October 2010, Issue no. 182 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. News About IPM AREAWIDE PEST SUPPRESSION SPREADS KEY BENEFITS The areawide effect is alive and thriving as clearly demonstrated by a massive multi-state (U.S.) study confirming that maize genetically engineered to control a serious pest insect not only was both agronomically and economically effective in its own right, it generated significant benefits for neighboring growers of conventional maize as well. Since 1996 maize modified with a toxin from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been increasingly adopted in the U.S. mid-western "corn belt" to suppress Ostrinia nubilalis (European corn borer) attacks with a resulting decrease in annual losses estimated at US billion. Not all growers utilize the technology and continue to plant traditional maize varieties. In fact, the National Corn Growers Association (U.S.) strongly advises all growers to plant at least some non-Bt maize in refuges to avoid corn borers from developing resistance to Bt and blunting the technology. Since the moth stage of O. nubilalis is unable to distinguish between Bt and non-Bt maize, females lay eggs in both crops. Young borer larvae feeding on Bt maize die within 48 hours thereby decreasing populations across all of the 63 percent of field areas planted with the modified crop. Specialists and re- searchers have theorized that the areawide effect is at play, but until the recent study applied economic parameters based on historic records to assess the actual impact, there had never been a comprehensive analysis. Presenting their study results in a recent issue of Science, a team of agrono- mists, entomologists, extensionists and economists led by W.D. Hutchison extended cost-benefit analyses beyond solely transgenic maize and came up with breath-taking results. In their paper, "Areawide Suppression of European Corn Borer with Bt Maize Reaps Savings to Non-Bt Maize Growers," they estimated cumulative benefits over 14 years (for a multi-state area) at US.2 billion for all maize growers with the surprising conclusion that US.9 billion was attributed to reduced corn borer losses for non-Bt maize growers. Adding results from two additional states, Iowa and Nebraska, increased cumulative benefits to nearly US billion for all growers and more than US billion for non-Bt maize growers alone.
Dr. Hutchison stressed that, "This study is the culmination of many entomol- ogists, extension specialists and [U.S.Dept. of Agric.-Agric. Resch. Service] collaborators, who consistently collected these long-term (50+ year) data sets, especially in Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin, that provided the impetus for the the study, and actually gave us the confidence that what we are seeing now, in the Bt corn era, is real. We had an excellent benchmark to compare the current suppression level to." Results of the extensive study are said to "reaffirm theoretical predictions of pest population suppression." Secondly, the outcome importantly highlights "economic incentives for growers to maintain non-Bt maize refugia for sustain- able insect resistance management." > W.D. Hutchison, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Minnesota, 1980 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. Hutch002@umn.edu. Fax: 1-612-625-5299. Voice: 1-612-624-1767. –excerpted, with thanks, from Science, 330(no.6001), 222-225, 08 October 2010; from a Univ. of Minnesota news release by B. Beyers and P. Mattern; an ARS news release by J. Suszkiw; and other sources. ENDURE WILL TOAST IPM IN PARIS The forthcoming ENDURE Second International Conference, Integrated Pest Management in Europe, is organized to "share the fruits of four years' re- search with the crop protection community," and provide important information for policy-makers from European Community members. The event is slated for 24-25 November 2010 at the Eurosites George V conference facility in Paris, FRANCE. ENDURE, the European Network for the Durable Exploitation of Crop Pro- tection Strategies, specifically emphasizes IPM and has, in a relatively short time period, generated a mass of relevant literature (e.g., see "Euro Network ....." in next section), presented numerous training events, and in other ways helped accelerate IPM adoption within the European Community. The conference aims to look both backward at accomplishments as well as divine future needs and thrusts. The event is structured under five themes: 1) Case StudiesDeveloping IPM Strategies for Improving Sustainability and Reducing Pesticide Dependency; 2) ExtensionInterfacing with European Farm Advisors and IPM Trainers; 3) ENDURE Beyond 2010; 4) ResearchPriorities and Prospects in IPM Research and Technology; and, 5) IPM ImplementationIngredients for Success in Europe. The unusual step of waiving all conference fees was undertaken to attract a large and diverse group of attendees to maximize exposure for critically im- portant IPM concepts. The organizers have made registration compulsory, however. The conference website is colloque.inra.fr For more information about ENDURE and its programs and outputs, and to subscribe to the ENDURE Newsletter, see: www.endure-network.eu. excerpted, with thanks, from various ENDURE materials. = IPM GLOBAL NOTES =
* A device for introducing a biocontrol agent showed promising results for aiding a wide range of aphid species control. -> P.D. Leroy, P.Leroy@ulg.ac.be. * Management of Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower thrips) based on monitoring and insecticide applications failed to prevent damage in some South African orchards. -> E. Allsopp, AllsoppE@arc.agric.za. * To help control the highly invasive aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes (water- hyacinth), U.S. scientists have recruited a small planthopper, Megamelus scutellaris, native to South America, as an effective biocontrol agent. -> P. Tipping, Philip.Tipping@ars.usda.gov. * English field samples of Thrips tabaci (onion thrips) show strong, ubiquitous resistance to deltamehtrin. -> S.P. Foster, Stephen.Foster@bbsrc.ac.uk. * In Bahia, BRAZIL, alternating applications of copper hydroxide fungicide and Trichoderma stromaticum fungus suppressed witches broom disease, improved cacao yields, and increased net economic returns. -> P.K. Hebbar, Prakash.Hebbar@aphis.usda.gov.
