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IPMnet NEWS March 2008, Issue no. 161 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs International IPM Symposium Takes Shape While IPM (integrated pest management), the science-based, decision- making process is increasingly being practiced globally, specific worldwide IPM focus in late March 2009 will briefly shift to Portland, OR, USA, and commencement of the highly anticipated 6TH INTERNATIONAL IPM SYMPOSIUM. The event, under the overall theme of "Transcending Boundaries," will occur during 24-26 March and blend a mix of plenary sessions, mini- symposia, workshops, and brain storming discussions all addressing the potentials for implementing IPM across disciplines, in various settings in agriculture, horticulture, and urban settings. Several elite keynote speakers have accepted invitations to present their provocative views of how IPM can continue to develop in the near future, more effectively mesh with multifunctional cropping systems, and broaden its impact and, importantly, benefits. Symposium organizers note that over 650 participants from 23 countries representing both the private and public sectors attended the previous 5th IPM Symposium successfully convened in 2006. Organizers also point out that numerous opportunities exist for participation in the forthcoming symposium by interested institutes, corporations, agencies, and organizations who will then be recognized in various ways such as by signage at the symposium, in the printed program, and on the symposium website. More information and detail about all of the above is available at www.ipmcenters.org For those wishing to receive future notices about the 6th International IPM Symposium, send an email message to ipmsymposium@ad.uiuc.edu. thanks to T. Green and E. Wolf for information. Area-wide Fruit Fly Management Yields High Return A regional effort launched in 2000 to develop effective biocontrol methods for a quartet of exotic insect pests that have attacked fruits and vegetables all across the Hawaiian Islands (U.S.) has paid off handsomely with an economic return of more than 30 percent, according to information

released recently by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The Hawaii Area Wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management program (or HAW-FLYPM) was designed to reduce pest populations of four fruit fly species_Ceratatitis capitata(Mediterranean);Bactrocera cucurbitae(melon);Bactrocera dorsalis(oriental); andBatrocera latifrons(Malaysian)that devastated more than 400 fruit and vegetable crops throughout the region and forced growers to use heavy applications of insecticides. An economic analysis of the program's achieved, continuing, and projected benefits over the next five years, plus other factors, versus accumulated and projected expenditures, resulted in a robust 32 percent return on investment, not including substantial indirect benefits such as increased employment and environmental gains that are difficult to assign a firm returned value. ARS research specialists combined six tactics for use in HAW-FLYIPM including: field sanitation (removing all crop material from fields and orchards after harvest); pest insect scouting and monitoring; release of sterile male fruit flies; male fly annihilation; protein baits; and deploying biocontrol agents (such as parasitic wasps) as needed. One of the program's key objectives was sustainability, crafting a package of practices that growers could use and would continue to do so on their own once the research phase ended. Within three years of program commencement, ARS officials were said to know that HAW-FLYPM was both effective as devised and well accepted and implemented by growers. See: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from AGRIC. RESCH. MAGAZINE, 56(2), February 2008; thanks also to K. Kaplan for information. *GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * A tested model effectively predicted disease-caused yield loss in wheat cultivars, and thus can serve to support fungicide treatment decisions. -> E. Audsley, E.Audsley@cranfield.ac.uk. * Weed suppression increased in denser, more uniformly spaced crops across various nitrogen levels. -> J. Weiner, JW@life.ku.dk. * SomeHumulus lupulus(hops) varieties can be productively grown on 3m (9.8 ft.) instead of 5.5m (18 ft.) high trellises allowing directed or hooded sprayers to replace air blast units for reduced pesticide use. -> J. Henning, John.Henning@ars.usda.gov. * A survey of growers in the U.S. state of Indiana found those farming 800 ha. (1,977 ac.) or more were most concerned about the increasing resistance to glyphosate . -> W.G. Johnson, WGJ@purdue.edu. * Contaminated coconut fibre (coco peat, or coir fibre) imported as a potting mix ingredient has introduced approximately 15 new weed species into NEW ZEALAND. -> One News, tinyurl.com back to top

IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. KEEPING COFFEE PESTS AT BAY A host of insect pests, pathogens, and nematodes afflict those evergreen shrubby trees that yield a crop processed into one of the world's older favorite brewed beverages. Now grown in some 60 nations,Coffeaspecies have attracted increasing ecological attention as evidenced by a "marked shift away from reliance on pesticides for management of pests and diseases," observe J.M. Waller,et al authors of the definitive text, COFFEE PESTS, DISEASES & THEIR MANAGEMENT. After providing an enlightening historic backdrop, this 2007 work divides into sections describing insect pests and their management, diseases, and ultimately integrated crop management including IPM. The importance of shade management is addressed along with numerous other cultural aspects. The hardbound work contains an 8-page full color section to aid pest identification, plus dozens of black/white illustrations scattered throughout its 442 pages. Even though stating that, because of their root structure coffee plants tend to be "quite sensitive to weed competition," the authors relegate weed management information to only three compact paragraphs. A sample chapter can be viewed at tinyurl.com {$} Customer Service, CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. orders@cabi.org. Fax: 44-1491-829292. Phone: 44-1491-829400. THE COMPLEAT RICE BLACK BUG OPUS A massive 2007 volume contains just about everything anyone would want to know about the genusScotinophara and then some. Encyclopedic in its approach and breadth, RICE BLACK BUGSTAXONOMY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF INVASIVE SPECIES is built around an exhaustive data base reaching back to 1863, including current day material on systematics, ecology, and management. Editors R.C. Joshi,et al have tapped the knowledge of experts on all aspects of rice black bugs (RBB) and their devastating impact on rice crops, and included specific Asian country reports in compiling this hardbound reference. Well over 100 full color and black/white illustrations, including highly detailed close-ups, appear throughout the volume's 804 pages. An important added feature is an auto-run DVD-ROM, included with every copy, containing well over 300 full text articles on RBB by authors worldwide spanning more than a century of observation, research, and investigation. The book and DVD were co-published by a group of research organizations led by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (Philrice) plus the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. {$} -> PhilRice, Maligaya, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, 3119, PHILIPPINES. prri@philrice.gov.ph. Phone: 63-44-456-0277. PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS It happens routinely every year: BCPC (British Crop Production Council) staff miraculously manage to gather and edit the hundreds of presentations submitted to the annual Plant Protection Congress and print the resulting multi-volume publication in time to deliver it at commencement of the landmark event. It's a breath-taking achievement to pull off year after year. For 2007, over 350 presentations are

included in the CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS, XVI PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, an effectively condensed, attractive two volume, 980-page (including front matter) tome. {$} -> BCPC Publications, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hamps. GU34 2QD, UK. publications@bcpc.org. Fax:44-0-1420-593209. Phone: 44-0-1420-593200. www.bcpcbookshop.co.uk. HOW TO KEEP POTATOES HEALTHY With 53 percent more pages, a vast increase in full color photos, and several added sections, the new second edition of POTATO HEALTH MANAGEMENT significantly improves on its very popular 1993 predecessor. The 2008 version not only addresses all manner of potential plant health problems, it now includes new chapters discussing economics, organic production, and home gardening. Editor/plant pathologist D.A. Johnson, along with first edition editor R.C. Rowe, marshals pertinent material, contributed by over 40 scientists, into a contemporary, highly practical resource. The softbound work incorporates readily viewed, highlighted sections setting forth specific suggested procedures such as "health protection practices that can be integrated into a holistic health management system." The entire, 270-page volume has a practical, straight forward approach embodying expert advice on tangible production matters, all wrapped in a deftly designed graphic layout, and printed on high quality paperstock. The result is an important treatise and versatile reference for successfully growing potatoes. {$} -> APS Press. 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. aps@scisoc.org. www.shopapspress.org. Fax: 1-651-454-0766.

*WEB, PUBLICATION, CD/DVD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes information for websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. BILINGUAL REFERENCE REVAMPED The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library (NAL) has published 2008 editions of the NAL AGRICULTURAL THESAURUS and GLOSSARY OF AGRICULTURAL TERMS in English and the TESAURO AGRICOLA and GLOSARIO in Spanish. The new versions add about 70 definitions, terminology associated with fuels, chocolate manufacture, bodies of water, the U.S. National Forest System, and acronyms used in the taxonomic classification of viruses. Both versions can be downloaded from agclass.nal.usda.gov The website features a new format presenting parallel English and Spanish language interfaces, enabling users to search and read all background materials in either language, plus a "Download Files" page enabling users to download the thesaurus and glossary files in an array of formats. Another page invites users to suggest terms to be added to the thesaurus and glossary. -> L. Carey, NAL, LCarey@nal.usda.gov. excerpted, with thanks, from an NAL news release. NEWSLETTER FOCUSES ON INVASIVES The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) has published issue 9 of GISP NEWS, 09

December 2007, a comprehensive overview of problems, impacts, and management approaches associated with species run amok worldwide. Contents report on both troublesome plant and animal species. The 24-page communication includes numerous full color illustrations, and can be freely downloaded from www.gisp.org in English, French, and Spanish versions. The overall GISP mission aims to minimize the spread and impact of invasive alien species so as to conserve biodiversity and sustain human livelihoods. The program was founded in 1997 and a secretariat established in 2003. -> GISP, c/o CABI, PO Box 633-00621, Nairobi, KENYA. Fax: 254-20-712-2150. thanks to S. Lloyd for information. A PERNICIOUS PEST OF PALMS Celebrating 10 years on the web, the Red Palm Weevil page exclusively focuses onRhynchophorus ferrugineus(Olivier) and incorporates a variety of timely reports, discussion sections, news items, and perhaps more information than a person ever wanted to know about RPW. A 2007 distribution map visually depicts the inexorable westward march of this economically serious insect pest of palms. Contacts are listed for key research scientists engaged in the RPW battle. In an extensive review article recently appended to the page, J.R. Faleiro examines RPW issues and management aspects during the last 100 years. And there is more on this bilingual Arabic and English page at www.redpalmweevil.com such as the section addressing the broader topic of "Diseases and Pests of Palm," reports of first sightings, and links to other sites. -> Page author: K.A. Alhudaib, IACR Rothamsted, Herpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ, UK. Alhudaib@hotmail.com. SOYBEAN RUST INFORMATION SOURCES Pieces of a Soybean Rust Meeting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The challenges presented byPhakopsora pachyrhiziprompted the American Phytopathological Society (APS) to convene the 2007 National (U.S.) Soybean Rust Symposium which attracted over 250 participants. While the event's overall report is still in preparation, other key segments of the symposium, such as speaker and poster presentations, are available now for free downloading at tinyurl.com courtesy of APS (symposium organizer) and its Plant Management Network International activity. Updated Soybean Rust/Fungicide Manual Released """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A freely accessed on-line compendium thoroughly reviews the myriad technical, agronomic, and economic factors involved in deciding whether to apply fungicide to manageP. pachyrhizi The updated 2007 version of USING FOLIAR FUNGICIDES TO MANAGE SOYBEAN RUST, edited by A.E. Dorrance,et al at oardc.osu.edu can be downloaded en toto, or chapter by detailed chapter, as desired. The manual's 112 pages address a wide range of topics from rust specific issues to broader considerations related to risk assessment, pesticide basics, and alternatives for organic soybean production. "Proper fungicide timing," the editors note, "will be key to maintaining profitability." In addition to numerous useful full color illustrations such as close-ups of rust characteristics, this pertinent reference also includes a glossary, plus soybean rust related articles and websites. -> A. Dorrance, Plant Pathology, OARDC-OSU, 118 Selby, Wooster, OH 44691, USA. Dorrance.1@osu.edu. Phone: 1-330-202-3560. excerpted, with thanks, from the OARDC-OSU website.

CONTAINING THE SALVINIA MENACE One of the world's worst aquatic weeds,Salvinia molesta a free-floating, mat-forming aquatic fern, has an established slot among AUSTRALIA's Weeds of National Significance, having been introduced into the nation in the 1950s and then subsequently spreading into numerous waterways in various states. To organize the extensive existing literature, the NSW Dept. of Primary Industries published SALVINIA CONTROL MANUAL, Management and Control Options for Salvinia (_Salvinia molesta_) in Australia, in 2006 as a comprehensive 76-page, full color document that can be downloaded at tinyurl.com Author E. van Oosterhout drew on a legion of experts to describe the various control strategies, as well as profileS. molesta The graphically pleasing manual incorporates four case studies including physical removal programs and a long-running biocontrol effort. BUGGY GAMES, BUGGY WALLPAPER A novel feature of the UK's largest agricultural research center, Rothamsted Research, website is "DeBug," a special section devoted to a little less serious approach to entomological research. Here at tinyurl.com one can engage in "guess the insect," take a quiz, do a bit of anatomical research, and download any of 20 full-color close-up photos of insects. As the Rothamsted folks note, these free "fabtastic" (clever!) photos can, by a 'mouse' click or two, be set as a monitor screen background or "wallpaper" that even many a non-entomologist can appreciate. *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* STATEWIDE IPM PROGRAM DIRECTOR, Davis, CA, USA * Provide IPM leadership for the U.S. State of California; build coalitions and partnerships that link with communities and public agencies; increase the predictability and effectiveness of pest management techniques; develop science-based pest management programs that are economically and environmentally sustainable and socially appropriate; protect human health and the environment by reducing risks caused by pests or management practices; split activities between cooperative extension and instruction/research; broadly oversee and manage included program units, budgets, grants, and communication thrusts. REQUIRES: PhD in a relevant discipline; strong record of managing a complex organization's staff and resources; broad knowledge of crop and pest management principles; outstanding record of achievement and leadership in IPM research; excellent communication skills (oral and written) and demonstrated ability to work cooperatively and effectively; ability to facilitate multidisciplinary research; demonstrated ability to develop an innovative teaching and research program. * CONTACT: K. Giles, DKGiles@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-752-0687. tinyurl.com PRINCIPAL WEEDS OFFICER, Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA * Direct the weed management branch's regional operations, rapid response efforts, and external projects for the territory; oversee coordinated delivery of weed management programs; manage a range of strategic eradication projects; develop and monitor legislative compliance and enforcement programs; implement best practice management related to weed programs. * REQUIRES: Degree in science or related field; demonstrated ability in weed identification, ecology, and research preferably for tropical and arid environments; strong written and verbal communication skills; competence in consultation, negotiation, and liaison; ability to interpret and apply legislative directives; high

degree of managerial ability. Position #16464. * CONTACT: K. Davis, Phone: 61-08-8999-4414. Kathleen.Davis@nt.gov.au. tinyurl.com *EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* ELECTRONIC SCREEN STOPS WHITEFLIES A research group in JAPAN has developed an electronic dipolar screen that appears to be a promising physical means for excluding flying whitefiles from greenhouses. The electrostatic, insect-proof screen uses insulated copper conductor wire encased in a flexible transparent vinyl insulator sleeve and charged via a voltage generator. Paired insulated wires parallel each other 5 mm (.04 in.) apart and are oppositely charged (positively and negatively) with separate generators thereby creating a dipole and an electrostatic force. The dipolar effect prevented adult whiteflies from passing through spaces up to 30 mm (.12 in.) between paired wires during a 3-week long trial, compared to a heavy fly infestation in the non-screened control area. -> Y. Matsuda and N. Tanaka, Lab. of Plant Prot., Kinki Univ., 3327-204 Nakamachi, Nara 631-8505, JAPAN. YMatsuda@nara.kindai.ac.jp. excerpted, with thanks, from CROP PROT., 27(2), February 2008. SPEEDY SEEDING IN STUBBLE A high-speed seed furrow opener with a unique star wheel design allows narrow rows to be sown into heavy stubble. Known as the Stubblestar, the device is said to give crops a competitive advantage over weeds. Two 24-point star-shaped blades vertically offset at 4 degrees come together as they enter the soil, then diverge. The result is loosened and aerated soil and an open seed furrow. Seed and fertilizer are deposited through a tube-like attachment. The device is designed to effectively operate in heavy stubble. In addition to aiding weed management, Stubblestar is said to increase seeding speed, improve stubble retention, and help protect against soil erosion. -> B. Oldland, Brian_Oldland@fts.com.au. Phone: 61-03-8665-5524. tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from WEED WATCH, 2(16), November 2007; thanks also to B. Oldland and J. Barker. OIL-BASED BIOCONTROL PRODUCT LAUNCHED An oil-based formulation of an entomopathogenic fungus (_Beauveria bassiana_) was developed and registered in INDIA during 2007 for use in managingPlutella xylostella(diamondback moth) attacking Brassica crops. The formulation is said to: 1.) protect the active ingredient from degradation by sun light; 2.) achieve rapid infection and provide field efficiency; 3.) avoid development of resistance; and, 4.) have no effect on non-target species. -> K.P. Jayanth, BCRL, Sriramanahalli, nr. Rajankunte, Dodballapur Rd., Bangalore 561-203, INDIA. Jayanth.KP@pcil.co.in. www.pcilindia.com back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as

available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Bacteriophages for Plant Disease Control," Jones, J.B.,et al * ANN. REV. OF PHYTOPATH., 45, 245-262, 2007. "Microbial Fungicides in the Control of Plant Diseases," Kim, B.S., and B.K. Hwang. * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 155(11-12), 641-653, December 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "Delaying Weed Adaptation to Herbicide by Environmental Heterogeneity: A Simulation Approach," Roux, F.,et al * PEST MGMT. SCI., 64(1), 16-29, January 2008. "Revisiting the Perspective and Progress of Integrated Weed Management," Sanyal, D.,et al * WEED SCI., 56(1), 161-167, January 2008. Entomology """""""""" "Development of Bait Stations for Fruit Fly Population Suppression," Mangan, R.L., and D.S. Moreno. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 100(2), 440-450, April 2007. "Invertebrate Pests of Canola and their Management in Australia: A Review," Gu, H.,et al * AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF ENTOM., 46(3), 231-243, August 2007. "Pest Management Programmes in Vineyards Using Male Mating Disruption," Harari, A.R.,et al * PEST MGMT. SCI., 63(8), 769-775, August 2007. Transgenics """"""""""" "Persistence of Cry Toxins and Cry Genes from Genetically Modified Plants in Two Agricultural Soils," Marchetti, E.,et al * AGRON. IN SUSTAIN. DEVEL., 27(3), 231-236, July-September 2007. "Safety of Virus-resistant Transgenic Plants Two Decades After Their Introduction: Lessons from Realistic Field Risk Assessment Studies," Fuchs, M., and D. Gonsalves. * ANN. REV. OF PHYTOPATH., 45, 173-202, 2007. General """"""" "An Alien Approach to Invasive Species: Objectivity and Society in Invasion Biology," Larson, B.M.H. * BIOL. INVASIONS, 9(8), 947-956, December 2007. "Effect of Integrated Pest Management Practices on Tomato Production and Conservation of Natural Enemies," Picanco, M.C.,et al * AGRIC. AND FOREST ENTOM., 9(4), 327-335, November 2007. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Precision Technology Can Reduce Spraying Map-based, satellite-guided automatic control systems for both planting and spraying equipment is said to be rapidly gaining interest as a new agricultural technology. Systems are being

developed that control individual nozzles on a sprayer, stopping and starting spray flow based on global positioning satellite maps. Unintended duplication (spray overlap) can be avoided with savings in both reduced amount of material sprayed as well as in costs. In some instances on large farms, the costs of the systems are reported to be recovered in less than two years through direct savings. A spread sheet prepared at Kansas State Univ. (U.S.) can be used to estimate the savings of precision-control technology. At the website tinyurl.com scroll down to "decision-making tools" and select "KSU-GPSguidance" to download an Excel spreadsheet, a tool for evaluating the economics of machine guidance and section control investment. -> T.L. Kastens, 304 F Waters Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4011, USA. TKastens@agecon.ksu.edu. Fax: 1-785-532-6925. Looking for Pest-Caused Stress An entomologist specializing in insect pests of small grains is experimenting with hyperspectral visual analysis of plant leaves to determine levels of plant stress caused by pest insects, pathogens, or environmental factors. Undergoing stress, notes C. Nansen, affects a plant's metabolism and subtly changes the way its leaves reflect light. A hyperpectral camera can determine changes in reflected light. Dr. Nansen points out an example of how the technology might be used in the case of an underground disease such as root rot; relying on visual inspection generally means that by the point the human eye can detect an infection plants have already been damaged, whereas hyperspectral means could detect the induced stress at an earlier stage and thereby help reduce crop loss. Other uses might apply to scouting for low levels of pest insect presence or helping time pesticide application. Reflectance technology is similar to remote sensing, Nansen said, but instead of putting the camera in aircraft, it is placed just over the crop canopy. Nansen's group is investigating the practicality of using an all-terrain vehicle or other means. "The time is ripe," Nansen noted, "for someone to put a complete package or system together," based on existing computer programs that could be combined into a single tool. -> C. Nansen, TAES, 1102E FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403, USA. CNansen@tamu.edu. Phone: 1-806-746-6101. thanks to C. Nansen and K. Ledbetter for information. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site includes features intended to improve convenience to users. The "IPMnet

CALENDARUpdate" continues to appear in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. ............................................................ (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 28 February 2008 2008 (N) 06-07 March * 4TH ANNUAL NATIONAL (U.S.) SOYBEAN CYST NEMATODE CONFERENCE, Tampa, FL, USA. Contact: C. Dacus, APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. CDacus@scisoc.org. tinyurl.com Fax: 1-651-454-0766. (N) 21-23 May * 38TH CONGRES DUE GROUPE FRANCAIS DES PESTICIDES, Brest, FRANCE. Contact: G. Durand, congres.gfp@idhesa.fr. www.gfpesticides.org. 25-29 May * HARMONISE THE STRATEGIES FOR FIGHTINGDiabrotica virgifera virgifera Gottingen, GERMANY. Contact: S. Vidal, info@diabr-act.de. Fax: 49-0-551-391-2105. Phone: 49-0-551-393-730. www.diabr 02-04 June * EPPO/CoE WORKSHOP - HOW TO MANAGE INVASIVE PLANTS? THE CASE STUDIES OFEichhornia crassipesANDEichhornia azurea Merida, SPAIN. Contact: S. Brunel, EPPO/OEPP, 1, rue le Notre, 75016 Paris, FRANCE. Brunel@eppo.fr. Fax: 33-1-4224-8943. Phone: 33-1-4520-7794. tinyurl.com 10-13 June * 14TH AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PESTS CONFERENCE, Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA. Contact: On Q Conference Support, PO Box 3711, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, AUSTRALIA. Phone: 61-2-6288-3998. Fax: 61-2-6161-4719. www.abcon.biz info@onqconferences.com.au. (N) 02-06 July * PLANT-MICROBIAL INTERACTIONS 2008, Krakow, POLAND. Contact: K. Turnau, pmi2008@eko.uj.edu.pl. www.pmi2008.org. 20-21 October * 3RD ANNUAL BIOCONTROL INDUSTRY MEETING, Lucerne, SWITZERLAND. Contact: S. Chatham, IBMA, 17 rue de la Barthe, 64150 Mourenx, FRANCE. www.abim 21-23 October * 8TH CIRA CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES RAVAGEURS ET AUXILIARIES EN AGRICULTURE, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 42, rue Raymond Jaclard, F-94140 Alfortville, FRANCE. SZarb@afpp.net. Phone: 33-0-14-179-1980. Fax: 33-0-14-179-1981. tinyurl.com 27-30 October * IOBC INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP, INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION IN FRUIT CROPS, Avignon, FRANCE. Contact: B. Sauphanor, INRA-PSH,

Domaine Saint Paul, Site Agroparc, F-84914 Avignon Cedex 9, FRANCE. Benoit.Sauphanor@avignon.inra.fr. Fax: 33-0-4327-22432. www.iobc 02-05 November * 2008 BCPC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, Glasgow, UK. Contact: L. Simpson, Louisa.Simpson@bcpc.org. www.bcpc.org. 09-12 November * 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PLANT PROTECTION INSTITUTE, Dokki, Giza, EGYPT. Contact: tinyurl.com 11-14 November * ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: MBAO, 6556 N. Dolores Ave., Fresno, CA 93711, USA. Fax: 1-559-449-9037. Phone: 1-559-449-9035. www.mbao.org. 24-27 November * EXPERIMENTATION DES PRODUITS DE PROTECTION DES PLANTES, Tours, FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 42, rue Raymond Jaclard, F-94140 Alfortville, FRANCE. afpp@afpp.net. www.afpp.net. Fax: 33-0-14-179-1981. Phone: 33-0-14-179-1980. 2009 (N) 12-16 January * 15TH CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE FITOPATOLOGIA Y 18TH CONGRESO CHILENO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Santiago, CHILE. Contact: B. Latorre, BLatorre@uc.cl. www.puc.cl 2010-2011 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years. ................................................................. * About IPMnet * ++++++++++++ IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information resource service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., USA, and underwritten by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, and the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program. #-----------------------------{*}--------------------------------# *IPMnet NEWS* #161, March 2008 * ISSN: 1523-7893. *Disclaimer*: .....Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the underwriters or others.

*Reprinting*: .....IPMnet NEWS content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source. *Contributing material* to IPMnet NEWS: .... Items such as short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, plus notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome. *To Subscribe* (free), or to Unsubscribe: .... Send the message "subscribe," or "unsubscribe" to: mailto:IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state the involved e-mail address. The IPMnet NEWS *Mailing List*: .... Is a PRIVATE list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet; it is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership. IPMnet NEWS *Editor/Coordinator*: .... A.E. Deutsch, mailto:IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. *To contact* IPMnet NEWS: Email ---> mailto:IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax -----> 1-541-737-3080 Phone ---> 1-541-737-6275 Postal --> IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Ctr. 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

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