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IPMnet NEWS June 2008, Issue no. 163 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Australian Weed Research Gains 11th Hour Reprieve The recently elected Australian government, in response to national and even global concern, will support a new national weed research center to fill the yawning gap caused by the previous administration cutting off funding for the long-running, successful Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management (CRC-AWM), according to a recent media release. Release of the latest national budget confirmed provision of A.3 million over four years to establish the new centre as the National Weeds and Productivity Research Program (NWPRP) with a mandate to "investigate and address significant invasive plant problems and to improve advice to the farm and forestry sectors on managing invasive plants in forests, pastures and native vegetation," said CRC-AWM sources. The same sources noted that the NWPRP "will be independent and the intention is to form partnerships with other stakeholders including state governments and rural development corporations and universities. The Australian government is currently talking to senior weeds research people regarding governance arrangements for the new centre." The CRC-AWM was advised of funding withdrawal many months ago and essentially left to twist in the wind until the eleventh hour when plans and the budget were announced for the NWPRP, news that was roundly welcomed by the nation's active and widespread weed research and management community. CRC-AWM's current leader, R. McFadyen, stated that the newly installed government's announcement ended a long period of uncertainty about the future of weed research and invasive plants in Australia. "The decision by the previous government in 2007 not to replace the CRC-AWM when its funding ended on 30 June this year was very controversial," Dr. McFadyen said. -> J. Barker, CRC for Australian Weed Management, PMB 1, Waite Campus, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, AUSTRALIA. Phone: 61-8-8303-7250. Jennifer.Barker@adelaide.edu.au. Fax: 61-8-8303-7311. thanks to J. Barker, and others, for information.

EU Pesticide Regulation Change Questioned A sweeping proposed change in the European Commission's pesticide regulatory policy that would introduce hazard-based criteria in place of a risk-based approach has drawn an outcry from scientists and agricultural authorities alike pointing out that products could now be prohibited based on their inherent properties rather than by the risks they might pose in specific uses. The European Parliament was scheduled to vote on effecting this fundamental change on 19 May 2008, but instead elected to "kick the can down the road" and put off any decisive action in recognition of the potentially massive results, the concern expressed, and the need for extensive additional information. While the extent of the change remains undetermined, and even the number of products affected, widespread concern is being expressed over potentially broad, unforseen impacts on agricultural production. Even the staid, no-nonsense UK Pesticides Safety Directorate gloomily concluded that these changes could result in the loss of up to 85 percent of the nearly 300 substances to be regulated "and make conventional commercial agriculture in the UK unachievable as it is currently practised." www.pesticides.gov.uk. In another critically important arena, the repercussions for agricultural imports to the EU has yet to be assessed. Would the revised regulations be applied globally to imported commodities? If so, what regulating mechanisms would have to be put in place? How would major exporting nation governments be persuaded to accept the EU's so-called 'cut-off' criteria and substitution provisions? P.C. Jepson, director of the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ. (USA) and pest management scientist, asserted that much more information will be needed overall to clearly evaluate "what the impacts will be for reduced health and environmental impacts of pesticides, increased adoption of biologically-based IPM, pesticide resistance, and food security." thanks to P.C. Jepson for information; content excerpted, with thanks, from the UK Pesticide Safety Directorate website and other sources. *GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * A recent study confirmed that planting date influences a critical period of weed control in some crops, with implications for intensity of weed management, reduction of inputs, and potential carryover risk. -> M.M. Williams, II, MMWillms@uiuc.edu. * In many cases integrative plant nutrition is more cost effective and environmentally friendly for controlling plant disease than sole reliance on fungicides. -> C. Dordas, ChDordas@agro.auth.gr. * Application of kaolin particle film in Hungarian apple orchards suppressed many pests, but disrupted natural enemies and increased infestations ofEriosoma lanigerum(woolly apple aphid) and other pest species. -> V. Marko, Viktor.Marko@uni-corvinus.hu. * Research implicated the weed Bromus tectorum (downy brome grass) in the survival and dynamics ofCephus cinctus(wheat stem sawfly) feeding on wheat. -> D.K. Weaver, Weaver@montana.edu.

* The immunosuppressant benzylideneacetone enhances virulence of Bacillus thuringiensis against Spodoptera exigua (beet armyworm). -> Y. Kim, Hosanna@andong.ac.kr. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. SELECTIVE IPM CONCEPTS PRESENTED An international cooperative arrangement has produced the first volume of a five-volume series, GENERAL CONCEPTS IN INTEGRATED PEST AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT, conceived to highlight "recent advances and achievements which changed the practice of crop protection in the last decade." Editors A. Ciancio and K.G. Mukerji enlisted input from 26 international authors for volume 1 and divided the resulting content into three sections: Modeling, Management and Epidemiology; Emerging Technologies in IPM/IDM; and, Molecular Aspects in IPM/IDM. Thrust varies unevenly from the broadly conceptual (plant disease epidemiology) to the highly specific (diseases ofCarrotaspp.). The hardbound, 2007, monograph includes numerous black/white illustrations, but surprisingly for a healthily-price 373-page work, no color plates, as well as typographical errors. {$} -> Springer, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA. Fax: 1-212-460-1594. Phone 1-212-460-1537. www.springer.com. DISEASES AND PESTS OF ROSES Revised, updated, and expanded from its 24-year old first edition, COMPENDIUM OF ROSE DISEASES AND PESTS, second edition, follows a new format and offers color photos (over 150) throughout it's 96 pages. Authors R.K. Horst and R. Cloyd designed this modernized version primarily as an information source for plant pathologists and others involved with diagnosing rose disorders, though it also serves as a practical reference for anyone anywhere involved with almost any aspect of rose production. Parts I and II address diseases (infectious and noninfectious) while part III focuses on insect and mite pests. An additional 19 black/white illustrations complement the 2007, softbound, latest addition to the American Phytopathological Society's (APS) well regarded compendium series, notable for content, consistent readable format, and use of high grade coated paperstock. {$} -> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. www.shopapspress.org. aps@scisoc.org. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD/DVD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes information for websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. NEW PEST DIRECTORY PUBLISHED

The latest (2008) version of the unique worldwide "Pest Directory" CD, published by the International Society of Pest Information (ISPI), lists over 20,000 pest and natural enemy species, and presents a huge database of (mostly) recent pest-related publications (most with abstracts). The newest edition has added some 12,000 literature references and 15,000 direct links to full texts of articles. The Directory also provides a massive global listing of nearly 9,000 research specialists and others active in some capacity related to pest management, their institutions, the literature they have authored, and their programs, information designed to facilitate linkages and communication. The 2008 Directory includes more details on crop-specific pests, links to external databases, as well as country-specific literature references. ISPI, at www.pestinfo.org and available in French, Spanish, and German as well as English, was established in early 2001 as a not-for-profit organization that aims "to contribute to the development of pest management methods which are effective and safe for humans and the environment." {$} B. Zelazny, Executive Officer, ISPI, Eulerweg 3, D-64347 Griesheim, GERMANY. ispi@pestinfo.org. Phone: 49-615-576-0309. excerpted, with thanks, from ISPI information. CROP PRODUCTION COUNCIL BEGINS NEWSLETTER The British Crop Production Council (formerly British Crop Protection Council) now offers BCPC NEWS, a free on-line occasional service delivering "links to on-line news items that are likely to be of interest or concern to those in the BCPC Community around the world." Material to be included will emphasize policy issues affecting crop production and protection and "relevant matters of public concern." BCPC NEWS will be delivered as a "plain text e-mail message addressed to individual recipients." An introductory message states that sometimes the items included "will make uncomfortable reading" though the "intention is not to annoy, but rather to ensure that the BCPC Community is aware of what is being said and discussed that has a bearing on our activities." -> J. Gilmour, BCPC, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hamps. GU34 2QD, UK. news@bcpc.org. Fax:44-0-1420-593-209. excerpted, with thanks, from BCPC information sources. IPM ON BRAZILIAN SOY: A SUCCESS IPM approaches applied to soybean crops in Brazil, "may be considered a success story among other IPM programs worldwide in terms of farmer adoption and impact (economic, environmental and social)," observes International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) secretary general E.A. Heinrich following an extended visit to Brazil in early 2008. Writing in the January 2008 IAPPS newsletter, Dr. Heinrich describes the eventful history of IPM in Brazilian soy crops and provides current observations resulting from his visit to the area where he had been involved with entomological research many years ago. Several elements, such as increased biocontrol efforts, emphasis on grower involvement, and areawide approaches have contributed to remarkable program acceptance and ultimately to reduced sole reliance on pesticides, he noted. Current and earlier issues of the IAPPS newsletter are online at entomology.unl.edu EHeinric@vt.edu. Phone: 1-402-805-4748. thanks to E.A. Heinrich for information. NEW INVASIVE PLANT QUARTERLY DEBUTS