II. IPM Information Resources > Recently Published Information Materials = RECENTLY PUBLISHED INFORMATION MATERIALS = IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop IPM, crop protection, or invasive species. Please send a review copy of the material to the postal address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. A {$} indicates an item can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage, or both. EURO NETWORK PRODUCES IPM GUIDES AND MORE ENDURE, the European Network for the Durable Exploitation of Crop Protec- tion Strategies, focuses its energies on IPM and has published a raft of informative, eminently readable materials, and generously made them freely available on the web. The newest additions to the expanding ENDURE literature are five guides (leaflets) addressing innovative IPM for maize grown in various key areas of Europe. Advanced methods and tools are described including modern cultivars, forecasting models, early detection methods, and crop rotations, as well as community-based decisions developed via information sharing. Three of the titles were published respectively in Spanish, Italian, and Hungarian. Another series of guidelines comprise an in-depth review of IPM for field vegetables, covering biocontrol, biofumigation, pest management directed toward field margins, and soil steaming (with a photo of a mobile device designed specifically for steaming soil). Earlier titles include case studies. Also available are related articles that have appeared in the ENDURE News. -> www.endure-network.eu. Andrew.Lewer@cirad.fr. excerpted, with thanks, from ENDURE News, 11, September 2010. WEED DISSEMINULE SITE REFINED A U.S. federally sponsored weed information publication, Federal Noxious Weed Disseminules of the U.S., by J. Scher and D. Walters, was recently re- vamped to raise its user-friendliness
quotient. The interactive tool offers "photos, text, and keys that aid in determining whether or not an unknown disseminule, (e.g., seed, fruit) found as a contaminant in imported botanicals and agricultural products is a federal noxious weed and is therefore actionable," according to the site tinyurl.com "A disseminule," the text notes, "is a plant part that can be carried away or dispersed from the mother plant and become a new plant somewhere else." The unique tool's latest version, FNWE2 developed using Lucid 3.4, includes a redesigned, more intuitive home page, improved internal page design with improved navigation, an easier to use glossary, and other useful enhancements. The presented information represents research conducted and compiled by the Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, a scientific support group for the Plant Protection and Quarantine program within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, a major wing of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (breathe). -> T.W. Walters, APHIS, 2301 Research Blvd., Suite 108; Fort Collins, CO 80526-1825, USA. Fax: 1-970-482-0924. Voice: 1-970-490-4471. Terrence.W.Walters@aphis.usda.gov. excerpted, with thanks, from APHIS materials and the FNW website. IPM COURSES EXPANDED IPM3, the consortium of U.S. federal agencies and land-grant institutions "dedicated to the efficient and timely delivery of practical" IPM information to individuals responsible for developing and implementing IPM, has announced an expanded course list for 2010-11. Beyond several core courses, IPM3 will offer three courses in pest biology: one each for weeds, arthropods, and plant pathology. For course details, registration, cost, and other particulars, see www.umn.edu/ipm3. -> M.A. Ascerno, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. MAscerno@umn.edu. Fax: 1-612-625-5299. Voice: 1-612-624-9773. thanks to M.A. Ascerno for information. APPLICATION CHECKLIST A potentially useful title from the Cooperative Extension group at Oregon State Univ. (U.S.) provides straight-forward information including a series of practical check lists that are designed to help with Preventing Water Contam- ination and Pesticide DriftA Checklist for Pesticide Applicators. The 12-page publication, EM 8964-E, was first published in 2008 and is freely available on the web at tinyurl.com . III. IPM Medley > Equipment, Products, Processes, Services > Professional Opportunities > Sorting Through the "In" Box = EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, SERVICES = A New Sound in the Orchard Beyond bees buzzing and birds chirping in orchards, there's a new sound: "splat," as in the gentle collision between Specialized Pheromone & Lure Technology and the surface it was aimed at to deliver a dollop of amorphous, flowable, rain-fast material containing a pre-determined amount of semiochemical. SPLAT(tm) is an additional weapon in the arsenal successfully deployed for mating disruption, or attract-and-kill programs. Not to be confused with 'students pushing the limits of advanced trends,' this patented system is based on a benign, biologically inert, bio-degradable matrix that can carry and release a variety of semiochemicals and odors, with or without pesticides; it is said to be capable of emitting varying rates over a period of 2 to 32 weeks. The amount and rate of pheromone or other material released from SPLAT dollops can be adjusted to suit specific needs. The dollops themselves can be applied by various means: hand-held device (metered or manually controlled), backpack sprayer, tractor mounted
equipment, or via aircraft. The manufacturer points out that SPLAT can be used in either smallor large-scale operations. > ISCA Technologies, PO Box 5266, Riverside, CA 92517, USA. Fax: 1-815-346-1722. info@iscatech.com. www.iscatech.com. Voice: 1-951-686-5008. excerpted, with thanks, from ISCA Technologies' website. Label Length, Lingo, and Logos For pesticides, labels matter: information printed on a label needs to be accurate, clear, truthful, and complete, that is no fables in the labels. To this end, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has launched "enable the label," an effort aimed at improving the clarity and usefulness of EPA's Label Review Manual. A discussion forum at blog.epa.gov has been established to "facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to the labeling" of pesticides [packages/containers ed.] with an invitation to participate for anyone interested in so doing . The plan is to focus monthly on a predetermined chapter or two of the Manual. EPA personnel will post questions or issues, and has extended an invitation for discussion and comments. Topics such as mandatory versus advisory statements, types of pesticide labeling, and label format are under review during October 2010. > M-J. Lormand, Lormand.Mary-Jane@epamail.epa.gov. = PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES = POTATO IPM SPECIALIST, Orono, ME, USA * Collaborate in producing printed information and writing grant proposals to help secure funding and assist with day-to-day operations of the potato IPM program; help develop new IPM programs; provide IPM information to various stake-holder groups; act as liaison between program specialists and clients; help train seasonal staff; perform other duties as assigned. * REQUIRES: BS in a related discipline; ability to work independently; excellent communication skills and computer familiarity; pesticide applicator certification within 6 months of hire; experience with IPM highly desired; supervisory experience. For details, see: tinyurl.com Pos. #187. * CONTACT: S. Vaillancourt, 5741 Libby Hall, Rm. 104A, Orono, ME 04469-5741, USA. Sandra.Vaillancourt@maine.edu. Fax: 1-207-581-3325. Voice: 1-207-581-3191. IPM CLUSTER HIRE INITIATIVE The Univ. of Arizona (U.S.) has taken a bold leap forward by expanding the scope of extension IPM it's Arizona Pest Management Center will soon be able to offer through recruitment for several new professional positions. Calling it a "strategic cluster hire," U. of A. seek to fill IPM-oriented positions and ultimately develop and deliver "outstanding IPM programs that address the needs of Arizona's citizens." An assistant in extension IPM for vegetables has been selected, and other positions are in various stages of recruitment (see: cals.arizona.edu The APMC envisions offering IPM expertise that serves not only agriculture, but urban communities and natural areas as well. > P.C. Elsworth, PeterEll@ag.arizona.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from the APMC website. = SORTING THROUGH THE 'IN' BOX = The latest additions to the Technical Innovation Briefs series from the Systemwide Program on IPM (SP-IPM) headquartered in NIGERIA are: * No. 5, "Predicting the Effects of Global Warming on Insect Pests," by J. Kroschel, et al, discussing insect life cycle modeling and its application as a prediction aid; and, * No. 6, "AflatoxinsThe Invisible Threat in Foods and Feeds," a 2-page synopsis prepared by R. Bandyopadhyay. As with previous numbers, these
briefs are freely available online at www.spipm.cgiar.org. -> J.Kroschel@cgiar.org; R.Bandyopadhyay@cgiar.org. The most recent issue of HAUSTORIUM Parasitic Plants Newsletter, No. 57, was published by the International Parasitic Plant Society in July 2010. The long-running, informative journal (30 pages in this issue) is available as a free email, but no longer in hard copy form. See: www.parasiticplants.org, or contact C. Parker, ChrisParker5@compuserve.com. For a lively look at several weed-related issues, see The Invader, a colorful electronic periodical published by the Alberta Invasive Plants Council (CAN- ADA). The most recent issue is dated Summer 2010. > V. Battiste, aipc.coordinator@gmail.com. www.invasiveplants.ab.ca. The International Weed Science Society has