IPMnet NEWS September 2007, Issue no. 157 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Facilitating the Flow of IPM Information Informationits development and delivery to end usersis a crucial basic precept of IPM. That truism recently gave rise to a vigorous U.S. national action, "Pest Information Platform for Extension and Educa- tion," (creatively compacted to ipmPIPE), originally launched in the wake ofPhakopsora pachyrhizi(Asian soybean rust [ASR]) arriving in the U.S. creating an urgent need for a national IPM information clearinghouse for coping with ASR and its management. The mandate for the ipmPIPE effort, however, extends well beyond ASR, and is intended to "realize a dynamic, integrated national system facilitated by information technology that provides centralized, useful tools with reliable information for IPM practitioners," according to the website www.ipmpipe.org. The stated intent is to "help maximize economic returns, and improve social welfare and environmental health by promotion of efficient and coordinated IPM decision support systems." Initially ipmPIPE, with support from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, served as a national warning system designed to help soybean farmers protect crops from the devastation of ASR. But ipmPIPE, which represents an unprecedented and wide ranging collaboration between and among federal, state, and private sector organizations, as well as numerous individuals, is expanding to encompass a broader IPM portfolio. Writing in PHYTOPATHOLOGY NEWS, plant pathologists M. Draper and K.F. Cardwell note that "the ipmPIPE provides a highly adaptable platform for delivery of pest and disease forecasting systems, whether from real-time surveillance data such as from sentinel plots and spore traps, from production fields, or from validated climate-driven predictive models." The organizers of ipmPIPE envision it becoming a source for other crops, pests, and management options as well as a readily referred to, single portal information source for growers, field personnel, and others connected to IPM and its practice. excerpted, with thanks, from Phytopathology News, 41(7), 88, July 2007; thanks to K.F. Cardwell for information. Europe Moves to Toughen Pesticide Regs MORE STRINGENT RULES PROPOSED: A leading U.K.-based weekly agricultural journal
reports that the European Union is considering more stringent rules for pesticide application in the future. The goal is preparation of a national action plan (NAP) by every EU member state, an outcome predicted to lead to a 25 percent reduction in pesticide usage within five years, and a 50 percent decrease by 2020. FARMERS WEEKLY INTERACTIVE (FWI) notes that the latest version of the far-reaching EU proposals call for a compulsory 10m (33ft) buffer zone along watercourses; notifying adjacent property owners before pesticide application; requiring periodic spraying equipment inspections; banning the spraying vertical crops (orchards, hops) along or near watercourses; and, funding NAPs through an industry levy or tax. The same industry levy/tax is also seen as a resource for promoting low-input systems, crop specific IPM practices, and organic farming systems. See: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from FWI; thanks to P.C. Jepson for information. COURT ACTION LEADS TO PARAQUAT BAN: Unprecedented court action in Sweden has led to the possible banning of paraquat-based pesticides throughout Europe, according to recent reporting by CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY (CPM). Pesticides with paraquat as active ingredient are already banned in Austria, Denmark, and Finland. The EU's second highest court said that the effects on human and animal health had not been sufficiently investigated under an earlier European Commission directive allowing paraquat usage, and, contrary to common practice, banned the product from being sold henceforth. An appeal could be mounted and the Court's ruling suspended depending on the outcome of a hearing. Issues raised by the Court are under further evaluation, according to the European Crop Protection Association, the representative trade group for the European pesticide industry. See: www.crop excerpted, with thanks, from CPM, 212, July 2007.