The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) has added a new journal to its stable of periodicals that includes WEED SCIENCE and WEED TECHNOLOGY. The addition is INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT (IPSM), a peer-reviewed quarterly focusing on both the biology and ecology of invasive plants as well many other aspects relating to invasive plant management such as restoration, ecological and environmental impacts, and risk and/or cost benefit analyses applied to management. J.M. DiTomaso, well recognized weed scientist at the Univ. of California, Davis, serves as editor and notes that IPSM will also include case studies and report on new invasive plants, policy, regulatory legislation, and compliance therewith. Launched in 2008, IPSM volume 1, issue 1 is dated January-March and is available in both on-line tinyurl.com and hard copy formats. Research articles each include an interpretive summary designed to provide a concise indication of the work's importance to field practitioners. -> J.M. DiTomaso, Plant Sciences, 162 Robbins Hall, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Phone: 1-530-754-8715. JMDiTomaso@ucdavis.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from WSSA material. WHOLE LOTTA NEMATODA For those with an interest in both insect and plant parasitic nematodes, the website (weblog) "Nematode Information" freely accessed at nematodeinformation.com may be a useful information resource. Or, it may be information overload: who knew that there were more than 60 individual species ofSteinernemaspp.? The site/blog offers numerous subject categories relating to beneficial nematodes and a horde of related references. thanks to G. Jackson for information. PARTHENIUM NEWSLETTER LAUNCHES An organization dedicated to sharing information about one of the world's ? worst weeds,"Parthenium hysterophorus has announced commencement of INTERNATIONAL PARTHENIUM RESEARCH NEWS. The monthly, on-line newsletter will include material discussing various aspects ofP. hysterophorus its impacts and management. The group invites contribution of material within several categories. -> P. Oudhia, PankajOudhia@gmail.com. www.iprng.org. thanks to P. Oudhia for information.

*PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* WEED RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, Honolulu, HI, USA. * Systematically screen species as requested using an existing weed risk assessment protocol; maintain and update species database; occasionally supervise temporary personnel and volunteers. * REQUIRES: BS from a 4-year institution with a minimum of 1-year course work in natural sciences; 1-3 years of botanical experience in agriculture or natural ecosystems; knowledge of computer databases and spreadsheets; knowledge of plant life history; familiarity with both electronic and traditional reference acquisition; ability to carry out oral and written instructions. Job ID #28290. Use on-line application system (preferred) at www.rcuh.com click on "employment." * CONTACT: C.E. Buddenhagen, HISC, 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96813, USA. Christopher.E.Buddenhagen@hawaii.gov. Phone: 1-808-587-4154. www.hawaiiinvasivespecies.org

CHIEF OF ENTOMOLOGY, NEMATOLOGY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY, (State of Florida Dept. of Agric. & Consumer Services), Gainesville, FL, USA. * Responsible for all activities related to identification of insects and other arthropods, nematodes, plant diseases, and noxious weeds and other plants; plans, assigns, and reviews work; coordinates identification and diagnostic work, investigative functions, and regulatory activities; coordinates with other departments, institutions, and agencies; participates in scientific investigations; manages budget, personnel, and equipment. * REQUIRES: PhD in agricultural or biological science, plus minimum of three years experience in regulatory agriculture. * CONTACT: W. Dixon, phone: 1-352-372-3505, ext. 118. See: tinyurl.com *EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* TRAP HELPS MANAGE COFFEE PEST CIRAD (French Agric. Rsch. Ctr. for Intl. Devel.) has devised, and markets, a highly selective, simple but effective trap for sustainable management ofHypothenemus hampei(coffee berry borer, or CBB). The compact device, the BROCAP Trap, uses a specific attractant mixture and color, and a capture funnel leading down to a closed receptacle. Mass trapping of up to 10,000 insects per trap per day are said to be feasible. Tests conducted in several countries indicate 97 percent of the captures are CBB. The trap helps reduce damage to coffee beans, decreases reliance on pesticide application, and is reported to increase the weight of green coffee yields 10-16 percent. The website www.cirad.fr includes further detailed information. -> Biol. Syst. Dept., CIRAD, TA 80/PS3, Blvd. de la Lironde, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, FRANCE. brocap@cirad.fr. Fax: 33-0-46-761-7120. Phone: 33-0-46-761-7565. excerpted, with thanks, from the CIRAD website.

