August 1997, Issue no. 44 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs IPM Adoption: Willingness and Confusion A recent survey of growers in the U.S. state of New Jersey revealed a willingness to adopt IPM tactics, but also showed that there remains significant confusion about which farming practices actually constitute "IPM," and confirmed a nagging perceived communication-education gap between growers and various sources of IPM information. In the article, ?% Adoption of Integrated Pest Management by 2000? A Case Study from New Jersey," (in AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST), G.C. Hamilton and colleagues report their findings. A 33-question survey, complete with definition of IPM and designed to divulge why growers did or did not participate in IPM programs, was sent to 270 growers of various crops. Only 52 forms were completed and returned, but upon analysis the results offered several clear trends. Both those growers claiming to follow IPM practices and those who said they did not pointed to regulations, crop values, and labor costs as primary obstacles to continuing to farm, but not necessarily related to practicing IPM. The investigating team of scientists and extensionists found that marketing played a key role in IPM adoption. Changing the way they market their crops showed promise as an avenue to help non-IPM growers increase use of IPM tactics. All growers in the survey indicated that greater access to state, university, and privately sponsored IPM programs (information, counsel, demonstrations) would help accelerate IPM adoption. However, perceptions of useful information sources differed between growers, and county extension agents and chemical industry representatives who were also queried. The latter group placed more emphasis on neighbors as a source of information for growers than did the growers themselves. FMI: G.C. Hamilton, Room 101, John Smith Hall, Cook Campus, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA E-mail: Phone: 1-732-932-9801 excerpted from: AMER. ENTOM., 43(2), 74-78, Summer 1997. Blunting Resistance to Herbicides The increasing emergence of herbicide-resistant weed species prompted research and extension specialists to develop guidelines for growers to use to minimize the possibility of inadvertently helping to spread resistant species. This approach is based, in part, on how various herbicides work, i.e., their sites of action within the plants they contact. Recently, E.J. Retzinger, Jr., and C. Mallory-Smith published "Classification of Herbicides by Site of Action for Weed Resistance Management Strategies," listing the characteristics for
numerous herbicidal products. According to the authors, the listing was "developed to help maintain the usefulness of herbicides as a tool in crop production" and to also slow the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds. In their paper, the authors refer to a set of guidelines published by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) for promoting awareness of the problem and recommending steps that growers should follow. The following points are broadly based on the WSSA guidelines. Scout fields (I): before applying a herbicide; determine weed species present. Evaluate economics: is herbicide application justified by increased returns? Consider use of alternatives: cultivation, delayed planting, using weed-free crop seeds. Rotate crops: avoid growing the same crop in the same location season after season. Limit herbicide application: minimize usage of a single herbicide, or herbicides with the same site of action, during a growing season. Vary herbicides: use mixtures or sequential applications. Scout fields (II): after applying herbicides, note weed escapes or species shifts. Eliminate weed seed transfer: clean off equipment and clothing before moving from an infested area. excerpted from: WEED TECHNOLOGY, 11(2), 384-393, April-June 1997. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general information, publications of interest, and other resources related to IPM Sorghum Ergot Appears in North America Almost prophetically the INTERNATIONAL SORGHUM AND MILLETS NEWSLETTER recently published the feature article, "Ergot - A Global Threat to Sorghum," recounting the disease's worldwide spread, but noting that, as yet, it had not been reported in the USA. It has now. In March 1997 Scientists from Texas A&M Univ. confirmed presence of the dreaded disease in south Texas. Ergot (Claviceps spp.) is a fungal disease that infects the floral parts of the sorghum plant [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] that would normally develop into seeds. Instead of seeds, infected plants produce a sticky fluid which can spill onto other seeds complicating harvest and encouraging growth of saprophytic fungi that blacken the head. Depending on temperature and moisture, a chain reaction can develop favoring production of secondary conidia that are easily wind-borne to nearby areas. Spread can be devastatingly rapid, as evidenced by epidemics in Brazil (1995) and Australia (1996). The Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America (SICNA) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) have produced a clear, full-color leaflet as part of the article mentioned above. Close up photos and descriptive text profile ergot and its nasty effects on sorghum. Options for ergot control involve: enforcing quarantines; planting seed produced in ergot-free areas; altering planting dates to allow flowering when weather conditions are unsuitable for disease development; removing collateral hosts and rogueing infected plants; and, protecting seed production plots with a suitable fungicide. FMI: SICNA, PO Box 530 Abernathy, TX 79311, USA, or; * R. Bandyopadyay, Crop Protection
Division, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, or; * G. Odvody, TAMU AREC, Box 589, Corpus Christi, TX 78410, USA. excerpted from news releases and ISMN no. 37, 1996. IPMporium .... According to a recent issue of AREAWIDE IPM UPDATE, "most consultants see more consistent biological control of aphids where the use of broad-spectrum insecticides has been reduced or eliminated, as in orchards using codling moth mating disruption." quoted from AREAWIDE IPM UPDATE, 2(8), 3, July 1, 1997. .... Two years of field trials have shown that reduced usage of herbicide on row-grown processing tomatoes in Northern California provided sufficient weed management in all but the weediest areas, and did not lower crop yields. .... A U.S. firm has indicated its intent to conduct small-scale field testing of a microbial pesticide involving a microorganism which has been genetically engineered to: (1) express an insect-specific pesticidal toxin from the scorpion Androctonus australis; and, (2) prevent expression of the ecdysteroid gene. The tests are aimed at control of the tobacco budworm (Helicoverpa virescens Fabricius) and the cotton bollworm (H. zea). PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS wants to mention any publication related to, or focused on, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with background information where to obtain copies, data about the author/editor(s), costs, and any other particulars or descriptive materials to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA After review, materials will be cataloged into the joint CICP/IPPC international IPM and crop protection literature collection (which the worldwide IPM/crop protection community is welcome to use) or returned if so requested.
PESTICIDE USE REDUCTION POLICIES Pesticide Action NetworkAsia and the Pacific, one of the regional centers for promoting alternatives to pesticides, has commissioned and published a useful literature review, REDUCING RELIANCE: A REVIEW OF PESTICIDE REDUCTION INITIATIVES. The extensively documented, 93-page monograph surveys numerous national pesticide policies, especially those advocating reduced usage of pesticides. The softbound work provides a framework for workable pesticide use reduction initiatives. Authors M. Watts and R. Macfarlane are less clear about the definition, role, and benefits of IPM in achieving lowered pesticide levels. The 1997 publication performs its intended service: summarizing a vast body of information in a single document. FMI: Pesticide Action NetworkAsia and the Pacific, PO Box 1170, 10850 Penang, MALAYSIA E-mail: Phone: 60-4-657-0271 Fax: 60-4-657-7445 Website: Recent Pest Management Titles from the International Crops Research Institute for the
Semi-Arid Tropics * S.D. Singh and colleagues have prepared a 104-page publication, SCREENING TECHNIQUES AND SOURCES OF RESISTANCE TO DOWNY MILDEW AND RUST IN PEARL MILLET, that describes all the currently known screening techniques and provides relevant information on important sources of resistance for these two diseases. The attractively produced, softbound, 1997 work contains several color plates and is Information Bulletin no. 48. * Also recently released, Information Bulletin no. 50 offers information on SOURCES OF RESISTANCE TO GROUNDNUT FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL DISEASES: AN UPDATE AND APPRAISAL. This 68-page title was authored by A.K. Singh and colleagues and is also available in a French language edition. FMI: Information Management and Exchange, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. ASSESSING MICROBIALS Proceedings from a recent (April 1997) British Crop Protection Council symposium have been published as MICROBIAL INSECTICIDES: NOVELTY OR NECESSITY? The 301-page, softbound work contains 32 chapters reporting on four sessions, plus poster presentations, ranging from background to application. A key paper poses the question, "Biopesticides at the Crossroads: IPM Products or Chemical Clones?" FMI: BCPC Publications, Bear Farm, Binfield, Bracknell, Berks RG12 5QE, UK. ANALYZING INSECT PATHOLOGY MANUAL OF TECHNIQUES IN INSECT PATHOLOGY, edited by L.A. Lacey, is a recent 409-page addition to "Biologic Techniques," a