IPMnet NEWS July / August 2011, Issue no. 188 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 Global Principles, Local Practices Providing Integrated Pest Management and Crop Protection information, 1993-2011
IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------I. IPM News - Weed Research Thrives in Australia - An Unbiased Pesticide Information Service - IPM Global Notes -------------------------------------II. IPM Information Resources - Recently Published Information - Other Published Materials -------------------------------------III. IPM Medley - Equipment, Products, Processes, and Services - Professional Opportunities - Sorting Through the 'In' Box -------------------------------------IV. IPM-Related Publications - Books, Other Longer Publications -------------------------------------V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Articles - Selected Articles -------------------------------------VI. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - New Information from the IPM-CRSP -------------------------------------VII. IPMnet CALENDAR--Update - (N)ew or [R]evised Entries for the IPMnet CALENDAR -------------------------------------I. IPM News
WEED RESEARCH THRIVES IN AUSTRALIA After a brief hiatus, weed research in AUSTRALIA is once again thriving with an infusion of new funding and a realignment of organizations following closure of the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management several years ago. The revamped weed research effort falls within the National Weeds and Productivity Research Program now managed by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) which operates under the flag of “new ideas for rural Australia,” within the national Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). In May 2011, M. Kelly the Australian parliamentary secretary for DAFF, announced A$6.1 million in funding to support 33 weed-related research projects “bringing innovative approaches to tackling some of Australia’s most invasive pest plants,” according to an RIRDC news release. The projects are designed to help staunch the more than A$4 billion annual cost to farmers in lost production and control measures, Dr. Kelly noted. An addition to the original research funding channeled through RIRDC boosted the total to around A$12.4 and swelled the number of research projects to more than 50. Weed research meshes with RIRDC's remit "to work with industry to invest in research and development for a more profitable, sustainable and dynamic rural sector," an objective of the Australian government. The newly funded projects are relatively short term (one year) with extensions, and range across a variety of investigations focused on weed suppression and invasive plant containment and control. A full listing on the RIRDC website presents a summary, objective, goal, and contact for each current project http://tinyurl.com/3j7xa37 . The Corporation has established a nine-person National Weeds and Productivity Research Program Committee to provide oversight. New subscribers to a free electronic newsletter published by RIRDC, Weeds E-News, are welcomed, and titles in a series of liberally illustrated publications can be freely downloaded or ordered in hard copy form at the RIRCD website. -> RIRDC, Level 2, 15 National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-02-6271-4199. Voice: 61-02-6271-4100. rirdc@rirdc.gov.au . –excerpted, with thanks, from the RIRDC website and other materials; thanks also to M. Thomson for information. AN UNBIASED PESTICIDE INFORMATION SERVICE Amidst the swirl of impassioned debate over the pros and cons of pesticides, and nagging concern over information from sources with potential vested interests, there stands a readily available source of fully objective, science-based factual information focused on pesticide chemistry, toxicology, and environmental fate: the U.S. National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC). The Center offers a free pesticide-related information service to all who inquire be they growers, general public, government, medical organizations, or industry, via email and the internet as well as by a toll-free telephone service for inquiries from the U.S., Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands, 24 hours a day and with service available in over 170 languages at 1-800-858-7378. NPIC, a cooperative agreement between Oregon State Univ. and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has been operating since 1995. The Center has steadily expanded its information bank and recently revamped its website, http://npic.orst.edu , designed to answer common questions about pesticides, and has infused IPM concepts throughout the site, which now includes over 300 pages of content, according to an NPIC spokesperson. The revamped site includes information aimed at helping to: • reduce risk by promoting safe use of pesticides as well as low-risk pesticides; • encourage IPM at home, in the garden, and for turf areas; • protect wildlife, air, soil, and water from pesticide exposure. The NPIC website heading "pesticide ingredients" offers data under the sub-categories of: active ingredients; other/inert ingredients; pesticide products; low-risk pesticides; and organic pesticide ingredients. The page lists 19 pesticide types ranging from insecticides to defoliants and includes mothballs. The information notes that a pesticide is "any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest" organism. The term "pesticide" applies to herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and various other substances used to manage or control pests. [Ergo, it is inaccurate to refer to "pests and diseases;" diseases and weeds are indeed pests just as are certain insects. Ed.] In its quest for facts, not opinion, NPIC seeks accurate and complete information that it can computerize and add to its trove of data. Informational publications and web pages from NPIC often list additional resources, and in many cases contain direct web links so that viewers can use to easily click through to initiate direct contact with those sources. NPIC's site and information pool is continually revised and updated as warranted. For inquiries about products, it is suggested that having the full product name, and registration number (if known) at hand facilitates a timely response especially in cases of diagnostic crisis management incidents with humans or animals. -> NPIC, Dept. of EMT, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. npic@ace.orst.edu . --excerpted, with thanks, from NPIC materials; thanks also to K. Buhl for information. [Disclaimer: NPIC and IPMnet are both located at and are a part of Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR, USA.] IPM GLOBAL NOTES * Data collected in THE NETHERLANDS showed that variation in sugar beet pest insect and disease management levels significantly contributed to a 20 percent disparity between “top” growers compared to their neighboring “average” growers. -> B. Hanse, Hanse@irs.nl . * Early morning applications of fungicides to control soilborne diseases of Arachis hypogaea (groundnut) more effectively penetrated the crop canopy when leaves were folded and wet
resulting in improved control and increased yield compared to day-time applications. -> J. Augusto, Jaugusto@uga.edu . * Based on field tests in SPAIN, no-, or minimum-tillage plus establishing field edge vegetation encourages weed seed predation by harvester ants and rodents. -> B. Baraibar, Baraibar@hbj.udl.es . * Plant age was found to affect infection and development of soybean sudden death syndrome foliar symptoms. -> L.F.S. Leandro, Lleandro@iastate.edu . * Validity of comparing suction-based sampling results depends upon arthropod group, species traits, and habitat properties. -> D. Sanders, D.Sanders@exeter.ac.uk . * An extensive survey found only 13 well-established examples of invasive plants and weeds for which genetic and/or ethnobotanical evidence confirmed their evolution from domesticated plants. -> N.C. Ellstrand, Ellstrand@ucr.edu . II. IPM Information Resources RECENTLY PUBLISHED INFORMATION IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop IPM, crop protection, or invasive species. Please send a review copy of the material to the postal address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu . A {$} symbol indicates an item can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling, postage, or both. CANADA'S GRASSLAND ARTHROPODS The Biological Survey of Canada has published the first two in a planned three-volume set profiling Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands and its associated insects, mites, and their close relatives. The first volume, subtitled "Ecology and Interactions in Grassland Habitats," as edited by J.D. Shorthouse and K.D. Floate, focuses on formation of native grasslands and the ecological relationships and interactions with arthropods. Just published volume 2, "Inhabitants of a Changing Landscape," expands this focus with emphasis on the impacts of agro-ecosystems on arthropod communities. Plans call for volume 3 to present a taxonomic thrust as "Biodiversity of Arthropods in Canadian Grasslands" and include extensive species' checklists and analyses of selected arthropod groups. A detailed prospectus for the undertaking is at http://tinyurl.com/3pxe3gk . The 358-page vol. 1 can be freely downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/4yucwld or ordered from http://tinyurl.com/43g7zfz .{$} -> Biological Survey of Canada, PO Box 3443, Station "D," Ottawa, ONT K1P6P4, CANADA. bsc@mus-nature.ca . --excerpted, with thanks, from the BSC website. A TRIO OF PEST MANAGEMENT HANDBOOKS
Each year three states in the U.S. Pacific northwest (PNW) region collaborate to revise and publish a 3-volume set of handbooks as comprehensive references on pest management for the area's growers and all other interested parties. The trio: PNW Weed Management Handbook ( http://pnwhandbooks.org/weed/ ), PNW Insect Handbook, ( www.uspest.org/pnw/insects ) and PNW Plant Disease Handbook ( http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu ) can be freely downloaded from their respective websites, or ordered in hard copy form from the indicated offices in the participating states. As noted from the varying web addresses, each handbook also has its own unique design and approach to presenting their material. All three handbooks are revised annually. For more information see: www.ipmnet.org/IPM_Handbooks.htm . --thanks to L. Parks for information. GREENHOUSE BIOCONTROL NEWS The IOBC/WPRS working group on biological control in greenhouses publishes Sting, a periodic English language newsletter covering a range of topics and issues pertinent to the group. Articles often include full color illustrations as well as author contact information. The publication is currently edited by I. Vanninen, Irene.Vanninen@mtt.fi and can be freely accessed at http://tinyurl.com/3jrmllx --excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated website. PEST MANAGEMENT IN COCOA FOR SMALL FARMS The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) recently published two final reports concerning pest management in cocoa as suitable for small farming operations: • Enhancing Papua New Guinea Smallholder Cocoa Production Through Greater Adoption of Disease Control Practices, R. Daniel and D. Guest; FR2011-01, 68 pages; • Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Cocoa Pod Borer in East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea, G. Curry, et al, FR2010-25. Both documents are freely available online see: www.aciar.gov.au/publication/FR20-01 , or www.aciar.gov.au/publication/FR2010-25 , respectively. --excerpted, with thanks, from Partners in Research Development March-May 2011 issue. RECENT PUBLICATIONS FROM THE SP-IPM The NIGERIA-based Systemwide IPM program (SP-IPM) recently published SP-IPM Quarterly Newsletter, #7, June 2011, reporting on programs, events, and personnel grappling with IPM-related challenges of evolving "innovative solutions for crop protection" within the organizations that comprise the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Request the newsletter from SP-IPM@cgiar.org or www.spipm.cgiar.org/home . -> SP-IPM Secretariat, PMB 5320, Ibadan, NIGERIA. Voice: 234-2-751-7472, ext. 2293. BARLEY DISEASE RESISTANCE A recent addition to the Farmnote series from Western Australia's Department of Agriculture
and Food is Note 466, considering Management of Barley Powdery Mildew in the Face of Fungicide Resistance, which offers useful information with a summary and several informational tables. The document was prepared by G. Thomas, et al and can be freely downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/44qydu3 . --excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated publication. MASSIVE INVASIVE SPECIES SITE UK-based CABI recently announced a new website, Invasive Species Compendium (ISC), in a beta test version. The ambitious undertaking contains "around 1,500 species and is growing by the day," according to an overview. The publisher notes that the site "is designed to help a wide variety of users" through provision of information. An explanatory leaflet explains that the ISC offers "detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide," http://tinyurl.com/64tnvum . Not only does the ISC list plants, it also includes viruses, fungi, bacteria, animals and more. Surprisingly, the Compendium (at www.cabi.org/isc ), at least currently, does not use the well established world standard of italicizing scientific names of listed organisms, a clear deviation that doubtlessly will be remedied in a fully operational version. --excerpted, with thanks, from the CABI website. OTHER PUBLISHED MATERIALS * The second issue of the Journal of IPM has been published and is freely available online at http://bit.ly/m8VoaT . * The Invader is the Alberta (CANADA) Invasive Plants Council's periodic e-newsletter, and a lively and informative one it is. Editor V. Battiste colorfully meets the Council's goals of communication, education, and awareness by reporting on news and features of current interest in an attractive format. See it at: http://tinyurl.com/3otesvx . -> AIPC.coordinator@gmail.com . * Volume 20, no. 2, 2011, of the biannual Resistant Pest Management Newsletter is now available at http://whalonlab.msu.edu/newsletter/index.html . Contents include 16 short research-oriented papers from international authors. * The Entomology Society of Argentina publishes the Spanish language electronic periodical Boletin de la SEA containing a wealth of information delivered in a graphically pleasing format by editors N. Chacoff and F.F. Campon with design by F.G. Ocampo. The most recent edition, no. 22(1), 2011, includes brief scientific papers with references, supported by numerous illustrations. -> T. Stadler, Lpe@lab.cricyt.edu.ar . * An online "tool," Citrus ID: Hosts and Potential Hosts of Citrus Pests and Diseases, was designed to support the identification of host material. The tool primarily focuses on citrus cultivars (and relatives) introduced into the U.S. for production. The Lucid-based item was authored by A. Saville, et al, and can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/6ylvtpw . -> T. Walters, Terrence.W.Walters@aphis.usda.gov
--excerpted, with thanks, from USDA material. III. IPM Medley Handheld Wind Speed Metering Devices A key factor for avoiding (or minimizing) wind-caused spray drift is knowledge of wind velocity and the limits it imposes on application. The combination of spray droplet size, wind speed, and other elements determines if application should be performed or delayed. A handy tool for providing a wind speed reading is a handheld wind speed metering device. There are numerous units available and what follows is but a sampling of the market. A simple, inexpensive pocket size meter is the direct reading Handheld Portable Wind Meter with dual scales for high and low miles/hour offered by Dwyer Instruments http://tinyurl.com/6xy76g5 . The meter is held at eye level, back of the meter towards the oncoming wind, to make a reading. The meter comes with a case. -> Dwyer Instruments, PO Box 373, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA. tech@dwyer-inst.com . Fax: 1-219-872-9057. Voice: 1-219-879-8000. The majority of small wind meters are similar appearing with an opening for the wind to enter and turn a turbine fan, and an information display window powered by a "button" style lithium battery. One of the most straightforward of this type of unit is the Ambient Weather HP816A which provides both wind speed and air temperature measurements http://tinyurl.com/6d3mx5o . The backlit display can be turned on and off. A sapphire bearing for the revolving wind vane is said to insure accurate readings from 0.2 miles/hour. The user can select km/hour, meters/second, or knots, and choose between centigrade or Fahrenheit scales. Other models are also available. -> Ambient Weather, 6845 W. Frye Rd., Chandler, AZ 85226, USA. support@ambientweather.com . Fax: 1-480-346-3381. Voice: 1-480-346-3380. WeatherHawk markets a range of battery-powered, handheld meters under the WindMate, Skymate, and Skymaster brands that range from a basic wind speed and temperature model WindMate WM-100 with jack-knife case for greater accuracy, readings in either English or metric units, that is also water resistant, buoyant, and shockproof http://tinyurl.com/69emmxw -to a handheld comprehensive multi-function weather meter. -> WeatherHawk, 815 W. 1800 North, Logan, UT 84321, USA. Fax: 1-435-227-9749. Voice: 1-435-227-9802. A heavier duty model from Omega, the HHF82, has a low friction ball bearing mounted impeller for increased accuracy of wind speed measurements, in any of five various measures, operates from a 9-volt battery and weighs 160 gm (0.4 lb) http://tinyurl.com/6anb49a . It includes a low battery charge indicator and is said to be accurate over a wide range of temperatures. -> Omega, PO Box 4047, Stamford, CT 06907-0047, USA. Fax: 1-203-359-7700. Voice: 1-203-359-1660. cservice@omega.com . A Swiss firm produces Speedwatch brand wind speed meters in Xplorer, Eole, Atmos,and Geos model lines. The Atmos features an extra large LCD viewing screen as well as a vertical axis, horizontally rotating omni-directional impeller that allows readings to be taken without
having to note wind direction. Measurement range is 4.0-225 km/h (0.7-145 mi/h). The 115 gram unit also provides temperature and humidity readings. Its shock-resistant body has a threaded insert to accommodate a tripod. The Atmos uses a lithium "button" battery and has an auto switch-off feature. (In the U.S., see: www.ntechusa.com , info@ntechusa.com .) -> JDC Electronic SA, Rue des Uttins 40, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-24-445-2123. Voice: 41-24-445-2121. Another information source, at http://tinyurl.com/5r8dory , is an extensive chart that compares various features and prices of a dozen handheld wind speed meter models from four additional U.S.- based manufacturers. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Postdoctoral (Entomology) Research, Riverside, CA, USA * Study the ecology of insect-borne plant diseases; conduct field and greenhouse experiments; gain understanding of the role of vector behavior in pathogen transmission and spread. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology, plant pathology, or ecology; strong background in experiment design and biostatistics; experience with epidemiological modeling. * CONTACT: M. Daugherty, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of California, Riverside, CA. Voice: 1-951-827-2246. Matt.Daugherty@ucr.edu . SORTING THROUGH THE 'IN' BOX A group of scientists has launched the ambitious "5,000 Insect Genome Project (i5k)" to sequence the genomes of 5,000 insects and other arthropods within the next five years www.arthropodgenomes.org/wiki/i5k . R. Levine, Rlevine@entsoc.org . The IPM3 Training Consortium is offering advance cost discounts of up to 33 percent for six 2011 and 2012 courses on topics ranging from core concepts, to weed and pest insects, as well as IPM for facility managers. M.E. Ascerno, Mascerno@umn.edu . A fast spreading outbreak of citrus greening disease (huanglongbing) on JAMAICA has prompted its Ministry of Agriculture to close all citrus nurseries and ban sale of citrus plants until further notice. www.abcnews.go.com , 05 July 2011. The September 2010 magnitude 7.1 earthquake in NEW ZEALAND plus aftershocks and strong winds caused power failures and overheating damage to invertebrate containment apparatus but left the containment building at Canterbury relatively in tact. -> H. Gourlay, GourlayH@landcareresearch.co.nz . IV. IPM-Related Publications BOOKS, OTHER LONGER PUBLICATIONS IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop plant IPM, pest management, crop protection, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at the end of
this file). A {$} symbol indicates an item can be purchased or that there may be charges for handling, postage, or both. ---many thanks, Ed. NATURAL PEST MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS A recent monograph explores one alternative to "synthetic" products used in the process of protecting crops, especially food crops, from the horde of pests (used here to mean pest insects, pest plants, pest pathogens, and pest vertebrates) bent on destroying growing crop plants. In Natural Products in Plant Pest Management, editor N.K. Dubey, and a contingent of 25 international contributors discusses various products that may serve as repellents, anti-feedants, and anti-ovipositants, among other responses, to discourage or fend off pest organisms. Searching for effective natural products spans chemistry, biology, and other disciplines, and is founded in part on the perception that a lack of knowledge about the multitude of biodiversity remains to be rectified through discovery. Several references scattered throughout the volume's 312 pages mention the role of natural products enhancing other materials in an IPM context. A contributing author, in concluding the hardbound, 2011 work, notes that, in spite of the spate of developments, the number of successful bioproducts in current markets is not encouraging suggesting a need for ratcheting up research of new sources as well as optimizing performance of existing products. {$} -> CABI, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8DE, UK. cabi@cabi.org . Fax: 44-0-1491-833508. www.cabi.org . V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Articles SELECTED ARTICLES Phytopathology """"""""""""" “Control of Common Bunt in Organic Wheat,” Matanguihan, J.B., et al. 95(2), 92-103, February 2011.
“Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy and Application Frequency for the Control of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea,” Banniza, S. * CANA. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 33(2), 135-149, April 2011. Weed Science / Invasives """""""""""""""""""""""""" “Cover Crop Residue and Organic Mulches Provide Weed Control during Limited-Input No-Till Collard Production,” Mulvaney, M.J., et al. * JRNL. OF SUSTAIN. AGRIC., 35(3), 312-328, 2011. “Weed Detection for Site-specific Weed Management: Mapping and Real-time Approaches,” Lopez-Granados, F. * WEED RSRCH., 51(1), 01-11, February 2011. Entomology """"""""""""" “Parasitoids of Asian Rice Planthopper (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) Pests and Prospects for
Enhancing Biological Control by Ecological Engineering,” Gurr, G.M., et al. * ANNS. APPLD. BIOL., 158(2), 149-176, March 2011. “The Constraints of Selecting for Insect Resistance in Plantation Trees,” Henery, M.L. * AGRIC. AND FORST. ENTOM., 13(2), 111-120, May 2011. Transgenics """""""""" “Bacillus thuringiensis: A Century of Research, Development and Commercial Applications,” Sanahuja, S., et al. * BIOTECH. JRNL., 9(3), 283-300, April 2011. General """"""""" “The Role of Allelopathy in Agricultural Pest Management,” Farooq, M., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 67(5), 493-506, May 2011. VI. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - New information from the IPM-CRSP NEW INFORMATION FROM THE IPM-CRSP * The IPM-CRSP is sponsoring an International Workshop on Production and Use of Biocontrol Agents (Trichoderma & Pseudomonas) during 18-22 July 2011, at Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ. (TNAU) Coimbatore, INDIA. Participants from BANGLADESH, Central Asia, HONDURAS, INDIA, INDONESIA, and the USA will get hands-on experience in the selection, development, mass production, mode of action, and use of Trichoderma and Pseudomonas as biocontrol agents in agriculture. Participants will also present an overview of their current IPM-CRSP-sponsored research activities on the use of these two microbial agents for pest management. --> R. Muniappan, Rmuni@vt.edu . * An IPM-CRSP project is collaboratively investigating the use of a phytophagous beetle as an effective biocontrol for the noxious weed Pathenium hysterophorus which has invaded Eastern and Southern Africa. Working with colleagues in ETHIOPIA, W. Mersie of Virginia State Univ. has introduced Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Preliminary tests conducted under quarantine in Ethiopia showed that this biocontrol agent did not harm non-target hosts, but was effective in defoliating and eventually killing Parthenium. Based on these favorable results, local authorities support field release. --> W. Mersie, Wmersie@vsu.edu . --excerpted, with thanks, from IPM-CRSP materials.
1. The IPMnet CALENDAR--Update , lists only: --(N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, --[R]evised events with new information compared to previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version , can be requested any time from IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu . It is also online at www.pestinfo.org/calendar.php3 courtesy of International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) executive director, B. Zelazny. The latter site includes features designed for user convenience. The IPMnet CALENDAR--Update section appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about future events, or revisions, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu . Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR--Update was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. Note: websites listed herein are current as of publication of this issue of IPMnet NEWS, but may be subject to change. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 15 July 2011 2011 (N) 17-18 August * CONFERENCE ON KEEPING PESTICIDES OUT OF WATER, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Info: B. Lawson, AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK. Bernadette@aab.org.uk . Fax: 44-0-1789-470234. Voice: 44-0-2476-575012. Http://tinyurl.com/4x24bxc . (N) 07-09 September * ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, “Ento ‘11,” NRI, Chatham, Kent, UK. Info: ento11@gre.ac.uk . www.royensoc.co.uk . (N) 27-28 September * SUSTAINABLE USE OF PESTICIDES AND IPM IN ITALY, Rome, ITALY. Info: ENDURE, www.endure-network.eu . (N) 09-14 October * EUROBLIGHT WORKSHOP, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA. Info: www.euroblight.net . (N) 12 October * NEW TECHNIQUES FOR EARLY PEST AND DISEASE DETECTION, Marston, Lincs., UK. Info: http://tinyurl.com/3fo5855 . (N) 06-09 November * JOINT MEETING: ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA and ACADIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Halifax, NS, CANADA. Info: www.acadianes.ca/2011jam/ . (N) 30 November-02 December * 33rd CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ENTOMOLOGIA y 1st CONGRESO SUDAMERICANO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, La Serena, CHILE. Info: http://tinyurl.com/44hhr66 . (N) 04-09 December * 3rd CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ARACNOLOGIA,
Montenegro, Quindio, COLOMBIA. www.iiicla.org . 2012 (N) 10-12 January * INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN PESTICIDE APPLICATION, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Info: www.aab.org.uk. Rebecca@aab.org.uk . (N) 13-15 March * 25th GERMAN CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY AND CONTROL, Braunschweig, GERMANY. Info: www.unkrauttagung.de . (N) 17-20 April * 8th CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Bariloche, ARGENTINA. Info: http://tinyurl.con/659gqpz . (N) 02-06 July * 2nd MEETING OF THE TEPHRID WORKERS OF EUROPE AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST, Kolymbari Crete, GREECE. Info: N. Papadopoulos, Nikopap@uth.gr . (N) 30 July-03 August * 8th MEETING OF TEPHRID WORKERS OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, Panama City, PANAMA. Info: www.8twwh.org . (N) 04-07 November * JOINT MEETING ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF CANADA and ALBERTA, Edmonton, ALB, CANADA. Info: www.esc-sec.ca/annmeet.html . 2013 (N) 20-24 May * 6th INTERNATIONAL BEMISIA WORKSHOP, Kolymbari Crete, GREECE. Info: www.ibws6.gr. info@ibws6.gr . 2014 (N) 03-08 August * 10th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, York, U.K. Info: www.ece2014.com . 2015 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. IPMnet NEWS * July-August 2011 * Issue #188 About IPMnet: IPMnet is a free, global, electronic IPM information service conducted in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC) at Oregon State Univ., USA, www.ipmnet.org, and underwritten by the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program http://tinyurl.com/5s727h ; the Integrated Pest Management Information Platform for Extension and Education (IPM PIPE); www.ipmpipe.org , and IPPC. IPMnet maintains working relationships with the International Society for Pest Information
www.pestinfo.org , and the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences www.plantprotection.org . Publication Frequency: IPMnet publishes IPMnet NEWS every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). To Subscribe (free) or Unsubscribe: Subscriptions to IPMnet NEWS are entirely free. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe," (or "unsubscribe") to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu , being sure to state the specific e-mail address involved. Problems: Please advise IPMnet regarding: content errors; non-working websites cited in the NEWS; subscriptions to incorrect addresses; too many copies of the file being received (or a need for additional copies); or any other problem encountered so we can attempt to resolve it. Contributing material: Notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome, as are short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information. IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: The NEWS' mailing list is a private list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet. It is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence and respects the privacy of its global subscribers/readers. Disclaimer: Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the underwriters. Copyright and Reprinting: Content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in the NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source. Of course, IPMnet appreciates being alerted to any instance referring to the NEWS. ISSN: 1523-7893. IPMnet is a registered and protected trademark. Editor/Coordinator: A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu . Contact Information: Email: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Voice: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley, Oregon State Univ.
Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA