IPMnet NEWS December 2006, Issue no. 151 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS international IPM news and programs Mulch Aids Beneficials Living mulch, a cover crop grown concurrently with a main crop aside from possible competition impact on yield, not only can help improve soil quality, suppress weeds, and limit erosion, it also can provide improved habitat for beneficial predators that feed on pest insects, according to a newly reported study that confirms a long-suspected hypothesis. Two varieties of legume forage were grown along with a maize-soybean rotation. Predatory insects, mostly carabid ground beetles and arachnids, killed over 50 percent more of theOstrinia nubilalis(European corn borer) sentinel pupae compared to non-mulched control plots, observe J.R. Prasifka,et alin their paper, "Effects of Living Mulches on Predator Abundance and Sentinel Prey in a Corn-Soybean-Forage Rotation," published in ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY. Parallel studies have shown that using legumes as living mulch may add the advantage of reduced need for supplemental fertilizer application by providing nitrogen to the main crop, possibly offsetting any competition-based yield reduction. Dr. Prasifka notes that living mulches may not provide adequate pest insect suppression when used alone, but can become a highly important and enhancing component in an overall IPM strategy. -> J.R. Prasifka, Insectary, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011, USA. Prasifka@iastate.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from ENVIRON. ENTOM., 35(5), 1423-1431, October 2006; and an ARS News Service article by L. Pons. Focus on Fungicide Resistance The increasing dilemma of pathogens developing resistance to fungicides led the UK-based Association of Applied Biologists to convene a 2-day conference in September 2006 to consider the implications and explore possible answers. In an article covering the meeting, CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY (CPM) www.crop reports that "delegates debated the success of fungicide resistance management strategies and heard that the effectiveness of fungicides can only be maintained, and the risk of resistance reduced if
fungicides are used responsibly." One speaker, who happened to represent a governmental regulatory agency, advocated the implementation of "assessments of the risk of resistance developing and strategies to prevent and manage its occurrence." Another element, the Fungicide Resistance Action Group, exists to "develop approaches to safeguard new and existing fungicide chemistry" and to "advise on appropriate management strategies." Other presenters at the event discussed management aspects such as limiting exposure (mainly by reducing the number of applications), and mixing or alternating fungicides where and when feasible. The latter strategy was questioned, and the concept suggested that eventually fungicide resistance will develop regardless of methodology. Resistance strategies and their outcomes are often difficult to clearly understand much less replicate. Industry was both praised and questioned during the session, as delegates continued the ongoing debate over fungicide resistance. excerpted, with thanks, from CPM, 202, 12-13, September 2006. Training Targets Invasive Mammals Two groups in the Federated States of Micronesia will jointly conduct several training sessions in early 2007 as a strategy to build the capacity of, and disseminate on-the-ground information to, conservation practitioners involved with invasive mammal eradication techniques. The organizations, Conservation Society of Pohnpei, and Island Conservation, have agreed to co-sponsor the Pacific Invasives Initiative in an effort to prevent native species extinction while protecting, conserving, and restoring natural resources of island ecosystems. Training sessions, initially in rat eradication, are geared for conservation project leaders who will be able, in turn, to transfer knowledge to others within their own regions. Participants in the first session will work along side rat eradication experts to observe methods, gain understanding, and become able to assess and evaluate eradication alternatives. An invasive species eradication symposium focusing on regional issues is scheduled as a follow-up to training sessions. -> A. Wegmann, Island Conservation, AWegmann@islandconservation.org.
*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * A Brazilian cotton growers association says (via a third source) that current production requires 20 insecticide applications, but with Bt cotton insecticide use will be reduced an estimated 25 percent. -> www.cib.org.br Studies confirmed that glyphosate, when contacting glyphosateresistant cotton beyond the four-leaf stage, increased the risk of yield reduction. -> R.C. Nuti, RNuti@nprl.usda.gov. * Market crop waste, previously disposed of as garbage, proved to be a positive amendment for
IPM of pest insects in depleted soils of sub- Saharan Africa. -> J. Karungi, JKarungi@yahoo.com. * Five years of field observations in Italy concluded that insecticide seed coatings and soil applied insecticides failed to contain and eradicateDiabrotica virgifera virgiferaLeConte (western corn rootworm). -> L. Furlan, Lorenzo.Furlan@inwind.it.
back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* Note to AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS: IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, and invasives. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication along with full information to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). Thanks, Editor. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. NEW, IMPROVED SPRAY GUIDES It is no secret that the bulk of crop plant pest management products used are applied by spraying and, while it is the prime application method, it is also by nature an activity where carelessness and ignorance have potential for serious unwanted results. The British Crop Protection Council (BCPC), long a leader in advocating for correct spraying through publishing pertinent literature, is well aware of spraying's double-edge sword. Now BCPC has just published several concise, extremely practical, and notably reader friendly 2006 booklets in its "Your complete guide to" series, specifically FIELD SCALE SPRAYING, and SMALL SCALE SPRAYING. The 84-, and 60-page guides (respectively) provide practical information on the advance decisions (i.e., is spraying really required?), procedures, equipment, maintenance, materials handling, disposal, operator safety gear, and other considerations needed for safe and efficient spray application. Both softbound volumes utilize highly graphic styles with dozens of color illustrations, charts, and chapter identifiers to create attentive and happy readers and, in turn, emphasize and help retain the delivered information. One section is devoted to the all-important act of properly calibrating equipment. And, wonder of wonders, in every photo of a person operating or working around spray equipment, personal safety gear is being worn. Additionally, each guide includes a separate, laminated, field-usable BCPC Nozzle Card. While these training guides (and other BCPC materials) do relate to specific U.K. codes of practice, the overwhelming bulk of information they present is applicable nearly any situation where spray application is considered or undertaken. {$} BCPC Publications, 7 Omni Business Ctr., Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2QD, UK. Fax: 44-1420-593-209. Phone: 44-1420-593-200. publications@bcpc.org. Web: www.bcpcbookshop.co.uk. VIROLOGY GUIDE A 2006 technical monograph is an extensive guide to the terms and expressions commonly used in the study of plant virology. Editors J.A. Khan and J. Dijkstra have drawn on an international
group of two dozen contributing experts in preparing the 470-page HANDBOOK OF PLANT VIROLOGY. Section one addresses topics ranging from the mechanics of virus classification, to genome packaging, to economic considerations. The softbound (hardbound also available) work's second section provides concise descriptions of the 81 genera and 18 families of plant viruses. Numerous black and white photos and line drawings, and two pages of color plates complement the text. {$} Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghampton, NY 13904-1580, USA. Phone: 1-607-722-5857. Fax: 1-607-771-0012. orders@haworthpress.com. Web: www.haworthpress.com. PLANTS RESISTING ARTHROPODS In recognition that the theory, study, and practice of plant resistance to arthropods has evolved significantly since publication of R.H. Painter's landmark 1951 volume (PLANT RESISTANCE TO INSECTS), entomologist C.M. Smith has published PLANT RESISTANCE TO ARTHROPODS, MOLECULAR AND CONVENTIONAL APPROACHES, an eminently useful update of literature plus a synthesis of newer information concerning transgenic arthropod-resistant crop plants. This 2005 monograph tackles one of the key elements in IPM approaches that are allied with "pest management tactics in many of the world's major food and fiber crops," notes Prof. Smith. The hardbound, 423-page work builds from a basic foundation and covers factors affecting plant resistance, techniques for measuring resistance, and methods for introducing resistance. A concluding chapter discusses the all-important element of factoring resistance into arthropod management systems. Black and white photos and diagrams, and a handy listing of cited references round out the publication. {$} Springer, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA. Fax: 1-212-460-1575. Phone: 1-212-460-1500. service-ny@springer.com. Web: www.springer.com. IPM FOR ASIAN CROPS In 2006 the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center/The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) published IMPLEMENTATION AND PROMOTION OF AN IPM STRATEGY FOR CONTROL OF EGGPLANT FRUIT AND SHOOT BORER IN SOUTH ASIA, a 79-page illustrated account of a successful initiative to devise an IPM-based strategy for protectingSolanum melongenaagainst predation byLeucinodes orbonalisGuenee while significantly reducing the heavy usage (often unneeded) of insecticides. A blend of field sanitation, prompt removal of insect-damaged shoots, and installation of pheromone-baited attract-and-kill traps was coupled with delaying any insecticide application as long as possible to allow biocontrol to take its toll. Following development, a second phase involved implementation in farmer fields via pilot projects resulting in increased interest and subsequent adoption, leading to a 39-page second publication, SOCIO-ECONOMIC PARAMETERS OF PESTICIDE USE AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF AN IPM STRATEGY FOR THE CONTROL OF EGGPLANT FRUIT AND SHOOT BORER IN WEST BENGAL, which provides statistics such as adopting farmers reducing pesticide usage by over 50 percent compared to non-adopters. The publications are Tech Bulls. #36 and 37 respectively. {$}? -> Communication and Training Office, AVRDC, PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74151, TAIWAN/ROC. Fax: 886-6-583-0009. Phone: 886-6-583-7801. avrdcbox@avrdc.org. Web: www.avrdc.org.
DICCIONARIO DE MICOLOGIA Bursting with over 1,700 black and white illustrations scattered over 684 pages, the 2006 publication NUEVO DICCIONARIO ILUSTRADO DE MICOLOGIA is an updated, expanded, Spanish version of the 2000 English edition. This new reference incorporates definitions and etymological derivations of nearly 5,000 mycological terms, each with its English equivalent plus relevant visuals. Authors M. Ulloa and R.T. Hanlin have added a new, separate text-and-illustrated list of more than 1,100 fungi species to the Spanish edition. The comprehensive hardbound work, with its bilingual functionality, is said to have wide ranging application across disciplines and activities wherever mycology and fungi are involved. Item #43410. {$} -> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.shopapspress.org *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any website, publication, CD, or video focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the item to the address at end of this file; for a website, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. GRAPPLING WITH PARASITIC PLANTS The International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS), a non-profit scientific and educational organization at www.ppws.vt.edu is dedicated to advancing scientific research on parasitic plants. The Society's goals include increasing the understanding of "these amazing plants" as well as helping to decrease the crop damage inflicted by weedy parasitic plants. The official IPPS organ is HAUSTORIUM, the parasitic plants newsletter, with the latest issue (no. 49) freely available on the IPPS website. HAUSTORIUM is edited by a quartet of plant scientists led by the UK's C. Parker. AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE Richardson's Weed Information has announced the 15TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS; MANAGING WEEDS IN A CHANGING CLIMATE, edited by C. Preston,et al The September 2006 event covered a wide range of topics including animal dispersal of weeds, social and policy change, new developments in crop weed management, and many others, all under the theme of climate change implications for the management of weeds. The 904-page, softbound work was published by the Weed Management Society of South Australia and the Council of Australasian Weed Societies. {$} -> Weed Information, PO Box 42, Meredith, VIC 3333, AUSTRALIA. RobFiona@pipeline.com.au. Fax: 61-3-5286-1533. Web: www.weedinfo.com.au INSECT CONTROL GUIDE A revised, 2006 version of CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS OF FIELD CROPS contains information for managing insect pests on alfalfa (lucerne), maize, small grains, and soybean. Ohio State Univ. entomologists B. Eisley and R. Hammond have categorized the data in tabular
form by pest, product name, product amount recommended, application method, and suggested optimum time for application. The 34-page bulletin includes a "Handling of Pesticides" section that discusses toxicity, presents safety tips, and explains the importance of triple rinsing and safe disposal of containers. The document is Bulletin #545 freely accessible at: ohioline.osu.edu ONLINE SPRAYER INFORMATION A Canadian website is said to be "focused on technology for a sustainable agricultural industry," by providing producers with the latest information about crop protection technology. Meristem Information Resources, a communications company with ties to industry, publishes "Canada Sprayer Guide" www.canadasprayerguide.com with the intent of including material on sprayer technology, application techniques, and related research. The Guide is supported by industry as a means of conveying useful information to an audience with interest in the topic. While the latest featured article is dated 09 August 2006, material on the website serves as a relevant spray application data archive. -> Meristem Information Resources, 12 - 3109 Palliser Dr. SW, Calgary, ALB T2V 4W5, CANADA. info@meristem.com. Phone: 1-403-543-7420. ALAM MEMORIAS PUBLISHED The Asociacion Latinoamericana de Malezas (ALAM) has published the complete "Memorias" for its 17th congreso convened at Varadero, CUBA, in November 2005, in conjunction with the 1st Congreso Iberamericano de Ciencia de las Malezas, and the 4th (Cubano) Congreso Nacional de Ciencia de Malezas. The document (an online version is available at: gcrec.ifas.ufl.edu presents a full program, round-table discussions, workshops, and numerous papers given during the course of the event, such as "Manejo Integrado de Malezas en Principales Cultivos Economicos," by J.C. Diaz and E. Perez. 2005. -> B.M. Santos, Ag-Fruits/Veg, Univ. of Florida, 14625 County Rd. 672, Wimauma, FL 33598, USA. BMSantos@ufl.edu. Phone: 1-813-633-4128. Web: gcrec.ifas.ufl.edu *BITS AND PIECES* IPM OPTIONS FOR BANANA ConcerningMycosphaerella fijiensis(banana black leaf streak disease) in Samoa and the use of strobilurin fungicides, an Australian scientist suggests considering IPM options in lieu of exclusively chemical-based eradication attempts which would be both difficult and expensive, as well as conducive to triggering fungicide resistance. Integrating various options such as disease-resistant germplasm, and boosting crop plant nutrition, as well as the time-tested element of sanitationin this case removing and destroying diseased leaves to reduce inoculum levelsall could be integrated with limited use of fungicides. -> J. Wright, Jacqui_roaming@yahoo.com.au. WEED SOCIETY FORMS GROUPS The European Weed Research Society has formed two new working groups, "Weed Management in Arid and Semi-arid Climates," and "Parasitic Weeds." Coordinators are, B. Rubin (Rubin@agri.huji.ac.il), and M. Vurro (Maurizio.Vurro@ispa.cnr.it) respectively. Both groups are currently involved with organizing, and are scheduled to be inaugurated at an international conference on "Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semi-arid
Agro-Ecosystems," rescheduled for 07-12 October 2007, at Rehovot, ISRAEL. See: www.ewrs.org and www.ewrs.org *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* IPM EXTENSION SPECIALIST, Altus, OK, USA * Develop and implement education and research programs for managing cotton pests statewide; deliver regional education programs for pests of other crops and commodities. * REQUIRED: PhD in entomology, plant pathology, or related discipline; experience with cotton production and pest management; strong written and oral communication skills; ability to work cooperatively with other professionals, producers, and industry representatives. * CONTACT: J. Edelson, Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74078, USA. Jonathan.Edelson@okstate.edu. Phone: 1-405-744-5643. See: dasnr4.dasnr.okstate.edu PEST MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST/ENTOMOLOGIST, Riverhead, NY, USA * Provide leadership in planning, delivery, and evaluation of regional extension education and applied research programs in arthropod pest management programs for commercial vegetable production, other food crops, and special projects * REQUIRED: Masters in entomology or pest management; knowledge of pest management and pesticides; effective oral, written, and visual communication ability; experience in design and conduct of scientific experiments; ability to initiate, plan, and evaluate educational programs; minimum of two years in extension or similar field preferred. * CONTACT: LIHREC, 3059 Sound Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901, USA. See:counties.cce.cornell.edu IPM EXTENSION SPECIALIST, Mt. Vernon, IL, USA * Lead program to assess and prioritize needs, develop, and interpret and integrate information, and present a full range of subject material concerning integrated management of insect, disease, and other crop pests; establish positive working relationships with clientele; identify and communicate IPM issues and trends to colleagues and cooperators. * REQUIRED: PhD with experience, or Masters and substantial educational leadership and applied research experience in IPM; IPM field experience; evidence of strong grant writing ability; strong written and verbal communication skills; demonstrated success in building and maintaining networks. * CONTACT: K. McLaughlin, College Human Resources, 117 Mumford Hall, Univ. of Illinois, 1301 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801, USA. KarenMcL@uiuc.edu. Phone: 1-217-333-2664. See: web.extension.uiuc.edu BIOCONTROL PROGRAM COORDINATOR, Riverdale, MD * Serve as national leader for biological control, plant protection and quarantine, emergency and domestic programs; related leadership and advisory functions. * REQUIRED: Extensive knowledge of scientific biocontrol and crop protection sciences; high level verbal and written communication skills; demonstrated leadership abilities; ability to foster a team-based work environment. * CONTACT: for full details see tinyurl.com NOTE: Limited to U.S. Citizens. Application deadline: 15 December 2006.
The Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, has launched an ambitious global Insect Producer Database/Base de Donnees sur les Producteurs d'Insctes, a comprehensive worldwide listing of producers who are willing to sell or donate live insects. The database, still in the early stages of development, is designed to provide entities searching for live insect cultures with current sources as well as help producers expand their client base. The database, found at www.insect.glfc.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca (click the desired language, then the "database" bloc at the bottom of the far lefthand column), can be sorted by insect order, family, genus, scientific name, common name, geographic region of production, or even intended use. The database currently limits submissions of cultures to only the class insecta, but may be expanded dependent on demand to include related non-insect species of arthropods such as mites, centipedes, and millipedes. These are species often encountered in the same ecosystem as, and interacting with, insects. Database manager P. Ebling notes that although there have been catalogs of insect cultures in the past, they have been difficult to maintain and keep current due to format. Now, however, advent of the Internet facilitates establishing and regularly updating an electronic database. The Insect Producer Database "is specifically designed to ensure and maintain validity in perpetuity," Dr. Ebling explained. Accessing the database involves use of handy drop-down menus. Close attention has been paid to classification questions and maintenance of continuity throughout. -> P. Ebling, Great Lakes Forestry Ctr., 1219 Queen St. East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5, CANADA. PEbling@nrcan.gc.ca. Phone: 1-705-541-5517. thanks to P. Ebling for information. TEXTILES FOR AGRICULTURE, GARDEN An Italian firm produces and markets a broad range of textiles to aid pest management in agriculture/horticulture/nurseries and home gardening. Among the many offerings are materials for: protecting against birds; blocking weed growth in fields, beds, and passageways while allowing air and moisture to percolate into the ground; protecting against insects; net fencing to stop vertebrate predation; and providing shading or hail protection. The firm traces its history back to 1936, and is also a key participant in the European Agronets project. -> Arrigoni SpA, Via Monte Prato 3, Uggiate Trevano 22029, CO, ITALY. Fax: 39-031-803-206. info@arrigoini.it. Phone: 39-031-803-281. Web: www.arrigoni.it ORGANIC STATUS CERTIFIED A line of materials said to exhibit pesticidal properties has qualified as being "certified organic" by the U.S. government, according to a press release from the producer, Pharm Solutions Inc. The corporation has created a product line said to provide effective killing, or repellency, against pest insects, pathogens, and some vertebrates. In a 2005 test conducted by Univ. of California extensionists to evaluate the effectiveness of foliar applied products to controlBrachycorynella asparagi(European asparagus aphid), "Veggie Pharm" from Pharm Solutions was sixth best out
of nine materials trialled. Whereas the amount of other products required to achieve coverage of each plot averaged approximately 198 grams (7 oz), "Veggie Pharm" required 47.3 liters (12.5 gal.). -> Pharm Solutions Inc., 2023 E. Sims Way, Suite #358, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA. info@pharmsolutionsinc.com. Phone: 1-805-927-7400. Web: pharmsolutionsinc.com. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, if available, for first authors of the following titles. Send request to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Efficacy of Fungicides for Control of Sclerotinia Rot of Canola," Bradley, C.A.,et al * PLANT DIS., 90(9), 1129-1134, September 2006. "The Epidemiology and Control of Ascochyta Blight in Field Peas: A Review," Bretag, T.W.,et al * AUSTRAL. JNRL. OF AGRIC. RSCH., 57(8), 883-902, August, 2006. Weed Science """""""""""" "Correlation Between the Soil Seed Bank and Weed Populations in Maize Fields," Rahman, A.,et al * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 6(4), 228-234, December 2006. Entomology """""""""" "Integrated Biological and Chemical Controls in Decision Making: European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Control in Sweet Corn as an Example," Musser, F.R.,et al * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 99(5), 1538-1549, October 2006. "Modelling the Phenology of Codling Moth: Influence of Habitat and Thermoregulation," Kuhrt, U.,et al * AGRIC., ECOSYS. & ENVIRON., 117(1), 29-38, October 2006. Transgenics Sub-section """"""""""""""""""""""" "Mycotoxin Reduction in Bt Corn: Potential Economic, Health, and Regulatory Impacts," Wu, F. * ISB NEWS, 8-12, September 2006. Online: www.isb.vt.edu. "Soil Microbial and Faunal Community Responses toBtMaize and Insecticide in Two Soils," Griffiths, B.S.,et al * JRNL. OF ENVIRON. QUAL., 35(3), 734-741, May-June 2006. General """"""" "Environmental and Cost Efficiency of Pesticide Use in Transgenic and Conventional Cotton Production," Wossink, A., and Z.S. Denaux. * AGRIC. SYST., 90(1-3), 312-328, October 2006. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments U.S. Awards IPM Grants The U.S. government agency responsible for IPM research and extension awarded a combined US.7 million in four regional grants for fiscal year 2006 to implement a variety of IPM programs across the country. These grants are in addition to federal funding for numerous other IPM
related activities (including partial funding of IPMnet NEWS. Ed.). The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (USDA-CSREES) administers and oversees the regional grant program in partnership with the Land-Grant university system's four regional IPM centers. Details of the grantsthe implementing institution, the grant descriptive title, and the amount awardedcan be found on the USDA-CSREES website at: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from a CSREES news release. Insect Becoming a Pest The most recent Regional Pest Alert paper profilesHalyomorpha halys(brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)), an Asian exotic insect new to North America and rapidly gaining pest status. BMSB is a known pest of fruit trees and legumes in its native rangeCHINA, SOUTH KOREA, JAPAN and TAIWAN. It was first identified in the western hemisphere during 2001. The insect is polyphagous and attacks a wide range of fruit, vegetable, and shade plants. BMSB feeding can cause small necrotic areas on leaves and fruit. It also has potential to become a major nuisance factor by congregating in overwintering sites, invading structures, and, when disturbed, releasing a characteristic odor. The two-sided, single sheet alert includes clear full color photos and lists websites that offer additional detailed information on this insect. Copies are available free. -> C.A. Holko, Phone: 1-410-841-5920. HolkoCA@mda.state.md.us. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> This IPMnet *CALENDARUpdate* lists only: (N)ew events that have not been cited previously in the IPMnet CALENDAR or IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous listing in the CALENDAR or NEWS. 2=> The complete IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed annually to all IPMnet email subscribers, but is kept up to date and may be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation.
(N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 01 December 2006 2007 (N) 29 January * THE VOLUNTARY INITIATIVEPAST AND FUTURE, York, UK. Contact: C. Hill, CSL, Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK. conferences@csl.gov.uk. Phone: 44-0-1904-462131. Web: www.soci.org 21-23 March * 8TH CHINA INTERNATIONAL AGROCHEMICAL AND CROP PROTECTION EXHIBITION, Shanghai, CHINA. Contact: shy@agrochemshow.com. Web: www.agrochemshow.com. 10-12 May * BEST PRACTICE IN DISEASE, PEST AND WEED ANAGEMENTSTATE OF THE ART, Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: DPG, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, GERMANY. geschaeftsstelle@dpg.phytomeizin.org. Fax: 49-531-299-3019. Phone: 49-531-299-3213. Web: dpg 22 May * 59TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Ghent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. Spanoghe, Secretary ISCP, Fac. of Agric. & Appld. Biol. Sci., Ghent Univ., Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, BELGIUM. iscp@ugent.be. Fax: 32-9-264-6249. Phone: 32-9-264-6009. Web: www.iscp.ugent.be. 03-07 June * new information * 9TH WORLD CONGRESS ON PARASITIC PLANTS, Charlottesville, VA, USA. Contact: J. Westwood, Plant Path., 401 Latham Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0331, USA. Westwood@vt.edu. Fax: 1-540-231-7477. Phone: 1-540-231-7519. Web: www.cpe.vt.edu 18-21 June * new information * 14TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Hamar, NORWAY. Contact: see website at: tinyurl.com 30 June-04 July * 10TH SICONBIOL, SIMPOSIO DE CONTROLE BIOLOGICO, "Inovar para Preservar a Vida," Brasilia, BRAZIL. Contact: Siconbiol, Caixa Postal 02372, Brasilia DF 70770-900, BRAZIL. Fax: 61-3340-3624. Phone: 61-3448-4700. siconbiol@cenargen.embrapa.br. Web: siconbiol.cenargen.embrapa.br. 15-18 July * 47TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SOCIETY (U.S.), Nashville, TN, USA. Contact: AQPMS, PO Box 821165, Vicksburg, MS 39182, USA. Web: www.apms.org 24-27 September * IOBC WORKING GROUP "INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION IN FRUIT CROPS," Sub-Group "Soft Fruits," East Malling, Kent, UK. Contact: J. Cross, East Malling Research, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ, UK. Phone: 44-0-1732-843-833. Jerry.Cross@emr.ac.uk. Web: www.iobc 24-28 September * WORKSHOP, "BIOSAFETY OF GM CROPS AND THE EVOLUTION OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES, Belo Horizonte, MG,
BRAZIL. Contact: L. Oda, ANBio, Nilo Pecanha 50, Grupo 2114- Edificio De Paoli, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20044-900, BRAZIL. LOda@uol.com.br. Fax: 55-21-221-48580. www.icgeb.org 07-12 October * revised date * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOVEL AND SUSTAINABLE WEED MANAGEMENT IN ARID AND SEMI-ARID AGRO-ECOSYSTEMS, Rehovot, ISRAEL. Contact: wgarid@agri.huji.ac.il. Web: www.agri.huji.ac.il 22-23 October * ANNUAL BIOCONTROL INDUSTRY MEETING, Lucerne, SWITZERLAND. Contact: IBMA, M. Guillon, 1 rue de Buckingham, F-64000 Pau, FRANCE. mg.pres.ibma@club-internet.fr. www.ibma.ch 2008-2010 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.