*OPINION* LET IPM BE IPM Any week now a publisher will announce a hot-off-the-press pest management tome bearing a throat clutching title such as FUNDAMENTAL ENVIRO-FRIENDLY ECO-ACCEPTABLE BIOTROPHICALLY PERTINENT PEST MANAGEMENT, earnestly authored or edited by someone who has ignored or misunderstood the fact that "integrated pest management," undiluted, says it all and says it well. Ten years ago IPM scientist and recognized authority M. Kogan wrote an editorial posing the prickly question of whether hanging modifiers on "IPM," like so many dusty pheromone lures, cloaked creative criticism as ill-conceived terminological revisionism. Dr. Kogan clearly pointed out that IPM, by itself, is a robust, all-encompassing construct. How, for instance, can IPM not be biointensive? Or not environmentally sensitive? Or not ecologically based? If it does not embrace any, or all, of these elements it fails to meet the fundamental precepts of IPM. And while IPM possesses the flexibility to be narrowly applied in some instances, at base it remains a well accepted approach addressing all of these concerns and covering all forms of managing organisms deemed "pests" by humans (most surely including weeds, pathogens, invertebrates, and vertebrates).

In 1998 Kogan (perhaps too gently) concluded that, "instead of a replacement paradigm, the cause of IPM around the world would be better served by a resounding reaffirmation of IPM's original goals, not by the suggestion of a potentially competing paradigm." IPM has, during the elapsed decade, become the gold standard and stretched its positive influence well beyond the crops realm. IPM has gained global recognition....as plain, old IPM. Publication titles and other communications that stubbornly insist on muddying the water perhaps best serve as a purposeful reminder of just how strong, accurate, and powerful "IPM" remains as an elegantly straightforward concept, paradigm, and term. Ed. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Control of Tan Spot (_Drechslera tritici-repentis_) Using Cultivar Resistance, Tillage Methods and Fungicides," Jorgensen, L.N., and L.V. Olsen. * CROP PROT., 26(11), 1606-1616, November 2007. "Plant Pathogens Transmitted by Pollen," Card, S.D.,et al * AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATH., 36(5), 455-461, 2007. "The Epidemiology and Management of Seedborne Bacterial Diseases," Gitaitis, R., and R. Walcott. * ANN. REV. OF PHYTOPATH., 45, 371-397, 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "Aquatic Plant Management and the Impact of Emerging Herbicide Resistance Issues," Richardson, R.J. * WEED TECH., 22(1), 8-15, January 2008. "Gene Flow and Multiple Herbicide Resistance in Escaped Canola Populations," Knispel, A.L.,et al * WEED SCI., 56(1), 72-80, January 2008. "Risks of Herbicide-Resistant Rice in India: A Review," Kumar, V.et al * CROP PROT., 27(3-5), 320-329, March-May 2008. Entomology """""""""" "Codling Moth Management and Chemical Ecology," Witzgall, P.,et al * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 53, 503-522, 2008. "Ecology of the Entomopathogenic FungiBeauveria bassianaand Metarhizium anisopliaein Temperate Agroecosystems: Potential for Conservation Biological Control," Meyling, N.V., and J. Eilenberg. * BIOL. CONTROL, 43(2), 145-155, November 2007. "Microbial Control of Insect Pests in Temperate Orchard Systems: Potential for Incorporation of

IPM," Lacey, L.A. and D.I. Shapiro- Ilan. * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 53, 121-144, 2008. Transgenics """"""""""" "Fate and Effects of Insect-ResistantBtCrops in Soil Ecosystems," Icoz, I., and G. Stotzky. * SOIL BIOL. AND BIOCHEM., 40(3), 559-586, March 2008. "Quantification and Persistence of Recombinant DNA of Roundup Ready Corn and Soybean in Rotation," Lerat, S.,et al * JRNL. OF AGRIC. FOOD CHEM., 55(25), 10226-10231, November 2007. General """"""" "A Socio-Economic Analysis of the North American Commercial Natural Enemy Industry and Implications for Augmentative Biolgocial Control," Warner, K.D., and C. Getz. * BIOL. CONT., 45(1), 1-10, April 2008. "Pest and Disease Challenges and Insect Biotechnology Solutions," Miller, T.A. * ENTOMO. RSCH., 38(1), 34-40, March 2008. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Concise: Pest Management Information The Univ. of California's Statewide IPM Program offers "Quick Tips/Notas Breves" for managing a broad range of home and landscape pests, posted at the website www.ipm.ucdavis.edu These are 1-, or 2-page abbreviated versions of the full, peer-reviewed Pest Notes series, which are also linked to the Quick Tips page. Tips are available in English or Spanish, in both HTML and PDF formats, and indicate the date of the latest original publication. The Tips pages are, as expected, concise and fact-packed, often with an illustration or two, and provided in a reader-friendly format. Of the 30 categories posted, two are dedicated to weeds: in landscapes, and in lawns. Three additional tips discuss "environmentally sound garden practices." thanks to G. Ellen for information. On-line Diagnostic Tool Announced The New York State IPM program has released the "Interactive Plant Manager," a new on-line guide said to aid diagnosis of insect pests and diseases attacking woody ornamental trees and shrubs. The free program at tinyurl.com focuses on the most common insects of New York and the northeastern U.S. Information for more insect species and diseases is expected to be added in the future. -> J. Gangloff-Kaufmann, JLG@cornell.edu. Phone: 1-631-420-2022. excerpted, with thanks, from a news release. Distance Learning Entomology MS Offered The Univ. of Nebraska (USA) now offers an on-line master's degree in entomology through a distance-based learning program. The program provides a general background in entomology by emphasizing coursework in a variety of topics including insect pest management, biological control, plant resistance, and urban pest management. The program is said to be designed for science professionals. A thesis is not required, but 36 credit hours must be completed at a recommended rate of no more than 6 hours per semester. The MS program may be started at any time; coursework must be completed within 10 consecutive calendar years and comply with

academic credit policies. -> tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from a Univ. of Nebraska website. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) On the IPM-CRSP Research Front The invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus causes problems in several geographic regions, including eastern and southern AFRICA, site of the IPM-CRSP program being conducted to develop integrated cultural and biological measures to control and restrain this damaging weed. The project's goal is to develop, and communicate, tactics that will reduce the adverse effect of the weed on crops, humans (often as severe dermatitis and respiratory problems) and animals, as well as the impact on plant biodiversity. A regional incidence and distribution survey has been conducted in five African nations using a climate-modeling program, in addition to a more limited socio-economic impact survey on various indigenous farming systems. Concurrently, research was launched on the potentially effective biocontrol agent Zygogramma bicolorata a leaf-feeding beetle. A second biocontrol candidate is also being considered and host range testing for it is ongoing in South Africa. Pasture management methods to controlP. hysterophorusare under investigation in segments of Ethiopia. The primary strategy involves over-sowing fast growing grass and legume species after burning or mowing parthenium-infested pasture land. Additional elements of the program include upgrading a quarantine facility for biocontrol agent evaluation at the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, and linking several advance degree programs to parthenium research. The program has conducted three training and planning workshops in Ethiopia. -> W. Mersie, Box 9061, Virginia State Univ., 1 Hayden Dr., Petersburg, VA 23806, USA. Fax: 1-804-524-5622. Phone: 1-804-524-5631. WMersie@vsu.edu. thanks to R. Muniappan and W. Mersie for information. back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site is designed with features intended for the convenience to users. The "IPMnet CALENDARUpdate" continues to appear in each IPMnet NEWS issue.

