September 1996, Issue no. 33 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs Database Will Improve Crop Disease Management A collaborative effort involving government, research, and industry in the U.S. state of California will expand the use of computer-based, weather related crop disease forecasting. The end goal: help support disease management decisions that reduce unnecessary pesticide use. The project, California PestCast, is designed to provide an infrastructure to collect appropriate weather data, facilitate research and validation of models of crop diseases, demonstrate their utility, and ultimately support implementation of more efficient crop disease management at the local level. Regional weather networks are under development based on proposals being solicited from, and submitted by, participants in both the public and private sectors. Incoming data will be gathered centrally, quality controlled, stored, and then made available to users. PestCast's technical advisory committee includes most of the research and extension plant pathologists within the Univ. of California system. The project involves the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and representatives from California's agricultural industry as well as Univ. of California staff. An element of PestCast is devoted to developing a centralized database containing crop disease models from around the world. DPR staff members responsible for constructing the database are alerting interested researchers and members of the agricultural community about the existence of this project and asking for suggestions about which crops, crop models, and parameters to include in the database. A web page with information about PestCastand forms for submitting informationis located at: Once developed, the database will reside with the rest of the California PestCast network at the Univ. of California's Statewide IPM Project. FMI: J.C. Broome, Department of Pesticide Regulation, 1020 N Street, Room 161, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA Fax: 1-916-324-4088 E-mail: Phone: 1-916-324-4279 Based on information provided by N. Bloom, DPR.
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IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general information, publications of interest, and other information and resources related to IPM SPECIAL SECTION - Aspects of Biocontrol The Ethics of Biocontrol: Unanswered Questions If usage of broad-spectrum pesticides for pest management created ethical dilemmas, the burgeoning field of biological control poses a literal and figurative ethical can of worms. In an earlier stage, biocontrolharnessing living organisms as allies in controlling pestspromised an ecologically based, environmentally sound "natural" alternative to the perceived (and real) abuses of pesticides, but little thought was given to the unique kind and degree of environmental risks associated with biological control. Because biocontrol often hinges on living organisms reproducing and spreading from the point of release, there emerges potential to permanently and irreversibly alter ecosystems on a continental, if not global, scale. To address this critically important topic, the editors of the journal AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES are preparing a special issue to explore the consequences of biocontrol strategies, their effectiveness, andpointedlytheir ethical implications. A call for papers published in the Newsletter of the Society of Invertebrate Pathology noted that pest management technologies used to be spatiotemporally limited, both in their benefits and harms; environmental alterations caused by chemical, mechanical, and cultural tools were usually localized and almost certain to disappear with ecological time. By contrast, when biocontrol involves establishment of an organism with the capability to track its host in time and space, the permanent suppression of pest or nontarget species across entire ranges becomes possible. Thus, along with the possibility for indefinite benefit to human interests comes the potential for permanent, unintended, and largely unpredictable disruption of ecosystems, including the extinction of nontarget species. The Journal's editors posed a series of topics/questions for contributors to consider in preparing papers, including: How certain must society be of any effect on nontarget species prior to a biocontrol release? How can the possibility of species extinction be balanced against agricultural and other human interests? What social and legal constraints are necessary to assure the ethical application of biocontrol technologies? What are the moral obligations for compensating (often poor) nations from which biocontrol agents are taken? Who is responsible for damages from unintended environmental impacts of biocontrol? There were many other equally important issues raised. This eagerly awaited and possibly troubling issue of the journal doubtlessly will be a springboard to continuing and valuable debate. FMI: R. Haynes, Editor, AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES, PO Box 118545, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8545, USA E-mail: Phone: 1-904-392-2084 excerpted from material graciously provided by M.C. de Oliveira
FAO Adopts Biocontrol Code of Conduct Several organizations collaboratively prepared a new international Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Biological Control Agents. The Code was adopted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in late 1995 as a vehicle to help governments address their interest in safe and effective biocontrol, and as a parallel to a similar international Code covering appropriate use and handling of pesticides. J.K. Waage, director of the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC) which worked closely with FAO, notes that adoption of the new Code is timely "as many countries are starting classical biological control programs for the first time." Dr. Waage also points to an "environmental community which may be unfamiliar with classical biological control" and seriously concerned about the practice of introducing alien organisms. The new Biocontrol Code is not intended to constrain, but in fact support, commercial development; it's provisions allow for quality control procedures and facilitation of imports of predators and parasitoids for both classical and augmentation biocontrol, Waage noted. One of the Code's principal features recommends that importers submit (to regulatory authorities) information on the agent to be introduced, including an assessment of its potential effects on non-target species. Waage congratulated FAO on adopting the Code and labeled it "an important step to protecting the future and future contribution of biological control." excerpted from: IIBC Annual Report 1995. The Maturing Microbials Market The burgeoning microbial pesticides market now includes products designed to protect crops against soil and foliar pathogens, herbivorous insects, structure-damaging insects, and weeds. In his usual thorough manner, IPM PRACTITIONER managing editor W. Quarles has summarized the topic in the journal's August issue, and in doing so provide a highly useful information summary. Dr. Quarles points out, in the article, "New Microbial Pesticides for IPM," that, "microbials are safe alternatives to the use of chemical pesticides," and are "target-specific, generally benign to beneficial insects, and are useful additions to IPM programs." They are also less acutely toxic to mammals than many pesticides that Quarles defines as "conventional." The article not only describes and discusses applications for several broad classes of microbials, it includes a comprehensive summary of commercially developed microbials (other than Bacillus thuringiensis and nematodes which will be described in some future edition of the publication) and presents a current listing of the firms that produce and market microbials internationally. FMI: W. Quarles, BIRC, PO Box 7414, Berkeley, CA 94707, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-510-524-1758. 1-510-524-2567 excerpted from: IPM PRACTITIONER, 18(8), 5-10, August 1996. End, Special Section Bird Control Information Sought Certain bird species become serious pests when, in large flocks at grain storage and shipping facilities, animal feed facilities, dairies, and other sites offering roosting opportunities, they consume or contaminate appreciable amounts of feed, create a nuisance with their droppings, or create safety concerns by interfering with aircraft
or other activities. Most currently available control methods have shortcomings. Scaring birds is only temporarily effective until birds become accustomed to the scare devices. Physical restraints, such as netting or other materials to exclude birds from perching on girders and other structures, is often expensive to install, and expensive and difficult to maintain. Several pesticides used to kill pest birds can result in the death of valued raptor species due to secondary poisoning. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is studying a range of control measures in an effort to ascertain effective, more integrated tactics with reduced potential for secondary poisoning of raptors. EPA specialists are examining the characteristics and situations of pest bird flocks and seeking to identify points of vulnerability where change can be achieved. In this, EPA solicits information, ideas, and suggestions for developing successful IPM for pest bird species. FMI: M. Marsh, Pesticides Unit ECO-084, USEPA Region 10, 1200 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, USA Phone: 1-206-553-2876 E-mail: adapted from information provided by USEPA.
PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS wants to mention any publication related to or focused on IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with background information where to obtain copies, data about the author/editor(s), costs, and any other particulars or descriptive materials to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA After review, materials will be cataloged into the joint CICP/IPPC international IPM and crop protection literature collection (which the worldwide IPM/crop protection community is welcome to use) or returned if so requested.
Pest Management's Challenges R. Carson's 1970 book helped make "spring" a trigger word in modern lexicon. Now, a new work published by Chapman and Hall on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme, BEYOND SILENT SPRING, INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AND CHEMICAL SAFETY, again refers to Ms. Carson's seminal work, but focuses on the intervening time period, IPM's emergence, and the relevance for developing nations. Scientist-editors H.F. van Emden and D.B. Peakall, building on reference material presented at a 1972 conference held in Kenya, have added information to provide a distillation of current views on the issues Carson raised in 1970. The 11-chapter, softbound, 322-page work, aims to describe how current pest management tacticspredominantly for control of insect pestsrelate to problems of chemical resistance in targeted species, unintended elimination of predator species, and general environmental degradation. Some non-agricultural factors are addressed. The overall theme stresses the need for an international approach to pest and chemical-based challenges. FMI: Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, U.K.
Biocontrol Progress Reported From developing fungus-based biopesticides to combat locust in Africa to collaborating on biopesticides to attack the scourge of Mimosa pigra in Australia, or seeking ways to control insect pests in the Caribbean, the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC) is a major player in biocontrol research and application. Headquartered in the U.K. and affiliated with CAB International, IIBC operates research stations in Kenya, Pakistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Malaysia, and Europe. A full report of activities and impressive outputs has been published in the Institute's annual report for 1995, 106 pages. FMI: IIBC, Silwood Park, Buckhurst Road, Ascot, Berks SL5 7TA, U.K. E-mail: NEW CROP PROTECTION TITLES FROM APS The American Phytopathological Society recently announced a dozen new titles. Among them: APPLE SCABBIOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT, MacHardy, W.E.; PHYTOPHTHORA DISEASES WORLDWIDE, Erwin, D.C., and O. Ribeiro; MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF PATHOGENICITY AND RESISTANCE: REQUIREMENT FOR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, Mills, D, et al; and, INSECT PESTS OF SMALL GRAINS, Morrill, W.L. FMI: APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-612-454-0766 In Europe: Fax: 32-16-20-2535 A Review of Bt The Danish Environment Protection Agency has published BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS, ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ITS USE FOR MICROBIAL PEST CONTROL, by B.M. Hansen et al. The 128-page, softbound publication reports results of a recently completed extensive four-year study. The authors discuss various aspects of Bt character and use, including: interactions between Bt and other insect pathogens; and survival and activity in the environment. To protect against adverse ecological effects, they observe, "it will be necessary to assess the ecological impacts of B. thuringiensis for pest control purposes on a case-by-case basis." FMI: Milijobutikken, Strandgade 19, DK-1401, Copenhagen, DENMARK Fax: 45-33-92-76-90 Phone: 45-32-66-01-00 IPM in the Western U.S. A glossy 20-page brochure uses short text blocks, full color photos, and retina-singeing graphics to publicize INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN THE WESTERN REGION, spotlighting a series of IPM activities underway in one section of the USA. Programs range from an areawide approach for using mating disruption to control orchard insect pests, to promoting IPM to the public. The featured region comprises 13 states and four Pacific island protectorates. Copies of the colorful publication are free, from: NCR Educational Materials Project, 26 Curtiss Hall, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-515-294-8027 Phone: 1-515-294-1101 New IPM Newsletter A U.S. company has launched a free newsletter, IPM SOLUTIONS, that will focus on new products, techniques, and other information relating to IPM. The publisher is aiming their new periodical at "crop, turf, and ornamental professionals and growers." FMI: Gempler's, Inc., PO Box 270, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-608-437-5383 or for U.S. only, 1-800-551-1128 Other Newer Titles PLANT VIRUSES, VOL. 5, "Polyhedral Virions and Bipartite RNA Genomes," Harrison, B.D, and A.F. Murant. 1996. 362 pgs. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA. COMPLETE GUIDE TO PEST CONTROL (With and Without Chemicals), 3rd. edition, Ware, G.W. 1996. 388 pgs. Thompson Publications, PO Box 9335, Fresno, CA 93791, USA Fax: 1-209-435-8319. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: BENEFITS AND RISKS, Hokkaner, H.M.T., and J.M. Lynch, eds. 1995. 32 chapters, 304pgs, Cambridge University Press. Proceedings of a 1992 international workshop presenting the (then) status of biocontrol divided into: classic biocontrol,
augmentative, biological invasions, use of genetically modified organisms, and economics and registration. OTHER RESOURCES PLANT DISEASE BIOCONTROL REVIEWED The March 1996 issue of MIDWEST BIOLOGICAL CONTROL NEWS (MBCN), 3(3), features a useful summary of "Biological Control of Plant Diseases," by J.L. Parke, a plant pathologist at a U.S. university. Dr. Parke describes the two basic approaches for limiting plant disease impacts with biological products: management of resident populations of organisms, or introductions of specific organisms to combat and reduce disease. Parke comments that "several biocontrol products are now available for practical, widespread use in plant disease control." FMI: J.L. Parke, or MBCN, DEVELOPMENT BANK USES IPM HANDBOOK D. Nangju, resource specialist on IPM for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), has prepared a HANDBOOK FOR INCORPORATION OF IPM IN AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS (1995) that is now used by ADB staff in the design of new agricultural projects. FMI: Dr. D. Nangju, e-mail: INSECT REARING SUPPLIES A U.S. vendor offers a range of insect rearing supplies including prepared insect diets for a long list of species, as well as raw materials for custom mixing and production. A free catalog is available. FMI: Bioserve, One 8th Street, Suite 1, Frenchtown, NJ 08825, USA Fax: 1-908-996-4123 Phone: 1-908-996-2155 GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS A comprehensive overview of the commercialization status (as of May 1996) in the USA of genetically engineered agricultural products approved for sale or awaiting approval appears in the June 1996 issue of THE GENE EXCHANGE. Information includes product, trade name (if any), the offering company, altered trait, purpose, product name, and other facts. Crops include canola, corn/maize, cotton, potato, soybean, squash, and tomato. An additional long list cites other genetically modified crops that have been, or are being, tested. FMI: Union of Concerned Scientists, 1616 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-202-332-0905 excerpted from: THE GENE EXCHANGE, 6(4), June 1996. IPM PROGRAM ADDS TO WEB PAGE The IPM Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP), a multiinstitution effort with activities in Jamaica, Guatemala, Mali, and the Philippines, has revamped and added to its Web page at: In addition to a "virtual" tour of the four research sites, there are research reports, annotated bibliographies, general reference materials, maps, and memoranda of understanding, as well as links to other IPM web sites. FMI: IPM-CRSP, Dept. of Entomology, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA E-mail: Phone: 1-540-231-6826 POSITIONS NOTE: Along with readers interested in notices of IPM positions, advanced degree candidates seek information on Ph.D. or postdoctoral programs related to IPM. Please provide the NEWS with details of any Ph.D. or post-Ph.D. opportunities so they can be shared with the international IPM community. -Ed. *** TREE FRUIT ENTOMOLOGIST, an extension/research/instruction position at Michigan State Univ. (MSU) USA, focused on insect and mite pests of various (temperate) tree fruit crops with emphasis on IPM. Requires a Ph.D. in entomology or related field and experience in pest
management. Closes 1 October 1996, or when filled. Contact: E. Grafius, Search Chair, Dept. of Entom., 243 Natural Sci. Building, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824-1115, USA E-mail: Phone: 1-517-353-8695
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH REVIEW research and findings related to IPM. Conference Abstracts Published Abstracts from the May 1996 joint international conference of the Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations-Confederation of European Pest Control Associations held at Tel Aviv, ISRAEL, appear in PHYTOPARASITICA, 24(3), 1996. This Month's Noted Research Papers (grouped by broad subject area) IPM General "Acceptance and Implementation of Unsprayed Crop Edges in Farming Practices: the Case of Dutch Arable Farming," Van der Meulen, H.A.B., et al. ASP. OF APPL. BIOL., 44, 227-232, 1996. "Integrated Pest ManagementHow to Do It," Ausher, A. OUTLK. ON AGRIC., 25(2), 107-114, June 1996. "Pest Management, the Environment and Japanese Foreign Assistance," Tobin, R.J. FOOD POL., 21(2), 211-228, May 1996. Phytopathology "Analysis of Diversity in Populations of Plant Pathogens: The Barley Powdery Mildew Pathogen Across Europe," Muller, K., et al. EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 102(4), 385-396, May 1996. "Fusarium Wilt of Banana in Australia: A Review," Pegg, K.G., et al. AUST. JRNL. OF AGRIC. RESCH., 47(5), 637-650, 1996. "Isolation, Identification, and Evaluation of Fungi for the Control of Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean," Rupe, J.C., et al. CAN. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 18(1), 1-6, March 1996. "The Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Plant Pathogens by Molecular Methods," Randles, J.W., et al. AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATH., 25(2), 71-85, 1996. Weed Management "Economic Evaluation of Strategies for Management of Herbicide Resistance," Goddard, R.J., et al. AGRIC. SYS., 51(3), 281-298, July 1996. "Grazing Animals as Weed Control Agents," Popay, I., and R. Field. WEED TECH., 10(1), 217-232, January-March 1996. "Integrated Use of Fluridone and a Fungal Pathogen for Control of Hydrilla," Netherland, M.D.,
and J.F. Shearer. JRNL. OF AQUATIC PLANT MAN., 34, 4-7, January 1996. "Managing the Delay of Evolution of Herbicide Resistance in Parsitic Weeds," Gressel, J., et al. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MAN., 42(2), 113-130, April-June 1996. "Review of the Status and Integrated Control of the Invasive Alien Weed, Chromolaena odorata, in South Africa," Goodall, J.M., and D.J. Erasmus. AGRIC., ECOSYST. & ENVIRON., 56(3), 151-164, March 1996. BioControl "Forage Grasses Decrease Alfalfa Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Damage and Larval Numbers in Alfalfa-Grass Intercrops," Roda, A.L., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 89(3), 743-750, June 1996. "Use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Strips to Enhance Biological Control of Aphids by Hoverfly Larvae in Cereal Fields," Hickman, J.M., and S.D. Wratten. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 89(4), 832-840, August 1996. Nematology "Crambe and Rapeseed Meal as Soil Amendments: Nematicidal Potential and Phytotoxic Effects," Walker, J.T. CROP PROT., 15(5), 433-438, August 1996. "Regulation of Population Densities of Heterodera cajani and Other Plant-parasitic Nematodes by Crop Rotations on Ve tisols in Semi-arid Tropical Production Systems in India," Sharma, S.B., et al. JRNL. OF NEMA., 28(2), 244-251, June 1996. "Trap Crops and Population Management of Globodera tabacum tabacum," LaMondia, J.A. JRNL. OF NEMA., 28(2), 238-243, June 1996. Entomology "Arthropod Pest and Natural Enemy Abundance Under Second-level Versus First-level Integrated Pest Management Practices in Apple Orchards: A 4-year Study," Prokopy, R.J., et al. AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 57(1), 35-48, April 1996. "Effects of Soil Management on Crop Nitrogen and Insect Damage in Organic vs. Conventional Tomato Fields," Letourneau, D.K., et al. AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 57(3), 179-188, May 1996. "Interaction of Mulch and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebronis on Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Populations and Damage in Potato," Brust, G.E. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 89(2), 467-474, April 1996. "Multitrophic Interactions and Management of the Diamondback Moth: A Review," Verkerk, R.H.J., and D.J. Wright. BULL. OF ENTOM. RESCH., 86(3), 205-216, June 1996. "Plant Resistance to Insects: A Resource Available for Sustainable Agriculture," Stoner, K.A. BIOL. AGRIC. & HORT., 13(1), 7-38, 1996.
Vertebrate Management "Ecological Management of Vertebrate Pests in Agricultural Systems," VanVuren, D., and K.S. Smallwood. BIOL. AGRIC. & HORT., 13(1), 39-62, 1996.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global IV. IPMnet CALENDAR a global list (in two sections) of future IPM-related events (conferences, training courses, symposia, etc.) See also Meetings and Conferences listed in the WWW Virtual Library for Agriculture. IPMnet Calendar I. NEW (N), or REVISED (R) entries
In 1996 (N) 28 September-4 October NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATED FOREST VEGETATION MANAGEMENT COURSE, Fredericton, NB, CANADA. Contact: E.M.Harvey, BioForest Technologies Inc., 105 Bruce Street, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. P6A 2X6, CANADA E-mail: Fax: 1-705-942-8829 Phone: 1-705-942-5824 (N) 21-25 October INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON RODENT BIOLOGY AND INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN AFRICA, Morogoro, TANZANIA. Contact: Rodent Research Unit, Sokoine Univ., PO Box 3110, Morogoro, TANZANIA E-mail: Fax: 255-56-3748 Phone: 255-56-4621 (N) 7-8 November NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRACTICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL FOR THE HORTICULTURE AND TURFGRASS INDUSTRY, College Park, MD, USA. Flexible two day series of lectures and hands-on labs. Contact: November ? Conference Coordinator, 11975 Homewood Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA E-mail:
In 1997
(N) 6-7 February MANAGING WEEDS IN HORTICULTURAL CROPS NATIONAL WORKSHOP, Clarion Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: American Soc. for Hort. Sci., 600 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2562, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-703-836-2024 (N) 25-29 August MICROBIAL CONTROL OF PESTS IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, IOBC Working Group, Copenhagen, DENMARK. Contact: J. Eilenberg, Dept. of Ecology and Molecular Biology, Royal Veterinary and Agric. Univ., Bulowsvej 13, DK-1870 Copenhagen, DENMARK Fax: 45-35-28-2670
In 1998 (R) 9-16 August 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Edinburgh, UK. Contact: ICPP98 Congress Secretariat, c/o Meeting Makers, 50 George Street, Glasgow, Scotland G1 1QE, U.K. E-mail: Fax: 44-141-552-0511 Phone: 44-141-553-1930
IPMnet Calendar II. PREVIOUSLY LISTED events 1996 9-11 September IOBC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, "TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: FROM RESEARCH TO PRACTICE," Montpellier, FRANCE. Sponsored by The Council of the global International Organization for Biological Control. Contact: J.P. Aeschlimann, CSIRO Biological Control Unit, Campus de Baillarguet, 34980 Montferrier-sur-Lez, FRANCE E-mail: aeschlim@cypres.montpellier.inra.fra Fax: 33-67-599-040 9-11 September ADVANCES IN THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Cambridge, UK. Contact: Society of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PS, UK Phone: 44-171-235-3681 Fax: 44-171-823-1698 11-13 September 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY, Dijon, FRANCE. Contact: ANPP, 6 Blvd. de la Bastille, F-75012, FRANCE Phone: 33-43-44-89-64 Fax: 33-43-44-49-19 16-20 September 1ST WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, Cadiz, SPAIN, International Allelopathy Soc. (newly formed, in INDIA, in September 1994). Contact: F.A. Macias, IAS, Dept. of Organic Chem., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Cadiz, Apdo. 40, 11510 Puerto Real-Cadiz, SPAIN Fax: 34-56-834924 Phone: 34-56-830217 E-mail: 24-26 September SLUGS & SNAIL PESTS IN AGRICULTURE, Canterbury, UK. Contact: British Crop Protection Enterprises Ltd., 9 Downing St., Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PH, U.K. Phone: 44-1252-733072. Fax: 44-1252-727194.
25-27 September COURSE ON MITES OF GREENHOUSES; IDENTIFICATION, BIOLOGY AND CONTROL, Internat. Inst. of Entomology, London, U.K. Contact: D. Agassiz, IIE, 56 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5JR, U.K. Phone: 44-171-584-0067 Fax: 44-171-581-1676 E-mail: 30 September-3 October 11TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Melbourne Univ., Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Weed Sci. Soc. of Victoria, PO Box 987, Frankston, VIC 3199, AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-3-961-92603 Fax: 61-3-961-91756 5-9 October ANNUAL MEETING, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA & THE ACADIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC., Lord Beaverbrook Hotel, Fredericton, N.B., CANADA. Contact: J. Sweeney, Canadian Forest Service-Maritimes, PO Box 4000, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5P7, CANADA Phone: 1-506-452-3250 Fax: 1-506-452-3525 E-mail: 14-16 October INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOTOXICOLOGY: PESTICIDES & BENEFICIAL ORGANISMS, Cardiff International Arena, Wales, UK. Contact: P. McEwen, Welsh Pest Management Forum, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK Fax: 44-222-450-538 E-mail: 14-25 October INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON CLASSICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF CASSAVA GREEN MITE, Cotonu, COTE D'IVOIRE, presented by IITA. Training Office, IITA. Fax: 234-2-241-2221 E-mail: 29 October - 1 November 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE MANAGEMENT OF DIAMONDBACK MOTH AND OTHER CRUCIFER PESTS, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Technical program includes IPM tools implementation on crucifers worldwide. Contact: A. Sivapragasam, Strategic, Environment and Natural Resources Center, MARDI, GPO Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail: Fax: 603-9487639 Phone: 603-9437439 5-7 November 13TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE, HIGI (Weed Science Society of Indonesia), Bandar Lampung, South Sumatera, INDONESIA. Contact: HIGI Conference, Research and Development Centre, Univ. of Lampung, Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro 1, Bandar Lampung 35145, INDONESIA. 11-22 November INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL, Ibadan, NIGERIA, presented by IITA. Contact: Training Office, IITA Fax: 234-2-241-2221 E-mail: 18-21 November PESTS AND DISEASES 1996, THE BRIGHTON CONFERENCE, Brighton, UK. Contact: D.V. Alford, ADAS, Brooklands Ave., Cambridge CB2 2BL, U.K Phone: 44-1223-455857 Fax: 44-1223-455624. (no date) November AFRO-ASIAN SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, 3RD INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONFERENCE, Coimbatore, INDIA. Contact: U.K.
Mehta, Dept. of Nematology, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 007, INDIA Fax: 91-422-445611 Phone: 91-422-441179 8-12 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Galt House, Louisville, KY, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Suite 300, Lanham, MD 20706, USA Phone: 1-301-731-4535 Fax: 1-301-731-4538 E-mail: Also see information at: www 1997 6-8 January 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTS IN AGRICULTURE, Montpellier, FRANCE. Among several plenary sessions will be "Integrated Pest Management: From the Grower to the ConsumerFacts and Prospects," featuring speakers and a roundtable discussion. Other specialized sessions will cover a broad range of pest management topics. Contact: ANPP, 6 Blvd. de la Bastille, F-75012 Paris, FRANCE Fax: 33-1-43-442-919 Phone: 33-1-43-448-964 2-6 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: WSSA, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA Phone: 1-217-352-4212 2-7 March 16TH ANNUAL CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Salvador, Bahia, BRAZIL. Contact: A. Nascimento, President CBE97/EMBRAPA-CNPMF, Cx. Postal 07, CEP 44380-000, Cruz das Almas, BA, BRAZIL E-mail: 13-18 April INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN HORTICULTURAL CROPS, an international symposium, Agadir, MOROCCO. Oral and poster presentations related to integrated control of pests of horticultural crops, plus post-symposium tours. Contact: Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, BP 18/S, Agadir, MOROCCO Fax: 212-824-2243 Phone: 212-824-1006 14-16 April RESISTANCE ?, INTEGRATED APPROACH TO COMBATTING RESISTANCE, sponsored by IACR, Rothamsted, U.K. Third in a series of international conferences to review progress in addressing pesticide resistance. Contact: B.P.S. Khambay, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ, U.K. E-mail: Fax: 44-1582-760981. 