IPMnet NEWS June 2007, Issue no. 155 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Training Increases IPM Adoption in China A follow-up survey of participants in a jointly organized 2006 IPM training project for safe and responsible use of pesticides conducted in Gaunghan, Sichuan Province, CHINA, found that after training growers more effectively controlled crop pests and lowered their production costs, while exhibiting increased safety awareness that translated into improved protection of themselves and their farms. CropLife China, in collaboration with the National Agricultural Technical Extension Service Centre, the Sichuan Plant Protection Service, and Sichuan Agricultural University, organized 52 training sessions in 24 towns for 2,800 farmers, pesticide retailers, extension personnel, and others involved with pesticides. After completing training, growers were given face shields, ponchos, sprayers, lockable storage boxes, and flap type insect destroying lights. Winners of competitions held as part of the training were awarded additional protective gear. Pre- and post-training surveys measured the impact on participant behavior. The main behavioral change noted among growers was a 50 percent reduction in improper disposal of empty pesticide containers, according to a CropLife Asia press release. Survey results also found that 61 percent of farmers lowered their pesticide use and costs by 17 percent following training. Exposure to training was cited as the reason why 18 percent more farmers, when considering purchase of pesticides, sought advice from extension specialists regarding selection of proper, authentic products. A concluding, 32-page report tinyurl.com notes that training leads to improved pesticide application timing, more effective usage, and decreased pesticide residue levels which contribute to compliance with food safety and trade standards. A short Summary Report of the training program and slide series can be accessed at tinyurl.com -> L. Carlos, CropLife Asia, 25th Floor, Rasa Tower 1, 555 Phaholyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, THAILAND. Phone: 66-2-937-0487. Fax: 66-2-937-0491. Lichelle@croplifeasia.org. excerpted, with thanks, from a CropLife Asia press release and training program reports.
U.S. Funds Said to Short-change IPM A major, globally active U.S. environmental organization has charged a U.S. government agency with nationally "failing to adequately help farmers adopt integrated pest management practices," and recommended nine priority actions by the responsible agency to help accelerate IPM adoption across crop and livestock producing categories in all U.S. states. In its extensive and detailed issues paper, "More Integrated Pest Management Please," the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) pointedly states that the nearly US0 million federal Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), while designed to help agriculture protect soil, water, air, plants, and animals, is significantly under-utilized for promoting IPM by the agency tasked with EQIP funds allocation, the U.S. National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Author K. Hamerschlag and NRDC editor J. Kaplan report that an NRDC-sponsored study discovered "public funds are not used appropriately to reduce pesticide risks, even in states where pesticide impacts are significant or widespread." Of the top 15 practices EQIP funds supported during 2003-2005, "pest management" ranked twelfth behind categories listed as "pipeline," "fence," and "brush management." The study found, among other facts, insufficient program funding nationally for support of IPM, as well as funding for unspecified "pest management" not necessarily related to environmental benefits. In contrast to these country-wide shortcomings, a few state programs "have taken the initiative to launch innovative partnerships and substantially expand IPM allocations," the report noted. Among NRDC's key recommendations for NRCS are: implement IPM in priority regions; improve delivery of technical assistance and increase both reimbursement and performance levels for technical service providers; revise NRCS' IPM standards; elevate national leadership to promote IPM within NRCS and increase state and local staff training and expertise; and, prioritize stewardship practices. The goal of NRCS' use of EQIP funds, avows NRDC, should be to emphasize pest management practices that lead to pesticide use reduction. The report, "NRDC Issue Paper, February 2007," can be accessed at: www.nrdc.org thanks to M.A. Draper for information.
*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * Leaf litter management under trees and between rows reduced the incidence of scab caused byVenturia inaequalisin an organically grown apple orchard. -> C. Gomez, grab.ra@free.fr. * Orchard field studies revealed that chlorantranilipole, an anthranilic diamide insecticide, caused greaterCydia pomonella(codling moth) mating disruption than in apple orchards treated with sex pheromones. -> A.L.Knight, AKnight@yarl.ars.usda.gov.