3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. .............................................. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 29 May 2008 2008 (N) 16-18 July * 35TH CONGRESO SOCOLEN, Cali, COLOMBIA. Contact: congresosocolen2008@gmail.com. www.socolen.org.co. 08-11 September * PEST AND NATIVE THYSANOPTERA OF CALIFORNIA AND THE WESTERN USA: AN IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP, Riverside, CA, USA. Contact: M.S. Hoddle, Mark.Hoddle@ucr.edu. Phone: 1-951-827-4714. Fax: 1-951-827-3086. www.biocontrol.ucr.edu 14-18 September * 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, INTRACTABLE WEEDS AND PLANT INVADERS, Osijek, CROATIA. Contact: J.J. Strossmayer Univ., Fac. of Agric., Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, CROATIA. EStefanic@pfos.hr. Phone: 385-31-224-287. Fax: 385-31-251-005. www.tera.hr 21-26 September * MANAGING PARASITIC WEEDS: INTEGRATING SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, Ostuni, ITALY. Contact: M. Vurro, Istituto di Scienze delle Prod. Alim. - CNR, via Amendola 122/0, 70125 Bari, ITALY. Maurizio.Vurro@ispa.cnr.it. Fax: 39-080-592-9374. Phone: 39-080-592-9331. www.ewrs.org 10-12 November * EWRS-NJF WORKSHOP ON PERENNIAL WEEDS, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: L. Bastiaans, Lammert.Bastiaans@wur.nl. tinyurl.com 03-05 November * BCPC CONGRESS, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Contact: L. Simpson, BCPC, 7 Omni Business Ctr., Omega Park, Alton, Hamps. GU34 2QD, UK. Louisa.Simpson@bcpc.org. www.bcpc.org. Fax: 44-0-142-059-3209. Phone: 44-0-142-059-3200. (N) 08-11 November * 1ST AFRICAN CONGRESS ON PESTICIDES AND TOXICOLOGY SCIENCES, Wad Medani, Gezira, SUDAN. Contact: Y.O.H. Assad, Dept. of Pesticides & Tox., Univ. of Gezira, PO Box 20, Wad Medani, Gezira, SUDAN. YousifAssad@maktoob.com. Fax: 249-511-84-0466. (N) 25-27 November * CANADIAN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Banff, AB, CANADA. Contact: D. Cloutier, PO Box 222, Sainte-Anne- de-Bellevue, QUE H9X 3R9, CANADA. assistant@cwss-scm.ca. Fax: 1-514-695-2365. Phone: 1-514-630-4658. tinyurl.com 2009 (N) 12-13 March * EWRS WORKING GROUP WEEDS AND BIODIVERSITY, WORKSHOP, Lleida, SPAIN. Contact: B. Gerowitt, Inst. for Land Use/Crop Health, Univ. Rostock, Satower Str. 48, DE-18051 Rostock, GERMANY. Baerbel.Gerowitt@ewrs.org. Fax: 49-381-498-2199.

Phone: 49-381-498-2200. tinyurl.com 08-12 June * 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON PARASITIC PLANTS, Kusadasi, TURKEY. Contact: A. Uludag, secretary@ippsturkey.com. www.ippsturkey.com. 24-28 August * 12TH EWRS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AQUATIC WEEDS, "Aquatic Invasions and their Relation to Environmental Changes," Jyvaskyla, FINLAND. Contact: tinyurl.com 06-11 September * INTEGRATED CONTROL IN PROTECTED CROPS, MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE, IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, Crete, GREECE. Contact: C. Castane, IRTA, Ctra. de Cabrils, Km 2, 08348 Cabrils (Barcelona), SPAIN. Phone: 34-93-750-7511. Fax: 34-93-753-3954. Cristina.Castane@irta.es. (N) October * 4TH MEETING, IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP "INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF OLIVE CROPS," Cordoba, SPAIN. Contact: E. Quesada- Moraga, ETSIAM, Univ. of Cordoba, Campus de Rabanales, Bldg. C4 "Celestino Mutis," Cordoba 14071, SPAIN. cr2qumoe@uco.es. (N) 10-13 November * ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: MBAO, 6556 N. Dolores Ave., Fresno, CA 93711, USA. Fax: 1-559-449-9037. Phone: 1-559-449-9035. www.mbao.org. 2010-2013 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.

................................................................. * About IPMnet * ++++++++++++ IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information resource service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., USA, and underwritten by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, and the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program. #{*}# | *IPMnet NEWS* #163, June 2008 * ISSN: 1523-7893. | | *Disclaimer*: | .....Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, | organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither | support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any | of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not | necessarily reflect those of the underwriters or others. | | *Reprinting*: | .....IPMnet NEWS content is copyright protected; however, items | appearing in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without | permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source. | | *Contributing material* to IPMnet NEWS: | .... Items such as short articles describing research, or other | IPM-related information, plus notices of events,

publications, | materials, or processes are welcome. | | *To Subscribe* (free), or to Unsubscribe: | .... Send the message "subscribe," or "unsubscribe" to: | IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state | the e-mail address to be used. | | The IPMnet NEWS *Mailing List*: | .... Is a PRIVATE list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited | to use by IPMnet; it is neither rented, sold, nor authorized | for use by any institution, organization, or individual for | any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence, | and respects the privacy, of its global readership. | | IPMnet NEWS *Editor/Coordinator*: | .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. | | *To contact* IPMnet NEWS: | Email > IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu | Fax > 1-541-737-3080 Phone > 1-541-737-6275 | Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Ctr. | 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. | Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA #{*}#

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