*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * The first maize plant developed with significant transgenic maize streak virus (geminiviruses) resistance also is believed to be the first all-African-produced genetically modified crop plant. -> D.N. Shepherd, Dionne.Shepherd@uct.ac.za. * Dual pheromone dispensing Isomate codling moth+oriental fruit moth devices were as effective as individual species dispensers, but more economical. -> A.L. Il'ichev, Alex.Ilichev@dpi.vic.gov.au. * In Indonesia, plastic sleeves that degrade and disappear after about 4 months, were placed over young cocoa pods to reduceConopomorpha cramerella(cocoa pod borer) damage 85 percent while eliminating a pollution source. -> M.D. Hammig, MHammig@clemson.edu. * Fungicide use forDaucus carota(carrot) was reduced by delaying application until scouting
revealed presence of a disease trace as compared to employing purely calendar-based application schedules. -> M.K. Hausbeck, Hausbec1@msu.edu. * Herbicide management had a much lower impact on trophic relationships than did sowing date forBrassica napus(oilseed rape) in the UK. -> D.A. Bohan, David.Bohan@bbsrc.ac.uk. * Research focused on crop pest problems that are severe and economically compelling is much more likely to attract attention, funding, and interest sustained long enough to develop a lasting solution. -> T.A. Miller, Thomas.Miller@ucr.edu. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review procedures please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. BRASSICA DISEASES The American Phytopathological Society's (APS) acclaimed disease compendium series gained a welcome addition with the 2007 publication of COMPENDIUM OF BRASSICA DISEASES. As with the more than two dozen other titles in the series, this new volume aims to provide "a thorough, authoritative, and practical reference guide" through use of 165 full color, and nearly 30 more black/white, illustrations, plus text based on contributions from nearly 50 experts from seven countries. Editors S.R. Rimmer,et al have divided the softbound, 136-page volume into three parts: introduction; infectious disease; and, noninfectious diseases. Within each specific disease, discussion touches on symptoms, causal organisms, disease cycle, and management. Selected references are provided throughout. The section on noninfectious diseases covers a wide swath of abiotic disorders ranging from environmental factors to production practices that trigger nutrient problems. The informative work is printed on coated paperstock and includes a glossary and an index. -> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. GFord@scisoc.org. www.shopapspress.org. ECOLOGY AND IPM AT A CROSSROADS A 2007 book focuses on the ecological underpinnings of IPM and captures important themes in both pest management and ecology that have arisen in the last 20 years. In PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGICAL THEORY AND INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, IPM advocate-scientists M. Kogan and P.C. Jepson have drawn on the expertise of an international contributing author group to present assessments of the role that basic ecology serves in the development of rational and sustainable crop pest management practices. The hardbound volume examines major themes such as the interaction of the human factor in both IPM and ecology, as well as 15 more chapters delving into the specifics of pests, their sustainable management, and the links to ecological impacts. The editors note that while the challenges pests pose for modern cropping systems and the struggle to understand the complexities of populations and epidemiology are never ending, there remains the larger task of
defining or formalizing ways "ecological theory can be developed and exploited" to maximize IPM systems. "The application of ecological ideas," the editors comment in their preface, "is a slow and difficult process." This 588-page treatise, which traces its initiation back several years, stitches together substance and fact to help strengthen the ecology-IPM interface and subsequently broaden the adoption of IPM across the spectrum of crop production. {$} -> Cambridge Univ. Press, The Edinburgh Bldg., Shaftesbury Rd., Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK. Phone: 44-0-1223-312393. Fax: 44-0-1223-315052. information@cambridge.org. www.Cambridge.org A MULTI-USE HANDBOOK USE AND MANAGEMENT OF INSECTICIDES, ACARICIDES, AND TRANSGENIC CROPS, published in 2006, is the fifth in a series of handbooks published by the Entomological Society of America (ESA), to, according to the publisher, "serve IPM practitioners and educators requiring a comprehensive and thorough source of information in a particular area or commodity." Series editors J.N. All and M.F. Treacy have recruited 30 scientist-specialists to provide what is said to be "some of the most comprehensive and up-to-date information for understanding" the use of the two indicated pesticide groups, plus transgenic crops. The softbound work's 20 chapters are divided into five sections variously addressing deployment, classification, formulation, application, resistance management, safety, and, impacts and non-target species. The text offers numerous details and practical information spiced by 40 full color photos and other illustrations throughout the handbook's 160 pages. The publication can serve as: a useful handbook for growers and consultants; as a reference for extensionists and many other activities; and as a course text. {$} -> ESA, 10001 Derekwood Ln., Suite 100, Lanham, MD 207064876, USA. Fax: 1-301-731-4538. Phone: 1-301-731-4535. www.entsoc.org. Note: this publication is also being co-sold by the American Phytopathological Society (see APS contact information, above). HERBICIDE INJURY GUIDE TO LANDSCAPE PLANTS "Distinguishing herbicide injury from other causes of abnormalities on landscape plants can be challenging," observe the editors of a handy new visual information resource, FIELD GUIDE TO HERBICIDE INJURY ON LANDSCAPE PLANTS. Truly intended for pocket use with its spiral softbound format and 9cm x 23cm (3.5in. x 9in.) size, this cleverly color-coded guide packs over 200 full color photos into its 112 pages. Following an introduction, a section on untreated plants offers a control and visual comparison against injury caused by several herbicide families, each of which authors D.E. Nordby,et al have placed in separate, easily identified sections. The Guide covers vegetables and annuals, as well as herbaceous and woody perennials. The plants and the photos do 95 percent of the "talking" in this Guide and, combined, should help make injury diagnoses more accurate and a little less challenging. -> K.A. Ritter, Dept. of Crop Sciences, AW-101 Turner Hall, Univ. of Illinois, 1102 South Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-4798, USA. Phone: 1-217-333-4424. KARitter@uiuc.edu. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcome information for websites, publications, CDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; for a website, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu.