* Economic benefits of releasing 3 biocontrol agents againstCytisus scoparius(Scotch broom) in New Zealand are estimated to exceed costs by 2.9:1. -> P.J. Jarvis, PaynterQ@landcareresearch.co.nz. * Mulches of some winter cereal crops, when combined with inter-row cultivation, helped suppress germination of annual weeds in cotton. -> I. Vasilakoglou, Vasilakoglou@teilar.gr.
back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. PLANT DISEASE BIOCONTROL Editors S.B. Chincholkar and K.G. Mukerji have enlisted over 30 in- ternational specialists from a broad swath of impacted disciplines to contribute 15 chapters of material for a 2007 monograph, BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PLANT DISEASES. The result is a contemporary summary of disease management relying on biocontrol agents. The experts examine and discuss antagonistic microbes, rhizosphere microflora, genetic engineering, antifungal metabolites, predators, and other related technical topics. Various mechanisms of pathogen management are covered including inherent resistance. In their preface to the softbound, 441-page work, the editors mount an impassioned defense for broader usage of biocontrol noting that it "alone is the logical path forward for a sustainable ecosystem," and should therefore be given "a fair chance to prove its ability." A few typograph- ical miscues are evident. {$} -> Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghampton, NY 13904, USA. Fax: 1-607-771-0012. Phone: 1-607-722-5857. orders@haworthpress.com. www.haworthpress.com. WEED MANUAL COVERS INTEGRATION If there is a viable weed management strategy or topic that isn't included in a new liberally illustrated, practically oriented manual produced by the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management, it is of near zero importance. INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIAN CROPPING SYSTEMS, the highly reader-friendly product representing a decade of data collection, is aimed at and specifically designed for use by farm advisors and growers throughout Australia's crop growing regions. Known as the IWM Manual, the 2006 compilation presents information to encourage and support ever broader application of integrated methods and decreased sole reliance on herbicides. The 277-page manual is in 3-ring notebook-bound format with seven major, color-coded sections addressing: economic benefits of adopting IWM; herbicide resistance; agronomy to enhance IWM; weed management tactics; IWM implementation; common weed profiles; and, case studies. Heavy paperstock tabbed pages define each section. Dozens of full color photos reinforce a notably direct and clear text that continually emphasizes the benefits of
IWM-based approaches. Information presented, while obviously aimed at conditions in Australia, for the most part can easily translate to nearly any crop growing situation, ranging from rain-fed to small plot, worldwide. Specialist A. Storrie led a nationwide effort, in collaboration with managing editor T. McGillion, to produce the IWM Manual, a standout practical information resource. See: www.weeds.crc.org.au. {$} -> R.G. and F.J. Richardson, PO Box 42, Meredith, VIC 3333, AUSTRALIA. Fax/phone: 61-03-5286-1533. Richardson@weedinfo.com.au. www.weedinfo.com.au. thanks to J. Barker for providing material. POTATO IPM REVISITED A recent addition to the Univ. of California's acclaimed IPM publication series is the 2nd edition of INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT FOR POTATOES IN THE WESTERN UNITED STATES, a thoroughly revised and expanded version of the now-out-of-print 1992 edition. Author/editor L.L. Strand melded input from over 40 research and extension specialists across the region to prepare the 2006, softbound, 175-page manual as an IPM infor- mation source for all involved with the region's potato crops. Chapters on aphid management and virus transmission have been revised, as well as the material on leafhoppers and phytoplasma transmission, late blight, bacterial early dying, necrotic strains of Potato virus Y, black dot, silver scurf, and cover crops for nematode management. Also added: 51 new color photos, 58 tables and line drawings, a section on organic potato production, and a comprehensive index. An extensive "suggested reading" list and a glossary round out the publication (listed as Pub. #3316). {$} -> Communication Services, Univ. of California, Dept. of Ag. and Nat. Resources, 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. Floor, Oakland, CA 94608-8849, USA. danrcs@ucdavis.edu. Fax: 1-510-642-5470. Phone: 1-510-642-2431. anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS cites websites, publications, CDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the item to the address at end of this file; for a website, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. PUBLICATION EXAMINES COTTON DISEASES A 2007 technical bulletin from the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (India), DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF COTTON IN CHANGING SCENARIO, focuses on increased disease incidence in recent cotton crops, especially among hybrid and transgenic varieties. Authors O.P. Sharma,et al discuss seven of the major diseases, plus two agronomic problems, in this softbound, 32-page work. Color photos of the pathogenic impact for each problem are included as well as suggestions for management practices. {$} -> A. Singh, National Ctr. for IPM, LBS Building, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012, INDIA. ipmnet@bol.net.in. Fax: 91-011-2584-1472. Phone: 91-011-2584-3935. Http:www.ncipm.org.in. thanks to O.P. Sharma for providing material. BIOPESTICIDE & ORGANIC DATABASE LAUNCHED A U.S.-based program recently launched an online searchable database of biopesticide and organic pest management, intended as an aid for growers of specialty (so-called "minor") crops.
The database, prepared by the Interregional Research Project No. 4 (IR-4), and found at: tinyurl.com can be queried by crop, pest, and location, and promptly responds with a list of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registered product labels that fit the indicated criteria. A choice allows users to limit searches to only "organic" approved pest management products. The site also presents a rationale to answer the question "why use biopesticides," such as overcoming time limits for re-entering treated areas, or for harvest soon after treatment. In some cases there are no "conventional" products registered for a particular circumstance, thus possibly suggesting use of a biopesticide, the site notes. IR-4 is dedicated to providing safe and effective pest management solutions for specialty crop growers. -> M.P. Braverman, IR-4 Biopesticide Manager, Suite 201 W, 500 College Rd. East, Princeton, NJ 08540-6635, USA. Braverman@aesop.rutgers.edu. Fax: 1-609-514-2612. thanks to S. Novack, M. Braverman, & P. Jepson for information. DATABASE INTRODUCED FOR BIORATIONALS Another recently announced U.S. oriented information source with intent parallel to the IR-4 effort is "Biorationals: Ecological Pest Management Database," created by the National Center for Appropriate Technology/Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (pause for breath) of the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, aka NCAT/ATTRA (still there?). The objective, again, is to reduce use of "conventional" products by providing information about alternatives, particularly those "with low non-target impacts" and which degrade into "non-toxic" components, says the site at tinyurl.com "Biorational" is also used in reference to microbial pesticides. Searches can start with a pest category, a pest name (scientific or common), a pesticide trade name, or an active ingredient/beneficial organism. Drop down lists appear. In a brief test for management of several weed species, products such as citric acid and corn gluten meal popped up as recommended treatments. A useful feature: interactive links to the product manufacturer and, in some cases, the label for the product. -> R. Dufour, NCAT, PO Box 2218, Davis, CA 95617, USA. RexD@ncat.org. Fax: 1-530-756-7857. Phone: 1-530-792-7338. thanks to R. Dufour for providing information. INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE PAPERS The March 2007 issue of CROP PROTECTION, 26(3), has been published as a special edition, "Weed Science in Time of Transition," incorporating nearly 40 titles from the more than 500 papers, addresses, and posters presented at the 4th International Weed Science Congress convened in 2004 at Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. Guest editors/weed scientists B. Rubin, S.O. Duke, and C.F. Reinhardt have selected and included only those articles that address major subjects in weed science. The cumulative effect demonstrates how modern weed research aims to further the goal of integrating weed management methods and thereby ultimately improve the livelihood of humankind. -> B. Rubin, Rubin@agri.huji.ac.il. FOCUS ON EVIL WEEVILS P. Gothro,et al have edited the PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ROOT WEEVIL WORKSHOP, and published the results in softbound form in early 2007. The 43-page
work presents 11 papers from the 2001 event (apparently weevil authors are a deliberate group) including numerous full color photos and graphs. Special report 1065. Copies can be requested from: R. Rosetta, NWREC, 15210 NE Miley Rd., Aurora, OR 97002-9543, USA. Robin.Rosetta@oregonstate.edu. thanks to R. Rosetta for providing material. VIVA IAPPS The periodic IAPPS Newsletter (International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences) is now available in a Spanish version as Boletin de Noticias de la IAPPS. Both Spanish and English versions are online at: www.plantprotection.org -> M. Tamo, IAPPS Newsletter Editor, IITA, 08 B.P. 0932 Tri Postal, Cotonu, BENIN. M.Tamo@cgiar.org. NPDN PROCEEDINGS AVAILABLE The latest U.S. National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) National Meeting Proceedings are now online at tinyurl.com as published by the Plant Management Network. Contents include posters, presentations, the program, various committee reports, event photos, and session notes. The event took place at Orlando, FL, USA in January 2007. thanks to M. Wimer of PMN for providing information.
*PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* FIELD CROP IPM (Entomologist), Manhattan, KS, USA * Develop an extramurally-funded IPM program for field crop arthropod pests; support extension and IPM research; teach courses in insect pest diagnosis, IPM, and extension. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology or relevant discipline; postdoctoral research experience; demonstrated research creativity and productivity; evidence of effective teaching; communication skills. See: www.entomology.ksu.edu. * CONTACT: L.L. Buschman, Dept. of Entomology, 123 Waters Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4004, USA. Fax: 1-620-276-6028. Phone: 1-620-276-8286. LBuschman@ksu.edu. EXTENSION PLANT PATHOLOGIST, College Station, TX, USA * Establish a regionally and nationally recognized education and applied research program focused on rice, turfgrass, and soybean; develop effective materials including publications, workshops, conferences, and mass media/electronic elements; teach various subjects. * REQUIRES: PhD in plant pathology; understanding of extension thrust; familiarity with field crop production and turfgrass pathology; training and motivation to implement and interpret field research; ability to work independently and cooperatively; willingness to undertake considerable travel. * CONTACT: D.N. Appel, Dept. of Plant Path. and Microbio., Texas A&M Univ., 2132 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2132, USA. D-Appel@tamu.edu. Phone: 1-979-845-7311. BIOCONTROL OF LANDSCAPE PESTS, Apopka, FL, USA * Develop methods for arthropod management in the landscape and nursery; focus on augmentation and conservation of biocontrol
agents and safe chemicals; conduct a wide ranging extension program; help develop a nationally competitive research and extension program; publish in refereed and non-refereed journals. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology or related discipline; teaching and/or experience in biocontrol of pest insects; demonstrated skills in verbal and written communication; close collaboration with other staff members; ability to procure extramural funding. Position #00013977. See: tinyurl.com * CONTACT: L.S. Osborn, Univ. of Florida, MFREC, 2725 Binion Rd., Apopka, FL 32703-8504, USA. Fax: 1-407-814-6186. Phone: 1-407-884-2034, ext. 163. LSOsborn@ufl.edu.
*EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, & SERVICES* REMOTELY CONTROLLED HOSE REELS A line of custom built hand-held-nozzle spraying sets designed for a variety of applications, including weed management and pest insect control, feature a unique system of transmitter-controlled hose reels that remotely retract or extend hose at the touch of a hand-held button. The high strength polymer hose and retraction force are said to be powerful enough to assist an operator up steep slopes if needed. Both single and double reel units are offered, the latter simultaneously supplying two operators working independently. Power options include gas/diesel engines, electric motors, or PTO drives. -> Intelli-Spray, Quik Corp., 37 Production Ave., Warana, QLD 4575, AUSTRALIA. Jeremy@quickcorp.biz. Http:www.intelli-spray.com/index.php. thanks to J.J. Gregg for information. MOISTURE SENSORS A German firm manufactures and markets a series of sophisticated probe-based moisture sensing units. The devices operate within the TRIME (time domain reflectometry with intelligent microelements) framework. Data gathering and logging is designed for uploading to either a handheld, laptop, or remote computer. Modular sensors are said to be fully water- proof and robust with deep penetration probes for more accurate readings. In field units can be powered by either mains, solar, or battery sources. www.imko.de. -> P. Blume, IMKO GmbH, Im Stock 2, D-76275 Ettlingen, GERMANY. info@imko.de. Fax: 49-0-7243-90856. Phone: 49-0-7243-592123.
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Planting Date and Nitrogen Effects on Fusarium Head Blight and Leaf Spotting Diseases in Spring Wheat," Subedi, K.D.,et al * AGRON. JRNL., 99(1), 113-121,
January-February 2007. "UsingPseudomonasSpp. for Integrated Biological Control," Stockwell, V.O., and J.P. Stack. * PHYTOPATH., 97(2), 244-249, February 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "A Rationale for Atrazine Stewardship in Corn," Swanton, C.J.,et al * WEED SCI., 55(1), 75-81, January 2007. "Spray Retention for Liquid and Mycoherbicide Inoculum in Three Weed- biocontrol Systems," Byer, K.N.,et al * BIOCON. SCI. AND TECH., 16(8), 815-823, 2006. Entomology """""""""" "Abundance and Diversity of Ground-dwelling Arthropods of Pest Management Importance in Commercial Bt and non-Bt Cotton Fields," Torres, J.B., and J.R. Ruberson. * ANNLS. OF APPLD. BIOL., 150(1), 27-39, December 2006. "Sprayable Microencapsulated Sex Pheromone Formulation for Mating Disruption of Oriental Fruit Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Australian Peach and Pear Orchards," Il'ichev, A.L.,et al * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 99(6), 2048-2054, December 2006. The Sublethal Effects of Pesticides on Beneficial Arthropods, Desneux, N.,et al * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 52, 81-106, 2007. Transgenics Sub-section """""""""""""""""""""" " Impact of Insect-resistant Transgenic Rice on Target Insect Pests and Non-target Arthropods in China," Chen, M.,et al * INSECT SCI., 13(6), 409-420, December 2006. Nematology """""""""" "The Management of Potato Cyst Nematodes Using Resistant Solanaceae Potato Clones as Trap Crops," Turner, S.J.,et al * ANNLS. OF APPLD. BIOL., 149(3), 271-280, December 2006. General """"""" "Influence of Glyphosate on Rhizoctonia and Fusarium Root Rot in Sugar Beet," Larson, R.L.,et al * PEST MGMT. SCI., 62(12), 1182-1192, December 2006. "Why Pest Management Needs Behavioral Ecology and Vice Versa," Roitberg, B.D. * ENTOM. RSCH., 37(1), 14-18, March 2007.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Year-Round IPM Information Planned "Relevant and current information is the stock-in-trade of dynamic and robust IPM programs," write long-time IPM authorities P.B. Goodell and M.L. Flint in introducing their key paper, "Re-creating the Delivery of Information: Packaging Existing IPM Knowledge in More Transparent Ways." The Univ. of California pair point out the complex steps needed to make environmentally sensitive pest management decisions, each of which requires the application of informationi.e., knowledge. Providing that information in an accessible, relevant, and factual
