Pritchard and Amthor suggest that: Warming may favor most weeds in comparison to crops; Rising CO2 also is likely to enhance weed growth relative to crops; Being highly adaptable, many weed species can be expected to rapidly and more effectively adapt to increasing stresses such as rising atmospheric O3 and soil salinization; Warming trends most likely will also increase abundance, growth rate, and geographic range of many key crop-attacking insect pests; Warming may, depending on shifting precipitation patterns, stimulate microbial pathogens; Crop tissue chemistry, including nitrogen and water content as well as inducible defense mechanisms, is likely to evolve as environmental change occurs; On the plus side, rising CO2 may stimulate rhizobia and my corrhizae and benefit both crop plants and soil dwelling symbionts; Warming (soil) may be beneficial in some regions, but harmful in those regions where optimal soil temperatures already exist. There is much more intriguing information to support Pritchard and Amthor's contention "that crop plants are not the only organisms determining yield that are likely to be affected by environmental changes." The authors warn that generalizations about magnitudes of effects and whether they will be deleterious or beneficial for crops are still in the realm of conjecture due to a lack of experimental data. But the prospects and potentials discussed are thought provoking. Web: HaworthPress.com excerpted, with thanks to the authors and publisher, from: CROPS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, Food Products Press. PUBLICATIONS PERUSED CONTEMPORARY SURVEY OF NEMATOLOGY
A comprehensive, hardbound 2-volume set published in 2004 surveys NEMATOLOGY ADVANCES AND PERSPECTIVES: Advances Achieved in the 20th Century, and perspectives for ongoing development of nematology in the foreseeable future. Editors Z.X. Chen, et al, have drawn on a cadre of internationally recognized nematologists to contribute a multitude of information that not only chronicles the journey and contribution of nematology, but addresses the complexities of nematode management in an environment of shifting options. In 656 pages, the first volume, NEMATODE MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, incorporates 12 chapters covering the historic foundation of modern nematology as well as basic biology aspects such as nematode biodiversity, population dynamics, and behavior. Volume 2 homes in on contemporary nematology, the characteristic parasitism of plants, humans, and other animals, and critically management methodology. Their use as biological control agents of pest insects and other invertebrates is discussed in the 608-page second volume as is the cost-benefit element of nematode management via regulatory programs. An overview of nematicides past and present is also included. Taken together the set, by "a veritable who's-who in entomopathogenic nematology," according to the Society of Nematologists, constitutes an invaluable reference. *> CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. orders@cabi.org. Phone: 44-0-1491-832111. Fax: 44-0-1491-829292. Web: www.cabi BIOCONTROL AIMED AT INVASIVES The battle against invasive plants gained another useful resource recently with publication of BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INVASIVE PLANTS IN THE UNITED STATES, a productive collaboration of more than 60 authors representing over 20 institutions including several outside the U.S. The 476-page publication covers both key terrestrial and aquatic plants and suggests a science-based approach to an integrated strategy for managing invasive flora, primarily through biocontrol. Editors E.M. Coombs, et al, address a variety of factors affecting performance (or lack thereof in some cases) of biocontrol directed at invasives. A second section focuses on 39 target plants in the U.S. (many well known globally), as well as 90-plus bioagents deployed against the targets. For each plant the attractively organized volume succinctly summarizes nomenclature, biology, and the nature of infestations. Numerous lush full color photos, many of the "before and after" genre, supplement the text. Published in late 2004, the softbound work importantly sets forth and discusses a set of 12 well thought out guidelines offered as an International Code of Best Practices for Classical Biological Control of Weeds. All royalties from sales of this book will be donated to the (U.S.) Western Society of Weed Science. *> Oregon State Univ. Press, 102 Adams Hall, OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331-6407, USA. Fax: 1-541-737-3170. Phone: 1-541-737-3170. Web: oregonstate.edu ยก@ WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES FRUIT FLY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS
The 6th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance held in Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA, during 2002 attracted 220 delegates from 42 countries leading to over 160 papers and posters addressing nearly every conceivable topic relating to Tephritid fruit flies. The PROCEEDINGS for this event have now been published, edited by B. Barnes, and incorporate 69 full-length, peer-reviewed and illustrated articles. Papers discuss 289 fruit fly species from 75 genera around the world; topics include detection, control, identification, biology and ecology, behavior, morphology, host plants, applied genetics, area-wide management programs, sterile insect production and release, and natural enemies. The 510-page publication includes a CD ROM with all articles in Adobe Acrobat 4.0-compatible PDF format and higher, and a Table of Contents with hyperlinks to the articles. *> B. Barnes, BarnesB@arc.agric.za, or by fax at: 27-21-809-3584. thanks to B. Barnes for information. ยก@ FRUIT DISEASE INFORMATION An extensive website, FRUIT DISEASE RESOURCES AT THE OHIO STATE UNIV., www.oardc.ohio offers entry to three sub-programs aimed at providing useful plant disease information for: organically grown small fruit; organically grown apples; and, for home fruit growing. The easily navigated trio of files have a straight-forward contents list or index on the left and a larger text-and-illustration section at the right. Ample full color photos and line drawings provide useful visual supplement to the written descriptions. The information, while prepared for the U.S. state of Ohio, has broader application in many instances. *> M.A. Ellis, OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44961, USA. Ellis.7@osu.edu. Fax: 1-330-263-3841. Phone: 1-330-263-3849. thanks to J.N. Landis for information. ยก@ NEW PESTICIDE GUIDE The BCPC (British Crop Protection Council) has announced publication of THE UK PESTICIDE GUIDE 2005 reference book and the companion e-UK PESTICIDE GUIDE on CD-ROM. These extensively revised Guides include information on more than 1,150 pesticide products and about 120 adjuvants, plus other relevant and up-to-date information useful for growers, advisors, spray operators, and others involved with pesticide use. The CD version adds a useful search, as well as electronic links to other data resources. *> F. McKim, BCPC Press Manager, Foxhill, Stanford on Soar, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 5PZ, UK. Phone: 44-0-1509-233219. Fax: 44-0-1509-211932. edpress@bcpc.org. Web: www.bcpc.org. TRAPS ATTRACT EGGPLANT PEST Several field trials conducted by Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) scientists showed that pheromone-baited traps effectively attracted and controlled Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) (eggplant fruit and shoot borer) (EFSB) and minimized a need for pesticides. Use of the baited traps, employing a blend of compounds commercialized in Asia, also was found to be more cost effective than using pesticides. An electronic 20-page brochure by F.C. Su, et al, HOW TO USE SEX PHEROMONE FOR CONTROLLING EGGPLANT FRUIT AND SHOOT BORER, subsequently was prepared in 2004 to illustrate specific procedures for trap
use. The publication, found at: www.avrdc.org includes large type and numerous full color photos. *> N.S. Talekar, Talekar@avrdc.org. ยก@ ALAM/ASOMECIMA PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED The 570-page MEMORIA, VXI CONGRESSO LATINOAMERICANO DE MALEZAS y XXIV CONGRESO NACIONAL [MEXICO] DE LA CIENCIA DE LA MALEZA held at Manzanillo, MEXICO, in late 2003 has been published online. It includes color plates and figures. The PDF file is located at: gcrec.ifas.ufl.edu PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATE-FRUIT PATHOLOGY, Biglerville, PA, USA * Develop a nationally recognized research program (75 percent) responsive to the needs of the fruit industry; increase understanding of biological and ecological factors influencing diseases of fruit crops, and develop strategies for managing current and emerging fruit diseases; engage in an extension/outreach component (25 percent) involving education of fruit growers and extension educators. * REQUIRES: PhD in plant pathology or related field, interest in sustainable management of plant diseases, and excellent interpersonal communication skills; ability to conduct collaborative research and extension programs in a multicultural environment; responsiveness to the disease management needs of the fruit industry in Pennsylvania. Job #19333. Web: secureweb.ohr.psu.edu CONTACT: F.E. Gildow, Search Committee Chair, Dept. of Plant Pathology, 212 Buckhout Lab., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802, USA. Phone: 1-814-863-3206. Fax: 1-814-863-7217. FEG2@psu.edu. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES MULTI-GENDER ATTRACTANT OFFERED In addition to producing and marketing an extensive range of male-attracting pheromones and traps, a U.S. manufacturer recently introduced a multi-gender attractant for the pernicious insect pest, Cydia pomonella (codling moth). The product, Pherocon CM-DA Combo,attracts both males and females, and is said to last more than 2 months and have the highest second generation capture rates available for monitoring C. pomonella in mating-disrupted and conventional orchards (apple, pear, walnut). Additionally, the product intensifies male attraction performance. A variety of dispensing traps can be used. *> Trece, Inc., PO Box 129, Adair, OK 74330, USA.Fax: 1-918-785-3063. Phone: 1-918-785-3061.Web: www.trece.com custserv@trece.com . back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM FEATURED PAPERS GM Crop Weed Management Benefits Wildlife
Concerns over possible negative environmental consequences of genetically modified (GM) crops for wildlife in the UK led to four field trials with herbicide-tolerant sugar beet over 2 years. Weed scientist M.J. May, and colleagues, compared conventional weed management with a range of procedures involving adjusted application timing, in-row herbicide banding, and leaving weeds between rows. The results, as reported in "Management of Genetically Modified Herbicide-tolerant Sugar Beet for Spring and Autumn Environmental Benefit," reveal that revised weed management of GM sugar beet (in a geographic zone where moisture is not a constraint) not only incurs no yield loss, but enhances weed seed banks, and provides (weed) seed for wild birds and invertebrates. *> M.J. May, Mike.May@bbsrc.ac.uk. excerpted, with thanks, from PROC. OF THE ROYAL SOC. "B," 272(1559), 111-119, January 2005. Musa Pests and their Management During the First International Congress on Musa held in Malaysia during 2004, one of the key papers presented was "Diseases and Pests: A Review of their Importance and Management," in which author R.C. Ploetz notes that "Musa diseases and pests are significant problems worldwide." Dr. Ploetz's comments succinctly portray the broad sweep of problems as well as current management options, new threats, and developing threats that affect banana and plantain. *> R.C. Ploetz, RCP@mail.ifas.ufl.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from INFO-MUSA, 13(2), 11-16, December 2004. THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES Phytopathology "Squash as a Trap Crop to Protect Tomato from Whitefly-vectored Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl," Schuster, D.J. * INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 50(4), 281-284, October-December 2004. "Suppression of Soil-borne Plant Diseases with Composts: A Review," Noble, R., and E. Coventry. * BIOCONTROL SCI. AND TECH., 15(1), 3-20, February 2005. Weed Science "Benefits and Risks of Economic vs. Efficacious Approaches to Weed Management in Corn and Soybean," Hamill, A.S., et al. * WEED TECH., 18(3), 723-732, July 2004. "Influence of Herbicide-resistant Canola on the Environmental Impact of Weed Management," Brimner, T.A., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 61(1), 47-52, January 2005. Entomology "Aphid Suppression by Natural Enemies in Mulched Cereals," Schmidt, M.H., et al. * ENTOM. EXP. ET APPLIC., 113(2), 87-93, November 2004. "Influence of Cover Crops on Insect Pests and Predators in Conservation Tillage Cotton," Tillman, P.G., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 97(4), 1217-1232, October 2004. "Integrated Pest Management Approach for a New Pest, Lacanobia subjuncta (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), in Washington Apple Orchards," Doerr, M.D., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 60(10), 1025-1034, October 2004. Bt Sub-section "Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins in the European Corn Borer: What Chance for Bt Maize?," Bourguet, D. * PHYSIOL. ENTOM., 29(3), 251-256, August 2004. General "Evaluation of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Kaolin Particle Films for Peach Crop, Arthropod and Disease Management," Lalancette, N., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 61(1), 25-39, January 2005. "The Evolution of Cotton Pest Management Practices in China," Wu, K.M., and Y.Y. Guo. * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 50, 31-52, 2005.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments New Version of Extensive Guide Issued The latest weed management publication resulting from a 2-state collaboration is the 2005 WEED CONTROL GUIDE FOR OHIO AND INDIANA, a comprehensive, revised reference for producing row crops and forages. The recently published Guide contains over 170 pages of weed management information for corn, soybeans, sorghum, wheat, alfalfa, grass pastures, and rangeland. It lists common weeds found in Indiana and Ohio, herbicides labeled for use on those weeds, and includes special sections on herbicide resistance, plus a listing of various glyphosate products available for use in Roundup Ready (TM) soybeans and corn. The 170-page work includes more than 20 information tables covering a variety of weed management topics. The Guide (Ohio State Bulletin 789, or Publication No. WS16) can be freely downloaded from: ohioline.osu.edu A printed version can be ordered by calling: 1-614-292-1607. ยก@ Small Orchard Pest Strategy: Unsatisfactory Orchard crop damage caused by Cydia pomonella (codling moth) occurs in small, private plantings just as it does in commercial ventures where expensive, time consuming moth management programs can usually be justified. To determine the effectiveness of a simpler system that might be suitable for small-scale orchards, extension specialists in California devised, investigated, and reported on, "Control of Codling Moth in Backyard Orchards with Last Call CM (Permethrin and Pheromone in a Paste Formulation)." P.M. Vossen and A. Devarenne, reporting the trial results in UC PLANT PROTECTION QUARTERLY (UCPPQ) www.uckac.edu concluded that use of Permethrin and pheromone dispensed in paste form was not sufficiently effective, consistent, nor justified for use by homeowners (all master gardener volunteers in this case) who were disappointed in the results which failed to meet their expectations.*> P.M. Vossen, PMVossen@ucdavis.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from UCPPQ, 15(1),5-8, January 2005. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ewly listed, or [R]evised entries as of 01 March 2005. 2005 (N) 28 March-01 April * 56TH WESTERN FOREST INSECT WORK CONFERENCE, Victoria, BC, CANADA. Contact: P. Hall, Peter.Hall@gems6.gov.bc.ca. Web: www.fsl.orst.edu 16-20 May * 2005 AQUATIC WEED CONTROL SHORT COURSE, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: T.J. Koschnick, Ctr. for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, UF/IFAS, 7922 NW 71st St., Gainesville, FL 32653-3701, USA. TJKoschnick@mail.ifas.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-3462. Phone: 1-352-392-5126. Web: conference.ifas.ufl.edu 19-29 June * INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE IN AGROECOLOGY, IPM, AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, East Lansing,
MI, USA. Contact: K.M. Maredia, 416 Plant and Soil Sci. Bldg., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. Phone: 1-517-353-5262. Fax: 1-517-432-1982. KMaredia@pilot.msu.edu. (N) 20 June-08 July * 55TH ACAROLOGY SUMMER WORKSHOP, Columbus, OH, USA. Contact: G. Needham, Needham.1@osu.edu. Web: www.biosci.ohio 10-13 July * 45TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SOCIETY, San Antonio, TX, USA. Contact: APMS, PO Box 821265, Vicksburg, MS 39182, USA. Web: www.apms.org 21-26 August * 4TH WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, Wagga Wagga, NSW, AUSTRALIA. Contact: A. Hennell, Secretary, C/- Rural Events, PO Box 6010, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, AUSTRALIA. allelopathy@ruralevents.com.au. Web: www.csu.edu.au 10-15 September * DISEASES AND INSECTS IN FOREST NURSERIES, Meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.03.04, Uherske Hradiste, CZECH REPUBLIC. Contact: Z. Prochazkova, FGMRI RS Uherske Hradiste, 686 04 Kunovice, CZECH REPUBLIC. Prochazkova@vulhmuh.cz. (N) 05-07 December * 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARTHENIUM MANAGEMENT, Bangalore, INDIA. Contact: T.K.P. Setty, Univ. of Agric. Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore 560 065, INDIA. P_Setty@rediffmail.com. Fax: 91-080-233-30206. Phone: 91-080-233-30153. 2006 - 2010 No (N) ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.