ARABIC-ENGLISH TERMS DICTIONARY The result of six years of voluntary effort by a contingent of scientists has been published recently by the Arab Society for Plant Protection as the extensive bilingual DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS IN PLANT PROTECTION. The project was undertaken to help unify definitions between approximately 10,000 Arabic and English plant protection terms. The 770-page volume can be used to find translations starting from either language. The hardcover work is said to be unique compared to other similar dictionaries in that the volunteer scientists were organized into discipline-specific teams so that agreement emerged for translation of each term. The effort culminated with a two day workshop wherein some 50 representatives from eight Arab countries met to discuss and finalize the text. www.asplantprotection.org {$} -> Dar Innahda Al-Arabiya, PO Box 11-0749, Beirut, LEBANON. darnahda@cyberia.net.lb. Fax: 961-1-735295. THE MASSIVE SCOPE OF WEEDS Following the old adage that a picture has more punch than prose, the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management (Weeds CRC) has compiled a new online image galley of some of the nation's worst weed infestations as a way to help convince key audiences of the problem's enormity. "This visual lesson," notes Weeds CRC's J. Barker, "goes a long way to explaining why weeds cost Australia A billion per year." The site www.weeds.crc.org.au is said to "provide an immediate visual impact aimed at creating a greater appreciation of the issue," especially for non-farmers who might not be likely to consider weeds beyond their own backyard. -> J. Barker, Weeds CRC, PMB 1, Waite Campus, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, AUSTRALIA. Jennifer.Barker@adelaide.edu.au. thanks to J. Barker for information. CONTROLLING CEREAL RUSTS The June 2007 special edition of AUSTRALIAN JRNL. OF AGRIC. RESEARCH, 58(6), is given over to "Global Landscapes in Cereal Rust Control" featuring more than 20 papers presented at a 2005 international conference (118 delegates). The papers represent each of the six conference themes arising from the current status and impact of new technologies in controlling cereal rust diseases and the current status of cereal rust threats across the world. The journal can be found at: www.publish.csiro.au ARAB PLANT PROTECTION WEBSITE DEBUTS The Arab Society for Plant Protection (ASPP) has launched its thoroughly redesigned bilingual (English/Arabic) website at www.asplantprotection.org. The easily navigated site leads readers to a variety of topics ranging from the Society's activities and its bi-annual newsletter, to its scientific journal (ARAB JOURNAL OF PLANT PROTECTION), and to other interesting and useful links. thanks to S. Kumari and E.A. Heinrichs for information.
*PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* PLANT PATHOLOGIST (Virology), Suva, FIJI ISLANDS * Conduct field surveillance, disease diagnostics, training, development and implementation of plant disease management strategies; oversee a regional plant pathology diagnostic service; provide guidance on plant disease management strategies; conduct plant pathology training; write, edit, and publish plant pathology information; supervise a technical staff. * REQUIRES: Degree in agriculture or bio sciences that includes strong, wide-ranging plant pathology experience; practical knowledge of, and experience with, plant disease symptoms; professional links with recognized international institutions; English language fluency; relevant computer capabilities. Vacancy 2007/180. CONTACT: Deputy Director-General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Private Mail Bag, Suva, FIJI ISLANDS. Fax: 679-3-370-021. recruitsuva@spc.int. www.spc.int (click on "employment"). thanks to W. Lieberts for information. ENTOMOLOGIST, Raleigh, NC, USA * Develop an extension (70 percent) and applied IPM research program (30 percent) for arthropod pest management in commercial ornamental crops; use diverse information delivery methods in an effective educational and training thrust; develop a robust extramural funding program; conduct student training. * REQUIRES: Ph.D. in entomology or related field; training or experience in IPM; strong commitment to high impact extension and applied research; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing with diverse audiences; ability to function effectively in a multidisciplinary team. Position #01-07-0704. * CONTACT: jobs.ncsu.edu for instructions, application, and required documents. CONSULTANTS and FIELD SCOUTS, Florida, USA * Advise growers producing over 40 various crops, and emphasize IPM approaches; identify and help resolve production and pest problems; assist with research activities; conduct other tasks as assigned or in connection with training programs. * REQUIRES: Minimum of BS in related agricultural or environmental discipline; strong written and verbal skills (English); ability to function in a team environment; proficiency with Microsoft Office software; desire to work outdoors; ability to learn new skills and adapt to change. * CONTACT: J. Trufelli, Glades Crop Care, 929 Turner Quay, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA. Fax: 1-561-746-3775. JTrufelli@gladescropcare.com. Phone: 1-561-746-3740. www.gladescropcare.com back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Assessment of Sanitation and Fungicide Application Directed at Cocoa Tree Trunks for the Control ofPhytophthoraBlack Pod Infections in Pods Growing in Canopy," Opoku, I.Y.,et al * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 117(2), 167-175, February
2007. "Effects of Row Pattern, Seeding Rate, and Inoculation Date on Fungicide Efficacy and Development of Peanut Stem Rot," Sconyers, L.E.,et al * PLANT DIS., 91(3), 273-278, March 2007. "Plant Resistance to Pathogen Infection: Forms and Mechanisms of Innate and Acquired Resistance," Kiraly, L.,et al * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 155(7-8), 385-396, August 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "Allelopathy in Crop/Weed InteractionsAn Update," Belz, R.G. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 63(4), 308-326, April 2007. "Short-term Disruption of a Leafy Spurge (_Euphorbia esula_) Biocontrol Program Following Herbicide Application," Larson, D.L.,et al * BIOCONTROL, 40(1), 1-8, January 2007. "Time Scales as a Factor in Decision-making by French Farmers on Weed Management in Annual Crops," Mace, K.,et al * AGRIC. SYST., 93(1-3), 115-142, March 2007. Entomology """""""""" "A Review of Introductions of Pathogens and Nematodes for Classical Biological Control of Insects and Mites," Hajek, A.E.,et al * BIOCONTROL, 41(1), 1-13, April 2007. "Alfalfa Living Mulch Advances Biological Control of Soybean Aphid," Schmidt, N.P.,et al * ENVIRON. ENTOM., 36(2), 416-424, April 2007. "Non-invasive Techniques for Investigating and Modelling Root-feeding Insects in Managed and Natural Systems," Johnson, S.N.,et al * AGRIC. AND FOREST ENTOM., 9(1), 39-46, February 2007. "The Molecular Bases of Plant Resistance and Defense Responses to Aphid Feeding: Current Status," Smith, C.M., and E.V. Boyko. * ENTOM. EXP. ET APPLIC., 122(1), 1-16, January 2007. Transgenics """"""""""" "Agricultural Practice Changes with Cultivating Genetically Modified Herbicide-tolerant Oilseed Rape," Graef, F.,et al * AGRIC. SYST., 94(2), 111-118, May 2007. "Target and Non-target Effects on the Invertebrate Community of Vip Cotton, a New Insecticidal Transgenic," Whitehouse, M.E.A.,et al AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF AGRIC. RSRCH., 58(3), 185-202, March 2007. Vertebrate """""""""" "The Rodent Species of the Ifugao Rice Terraces, PhilippinesTarget or Non-target Species for Management?," Stuart, A.M.,et al * INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 53(2), 139-146, April-June 2007. General """"""" "Do Farmers Understand the Information Displayed on Pesticide Product Labels?