framework for growers, extension- ists, and advisors remains a huge challenge, the authors attest. Writing in the latest issue of U.C. PLANT PROTECTION QUARTERLY, Goodell and Flint describe a new information delivery format to be launched in California, "Year-round IPM Program," (YIP) a web-based, multi-pest, seasonally adjusted effort that will supplement current IPM print and online information dissemination. "By organizing information around annual crop events," they note, YIP can provide "grower-friendly access to informa- tion." Growers, by knowing which pests or IPM actions need consideration at any phase of the crop cycle, can more effectively plan for pest management interactions during the entire crop season. The article can be accessed online at: uckac.edu -> P.B. Goodell, PBGoodell@uckac.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from: U.C. PLANT PROTECTION QUARTERLY, 17(1), April 2007. Variety Rotation as an IPM Tactic Crop variety rotation may be a method for decreasing populations of the serious pestHeterodera glycines(soybean cyst nematode), according to plant pathologist R.T. Robbins and colleagues at the Univ. of Arkansas. By rotating a different resistantGlycines max(soybean) variety annually each year for three years, and taking soil samples for nematode counts at planting and again at harvest, population trends can be determined. Dr. Robbins noted that the three-variety rotation does seem to be gradually depressing nematode counts. Even if populations are not drastically reduced, the devastating yield lossesup to 30 percentwill also trend downward he believes and probably continue to do so if growers persevere in practicing variety rotation. -> R.T. Robbins, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA. RRobbin@uark.edu. Phone: 1-479-575-2555. excerpted, with thanks, from a Univ. of Arkansas news item. Award Will Fund IPM Online Courses A multi-disciplinary team of Oregon State University scientists, led by weed scientist and Faculty Scholar Award winner C.A. Mallory-Smith, has begun developing a series of IPM online courses supported in part by award funds. The courses will be designed for use by both students and agricul- tural professionals. The team approachblending weed science, plant pathology, and entomologyacknowledges the interaction among weeds, diseases, and insects and gives recognition to the needs of systemwide approaches to effective crop integrated pest management. Dr. Mallory-Smith is the second recipient of the recently launched L.L. Stewart Faculty Scholar Award and the US,000 it carries. Mallory-Smith said she is "deeply appreciative of what it [the award] will enable us to do." -> C.A. Mallory-Smith, Carol.Mallory-Smith@oregonstate.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from OSU This Week, 46(30), May 2007.
back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) Latest Annual Report Published The globally active Integrated Pest Management-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) has published a comprehensive summary document of its international activities, "Annual Report for FY 2006." The 129-page document, covers the second year of Phase III of the ongoing activity, as sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The report describes IPM thrusts conducted by IPM-CRSP collaborators and project leaders in two broad categories, regional and global theme programs. The former addresses efforts in: Latin America and the Caribbean; South and Southeast Asia; Central Asia; Eastern Europe; and West and East Africa. The second focuses on: insect transmitted viruses; diagnostic laboratories;Parthenium hysterophorus(one of the world's worst weeds); impact assessment; and database development. The report reflects the innovative concept of the IPM-CRSP, a collab- orative partnership among U.S. and host country institutions (universities, governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations) with emphasis on research, education, training, and information exchange. The program aims, among other things, to advance IPM science and develop technologies, information, and systems for sound land resource management. It also works to improve IPM communication leading to increased, widespread adaptation and adoption of environmentally benign practices. Following an explanatory executive summary that includes a list of program impact areaswith healthy numbers of training participants, presentations, field days, and long-term degree studentseach element of the overall program is discussed in detail with text, numerous full color plates, and other graphics. Appendix A deals with the dozens of acronyms popping up, and Appendix B lists collaborating institutions, both international and U.S. The report can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com Also, hard copies, in limited suppy, are available from: R. Muniappan, Program Director, IPM-CRSP, OIRED, 1060 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. Phone:1-540-231-3516. RMuni@vt.edu. thanks to R. Muniappan for providing information.