6 May 49TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Univ. of Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: L. Tirry, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM Phone: 32-0-9-264-6152 Fax: 32-0-9-264-6239 29-31 May INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ACREMONIUM/GRASS INTERACTIONS, Atlanta, GA, USA. Contact: N.S. Hill, Dept. of Agronomy, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. 22-26 June 10TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Poznan, POLAND. Includes worskshops, posters, and field excursions. Contact: EWRS Symposium ?, c/o BBA Inst. f. Unkrautforschung, Messeweg 11-12, D-38104 Braunschweig, GERMANY Fax: 49-531-299-3010 Phone: 49-531-299-3903
20-23 July SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS MEETING, Tucson, AZ, USA. 9-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Rochester, NY, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA Phone: 1-612-454-7250 Fax: 1-612-454-0766 E-mail: (no date) September 16TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Contact: B.H. Bakar, Botany Dept., Univ. of Malaya, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Phone: 60-3-75-4351 E-mail: Fax: 60-3-759-4178 7-11 October 7TH INTERNATIONAL VERTICILLIUM SYMPOSIUM, Cape Sounion, GREECE. Contact: R.C. Rowe, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Ohio State Univ., Wooster, OH 44691, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-216-263-3841 13-18 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Opryland, Nashville, TN, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Suite 300, Lanham, MD 20706, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 E-mail: 1998 23 February-1 March INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTICIDE USE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: IMPACT ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, San Jose, COSTA RICA. Contact: Y. Astorga, Univ. Nacional, Apdo. 86-3000, Heredia, COSTA RICA Phone: 506-277-358 Fax: 506-277-3583 E-mail: Web: 2-7 August 25TH INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS, Brus- sels, BELGIUM. Contact: H. Wilcox, Dept. of Hort., Min. of Agric., Bolwerklaan 21, 14th Floor, B-1210 Brussels, BELGIUM. Fax: 32-2-211-7209. 2-7 August 9TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY, London, UK. Contact: J.F. Gibson, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V 0BN, U.K. Fax: 44-171-734-1227 Phone: 44-171-437-8656 6-10 December AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC. and ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF AMERICA JOINT MEETING, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Contact: J.M. Schimml, APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 E-mail:
Please send information about future events to: or, IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 01-541-737-3080
IPMnet Sponsor IPMnet, a Global IPM Information Service, is sponsored, produced, and provided (without cost to recipients) by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, J.D. Harper (N. Carolina State Univ.) is vice chairman, G.L. Teetes (Texas A&M Univ.) is treasurer, and G.A. Schaefers (Cornell Univ.) serves as executive director. B.D. Russell is Assistant to the Director. E-mail: The Consortium maintains an administrative office at: CICP, Cornell Univ., NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456-0462, USA. E-mail: Phone: 01-315-787-2252. IPMnet's Web page and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail:
The IPMnet NEWS sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in the IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Information in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted providing the IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source.
CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe J.D. Harper, chair A. Alvarez D. Dickson M. Kogan, ex-officio G. Schaefers, ex-officio
IPMnet NEWS Coordinator/Editor - A.E. Deutsch
Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS ..... are encouraged from individuals, organizations, and institutions engaged in any aspect of crop protection, especially IPM. Short items describing experiences, successes, problems, and solutions are welcome. So too are questions, recommendations, viewpoints (pro and con), and IPM-related opinion statements.
Communications to IPMnet NEWS ..... may be sent to any of the following: E-mail: Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Phone: 1-541-737-6275
This mosaic version of IPMnet NEWS was marked up by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document.