published a September 2010 issue of the IWSS Newsletter, a 24-page compilation of news from the Society and its members. > N. Burgos, IWSS Secretary/Treasurer, CES Sciences, Univ. of Arkansas, 1366 W. Altheimer Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72704, USA. NBurgos@uark.edu. Fax: 1-501-575-3955. Voice: 1-501-575-3984. IV. IPM-Related Publications > Books, Other Longer Publications IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on. or related to, crop plant IPM, pest management, crop protection, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. COPING WITH A GLOBAL DISEASE CHALLENGE By strictly economic criteria, Citrus tristeza virus is frequently viewed as one of the most important known viruses, as well as being the largest and most complex virus among all known viruses. Factor in the high value and globally wide cultivation of the citrus crops it attacks plus the severe damage inflicted by the virus and the interest and urgency of finding answers becomes clear. To that end, A.V. Karasev and M.E. Hilf have edited a 2010 volume, Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases, as an effort to present a comprehensive view of research findings and management approaches to date. In five sections and 15 chapters, with input from a broad international cross-section of scientists, the 266-page softbound work offers a diversity of outlooks, investigations, dead- end research efforts, and enlightening discoveries along the way. The final section, "Management of CTVA Worldwide Experience," captures the element of a global concern and the challenge it embodies for plant pathologists as well as the affected industry. A dozen color an 40 black/white images are included. {$} > APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Voice: 1-651-454-7250. APS@scisoc.org. www.apsnet.org. V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Articles > Journal Special Issues > Selected Title RECENT JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES
In a supplement to its August 2010 edition (vol. 54, S1) the editors of Bio- logical Control present an in-depth review of “Classical Biological Control for the Protection of Natural Ecosystems,” with input from 48 international specialists. Corresponding author R.G. Van Driesche notes in a preface that the 33-page article is intended to “illustrate the benefits of the use of classical biological control to protect wildlands and their component species when these are threatened by invasive plants or insects.” -> R.G.Van Driesche, VanDries@nre.umass.edu. SELECTED TITLES Selections from current literature, by subject area, in chronological order. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the physical and email address, as available, for first authors of the following titles, when so requested from: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """"""""""""""""" "Application of Bioactive Coatings Based on Chitosan for Artichoke Seed Protection,” Ziani, K., et al. * CROP PROT., 29(8), 853-859, August 2010. “Improving the Formulation and Timing of Application of Endophytic Biocon- trol and Chemical Agents Against Frosty Pod Rot (Moniliophthora roreri) in Cocoa (Theobroma cacao),” Krauss, U., et al. * BIOL. CONTROL, 54(3), 230-240, September 2010. Weed Science / Invasives """"""""""""""""""""""""""" “Ecological Pest Management and Control by Using Allelopathic Weeds (Ageratum conyzoides, Ambrosia trifida, and Lantana camara) and their Allelochemicals in China,” Kong, C.H. * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 10(2), 73-80, June 2010. “Natural Enemies of Balloon Vine Cardiospermum grandiflorum (Sapindaceae) in Argentina and their Potential Use as Biological Control Agents in South Africa,” McKay, F., et al. * INTL. JRNL. OF INSECT SCI., 30(2), 67-76, June 2010. Entomology """"""""""""" “Novel Approaches to Application and Performance Assessment of Insecticide Applications to Crop Leaves,” Nansen, C., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 103(2), 219-227, April 2010. “Mediterranean Fruit Fly Suppression Using Chemosterilants for Area-wide Integrated Pest Management,” Navarro-Llopis, V., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 66(5), 511-519, May 2010. “Quantifying Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs of Walnut Arthropod Pest Management,” Steinmann, K.P., et al. * AGRIC. SYST., 103(5), 294-306, June 2010. Vertebrates """""""""""" “Changes in Farmers’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices After Implementa- tion of Ecologically-based Rodent Management in the Uplands of Lao PDR,” Brown, P.R., and K. Khamphoukeo. * CROP PROT., 29(6), 577-582, June 2010. General """"""""" “Changing Models for Commercialization and Implementation of Biocontrol in the Developing and the Developed World,” Harman, G.E., et al. * PLANT DIS., 94(8), 928-939, August 2010.