back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, may be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also now available online (see below). 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. SPECIAL NOTE: Through the generous cooperation and collaboration of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and its executive director, B. Zelazny, the IPMnet CALENDAR can now be found online at www.pestinfo.org The site not only includes the most
recent complete listing of events (separated into four subject-related categories), but is also geographically segregated to expedite users finding events in their locale of interest. There is also an additional feature whereby announcements of forthcoming events can be submitted directly to the site for inclusion in the IPMnet CALENDAR. For reference, past events will be listed in a searchable database. The IPMnet CALENDAR Update will continue to be part of each issue of IPMnet NEWS. Please let us know of any problems or needs that occur in connection with the new online IPMnet CALENDAR. Lastly, IPMnet is deeply grateful to Dr. Zelazny and ISPI for the tangible support and copious time devoted to designing and implementing the IPMnet CALENDAR database. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 30 May 2007 2007 (N) 17-21 June *Bacillus ACT 2007, (_B. anthracis, B. cereus,and B. thuringiensis_) Oslo, NORWAY. Contact: A-B. Kolsto, Biosci., Univ. of Oslo, PO Box 1068 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, NORWAY. AnneBKo@biotek.uio.no. Phone: 47-2-285-6923. bacillus 10-14 September * BIODIVERSITY SUPPORTING CROP PROTECTION, Summer School for PhD Students, Volterra, ITALY. Contact: P. Barberi, Land Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Piazza Martiri della Liberta 33, 56127 Pisa, ITALY. Barberi@sssup.it. Fax: 39-050-883-512. Phone: 39-050-883-525. tinyurl.com 17-19 September * 1ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHILI ANTHRACNOSE, Seoul, KOREA. Contact: P. Gniffke, or D-G. Oh, anthracnose@k-giz.net. www.avrdc.org 29 September-03 October * 57TH ANNUAL MEETING-JOINT MEETING, EN- TOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF CANADA and SASKATCHEWAN, "Microscale Subjects for Megascale Insects," Saskatoon, SK, CANADA. Contact: D. Hegedus, HegedusD@agr.gc.ca. www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca 04-05 October * 3RD ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON PLANT PROTECTION RELATED ISSUES, Kathmandu, NEPAL. Contact: S.P. Marahatta, fax: 977-9841-318-631. Phone: 977-1-552-1359. SharadParasar@yahoo.com. [R] 15-19 October * new information * 10TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, "Controlling Epidemics of Emerging and Established Plant Virus Diseasesthe Way Forward," Patancheru, INDIA. Contact: P.L. Kumar, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502324, Hyderabad, AP, INDIA. admin@ipve2007.net. Fax: 91-40-307-13074. Phone: 91-40-307-13380. www.ipve2007.net. 15-16 November * new address * COLLOQUE SUR LA REDUCTION DES TRANSFERTS DE PRODUITS PHYTOSANITAIRES DAN LES EAUX DE SURFACE, Paris, FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 42, rue Raymond Jaclard, F-94140 Alfordville, FRANCE. Fax: 33-1-43-44-2919. www.afpp.net. Phone: 33-1-43-44-8964. afpp@afpp.net. [R] 11-12 December * new address * 20TH CONFERENCE DU COLUMA Dijon, FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 42, rue Raymond Jaclard, F-94140 Alfordville, FRANCE. Fax: 33-1-43-44-2919. Phone: 33-1-43-44-8964. afpp@afpp.net. www.afpp.net. 12-14 December * 2007 NATIONAL (U.S.) SOYBEAN RUST SYMPOSIUM, Louisville, KY, USA. Contact: R. Schneider, Dept. of Plant Pathology, 302 Life Sci., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA. RSchneider@lsu.edu. www.apsnet.org 2008 (N) 11-15 February * 4TH HEMLOCK WOOLLY ADELGID SYMPOSIUM, Hartford, CT, USA. Contact: D. Souto, USDA FS, 271 Mast Rd., Durham, NH 03824, USA. DSouto@fs.fed.us. Fax: 1-603-868-7604.
Phone: 1-603-868-7717. 2009-2011 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.