series of practical guides to new methods in modern biology. The uniquely bound manual presents contributions by 26 international authorities, and offers a rich array of color plates and other illustrations covering a variety of contemporary assessment and procedural techniques. The softbound, 1997 volume is intended to be a single comprehensive source for insect pathology. FMI: Academic Press, 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-619-231-0926 Phone: 1-619-699-6380 Website: Also from Academic Press, ADVANCES IN BOTANICAL RESEARCH INCORPORATING ADVANCES IN PLANT PATHOLOGY, vol. 26, J.A. Callow, ed., 376 pages, 1997. BIOTECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER A free monthly newsletter published through the U.S. National Biological Impact Assessment Program offers one of the most current and readable sources of information concerning crop plants genetically modified to repel pests or withstand formerly plant-intolerable pesticides. The ISB NEWS REPORT, compiled and edited by P.L. Traynor, covers a variety of pertinent information and sources, and is available in either hardcopy, or on the web at: FMI: P.L. Traynor, ISB, 120 Engel Hall, VPI, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0308, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-540-231-2614 Phone: 1-540-231-2620 TRICHOGRAMMA FOR BIOCONTROL Two Brazilian entomologists have edited the papers presented by a group of international specialists at a 1996 gathering, and published the result as TRICHOGRAMMA E O CONTROLE BIOLOGICO APLICADO, a 324-page, softbound volume ranging from basic taxonomy to recent advances in artificial rearing. In their work, J.R.P. Parra and R.A. Zucchi have included bibliographies in each of the 12 chapters. This addition (in Portuguese) to the rich body of Trichogramma literature provides a useful resource for Latin America and other Portuguese or Spanish speaking regions. FMI: R.A. Zucchi, e-mail: Or, contact: FEALQ, CP 329, 13400-970
Piracicaba, SP, BRAZIL Fax: 55-19-422-1944 Phone: 55-19-422-9197 Publication Notes * In 1995, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, GPO Box 1571, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA, organized a workshop, and in 1996 published the papers therefrom as SUGARCANE GERMPLASM CONSERVATION AND EXCHANGE. It includes several major sections concerning diseases affecting this economically important tropical crop. * An active group at the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (CATIE) in COSTA RICA periodically publishes the journal MANEJO INTEGRADO DE PLAGAS (in Spanish). Issues focus on crop protection research, conservation of natural resources, and farmer/consumer health concerns. FMI: Revista "MIP," CATIE, 7170 Turrialba, COSTA RICA E-mail: Fax: 506-556-0606 Website: Phone: 506-556-1632 * MIDWEST BIOLOGICAL CONTROL NEWS' July 1997 issue spotlights Hypera postica, the alfalfa weevil, including reports on successful biological control, predators, lists of earlier articles, and publications. FMI: MBCN, Department of Entomology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA Fax: 1-608-262-3322 E-mail: Phone: 1-608-262-9914 OTHER RESOURCES CHINESE IPM LAB ADVANCES The IPM Information and Software Technology Laboratory (IPMIST), a program associated with the Plant Protection Department at the China Agricultural University, provides multidisciplinary information, research, and software development while fostering the growth of promising scientists. IPMIST was established in 1989 and has recently broadened its links via a website at: FMI: Z.R. Shen, IPMIST Lab, Department of Plant Protection, The China Agricultural University, 100094 Beijing, P.R. CHINA E-mail: Fax: 861-6258-2332 Phone: 861-6263-3015 MAJOR IPM WEBSITE EXPANDED The multi-institution IPM Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) headquartered at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. in the USA has significantly modified and expanded its website recently. This resource now has links to French language information sites as well as many additional connections. The address is: The IPM CRSP also produces a newsletter and periodic reports. FMI: IPM CRSP, Office of International Research and Development, 1060 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VT 24601-0334, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-540-231-3519 Phone: 1-540-231-3513 ENTOMOLOGY EDUCATION IN CANADA The Student Affairs Committee of the Entomological Society of Canada (ESC) has added the "Directory of Entomological Education in Canada" (ou le Repertoire des formations en Entomologie au Canada), information from institutions that offer education in entomology in Canada, to its website at: FMI: T. Danyk, Chair, Student Affairs Committee, ESC, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Lethbridge, Alb., CANADA E-mail: BIOCONTROL FOR STRAWBERRY Version 1.1 of the Release Calculator and Guidelines for using Neosieulus fallacis to control two-spotted spider mites in strawberry is available at: METHYL BROMIDE WEB SITES The July 1997 issue (vol. 3, no. 3) of METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES contains a listing of internet addresses providing information and links for MBr. FMI: K.W. Vick, MBA, National
Program Staff, Building 005, Room 237, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA Fax: 1-301-504-5987 Phone:1-301-893-6727 back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS research findings/technical topics related to IPM. This Month's SELECTED MATERIALS (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories) IPMnet can provide addresses for any of the journals listed. General "Decision Tools for Grain Storage Pest Management," Longstaff, B.C. JRNL. OF STORED PRODS. RESCH., 99-114, 33(2), April 1997. "Global Crop Production and the Efficacy of Crop Protection Current Situation and Future Trends," Oerke, E.C., and H.W. Dehne. EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 103(3), 203-216, March 1997. "Pest Management in the Landscape/Lawn Maintenance Industry: A Factor Analysis," Hubbell, B.J., et al. JRNL. OF PROD. AGRIC., 10(2), 331-335, April-June 1997. Phytopathology "Evaluation of Chemical and Biological Treatments for Control of Chondrostereum purpureum Infection of Pruning Wounds in Willows, Apples, and Peaches," Spiers, A.G., and D.T. Brewster. NZ JRNL. OF CROP AND HORT. SCI., 25(1), 19-32, March 1997. "Management of Root-knot Disease of Tomato by the Application of Ash in Soil," Khan, M.R., et al. PLANT PATH., 46(1), 33-43, February 1997. "Use of Imidacloprid and Newer Generations of Synthetic Pyrethroids to Control the Spread of Barley Yellow Dwarf Luteovirus in Cereals," McKirdy, S.J., and R.A.C. Jones. PLANT DIS., 80(8), 895-901, August 1996. Weed Management "Effect of Mulching and Herbicide on Weediness and Yield of Cultivated Lingonberry," Saario, M., and I. Voipio. ACTA AGRIC. SCAND., 47(1), 52-57, March 1997. "Efficacy and Economics of Cultivation for Weed Control in Potato (Solanum tuberosum)," Eberlein, C.V., et al. WEED TECH., 11(2), 257-264, April-June 1997. "GESTINF: A Decision Model for Post-emergence Weed Management in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]," Berti A., and G. Zanin. CROP PROT., 16(2), 109-116, March 1997. "Herbicide Strategies for Reducing Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus L.) Density in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)," Charles, G.W. AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF EXP. AGRIC., 37(2), 231-242, 1997. "Low-input Weed Management and Conservation Tillage in Semi-arid Zimbabwe," Riches, C.R., et al. EXP. AGRIC., 33(2), 173-188, April 1997.
BioControl "Biological and Integrated Control of Botrytis Bunch Rot of Grape Using Trichoderma spp.," Harman, G.E., et al. BIO. CONT., 7(3), 259-266, December 1996. "Biological Control of the Two-spotted Spider Mite Tetranychus urticae on Strawberries by the Predatory Phyoseiid Mite Typhlodromus pyri (Acari, Tetranychidae, Phytosiidae)," Zacharda, M., and M. Hluchy. EXP. & APPL. ACAR., 21(2), February 1997. "Control of Chenopodium album by Soil Application of Ascochyta caulina Under Greenhouse Conditions," Kempenaar, C., et al. ANN. OF APPL. BIOL., 129(2), 343-354, October 1996. "Developing a Commercially Viable System for Biological Control of Light Brown Apple Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Grapes Using Endemic Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)," Glenn, D.C., and A.A. Hoffmann. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 90(2), 370-382, April 1997. "Factors Affecting Host Selection in an Insect Host-parasitoid Interaction," Sait, S.M., et al. ECOL. ENTOM., 22(2), 225-230, May 1997. "Release and Establishment of Hyrellia balciunasi (Diptera: Ephydridae) for the Biological Control of the Submersed Aquatic Plant Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) in the United States," Grodowitz, M.J., et al. BIO. CTRL., 9(1), 15-24, May 1997. "Release Strategies Affect Survival and Distribution of Green Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Augmentation Programs," Daane, K.M., and G.Y. Yokota. ENVIRO. ENTOM., 26(2), 455-464, April 1997. "Simple Models of Natural Enemy Action and Economic Thresholds," Brown, G.C. AMER. ENTOM., 43(2), 117-124, Summer 1997. Entomology "Application of Ultra-low Volume Malathion by Air-assisted Ground Sprayer for Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Control," Mulrooney, J.E., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 90(2), 639-645, April 1997. "Comparison of Sampling Methods Used to Estimate Spider (Araneae) Species Abundance and Composition in Grape Vineyards," Costello, M.J., and K.M. Daane. ENVIRO. ENTOM., 26(2), 142-149, April 1997. "Ecology and Management of the Boll Weevil in South American Cotton," Ramalho, F.S., and P.A. Wanderley. AMER. ENTOM., 42(1), 41-47, Spring 1996. "Impact of Insecticides Applied with/without Bromoxynil Herbicide on Various Cotton Pests in Laboratory Bioassays," Scott, W.P., et al. JRNL. OF ENTOM. SCI., 31(4), 365- 370, October 1996. "Intercropping as a Strategy for Reducing Damage to Carrots Caused by the Carrot Fly, Psila rosae (F.)," Ramert, B. BIOL. AGRIC. & HORT., 13(4), 359-370, 1996. "Placement of Pheromone Traps within the Vegetation Canopy to Enhance Capture of Male European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)," Mason, C.E., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM.,
90(3), 795-800, June 1997. Nematology "Potential of Biologically-derived Nematicides for Control of Anthurium Decline," Sipes, B.S., and K.M. Delate. NEMATROP., 26(2), December 1996. Vertebrate Management "A Different Perspective on Eradication of Vertebrate Pests," Rainbolt, R.E., and B.E. Coblentz. WILDLF. SOC. BULL., 25(1), 189-191, Spring 1997. "Evaluation of Rodenticidal Baits Against Rodent Population in Long Melon (Cucumis melos var. Ultissimus) Crop Fields," Kumar, P., et al. ANNL. OF ARID ZONE, 35(4), 373-376, December 1996.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global IV. CALENDAR a global list forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, training courses, symposia, etc.) Information was collected from, and supplied by, a variety of sources, for which IPMnet expresses appreciation. See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar
IPMnet Calendar I. NEW (N), or REVISED (R) entries
In 1997 (N) 16-19 September CROP PROTECTION & FOOD QUALITY: MEETING CUSTOMER NEEDS, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Contact: CASI Ltd., 4 Cavendish Square, London W1M 0BX, UK Fax: 44-171-629-3233 Phone: 44-171-499-0900 (N) 3-5 December 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, LES MALADIES DES PLANTES, Tours, FRANCE. Three plenary sessions, posters, and tour of Loire Valley. Contact: C. Duboscq, ANPP, 6 Boulevard de la Bastille, 75012 Paris, FRANCE Fax: 33-1-43-44-2919 E-mail: Phone: 33-1-43-44-8864 In 1998 (N) 5-9 April INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: THE FUTURE OF FUNGI IN THE
CONTROL OF PESTS, WEEDS & DISEASES, Univ. of Southampton, Southampton, UK. Aim: identify problems and opportunities affecting research on fungal biocontrol agents, and outline strategies for the successful development of these organisms as sustainable, environmentally benign agents for crop protection. Invited presentations and offered papers in six subject areas. Contact: C.W. Jackson, School of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Southampton, Basset Crescent East, Southampton SO16 7PX, UK E-mail: Phone: 44-1703-59-3205 (N) May TROPICAL PEST MANAGEMENT COURSE, Ascot, UK. A 4-week practical training course on safe and efficient use of pesticides within Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Contact: IPARC, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot, SL5 7PY, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-1344-294450 (N) 15-20 June INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, "Theory & Practice, Developing Sustainable Agriculture," Guangzhou, CHINA. English language only. Contact: G. Mingfang, Guangdong Entomological Soc., Xingang West Road 105, Guangzhou 510270, CHINA Fax: 86-20-841-91709 E-mail: Phone: 86-20-841-99129 (N) June 1998. LOCUST-GRASSHOPPER CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES COURSE. Designed to "Train the Trainers" so participants can return to their country and provide national courses in their own language, this 2-week course offers practical training in techniques for ground and aerial application of insecticides to control hopper bands and swarms. Contact: IPARC, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot, SL5 7PY, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-1344-294450 IPMnet Calendar II. PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries. Valid during: 1-31 August 1997. 1997 9-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Rochester, NY, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA Fax: 1-612-454-0766 E-mail: Phone: 1-612-454-7250 10-17 August 30TH CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Pocos de Caldas, MG, BRAZIL. (No contact). 17-20 August INTERNATIONAL MAMMAL TRAPPING SYMPOSIUM, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA. Contact: G. Proulx, Alpha Wildlife Research & Management Ltd., 9 Garnet Crescent, Sherwood Park, ALB. T8A 2R7, CANADA E-mail: Fax: 1-403-417-0255 Phone: 1-403-464-5228 18-21 August NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Lincoln Univ., NEW ZEALAND. Contact: D. Crabb, Centre for Continuing Education, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND E-mail: Fax: 64-3-325-3840 18-21 August 5TH NATIONAL STORED PRODUCT IPM TRAINING CONFERENCE, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA. Contact: K. Brewer, Agric. and Bio. Engineering Dept., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-765-496-1356 Phone: 1-765-494-1173 Web site:
18-22 August 2ND GLOBAL MEETING ON PARASITIC DISEASES, Hyderabad, INDIA. Contact: V.P. Sharma, 20 Madhuban, Vikas Marg, Delhi 110 092, INDIA Fax: 972-3-5175674 E-mail: 24-29 August SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, 30TH ANNUAL MEETING, Banff, Alberta, CANADA. Contact: M. Goettel, Lethbridge Research Center, Agriculture & Food Canada, PO Box 3000, Lethbridge, ALB. T1J 4B1, CANADA Fax: 1-403-382-3156 E-mail: Phone: 1-403-317-2264 1-3 September 1ST EUROPEAN VERTEBRATE PEST MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Univ. of York, York, UK. Contact: Dept. of Biology, PO Box 373, Univ. of York, York YO1 5YW, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-1904-433029 Phone: 44-0-1904-432940 1-4 September 2ND TURKISH WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Izmir, TURKEY. Contact: Y. Nemli, E.U. Ziraat Fakultesi, Bitki Koruma Bolumu, Bornova/Izmir 35100, TURKEY. 1-5 September EUROPEAN SEMINAR ON FUSARIUM: MYCOTOXINS, TAXONOMY AND PATHOGENICITY, Szeged, HUNGARY. Contact: A. Mesterhazy, Cereal Research Institute, PO Box 391, H-6701 Szeged, HUNGARY E-mail: Fax: 36-62-434-163 Phone: 36-62-435-235 7-11 September 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INVERTEBRATE NEUROCHEMISTRY AND NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, Eilat, ISRAEL. Contact: M. Altstein, Dept. of Entomology, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL Fax: 972-3-968-3679 Phone: 972-3-968-3710 8-12 September 16TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Contact: B.H. Bakar, Botany Dept., Univ. of Malaya, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA E-mail: Fax: 60-3-759-4178 Phone: 60-3-759-4351 9-11 September TANZANIA ENTOMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 3RD SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Zanzibar, TANZANIA. Theme: "Ecologically Sound Pest Management Systems for Sustainable Agriculture and Public Health," with special attention to IPM and Tsetse eradication. Contact: M.R. Said, PPD, PO Box 1062, Zanzibar, TANZANIA E-mail: Fax/phone: 255-54-32110 10-12 September ENTOMOLOGY ?, and 19TH SYMPOSIUM ON `INSECT POPULATIONS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE,' Univ. of Newcastle, UK. Contact: Registrar, Royal Entomological Society, 41 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HR, UK Fax: 44-0171-581-8505 E-mail: 15-17 September UNDERSTANDING PATHOSYSTEMS: A FOCUS ON SEPTORIA (15th Long Ashton International Symposium), Bristol, UK. Contact: H.M. Anderson, IACR-Long Ashton, Bristol BS18 9AF, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-1275-394007
15-18 September WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF EASTERN AFRICA, 16TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Kampala, UGANDA. Contact: WSSEA Conference Committee, Dept. of Crop Science, Makerere Univ., PO Box 7062, Kampala, UGANDA Fax: 256-41-531641 E-mail: Phone: 256-41-533580 23-26 September SHORT COURSE, WHITEFLIES AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES, London, UK. A short, intensive course covering identification of whiteflies and their natural enemies and application of biocontrol. Contact: Training Officer, International Institute of Entomology, 56 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5JR, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-171-581-1676 Phone: 44-0-171-584-0067 25-27 September SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION & FOOD QUALITY, MEETING CONSUMER NEEDS, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Contact: CASI, 4 New Cavendish Square, London W1M 0BX, UK Fax: 44-0-171-629-3233 Phone: 44-0-171-499-0900 29 September-3 October 11TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY SOCIETY, Perth, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Secretary APPS, Plant Pathology, Dept. of Agriculture, Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, WA 6151, AUSTRALIA E-mail: Fax: 61-9-367-2625 4-8 October JOINT MEETING OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF CANADA AND ALBERTA, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA. Contact: B. Heming, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, CANADA Fax: 1-403-492-9234 E-mail: Phone: 1-403-492-4173 7-11 October 7TH INTERNATIONAL VERTICILLIUM SYMPOSIUM, Cape Sounion, GREECE. Contact: R.C. Rowe, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Ohio State Univ., Wooster, OH 44691, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-216-263-3841 10-15 October MICROBIAL CONTROL OF PESTS IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Univ., Copenhagen, DENMARK. Contact: J. Eilenberg, Dept. of Ecology and Molecular Biology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Univ., Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg, DENMARK E-mail: Fax: 45-35-282670 Phone: 45-35-282660 12-17 October 9TH LATINAMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL CONGRESS, Montevideo, URUGUAY. Contact: M. Francis E-mail: Fax: 45-35-282670 Phone: 45-35-282660 13-24 October SHORT-TERM COURSE: MONITORING AND EARLY DETECTION OF PLANT DISEASES, Niamey, NIGER. Contact: DFPV/ AGRHYMET Centre, B.P. 12625, Niamey, NIGER E-mail: Fax: 227-73-22-37 Phone: 227-73-21-81 13-24 October TRAINING COURSE ON PESTICIDE MANAGEMENT, Los Banos, PHILLIPINES. Contact: Director, National Crop Protection Center, Univ. of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna 4031, PHILIPPINES Phone: 63-049-536-2409 E-mail: Fax: 63-049-536-2409 2-7 November 3RD HANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PLANT PATHOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Hangzhou, CHINA. Venue: Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang Agricultural Univ. (IBZAU). Contact: X. Ping, IBZAU, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029, CHINA E-mail:> Fax: 86-571-696-1525 Website: Phone: 86-571-697-1182 3-5 November ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES AND EMISSIONS REDUCTION, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach, PO Box 5377, Fresno, CA 93755, USA Fax: 1-209-436-0692 Phone: 1-209-447-2127 3-22 November SHORT-TERM COURSE: PHYTOSANITARY LEGISLATION AND ITS APPLICATION IN CILSS MEMBER COUNTRIES, Niamey, NIGER. Contact: DFPV/AGRHYMET Centre, B.P. 12625, Niamey, NIGER E-mail: Fax: 227-73-22-37 Phone: 227-73-21-81 10-21 November SHORT COURSE ON WEED SCIENCE, Los Banos, PHILLIPINES. Contact: Director, National Crop Protection Center, Univ. of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, 4031, PHILIPPINES Phone: 63-049-536-2409 E-mail: Fax: 63-049-536-2409 17-20 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 1997, WEEDS, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-171-924-1790 Phone: 44-0-171-228-8034 Web site: 17 November-13 December SHORT-TERM COURSE: SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL OF VERTEBRATE PESTS: GRAIN EATING BIRDS AND RODENTS, Niamey, NIGER. Contact: DFPV/AGRHYMET Centre, B.P. 12625, Niamey, NIGER E-mail: Fax: 227-73-22-37 Phone: 227-73-21-81 18-19 November PNW-INTEGRATED VEGETATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE, Portland, OR, USA. Theme: "Forestry & Rights-of-Way." Contact: C. Ramsay E-mail: Phone: 1-509-335-9222 24-26 November CONGRESO NACIONAL 1997 SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE MALHERBOLOGIA, Valencia, SPAIN. Contact: D. Gomez de Barreda, IVIA, Apdo. Oficial, E-46113 Moncada, SPAIN E-mail: Fax: 34-6-139-0240 24 November-13 December SHORT-TERM REFRESHER COURSE IN CROP PROTECTION EXTENSION, Niamey, NIGER. Contact: DFPV/AGRHYMET Centre, B.P. 12625, Niamey, NIGER Fax: 227-73-22-37 E-mail: Phone: 227-73-21-81 14-18 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING,
Nashville, TN, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Suite 300, Lanham, MD 20706, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 Website: 1998 4-6 February URBAN BIRD PEST MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Cardiff, Wales, UK. Contact: P. Haskell, Univ. of Wales, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-1222-388965 Phone: 44-0-1222-388952 9-12 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Chicago, IL, USA. Contact: WSSA, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA Phone: 1-217-352-4212 23 February-1 March INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTICIDE USE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: IMPACT ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, San Jose, COSTA RICA. Contact: Y. Astorga, Univ. Nacional, Apdo. 86-3000, Heredia, COSTA RICA Phone: 506-277-358 Fax: 506-277-3583 E-mail: Web: 2-5 March 18TH VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. Topics cover all aspects of vertebrate pest management and control. Contact: W.P. Gorenzel, DANR-North, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA Fax: 1-916-754-8489 E-mail: Phone: 1-916-752-2263 Web site: 10-12 March 19TH GERMAN CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY AND WEED CONTROL, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, GERMANY. Contact: H.U. Haas, Inst. of Phytomedicine (360), D-70593 Stuttgart, GERMANY E-mail: Fax: 49-711-459-2408 29 March-1 April NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON PESTICIDE SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT, Portland, ME, USA. Theme: "Building Better Applicators, One Neighbor at a Time." Contact: J. Dill, UMCE Pest Management Office, 491 College Avenue, Orono, ME 04473-1295, USA Fax: 1-207-581-3881 E-mail: Phone: 1-207-581-3880 Website: 13-15 May EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY MEDITERRANEAN SYMPOSIUM 1998, Montpellier, FRANCE. Four sessions, simultaneous translation. Contact: J. Maillet, c/o UFR Biol. & Patho Veg. ENSA M., Place Viala, F. 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, FRANCE E-mail: Fax: 33-046-754-5977 Phone: 33-049-961-2516 16-23 May 12TH INTERNATIONAL REINHARDSBRUNN SYMPOSIUM, "Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds," Reinhardsbrunn, GERMANY. Contact: H.-W. Dehne, Institute for Plant Diseases, Univ. of Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115, Bonn, GERMANY E-mail: Fax: 49-228-732442 Phone: 49-228-732444 Website: 5-10 June 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MOLECULAR INSECT SCIENCE,
Snowbird, UT, USA. Contact: Center for Insect Science, 225 Life Sciences South, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-520-621-2590 Web site: 7-12 June 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BEMISIA AND GEMINIVIRAL DISEASES, San Juan, PUERTO RICO. Specific topics concerning whiteflies and geminiviruses plus sessions of interest to entomologists, virologists, and IPM specialists. Contact: D. Guy, USDA-ARS, 2120 Camden Road, Orlando, FL 32803-1419, USA E-mail: Fax: 1-407-897-7337 Phone: 1-407-897-7304 2-7 August 9TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY, London, UK. Contact: J.F. Gibson, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V 0BN, UK Fax: 44-171-734-1227 Phone: 44-171-437-8656 9-16 August 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Edinburgh, UK. Contact: ICPP98 Congress Secretariat, c/o Meeting Makers, 50 George Street, Glasgow, Scotland G1 1QE, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-141-552-0511 Phone: 44-141-553-1930 17-21 August 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADJUVANTS, Memphis, TN, USA. Contact: A. Underwood, FISAA, c/o Helena Chem. Co., 6075 Poplar Ave., Suite 500, Memphis, TN 38119, USA Fax. 1-901-761-2640 Phone: 1-901-537-7260 23-28 August 6TH INTERNATIONAL MYCOLOGICAL CONGRESS, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Contact: Secretariat, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, ISRAEL E-mail: Fax: 972-3-5175674 Phone: 972-3-5140014 24-28 August 3RD INTERNATIONAL FOREST VEGETATION MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Contact: IFVMC #3, Bio-Forest Technologies Inc., 105 Bruce Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ONT. P6A 2X6, CANADA E-mail: Fax: 1-705-942-8829 Website: Phone: 1-705-942-5824 29 September-2 October 6TH AUSTRALASIAN APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Brown, ICTE Conferences, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA E-mail: Phone: 61-7-3365-6360 Website: 9-12 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 1998, PESTS & DISEASES, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA, UK E-mail: Fax: 44-0-171-924-1790 Phone: 44-0-171-228-8034 Web site: 6-10 December AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC. and ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF AMERICA JOINT MEETING, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Contact: J.M. Schimml, APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 E-mail:
1999 25-30 July 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PLANT PROTECTION, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Theme: "Plant Protection Towards the Third Millennium - Where Chemistry Meets Ecology." Contact: D. Loebl, Congress Secretariat, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, ISRAEL E-mail: Fax: 972-3-514-0077 Phone: 972-3-514-0057 6-12 August JOINT MEETING OF THE AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETIES, Montreal, CANADA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. E-mail: i Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 2000 20-26 August 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Iguassu Falls, BRAZIL. Contact: D.L. Gazzoni E-mail: Web site:
IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet, a free Global IPM Information Service, is sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, J.D. Harper (N. Carolina State Univ.) is Vice chairman, G.L. Teetes (Texas A&M Univ.) is Treasurer, and G.A. Schaefers (Cornell Univ.) serves as Executive Director. B.D. Russell is Assistant to the Director. E-mail: The Consortium maintains an administrative office at: CICP, Cornell Univ., NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456-0462, USA. E-mail: Phone: 01-315-787-2252. IPMnet's Web page and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail:
The IPMnet NEWS sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in the IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Information in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted PROVIDED the IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source.
CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe J.D. Harper, chair; A. Alvarez, and D.W. Dickson; M. Kogan, and G. Schaefers (ex-officio).
IPMnet NEWS Coordinator/Editor - A.E. Deutsch
Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS ..... short news items describing experiences, successes, problems, and solutions, also viewpoints (pro and con), and IPM-related opinion statements from individuals, organizations, and institutions engaged in any aspect of crop protection especially IPM are welcome.
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This mosaic version of IPMnet NEWS was marked up by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document