A Key Question to Reduce Pesticides Exposure and Risk of Poisoning in the Brazilian Amazon," Waichman, A.V.,et al * CROP PROT., 26(4), 576-583, April 2007. "Mass Media Framing of Biotechnology News," Marks, L.A.,et al * PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCI., 16(2), 183-203, April 2007. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments A Primer for Aerial Application of Fungicides A short (4-page), informative publication flying under the all-encompassing title "Aerial Application of Fungicide for the Suppression of Fusarium Head Blight in Small Grains" lays out eminently practical information for grower, aerial applicator, and field personnel alike. The document, using full color visuals and concise text, summarizes five years of aerial testing and tweaking aerial fungicide application against the disease caused by the fungusFusarium graminearumthat often lowers both grain quality and yield. Agricultural engineer V. Hofman and colleagues began with the fact that aerial application of fungicide for leaf disease control "often has provided less than adequate control" of fusarium head blight (FHB), and several years later obtained positive results. The authors methodically list the elements required for effective aerial application from nozzle placement to droplet size and travel speed. Aerial application, they point out, has advantages such as being able to apply material during the exact proper stage of growth when fields may be too wet and impassable for ground application. The document www.ag.ndsu.edu includes an 8-point list of recommended techniques including the various optimum above-the-ground-surface operating heights dependent on aircraft weight and speed. -> Distribution Ctr., North Dakota State Univ. Extension Svc., Morrill Hall, PO Box 5655, Fargo, ND 58105-5655, USA. Fax: 1-701-231-7044. Phone: 1-701-231-7882. dctr@ndsuext.nodak.edu. thanks to A. Thostenson, C. Kirby, and P.C. Jepson for information. Soybean Pest Profiled A recent addition to the Regional Pest Alert (RPA) information series is "Soybean Aphid -Aphis glycinesMatsumura," providing a detailed profile of a pest capable of transmitting a number of viruses that infect soybean crops. The single page, illustrated, full color publication (see www.ncipmc.org describesA. glycines its life cycle and origin, and then discusses plant symptoms caused by this unwelcome visitor. Field monitoring is a key to identifying the presence ofA. glycines Control recommendations include a range of options. The RPA series is produced and distributed in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service sponsored Regional IPM Program, and specifically the North Central IPM Center. -> S.T. Ratcliffe SRatclif@uiuc.edu. Phone: 1-217-333-9656. Bad Beetles While most insects in the Coccinellidae family are beneficial, two exceptions areEpilachna varivestisMulsant (Mexican bean beetle) andE. borealis(squash beetle). For the latter, a 2006,
illustrated extension publication "Squash Beetle on Cucurbits" provides useful identification information (E-100-W, online at tinyurl.com published by Purdue Univ. Dept. of Entomology extension, in the extensive "Vegetable Insects" series). In terms of management, authors F. Lam,et al note that to date "not much research has been done on the economic threshold" ofE. borealisand that several insecticides are labeled for control of this pest. - thanks to L. Maynard for information. Utah (USA) Publishes Newsletter Pest management specialists at Utah State Univ. (USA) are collaborating to publish a colorful periodical, UTAH PESTS. The second issue, vol. 1, summer 2007, includes items on reduced-risk pesticides for homeowners, common and native flowering plants attractive to native bees and beneficial insects, and a discussion focusing on pest insects ofRubus idaeus(raspberry). The NEWS is produced by the Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory and Utah State Univ. Extension and can be accessed at: utahpests.usu.edu. thanks to D.G. Alston for information. Whitefly Website Many specialists concerned withBemisiaspp. probably have contributed to, or used, the eclectic website, "Whiteflies," maintained by L.S. Osborn at www.mrec.ifas.ufl.edu The site offers access to papers, meetings, presentations, and other whitefly-focused materials. Several lists of suggested key management tactics are included. While the site's prime geographic reference is the U.S. state of Florida, there are also ample links to other sources such as the European Whitefly Studies Network. Site navigation can be an adventure, but worth the effort to ferret out useful information. -> L.S. Osborn, Mid-Florida Resch. and Edu. Ctr., Univ. of Florida, 2725 S. Binion Rd., Apopka, FL 32703-8504, USA. Fax: 1-407-814-6186. LSOsborn@ufl.edu. Phone: 1-407-884-2034, ext. 163. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site includes several features intended to improve convenience to users. The IPMnet CALENDAR Update will continue to appear in each issue of IPMnet NEWS. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at
IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. ............. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 01 September 2007 2007 (N) 18-20 September * 17TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE SOILBORNE PLANT DISEASES INTEREST GROUP, Stellenbosh, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: A. Schoeman, ARC-PPRI, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7599, SOUTH AFRICA. SchoemanA@arc.agric.za. Fax: 27-021-887-5096. Phone: 27-021-887-4690. (N) 20-21 September * FINAL CONFERENCE ON THEREBECAACTION (Regulation of Biological Control Agents), Brussels, BELGIUM. Contact: R-U. Ehlers, Christian-Albrechts-Univ. of Kiel, Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 9, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY. www.rebeca Ehlers@biotec.uni-kiel.de. Phone: 49-431-880-4864. Fax: 49-431-880-1583. (N) 24-27 September * 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SCALE INSECT STUDIES, Oeiras, PORTUGAL. Contact: M. Branco, Dep. Eng. Florestal, Instituto Sup. de Agronomia, 1349-017 Lisbon, PORTUGAL. issis2007@isa.utl.pt. Phone: 351-2-136-53382. Fax: 351-2-136-45000. www.isa.utl.pt 01-04 October * V ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE ECOLOGIA QUIMICA, Londrina, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: www.cnpso.embrapa.br 22-26 October * 4TH AFRICAN ACAROLOGY SYMPOSIUM / SYMPOSIUM AFRICAIN ACAROLOGIE, Hammamet, TUNISIA. Contact: K.G. Lebdi, INAT, 43 Ave. Charles Nicolle, 1082 Tunis, TUNISIA. Phone: 261-71-289-431. LebdiGrissa.Kaouther@inat.agrinet.tn. Fax: 261-71-799-391. www.iresa.agrinet.tn 24-26 October * 22ND ANNUAL TOMATO DISEASE WORKSHOP, Williamsburg, VA, USA. Contact: C. Anders, phone: 1-757-363-3930, ext. 303. Charlotte.Anders@vt.edu. www.cpe.vt.edu 03-07 December * GLOBAL MINOR USE SUMMIT & TRAINING, Rome, ITALY. Contact: H. Chen, HChen@aesop.rutgers.edu. Phone: 1-732-932-9575, ext. 4627. www.fao.org 2008 (N) 05-06 April * 2ND CONFERENCE ON VIROLOGY, "Emerging and Exotic Viral InfectionChallenging Threats of Human, Animal and Plant Health," El-Ain, El-Sokhna, Red Sea, EGYPT. Contact: A.E. Aboulata, Plant Path. Resch. Inst., ARC, PO Box 12619, Giza, EGYPT. Aboulata_Nady@hotmail.com. Fax: 202-572-8099. Phone: 202-012-806-1577. (N) 10-13 April * 2ND ANNUAL ARTHROPOD GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM, Kansas City, KS, USA. Contact: D. Merrill, 116 Ackert Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4901,
USA. DMerrill@k-state.edu. Phone: 1-785-532-3482. www.k 18-22 May * 16TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, "Weed Management 2008 - Hot Topics in the Tropics," Cairns, QLD, AUSTRALIA. Contact: 16th AWC Secretariat, PO Box 3873, South Brisbane, QLD 4101, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-07-3334-4499. Phone: 61-07-3334-4460. www.16awc.com.au. 09-12 September * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, "BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL PLANT PATHOGENS," 10th Group meeting, (nice place), SWITZERLAND. Contact: B. Duffy, Duffy@acw.admin.ch. Fax: 41-44-783-6305. 2009-2011 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.