“Effects of Reduced-rate Methyl Bromide Applications Under Conventional and Virtually Impermeable Plastic Film in Perennial Crop Field Nurseries,� Hanson, B.D., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 66(8), 892-899, August 2010. VI. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - An Effective Biofungicide for Vegetables - A Pest and its Predators in Asia Getting Tricky with Trichoderma The ability of certain strains of Trichoderma spp., a friendly fungus found in nearly all soils, to colonize roots, and attack, parasitize and otherwise gain nutrition from other fungi has not been lost on scientists involved with IPM-CRSP projects, particularly in Asia. "We are using Trichoderma in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines to great effect," said IPM-CRSP project director R. Muniappan. In Bangladesh and Indonesia, Trichoderma spp. is mixed with compost and applied in the field. In India it is used as a seed treatment for vegetable crops. It is sprayed on seedlings in the Philippines, and used in the region for control of soil-borne diseases of vegetable crops as well as oil palm, citrus, vanilla, and other crops. In Kenya, IPM-CRSP personnel are testing Trichoderma spp. on passion fruit diseases. In the Americas, the fungus is undergoing trials for controlling fusarium wilt of watermelon. Since Trichoderma spp. occurs naturally in many soils it is relatively easy to find and to cultivate. Once grown, producers can package or mix it with compost and sell the product. It also can be produced in liquid form. And because of its characteristics, it can be deployed against almost every pathogenic fungus that growers want to control, noted Dr. Muniappan. > IPM-CRSP, 526 Prices Fork Rd. (0378), Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. ipm-dir@vt.edu. Voice: 1-540-231-3516. www.oired.vt.edu/ipmcrsp/. excerpted, with thanks, from material prepared by M. Rich; thanks also to R. Muniappan for information. Zebra Chip Disease Profiled Univ. of Arizona plant pathologist J.K. Brown has prepared a new PowerPoint presentation, "Candidatus Liberibacter: A New Type of Bacteria Associated with Psyllids and Plants," relating to 'zebra chip' disease of Solanum tuberosum (potato) as well as other crops. Zebra chip disease is characterized by necrotic black stripes in potatoes when fried. Foliar symptoms include chlorosis, necrosis, and death. Plant stunting, aerial tubers, and vascular browning may be noted. While not certain, psyllid involvement in vectoring the disease is, as Dr. Brown notes, "robust." The visual presentation concludes with a list of suggested management practices. > J.K. Brown, School of Plant Sci., Forbes 431, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. JBrown@ag.arizona.edu. Voice: 1-520-621-1402. excerpted, with thanks, from Dr. Brown's presentation and website; thanks to R. Muniappan for information. VII. IPMnet CALENDARUpdate > (N)ew or [R]evised Entries for IPMnet CALENDAR NOTES: 1. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate , lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events with new information compared to previous mention in IPMnet NEWS.
2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version , can be requested any time from IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also online at www.pestinfo.org/calendar.php3 courtesy of International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) executive director, B. Zelazny. The latter site includes features intended for user convenience. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate section appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 14 October 2010 2010 (N) 10-12 November * XXXI ASOCIACION MEXICANA de la CIENCIA de la MALEZA, Cancun, Quintana Roo, MEXICO. Info: www.asomecima.org. (N) 22-23 November * CONFERENCE ON IMPACT OF PLANT PATHOGENS ON FOOD QUALITY OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS AND WINE, PATHOLUX 2010, Remich, LUXEMBOURG. Info: patholux.lippmann.lu. 23-25 November * 1st BRAZILLIAN SCLEROTINA WORKSHOP, Ponta Grossa, Parana, BRAZIL. Info: dji002@uepg.br. (N) 07-09 December * 2010 NATIONAL FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT FORUM, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Info: www.scabusa.org/forum10.html. (N) 08-09 December * 21eme CONFERENCE DU COLUMA, International Weed Control Event, Dijon, FRANCE. Info: AFPP, 42 rue Raymond Jaclard, 94140 Alfortville, FRANCE. afpp@afpp.net. Fax: 33-1-41-79-1981. Voice: 33-1-41-79-1980. (N) 08-10 December * 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARTHENIUM, New Delhi, INDIA. Info: R.D. Gautam, ICP-2010, New Delhi-110012, INDIA. RamDass.Gautam@yahoo.com. 2011 (N) 31 January-03 February * 2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED IPM ECOLOGISTS, Monterrey, CA, USA. Info: director@aaie.net. (N) 27-28 April * VEGETATION MANAGEMENT, Sheffield, UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, The Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK. Rebecca@aab.org.uk. tinyurl.com 01-03 June * 2nd ARGENTINE CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Mar del Plata, BA, ARGENTINA. Info: aafcongreso2011@gmail.com.
(N) 09-12 June * 5th ANNUAL ARTHROPOD GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM, Kansas City, MO, USA. Info: D. Merrill, Arthropod Gen. Ctr., Div. of Biol., 104 Ackert Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4901, USA. Voice: 1-785-532-3482. www.k (N) 28-29 June * CONFERENCE: GM CROPS, FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO APPLICATION, Harpenden, Hamps., UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, The Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK. Rebecca@aab.org.uk. tinyurl.com 05-07 September * RESISTANCE 2011, Harpenden, Herts., UK. Info: tinyurl.com 11-16 September * 4th EUROPEAN WHITEFLY SYMPOSIUM, Jerusalem, Rehovot, ISRAEL. Info: D. Gerling, DANGE@tauex.tau.ac.il. tinyurl.com 11-16 September * 13th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIO- LOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Waikoloa Beach, HI, USA. Info: TracyJohnson@fs.fed.us. www.uhhconferencecenter.com/xiii_isbcw.html. (N) 12-15 September * II ISHS GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS IN HORTICULTURE SYMPOSIUM, “Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future,” Nelspruit, SOUTH AFRICA. Info: A. Veale, Fac. Of Nat. & Agric. Sci., Univ. of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, SOUTH AFRICA. Adri.Veale@up.ac.za. Fax: 27-12-420-3960. Voice: 27-12-420-3939. www.gmo2011.co.za. 07-12 October * IOBC/WPRS INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF FRUIT CROPS 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Kusadasi, Aydin, TURKEY. Info: F.O. Altindisli, Altindisli@bzmae.gov.tr. (N) 09-12 November * XIX CONGRESO SOCHIFIT, Pucon, Aru., CHILE. Info: RGaldame@inia.cl. www.sochifit2010.inia.cl. 15-19 December * 6th WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, Guangzhou, CHINA. Info: tinyurl.com 2012 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. 2013 [R] 18-22 February * New information * INTERNATIONAL HERBICIDE RESISTANCE CONFERENCE, Perth, AUSTRALIA. Info: L. Mayer, AHRI, School of Plant Biol., Univ. of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy., Crawley, Perth 6009, WA, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-8-6488-7834. Voice: 61-8-6488-7870. Lisa.Meyer@uwa.edu.au. www.herbicideresistanceconference.com.au. 2014 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year.
IPMnet NEWS / October/November 2010 / Issue #182 About IPMnet: IPMnet is a free, global, electronic IPM information service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC) at Oregon State Univ., USA, www.ipmnet.org, and underwritten by the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program tinyurl.com and IPPC. IPMnet maintains working relationships with the International Society for Pest information www.pestinfo.org, and the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences | www.plantprotection.org. ********************************************* Publication Frequency: IPMnet publishes IPMnet NEWS every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). To Subscribe (free) or Unsubscribe: Subscriptions to IPMnet NEWS are entirely free. To subscribe, send the message | "subscribe," (or "unsubscribe") to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state the specific e-mail address involved. Problems: Please advise IPMnet regarding: content errors; non-working websites cited in the NEWS; subscriptions to incorrect addresses; too many copies of the file being received (or a need for additional copies); or any other problem encountered so that we can attempt to correct or resolve it. Contributing material: Notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome, as are short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information. IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: The NEWS' mailing list is a private list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet, and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence and respects the privacy of its global subscribers/readers. Disclaimer: Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect | those of the underwriters. Copyright and Reprinting: Content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in the NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source. Of course, IPMnet appreciates being alerted to any instance referring to the NEWS. ISSN: 1523-7893. Editor/Coordinator: A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Contact Information: Email > IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax >1-541-737-3080 Voice > 1-541-737-6275 Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA ##