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IPMnet NEWS June 2006, Issue no. 147 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Global Phytosanitary Regs to be Set The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) met for the first time during early April bringing together delegates from over 150 nations to discuss the challenge of global "pest control." The CPM is the governing body of the International Plant Pro- tection Convention (IPPC) and is charged with responsibility for setting standards designed to prevent plant pests being spread through international trade while insuring that nations do not use these standards to unfairly protect their domestic producers. IPPC administrator R. Ivess, interviewed by FAO's on-line magazine, AGRICULTURE 21, (www.fao.org said that the first step will be for a group of experts to assess pest control standards for protecting produce; the proposed standards will then be discussed, modified, and finally adopted eventually leading to agreed upon international pro- cedures. With agreed phytosanitary standards in place, "a contracting party can refuse entry to plants and plant products that don't comply," Ivess said, "but can only put in place measures that are technically justified and consistent with the risk involved." -> R. Ivess, IPPC Administrator, ipp@ippc.int. excerpted, with thanks, from AGRICULTURE 21, April 2006, www.fao.org Review Lauds U.S. IPM Centers "Successful individually and as a network" was the broad baseline assessment reached by an external review committee following an in depth review conducted earlier in 2006 of the four relatively young U.S. Regional IPM Centers. The six-person review team judged the Centers to be facilitating IPM nationally by engaging a wide spectrum of nontraditional partners and reinforcing other established IPM linkages. Other strengths noted were the Centers' collective synergism in actively increasing efficiency, communication, and connection with an extended range of stakeholders. In their report (at tinyurl.com the Committee con- cluded that the Centers have created, and continue to build, a sound foundation for multistate collaboration. Many of the stakeholders

contacted in the extensive review process said the IPM Centers have had a positive impact. Reviewers paid special attention to the Centers' impact on multi-state collaboration and sought information confirming whether coordination of IPM programs across and among states had led to efficiencies that help compensate for shrinking state level resources. In addition to its applause, the Committee also identified several areas for improvement such as expanding efforts to collaborate with other federal agencies, making an increased effort to secure external funding to leverage the support currently received, and needing to produce and distribute informative periodic reports. excerpted from Plant Sciences Update, May 2006, with special thanks to A. Rhodes.

*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* Chitosan (a glucosamine oilgomer) conferred significant protection to grape leaves against grey mold caused byBotrytis cinerea -> P. Trotel-Aziz, Patricia.Trotel-Aziz@univ.reims.fr. Use of TOM-CAST, a disease forecasting system, reduced fungicide use against foliar blight onDaucus carota(carrot) while providing similar control levels as did calendar-based fungicide application. -> M.K. Hausbeck, Hausbec1@msu.edu. Chicken manure and sulphur mixtures reduced growth ofOrobanche ramosaand increased eggplant and potato yields in Lebanese trials. -> M.A. Haidar, MHaidar@aub.edu.lb. The insecticide imidacloprid had inconsistent and short lived activity against three slug species in lab and field trials. -> L.C. Simms, L.Simms@abdn.ac.uk. Negative impacts of non-indigenous weeds on wildlife-related recreation in the U.S. state of Nevada range from US million to million annually. -> M.E. Eiswerth, EiswertM@uww.edu.

*EDITOR'S NOTE* As readers may notice, IPMnet NEWS is in transition with shifts of support, as well as a mild revamp of physical layout. First, support. The NEWS was launched in 1993 with sponsorship, support, and ownership by the Consortium for International Crop Protection, a global pioneerreaching back to the mid-1970'sin promoting IPM and a more ecosystem sensitive approach to managing agricultural pest organisms. For several reasons, the Consortium has now become inactive and awaits final disincorporation.

Three entities have filled the void and kept the NEWS afloat: the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service; the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program; and the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ. The three organizations are thus tangibly affirming their belief in IPM communication, for which the IPMnet NEWS is most grateful. Second, layout. From issue #1 to date, the objective has been to produce an informative, useful, and reader-amicable periodic document. In 1993, email was a far cruder instrument than it is today and so a very basic, uncomplicated format was selected as being the optimum global approach. It included use of a "fixed-space" font that was deemed most readily received and read by email programs across all continents. However, a fundamental dilemma has emerged: not all contemporary email programs handle messages in the same manner. Thus, NEWS issues currently created in Mozilla Thunderbird may arrive and appear on computer screens using a Eudora, Outlook, or other email program as an almost unreadable jumble of broken lines, type sizes, and line widths. When the question of a remedy was posed to the gurus of email accessible to the NEWS, collective shoulders were shrugged; the response essentially was that full communicability is not the state of email technology today. Perhaps. But an attempt made with this issue you are reading includes some changes that hopefully will reduce visual clutter of IPMnet NEWS and improve its readability. It remains to offer a final salute to the far-sighted leaders of the Consortium for what seems a common act today, but in 1993 was an IPM communication innovation. The chance taken thenon a fledgling electronic newsletterhas evolved into an established communique currently reaching nearly 5,000 computer screens in over 140 nations. IPMnet is not aware of any other comparable, free, periodic IPM information vehicle. For both layout and content, IPMnet NEWS continues to welcome comments and suggestions for improvement. Let us know your concerns and suggestions. Cordially, A.E. Deutsch IPMnet NEWS editor/coordinator back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* Note to AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS: IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication focused on, or related to, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication along with full information to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage.

NEW FROM AMERICAN PHYTOPATH SOCIETY Author C. Allen characterizes bacterial wilt diseases as "A pathogen on the move, with a growing global profile," in the preface to the 2005 publication BACTERIAL WILT DISEASE AND THERalstonia solanacearum_ SPECIES COMPLEX. Not only have these diseases long been a scourge for subsistence farmers, now the pathogen has evolved and spread to become a "significant political and economic impact in the developed world," notes Dr. Allen who, with colleagues, has edited material from over 150 international contributing authors. Following introductory overviews, sections of the hardbound, 528-page work address epidemiology, manage- ment, breeding for wilt resistance, host plant response and disease development, genetics, diversity and detection, and a special series of papers onR. solanacearumin banana and plantain. The approach was to cover material ranging from basic biology of the host-pathogen relationship to applied research specifically focused on disease- caused losses in the field. With intensification of ecological threats to forest health and sustainability plus development of new threats, the role of forest pathology has become increasingly important. A 2005 monograph, FOREST PATHOLOGY - FROM GENES TO LANDSCAPES, takes a comprehensive view of emerging topics in forest health. J.E. Lundquist and R.C. Hamelin have edited papers, originally presented at a symposium, into a 16-chapter, softbound volume that reviews both basic and applied research. The material spans a wide range of topicsgenomics, ecosystem pathology, development of transgenic hosts. The 175-page work aims to illustrate that forest pathology includes many more aspects than solely control- ling diseases impacting trees. Over 40 black and white illustrations are included. {$} *-> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.shopapspress.org. PEST MANAGEMENT FOR ORGANIC GROWERS A 2005 publication from Cornell University (USA) is directed toward organic production of a handful of specific crops (brassicas, cucurbits, lettuce, solanaceous crops, and sweet corn) though its title, RESOURCE GUIDE FOR ORGANIC INSECT AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT, implies a far broader scope. The softbound work's sections are: crop management practices (by crop); a group of full color photos; and useful material fact sheets for 13 products approved for organic production such asBacillus thuringiensis kaolin clay, neem, rotenone, and pyrethrum. B. Caldwell heads a listing of eminent authors who prepared this spiral bound (lay flat), 175-page publication. Notably missing is any apparent information about weeds and the key interactive role they play in pest management applied to organic crop production. An online version is found at: www.nysaes.cornell.edu {$} Print copies are available from: G. Osborne, NYSAES, 630 W. North St., Geneva, NY 14456, USA. gro2@cornell.edu. Phone: 1-315-787-2248. IPM IN INDIA Two plant protection scientists in India have joined forces to write PEST MANAGEMENT FOR A SAFER ENVIRONMENT, a liberally illustrated (numerous color photos) softbound handbook built around a core of IPM. O.P. Dubey and O.P. Sharma use the 72 pages of their 2005 publication to cover a wide swath of topics ranging from proclaiming IPM "an eco- friendly sustainable approach" to the nuts and bolts of applying IPM and implementing strategies for reducing pesticide risks. The thrust is toward Indian agriculture as the authors point

out that "our country is in an advantageous position" relative to its much lower consumption (and use) of pesticides than "other agriculturally progressive countries" and thus has the advantage and scope "for capturing inter- national market with comparatively clean food and feed." *-> O.P. Sharma, National Centre for IPM, ICAR, Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012, INDIA. OPSharmadelhi@rediffmail.com. Fax: 91-11-258-41472. Phone: 91-11-258-43935. WEEDS AND ETHICS What results when a noted weed scientist experiences a later-in- life career shift to philosophy? A curious and intriguing softbound monograph, AGRICULTURE'S ETHICAL HORIZON, exploring the ethics of crop production and how "our moral stance may shape our future." Author R.L. Zimdahl offers no charts, chemical nomenclature, nor color photos of notorious weed species, instead concentrating on the bigger picture and its implications for humankind. Yes, the 253-page volume discusses weed science, then neatly segues into the relevance of ethics in the battle against unwanted vegetation. Dr. Zimdahl concludes that if "agricultural scientists do not venture forth to understand and shape the ethical base of the future, it will be imposed by others." With a foot in two camps, Zimdahl strives to clarify the relationship and the relevance of ethics to agriculture broadly and weed science specifically. -> J. Kershaw, Elsevier Publishers, J.Kershaw@elsevier.com. Web: books.elsevier.com. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any CD or website focused on, or related to, IPM. Please send a review copy of the CD (see address above), or for a website, the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. NEW PEST DIRECTORY CD PUBLISHED The International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) has published a significantly expanded, updated, and improved version of its unique PEST DIRECTORY CD. The April 2006 version offers a relational database of more than 65,000 publications (mainly from recent years, about 75 percent with abstracts), now with over 20,000 direct internet links to the full texts of articles. The disc includes a listing of 17,000+ pest organisms and natural enemies, as well as nearly 500 crops and products. Many of the 12,000 included addressesa virtual global who's who of organizations, institutions, and individuals involved with research, extension, products, or other aspects of pest managementhave been extensively reviewed and updated. The thoughtfully organized tables present information in a concise, user-friendly manner such as datatrees and index lists, thanks to various software improvements since the 2005 edition was prepared. Many of the new features can be previewed at: www.pestinfo.org such as filtering capability according to subject matter, geographic regions, or specific pests attacking specific crops. {$} -> ISPI, Eulerweg 3, D-64247 Griesheim, GERMANY. ispi@pestinfo.org. Phone: 49-615-588-0682. SOYBEAN RUST SYMPOSIUM Links to Proceedings of the (first-of-its-kind) 2005 National (U. S.) Soybean Rust Symposium are posted on the Plant Management Network International's web at tinyurl.com Included are

access to the program, PowerPoint presentations for each of the 43 speakers, abstracts and files of the 53 posters, and compiled results from breakout sessions. information excerpted, with thanks, from the Plant Management Network. FROM THE INTERNATIONAL BANANA NETWORK The International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP) supports a variety of information focused on the two crops, including pest management. Recent examples include: * Farmer-participatory Testing of Integrated Pest Management Options for Sustainable Banana Production in Eastern Africa, the proceedings of a 2003 workshop convened in Uganda. The document, edited by G. Blomme,et al is online and freely available at: www.inibap.org The December 2005 edition (vol. 14, no. 2) of InfoMusa, "the international journal on banana and plantain," includes a series of articles focused on pathogens of banana and their management. An online version of the journal, published by INIBAP, is at: www.inibap.org French and Spanish language versions are also published. -> INIBAP, Parc Scientifique Agropolis II, 34397 Montpellier Cedex 5, FRANCE. inibap@cgiar.org. Fax: 33-467-610-334. PUBLIC ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS The U.S. National Agricultural Library (NAL), said to be "the largest and most accessible agricultural library in the world," has announced establishment of a digital repository (DR) providing public access to the full text of selected U.S. Dept. of Agriculture publications. Access is at: naldr.nal.usda.gov The NALDR offers several search features and a printing/downloading option. information from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. FOCUS ON RESISTANCE * The latest issue of "Herbicide Resistance Matters," Autumn 2006, has been published by the Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (WAHRI), and can be freely accessed from the website: wahri.agric.uwa.edu.au The Center for Integrated Plant Systems has released the latest online issue of "Resistant Pest Management Newsletter," vol.15, no.2 (Spring 2006). On the web at whalonlab.msu.edu. NEW WEB-BASED JOURNAL Sociedade entomologica do Brasil has introduced BioAssay, a new electronic journal focused on biological assays with arthropod control agents. The publication, at www.seb.org.br is edited by C. Omoto and published in Portuguese. REGIONAL PLANT DISEASE GUIDE

AN ONLINE GUIDE TO PLANT DISEASE CONTROL, published by Oregon State Univ. extension, contains numerous sections from the print version of the 2006 PNW (Pacific Northwest U.S.) PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK, plus other supplementary material and extensive links to additional sources and sites. The Guide site, prepared by pathologists J.W. Pscheidt and C.M. Ocamb, is freely accessible at plant and is designed as a reference to the control and management of key plant diseases in the region. A unique photo index allows users to key in a plant name, or even just the first letter of the common name, to bring up a list of common diseases and full color photos for each host, as well as disease description sections. Copies of the Handbook can be ordered using information provided by the website. HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS With the aim of "Innovative Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts," the National Wildlife Research Center of the U.S. has published its accomplishments for 2005. The 92-page, softbound document (misc. pub. no. 1596) covers avian and mammalian programs as well as product development research and a wildlife diseases segment. An electronic version of the report can be read and downloaded from: www.aphis.usda.gov For print copies, contact: NWRC, 4101 LaPorte Ave., Ft. Collins, CO 80521-2154, USA. nwrc.@usda.gov. GROUP OFFERS NEW LISTSERV The International Plant Resistance to Insects group has launched a new listserv at ipri-L@listserv.ksu.edu. For more information, contact: J. Reese, JReese@ksu.edu.

*PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* CITRUS IPM RESEARCH, Lake Alfred, FL, USA * Develop a research program nationally and internationally recognized for excellence in citrus IPM; conduct research in exotic/invasive arthropod pests; emphasize extension delivery of information that helps implement IPM solutions in the citrus industry. * REQUIRED: PhD in entomology or related field; postdoctoral experience in IPM; demonstrated com- munication skills; success in developing extramural funding. See: www.crec.ifas.ufl.edu for position details and application instructions. CONTACT: M.E. Rogers, CREC-Univ. of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Rd., Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA. mrgrs@ufl.edu. Fax: 1-863-956-4631. Phone: 1-863-956-1151.

*EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES* SOY OIL SPRAYS INTRODUCED A Canadian firm has begun marketing a range of soybean oil-based products said to be biodegradable. Bionatrol-M is formulated to control powdery mildew, grey mold, and other

fungus-related conditions in fruits, vegetables, and trees. Bionatrol-I is said to control aphids, mites, and whiteflies without harming parasitoid species. The man- ufacturer points out that both products, and a viruscide still in the testing phase, are residue free. -> NTS Research & Inc., Unit 108, 1680 Broadway St., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 2M8, CANADA. info@ntsresearch.com. Fax: 1-604-552-1265. Phone: 1-604-552-1215. Web: www.ntsresearch.com. SPRAY BOOM CLEANOUT IDEAS Most modern spray booms tend to have "dead ends" that resist being fully cleaned out when water or cleaning solution is flushed through the system, unless all the pipe end caps are physically removed and then reinstalled. Ontario province agricultural engineer H. Spieser describes the problem (in vol. 11, no.1 of CROP PEST ONTARIO) and notes that, by modifying boom sprayers with quarter turn ball valves, or cam-lock caps, some spray operators have devised quick, easy, and effective means of flush-cleaning. See:tinyurl.com -> H. Spieser, c/o Albert.Tenuta@omafra.gov.on.ca. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address (including email, if available) for first authors in the following titles. Requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. *SELECTED TITLES* Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Efficacy of Several Potential Biocontrol Organisms Against Rhizoctonia solanion Potato," Brewer, M.T., and R.P. Larkin. * CROP PROT., 24(11), 939-950, November 2005. "Reduction of Rhizoctonia Bare Patch in Wheat with Barley Rotations," Schillinger, W.F., and T.C. Paulitz. * PLANT DIS., 90(3), 302- 306, March 2006. Weed Science """""""""""" "A Decision Tree for Evaluation of Exotic Plant Pathogens for Classical Biological Control of Introduced Invasive Weeds," Berner, D.K., and W.L. Bruckart. * BIOL. CONTROL, 34(2), 222-232, August 2005. "A Multi-tactic Approach to Manage Weed Population Dynamics in Crop Rotations," Anderson, R.L. * AGRON. JRNL., 97(6), 1579-1583, November-December 2005. "Using a Competition Model to Quantify the Optimal Trade-off Between Machine Vision Capability and Weed Removal Effectiveness," Grundy, A.C.,et al * WEED RESCH., 45(5), 388-405, October 2005. Entomology """""""""" "Assessing Risks of Releasing Exotic Biological Control Agents of Arthropod Pests," van Lenteren, J.C.,et al * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 51, 609-634, 2006.

"Development and Use of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae & Aphelinidae) for Biological Control of Aphids in China," Wei, J.N.,et al * BIOCON. SCI. AND TECH., 15(6), 533-551, September 2005. "Maize Stemborer Predator Activity Under `Push-Pull' System and Bt-maize: A Potential Component in Managing Bt Resistance," Midega, C.A.O.,et al * INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 52(1), 1-10, January-March 2006. BtSub-section """""""""""""""" "Tritrophic Interactions AmongBt(Cry3Bb1) Corn, Aphid Prey, and the PredatorColeomegilla maculata(Coleoptera: Coccinell- idae)," Lundgren, J.G., and R.N. Wiedenmann. * ENVIRON. ENTOM., 34(6), 1621-1625, December 2005. Nematology """""""""" "Root-knot and Root-lesion Nematode Suppression by Cover Crops, Poultry Litter, and Poultry Litter Compost," Everts, K.L. * PLANT DIS., 90(4), 487-492, April 2006. General """"""" "History and Future Introduction of Exotic Arthropod Biological Control Agents in Spain: A Dilemma?," Jacas, J-A.,et al* BIOCONTROL, 51(1), 1-30, February 2006. "Introduction: Global Actors, Markets and Rules Driving the Diffusion of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops in Developing Countries," Fukuda-Parr, S. * INTERNAT. JRNL. OF TECH. AND GLOBALIZATION, 2(1/2), 1-11, 2006. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments * Plant pathologist D.S. Mueller has launched a series of short articles discussing various aspects of fungicides and their application, particularly in light of increasing use of foliar-applied fungicides for the management of Asian soybean rust. The intent is to help growers understand fungicides and how they affect production practices. The first installment, "Fungicides: Terminology," appears in the 15 May 2006 edition of INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT published by Iowa State Univ. (USA), and found at: www.ipm.iastate.edu. DSMueller@iastate.edu. * The U.S. federally funded Western Integrated Pest Management Center has published a Mid-Term Report, "Collaborations, Projects, Impacts on Research, Extension and Education, and Future Plans," a summary covering accomplishments for increasing collaboration and coordination among institutions and individuals involved with IPM research, education, and implementation in the Center's 13-state region. The 2006, 36-page document, enhanced with numerous color photos and reader-friendly format, explains how the Center has helped strengthen federal, regional, and state partnerships as a service to stakeholders in agriculture, urban, and natural resource arenas. See: www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu The State of Alabama (USA) has established a new IPM program website containing information about the program, its activities, and links to other states in the southeastern U.S. region. The site is: www.aces.edu fadamhy@auburn.edu. back to top

U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) The IPM-CRSP has announced a seventh competitive proposal grant winner in the regional IPM program category. Pennsylvania State Univ. entomologist E.G. Rajotte will be the lead principal investigator for the "Regional Integrated Pest Management Research and Education for South Asia" program, a collaboration between Penn State, Virginia Tech, and Ohio State Univ. Dr. Rajotte has served as IPM coordinator for the State of Pennsylvania and has extensive experience with several in- ternational programs. In addition to this thrust in South Asia, the IPM-CRSP fields programs in West Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. *-> IPM-CRSP, 2270 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. ipm-dir@vt.edu. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. NOTE: *new website* for the IPM-CRSP is: www.oired.vt.edu thanks to M. Rich at Virginia Tech for information. back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> This IPMnet CALENDARUpdate lists only: (N)ew events that have not been cited previously in the IPMnet CALENDAR or IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous listing in the CALENDAR or NEWS. 2=> The complete IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed annually to all IPMnet e-mail subscribers, but is kept up to date and may be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, or can be freely viewed at: www.IPMnet.org. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. *(N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 01 June 2006* 2006 (N) 11-15 June * 14TH INTERNATIONAL ENTOMOPHAGOUS INSECTS WORKSHOP, Newark, DE, USA. Contact: K.R. Hopper, ARS, USDA, 501 S. Chapel St., Newark, DE 19713, USA. KHopper@udel.edu. (N) 13-15 June * ALLELOPATHY IN TURKEY: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, Yalova, TURKEY. Contact: Ayse Yazlik Uckun, Ataturk Bahge Kulturleri Merkez, Arastirma Enstitusu 77102, TURKEY. Fax: 90-226-814-1146. Phone: 90-226-814-2520. Web: www.arastirma 03-07 July * CROP PROTECTION IN PRACTICE, Training Course, Shropshire, UK. Contact: T. Hodgekiss, 94 Oving Rd., Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7EW, UK. Hodgekiss@btinternet.com. Phone: 44-0-1243-781-040.

(N) 13-17 August * 8TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, and BRITISH SOCIETY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY PRESIDENTIAL MEETING 2006, Copenhagen, DENMARK. Contact: L. Munk, LM@kvl.dk. Fax: 45-352-83310. Phone: 45-352-83316. Web: www.efpp06.kvl.dk. 14-18 August * 39TH CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, "A Fitopatologia, o Meio Ambiente e a Sustentabilidade," Salvador, Bahia, BRAZIL. Contact: Ceplac/Cepec/Sefit, Cx. Postal 07, 45600-970 Itabuna-BA, BRAZIL. Fax: 55-73-3214-3318. Phone: 55-71-2102-6600. cbf2006@cepec.gov.br. Web: www.fitopatologia.com.br 25-26 August * WORKSHOP ON INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION, Kathmandu, NEPAL. * Contact: S.P. Marahatta, SharadParasar@yahoo.com. Phone: 977-1-552-1359. (N) 03-06 September * 4TH AUSTRALASIAN SOILBORNE DISEASES SYMPOSIUM, Queenstown, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: H. Shrewsbury, PDG, PO Box 84, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND. Phone: 64-3-325-3849. info@asds2006.org.nz. Web: www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au. 24-30 September * 52ND ANNUAL MEETING INTERAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TROPICAL HORTICULTURE, Isla Verde, San Juan, PUERTO RICO (60-70 percent of papers concern pest management). Contact: M. del Carmen Libran, Dept. de Horticultura, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR. isth2006@uprm.edu. Fax/phone: 1-787-832-4040, ext. 3852. Web: agricultura.uprm.edu 08-12 October * 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EGG PARASITOIDS, Piracicaba, SP, BRAZIL. Contact: J.R. Parra, convenor, eggparas@esalq.usp.br. Web: www.esalq.usp.br 15-21 October * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOVEL AND SUSTAIN- ABLE WEED MANAGEMENT IN ARID AND SEMI-ARID AGRO-ECOSYSTEMS, Rehovot, ISRAEL. Contact: wgarid@agri.huji.ac.il. Web: www.agri.huji.ac.il 05-08 November * 22ND IWGO (pest insects of maize) CONFERENCE, Vienna, AUSTRIA. Contact: U. Kuhlmann, CABI Biosci. Swiss Ctr., Rue des Grillons 1, 2800 Delemont, SWITZERLAND. U.Kuhlmann@cabi.org. Web: www.iwgo.org 29 November-01 December * 2006 NATIONAL (U.S.) SOYBEAN RUST SYMPOSIUM, St. Louis, MO, USA. Contact: M. Bjerkness, American Phytopath. Society, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. MBjerkness@scisoc.org. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-994-3853. Web: www.apsnet.org 03-06 December * 4TH INTERNATIONALBemisiaWORKSHOP, Duck Key, FL, USA. Contact: B. Miller-Tipton, OCI, Univ. of Florida, PO Box 110750, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, USA. Phone: 1-352-392-5930. Fax: 1-352-392-9734. Web: www.conference.ifas.ufl.edu 05-06 December * 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT DISEASES, Tours,

FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 6 Blvd. de la Bastille, 75012 Paris, FRANCE. Fax: 33-1-4344-1919. afpp@afpp.net. Phone: 33-1-4344-8964. (N) 11-14 December * NORTH CENTRAL (U.S.) WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Contact: NCWSS, www.ncwss.org. 2007 (N) 20-25 January * SOUTHERN (U.S.) WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Nashville, TN, USA. Contact: R. Schmidt, raschwssa@aol.com. (N) 16-18 April * RESISTANCE 2007: AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Harpenden, Herts., UK. Contact: Resistance 2007 Conference Secretariat, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ, UK. res.2007@bbsrc.ac.uk. Fax: 44-0-1582-760981. Web: www.rothamsted.ac.uk 11-15 June * 17EME REUNION ET CONFERENCE SCIENTIFIQUE DE L'ASSOCIATION AFRICAINE DES ENTOMOLOGISTES, Dakar, SENEGAL. Contact: Sec. Gen, AAIS, K. Diarra, Univ. C.A. Diop de Dakar, BP 5005, Dakar-Fann, SENEGAL. Diarra2812@yahoo.fr. [R] 16-20 October [new information] * THIRD EUROPEAN WHITEFLY SYMPOSIUM, Almeria, SPAIN. Contact: L. Robertson, c/o John Innes Center, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK. Fax: 44-0-1603-450350. Phone: 44-0-1603-450296. ewsn.orgniser01@whitefly.org. Web: www.whitefly.org 2008 (N) 10-13 February * INTERNATIONAL PLANT RESISTANCE TO INSECTS WORKSHOP, Ft. Collins, CO, USA. Contact: F. Peairs, Frank.Peairs@colostate.edu. 2009 (N) 30 July-06 August * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Portland, OR, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. PTrenda@scisoc.org. Phone: 1-651-994-3848. Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Web: www.apsnet.org. 2010 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.

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